CS:GO - G2 Esports vs. Astralis [Nuke] Map 1 - IEM Cologne 2021 - Semifinal

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and that will get you going ladies gentlemen strawless versus g2 in a semi final bout we've got nuke dust 2 and inferno on the cards right as we get started with harry and hugo yeah and we're not wasting any time at getting into this one a g2 taking on astralis for a shot at those grand finals already i know it a lot of utility in this pistol to help out with this fast a execute out of astralis g2 they were set up to play retaken towards this a site they've got these uh this utility right the smoke the flash on nico he can set these guys up to explode out of heaven although nico's all the way over in maine this flash isn't coming in they're peaking heaven dry oh that's a big nade dunking down onto four players of g2 they need to suddenly pop out the top and they will but it's into the glocks to find every kill for astralis no problem an absolute murder on that a bomb site and astralis they start strong g2's retake setup yeah not going to plan no i normally normally right i'm very very confused already normally when that's what you're trying to do you have the flash player over towards hell he can pop that flash from ct out of heaven and it would have given a lot of levity towards this retake instead they peak it dry through a smoke through a nade and everyone's churned up that is not the start you wanted if you're g2 i agree they wanted the smoke to cut off look at this crazy okay g2 there they would have fun harry and i can't blame them they're feeling confident they're the favorites perhaps and well they're gonna try and show it jax no armor shotgun hunter nova as well what a mess yeah we saw um we saw james donning the nova yesterday nico's diego opening up this round and getting away with a lot of damage now one of these shotguns dropping through the vent hunter is already gone the nova never given a chance to play astralis in a good spot right now they start to cross the remainder of these players over outside and inside of the b site it's only ammonic here the majority of g2 still on upper ammonic might have his work cut out for him as astralis are heading his way yeah but they are playing very safe they're waiting for those last two players to join them before they start swinging the doors open g2 don't know they aren't confirmed that it's the b play and so amanek is even starting to change position could this catch him out in the open or in fact even leaving b at the worst possible second he can at least play safe here right he can get deegs and stay alive but he's going to need to hit some absolute bangers in order to recover this round try his his hand against it but astralis at this point have the site they can get the bomb plant and at this point i don't know if a retake's going to be viable g2 might just try and save what they got thrown into what will be another eco round as astralis start strong there and if you're a g2 fan as alluded to by carlos in that uh in that interview before the show you probably have some memories of the g2 squad versus the danes on this map you'd sooner end up forgetting there you go we lasted two rounds before referencing it damn man carlos was right let's see it is uh an astralis round locked in here the the double shotgun four spy doesn't work out for g2 there may be an exit here for ammonite maybe something but glaives not letting it go down easy and astralis will keep it light and breezy gun saved although not a lot right it's mac tens it's galils and so that's why these four spikes are so scary uh for a team like g2 getting all those shotguns in they won't make it work though and so one more eco but astralis on nukeman back on land this is this is everything we wanted harris everything we dreamed we may have had that handshake in the veto has said of of the skip of vertigo and ancient no one playing games here leaving inferno as our decider but this is an el clasico of you know the strawless era g2 know that better than anyone pistols out astralis back to the lobby and keeping it nice and slow yeah there's still this uh this glass auto shotgun in play and you know that that was by design originally when jax bought it out he consciously didn't have armour so you know i guess when you're wielding the shotgun it might feel like the aim punch mat is a little less right you are like usually in their face with it so i'm curious if he's going to get away with anything on it he's an adventure surely got an idea yeah there is this outside play coming in so he might just get evaded in this round you've got the deep wall of smokes in this wall of smokes is great it lets you uh you know have a lot more options you can cross secret you can rap maine you can take garage and with how astralis throw these smokes the garage smoke is the first one to dissipate so it almost acts like a bit of a doorway on a timing now what they haven't checked for nico no one hp or magisk one hp the difference oh that could have been something for the g2 squad but now the odds are fighting much in this round are kind of out the window with the ramp control taken astralis they don't know it yet but they've got full run of this b bomb site they've even got hell as well so if they did want to a-wrap they could do that oh this is about to get rough for g2 yeah this is a surprising one to go up all right they had all control outside and ramp but uh they're walking into the stack right now nexus got a deeg jax's shotgun is left alone down to b and astralis dropping in with 10 seconds they need the kills and they need the plot there's a man closed and hunter could deny if he finds a timing there's no cover oh no hunter he's got the kill and the time is alluding astralis a full eco for g2 how does that taste oh that's a talk about a taste of your own medicine hugo right astralis run out of time hunter denies the bomb plot with seconds to spare and no one was watching for him no one was accounting for it oh g2 that's one round of winners is this the final evolution man have we come full circle now it's them making astralis look like fools i could see hunter hiding sight and i was like surely someone will stay rafters they go wide is this the redemption arc of g2 on this map is this what we're