CS:GO - G2 Esports vs. Natus Vincere [Dust2] Map 1 - IEM Cologne 2021 - Grand Final

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take a deep breath fist bump your cousin fist bump your teammate and just get back into that game state that flow state you want to be in you can't let a round slip away just from your mind wondering starting to think about the ramifications of your actions you just got to be in that moment live in the present and put your best foot forward oh jesus christ it's happening grand finals best of five and it starts on dust two g2 up against na'vi interesting setup already here from g2 nobody over towards a they're playing three towards mid doors two towards b one x bit odds favoring navi the cis squad quite heavy favorites actually all things considered and already we have an information play coming through the upper tunnels perfecto might get clamped in on here from mid and upper dark yeah but it's about the information he gets off the back of that so he spots a lot knows their doors knows their tons navi would say sorry surely surge forward on long and nachi perfecto takes one with him they're on the hunt and it's cost hunter his life he could even take more bits already neutralized nico they have the sight they surely have the round just like that and perfect with some high impact in these tons and he's keeping him so busy the whole rotates being kept busy look at this man survive finally they put a bullet into his head that's all the info as well perfecto stay calm there and he's giving them everything they need to win this pistol around the bombs down it's ticked by about 10 seconds so far the retake three on four not going to be easy but there is a kit in play on nexa yeah a single flash see on pause p250 finds his first frag of the final single flash single bullet i think that's going to be it single round now on the board for navi here jack's trying to do some damage on his way out the door head john's electronics nice boomich with the trade and now necks are hoping and hold on to that kit and flash that'll be great to use in the next round of play interestingly enough narvia 0-2 converting their second rounds off the winning pistol on dust2 so just keep your eyes on that we'll see if they can uh buck that trend early it was a lot of perfecto's hard work here not only just keeping them busy and getting that info but surviving so long maintaining that information the rest of his squad able to just crawl up long and convert a must-win pistol okay well uh look i want to put all the praise on perfecto early there sure he was in the final with this navi roster last time round but he's still one of these newer players he's been playing tier one counter-strike online for the last year and a half had a little bit of land experience before that maybe you'll remember simon gaming but still for perfecto in a moment like that to stay calm that's what you want from a player like him now we just have this default spread the biggest problem here to get past is jax on that scout and well he's actually over towards the b bomb site looks like navier gearing up to go out mid to beat yeah i like smoking util drop b in hunter oh perfect with the cz got greedy for the gun electronic keeps it level oh they lost the aks looks like they've just juggled it towards simple now to electronic oh straight through the smoke there's nothing that simple could have worked with there other than his intuition he's had a lot of that hasn't he yeah you saw the highlights of that previous semi-final i mean he does just seem to have a read of the game like he's the closest i've seen to a player that looks like he has x-ray on you know when you're telling your mum no mom they can't actually see feels like you can yeah oh right now they need to deal with nico here up close and personal this deagle stings it does especially in nico's hands needs the first body shots are good but perfecto draws that crosshair and there's this round does peter outside i think that's a conversation i'd like to have because we're going to see a lot of it but from your professional player standpoint you when you were playing you weren't jumping around corners in the same capacity we see from navy no even just weapons weren't used to the same potential as they are now right yeah sure we'd buy smgs on on the anti-eco rounds but it wasn't actually the nuance wasn't there to the same level and boomish and perfecto they play those supportive elements opening up sites with their presence alone those jumps they forced that crosshair wider into more awkward angles and you saw that just there because nico traditionally right you get him with a deagle in hand we always think yeah he's pretty good for one well they've just made that one of the hardest kills to make if he doesn't land that shot immediately he has to adjust back and he gets taken on down so 2-0 and this is what you're looking for for navi sure there's a casualty bit goes down but it is still considered a clean round because you have to go for some information somewhere it's a good trading 2-0 now and simple on the hunt he is gonna find nexa that's nothing carried through to the next round here and this is where we will be looking at g2 keeping it very very honest with their purchases lots of paper on the desk of all the players here right during the time match if you get a strap maybe you need to reference it it's great to see the books everything i mean you talk about books bits young enough to still be having his scorebooks on the table i mean he's 18 years of age stepping into a land grand final this is what we were talking about you can see it basically guarantees like if he ignores perfecto he's dead if he doesn't ignore perfecto he's dead and that's uh crossing your t's dot in your eyes and the embodiment of it well here it is it's gonna be the five usps they have hunter over towards that b bomb site now he's going to see a lot of that once he gets onto the t's side we've noted throughout this tournament his flanks for the b bomb site when they are on the attacking side can be a bit of a nuisance oh look at electronic he's going to catch a glimpse of an awful lot hello everybody and that'll be the queue for g2 to remove this stack of stinging usps still a bit of a blender to deal with right now you've got perfecto in lower bits still over towards spawn booming was back of palm tree catwalk there as well g2 are in the right place the the problem is here is the weaponry really not a whole lot they can do here if they're hitting a couple things that's looking great but electronics starts to rip off ahead simple will chime in as well when jax he grabs one short but that one's mopped up 3-0 for navi and oh dear they didn't get that across do or did they no simple's got nothing in his hands unless he threw it he died so i think they did get there in time okay he used those gadget arms he was able to pick that one up it did look far away all right well now we can actually get into the nitty-gritty and eyes on amanek here he brings up the awp so does simple now amanek he's been very very handy he's been looking fantastic filling that void and actually making it work you need to see a good performance here a lot of ct utility deployed to contest for this and simple will be locked out and so will his teammates perfecto that's on the blue bin trying to dart back into safety are they going to molly him out what's he supposed to do he's completely locked in he just lived here all this info is great the team can take territory off of this there's three players trying to deal with perfecto right now amanx cheating back over towards cat to deal with that hunter towards spawn and jack's isolated on that b bomb site but perfecto is still alive and he's being pushed by two oh he takes one with him again flashbacks to the pistol again just forcing the ct's hand a 2-2 split of what remains of g2 we do see the avangar smokes deployed it's all smoking mirrors hunters on the rotate jack's pushing aggressive electronic a chance and that's the b defender gone on his aggress oh and they're just coming too thick and fast fights on mid one out smokes are perfect look at that