CS:GO - Astralis vs. Virtus.pro [Overpass] Map 1 - IEM Cologne 2021 - Quarterfinal

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side well the time is now janko jason thank you so very much we are looking at a quarter final and we're staring right down the pipe furnace pro versus astralis winner plays g2 in the semifinals but they've got to get through it here first taking care of this action it's gonna be harry and hugo let's do it fellas yes indeed it was just earlier on this year cavita 2021 these two teams faced each other in the quarterfinals and their vp put an end to astralis and then went on to reach the grand final if you remember well here astralis looking a little different with bobsky in the mix they're hoping that they can return that favor that they can get revenge and already this pistol round has opened up in a brilliant way man advantage for australis vertus pro gonna look for some results down here towards short water and b they're grouped up outside of the site but astralis a lot of bodies here a lot of players in the right place hugo i'm gonna let you deliver some of these moments as the b take looks like it's about to come in oh dude pre got a spot as well he saw them going back monster so the info's there for astralis they've got quite the stack of this b site cleared on the barrel though bubsky gets headshot and magisk doesn't get much more favored either buster lovely little entries he's been a clutcher at this event but now he's doing the opening kills vp can get a bomb plan astralis don't currently have a kit but they're moving in quick sneaking and trying to get this round back under control three on three is glaive from the heavens fires a shot down and you've got to watch out for zip yeah zip is getting close oh up in the face of the man in the sight him and kicker do a bit of damage either way however these opportunities not quite open to astralis double and there's the openers that gets them back in glaive from heaven as well it was ten points of health comes in with a big old double kill and astralis they're gonna get the pistol around here to open up overpass yeah right uh there's no time for for losers in this one it's quarter finals right now vp man you know this court they may have the land experience harry they may have been to the grand final of a major but no one is going to trump a star astralis when it comes to those world stages when it comes to the high pressure when it comes to just five dudes sitting in a room and racking up 16 rounds yeah i'm not for all the days this is something right even in that interview they did with hl tv something that was very very interesting to me was like coming into this event if you remember glaive said publicly that yeah without a uh you know a top offer without a dedicated upper wig and a struggle was zip enclave then when it gave an interview saying actually we're not satisfied with just quarter finals we want to try and make this a default run so suddenly you know they've tasted the uh the blood in the water as it were and they're hungry for more they're bloodlusting they're remembering what winning feels like on the astralis side hell if they can get this deep without an awp who knows how far they could go with one in the future right now it's a lot of real estate getting taken look at this deep smoke teams like big even have a lineup for this exact smoke outside barrel that you could throw from b astralis at least had pop flashes to get their team through the short tunnel but vp are now completely cornered now that being said vp this is their bread and butter they're not complaining they love sitting in t-spawn so let your kindle work mid with the deagle and the rest of your pistols can wait outside b to try and explode near the end of the round you can just be spotted he's trying to close the gap he's trying to find a kill here but even if he doesn't he's ready to go down con and join his team in this b bomb site the first man in the uh firing line will be duprey they have one flash to deal with him or do they want to save it for the b bomb site yeah i mean that's the uh that's the awkward part as it were right like you've only got this one bit of utility you've got to put it somewhere and i'm imagining it will just be for the b player i think your kinder might just get churned up on his compush look at this stack now magiskas just called it glaive's gone down lower no kit no need this is not getting into a retake yeah it really shouldn't at least right you'd like to hope these pistols running into a stack it should be a cleanup for astralis and it's looking like it here's the mp9 churning them up bubsky making quick work of the b play and dupree's there to close it out astralis they get that conversion it was just pistols there for vp so they've got the rifles coming out here and now yeah um you know vp they're already showing us what they often do right a very very slow t-side i do like their overpass though i think this could be a really really exciting series for the map we have uh the maps we have here today it's a shame to see no vertigo no ancient but uh you know with a classic decider of inferno who knows where the series could go 2-0 for astralis this is the buy right we talk about the awps harry we talk about the lack of primary or for astralis well they're up against quite the conundrum in james he's already crossed playground he's beaten the molotov meanwhile magisk is pushed deep in middle and the grenades are softening up future targets he's yet to see them he's got to be careful oh he knows shane could be in the back line but magisk can't win his front fight yokinda gets out with 20 health and takes the man advantage there's no trade available look at how far he peels back after that kill and glaive realizes it better than anyone so long he goes keeping the triple b and now this this is everything vp ever wanted in a gun round like this it's very very