witnessing it's a start of something that's for sure jax keeps the shotgun and everyone is well armed now for g2 astralis that was that bonus round and it did not go well fast smokes this time uh estrada's trying to cross very quickly towards laura nico drops through the vent molly taking 95 damage he's still standing but a shot from death even a glimmer of a nade could end his round however he's dropped the bomb in the secret still standing staying alive and buying time here for g2 and what is a five on four if astralis want this kill they're going to have to hunt him down and if they do nexus already starting to move in there's the kill from glaive it keeps something here for astralis attack the b sight though as said not controlled yet and ammonic's even got an awkward rotation he can help out if nexa needs oh yeah there's that awp springing to life at the b bomb site and that's going to deter australis they give up lower and instead look to go back to maine everywhere they go there's something you know pushing them away from their original intention whether it's down to b they don't want to run into the orps now they try to go main as they get to maine main smoke goes in well now you got to re-route again now you've got to look for another plan of action this bomb is going down lower while zip is moving in through hell and he's going to try and take ramp i'm imagining to split this b site but you've got to get past ammon x awp and next is org and that is easier said than done you've seen this double hold now and amanek head on a swivel even deals with the flanking zip nicks in through ramp great stuff from this awp on the g2 side it's just dude free in a one-on-four and hunter cuts him down with ease there was just no time for dupreeh he had to run bomb out if he wanted to win that one in the clutch yeah it's crazy that the you know the storylines and the time that g2 and this team and these players have gone through over the past 12 months right like from you know jack's uh leaving the team getting his english back on track rejoining and looking like a an absolute beast looking so much better than he was even originally in g2 and then the story of nico viaminek right niko getting bored in for the awp we see him more on the krieg at times it feels position based it feels feeling based and when ammonic has that up man he is such a star with this weapon you know up against the team like astralis who again we've seen all five players oppon even in that quarter-final yesterday and all have their moments they've still got their work cut out for them even against a team with similar woes on the sniper right now it's just pistols though for astralis two eagles three glocks gonna try and group on the ramp we've got some crossing outside but niko's here in time to deny and there's no utility to keep him back maybe the deagle do yeah the question becomes you know who's going to break first in this outside fight who's going to take that first peek nico's now needing it they really are sold on this secret position as a result he's giving himself a little one-way smoke there to try peak under clave in the meantime is snuck out door he's now getting down the bed g2 don't know about this nico starting to get paranoid and it's probably been calm like yeah there was a smoke by door something could have happened but we're not 100 sure nico he's keeping his wits about him still glaives gonna hit the timing nico wasn't sold on the idea and so now australia starts to accelerate the pace trying to get across outside hunter can he hold the fort yes that was the bomb dropped as well there is a follow-up from the glock of bobsky and now he's upgraded onto an m4 this is spiraling out of control for g2 we need someone to apply the brakes to astralis 10 seconds left this bomb is barreling in towards the b side next he drops it and on the back of that drop he's won the round for g2 again another one going their way because of these last second bomb plant denials na'vi who what's happening to astralis that's two rounds now it looked like they were going to win maybe obviously that one's a little more understandable only only fun in games only a joke but that's you know two rounds now that australis have run out of the clock and g2 have capitalized very well don't get me wrong right these rounds are fine for astralis if there's no one b but you know they're going into positions they don't have so late in the round that you know if you don't if you provide that cover look bombs out in the hands of dupree doesn't have cover and there you go it's a free round for g2 almost a glock eco win for astralis keep that in mind that was just pistols and glaive really made magic happen with that vent dive so australia so they can be happy with that round they can break the money here and now with full rifles with the exception of magisk yeah it's left you in a bit of a weird spot right on the players that saved that's why you've got like magisk don in the deagle here you're also a little bit limited in terms of the utility and i like what hunter's doing he's really taking liberties he tries to peek through the door smoke on an aggro push he spots players back in lobby and now g2 have painted a much better picture of what's going on in this round they've seen the outside smokes as well there's two players here to try and deal with it this time these outside smokes are on the timing so that main fades first and these players start to get in through the main position astralis with the openers have secured control of the a bomb site in a four on three you've still got the op outside and this double retake from heaven the utility is good nico taking players out of the ranks of astralis and suddenly the whole situation has flipped on its head again back down the vent for machis dupree still here but they're going to safe rotate they want to go ramp side can dupre find any kills on this drop no ammonic denies his rotate and now magisk is in hot water in trouble one on three and he can't hit a shot with a deagle it's gonna be around for g2 yet again very very smooth moves for g2 just to take that safe rotation they knew dupree was still up but they knew someone was on that a site and so they completely avoid it get down to the b bomb site and pick up another retake defuse is