Cultists Kill Charlie's Girlfriend | Night at the Gates of Hell

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oh all right I'm [ __ ] back there's a prime crab in the resub John Kenway Tazza Loaf and fluffy all right before starting wish me luck on my uh Guardians of the rift poles real quick here say Good Luck Charlie on your Rift poles off to a terrible start absolutely [ __ ] horrible okay very stinky love that for us all trash okay maybe something oh my God please stop giving me shitty runes please just give me uniques just give me [ __ ] uniques God damn it love that okay nothing okay I won't be able to grind this while playing uh this game at all so not too bad though up 175k runecrafting XP from mainly just AFK and Guardians I'll take that all right let's ride there's a prime box cilium foreign [Music] hey Henry made this let's go Henry only makes bangers yeah this looks like bloodwash well and how loud is the game on stream okay there we go game time night at the gates of hell Night at the Museum thanks the prime Z lights off I really want to turn lights off I'll be too scared the first again oh God oh God no where is she all right I'll turn the lights off too immersive you told me to meet her out here trying to let some [ __ ] wow I don't I don't like that I don't like that attitude Liam though in his defense is a terrible spot thanks to recent Papa Swift [Music] he's a prime Hyrule oh hold on quick text message [Music] give me one sec okay I'm back there's recent monsida in the prime sample in the resub nick what is this filter it's the like old-fashioned grainy Game Boy kind of filter I think it's supposed to be scary you got me Razer that was a good one haha I can't believe I scared you dagnabbit you old prankster don't be ridiculous of course you didn't scare me even a little bit not even a little bit why is Liam so combative they're not gonna get laid with this attitude Liam after all how can you expect a man such as myself to be afraid of Someone Like You a woman I see a hustler University grad eh very good you're still gonna [ __ ] me after that let's go or she just killed herself I can't really tell it's so [ __ ] grainy what's up Razer [Music] no baby whoa are you serious I am serious condom how are you would you want me to use one nobody else has never had one like I Wanna Be mother dude why are you like nodding your head like this it's like she just heard a really good song on the radio so she's head banging okay I think I have one in my car is there anything I can get your highness what is this writing you can get lost if you don't come back for the Thunder who wrote this I'll be back soon yep just watched Cola beat Cosmos and we watched light win earlier I think the resubber that five gift Subs crotch and the rest of hamster and Comet [Music] all right let's get a little stinky on our wiener game time I'm coming Razer such a cool name love that [Music] let's take a peek at those titties no she's being oh God such an aggressive motorboat no [Music] oh geez are you okay Razer [Music] how did she even get caught yeah she must have been asleep I don't know they're very slow to be fair this is her fault she chose this [ __ ] weird Cemetery to have sex at [Music] hello okay comes up man I can't see [ __ ] this filter just makes it impossible to see anything oh jeepers oh it's Marilyn Manson I can tell what that's supposed to even be I don't really want to stay on these grounds though bro if I'm being honest with you I kind of just want to leave you guys ate the tits off my girlfriend so like what what's the point of me staying here let me see the Reese of the magical uh now I can fight back against the evil the booby hungry fiends there's a resub k9 all right thanks for the key big guy foreign you can take the filter off did you just fart holy [ __ ] did you hear that on stream oh my God that was that was pretty [ __ ] loud all right where did he turn it off I wasn't paying attention that was huge congrats keep up the good work there's a bit seeing no you can't do it in this game unlucky go to options and go to effects oh it's not in video who the [ __ ] would play it in this effect even with no effect on it doesn't really change that much it's like almost exactly the same the CRT oh I didn't even see that oh nice that's huge I I didn't even see that I just immediately went to the filters oh my God oh no she's gonna take us to hell oh no almost overnight we couldn't believe everyone thought it was some elaborate hoax but we were wrong [Music] they moved so slow though how would you ever get killed by this [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] no this is just the intro I I that would be wild if this was the end of the game though imagine [Music] okay give me just one second though I think Tiana's gonna oh Jesus I think Tiana's going to bed let me go say good night and make sure she didn't blow out her ass with that fart give me one sec there's a prime picnic there's a prime Arrow Larisa Young he's a prime Carter foreign swellow