CS:GO - Natus Vincere vs. Team Vitality [Dust2] Map 2 - IEM Beijing 2020 Online - Grand-Final - EU

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win your team is a pretty handy hall to be adding to a squad especially now that they're in flux with a six-man situation now as they're heading to dusk too i'm not we are yet to see them play here in iem beijing and they picked it against navy as the second map of the series t-star very brutal navi win up against vitality on nuke it was an rv's pick so it's vitality's turn to lay down the law and to make an opening statement as chad highlighted it felt like nuke was determined in the opening seven a 7-0 conversion from navi's t start well vitality starting on the attack and his electronic attacked he's on short they're swinging into mid taking space i was set up for success there they gather resources there is a lot of space on long the bombs go in there as i was trying to fake this out with the smoke and the presents it might work but and it's big from shocks and rpk they take down two of the hardest hitters electronic and simple hit the deck very much in trouble great shots from cyborg this is a better start only the util from perfecto it's not going to get him too far apex doesn't need more than just the info he keeps trying to keep them honest turns the flash a frag needed does plug flamie oh and a neat and tidy round all things considered double for apex to wrap things up put a bow on it and call it one yeah great misdirection there from vitality they bottlenecked all three of the na'vi individuals ever was the a site they rotated down towards ct to deal with the mid to b but it was all the ruse and then as they pick back out towards long the t's has already established positions the fact that they have those clocks at range it doesn't matter the pistols of electronic and simple swing on in they get taken down and that may as well be the round and the four spy to bounce back no scout from rv to note yeah they wanted close jewels lots of utility invested towards long no one's home from vitality early it's just sharks controlling the long doors push for now very slow stuff here just the default apex of course onto that scout he loves it on the four spies as well as the anti-ecos and operates uh as a scout with it for his team a very neat apt name you've seen this smoke a lot see many teams implement it into the structure the short molly of some description this one works perfectly flashes to swing well they've used a lot of utility just to get this short control right here and navi uh poised and ready just on the other side of this boom and she'll drop his smoke as soon as they feel that they're under threat one minute left just never now dealing with any pushes here the rest of the team retooling back towards long apex is left towards middle throws the flash on over out long they go and now navi caught between a bit of a rock and a hard place a classic a split and a miss smoke that's going to cause punishment yeah navira can work at least confirm that there's no walk up or there is and simple actually walked perfectly under the guise of the smoke navier she's coming ready for this flash from electronic he is gonna be so blind does adjust doesn't spray him down boom it's down ak now lost and they've got short control the bomb will be planted all the same where did navi go from here this is mid-round calling bomb is planted simple charges up short electronic baiting and gandalf factor has some nades here they can set this up smoke towards long flash towards the site here we go the smokes are down advancing boomich and flamie the first pawns in this chess board it's a big push multiple targets it's overwhelming not for zhai we're looking for a third electronic wins it naked now running low on time doesn't have a kit more damage though as he finds rpk a quick one onto apex is needed and he does get found big frag from the frenchman an important one wins the duel with just the usp we'll steal away an ak and the second round but damn was that close yeah very good stuff there from navi making a lot with very little not able to convert and the fact that they get stalled out towards goose so i would grabs a couple here that's all she wrote never very unlucky but this is the jewel here xi we're not going down to uh electronic immediately able to get a kill in all of that flurry and there's apex just finishing things off so that'll be hyped for the in-game leader as they will be opting back in three aks the mac 10 and apex will just be operating with the deagle this time round keeping residual cash to buy the awp because i will going forward but simple has just obliterated him yep that's the end of apex his story short simple made sure of that quick second frag added to his list so now that apex is dead right someone else is going to have to put their body on the line shocks is the one operating with that mach 10. might want to see him going in first making a bit of extra space because if they trade one for one on any areas of these maps the more ak's drop and potentially fall into the ct remake this nade is great it's so good hasn't done the damage you'd expect oh no and they've actually caught him straight through the smoke and avira a harrowing death into his third round of play first grand final for him boomerang has a usp here is he gonna play it safe looks like he's gonna let him into sight shot should be interesting images letting them in though this is so throwable they can lose their shocks to save them double booming baiting what do you do with this it's a usp how are you supposed to profit two of them don't know he's trying to find one he does throw it away rpk adjusts in time gets him down so low though three to zero poor questionable there from burmitch when he goes back i think should i have peaked with electronics should we try to fight them when they were stuck in that tunnel's choke point but he went for the game but he went for the risky play and it hasn't paid off yet that was a nice shot from rivera to get him on the board he's going to be feeling a little bit unlucky with his deaths in the last two rounds both around smokes flashes involved and here's boomage rpk thinking jesus where the hell did he come from there's a way we go 3-0 for vitality now it's great to see them bouncing back in such fashion it's gonna be a four-man alien right here from navi in the early stages just the one man perfecto to deal with b electronics aggressive cat presence will be felt that made cold they know how far forward he can be that's half of their intention of the grenade slows him down he returns on the flash or it's actually a nade shocks is taking a lot of space middle they've got three players there flames looking the wrong way right now oh dear he was not expecting that he's lucky to be alive makes the call feels like mid head and he's already gone down it's false to perfect so he's been so good and he continues to be so finding one shots does trade the bomb can go down they have the b site and rpk's gone it's a safe call fantastic frag that's the end of that save has to be made electronic backing away into what ct for safe shelter it'll be good to get away from this electronic if they keep the pressure on and simple goes down here oh my god he's been hunted apex is charging