happening don't you worry it's 4-2 for g2 yeah this has been a bit of a rough start for astralis in all of these rounds they've had a chance to do something right they've had a chance to to find a round on the back of it and you really have been splitting some fine hairs as to how this uh this score line is 4-2 in favor of the g2 squad once more astralis don't really have the money to lean into a buy they're still kind of suffering the consequences of running out of time in these last few rounds so they're taking a a partial investment this is really allowing g2 to pad out these rounds on the ct side early and that's kind of the last thing you wanted if you're an astralis fan this is an uncharacteristic start where they fall and pray to time a hell of a lot setting up for what looks like just the a explosion and hell man this was how they won the pistol right something to note was in the pistol round the main smoke was left out and i think that was why nico ended up getting nullified in that retake round right oftentimes flashing from behind the smoke in maine he wasn't given that i'm curious we're gonna see similar things left out in this one utility goes over but the real play is coming in at ramp and ammonic is tearing through it on this awp avaneck come on three in the round and next is gonna steal the ace away but it's still five on the board for g2 and it's flawless to get them there yeah you don't care you're not looking for aces at this point you're looking for those grand finals harry that's what's in the back of the mind and maybe even even in the forefront for all of these players right now big round from ammonite little a fake but yeah it's not going to draw your ramp player out of position until there's bomb and so astralis go right into that orb bit of a timeout here now for the danes need to discuss before they get back into what will be really their best rifle round right as you said the money has been skewed that is from you know two rounds saving keeping players alive when they really wouldn't want to have wanted to and so astralis have yeah they've had economical woes but forget the excuses this is where they need to put rounds on the board pronto g2 are starting to build and build some more money rounds you name it they got it lovely shooting from amanek i can't afford to be having an off day in a matchup like this and so strap the wheels back on and run it back for another rifle round back outside for astralis this is what they were doing a lot in group stage harold we saw games from them where they were just you know fully commit outside for you know 15 rounds in a row it felt like in that game versus phase so proved to be a bit of a problem there we'll see if that continues to be the case but down be they get for free g2 won't do anything on the cross nico still looking for someone crossing into garage that has been the case before and in that phase game that i talked about it was the t sides where astralis were having problems on nuke as well not just this map but uh even dust the second map of this series something to keep in mind as we go into it astralis setting up with nades on the a site flashes through the roof but it's really another ramp play yorp is foaming at the mouth right now amanek waiting for the kills yeah and you know you don't want ammonic to feel like he's got total control over this position you you really need to kind of start to make him respect you more because once again he's opened up this round or they are pressuring him with the flashbangs but still he's able to make a quick escape down through rap while this is going on nico has caught glaive outside and so for magisk now coming back up to try and trade he's low on hp and nico is quite the formidable opponent to go up against this round has slipped apart for astralis they're going to try and come in with an a play splitting through heaven they at least have a chance here to pincer hunter down in the sight there's another man who they don't know about yet yeah hunter's spammed out but jax was there ready and waiting to deny any opportunity at a bomb plant g2 or up on to six this is a very convincing ct side thus far something that's so impressive is just how aware they've been you know astralis attempting a lot of this outside control again and yet every time they've done it you know they might start by taking some secret control a lot of the time they've been coming back outside they've been going for these hell wraps these garage wraps and nico's constantly been aware of that possibility yeah the comms are really good right now for g2 like they know exactly what's going on the fact that niko has gone from getting caught by these lurks to now you know catching the lurks himself now he's in secret i think he will have been spotted that glaive looks like he's hunting him down but knight bow and niko surprise surprise above the one-way smoke finds that first but on top of that right we've seen a lot of these a fakes for astralis lobbing in utility into the top side and going back to ramp i mean that might work against a team that's scared but g2 as said the comms are good no one's over rotating they see a utility nothing comes out and ammonite keeps getting kills off on the ramp with the orbs so it might be time for astralis to go back to this a site and try and hit it with some of the util g2 might not expect the pace this round there's no grenades just walking through this door smoke and hunters looked away maybe there's a chance for something here jax has a flashbang to line his teammate up and they seem aware that players could be out the door allowing them to drop vent but no further if australia's trying to take this a site it's gonna get bloody there's a d for dupreeh but jack's in the back of the site and he's got a couple as well duprey in the open and it's the orb rotating to clean it up nice simple round for g2 keeping more and more players alive as they build into this half and what's always been so impressive is like these anchor players these guys that are in positions where it's like one kill could win you the round for g2 it feels like they're always coming in big right jacks there is the example of that anchor player just holding on to the site not letting them get in the you know kind of a steamroll or or