there's a reset Miguel we said Loca oh goodness the love of my life huh I mean we could have moved the body like anywhere else [Music] oh that's a bad place wait what was I just floating oh let's go that's huge maybe I can find a glitch no maybe not there's a prime Deadlock yeah this is gonna be scary I didn't know this game took place in the hell oh no oh goodness he even hurt his little ankle why did you say shungite he said this is super loud this is way too loud foreign [Music] okay there's a prime clay Emma and the resub Tegu es what just fell over huge is that not the keys for oh [ __ ] foreign okay he's a tier one Ninja Prime monstroxy in the recent dragon [Music] oh it's the hammer from Super Mario Bros or Super Smash Bros which is set in the Super Mario Bros universe that's huge oh no oh goodness average chat user yeah I guess so what's up with you big guy what are you so happy about is he dead I can't how did he even die it just looks like he was smiling and watching TV must have had my stream playing on the TV oh I thought he was moving oh foreign [Music] I can't believe I had to kill her it's all so cruel no there's a resubbed tomato and like a on hell hates electricity how the [ __ ] did this happen oh check it out secret room oh goodness I don't want to waste any shots I'm stuck those are some very heavy doors oh well this isn't good no [Music] oh wait I see how it works so if I get grabbed while I have a knife it automatically kills them got it he wiped his nose on you yeah yeah he did kind of [ __ ] up [Music] it needs to be some musty balls foreign get up here it's too hot oh I can't I have to go around I guess or not what do I need a step stool or something like how do I get up there thanks Hilda huh am I missing something what did I forget crouch on top of it I don't see why that would work but I'll try no there is a key in the burning room was there oh it's not on the ground I see oh no don't make me do it he's just a boy okay come on I'm trying I really don't like wasting my knives [Applause] this is so [ __ ] up even the kids have succumbed to hell is nobody safe now I just need a hammer I have to crouch to pick up those bullets I just assume they were off limits you were right I wonder if I can finally pick up that big Mario sledgehammer oh no there's more tenants roaming these Halls he's already have already has a knife in his head he's immortal oh I was out of knives damn [Applause] there we go I bet there's a Cool Secret area over here no ouch oh God Jeepers so inks um oh that didn't kill me all right can I just pop that back in maybe stay back why did it have to come to this oh they were lovers oh goodness foreign that's such a weird gift [Music] s time to go to can you stop [ __ ] whining so loud good God [Music] all right what I don't want to do it don't make me oh you're gonna make me do it foreign why [Music] what the [ __ ] am I missing in here I can't interact with this I can't go back this way is this a bug or something because I feel like I should have been able to use the Crowbar to like pry open a door or something because I'm completely stuck in here now there's a vent on the ceiling oh good eye I didn't even notice that this is actually just a Google image nice that's pretty cool thanks very sub infinite oh no I've awoken an ancient evil oh don't come in here [Music] I need to go to 705 right into the belly of the Beast oh this is my apartment foreign sweetie I wonder can I pick this up with me all right well then he's gone foreign he wasn't dead oh he's gonna be so mad when he sees his wife though [Music] take that oh he was a bad guy Hilda fell in love with the wrong man he played with dolls [ __ ] cringe I was up all right thanks he's coming in hot damn too slow oh I had a knife I forgot let's go that was clutch that would have been such a pain in the ass having to run all the way back [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] foreign [Music] oh the double whammy I guess I thought I was gonna have like a brief moment of iframes it seems like there's really no penalty to getting caught though they just set you in the exact same spot you were and they also don't even try and jump scare you with it it's just silence oh no stay back are they moving I can't tell I really don't want to waste ammo so come on why is everything so unbelievably slow holy [ __ ] [Applause] that was big thank you outplayed how to pick up the knife oh [ __ ] oh that's so sad oh broke her ankles nice unlucky but that's fine we had a knife and she said muzzy so clean oh [ __ ] there's another one I don't feel like wasting a bullet on you you're way too slow [Music] what a maneuver what a maneuver [Music] oh nice thanks for the bits 300 that's a huge upset they're everywhere they're everywhere oh wow what a move holy [ __ ] actually cracked okay let's leave them to the side come on come on come on let's go that guy's even got like a whole body made out of spaghetti that's big that was so clean [Applause] let's go roll credits let's resub Trav