through t spawn simple hear this no scopes apex will he hold the orp i should hightail it after him here take this off away it is simple right this isn't just any day of the week off or we're talking about i know they don't want to throw away too much cash but rpk is low may as well get on in with it take the risk rpk making a lot of noise another no scope go on had a third to your list he'd rather survive he is being hunted i think he's done enough shocks holding the line simple refuses to give it to him great stuff in the survival of the awp but it was the be pincer and it works wonderfully yeah flamey went to drop a smoke at doors there but didn't have one so the molotov would have worked against him he was tucked in and he got punished that is the key to vitality in their fourth round so great stuff really good pace change navier dropping that deeper door smoke as well so the gap cannot be punished in the immediate stages but they still continue through knowing that flamey unlikely to have that double open eyes on middle it works perfectly in vitality looking good oh my god there's no way he saw anything that is illegal apex has just bopped the head off of electronic i didn't even feel like his crosstalk was in the right place that was so deep on the cross as well well that's one way to make a very big big advantage already buy against just a pistols desert eagle to defend against the full vitality b hit i don't know how see what you've got for us first bullet needs to be accurate and it is two to the belly never trading blooms in the tunnels they will start to recede simple address is middle he's holding the perfect line a big frag from simple boom and zai wu oh and a clean pistol p250 headshot gets us going 3v2 is a pivot a and it's working simple and perfect for miles away navira should be able to he's not there and perfecto has got him suddenly an ak falls into enemy hands this is worth a crack right now yes i was got the crosstalk he's not gonna miss perfecto a very short-lived ak-47 simple's already clutched up once so far this final he's gonna give it a go apex planted let's find this quick oh he's called it off he's called it off doesn't want to buy to this one needs the awp won't be able to afford it going forward to get all of those nades his teammates they're lacking cash so maybe they want to drop from him there was a chance the lack of kit probably dissuading him he would have known that xy will be rotating through long is always a hard head-to-head awp jewel and still had to get past apex who planted that bomb towards the side but there was moments there and that smoke towards the doors from vitality was actually a little bit deep we got a quick glance at simple with a gap underneath it so if vitality actually flooded onto the bomb site simple may have been good for one or two extra kills just there popping up the uh damage but all in all they've saved the big green that was the only weapon they came into round number five with good shooting from zai wu getting them online early here in map two yeah keeping it costly so that's a positive from na'vi within the early stages here the money hasn't ballooned the same weight for vitality as what it did for navi on their mat peak of nuke true yeah we were around round seven when simple had 13 grand so not on track for the same so they're really putting a lot of pressure on mr perfecto early he'll solo that b site use his protocol nades to stop any rushes flamie's boosting and assisting a and then he has to rotate back so that's going to be a dicey one if vitality do any pace changes towards fast middle or straight up towards that b bomb side and perfecto gets overrun right now navi need an answer and simple is looking for one aggressive towards along with the awp lots of pressure on his shoulders he's actually out of play he's being held at bay by shocks and the fact that on default teams will just spread out in this fashion one outside long one in the upper tunnels that's the extremities dealt with and three taking card as the nades land down on apex there's some good damage there but it's unconfirmed they don't know if anybody was home if anybody received that paul had a chance yeah and he's actually hit shots he'll be working with very little for the rest of the round electronics scouted out towards ramp as well they've got 60 seconds though they're in absolutely no rush don't forget the orp is actually or the second orb i should say is on b flamey given that responsibility it's one nade on perfecto that might get dunked into tunnels at the right timing could get a kill or two but now that shocks has been thrown over the awp in bogdan's law be safe from any early damage mid to b smokes come in simple is coming for the boost they're flashing through they're gonna go for this it's all about timing flash is perfect look at that i was so blind electronics sets him up for success and the success is found multi-kill ak upgrades it's dreamy finale they post their first on the defense and i love the flash from electronic yeah they didn't panic there under pressure from the mid to b most teams will spam the smoke or get a little bit frazzled but they're now v they understand how they want to deal with that that'll force the time out of vitality here similar fashion as to nuke after navi dropped their first round in the seven to one run they took a timeout and vitality up 5-0 now 5-1 take a time out of their own so both teams being very very liberal with these time-outs not a crazy amount to discuss here but the money has already been whittled down to the point where a buy is questionable a couple of members not operating with everything they need 3.4 on rpk 3.1 on apex shocks there at 3.8 that's before the investments have come on through and now they've bought you can see what that means i won the awps good rpk with a kalil not great apex on the tech nine and shocks yet to buy he loved him with the glitter as well they can make this work they're just operating at a little bit of a disadvantage considering the weaponry right now for navi those double orps retained an ak's picked up for electronics so another slow default spread made perfectly timed navira getting battered by that one and as we mentioned he's always shown up for vitality so far be the first time to see him not do so but here it has five kills to his name and 108 adr so things are looking very good i've loved playing in transition around these positions and not too many teams are comfortable doing so you really want to have it it's electronic and simple yeah like they have their own approach and it is definitely not for the faint of heart once again it is this default spread the reason he's jumping by the way is you can crouch under the line if you're standing he has to check that no one's trying to pull that fast one back to middle 4 electronic 60 second mark that is the gathering of the vitality resources we still have five smokes oh look it doesn't help them i mean they can they could fake a and pull electronic up the ramp and then hit that mid to be flamey perfecto setup we've seen it before they might want to drop this tech line into spawn right so if they do these wall smokes apex can operate quite well with that 30 seconds and doesn't feel like there's any clear intent right now i'm getting worried