you can see it from the ct's perspective you don't even want to push the ct smoke yeah right there they play with the rotations fantastically once again perfecto staying calm and i'm very impressed by this in the early stages he was under a lot of pressure there the fact he takes one with him is great it's information again and then that kill on to jax from electronic just biding his time they had to go for an info push now how much do navi want to hunt here they've got the bomb down perfecto's over towards ct spawn electronic booming simple are all now combing through t spawn and when you look at the clock the bomb is now just halfway tick so they have over 20 seconds to try and find nico and amanek if they could rip these guns away that's perfect max lost burn is sure but we know that ct-sided economy things cost just that little bit more it'd be really good to hold on to both of these nikos held onto his molotov for long enough i think i wish electronic if he wants to yeah i might go for a last second extinguish nico's gonna be tucked in on that blue bin and they'll let them have it okay well we've seen what happened when you let niko hold on to a saved ak before we've already seen that in the tournament now if he's gonna pull off another massive round like that yeah props to him here the timeout taken from g2 early and i like this right now we talk about best of fives being a marathon and not a sprint well apparently last time these two teams met it was a sprint now if you cheat two you want to try and take these early to slow things down see if you can get yourself in the game make sure that you can at least start getting some frags because that's one of the problems in these first four rounds of play we have a total of six kills that's it they haven't been contesting these first four whatsoever now pissed around sure second round force by shaw that third round to blow out you're not expecting too many kills in the first gun around not getting a lot done whatsoever so this is looking neat and tidy from navi so far i'm next weapon out the awp and i want to make sure i highlight that he has had very hit and or miss performances especially even on dust too i think he had his worst performance of the tournament on dust2 but against big clan i remember casting that in being a non-factor but we've also seen him have you know high-flying 1.5 rated performances as well so when you've got the rv and they're all firing on all cylinders you will have to call upon the superstar side of amanek and that orp he's of course filling the large void left by kenny as his orbiting presence electronic has slipped out the ct smoke joined by one of his own design and just creating a bit of a wall to work with there but here's niko this is the same position we saw him get that massive ace with xbox smoke's gonna land that's a bit of a different look and they're going to mount this boost when they feel likely nico will jump on the head of hunter and see if he can find a pick but actually the flash that will thrust them forward here goes off they can't find any info just yet the steps in oh that's huge from jacks he's found simple and now nico goes looking does inflict more damage gets greedy and electronic greets him with lead hunter next victim both fall navi pull it straight back into contention looks like they want to fight one nexus short he's looking the wrong way and electronic collects a third in this round he is saved navi we talk about that hand of the king well when simple's absence electronic steps up to the plate chance here for jacks he's playing a very smart line bits too good toes exposed that hinge smoke enabling a nice find and now the numbers just falling all upon ammonic i want to see him just go for the save here again now look i know the max loss bonuses in play and he'd be to afford it anyway but it's about the longevity of this half the orpah look it's a very very costly role and if your team you're getting pummeled you're not saving a lot of guns gonna be difficult to funnel him orbs time and time again but it looks like he's actually coming to have a look in here he's going to be mollied out of position he's pushing on through having a little bit of a look and down to 19. i think that will now signal the save so sure he's gone fishing you know he's put he's put the bait in the water seeing if anything's gonna come out to bite and now it's just about holding on to the big green i want to note we heard the desk talking about bit another individual here that we need to highlight those kills that he just got there that's great for him right it's just an easy easy frag just making sure you're not taking any risks if he can stay calm and actually hold up a second protector can take away this all yeah dominic's not even expecting this was so concerned about that ct push so down goes the orb and navi they really do twist the knife it'll force a full rebuy out of our cts and yeah g2 off the back of their timeout have nothing to report it started great this was lovely catching simple on his aggression and then it's just electronic keeping him very honest here and he finds that close pushed up czed it looks easy but certainly not always a guarantee those close corners on short can be a nightmare now there haven't been too many opportunities where g2 can get multi kills on the ct side just yet we're going into the next gun rounds and this is an opportunity where maybe they can pull that out simple fast down mid nico getting boosted up short might be an early fight with booming here one of the two kits as well so he's taking a gamble easy collection okay so now g2 have a man advantage they'll be looking to convert and do so cleanly bit what's he up to lots of space being taken here this is a big play from bit i mean for sure clear it out clear the closed doors but does he do any more the line in the sand is drawn niko's holding his cross back or rather to be that should be enough of a warning shot we'll pull out the smoke bits trying to convince them there's a lot more than just him here nice moves from nico we'll be able to have a little look over that smoke catches him just as he does the parkour and the whole squad will join him now made so much space navi will jump through the hoop electronic already with one hunter would need more than one a 3v3 sure but they're knocking on the door from tunnels as well hunter still thrives he's still alive electronic pushing in and he does it all down to seven hp he's on eleven and one chad this is quick from america though he might not expect somebody in tunnel straight away electronic is looking does he have the heads up solo hp oh dominic will finish him off finally silence is electronic no one could touch him 11. another triple kill back-to-back triples from electronic and still g2 will convert oh like a must there right they got that opening and nico got away and that gave him a chance to do some damage but great heads up play from bit there the fact that he's caught nico jumping through that smoke you're not going to see a lot of him and that is just as the t smoke was coming in to land to block off that exact position that was the opener this is the shot okay so we did catch a little bit of the cap just there good stuff from hunter you know he really on his own was trying to do his best to hold down that b bomb site still problems here they do get the rounds but dropping guns across g2 have to make this by work a bit of a pot on the head over there damn pot heads they're everywhere oh the silent stem 4 is definitely coming in a treat here have allowed nexa and hunter to get some buys through the warning shot of the awp towards lower dark bits going to call that one out and quickly they trundle up towards catwalks they're gonna apply pressure onto the ammonic here yeah their fundamentals are so rigid you can see everything's just ironed out flash is for the mantle everything's covered the run boost over the molly for an element of surprise i like it niko's kind of solo the run boost doesn't quite come through this is a very hot common line and a battle between ammonic and simple this will be very telling of how amanic's time here on the ct