important that you get your kinder getting these opening kills from the get-go right glaive's going to cancel out that man advantage by dealing with buster on the push at long but you're still easing back into a forum for vp are fine with this you know they would rather they they didn't lose the man at long but now they have the information they're starting to group down towards b there is still a three-man stack here for astralis they're putting a lot of bonus on the astralis side on just having this one player anchor down the a bomb site vertus pro left with 40 seconds and it's all getting a little bit wild now utility lined up by your kind of try and smoke off heaven and give these guys on the short side a bit of an easier time james trying to open up meanwhile up in the toilets on the a site sanji's cut down james does get one of these entries into b with just 20 seconds left you've really got to go you've really got to get a move on and you're still in a two on two at this b bomb site yeah the flanks even coming in if vp want to commit 15 seconds here they go it's only zip in the pit who can actually put a stop to this plant he's waiting for the flashbang that covers the short side and now it's just him will bang through the sandbags and astralis find yet another retake here on the lowest site nice try for vp again considering that was you know although it started strong in a five on four right astralis managed to hold b quite well they didn't rotate anyone off it was just glaiving the toilet that entire round and so a triple b stack is more than enough to keep vp on the edge something that was interesting as well was heading into this game uh we had that little interview out here kinda and i liked one of the points he touched upon he said like the thing about our playstyle is it doesn't need confidence it doesn't need us to be making these ballsy plays right when i think about vp this is a team that really play that clock out they really play a numbers game right it's very slow very methodical it's a very grueling style to play up against and it is one that you know we heard the likes of olaf saying look man players aren't doing the same ballsy things they were doing online well vp is saying look we don't have to do ballsy plays that was never in our wheelhouse here's a fast b play bit of a change of pace when they're just on this force is it gonna give them the results blinder barrels is zip but he's still alive still fighting onto the usp lighting them up on the exits it's looking like another astralis round four yet to really make her dead oh this got to feel good for a straws man it feels like 2019 all over again and yeah you've got to watch out for those astralis usps glaive showed us that uh just the other day at the end of the groups and so yeah vp on the receiving end of zips as well the b sites have looked really good right now for astralis right they they haven't rotated off they've had three here every single round for the get-go to the very bitter end and vp are not getting too comfortable back into another gun round here and they do have the orb at least on both sides oh they're employing this five-man boost is it going to catch anyone that's not a heaven-bound player so jump peeking not going to throw himself into danger and the boost is disassembled this is given a lot of time to duprey to get set up over here in middle he's now in a very forward position dupreeh they've given you room thanks to employing this boost is he able to capitalize that's the question now we're honed in we're all in on dupree and buster is as well he pre-stocks tanking after that one and a man advantage taken for vp to open up this round it's how lost went though right and that didn't end too well if magisk can try and equalize things and get out alive as glaive did maybe there's still hope but he hears a lot of steps and up back he goes to the toilet this time astralis should be sitting 2-2 glaive was heaven might have to rotate back up and help magisk on this top side zip at least has the monster info with the scope and just getting played with right now by kicker and his utility ah there's the legs and it will grab the kill now it's magic toilets and he gets another 1v1s working wonders for astralis and back to the site they go glaive did end up lower for a moment but there's no one committing here for vp three t's with not much util and now walking into a two-man hold adjust is even re-aggressing into the toilets trying to hit this timing and he has gotten past sanji now they should be calmed right the toilets was never cleared they don't really know much about it sanji's gotten up into the site but bear in mind magisk is still back in the toilets he's dealt with james the bomb has been dropped inside of a and we're just 10 seconds for buster he might have been good at clutches this round is one that's a little too far gone astralis 5-0 continuing to find success and just not stopping it's flawless so far not really showing any signs of changing in that regard once again they go a man down and are able to recover it feels like vp bear in mind astralis have had a good few a good few days now to get ready for this matchup i think they're very aware of what they're going up against right like with uh think about navi at this event i think one of the things that's made in rv so scary is they are playing especially on their t sides a bit of a different approach really right we've seen a lot of changes of pace out of them you never really know what you're getting with vp it's been pretty standard so far it's been these slow rounds and i think astralis are kind of using that against voters pro right they're very very willing to throw a player into a fight comfortable in the knowledge that vp are not going to explode into a site on the back of it right even think about that round there magisk is so keen to fight in middle in spite of being the only a player you