for vitality om is on xy very disconnected here they go dropping ct electronic was will be vulnerable he's been found by apex chasing him down but the spray oh perfecto a big test for him he's been great because i always found him now open b is open 15 seconds there's no one that can punish the plant simple and boomich why are you better off saving their resources it's successful right down to the final wire though but a b finish kind of sick for vitality yes shocks has taken the up away booming can save it it will be continued to be tested how's your booming i hope you've been warming it up oh they were thinking about coming forward but now the fear has cancelled that so conservative play from vitality the hunt was on and this is what we saw against heroic they knew when they needed to build the bank and they knew when they needed to hunt and this is one of the situations of the former as opposed to the latter just allowing this awp to get carried through sure simple will get another crack at it and sure it is simple it can find a lot of impact but for the remainder of the navy players not operating with too much booming should be out of by himself simple will be able to drop a rifle across electronics gonna need that and perfecto and flamey unfortunately for them they're likely gonna be told hey boys uh buy whatever you need they could operate with double orps right now but that would mean electronic uh might go without a weapon at least the rifle there's good chase here from shocks and it was exactly that they went for the spawn drop to cut off the rotation you could see electronic just stuck between a rock and a half place completely blind knowing that he was gonna get flanked god yeah and they were dropping ct as that flash came comes for the ct player like you are you're booked yeah very well coordinated from vitality there and as we get back underway navi have opted in so electronic did get a rifle out of that didn't even buy a lot of utility so interesting two awps they made the buy work and simple almost hits that shot oh electronic you're playing with fire here bro actually just gobbles up the flash and some lead devira the one to feed him that explains the lack of utility you're going for an aggressive player like that you're not going to need it do you have the forethought and he's pre-aiming that are you serious i can't believe he's pre-aiming that he must have heard something that's enough for boomi can't believe he's pulled a trade like that out of it pushing long doors as a ct is always a gamble but he makes that look like a calculated risk lovely stuff the crosshair placement perfect shocks he's been demoed well they're straight back to b right now all four members of vitality are gonna be in the upper tunnels on the other side of this is perfecto on platform with the m4 outside the doors will be flamey but we've seen smoke through the skylights here from vitality they're going to go for the same approach looks like xy who is good timing on that smoke they're going to go through it two flashes flame to be smoked off doors he does have a moment to pull the trigger but perfecto isolated now pushing through they need to time this well the flash is a good on the cross simple's lined up too and it's a massacre vitality concede navi post two yeah understanding a necessity to fight that you lose that b bomb site retakes become very very difficult so getting stuck in making sure vitality can't set up that bomb and go for those post plant positions another navi 4v5 by the way well i can't believe boomich was prepared for that i i didn't see initially how shocks got there and what vimmitch would have heard but all in all that is a very big kill to find and that leveling up the field helps narvey get back underway vitality have forced in here they've got some aks to work with a few deagles and the opening kill goes to simple they had aks i think there's no need to pluralize anymore it'll be tough to recover apex has actually just burned down to 42 great oh it was a bit shallow it did look perfect just a little off the mark now a big jewel electronic tested by xaiwa navira they got a bit of flux about them now vitality on their pistol round they showed intent towards the mid to b and then popped out long but harder to do on these gun rounds and apex is going for a play here he's on his own in game leaders in game leader booming on the other side of this all right well the smoke spam will uh continue as another 20 seconds of waiting oh no this is gonna get really tough smoking the long corner does mean they can check pit but it means electronic has got a lovely smoke to play behind and they're flashing through it looking good navira has clawed one back is diego tested shocks is there with him he survives as well weathers the storm nine hp dropping util simple the same he'll be using that to isolate this jewel onto apex which he has successfully done wants to peek around his own smoke shots knows it and simple punishes even confirming to vera's position not quite the stylish 4k already triples up and there's the four now simple up to his usual tricks putting navi back on the board with the quad kill on that awp you see why they save it now chad yeah 11 kills for simple now he's continuing that fantastic form here's the other look and i love that drop the smoke all right boys that's all right you can die it long i'll uh i'll just use my 300 shield and get myself the last couple of kills so simple styling on them right now but vitality still hold the lead scoreline six to three they're going to opt in with some light investments there's just a couple of p250s and three glocks so all in all this should be the fourth finale unless they make some huge blunders and boomers getting a bit inquisitive here aggressive on the anti-eco has a rifle to give away but also a lot of information and there's simple takes down zyewu not only was that the big man it's the bomb so they know at least it was towards the top middle there's the minute 20 left on the clock and they're not going to fight for control of this but navi should not know what by they're operating up against now and should be able to whittle this down without too many dramas whatsoever there's not even a flash of smoke to work with here for vitality so it should just be a shooting gallery yeah in the dream world it's a bomb plant just doubled in electronics somehow simples mouse falls off his table and you plan the power goes out yeah there we go electronics like uh deploying his shield that's the bomb and that's the round geez dust another three oh another four mind you he got zara at the start of the round so continuing his bag 15 now for simple he's definitely got a point to prove even if they may have just been a quick 4k the round prior was with a team vitality by clean precise shooting that is another 4k and the final bullet is usp just into the brain of shocks so it's good that um let him practice his position last night so yeah how kind of him you see what's happening now really had to get that does to warm up in this looks like a late long pounce they have a chance to isolate boomers who has been playing these positions on his lonesome quite often what are you made of my man nothing at this point simple did manage to find one on the cat lurk so now they can just