side will go yeah maybe those sound cues might have bedded him into a wider line and actually it does he just steps straight into simple the patience it's perfect gorgeous and now nico oh he's actually going forward on this trying to catch a round keeps it level and now the site is surely lost next is so committed to long the bomb will be planted uncontested jackson hunter gonna try and work the way up through the ramp no one's checked him just yet on the elevator chance here perhaps with the silence their electronic doesn't check him now pulled back into contention hunter multiple targets another foul looking good for the second simple tucks into gandalf perfected to body guard only but he has managed to just get out of that corner they know he's around the smoke and starting to hit shots g2 scramble simple hitting everything and now only hunter closing the gap he misses the shot and there's enough time for the defuse close but no cigar for simple this time that right there hunter's impact being felt in back to back gun rounds right multi kills from hunter really really important stuff and again only one player staying alive so right now g2 they're on the edge simple is going to be frustrated with himself he didn't finish that one off because it was looking fantastic but they're still right where they want them this is how it opened the smoke simple was playing around as well we see more and more teams dropping that in this kind of late mid round as the bomb is going down it really does create a whole playground for you to work with yeah i think we first started to see it really come into fashion when teams were doing the navy long as we call it the ct's would use that to give them multiple angles to pivot and pick around as they try and cross up that ramp aggression towards upper tunnels here jax and hunter both close the bomb is just outside upper b so keep that in mind it is looking like they do have intentions to head over there it's a passive mid to be set up with bit and booming working on cat control again the big b's and electronic holding off that long push now that's the lurk smoke the jacks can play around and call clear from that elevated position this is risky nico very risky he's managed to close the gap to the point where the mp9 will sing and boom is to contain any info plays it's about patience as well this game 70 seconds on the clock who's going to blink first who's going to touch that a or the d key they gathered on b this is supposed to be the fake hunter and jack stick their heels in that spray is not far off the mark but still only two defenders on b and it could be one in a blink of an eye jax keeps it level through the flames going through which they want it hunter called upon again four frags in the previous and now again starting to line up heads looking great on the org double from hunter simple to get the bomb down we'll get across uncontested and booming is going to be locking down this rotate if boomers can take one never mind two this round is simple to collect and that's not far from it simple 1v3 in the bomb ticking this is his environment this is his dream and already takes down and finishes the job of booming two more to find piecing it together this is a puzzle he's very familiar with any sound cue anything to build his mental image as to where they advanced from looking for another chance he just doesn't miss amonic through the doors closing the gap is next up dancing with him and it just looks so good simple just the no scope to collect six oh he just hasn't lost any of his pizzazz any of his style well you take one away from him in the previous round he's gonna get one right back the fact he goes into back to back one on threes and then he's able to pick one up that is huge here and this is just the statement right hunter it looks like he's the one putting up resistance right now for g2 a great job for him to stifle this but simple just walks on in four kills for him and under pressure flash over he just makes it look simple the namesake it's beautiful yeah he chose the perfect name he really did and he's pulled g2 right back into this brutal czed and deagle aggress they are walking up that cat they might have a slight element of surprise i'm not so sold on that oh boomers has just gone through the long dose here so there's a gap simple has the bomb he needs to be very careful about this look he's aware but is he this aware nico and hunter are both close he's positioned to at least acknowledge it nico and hunter they've really slipped the net here alex yeah they could do damage and i don't think simple's gonna be ready for the flank if nexa could just keep him busy gonna be the bomb in a knob stranded death alley gonna do so much damage he's already behind boom which is well this is a round for g2 they can't let it slip oh no letting it slip okay hunter and nico will collect the element of surprise bit quick to claw it back this is a kooky round it's not done yet either 60 seconds left on the clock so plenty of time for bit and perfecto to work with here but this is the type of round where bit he can really sink in his teeth we've seen great things out of him as an individual now if he can pull this one together with perfecto oh niko's going to be kicking himself he couldn't do more with the orp look this round here the way it's set up they have picked up an ak-47 on hunter the pistols on jackson next are sure there's about to be a fight on short okay next huh thank to pulls it right back to 2v2 now at 30 seconds left they can go either side and that leaves the cts divided if they opt for b it's a 9 hp jacks have two smokes definitely mid to b here that could be the big play hunter will be out of the equation are they going dry and he does control the spray nearly finishes the job bit the hero for navi it seems he's running in and just the one bullet will count jax pulls it across but what a team effort that was from g2 just pistols chad and they respond to simples clutch with a magnificent third round yeah three kills coming in immediately from the cousins right the fact that they're able to find that gap and that gap you have to say is it on simple is it on boomage it doesn't really matter either way and the cz ended up being the perfect weapon for the job imagine if they were further up long hunters gonna have to tap that at range they almost claw this back you can see here bit having no idea where jax is jax was already low so not necessarily an easy kill to convert but g2 they're looking back in things now they've actually forced navi's money down towards these pistols so there's a chance to grab some of that momentum malik was talking about and convert back-to-back ct rounds just against hanging out in the molotov he will be finished off fair play for trying to catch g2 off guard and this is the momentum you took that heard malik talking about right you've just won the eco pick this one up cleanly start building a bit of cash for yourselves and start getting those stars online simple no doubt about it online electronic he's made that clear already bit saved them at times but from g2 we're still waiting to see those stars truly align hunter's magnificent seaside double on the flank good sign of things to come and he has collected one here as well yeah don't want to say it's all hunter but it's definitely a huge contribution of hunter in the gun rounds or the rounds they have so far he's had multi kills in every single one of those currently 133 adr 13 kills to his name he's keeping it level with simple as far as frag distribution goes but this one here these are the type of rounds with the old navi right the narrative of old that they would tilt when they'd lose those eco rounds right that it would be the more mental warfare that would start to unravel this team let's see if the dregs of that still exist it's obviously a completely different roster to the ones that won es1 cologne back in 2018 no zeus no edward no flamie zeus edward flamey i mean yeah it's a completely different navi and yet it's funny that some of that namesake has carried over you know i have some some similar expectations of bad habits i think it's just the expression