snowball i guess into a situation where that gets out of hand next are on b as well dropping the bomb hunter did the same as on the a site yet for sure these anchors are saving the day for g2 at the moment okay where do we go here for australis is it back to these outside control rounds that don't seem to be netting much they fake the smokes i like that but we know nico has been very aggressive in the secret in times gone by instead this time it's nexa and astralis don't care they want that top site and they want it soon yeah waiting for the door peak and he spots dupree on the jiggle ammonex coming in to help him out they they constantly have like little one two punches you think you're just gonna have to deal with one and suddenly a second player emerges from the crawlspace there's ammonic surprising dupree there's more players back in the lobby and look at hunter look at the real estate he's trying to take they know they seem to know glaive looking into the corner throwing a close flash and they're trying to clear properly bubsky will dink in the process meanwhile astralis will gain space outside is crossing behind maine astrology keeping on this pressure onto a so zip can come in on this split 30 seconds nico is impatient and this might be profitable push he's coming in on the flank right now glaive with nades in hand that timing outside is not happening it's uh going away they're gonna end lower instead and this is not looking pretty right now crossing secret with the bomb is all astralis having this round but once again hugo we talk about the anchors we talk about these positions where if a player gets one or two well-placed kills they win the round well this is nexa in this one and it's his destiny to go on to close this out for g2 ah and then bobsky even dying trying to save the ak g2 of brutalizing astralis right now man we were so hyped up after that astralis game just yesterday right you know the question was like are they back on land is this it well i tell you what versus an opponent that's giving you no respect they're not treating you like the astralis of old you're not getting given the usual room that you're used to you're not getting given that that air of comfortability nico that round as well i think was a good example of that right pressuring lobby helping flush these players out these are the kind of pushes you're not really used to having happen against you if you're astralis and he wasn't the only one it's like layered pushes isn't it hunter going as well and door yes he gets spotted and dies but it's just showing what g2 are feeling right now right nico pushing ramp that round in the past he's been secret coming up and that's a change that i like for g2 it's not like they're just putting ammonite on the orb and leaving him on ramp or half and the straw let's go well i'm next open ramp that position is out of bounds let's just not go there sure there's there's merit to be said for that statement but at the same time with amine nico constantly swapping positions with next to ending b with astralis never knowing what to expect where is it a safe secret round where nexus giving it up is it nico pushing up the secret stairs with flashbangs are we getting ramp crunch astralis don't know it's been different every single time so g2 keeping it fresh and keeping up in the lead gives us another round with just the eags and you know it was this map that that you know spawned the famous carlos copy paste if you know oh that's real cs right there yeah real men they they they poo they we on nuke or whatever he said you know but it's it's one of these things where like it's not just the individuals right now that are making this convincing case for g2 right they're not just running amok investing you in individual fights their individuals are stellar don't get me wrong but they're also out calling astralis right now every time astralis has tried to make one of these last minute changes g2 have been one step ahead and that's what's won them the majority of these rounds so this is really impressive what we're getting out of the g2 squad right now and honestly i don't know how astralis stemmed the bleeding i'm not looking at this going yeah man you know it's astralis i've got faith that glaive can figure something out it feels like they've tried a lot and nothing has worked thus far for sure i you know i keep referencing that phase game but it did really make me question this astralis t side on nuke is because you know we're not seeing the mistakes they made there which is just these constant outside takes but right now nico has dropped the bomb and this round is already to be forgotten next push back on ramp and again just fresh positions for all these players he will die that's a gun to be given but how much can astralis really do with 20 seconds eminek holding hell and he's dropped zip as well it's just dubri who might even want to save but he's got lost bonus coming so it doesn't really matter at the end of the day for dupreeh so save he shall and yeah even so harry like eight to two now nine individuals there calls there reeds there what is the answer maybe astralis need to go back to one of these top side splits but they just tried that and nico hits the perfect timing up secret to kill both main players so didn't really go too well for them did it mate this is the g2 that are hungry for finals right like astralis might have said look quarters on and off well if this keeps up g2 we're looking to put into a to bed in the semis for the australis squad man this is this is unreal and you know the fact that so much of this stopping power is coming from this awp on ammonic is a treat as well right considering that for the longest time the the orb kind of roll hung into balance for g2 it still kind of is you know feeling bass from time to time he's really laying down the pain and as you say this kind of ability for for him and the rest of the team to seemingly swap out at the drop of a hat is great astralis never know where they're going to encounter this awp yeah and nico is still annoying them as well he just crossed main and he threw a secret smoke at the top it looked like that one way that he's been playing over the top of so if astralis go outside they think he's already secret he's only just getting that zip maybe