know he's not worried about dying and then just taking the a site away that hasn't really happened so far yeah they haven't really picked up the pace to pressure astralis to have to you know force these rotates around early so a little worrying that this 5-0 is coming in to open up on vp's map pick for sure and that's that's a problem vp probably want to discuss as well right two last rifle rounds they've had five on fours without trade immediately has come down to as you say late trades from magisk and glaive so now vp you know they've lost two advantages they're on attack uh tech timeout because astralis of a drop player and no one can talk it's a vp they can't sit here and uh try and figure out the answers to what's posing problems they just have to take a deep breath hold their own wait a second before they get back in it's pretty scary when you're down 0-5 in that position for astralis they can remain calm and collected because everything's going to plan it may be vp's map pick but you certainly couldn't tell let's try this all over the board right now and yeah this is not the uh the opening match up the vp probably would have wanted right a hungry uh you're coming back to their own astralis on the precipice of land it's been over a year since land playoffs for these guys they don't want to bundle the opportunity you said it yourself that interview they even said quarterfinals is not enough we have higher expectations we have higher aspirations i mean something else that was brought up in that same interview was how you know the contracts for astralis are obviously running out fairly soon and how the future's kind of uncertain for these guys for the first time in a while um and in the interview they said we don't know who's gonna be on the next iteration of astralis so that's like uh you know in that essence this could be a time either to try and you know really showcase that you still got it try and up your value man like you're hungry to uh to keep showing that in spite of the changes in spite of the rough hands you've been dealt you're still the same old astralis for sure and you know we may have just brought in young pubs but uh we've even got that astralis talent roster to keep an eye we know many teams have pulled up players from academy rosters nip being another great example right with ctr and linus so yeah that's always an option less so people on the chopping block more so people moving off to greener pastures but are they greener is the question and the answer will depend on the results of this tournament how deep will astralis go 5-0 up we're back into the action vp they are broken once again and glaive seems to be opening frivolously tried his hand at the wall bang here on these con players very aware as to what vp are attempting to run here they know that control has been taken and now hangs in the balance short water as well secured by vp so they've got a lot of presence down here towards this b side they've got good options as well to rotate at the drop of a hat thanks to this connector control what do they want to do with it you see players making their way out through middle but this bomb is still waiting outside of monster i'm getting the impression that this is destined to be a b play what with connector and short taken and so we will see jamin sanji starting to lean towards this side of the map especially with uh buster making this decision to give up middle and rejoin the monster players it is looking like vp have got their mind made up if there's one bomb site they haven't been able to get into though it is this one dupree flash forward and yakinda's good to trade at least that's a gun given to an armored man and a dangerous one at that astralis into an immediate four on four and they'll hold off still have a good bit of utility to keep vp out and on the flip side it's not quite as favorable for this t-half they've got one flashbang getting into the b-side without smokes that's going to be a difficulty although you they might come to you first sip again re-aggressing and astralis just going for this info they've spotted a couple of players outside beaming he's going to confirm that as he kills james coming up connected but there's more where that came from which is lovely spray kicker will trade but i don't think it's going to change the round 10 seconds and astralis are already here yeah kicker dies crossing and glaive is there to lock in the round great responses out of astralis man like they had uh they had a piece in place to uproot and uncover that vp game plan every single turn the players in b were constantly applying pressure that made vp start to doubt themselves and look elsewhere and so it forces them back up into magisk at the top of khan yeah and think about some of that solo a play that stratos have had in this game because it's been vp with four or five players have been most of these rounds the strollers have you know they had dupri push playground on that five stack boost we've had glaive deep long we've had magisk fighting middle and party keeping that info and keeping the stack down on lower vp haven't really caused any problems to this mid info so astralis have enabled stacks round after round and now they're starting to get aggressive now they're feeling themselves magic takes down sanji with a flash through connector and dupri's pushed up on a messed up spray though is not a pretty picture for dupree four on four vp at least drag it back kicking and screaming yeah and there's a point where vp have got to get one of these rounds right they keep finding even man scenarios they keep finding openers even in a lot of them and they still haven't been able to get them over the line this time in a four on four thanks to getting that trade on dupree you're hoping if your vertis pro this is the round where you can try to bring one home for the boys they're stacking up outside of b again kicker getting flashed in