on the faces at certain times right that's what can be quite telling it doesn't look like we have the same arguments that we used to get that looked like they were going to end up in some kind of a brawl but uh there's definitely i want to say whispers yeah here we go again the gun round is out for navi but it's not great electronic only has that tech nine a galil for perfecto so it's a bit of a broken buy all things considered this would be a great one for the confidence for g2 to pick up here it's great to start things off really softening up the fully armored bit and electronic i think bit actually caught jacks his nade all the way from the tons could have been a straight bullet as well with his very own lineup to force ammonic off this line oh trigger regardless and holding his nerve is nexa rv alarm bells ring on round 11 what are you supposed to do you're gonna have to regroup the timing is everything just as perfecto descends the stairs jack's advances this is huge though hunter can turn his attention mid to b and may even get some cavalry arriving from this a site hunter choosing to walk in that's against the nor but he still takes the head off with ease bullets do catch bit a little bomb spotted and the b site wide open for business jax may have to cancel his plans towards d spawn the two versus four for perfecto and bit and they have got util should they get that bomb down they might be able to make a bit of a round out of this if they smoke upper tunnels that's all right and then they can use another one towards doors so perfectos use his towards the double doors if bit uses his towards dark that'll buy them a 20 second buffer here but g2 still have a massive advantage in this retake even though b is difficult to crack it's still sitting on that smoke if they get a frag and he drops it this is gonna get really uncomfortable for g2 there's the smoked doors molly as well sound cube it knows he's got company miko's his first victim and that was the healthy one jack's from tons g2 counting on nexa perfecto only the one all right g2 having to wipe the sweat from their brow after that one it will be the gap closer though that's going to be five now for g2 we've got a half on our hands if that molotov was a little bit deeper there that would have actually forced those window players to either drop back and not be able to contest or actually force them through the window there so you can see it netted them one kill if it got to the double navy maybe strangled control of that round back immediately great stuff from hunter again it's a big man to take down simple to star on the other side eliminated and with the number advantage right they should have been retaking this round so g2 they lose that one that's like losing that uh one on three to simple all over again timeout called from now v now and we've had 11 rounds of play so far both teams currently using one timeout in total and you can check the top right yes indeed this is a best of five mirage up next nuke as a guarantee inferno and ancient if we need it inferno and ancient if we need it but definitely on the shopping list of g2 it has to be one of these first two i don't think nuke you know they may have looked great navi's nuke has been avoided by all of the tier one teams it seems so crazy to say navi and nuke being a strong map but it just is i just think that they have such a diverse level of moves in their play and actually well navier burning two timeouts back to back interesting so they're turning that 30 seconds into 60 seconds and this is i guess a chance to really keep things calm you can see a lot of chitter chatter now from blade coach over at navi with the squad and the money situation as you can see with that lovely economy graph just here it doesn't quite allow navi to go for a full buy in the next round they get 2 900 so we can see some upgrades you know if they would like they can get some deagles able to get a bit of utility behind that so they can stay threatening and you would love to do so don't allow g2 to continue to string too many easy rounds together because if you look at the last six well g2 have won five of those this is to level things up now and a very good chance to do so that util those light pistol upgrades you can see them being bought on in now this is an important round for g2 to keep clean to keep tidy just like everybody's bedrooms i'm sure shout out to hugo he's ahead of that sheesh baits the crosshair oh and it nearly results in nico's death he's not safe yet fits gonna push on that nico being threatened they really want him that's an m4 that's the start and he's down to 16 and they're not quite finished yet he really wants to be bailed out of trouble here he smokes on top and does get away all right well they keep the number advantage here and just that number in the column is huge it doesn't give an rv as much to work with they don't know just how much damage has been done it does look like they did want to go for another one of these mid to b setups here but they need to push this short setup back you want them to be playing passive towards the side ammonic might profit here i'm spotted shot through boom itch down and now it's a three on five for navi you managed to get the bomb down last three v5 we saw they'd love that again look i know the lost bonus is coming on through but any cash you can get now that we will start to look at the tail end of this first half would be great jack's just standing in the open i mean that's the luxury of knowing you're up against the pistols right just take a bit more over those wider stances the off angle not gonna be caught by anything i know he has conflicted significant electronics crept out here alex oh i don't know this hunter's responsible for it i don't know if you've got a glitch jacks head on a swivel jacks will wrap it up neat and tidy puts a bow on it chef's kiss six six oh boy for an old boy jax's aim is magnificent right actually not for an old boy for anybody jax's aim is fantastic that was a huge shot right there to hear i thought electronic was about to spiral that one out of control this was great just the arm spotted from ammonite there so some quick reactions and here it is in the replay oh ready and raring to go for that one lovely shooting there hunter must have been shouting at him window window window immediately collect okay into the full guns it's time to see if g2 can actually take the lead out of this one let's not forget navi won the pistol and held the lead for the entirety of this due to returning to form oh they're up cat again able to get this control more often than not a little bit of a different look in the setup here amanek is actually playing over towards v hill so he won't be able to contribute if it is an a set piece the action will be on hunter and nico hunter does have that org which is great he can use the scope to his advantage here nico with an m4 in hand and it does look they're starting to corral the troops here all along catwalk all five members of navi grouping on up utility they've got plenty everything they need four smokes a bunch of molly's flashes are good too pressure about to be applied on towards this a bomb site yeah smokes will land it looks like a counter smoke has been deployed that's not bad actually enables negro to tuck in and actually start throwing some bullets towards the navy squad there's a lot of them there congregated on short and the second wave of util is prepared at the 42nd mark jacks confirms no action tons electronics about to be pushed here there's gonna be a lot of action any second through that's electronic with a smoke in his hand it's gonna have to force them into a double doubled up on goose both of them the cousins partner up and already lose one they're ready for the second but no hunter strikes double bomb loose navi will equalize and now the bomb can go down a man advantage for g2 but with that bomb now planted courtesy of simple it'll be nexra and jack's long side simple has the orb that's going to be his responsibility ammonic to crawl in flash perhaps to draw attention simple wants to peak on that flash clears as close as he can post it up and that's the