oh David you can't fall for that that's the oldest trick in the book he's a prime swally Bible why would you do this now I had to waste my knife what are you doing was that guy in the elevator with me the whole time oh no it was a decoy oh [ __ ] all right I'm actually stuck there we go yep I'm very familiar with phone box boxing I swear to God sweetie if this isn't you um stop okay I've got you violet oh they're trying to pincer attack me man I must be so strong just to carry her straight up is dead weight and you delete them to the side exit Prime beans there we go there we go we're safe now babe oh man hell no place for cowards now we're going down to Super hell I need to get my history things are different now think before the airwaves went out it was advised to leave populated cities there's a coastal town to the east perhaps others were able to fight these creatures off in open space worth a try I mean we can fight them off here really there's no reason for me to stay here anymore hey look at my new friends it looks like there's some people hiding in that Shack oh they're doing a terrible job of hiding they're screaming so maybe they will know something I don't not very inconspicuous I'm here hey it's all clear no thank you or anything not even from you captain hi parlay thanks for helping us out it's very appreciated myself and these fine folk were going to try sell out if you're on my boat I heard on the airwaves before that went out of an island supposedly that's where everyone is going to try and regroup the hard thing is that piece of junk out there ain't ready that's all out to sea those three things that we need to get ready so that's you got a gun and all could you search the city for us he's a prime notorious pay attention this is what we need gasoline an engine hoes lastly a fuse this is Robert let's meet the crew ma'am your son is like 40 years old trying to do you a favor whatever what's up Skeeter oh I ain't carrying a weapon I got no way no rest these days I promise my dearest Martha I'd never touch a gun again yeah where's Martha now Skeeter personally I don't care if I live or die then why don't you go get the fuse and the hose and the gas I joined up with these folks to see if I could help but I just froze up when things got dicey I just want to go out of hero serving the greater good something that Uncle Sam lied to me about a long time ago don't you ever say that name in vain again Skeeter I want to die for a reason you know something that'll make Martha proud hey Charles Mommy's big incredible boobies what Charles learn to share bub how about that sport her succulent Honkers are for the whole class to enjoy Charles I'm her little boy not you I'm her little cuddle bug her little man a cutie patootie I I wasn't questioning any of that I am getting uncomfortable now that's right just a normal kid matter of fact don't stare at me either you ugly ugly man my hunch was right on the money I tried to put this guy down before ever even talking to him what a good judge of character go away what are you talking about Belinda I agree to force they perhaps aren't as mindless as they seem there is pure speculation on my part though I just know I'm so glad you found us my baby boy Charles and I were starting to lose hope okay hey Stan hey man thanks for bailing us out I don't have a gun but I'll try my best to be useful I was here on vacation right before the [ __ ] hit the fan just soaking up the sun one minute then the next looking up is seeing some smelly [ __ ] won my insides on the outside I found that mother in a creepy son over there they were almost done for him then us three stumbled upon this place with the captain and Skeeter I don't know this city very well but but I know I heard what sounded like a shotgun coming from the dance school just take a left once you leave and follow the roof you'll see the build a shotgun might be better than that old revolver you got there good luck I don't think it's gonna make a difference if I'm being honest with you Stan oh I give you the 20 gift Subs again in a rectangle thank you for that thank you erect hope you've had a good day mm-hmm oh I didn't mean to skip that I imagine the one word was evil what a maneuver that's gonna be a tough enemy to headshot smart [ __ ] Walnut on the stick thing smart but my aim's too good won't trip me up they forgot to program a floor over there love that or maybe that's just how hell is in the second gate the deepest Gate of Hell no one can hear you come um oh thank you Jesus they give you the 20 gift Subs again correct thank you man I really appreciate the generosity tonight well shortcut unlocked we're in the belly of the Beast now oh yeah this is where they keep the real vile scum there's some Quinn who's it oh wow that one actually I knew there was gonna be something there and it actually got me huge big play that was so much louder than I expected that to be holy [ __ ] I've got the piece out though oh no these are the bits Lacy oh no can you [ __ ] move I don't want to