trying to take some room the rest of vp up here in middle they don't have connector though and so even though kicker is pressuring this b site and getting away with kills this bomb is still going all the way back through t spawn it's a little bit weird right now it is a fake at the b site the bomb rejoining with the rest of the gang up here in middle they still don't know what's going on in connector and so we've still got bubsky in this position who could uproot the round he is getting wrapped by kicker but as it stands he's in this little golden zone where he's ahead of the flank and he's in between these players pushing a he catches kicker can't quite find the double can't get past your kinder who's opened up into the a site magisk now boosted up they've put a lot of faith in getting this boost kill he holds it for a moment and delivers the two on two over now just glaive with this orp and with your kinder still fighting in the sight slaves gonna be hard-pressed to get these kills vp they might be on their way to their first round here and now yeah nice reset to wrap back to the toilets glaive tapping it they're gonna swing wide and bust is ready to get the kill vp there they go converting around it was about time very very scary without flying from bubsky as well especially after you heard the con play you would loved a double out of him but your kinder's really the guy saving that one on top of buster getting that 180 and getting vp into the bomb site in the first place it's going to be another buy at least from australia they have a bit more money left in the coffers but yeah vp on the board it was about time harry finally an a round going their way a lot of lower takes have not been as nice and again astralis as we go back into a gun round they are not waiting they are not hesitating magisk pushed up in the party uh the playground rather looking for early information and again all this does if you don't see anyone it keeps your numbers at b it keeps the eyes on the prize and we still have glaive in middle as well who can come down connector and cut off more rotates got to watch that boost though yeah vp are going to attempt it right this is something astralis should be cognizant over you know they're going to have numbers here at the b site oh is it mollied out and james gonna extend those openers even further b has crumbled before our very eyes glave and magisk up here on a man it's just a saving game and even then berta's pro won't let you attempt it so this is a second round teed up for vp sorry i was going to say this is what we say about this team a lot right like every one of their games becomes a war of attrition when you play vertice pro you better be ready for a four or five hour best of three right this is what these guys are good at they kind of wear you down they break you down and still you until you start to make mistakes then maybe you're not used to making yeah leads mean nothing against a team like this like they are the comeback kings of uh of this region and you know i i love that idea from vp as well they always come up with little cool gimmicks but one of the big problems with boosting or be sure be water is that you just sometimes can't see anyone if they're not bowers are not pillow like there's no kills there and you don't want to wait forever vp they force the kills they boost they see no one then we have that molly down monster right before that molly comes in a flash goes over the top of monster four blind zip so his position is no lo it's not just mollied but he can't see that he's on fire as well he burns fully crispy in the fire at monster uh and then vp just you know throw another flash and they push off the back of it that's a really cool idea they get the boost they force a kill and then they commit it actually deals with one of these heavy b rounds that astralis have had you know consistently on the ct side three guys there again denied this time and vp are on to a winner two rounds in a row that's gonna break the money yeah good that we've got you kinda stepping up to the same realms of buster up here on the board as well i always look at your kinder it's like such a crucial piece in this vertus pro lineup right he is kind of the one guy who doesn't subscribe to the vp manager of these very very slow methodical takes right uh if everyone else in this arsenal represents you know like the the scalpels the very precise uh you know fine tools then then he's very much the hammer is your kinda right he is the guy who will try to create you these opportunities these man advantages he'll be the one taking a lot of the opening fights and if he's winning those out that's where jaime and the rest of the squad can do their best work once again a bit of util down here towards b astralis fully stacking this side of the map and trying to take map control away this is info that bp have thanks to kicker will he be able to hold on to this monster control this is like a fake right now australis are falling for it they're still stacked lower that would have been the info zip and glaive look like they wanted to push up but they they call it off and if they committed with vp flashed out that might have been the info the guns and what could fall in the round but instead astralis they don't know what's going on it's very quiet vp are moving up a long and as things get quiet on b astralis have made those rotations so we're okay for now safe in the bomb site with a bit of information on magisk and he's got the one gun in the round he's even pushed up this is now in no man's land he needs something big and it just provides a double kill before james denies and gets one with the orb now the guns as i said are lost but astralis still have d armor if vp can commit now they're walking into the stack yeah you know there's still 40 seconds left vp are not a team that look at that and go all right boys we've got to get a move on right they're still