some kills there's a barrel up close there's an orb but it does find the frag and ammonette keeps things even massive kill from hymns it almost had a double on his plate stratus might be scared of this outside control as said nico throwing that smoke in secret and so they cross garage he has gone down vent so he is ready to react if things get hairy down b but that's not going to be the play the bomb is very late this is the problem for astralis as they don't have any more smoke other than on dupree not enough to really make a difference though with so many angles in the yard dupre gonna begin to cross all the way to hell this is very sneaky for astralis g2 have definitely got to be cognizant of this possibility though two towards the back of the site hunter trying to get that lobby info and magisk if he can push nikko back that is at least something here as astralis try and creep onto him in b oh yeah this is a little bit wild a little bit crazy especially if you're nico right he doesn't know it but they are all around him now the pennies dropped he goes back to try and fight in the sight and is blindsided by glaive a bomb plant with eight seconds left gonna come through but they are lacking players for the hold hunter out of ramp absolutely annihilates the remaining two and the defuses in as fast as that bomb goes down the round is over for astralis and g2 just swipe that post plant aside like it was nothing you can see the cogs in g2's brain whirring right these meat machines of men just realizing exactly what's going on it's astralis i love that round i love the cool right magisk is distracting nico and secret meanwhile the rest of them are walking down ramp but the big problem here harry is the time again it loses trials it forces them to run and the second they start running on ramp that double back a site set up here's everything they make the call nico knows he's getting rushed he's able to at least put up one kill there and then the rest of uh g2 come down vent they come down ram and they pick up another retake it's all too familiar territory what a streak of rounds put together by this g2 squad yeah and i don't think they're going to go cold there any time soon and with how this game started the pistol really looked like a solid anti-strap out of astralis right they were so cognizant of that a retake set up they they they left that situation with the goal of rendering nico useless a key piece of that retake since then and since the rifles have come out we've got ammonic opening at ramp it is completely blindsided astralis they do not know what to expect it feels like oh a fast a play okay desperate times call for desperate measures go out and try to get these frags hunter with the double has turned it back into a three on three and look at mexico he's in the sight he's still fighting for control there's a player up close but he's burning out dupreeh has to worry about the rap they are all around him amanek is here helping out as best he can and nexa will deal with bobsky dupree is suddenly thrown into a mad world indeed he's gonna gary jules himself all the way down towards this b-bomb site running in but already in the door is nico and once again wherever you go there is someone for g2 waiting in the wings to ruin your day yeah maybe if buskie had an ak there that could have been a hope in that in that two on three he gets a dink to the backside player of nexa but yeah really nice a anchor work again for g2 hunter stalls those kills out beautifully next is so quick at dropping in and it feels like again you're just forcing plan b from astralis every single round they're never ending up where they want to go you're going for a rush with full util and then you're diving down vent in a two on four because you know you can no longer win this round it just gives credit to how well g2 are holding their spots right now eleven to two astralis they want another a play we've got the alexa b flash on magisk this is a lovely little flash through the rafters and good for a hot rush but astralis are they actually going to commit to it so many times they feign this a take and they've gone back to ramp and it's not gone well for them oh well they spot amanex off outside and they think oh well rap must be a little bit easier a little more free and they will get past the double hold of amanek and nexa it wasn't any more free than normal right the op wasn't there it was a double hold instead but you still managed to take this ramp control away this is like one of the best spots you've been in in a long while on astralis and so if there ever was a time to try and salvage a couple of rounds at the end of the half it's in a round like this everywhere they go there is someone if they back up lobby hunter is there if they go forward to hell jax is watching the ladder and if they drop b well nico's already in position there is no way out of this for free for astralis they are boxed in right now and you can tell they're feeling scared they really don't know where's safe where's free of g2 players nico you cheeky devil they are holding this they are holding the smoke and yet still nico takes down one and a half dupree will trade it out and keep the two on two open but he's looking worse for where bobsky might be feeling a lot of the pressure in this one he's the man to try and plant the bomb you don't want it to get denied so he's got to get off of it for now hunting down the man in decon but hunter won't give up the kill thor swings again the bomb plant will come through jacks from ramp has dealt with bobsky and so it is just dupreeh 1v2 to try and put a third round on the board for astralis he's at least got room to play with right he's got a bit of an angle and a chance to separate these fights dupree with the swing there's number one they're not on the bomb yet hunter taps it baits the peak out and nails the clutch it's 12 on the board for g2 and seemingly nothing can go wrong for this squad right now yeah i mean you can give a third round to astralis here and you won't be feeling any kind of problem this is incredible for g2 this is a sexy ct side on nuke and yeah astralis woes have only just begun nico and the smoke very very mad play but at a score line like this you can't fault it amanx 18 and 4 just a quick reminder beasting on the