waste ammo stop [Music] thank you managed to save ammo let's go oh damn unlucky sub devious foreign how long is this game it was only 10 bucks I imagine it's not that long it's like two hours nice so I'm probably pretty close to done actually I see you sub rectum there's six chapters you're into the second six chapters Jesus let's give sub potato it just opened this is making the sound effect that it's opening but it's not actually sub bugs go to the code room oh did I forget something in here um oh no they're all gonna stand up and scare me and they're all [ __ ] ah they're all [ __ ] actually reset Fuji what a Dodge what a Dodge Neon let me give some potato there you said Xeno hmm Thanksgiving chiappo I wish I could Sprint to make this a little faster who do you work for quick text message give me one sec okay that's so big who's ready to catch the meat oh it's the whole goddamn dance troop [Music] thanks Arisa yawa I'll maneuvered saved ammo oh no it's the fiery bits of hell there's a resub Yeti foreign like a barnyard animal who's there oh goodness it's the prom King I'm not wasting ammo I refuse come on move okay they're pretty fast not fast enough though all right you're just being an [ __ ] oh what what is happening pardon great love that just kept going through her and it was the wrong way love that okay and then this way has to be the right way it is let's go I found the key oh it was an ambush where did they even come from [Music] bro the shotgun sucks what what the series of Ryan and meppy foreign [Music] we're in business foreign she played a joke [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] foreign last component gasoline I'm gonna kill this guy just for fun foreign [Music] where is the gasoline oh [Music] one monkey doesn't really matter I did that already right I'm pretty sure okay it's got to be here we go huge so what is the point of the shotgun if it still just has to be a one tap headshot just use the revolver hmm this is that scripted or not scripted okay good I really didn't feel like walking back what's that let me black out there for a while I need to get out of this house and get back on track the sooner we leave this city the better oh I didn't see it Charon but if that's true then thank you foreign does it have anything interesting to say thank you okay I tried whoa I guess that's empty I use tier one taquito hey nice are you so hazy [Music] this guy's just fast enough for me to not be able to outrun him God damn it there goes both my knives oh I played [Music] what a move [Music] oh yeah oh wait thank you oh oh it looks like a meal from near it's all going to [ __ ] he's stuck nice or not [Music] okay I've got the cross or not oh [ __ ] it's gonna be close [Music] that was up guys oh yes sorry I'm here I like this guy [Music] that's zura so it looks to me we are a bell right here that's a completely different ocean there cop thanks Bishop Kane I cannot believe this I thought you were a captain then of where we are okay since we're all friends now now can I lay down some truth I'd be happy I'm just a cabin boy okay oh my knowledge goes with directions is that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east rises in the East and sets in the West CAP [ __ ] eat those flesh eating monstrosities to become stranded out of sea without any food when it comes down to it I've got cooking to Kevin boy first agreed sure once the spa clears up Kane eventually come across some land the meantime let's all take a rest we've been on our feet for a long time you are quite right come Charles it is your dinner time yes Mommy no I think it's this game is pretty good thank you as I was saying I just think we should be on our toes [Music] Belinda's so nice I like Belinda [Music] when is my dinner time I'm hungry too [Music] something ain't sitting right with me and I'm not talking about Captain clueless over there something came in this fall I'm going to keep my eyes open nothing good ever happens on foggy nights three sub Justinian thank you I miss my wife this is Justinian the Knights of five you're some steak man she was the only thing I had going for me got chased out of our hometown because I had the audacity to get drafted how I realized how much she held me together I'm not sure what I believe in but if I wasn't afraid of it possibly going to hell I throw myself in that murky water without a second thought she was perfect I had to do what I can to make sure we go to the same place two days without hers enough oh God damn and they gave her another 20 erect thank you for that man thank you erect I couldn't stand you just sorry for the food it was either that or Another War Story you stay away from my mommy help me be prepped I'll make sure you end up just like Daddy oh okey-dokey please come back and see me I'd like to express to you how grateful Belinda you succubus that sounds great everyone's pissed at me huh honestly I didn't think we're getting out of that Shack no I lied about no one of an island and how to get there I just didn't