probably by process of elimination focus their attention towards long they've cleared pit zara can tuck in now they can go with the navy approach against navy with this long control and the smokes that they're currently operating with it's four of which they can uh just wait this one out they can even throw a couple of bait smokes covering the flank right now will be rpk and the other three of them just need to wait try and bait out any utility that you can put as much pressure on and make sure that the cts don't take back control here comes the first wave of smokes and off of this utility might be dropped simply because that's so deliberate and now he's going to try and play around this as they push into the side they're continuing they're actually taking the site his own smoke to play around and it's worked he isolates the jump up now he can peek into the vehicle it's a shooting gallery for simple it's practically death a battle of the world's greatest or is it just the greatest simple with five 20 and four get out of my server is that back-to-back quad kills into an ace yes yes chad that is it's hard math but it's 14 frags in three rounds just expletive off yeah who is this zywoo guy oh you're having a bit of a laugh as well geez okay um simple's here i don't know if you guys have met him before but 20 kills so far and we still have a bunch of rounds yet to be played in this first half right after five pistols are back out there's a chance for him to rack up a bunch more where were you when simple in one grand final filled the entire reddit front page probably don't go hey um that's what i'm going to be saying if i'm apex hey guys um what do you think about b yeah you know that's the second letter of the alphabet i've heard good things about it let's see what's going on over there shall we we gotta be in the logo and they want to hit the same site it's perfecto's turn to find the multi-kill that wins the round he's just sprayed down three or he's two of them with bullets one with the flame and apex and shocks he's scratching their heads what do you do about this how do you solve a problem like perfecto another kill four for him he may as well give him the eighth off flame you gotta steal it i know you are no not today apex denies it give it to him it's an ace for perfecto in a grand final here for iem beijing as they tie it all up the 6-0 start in rv giving us the tutorial on how to claw it back vitality's pick and now six to six all right well totality what are you going to give us now your long take didn't work that is six rounds in the last seven of play oh dear okay it's stalled out here very much so vitality need to come alive this is map number two it is the best of five grand final there's a lot more counter-strike still to be played but with how online simple is right now i am getting worried rotating him back towards middle they're gonna have two awps to deal with flamie trying to see if he can find anybody jumping up xbox or sneaking up catwalk boomich again towards long he was the first to die last time round zoe's got his awp train so if you want to get cheeky about this one boomich and go through the big green lots of pressure four on the other side tucked in oh a perfect multi-kill rpk in the vera he tucked away from the wall bang yeah he just finds the perfect safe haven drops the smoke for survival booming weathers the spray navi again sees the advantage in the play shocks is in position he doesn't have the smoke or go flash that's perfect they can clean up flamey at least and no perfecto is just on b right now they could put a lot of pressure on him and maybe get the bomb site but they will have to trade him out so i was slowing down this myth to be with the smoke and molly combo simple's gonna disrespect it of course didn't take a single point of damage and now he's backing up b the same gap you outlined is now filled by simple who just happens to have 20 frags in 12 rounds of play 160 adr electronics out of nades here we might just tuck on down and let them push up if he takes a fight dies they will be open and booming is isolated the footsteps are being heard here we go electronic first test wow that's a quick adjustment takes down shots xy was spotted apex finding boom itch electronic has to tuck away from long he hears zyru hunting 10 seconds if he could deny the plan somehow maybe apex can find the hunter they can't boost he's dropping a smoke to play around looking to turn this around they need it zaiwa misses his shot apex already with two a boost is still being considered can they stop it zai was knocked simple off the boost a crucial one for the french perfecto to clutch he's found apex can't adjust and a very big win for vitality back on the board with the seventh needed that needed that that was a three on five situation they whittled down all by taking flamie out first and then just isolating some jewels felt like electronic had done enough on the side there but getting a little bit tricky around the smokes navi drop around where booming the in-game leader kicks things off yeah look at this he's even found a third that really is overcoming the odds yeah big kills here by apex contributing with zywitz simple goes down then perfecto through the smoke good trade and away you go it's a big one to win seven to six is the score line now tactical timeout will be called and that's gonna feel good yeah they've been made to work very hard for this i mean i expect nothing less in a final of this proportion but very close half now you can see the distribution of rounds it's been a half of two halves quarters if you will and we're here in the second quarter the tail end of the second quarter mind you what's the end of the first half we'll see how much we can confuse you out there as it will be a uh long jewel or first off simples won it very quickly very s very stylish start 21st frag found a zai who tries to take some initiative tries to fix up the stats he's staying mobile as well so he's now repositioned back over towards middle this is what zyra was trying to do on the ct side of nuke just very agile with the awp now simple's doing it here on dust2 the best map to do it on some might say he wants apex and he's found apex just sleeping anyone else peek me they all do anyone that presents into his crosses is eliminated go on flamey a quick one on to rpk simple wants another quad kill i think he hasn't had enough of them a 24th frag he is sending vitality he's practically packing their bags for them keeping it going this is a stylish start it's up against cyborg doesn't look like he's even breaking a sweat at this point everyone why are we peeking into this man he's not missing vitality now fifth grand final of the year and simple does this you gotta think they've made it all the way to these grand finals time and time again and now the big man absolutely leveling them here is almost getting a chance over the top of the smoke and he does look at that he even cops the scout shot apex shot first simple doesn't care doesn't flinch pulls the trigger perfectly that's the 12th death put for apex's count he's over towards b now as well and that's where they've had some of their success vitality so if they want to try and finish on the b bomb site they have to get through simple he's got flamie in tow perfecto's