awp nico not far behind at 14 and seven and for astralis we don't even have double digits yeah uh you know sonic might have said eleven four's the most dangerous score i now make thirteen two is and it's against you oh nico all right bit of a blind kill from both players they do a lot of damage but it's glaive to lock it in and finally astralis have an untraded five on four they're gonna try and capitalize mages catching ammonic over in ct and suddenly the australis t side might be able to find a third i'm glad they don't commit there it would have been so easy to just hit the go button and split ace uh you know pronto instead magisk is now making the most of his position he's wrapping heaven next is coming back to watch for it so maybe there's a kill here for magic he's very very passive playing this smart and hoping for g2 mate to make the mistake next is now tucked in the corner magic has already cleared this angle but the kill might come to him oh dear no noise to be made not yet at least and next i won't expect this of all positions surely not and there it is for magisk now a five on two this is a free round for astralis they've just got to slip it through oh yeah and you know g2 in this situation it's them not knowing where to look right every single corner could harbor a fight versus someone from astralis jax is getting wrapped on in lobby as well and the bombs going down and b so this is a pretty safe round for the danes if there ever was a round where you could say yeah they've got this one in the bag it's looking like this one jax all that's left to do is give it a bit of a try see if you can get away with anything here they are gonna give him a couple of fights and the timing's not going in his favor regardless you know you've lost one round right at the end it's still 12-3 in favor of g2 for astralis they are gonna have to bring one hell of a ct side if they want to pull it back on their map pick [Music] do you think you know everything about cs go then stay alert and look out for the dhl drop quiz on the esl cs go twitch channel [Music] hey future pros today i wanted to show you another method to take outside and find picks on the t side of nuke this execute will obstruct a lot of vision from the cts and possibly force a warehouse player out into the open for a fairly easy pick for this execute you will need four future pros along with three smokes two mollies and two hc's future pro one you'll be throwing the bottom hell window smoke to throw the smoke hop into this corner aim at the top of this pipe vent and slightly to the right of the line run forward and jumping through the smoke as you get close to the wall in front save your molly as you can use this to block off secret as you spend more time outside future pro number two you only have a warehouse smoke to throw so don't mess it up to throw the warehouse smoke look into the center of this wall aim at the bracket on the silo then jump through the smoke after this head into lobby and hold off any pushes future pro number three you'll be throwing the a main smoke mollying secret and saving a heavy ct red to throw your smoke position yourself so half of this vent is cut off by the wall aim to the top of the cables run forward and throw the smoke just before hitting the box then clear some close angles and hop onto this box from here you can throw a molly to cover secret and hold the push if you feel like it throw your heat ct red with future pro 4. future pro number four you will be throwing the ct red molly along with a heat to throw your molly wait for the warehouse smoke to bloom then make your way into this gap aim at the lower corner of the garage door and jump through the molly this will land behind ct red and possibly cause a counter terrorist to rotate back towards a ladder area after this running throw your heichi behind ct red as you could get some chip damage on the rotating plane then have future pro 1 boost you behind t red and if you're quick enough you should be able to catch any ct trying to get out from warehouse to ladder and that's about it this execute is a nice way to find a pick outside if you have confidence in your aim i have no doubt you should be able to catch ct player out [Music] well astralis to face their first share of challenges throughout the last few years however this one is looking bigger than ever g2 up 12-3 on the astralis map pick of nuke this used to be the home map this used to be the proving ground for astralis and here ajito with a grim reminder of how times have changed and how the mighty have fallen yeah astralis is getting taught a lesson right now in map one of the bo3 winner to the grand finals and loser going out so pressure's more on more than ever for australia we need a round out of them here and now they managed to find that first t pistol it's bubsky always good on these pistol rounds gotta say starting strong nice rush out the heart but it is denied by the julies and glaive finding two kills nexo will trade suddenly we're up in the air suddenly we're in a position where g2 can consider a win i'm getting planted and the rotator far out magisk is waiting for dupree to walk up secret but he's taking his sweet time he has to sneak he doesn't know where one of these players is and so a lot of angles to clear gives a lot more time for that bomb to tick down yeah magisk is taking a peek out of heaven hasn't seen anyone yet in the sight next blindsided hunter will bring it down to the 1v1 and we'd still imagine i did not expect him to just fight it to just leap out into the open and lock it in but that's the kind of guy hunter is that's the kind of game g2 are having yeah 13 and three pistol round now going their way uh and an impossible task for astralis just got even harder they're all ready for the a rush man like they had all the pieces in the right place they had a triple a's up there the julie's watching the heart i don't know how zip doesn't get any kills like glaive does yoink them but even so you try and outplay if you're magisk you try and be smart but there's nothing you can do when you just get wide swung with a glock and there we go that sets g2 up for the win in map one right like you know there's going to be a gun round to be played but my oh my if astralis ever wanted hope of a comeback it might have