want everyone else to die hopeless I don't know what side my screw is on but I do know one thing I have hope when they get out of this okay the optimism's appreciated I'll steer the [ __ ] oh no Dave Jones freaking Locker what was that so we'll check the motor around back if something hit it then we're sitting ducks out here that's fine they're [ __ ] zombies what are they gonna do they can't swim unless they can no it's not zombies we should be worried about damn it [Music] Belinda foreign yeah one shot left before I have to reload I got it everyone get it Stan come on that thing will swallow us whole I've killed it what are you talking what that's suicide I'll catch up go what is that play like what the [ __ ] Stan give me one [ __ ] why would you do that for us we're just strangers stay in this game's awesome hey Charles sorry about that man I mean it's not my fault but still rough Mommy my mommy is okay right that wasn't no regular shark s this time he and saved Our Lives it should have been me that man is a hero we can't let his death be in vain oh we don't know if he's dead for sure yet he could come back as like some kind of cyber zombie luckily we brought Belinda's lower half here so that's good for morale what do we got a shovel huh there's so many graveyards he's from the same people that made blood wash there's a tier one butt muffin I'm assuming there's a key hanging here somewhere but where oh it is just open in it oh Susie is anyone out there oh my God I thought I was alone here look I don't have a lot of time left I'll explain all this later the gate and my coffin should be inside of the mausoleum next door please find them and get me out of this thing okay I'll tell you out of here yeah she's very relaxed foreign don't make me do it damn it I had to put down a knife oh don't make me oh okay I can't hit his head not from the front at least has to be from the side I don't have my crowbar anymore I think I'm gonna have to use this what a move I'm lucky [Music] oh God damn it all right I'm in it let's go I think it's tier one canarium Susie and thanks to tier one uncle that's unlucky foreign no Susie I hope that wasn't Susie I wonder yep so everything on these enemies is like uh no Collision except their heads so I could probably just Crouch through all of them that's going to be a big Speed Run Strat he's a tier one Mikey good come on what do I need here okay this one's just empty all right hopefully the last note looks like it is I got ambushed no no hey Captain about time you woke up after you never came back we went looking for you when rotting land lovers jumped us I don't know what happened to scooter and that little freak but they're probably around here somewhere uh notice your cell door was about to fall off its hinges when it threw you in I'll tell you I'm glad you were out because they played with your butt hole it'll seems so bad then oh so this guy looks like ninja like a close-up of ninja smiling another's a key to get me out of here there's got to be a way out of this place oh and watch out for the guards I've got guns but I think they can hear anything you must have maggots in the ear canals or something you just don't let them see you good luck never will except when you left us and got your [ __ ] busted up okay all right [Music] I'm re-armed see easy whoa buddy I could hear you and your friend hanging hog huh all right all right camera around this place that can only be opened by finding the panel that controls it you'll have to find the office and hit the switch that was very helpful thank you for that I'll put you out of your misery now unlucky [Music] oh I didn't expect her to be right there damn it it's fine though [Music] [Music] I don't need the ammo [Music] let's see this up Dino making good progress very fast [Music] this is so helpful just invincibility when you crouch basically that's so nice these are some Goods [Music] foreign [Music] am I getting attacked right now that just spit blood all over the thing what is happening I'm guessing that's me dying I can't I can't oh my God I'm soft locked oh wait no we're good no I'm actually soft locked I really hope that's saved there oh my God not on my watch nope nope nope it must be through levels Things We Said Butter Pop and Azrael yeah but levels still means I'm gonna have to start that whole thing from scratch foreign actually imprisoned isn't too far back at the beginning okay give me one second though I'm gonna fill up my water I'll be right back I'm back oh oh thanks for the raid Pat God damn it sorry about that that must have been right when I stood up I think there is a brown cat I'm sorry about that thank you for the rate I hope you had a good stream [Music] good luck well that's good but when you left us and got your [ __ ] busted up [Music] um you'll have to find the office and hit the switch thanks very sub Seth man more recap a Gate of Hell has been opened and we're not happy about it [Music] oh and Stan sacrificed himself to a zombie shark but that was rough that was sad [Music] this is the way that got me killed last time so I won't interact with that [Music] damn even the zombies that are like actually small still can't hit me that's wild [Music] [Music] can you [ __ ] move okay Siri sub Joey [Music] is this not the right door which which door did I have to open there's this one [Music] oh I didn't grab the key [Music] I guess I did what are you talking about [Music] let's get some sleeping dog [Music] that's where I got the hammer must be this one oh my God he actually shot me oh all the way back here [Music] foreign that's so [ __ ] frustrating what why didn't that open the door where's the tier one Jameson [Music] almost there [Music] [Music] [Music] rolling door foreign I wish there was a Sprint so many shotgun shells and [ __ ] maybe I have to kill them in order for it to progress [Music] please take out the other gun okay [Music] there's a prime manic there's some infinity and pumpkin because this maybe I have to read the note actually but I'm just gonna get killed if I try that foreign [Music] [Music] oh my God how many more all right that's gotta be it thanks Richard obfuscate nope that wasn't it what did I miss [Music] there's a resub horn Club [Music] I already did that [Music] [Music] foreign Luke in the Reese of tropical [Music] this is not where I'm supposed to go foreign [Music] GTA 6 got leaked is that right foreign [Music] what did I miss [Music] [Music] I got nothing left here I don't know maybe back in the courtyard unless you said Thomas and Evie mm-hmm [Music] Charles no that's not even your mother's breast Charles when can I kill this guy she wants me to join her she smells right now thank you nice recent visual [Music] there we go [Music] wrong way [Music] [Music] God damn it wrong way I'm just doing circles [ __ ] wait what he actually got me while I was crouched he's [ __ ] cheating wait actual Speed Run Strat that put me back right where I needed to be ish just in case wait where's the exit what the [ __ ] the exit I came in like through here didn't I through that thanks we should have missed oh here we go okay [Music] hey Charles sorry use you scared me um that is romantic what a nice guy I bet Liam is gonna play a huge role in this cult [Applause] that's got to be this way those reflexes were nuts [Music] [Music] I'm stuck I'm stuck don't do this no [ __ ] way the one time I wasn't crouched oh [Music] the actual one time I wasn't crouched [Music] thank you [Music] that's the right way no wrong way damn it this way no this way oh my God finally no way no way it's the wrong key [Music] I'm lucky is this why just just why man just come on stop stop doing this to me I just wanna I just want to finish the game uh the wrong way [Music] [Music] oh right Skeeter I forgot about Skeeter [Music] [Music] [Music] which room was it [Music] thank you man there we go thank you Soldier anytime Skeeter kind of mumbo jumbo on me yep that's a strange symbol off say you found others too we'll meet up with them and we'll wait for you these Undead Long Heads Will inhale go give it to him amen Skeeter you just to hang out I guess [ __ ] finally enjoy freedom oh thank God you didn't forget about me I'll hide until you're ready to leave I'll meet you at the gate when you are really thought my ass was graphed there for a second no problem my friend no problem let's go captain wow actually came through new ton going to lay low they get in the courtyard once you've got everyone free we'll blow this already no I'm not gonna look at the GTA 6 leaks on stream I'll check them out on my own though foreign [Music] crouching doesn't work on this guy oh what a Dodge foreign foreign I don't know which ones I've hit and which ones I haven't I think this one is one I'm missing [Music] it's too late it's father freidstein the gates and longer Beach shocked now they are open all around thanks very sub grunts in those doses ah that looks like a great reward just burning alive let's do some Shiva foreign we've gotta make a run for it [Music] strong way [Music] foreign [Music] I'm really [ __ ] feeling it foreign [Music] oh God [Music] all right we escaped thank you September I'll say that's not what it looked like when I walked outside [ __ ] on Christmas morning you're a buck ass naked swinging that damn schlong around and you want to tell me to keep that kid in mind yeah that's a good point I'm just gonna come out and say it oh even sure that's a kid come on we have more important things on our plate let's look around we know they're coming for us we need to protect this book maybe we can reverse whatever has happened good thinking David let's just start reading from it ah I really want to finish the game but I don't feel like finishing it tonight it's already getting late and I know I still have this level and then one more and they're kind of long uh each level's been like an hour though well not not a full hour but like 45 minutes and I do still want to get a lifted I didn't lift today I feel guilty because today wasn't supposed to be a rest