challenge it's only the tag nexa very precise perfecto all on his shoulders and just too many men he's the first cleanly has next is his next victim and oh dear perfecto stepping well above the expectations ammonic loud about this stampeding in and the spray is there one versus three four in total perfecto pulls and anarchy straight back into the seventh and that's what he needs that's what he needs from the players around him there perfecto stepping up in a big way it's two 1v3s that have been taken away from g2 here in this first half already the punishment is definitely felt right now simple doesn't look hugely impressed with the situation but i'd be giving that one a cheer and a half check this one out again second one's great just the patience here doesn't overextend knows it's the orc and he's not overthinking it he's not overcooking it lovely stuff from perfecto and that's gonna do a world of good for his confidence chad coming into the first map of the grand final and you're the one whipping out the 1v3 upon simple's death oh the clutches have been coming in thick and fast and we're only in the first half yeah what are we looking at here five clutches already in this two one v threes for na'vi and g2 have won three one v ones right so we've definitely got a competitive affair if there was any question you know this was going to be that blowout this first half is telling a completely different story this is the type of counter strike everybody signed up today championship sunday gt though you said two one v3s they've they've had they've lost two on v3 simple with one perfecto with another and still it stands level let's see what happens into our 14th again the buy not great here for d it's three gallons instead that cheaper price point has made us be in reach of more gun rounds time and time again i still have enough utility to make this one work but more of an aggressive cat setup this time g2's discussion is let's not give them short control there's actually another timeout used from navi even though they won that round so just calming the troops down here now g2 have expended a lot of utility to just hold them back and try and wound them right you want to get them a little bit lower in hp so if they do team out catwalk it's easier pickings but they're actually heading back towards long and so would g2 smoke towards the door that will deny another avenue towards this a site so g2 are moving their chest pieces around this board very very precisely here this is great to see oh it's lingering in the smoke we've already seen the tons look found in another connection ammonic just before it fades does spot out boom boomage bits been great through the doors nico oh tickles him down to 27 on his spray he's got 11 left in the mag well that might be enough to deter them or they just sent simple in to try and finish the job simple versus nico i feel like it should be a save here alex i don't want to be a bit of a party pooper here but if they commit this they're not going to have a lot for the late game oh and i'm gonna catching another through the smoke two for two on his smoke shot so far and jack's not done simple loses it all and there you have it g2 with four hearts still beating for the final round of play and the save you were discussing i can understand now yeah it's looking likely that g2 will win the half it's looking likely that they will take the lead in this now that one right there from jackson i'm glad we called that on the replay we know there's always a lurker upper tunnels i thought that maybe the smoke that was dropped there had a bit of a one-way element to it the fact there didn't really look that way so fantastic start into round number 14 and number 15 is starting here the only akm play for the t side will be on simple the rest with those pistols and they're throwing a lot of utility towards long oh that's a oh i was about to say perfectly placed in center it could have really stopped the catwalk rush i hear a lot of that the hit walk at the right moment but navi they can just use their numbers here if ammonite gets overwhelmed if this first shot doesn't connect there's a good bit of space to be taken niko's even evacuated off oh they just go they're going nexo nico gonna have to back amanek up he's going forward against tech nines with an orp it's gonna cost him and that's retrievable now as well rv shaping up nicely great flash another frag they've managed to make an awful lot out of a little here hunt up trying to take oh no it's made a bit of a meal of it so many weapons now lie idle and g2 only with two bodies left navi with the bomb ticket it doesn't matter chad it doesn't matter what weapons they bring in because they've managed to steal g2s oh boomers just sealed this here surely check this out one in the back it's just jacks now isolated 1v5 that's too good too good not v they will take the half albeit by the smallest of margins and eight seven to get this grand final started now v and g2 definitely looks to be locking horns in a competitive affair stay tuned and tell your friends we'll be right back so here why would they slow down there's the flash that's going to catch crims out they're going to push up through mpk gets one the crimps with a spray down he can't slip down the triple the fanatic are not done yet can you believe it what as freighter i was apex is trying to stop them but it's not gonna happen it will be overtime in the first map of the grand finals [Music] sheer confidence from fnatic sheer aggression being unanswered by envious and look at their guns four awps [Music] he is destroyed [Music] hey future pros what's this dust2 it's back i don't believe it well anyway here is a two-sided smoke for long corner to do the smoke go up next to this wall as shown find the left broken brick once done so jump and throw the smoke now you can take long control without the fear of getting orp down good luck [Music] is [Music] [Music] g2 now to respond with their attack of their own single round separating them the pistol certainly could be a fantastic way to get the right foot in the right direction and dust two is our first battleground in our best of five mirage up next you can see there in the top right the pool let's see how this one starts not gonna have the same flavor to the navi pistol that was a very kooky state of affairs nico always fully blinded just as electronic was having a glance and he has spotted out booming he's going for duels against usps at that range chad he's got some confidence on him needs to be careful now this is not going to be an easy fight against electronic now that sound cue will be called and the rest of his team meanwhile are working on mid doors make that short electronic has a chance here and he does convert steadies that aim 4v5 advantage now in favor of navy does g2 now have to do this without the superstar niko yeah kept honest electronic there's an open runway right now towards this a site electronics playing long everybody else from now v is either prepared for a b push or a mid to b so if they just were to saunter up catwalk here they would find absolutely no resistance whatsoever they have smoke that's going to be the tell and they might have to worry about a fast flank here simple's going to push through the mid doors any second i believe simple what are you doing he's going to be right behind them really hot on their heels he's taking some gambles but it's calculated risk here yes you have the sight some nades from his teammates mate it's a lot of damage simple will be caught back kept to one bomb down for short side so hunter may want to maintain that part of the map and from the pit electronics still there some head spotted and he's having no issues another clean tap to the dome of jack's three flashes to work with here on this retake as well plenty of you two hammer necks going for a real off angle here and it's gonna be easy for electronics still a thorn in their side hunter he's been great but it's too easy for electronic four kills again him and simple just skipping merrily towards a 20 bomb apiece and that's just the first round of our second half that's beautiful stuff right electronic he's shown