over towards middle right now that side of the map is fortified boom it's so deadly towards long they just leave him to his own devices knowing that he'll either be good for info or a kill an electronic sits on the a-ramp it's perfect right now for navi and they're up against a scout two deagles and an ak there's a bucket load of utility there's plenty of time on the clock that's not the problem that hasn't been the issue for vitality here it's this man this one at least three rounds single-handedly make it four can this be the fifth you know chad i believe so perfectly effortlessly has not been flashed once and now his vision's maintained a tag the deagle frag does shocks does trade him so damage done but that's the bomb perfecto found a crucial component of this retake it slowed them down now the pressure can be applied perfecto has got himself ready for window 35 seconds the noose tightening as the tunnels are being locked down by boomish and shocks is actually prioritizing boom it's the passive stance from boom which does keep him alive 25. we are not giving him anything it will be perfected to take first contact a flash on him which is coming down perfect timing and when he's looked at the clock he knows he can just have to stop the plant and they swing together it doesn't look easier eight to the vitality seven and they found six of them at the very start looks like navi you've got control can they twist the knife into a 2-0 to start off the best of five [Music] [Applause] [Music] and nights admitted my tears dried up their stories over were getting older we're never sober i'm so hungover but inside i know there's still a light that keeps us together and there is nothing i would rather have together with our reliance it shouldn't be rocket science hey if i'm being honest we're just feeling lost inside [Music] baby i know that i [ __ ] up but hear me out just a minute i'll say what's up [Music] we can't be broken by words unspoken our life's an ocean but right now it's frozen but inside i know there's still a light that keeps us together and there is nothing i would rather have together with our reliance it shouldn't be rocket science hey if i'm being honest we're just feeling lost inside [Music] [Music] if [Music] every single line every single [Music] maybe we can change the only one i see nothing at all two 4ks into an ace to summarize our first half and by my math chad that's 14 by most human realm maths that's 13. yeah still impressive i mean you know i've done the math i got the calculator out and i've worked it out you were close but no cigar right there listen my twitter description was i'm bad at math for about five years i might have to throw it back in i apologize for what i lack in numbers i make up for in noises i'm one of your noise makers sponge is the other fuji dot bet favor navi quite heavily in this grand final one can understand why but the half is certainly much more convincing than it was over on nuke simple hunting for an opening frag if you got it i'm sure things would have looked different but just a chance riviera's weathered the storm so far we'll take it to mid control here flashed out the doors flame he has a little bit of a look sees nobody's home that's going to help the mid to late round if they want to go back for a mid to b and now we can see up cat they're just working with a molotov and two flashes here so this is a difficult approach these flashes are going to have to be picture perfect to keep apex blind only towards the side that made an exchange here comes the flashes oh that nade is perfect half's electronics health flash to evade them but they're crosting close apex got a lot on his play rpk in support can't find them zai was swinging in electronic already with the first frag simple is pinced and locked them in from b navira has to address them has to deal with simple he's so disconnected from the pack and the frags are all favoring his teammates it gets awkward for shocks a mouse will jump still a frag onto the vera and the 1v2 winnable kick close perfecto wants the info on short navira wants to punish he's now running a little bit low on time clean shots required he knows where they both are now i'll be running that clock down to perfection and avira's chances dwindling here fresh mag hard frag does pluck the head off perfector with a good one but that's nine for an rv almost got out of control there there's a lot of kills which fell foul over there towards ct spawn but all in all now v they mop it up and they're able to walk away with a pistol round on a map that they like as well and you're going to hear a lot of that within this series we're going to overpasses the third map and that's the map where vitality have been playing some great cs lately too so there's a lot to sink our teeth into here today but first and foremost we have to get through this one as the four spy will come out apex onto the scout mp9 for shocks eagles for the other three and simple cops are tagged early so apex getting the better of him in the early stages of round number 17 and he even wants to hang around knowing that damage needs to be done the warning shot made through not doing any damage he's not backing down from this apex he's locked one in towards the top mid green box if flamey goes for a little jiggle he might cop a tag long control 2a smokes early from boomish electronic they want to get the ct's nervous and he did get tagged there damage they're going back towards b only one man on the site right now good shot from electronic hold on sharks and sharks has pushed forward straight into simple scout they have the sight it's all theirs and i'm afraid the cruel reality for the cts is now it's a battle of survival maintain what you have i don't think he's going to let that happen he's already pushed that bridge he's going to deny almost the scout never gets around the corner and how much does flame you want this he's low as well can't take any damage or too much damage because he's going to be falling he's contained them now cleared off that a bomb site the rest of the players from navi is starting the hunt one towards ct that'll be simple he might take this long-range jewel you've got tightening the noose electronic from t spawn they are towards pier and the long doors this is not easy fights to take but look at this on the fly up and over we go they're going to use this boost and exploit the smoke revera is getting peaked on it's so good and rpk lovely deagle work can he finish the job off there we have it electronics eventually taken down but there you are probably too dissatisfied with that i think the galilee falling in the hands of zaiwa does suck but the fact that rpk didn't get to hold on to that deagle as well that is a much better ending to the round navi we're looking for that hunts and i guess they want to continue to punish the economy of vitality here knowing that was an all-in it was a force by they will have to operate on an eco right now but they do have this galil so if he can find himself at the right place at the right time he's good for a couple here navi had to reinvest on four of their members three ak's two smgs a bit more pep in their step right now as they take mid control quickly boomich mantling on up that mac 10 in hand will be on the entry duties to make some space