day so I might get a little late night pump it needs to reset casual yeah I can't decide I'm conflicted uh if this was the last level I'd absolutely do it but I already know this is going to be a long level here let me see you know let me see a let's play Let's see yeah let's see how long it takes if it's quick I'll finish it if not I won't exhibits Georgia Carter all right this is very very short okay I'll finish it this isn't a bad place to try and defend you should look around for some more firearms and pass them out to the gonna need all the help I can get thanks for some cryptic thanks for saving our asses back there look I know this but it'll be an honor fighting with you if we can find some more I think Martha would forgive me and be proud amen Skeeter this is for Martha looking for some more guns my guess would be inside the church say what do you think it looks like it used to be some kind of mission do you think this would wear that cult I'd be careful looking around if I were you no I'm not it'll just slow me down good point be careful though Charles might try and breastfeed thanks very Sim ory everyone's being so glove we did get through everything just to die in this hellhole this Captain might abandon his [ __ ] but he sure as hell ain't going to abandon his crew nice I like that Charles you got anything motivational amen Soldier oh where's the key there we go let's pass them out Charles Skeeter capped nice like that prisoner all right we're good foreign this [ __ ] out of this oh okay it actually faster just to let them in I guess [Music] is that all of them we win [Music] nice good shot oh they're coming from all angles now where's Charles you should have been watching the flank [Music] s where is he oh maybe Charles will be the one to save the day we need to fall back Charles will suckle the devil's tits and close the gate no prisoner damn it foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll kill you for what you did to prisoner foreign [Music] no don't give up Skeeter oh what the [ __ ] we can't hold any longer fall back to the church I'm right there with you no Skeeter ah holy [ __ ] Charles is gonna be the last one standing else I'd rather die let's blast some braids Charles you [ __ ] coward get out here and help us I think you dropped a break foreign [Music] thing or is there like a number I need to kill because if it's a time thing I'll just sit still [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] good shot captain he's going full auto right now [Music] Jesus captain no punch him punch the no Captain whoa oh just me and Charles I guess or was Charles the big bad the whole time this is it there's nowhere else to run Charles was the ultimate Evil is this did I just hold that for as long as I can because if so it could literally be forever since I'm Invincible when I crouch I told you we never saw him die he's a time traveler from the future foreign though I did say I catch up with you and follow me if you don't want to be dead could you have come a second sooner to save the captain come on also where's Charles [Music] wait that can't be it what happened to Charles come on Charles shot himself in the head he shot himself when you gave him the gun oh was that the sound I heard [ __ ] damn it I didn't even get to see it [Music] I thought it was just like an audio bug or some [ __ ] [Music] Thanksgiving God mobile and atomic oh what I think you need to read that book and see if there's anything about getting back home because we sure as hell ain't in Kansas anymore oh there's gonna be a sequel also what role did Liam play in all of this and Razer like what was the entire purpose of the first level I also like that the booty cheek freak is a pretty cool uh title well that was fun I enjoyed that nice man that felt like so much more than two hours oh my God I honestly thought that was like three hours three or four hours that was fun I enjoyed that all right I'm calling it tonight thanks for tuning in to everyone who donated big thank you new Subs welcome aboard sub means a lot thanks for subbing enjoy the emotes and I will see you all tomorrow moist Esports Smash Brothers I think uh 12 a.m EST I'll probably just be on early I'll probably be on at like 11 A.M EST we have Cola and light in Winter's side it's Summit five it's the biggest Tournament of the year so I will see you all tomorrow thanks again let's see who's streaming here speaking of moist Esports I'll toss you to hotashi I haven't seen him on in a little while he's a recent ant and no I haven't played that game
Channel: Moist Charlie Clips
Views: 330,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moistcr1tikal VODs, Night At the Gates of Hell, moistcr1tikal streams, moistcr1tikal, moistcr1tikal plays Night At the Gates of Hell, Twitch,, Livestream, Charlie plays Night At the Gates of Hell
Id: u5RSsXrgbhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 50sec (8150 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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