up in a very big way this tournament right we've seen him having some struggles throughout that online era but this is the superstar form electronic the role we're looking for this one here was the shakiest of the lot and the rest of them start to look a whole lot easier jax's head explodes like a watermelon there ammonite looking the wrong way and hunter pinned on down in a one-on-four situation not much he can say about that too damn good electronic definitely informed done his stretches done his jumping jacks it does look like g2 will put all their chips to the center of the table that's a great contribution from amanec bit hamstrung now onto the b site tagged down to 53. two orcs coming out here against the well the anti-eco setup which does net an ak a galil two deagles and that scout quick little note nico yet to see him get a multi-kill he's the only player of g2 yet to do so so that star power being sucked up by his cousin hunter right now hinge smoke gonna come on out here simple's gonna take early contact he's on the jiggle electronics overseeing business booming has the long doors locked on down if it is to mid to b let's keep our eyes on bit and perfecto so they sync up hinge as well as that be lurk smoke remember what i said about hunter he loves these late b flanks through the b bomb side during the rotation so keep your eyes on that late seen him catch some incredible timings and it just makes the rotation off he feel like a lot longer and more risky he's going early though and he just eliminates perfecto bit hiding behind the box does manage to convert but g2 meeting a charging into the a site already wing clips electronic he's safe from the flash peaks and good they're looking a bit chaotic jacked with a chance and does find him another chance as well on towards long it's only a booming with an mp9 he doesn't get away it's simple however with the ump and nico posting his eighth call it quits call it eight g2 will take the second round force that has to be called off there's no way for bit to get back into this that org is gonna be precious in the next round of play able to scoop up goodies there that's quite nice for him to pick up off of that dead body and an ak's beautiful as well now look that was hunter not on the lurk but on the entry right and if he can be flexible with that right if i'm if i've done the homework if i'm played and we come into this and we go all right we're playing dust too we've watched the demos of g2 what are a couple of things that we need to prepare for here well b rotators bit in perfecto whichever one of you is leaving the site second keep your eyes on upper tunnels maybe linger for a second or two longer well guess what hunter hasn't lurked out he's actually crept through somehow dodged all the spams like he's in the bloody matrix and got a huge open up that's a force by win for g2 and an integral one this is a chance for them now to springboard back into this and tie things up 9-9 but we'll see the navi force by again desperate from simple but what's he meant to do right he's stuck in no man's land there ump not the best weapon for the job and yeah frustrations coming out early here you don't love to see that this is map one of potentially five they've cobbled together this buy bit's been allowed to hold on to that ak-47 he's gonna take that over towards a but the pressure's coming b perfecto will drop a smoke towards the upper tunnels that's going to bloom now and that will hold them at bay for roughly 20 seconds so bit got his permission slip to keep the ak see if he can make it count games start for nico on the default and he will be cleared but fits oh he's so good ready for that you know where the gun is now maybe they spring the trap on towards b g2 have to react with that info and simple's gonna be pushing mid as well so it might be working on a fast flank tons they're walking in contact perfecto it's a predictable spot but if his five-seven could just snap onto one head g2 are gonna be really struggling in the numbers game it's here now too again they do combine bit with more damage making that ak work two frags already on the only rifle in play for navio and it's getting worse for g2 it's perfecto oh perfecto he takes two but he throws weapons to his squad but that's navi immediately fighting fire with fire that's huge to give beer and allow him to keep the ak sure he saved it right but with simple on the team and electronic playing this well you have to wonder was there a discussion to drop it over to one of the big boys but bear is showing he is fit to play at this level of counter-strike that is a huge impact from him to win one back and the force by was but will they continue snapping total that gun right there perfect weapon for the job everything fell in the favor of now v and guess what yes they will those four spies wars are on buy back again hunter into an ak galil for jax couple of pistols in the mix all right well you saw what bit can do with this lone ak let's see if hunter can do one better that pressure that walk up mid there was just no one knocking on g2 bit just goes for that stroll finding nico and then ends up winning the round on b this could be a car crash here on short g2 is showing an indication they just want to go back towards cat and guess what navi are defending with all three a players got the flash for the fade this is gonna suck for g2 flash perfect nico does evade and does provide and they're trying to try to tuck tail but he's not there in time and now all onto simple he's got some hard head shots to hit already with one oh dinking him down finishes it off with the mobile tech nine guess what alex i don't want to say it again here but if you pull it away save simulator right the thing is once that site is given up like that once it's a four-on-two situation they don't have much to work with and not a lot of damage was done they weren't slow down when going for the plan we have to play the percentages now v they make the right call one more time and i think g2 will just allow them to hold on to these weapons now the best thing for nexa is film to go and grab one of these rifles get himself an m4 see what he can pick up that's the most that g2 can profit out of a round like this and the question now doesn't go okay well how long will these force by wars continue it's how long will navi want to keep reinvesting if you take a little bit of a look they're going to get 1400 in the next round you can see bit he's got 32 right now he can drop a gun no dramas there that is all going to be good the same for perfecto with his loss bonus they're gonna be able to have three rifles going out into the next round of play and actually they're just a little bit shy of getting the awp out for simple 100 more dollars for bit and the orb could have come out this is where it all started and this is where it all went wrong the second kill from jax was perfect simple isolated again he's got two choices fight get as many as you can or drop into spawn and play a retake but that one there is going to hurt because now v think about this they lost that round earlier in that first half to hunters flank with the cz nico killing simple in the death alley and now they've lost to a couple more forced by scenarios they need to tidy things up here sticking with the scout is ammonic it's been kept humble jax oh he's committed full commit and he opens up the round for his squad chance as well tap in the head 12 left and will get out another nade okay mission accomplished 4v5 achieved g2 can slow their roll now softened up middle just rotate it over to help out a and a flash comes through mid doors guess what g to a spring into life bloody hell is that one two three smokes that's gonna be coming from a very clear indicator of where they're going perfecto quaking in his boots they're tanked up a little bit he's taking fights this is his chance the free fire is there and now so is the double he's done everything he possibly could there's some life in this one here boomers pushing long right now if he can catch jax who's on this low hp that's going to be great but knife out might get caught and he does jacks huge impact the opener