looking at this as yeah there's about 28 seconds of play left in this round here and now so they start to make their way into water trying to wrap the monster's side they've picked the safer of the two options with astralis sat back passive in the sight regardless the rotations are coming in australis is stacked here with these deagles and armor and glaive has opened the round up by removing kicker jamin sanji their works cut out for them james trying to carve a path into the site and now getting that bomb down but are they ready for bobsky close to eagle delivers death swiftly to virtus pro and the four spy works wanders for the danes they steal a seventh round back and a lot of props has got to go to guys like magisk and bobsky there for putting up the multi kills to make that round happen yeah bob's he's having a banging game to begin today and that's that's a lovely feeling right it often felt like this guy was just being left out right off the back of mad lions sitting on the bench forever never getting to play never getting to you know be with the big boys and well you know we all we all wanted him on the roster for a reason he showed us so much promise in the last couple of years especially on some of his previous danish teams so yeah finally showing us that on land as well eleven and four nice double kill for magisk on long and astralis man they're like they're like a beehive harry they're just swarming the queen b the queen b be in the round wherever they need to go to pick it up they will again just instant rotate down lower as vp commit and an eco round one oh yeah an attempt at the mid peak out of glaive it's at times like that and the heads heads versus an incumbent or on the other side that maybe you see some of these problems right emerging for glaive obviously having to don this awp a hell of a lot magisk still though is doing all he can to keep this in an even odds right he's left us in a four on four and is still holding on to these long toilets will this decision out of magisk to stick around and keep fighting be something that proves to punish astralis in the long run that flashbang is brutal and it allows buster to extend the advantage back in favor of vp and it removes a lot of the pressure that magisk was providing the info is now gone up towards this a site and so astralis starts to gamble they move to up to a but if you look at that bomb if you look at vp if you know anything about vp you would know that this might not ever be at a play and i don't ever think it was being considered to be one either the bomb goes back it gets retrieved and now we're starting to join up with these guys at b yeah bobsky got molly back as well he really wanted to get that information but he got tagged on it now buster knows he's close and so vp they've got a free bomb site australis are gambling on a right now and they're finally realizing what's going on 20 seconds the smokes the mollies they're all landing down lower australia still want to give this a go i thought they were triple stacking to save instead they're throwing bodies at the problem but it's just creating more problems and more bodies nice grenade two hp on scientific comes in spam not connecting your kill and even though damage is done astralis don't know how much man if only they did right bobsky still going for this oh kick out the timing here still gets spotted by dupreeh but just a tiny bit too late and do you pray he watches his teammate cut down before his very eyes haunted by his experiences at b dupre is out of there will he get away with the ak with buster hunting that's a question that's a big old question mark it's looking good he might have just found a timing regardless vertis pro up onto a third they put a stop to that little b stack there they start to take the reigns of this game because now they've broken the money of astralis so suddenly they're eyeing up you know grinding their way back in and actually making this a good t-side after rolling yeah that's what t-sides are nowadays right they are grinds you know if you're not getting starting strong out the gate if you're not getting the pistol if you're not converting you know we see these ct falls by so often win it's just about breaking the money you can be down 7-0 you can still be winning maps dominantly like that's the counter strike we're seeing right now and you know vp are the the forefront of it they're at the hell so yeah it's all about just winning your rifle rounds winning them cleanly and taking guns away when astralis try and save i really did think that round would be an attempt to the save the fact that it's not shows how keen and how convinced astralis are that they're winning and welcome back the dhl camps it's great to see all you people out of your homes right now and tuning in iem dot gg forward slash fan cam if you want to get in those dhl fan cams i've missed seeing all these wonderful faces it's great to see right we might be back on land we're still missing the crowds though so you can hop in those fan cams if you want to try and you know relive the glory days really get excited for you that much it feels like a crowd sometimes they really are getting loud um yeah you can join your your your team's favorite as well so nice little biased fan cam nothing wrong with that support the home crowd vp though they're warming in harry that's exactly what we're seeing in front of us dupree down connected with the 1ak all right maybe a backstab here but how soon do vp go they look ready to commit yeah they look like they want to get a move on quickly in this round and this would be a change of pace that astralis is just not used to oh glaive dupree in the back of the head he wanted the gun all for himself now zip has secured one kill at least but he's made it out in the b site on barrels and this round is slipping apart for astralis just one man in b vp aren't even moving in yet to give you an idea of