the flashes are good and they have short control and mid within the early stages if ever there was a time for a zyu round this would be it but it's the kevlar behind the galil the rest are the pawns this is our queen's i would lock they have to fight now needs to be tapping but he's been caught it's just electronics ak that draws the blood of the potent rifle and there's more for electronic as well making sure there's no threats boom it's very low after up he gains eagle work but still no casualties simple adds another quarter to the wagon he's actually about to find 30 frags in the third round of our second half here that was so well done there from navi the second wave of nades came out as perfect timing and navira he can't convert perfecto finish him off it's a clean sheet from navi lots of damage done but no kills converted as vitality now will have to buy on in and operating with 5.8 k zawa is surely looking to get out the big green 29 keep your eyes on devera he might do some secondary orping duties over towards b not in this round the rifle will be picked on up he's got an m4 a smoker and a flash simple as the same amount of franks as rpk shocks and apex combined that is insane he is uh really running away with this here today oh all right well this is something a spectacle to behold there's vitality's map pick and they're being made to look a little foolish here flamey does inflict some good damage unconfirmed as it may be remember it was 5-0 to kick this off from vitality and since then they've only managed to post two more rounds so really back against the wall there's been one-way traffic for navi since then i was set up on short the protocols often force the opera out of this angle before he ever gets to take a shot i'd be surprised if there's an exception to that rule here umich surely not yes it's enough he actually finds it booming setting up his nade exposes himself zaiwoo's opened us up with the first arvino stranger to overcoming a man disadvantage though we saw plenty of it on our first and another opportunity to do so here don't forget unconfirmed damage on the initial spray it seems unlikely they're going to go late long they want to try and avoid this zaru orp two players looking for a pick right now towards the end and other smoke's just been thrown on out so that b defense is now just operating with two flashes and a hey chief and avira and shocks alike and towards the upper tunnels not going to do any damage whatsoever so both of them completely rooted on towards that b bomb site no eyes on mid to b now that it's been smoked off apex wants to have a look might have to take a gamble here another smoke for the mid to be so he's not going to push this they need to get a couple this is never up first real test on the behold the flash is good the molly too deep he's actually gets to live this is crazy and it could very well be round defining peaking into simple though not easy shocks these are multi sections good frag the bombs loose simple he's just about got enough time he hasn't he'd have to get both of the frags and their peeking survives by the skin of his teeth he actually had the chance simple faking at six seconds and he got both of the jewels off okay vitality an eighth given to them by and that's wing and it's time out time first from rv here on our second map vitality eight and that's the first ct round they've posted it's i was contributions again that do lead to the victory there's your 30 frag in round 19. you're so close there yeah it was man look at his face that would have been that would have been the the double kit pistol of dust 2. yeah there was a lot of pressure on in that moment with only the four or five seconds left as that bomb sound starts going down of course they're gonna force forward looking for him simple knew he didn't have enough time to plan takes the fight and almost converts 32 kills three assists eight deaths 152 adr by the way and this is the thing right when we talk about simple he can have these performances but i didn't wake up today expecting him to be having back-to-back mammoth games here in a best-of-five grand final he is uh definitely motivated for this one as burmese taking space has to be careful a couple of eyes looking towards him make that three he's into the guys the shocks they're finishing was just pimped him through the door jumping back and now the train for electronic as well they've got the number advantage i really don't see that every day he wants i would he's gonna find it 34 just climbing up they still need five more rounds to convert this map how many more kills can this guy get i honestly don't know what what are the records i don't know i don't someone i don't need to turn my phone off my phone's off as well maybe let rush know that's a picture rush rushing one two three four five six simple's doing something especially in grand finals get the hrtv wizards on it but rpk and navira hanging out chilling hoping for a navi slip up they cross their t's if they dot their eyes there should be no way back in simple's continuing to keep two players busy the only two players four hp they will get dunked finally they've bested him and the bomb will go down with a long plant it spells trouble low hp four electronic he's not taking that up long and they are just gonna have to accept and cut their losses this will put a 12th on the board and a 34 frag total for simple wow all right 12 to eight can i see that shocks in the replay i'm sure we will uh max is on the ball today but he's caught shocks jumping back normally that is nothing more than i mean at most a tag to take the head shot through the door yeah and the thing is sharks gets the opening right there and he was just trying to get out of dodge because you don't want to be isolated on that side of the doors and like you said you you don't expect to get punished like that it's it's hard to hit those shots the best of times let alone in a grand final so they've saved the all they're looking good bank is built i feel like vitality should take a time out here they have some to work with they have some things to discuss right now because they've just been bounced back on immediately they will save these guns they will continue to be threatening but all in all what can they opt for there it is the timeout so one more remaining after this we're at the business end of the game it feels like so boomers jumping up he's not looking right shocks here swings out okay gets the kill refrag okay so a little replay bot didn't oh did it catch that didn't catch the kill so it all happened too quick there oh well i like the way he actually peeked into xy there looking like he had it perfectly red he knows what's going down is it intuition is it heat maps is it a combination of both of them we don't get answers to tonight yeah i i just feel this man right now is uh vibing it he's feeling it really is he's uh in the zone i think is probably the most i mean you don't generic tag he's definitely in that and i think just being told that some people think this guy's better than you and it's a grand final are probably enough of a motivation for someone that's dedicated his life to mastering the craft that his counter-strike well here he gets another dual navera has the awp this time round i was just operating on a pistol