there and that should be the closer this frenchman come into the grand finals with 16 already simple and bit that nade is gonna soften up hunter even further counter you till there they should be over this that's hunter dead 2v2 great dunk it's in play nico up against simple needs to stabilize the tabs aren't there problems now when they go down bit and simple with the retake what a turnaround that felt it should have been done as soon as booming was gone that should have been done how did they battle back into that re takes into the b bomb site are never easy and navi they just stroll on in pedestrian as you like there's just so much power on that right side of the navi desk you've got bit electronic and simple and you can call upon them whenever you need like this was the way in don't forget perfecto took two all of this hard work from jax and nullified the double nade on to box position simple winning his jewel with nico big quick to flick and there you have it that's a timeout if ever i saw one time for malik to try and get his troops head back in the game that one's gonna really leave a mark that's gonna sting that one right there is just facilitated by the utility right and the plan that's gonna facilitate a buy so the force by wars it feels like they're over because both teams are gonna have pretty comparable buys actually we actually just had gun round after gun rounds and simmered into what should be normal play so back and forth we've gone who's going to be the first team to get two consecutive rounds in a row i'm sure navi would love it g2 don't want to give up just yet hamanek having to operate with the scout here the only scoped rifle in the server right now see if he can be a difference maker with that because tunneling straight down middle nico and next are taking some huge liberties niko's gonna run straight out for the mid to b here he's so fast alex oh my god and just as it blooms he does get tagged up it's simple with a very well managed spray long range from all the way downtown electronic always maneuvering around that nexus aware that movement graceful yeah so so graceful and here comes the whole squad electronics got nothing to report g2 unscouted rinse and repeat yeah it might have to be i mean what if you've got a smoker flash and a molly it's not even an exec but they've caught them out of position a couple of times on this type of a play that have to do it again against electronic simple both posted up fires off a warning shot and simple as well does one better and they're just walking in oh my goodness he just more for the ace alex record breaking ace he has got the opportunity and he's going hunting for it appropriately it's hunter that could give it to him simple to break the record no one has found four aces at a tournament like this and here it comes a record breaker from simply takes all five there's only so many words i can use to describe the brilliance on display here tonight simple i mean he makes he makes any superlative feel insufficient at times i can call it majestic i can call him brilliant i can call him a magician an animal a beast a monster they're all there but sometimes they don't even feel like they're doing it justice sometimes just the gameplay does the talking god damn simple's back in the server with 24. we've come to expect it that's the thing with simple it's just brilliant it's just absolutely brilliant the goal of the game there's no question there's no doubt about it have your debates but this man is something else locks down a huge round forces the pistols now out of g2 and i was talking about those consecutive rounds imagine doing it with the big man himself grabbing five now boomich he's mantled up top the blue bin ready to rain down fire bobby look what that's done yeah look back breaker right there it is and it just came so easy to you're watching from his pov it just looks like he's shooting fish in a barrel crosshair placement his movement his reed everything combines and it's put g2 right on their bottom time to recover perfect angle for boomish to contend with this he is going to have that smoke disrespected but he's the one laying down the disrespect bullets onto jacks that's good stuff right boomers gets those kills the cavalry comes over electronic was ready to support him and he drops back that's and he drops back that's what you want to see right this is now v playing the counter-strike we all know and love g2 are just going looking right they're basically going op shopping right now hoping they can find a bargain hoping they can knock on a door and get to a bomb site for free a plant would be lovely it's not looking likely two glocks and a p250 there's a flashbang but this wombo combo setup perfecto stayed tucked in bit is baiting his nade to be dropped perfectly boom goes the dynamite the frags come on in 13 to nine looking good now v they're stretching their legs here three more rounds required to take map number one and another timeout taken now from g2 so to give you guys the count right now both teams have used three timeouts up until this point both teams after this have one remaining the coaches blade and malik the ladder on your screen right here chipping on in not too many more gun round attempts and if you take a look at the money situation on g2 side of the screen no money for an awp for amanek it's not one in play on the other side so that's not actually going to be a huge drama it's not that amazing is going to have to fall simple out of certain lines with the big green the conversation now is more about what t-sided approach are they looking for fist bumps are in jesus would love one here this is where we get our answer as to how much more dust2 there is to be seen your xbox smoke deployed long corner smoke deployed they aren't gonna start with the standard spread and i say standard really get the knife and fork out and eat my words because four tons and this might just be an alternative avenue to middle for that initial control yeah they do like their lower dark default play here hinge smoke door molly and lurk smoke as well in play they're really pushing the issue out mid to be here yeah simple caught them last time with that spray right they'll do the same this time they've jumped over it and into bit you can't find to avoid them both this is a chance back turn good spray ammonic provides if they can find perfecto they've got a good shot at the 10th get that book out again because this one's going to be done exactly by electronic over towards spawn booming she's isolated on an island right now towards long and call that one to save double digits achieved for g2 and they continue to fight here that's what you want to see the tenacity coming into play and ammonite while he's on our screen seven kills for him not like he's having a fantastic game the same for nico so the two of them getting kills in a round like this that's great and actually i i isolate them hunt is the only one really putting consistent damage down jax has had a couple of moments but this would be a great turning point in the game for the likes of nico ammanek nexa to come online i just want to see i'm going to keep that ak you know the poor soul he's making a couple of sacrifices keeping the scout for the information the role he plays within this t side but now of course with the kalashnikov and providing one of his kills well the gun round will change now it's going to be a different look for g2 to go up against the awp of simple will come out that means he won't be as isolated to positions like he was just then with the rifle i think we might see him start floating around a bit more and because there's been so much presence through lower dark mid and short this is where you should be expecting simple early he might help them batten down the hatches towards long but then if he pivots mid doors we know he loves that peak if he goes towards short for a fight those are the type of angles where he can make this jarring for g2 and their default last timeout called so malik this is the last ditch attempt you go looking down the straight here he's giving the comms out whatever the calls are whatever the game plan is this is the