how grimy these guys are it was all looking like it was gonna be a fast b they get some openers things are looking up and now they slow it right down again astralis haven't doubted themselves though they're still stacked up in b magisk is here the only guy with any hp and this deagle and so with boesky baiting them in how much can matches could accomplish in this position yeah the plant attempted magisk might jump up and try and deny there's no actual cover right now oh he can't get the kill only damaged one hp on james and magisk now has to try and finish the job elsewhere there's too many targets there's too much cover and your kinder's got too much health glade might have to save the ak for hp himself and vp that is one way to pick up a round yeah you know australis knew what was going on and when you're against vp you're not falling for those recommit question marks where you know a team gets a kill and they go quiet and you go oh are they rotating it's been 30 seconds we haven't seen anyone are they up on a already astralis don't fall for that it's so vp to just wait go quiet and recommit later in the round so that's exactly what they do and even with astralis all there i don't think anything anything was ever going to happen unless magisk got that kill on jane yeah it is a bit of a sad moment when you 99 someone with the deagle man like imagine fully expecting that kill to come in and you can see how much it threw him off when it didn't i think the funny part is he was he was waiting for to kill the cover and he was so surprised that there was actually no cover for that plot there was zero cover like he could have gone over immediately and go and took that kill but why would he know that you know there should be cover really and it's it's that exact fact that you know gets in his head vp we're talking about breaking the money harry we'll forget the force buys here we are just that saved ak oh i like how madison is using it though getting aggressive now sanji's holding of course sanji's holding matches has not done this once and yet there they are waiting for you to give it a go this is the beauty of this vp squad right once they get their first few rounds oh they uh they really start to get in your head and it becomes like just a series of mind games it feels like you're always wanting to get aggressive you're wanting to try and figure out what their game plan is where they're leaning but when they hold these defaults they're so good at it they're so punishing and a lot of the time you end up making problems worse trying to get this info a five on three just vanilla pistols to beat and this is looking like a vp round all day long yeah i've never been more assured in the fact that nothing can go wrong here like literally nothing can go wrong it's just usps vp grouping up 40 seconds enough time they cycled the ak out as well so that's not down connector and they're still considering it lestraris are doubled up on toilets close and getting closer by the second james needs to watch out does he have cover yes sanji swings wide and deals death to the usp's kick it actually takes both kills in fact and bubsky is a long way from home it's vp onto a fifth here and you know bumsky he could go around the world try and save the ak but really he's just looking to put a swift end to this one try and take a kill with him perhaps i find it kind of funny because like you know for the longest time back when astralis were dominating and we were deep in the astralis era one of the comments used to be oh man you know it's almost boring like you show up to an event and you know who's going to win you know you know australis are going to just play this like almost robotic level of counter-strike well you know vp kind of exemplify a very numbers based style of cs one that i think is even more like uh even more number leaning than that of astralis right while astralis were great with utility they were great with the calls vp do play this game like they are some kind of probability counting robot right also chess yeah exactly and uh and i think for that reason they're kind of like the villains of counter strike right now in a sense they do just play the this purebred style is back to basic style and they're so damn good at it that they're able to uh even make these big comebacks happen versus squads like astralis in their element online yeah all the more power to them if they can you know keep it going as i said we know it's a grind we know it's a long game like seven five not scary score line at all for vp in fact astralis should be more worried because this gun round is pretty weak and the results of this half rest on this one by we saw that little save attempt or the the ak juggle for sanji on the replay couldn't throw it out the map didn't know you couldn't throw it there but uh either way it wasn't a worry no one grabbed it for astralis they would have loved a little more money for nades for kits for even armor on that awp instead they are beggars not choosers glaive getting boosted at long going for a wide peak but no one's out just yet just behind the rock is buster glaive is very patient as is his opponent no one going to commit buster walking up the close wall instead could sneak underneath the awp could find an angle could find a start but glaive denies it lovely little flick downwards and now vp they've lost all their aid control okay one step ahead of you you kind of one step ahead and what the hell do you do yeah this is and this is like one of the problems that you start to encounter and this is why we say guys like you kind of so important if you lose him early you lose that hammer you lose that explosive presence that you have and we're losing all your a info it leaves you with nothing else but this b commitment jame getting the opener looking like it's enticed them they are looking like they want to commit there is six seconds as they're going in the bond plot