been eviscerated with that pistol round going the other way and so it's up to the force the eagles galore g2 in no hurry all the time in the world to get this round under wrap smokes outside will be the game plan no one b no one secret no info for astralis as to whether these are fake smokes or not and in fact they are g2 are getting ready to pound a site yeah glaive can i have his work cut out for him he does have some support up here in heaven at least that's something but still like you're struggling to look at these silver linings especially with ammonic charging out with his mac 10 a bit of a signature weapon for this guy and making a lot of money and opening up the site in the process it's a win-win for g2 money's made and a round is secured 14-3 is as good as locked in oh look at this nico is hugging down the saving astralis players okay he only gets one but it's just adding insult to injury it's just building up even more of a case for g2 to steamroll this map it's a confirmation of where they are as well oh they're saving they already are not going for this round you guys can take a deep breath you can start spreading out if you want yeah okay one makes it zip does get to spawn but at this point in the game you're not thinking about your economy if you're astralis who are not trying to calculate the financial freedom no you can't even get rounds on the board g2 13 now 14 and astralis what do you even do play for ot force till next map well those are your only options and all this is going on my laminec is just silently going 20 and six in the background right it was him with that awp at ramp that felt like it was just causing so many problems and the best thing about it was is like as the game went on and he became even more mobile it just felt like it was it was throwing out new issues for astralis they would try to plug the ramp hole they'd go look okay we can't get past the orb let's lean towards outside oh well now i'm an x here of course he is right you just felt like you couldn't catch a break and really i don't i it shouldn't take me to tell you this it is going to be a rough world to envision any kind of a return to form in this map out of astralis right wrong australia's not the type of team sitting here and already talking about dust too you know they're not going to give up before the uh before the chips have been slowed across the table but in the same vein you know what's not said out loud is thought in the back of your mind yeah thus two is just around the corner and astralis i mean they're playing for ot i respect that here no not a lot of teams would make this call right especially after forcing second round and losing it it would have been very easy to buy up here in the knowledge that you have to then pull a 12-round comeback with your guns well if it was ever gonna happen harry it would be off the back of guns so this is a you know good decision for astralis but again it is in quite the predicament g2 back to the a site back to business and hell maybe not even just a nico's lining up utility for the rafters we've got a guy on ramp at least jax might just be holding the push we'll see amanx certainly looking to get involved in the action and he waits for the flashbang to take down to the mac 10 coming to life as it does and hunter providing cover should be a lock in here for g2 it was never going to be anything but and all we're waiting for is that one glimmer of hope in the rifle round for australis he's like buddy systems almost that g2 have been running on the t side are great like you try to pressure one player just trying to take a free kill that's what astralis would do in there with ammonic and as they as they charge him down they hear him getting the reload off that's when hunter emerges as his buddy right like oh there's two of us here we play off of one another and so that round is a lock-in for g2 who are up onto 15 zip can't save the scout wouldn't have made much of a difference if he did to be honest 15-3 and this could be one of the most dominant maps here at iem cologne taking place in the semi-finals like that's unreal think about the level of competition we've seen in these playoffs so far right yesterday had so many overtimes it was like a nine and a half hour long day with two best of threes being played and yet here we are this doesn't make a case for g2 to reach those grand finals i don't know what will yeah shoes on the other foot right it was astralis against vp who had these leads who bottled the leads that went into ot yes they closed the match but at the end of the day it was them who couldn't close the map at least the regulation well now i said shoes on the other foot what's it like being in the back seat astralis getting batted and bruised a 15-3 score line and one rifle round to stand between it all this is not a position that astralis is used to and so how will they fare under these new circumstances molotov delaying this g2 crossed the secret but they still make it stralis as a smokes fade give up outside glaive lets them down lower into the york dupries in position nexus on a late red hoping to kill any flanking players down secret first they've got to get past this orb as said easier said than done yeah dupreeh will pluck one out of the ranks on the cross now they know about this or though and they know they've got him trapped over in decon they're wasting no time just spilling in and zip will also hound them down running in through ramp the collapse from astralis is good right suddenly it goes from feeling like you've only got one man to worry about so they're all around you they've pinned you in at this b site and it's left onto nexo who can't find a damn thing four on the board for astralis the rifles come out this is why they wanted to bring them into play they wanted to feel like they actually had a chance to play rounds on this ct side just such a shame that it's come at this score like right which is the best round we've seen all map from astralis i think you know five alive lovely little b hold all the rotations were smooth nothing went wrong but it's 15 feet that's the horrible thing about this scoreline right all it takes is one mistake on astralis or more notably i think in this situation one big round out of an individual on g2 and you're really not shy