last chance he has to chime on in better make this 30 seconds count he's talking to hunter specifically he really discussed how much impact the man's had the second of the kovach is to fill our screens with magnificent counter-strike and this time he's got his squad on his back that op is out for simple here how much of a difference maker will it be 24 kills are ready for him but the team around him are firing on all cylinders perfecto with 17 and 1v3 electronics look great 16 for him bit doing his job he's got 17 kills and here we go trivial tag onto perfecto's toes jacks with a bit of pep in his step straight into simple zorp and again his name's in the feed there he is first glance had a simple zorp and there could be very a whole lot more to come do you dare trifle with the devil dominic does straight ahead nice pop flash to ensure survival but they do disrespect the smoke and gather some ground yeah very necessary that info is fantastic now gives next a little bit more to work with in his arsenal and actually the in-game leader anchoring outside long he's not part of the pack but they've got this short control one more time and we've already seen them in the force by wars have success here looks like they're gearing up for the same type of play now it will all be on simple if they just execute through cat boomer and electronic are completely committed to this long play simple is the only one on the site there's absolutely no help available here simple to do it all again here in the cathedral to ruse and that's perfecto just on the jiggle he's eliminated it's hunter again boom it's got nothing to report his long flank for this bit that's still standing he needs another oh then he puts another in the feed if he could get three nexus got to clear him does provide good trade from electronic and ammonia unable to do much more narvi given a gift and it's bit with the defense again he loses perfection instantaneously he still has the balls to stand and find that double peak that's huge that is huge impact right there it's under pressure right i was saying okay simple's on his own but as soon as perfecto dies bit's on his own this was the opening we're talking about just see how jarring that off is you lose a man immediately there's no trade potential but this is it that is the round wheeling kill from bit it slows it down booming gets in position him and electronic are able to spray them and here it is a bit of a last-ditch attempt the ops out for ammonite the lils aks deagles you till there more pressure towards cap simple's waiting one more time around that bend you go through that b-smoker see how they react tagged up now back into simple's domain he's going forward straight forward again simple with the opening frag jax wants to punish and it's a small glimmer of hope jax has found it wow quick on the galil that's a chance now g2 needs this round it's a compulsory one hunter catching the rotate on bit he can stay and manage that rotate as long as he wants it is going to be perfecto locked out the rest are already through and for say the rest they're starting to fall apart perfecto locked on the doors electronic up on the blue bin long g2 set for an 11th here hunter would do good here to take away perfecto's upgraded rifle money's not great over there on navy and it might force them to have a timeout in a discussion warning shots fired perfecto found how much do they want to dedicate to taking this away they're not in a dreamy spot jack's going looking he could lose the orb here and he will with the knife out oh hamanek has one as well this would be great if electron can get this he can pick up an awp great flash loses it electronics making it hurt even in loss and he'll scoop one up for his teammate next is coming oh he's going to be away in pit there that is huge from the electric that up carried across could be everything right now magnificent scenes they're on the save look alex i i don't want to i don't want to harp on this right the game is still very very close but it's a stat line and i want to draw it to everybody's attention right now niko is the only player in the server not to have a multi-kill yeah this isn't like saying he's not doing his job but if he shows up that is the difference maker he was brought into this roster to show up in those finals and i'm sure we're the best of five final he has the same expectation that we do of himself okay jax he's not just surely gonna push on through that it feels like he does want it made a little late they are through and full on control so a different look now to g2 we've seen rv apply their trade in this particular way hamanek still downgraded on that scout up against simples awp good luck have fun mate one whistles past the year of the ukrainian probably don't give that one another peak just yet oh he will of course he will who am i talking about here he's going to drop that smoke defensively whenever he feels the threat he's on his own again here though yeah it's crazy i mean they'll have a fast short flank that's the gap he's created one himself you can peek around this smokes teammates will too boom it's immediately surging forward 50 seconds you don't need to rush this but any tiny inch you give him and he'll take the full mile simple onto hunter already you won't be able to plant with him posted up on gandalf like that you need to force him off the fight but how util completely barren they've got nothing but bullets now to force their issues and to force their agenda nico's got the bomber cross bits going looking actually you think nico's pushes hell by the long side but that's the flash they'll have to turn bit on the aggress still no blood and still no plant 25 it's going to come down to the double peak and it's next to nico they will find bit more as well for g2 still simple to be forced off this line his presence is such an irritation and another shot looking for more oh hitting the wall back he could hit another one nico does not get the bomb down problems for jax he's got to come up clutch they've rocked the clock so much where's the bomb no time now and simple does it all for navi he may take 15 and he wouldn't have had that orp if it wasn't for electronic oh tag you're it that is absolutely huge i can't believe he tags nico through the box that denies the plan you see that it's like he's on an alley-oop perfecto catch this the jumping spam he probably doesn't do enough damage to make that frag and this is great as well the constant flashing they're keeping it jarring you've got g2 who are just holding back and there it is you can see it's just a stray bullet right that's not possible without simples tag that fall back he goes for it not only goes for it connects it rv looking like the better team here on dust too and now can just to throw that final blow it's the eagles to defend their honor some tech nines in the mix as well ball bangs the box and the jump to deny they've rotted so much time they went simple just on gandalf you're not going to do anything smoke's on mid the mid-to-be pincer i mean perfector would be isolated he's got bit to call upon and oh bit bit bit does it all finally distracted oh chance on the tech nine but it falls flat rv couple of frags to secure themselves there matt pick in this best of five starting as they mean to go on everyone's here that needs to be next up with a 1v5 bit too tall of a task for this in-game leader lovely pop flash does force perfecto off the line but what's he supposed to do that'll be it rv 16 does dust2 is theirs and he does collect that final frag puts him on to 30. simple as something else an rv convert and we'll see what the samurai can do into our second we're back with the desk in just a moment
Channel: ESL Archives
Views: 48,592
Rating: 4.9556961 out of 5
Keywords: CS Highlights, CS Live, CS Live Stream, CSGO, CSGO Live, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, ESL, IEM, china, competitive, cs, esport, esports, extreme, games, gaming, intel, masters, twitch
Id: qa454jRcba8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 9sec (3669 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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