out towards long this time it won't be the fast approach but they're taking it late electronic is going to be an absolute rat around these smokes going for a nut meg play shocks is on the other side perfecto back to plug up the gap and here's a flash ready and ready to go here it comes jocks is through he's going to pass him yeah and he gets them both with his positioning alone body shots testament to that they're up long navi had four there holdings destroy them as well yeah it doesn't get better than that navira should and does connect onto perfecto but it is all too little too late zai wu you your pondover are likely going to be seen in his hands if they can keep it that's clearly an if all right we're good luck they're already in ct spawn get to b go spawn which way are you going chad left or right backyard maybe try and get some distance between you and them he hasn't no info t spawn doesn't want to go there yet they've got him completely locked there's a player coming from b hill that's flamie he's already made it across the window sorry zyward boom that is the 13th now and it will be the buy round for vitality they did take a partial investment with those saved guns but all in all we haven't seen much fire down in the second half again and that was great from electronic we saw a similar scene within the early stages of the first half when navera was dealt flashing his face he went down electronic stands tall gets two and basically wins it right there so they lost all the guns they didn't get much damage to the economy whatsoever and rv they're continuing forward with this their game plan is working perfectly xy on the corner flashed off he's already under pressure they're trying to set him up for some more here's yeah in slow motion as long as lost and they invested three players into it everything is going right for navi every single decision every single call they've got to move for no matter what scenario they find themselves in that corner smoke forcing them wide now it's just navera he gets a leg shot it's not even the kill perfecto gets to wipe the sweat off his brow it couldn't be going better you really couldn't that's 14 already vitality nothing in stark contrast with the statement you just made has gone their way ah so often these early casualties just translate into misery fear is running straight with his knife out it's going to be another painful death a bitter pill to swallow narvi set for success now boom itch adds adds three to his score tally and this is how it happened they just line up like it can't get any easier than that that corner smoke was dropped oh dear oh yeah you're bubbling the coach is doing it the in-game leader is doing it you've been in four grand finals this is their fifth correct yeah their fifth grand final at 20 20. they have yet to lift the trophy they have been the bridesmaid every single time i would say i want to wear the dress one day i reckon if anyone gets anything silver for these vitality players on christmas they are gonna be mad sick of the silver sick of that second place narfy are making them work for every round if they want to chase the gold here all right that's info yeah and it's damaged so completely false info because they've all just crossed back to long i'll get juked all right well there's a shot for vitality in this one because of the low hp but if navi continue to play as clean as what they have they'll have a move for every single decision they want to make the timing on this push they're going to see nobody home towards middle that molotov that was the only sign of life it's all five doing the classic play through long perfecto might just hang around top middle here working with only one flash in navera's hands right so if it is this long play novera needs to set them up but they're just going contact right now they might not do the smokes this is not telegraphed at all there's nobody home it's perfect it's truly flawless oh come on now this is getting silly they had more smokes for the cross but instead of dropping double and allowing it to be played around with the pistols simple is just pushing forward he wants more frags he's not going to get him but he's hungry for more yes it's booming that will take his place though and wrap this one up as neat and tidy as it possibly could be ladies and gentlemen of the jury navy have come in absolutely scorching simple looks omnipotent 36 and 10 on vitality's pick apex is truly taking off his headset and his glasses at the end of a round they're feeling completely absent of ideas and innovation they don't know what to do this is a double or panic button it's been hit final round potentially flamey fires off an orb shot they've pulled out flamie's orb for this one simple's got other plans it's walking down middle and finding sharks he's gone the nemesis has been eliminated bested by shocks a window for vitality they have to jump through this and they have to jump through it with as little casualties as possible i'm still in t spawn right now so i'm not sure what navier thinking here there's plenty of time on the clock to work with they've got that short control and i think perfecto has just been told hey mate deal with that long push guess the bomb and we'll sit up for a bit of an a piece because that's all there is to play with electronic getting limped on out with a flash but they're just looking to see if they can level up the fields here damage is good he's hanging around for this baiting out a lot of nades they're keeping vitality on their toes apex is going to smoke this one off maybe we'll drop that on the signal of their a smokes electronic setting something up now now they've all regrouped where's apex's lineup i think he's trying to dissuade this avant-garde set up but he's changed it now he's swinging into this ahead of it to get the info and he does spot electronic he knows it's not a ruse damage good damage needs to reload dips down it's navira to be tested now what have you got a miss perfecto crossing closing the gap can crouch now navira knows it finds the head good shooting rpk duels with flamey oh a spot shocks has caught flaming as well shots from behind the saving grace for vitality navi made something out of that 4v5 disadvantage shocks opening and closing that one there the hugest jewel to take was against simpler the mid doors so maybe getting uh a little bit ahead of themselves here now v mixing things up like you said flamey on the awp but one of the notes here is never actually over towards the a bomb site with the awp and zygote over towards back of flat there's a lot of things that can facilitate that spawn's usually one of those but navira maybe not as comfortable with that position at least in his time with vitality i've been able to survive 15 to nine back out long perfecto keeping the pressure on he's got nowhere to go drops the smoke or survives the nade looks good apex though can you find a frag one flamey low two the spray could be good running out of bullets 15 got our shoes wisely where he puts them and he's been caught through the gap electronic doesn't see the smoke icon so he's definitely just found vision rpk's typically the long player and i can't even finish my sentence as electronic finishes off rpk simple's holding that push you'll check very important frag shocks don't