on individuals who can step up in moments like this and close a game out you know if there was like a few more rounds i would still find a way to believe in astralis the fact that it is just one round could end the run here on nuke that's the scary part you are constantly against the wall backs against it if you're astralis and g2 they know you're feeling this pressure they're taking a very slow round waiting to see if you give them anything going for these info plays that happen you know towards the kind of mid-round after you haven't seen anything no aggressions come through in cg2 now cognizant if they've got to be the ones to make this first move start to throw the outside smokes yeah the molly on secret won't do a thing glaive's got that one way and so g2 from the silo will see it and probably up to straight away go back to this top site instead zip is on ramp he's run out of util though can't stall a play if things end up there and astralis do have a triple a setup so they are in the right place right now this is actually a pretty botched round for g2 we're going to need some incredible entries on this execute because astralis are set up very well to deal with it duprey has left heaven that is a timing that could favor g2 there are now two two splits on rampant a bubsky and his teammate and the ct event need to hold strong and so they will glaive has dropped one outside and nexus running through the molly g2 desperately need an opening kill they can't find it finally coming through traded at least and astralis keep it as clean as they can it's only hunter in a one-on-four and there's no time for it yeah 10 seconds and with players rotating in to watch this bomb hunter is pretty screwed and he knows it as well nothing presents itself until the moment they intend to strike a double swing out of duprey and glaive seals the deal on that round there and so astralis are now one to five starting to build a bit more of a ct side up you know breaking down the money at g2 making a a partial investment come out here for the t side it might even be tempting to buy right 144 he can get aka four armor nades and his team could get you know whatever they want really but yeah i like the half by the galil armor and you know get a full rifle round in the next it's definitely the safe call g2 not getting ahead of themselves yet 15 to 5 is not a worrying position to be in but that can change very quickly as we know how frequent comebacks are in the current meta hunter though if we wanted anyone to perform this round it would be him looking outside with this galil dupre has the cross with his orb seeing him all fully over uh glaive in this map in in the maps we've seen so far from astralis you know if you counted up the rounds oh no it's probably glaive the most right yeah the g2 eagles always make me scared as well hunt is dead that galil is out of the round but there's still deeds in play there's still weapons that could be retrieved they're trying to wrap into maine madges does not want to give it over there's a lot of bodies there and nexus will claim another life dupreeh answering back with the orp will start to stem the bleeding and takes matters towards outside just lays down the pain dupreeh has saved the day only nico left to beat and he doesn't have the bomb either so even if he gets this a kill it would be the start of the round for nico really he's got to go on to find two more and that's assuming he's able to survive this crossing now it's got a bit weird that's a body but he doesn't realize they don't realize oh this is weird i think it was a span through the heart eco gets the first but now up in heaven he should get traded he should get traded nico should just die here but he's gotten to maine they're giving him main they're giving him a chance oh my word no time yeah he's not going for it he's not going for it he's saving he's wrapping away the bombs lost outside nico maybe just looking to do some damage oh damn oh i got so worried for a moment though nico shoots a dead body bubsky thinks he's shooting through the hut he's just holding hard looking at him oh god what a terrible it's fine though it's still six on the board for a straw australia they still find the round we don't have to forget about duprey's heroics nico didn't win anything so there we are ak saved reinvestment coming back in for g2 and another chance to put a stop to this comeback from astronomers yeah lovely opening from dupree again it all just feels so bittersweet so late in the game for astralis will it make any difference at this point here's another rifle round g2 with everything to play with we've got dupreeh once again opening ramp much as amadek did in that first half g2 look very looking for a quick pop that flash oh it goes very short but they're gonna run outdoor nonetheless and a double entry to maybe close out the first map of this series astralis someone needs to be heroic someone needs to stand tall amenite chasing through the smoke mages looking everywhere and he's getting spammed bobsky in the hut giving away his position with a nade they know where he is he's being wrapped onto it's all falling into place for g2 one more kill away and it's only dupree standing in the face of this t-side what a game this has been for g2 and there's nothing dubri can do except you know accepted the inevitable and go forward to dust yeah he's smoked off at every turn there's four still alive he can't find a thing onto the ak for dupreeh but look at all the crosshairs ready to fight him when he comes out of this main smoke oh i do pre i'm so sorry for him here oh here's the quad swing and ammon x gonna seal the deal g2 crazy dominant start to this semi-final series now a map up after taking astralis map pick away dominantly we move to dust two g2 can they live up to the two and audrey
Channel: ESL Archives
Views: 6,670
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CS Highlights, CS Live, CS Live Stream, CSGO, CSGO Live, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, ESL, IEM, china, competitive, cs, esport, esports, extreme, games, gaming, intel, masters, twitch
Id: FPlIt3dQLBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 17sec (3017 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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