take your time with it gathered long now practically locked in if they can push top mid well they're going t spawn with the bomb if they can get a timing on this there's still one minute left on the clock navira what are you looking at bro smoked they're going to make it past no info if they hightail it to be right now they can still catch these vitality players out of position zoe hasn't taken back long lower though dude that's powerful imagine if he dropped a smoke how would he get that info though is he gonna look in here this is the wrong plate okay very tight line do you see anything on the gap nothing they've just stalled out a bit and he's gone down boomitch how do you find that double ops vera i need a frag out here and he has found flamey boomick with the bomb on his back up high can't hit the flick down to 48 electronic mollies running out of safe haven jiggles and fit hits the shot as well go on navira he saves them with a triple kill navi are so threatening but a triple kill from navira the super sub adds another three to the tally top of the scoreboard for his squad in the face of adversity big frag from navira here he was under pressure that molotov behind him couldn't back pedal had to take the fights and hitting some big frags right there and once again shocks on to simple in two back-to-back rounds they have been key kills in this comeback from vitality here navi will be able to buy again the aks this time no awp they're heading straight towards b it looks very fast mid spokes already throwing they might want to extinguish this are they going shocks is to put down the smoke they'll come through it don't have your nade out it's going to be so fast navira pulls the trigger onto boom it's good nade damage perfecto flashed a team flash no less navi starting to slip up and navira is hitting every shot he takes two kills already there's more damage from shocks never finding another finally navira fills the feed get out of b a statement made in two rounds consecutively popping off 11. that's a timeout two now taken from rv they're on to the 3k mark they're perhaps trying to rush the finish here trying to hurry the rip the lid of pandora pandora's box closed and now it's given vitality room to breathe fresh oxygen in their lungs uh pitter patter of applause of the crowd of this grand final a bit of a smirk right there as well because he's had some huge impact here in the first half simple he was destroying the round after round multi kills galore we're not just talking 2ks we're talking 4ks in an ace can we take a moment of silence for apex's 10 assists he's got the triple double here poor soul hey you're not happy with that 10 assists just going orion a couple of rounds a couple of kills but if he comes alive now in the late stages 15 to 11 still need four more rounds to take us to overtime here on map number two the buy is looking good navi have forced on into this they've made it work they've got the alt for symbol two aks out for flaming electronic utility good as well and those tech nines are perfecto on boomix they're used to operating at a weapon disadvantage straight out the mid doors again they've been working with this room so far tries to bait out util with the tec-9 shots electronic speaker of util just catches a load of it flak now chips away to 63. an angle simple favors as well using it against them as he sees the tip of the head it's a very hard shot to hear boomer actually managed to land what sounded like a dink it was through the corner though no damage really inflicted what's electronic lining up there i can't believe that that was a two hp dig that's uh some wild stuff booming's gonna feel a little bit hard done buying that sound q maybe he calls that is low so fought for the sound queue well smoke towards the mid to b this one from electronic getting ready to go out as well we'll land on the lip of the boxes oh apex i love it oh and it's perfect two bodies hit the deck navi losing two crucial components of what was supposed to be the b pincer only 35 seconds left am i just considering save this awp right here they can't pick up the ak-47 that's been stolen perfecto is there a rifle there oh there's another one never mind two rifles at the double doors very fitting the shocks is taking dark space with 20 seconds it would be the save callers the right play but i'm not sure if they're going to get the chance if they go down after time they won't get the lost bonus which is only 2900 going forward abby will have to take a save it felt like they were running away with this but now the pressure on steps are heard simple can you hold on to the or i can't believe they're not clearing lower tunnels this is wild they're hiding in plain sight here they have just saved the rifles in lower dark as towards t spawn is where vitality sent out the search party they get another crack at it with the 2900 now you want to see a save you don't want to see boom it's flamey or electronic invest anything that means they get the 3400 in the netherlands okay it's actually thrown over the ak because can afford the kevlar selfless player here from perfecto he's been big in this game he has 21 kills so far electronic with 19 and of course simple god mode 36 but surprise perfect they're not backing himself in here it will be a partial investment a little bit more than that from navy shocks has been great holding this mid doors presents electronic it does have a little glance now v when he's slowing it back down get a grasp on this again it's been four in a row for vitality starting to plant their feet dig their heels in to the mud of dust too italia playing spawn base with these awps one round naver is b the next is over towards a and then same for zyward they keep moving around baseball for their spawns that gives them advantage going for some of these early picks and if they keep going towards navera i would be a little bit worried he is hitting some big shots right now up to 23. so more pressure towards b uh triple kill and a quad kill from the virus b tests previously i'm not going to try and add them together it's 14. thanks me oh nivera flash is good shocks is gonna have a lot to deal with from doors need to see some shots hitting they're swinging it's so overwhelming doubles up is this the end flame you think so save now you certainly can't 45 seconds navi looking to go 2-0 up a perfect flash they need to finish the job flame is down so is the bomb we've got a 3v3 zombo has good names for this there's a molly on rpk as well and apex even with some flashes they can make this retake work this has to be perfect the smoke is going to enable a bit of doubt an isolation of the jaw simple looking for a quick scope util dropping boom what is that apex has to clutch up baits the shot but simple pulls the trigger a quad kill pulls them across the line simple in disbelief
Channel: ESL Archives
Views: 73,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, ESL, IEM, esports, gaming, competitive, esport, CSGO, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, CS Highlights, CS Live, CSGO Live, CS Live Stream, cs, intel, extreme, masters, china
Id: iy4ky_tB_Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 21sec (3561 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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