denied and duprey has saved the day they try to make a last-second hero play but astralis do hold on eight up on the board now the ops saved on james at least a wild round that's down to the final few seconds on the clock and for a moment it looked like vp were gonna get a bomb plant out of that i respect it man like committing with 10 seconds that's ballsy you know james getting that trade and and then he checks his watches oh no the oven's on it's jame time i've got to go got to get out by astral astralis have fun so he saves the orb although money is yet to be a problem for vp lovely little b hold for astralis it needed to happen after that five on three opener and dude pretty good read for the boost as well something the vp had been using to get these advantages on this bomb site this round we have a double con setup so really no a info other than glaives orb and if it gets pressured if it gets pushed back down into the doldrums that's a open for business sanji's walked through connector with this smoke down but just knows what's happening he's heard all of it but he's doubling back and the smoke fade favors him magisk is gone now glaive is trapped between two and he doesn't know where to look yeah glaive is in an incredibly rough spot and yet somehow he's been able to elude capture hitting this perfect timing to get out of connector he knows that he's lucky to still be alive and he knows that a big hole has been open all round long over here alongside however he won't be ready for buster waiting patiently tucked in at long already no information for astralis they do not know where vp are and yet still they start to gamble these rotations up into the a site vp with the bomb on james back outside of long the rest of vertus pro faking a b play with utility pouring in over the top zip holds on and has there any uh has there been a call for rotations it doesn't look like it still committed to this three-man a-hole glaive has told the boys to hold their own and dupree will do exactly that the long play shut down just your kinder and he can't deal with glaive yet finally gets the better of him but with only 10 seconds left and a triple stack still to get through it's looking like a knight on the board for astralis after all my god what a call for astralis whoever makes that decision to stick back a day is an absolute champion they do not fall for that what a fake as well like vp are double long with the bomb they're triple b man they've got the majority of their team faking that b-bomb side kicker gets out through monster if he gets the kill maybe but i think with zip still back down there spots and mows him down and makes the cause the info like guys there's only one monster that's the weakest b player i've ever seen watch your top and dupre doubles up the bomb gets dropped glaive holds his own and it's a perfect round for astralis what a read to not only make that early rotate but to not panic and fall back to be when vp through that util nine rounds on the board looking for double digits and it's vp buying full i love glaive with this off as well it's almost like he knows right i'm not gonna be able to beat guys like jame in a direct head to head but if i play these little gimmicky angles if i can get one kill out of the awp then that can be a difference maker in and of itself i really think glaive deserves a lot of props for how he's been able to pick this off up and and still look so good with it especially when i think the majority of people are expecting c duprey on this gun right yeah we've seen from astralis in the past with devices taking leave you know it has been that case but we've seen it all over the place for astralis kicker meanwhile attempted but he's not going to be able to spray zip gets that kill somehow someway i couldn't tell you in the booth oh they counted as well they counter boosted astralis they decide look man we've had enough of playing this on vp's clock we've had enough of them dictating the flow of this and so they boost down at b to strip players away from the ranks now it becomes clear that this was looking like an a play astronomy they've lost glaive they've lost magisk astralis having to rotate players up bp moving in for the kill but it's taken them a long while to get into position this has given a lot of time to astralis to get these bodies occupying the site bobsky in the truck smoke and now moving through bank as well as another player from the danish ranks yakindar vs bobsky this fight decides a hell of a lot and the bomb is now dropped cut loose on truck more room to duprey gets away with a kill and james is not being given fights he needs to take matters into his own hands and it's their time for a bomb there's not it's a lunar james 10-5 to close out this first half astralis in the lead vp gonna need to fight back on their ct side and their map pick so do you think you know everything about cs go then stay alert and look out for the dhl drop quiz on the esl cs go twitch channel [Music] hey future pros today i wanted to show you a setup heroic use to get a free cheesy kill on a ct playing towards b short boost spot overpass has a lot of double and triple nade possibilities but let's start with this one for this pro tip you will need three future pros three he's and one molly future pro number one you'll be throwing the short molly to stop any cts from pushing and one of the hechi's to throw your molly you will need to stand on the edge of this shadowy area aim at the bottom center of the bee then jump through the molly next make your way to the surf ramp look for this dark line and stand in front of it aim to the right of this grade along this line then simply running jump through the nade and you are set future pro number two you'll be throwing the other heat head to the same surf wall and position yourself between these two white cracks aim along this line of the great halfway to the right side then running jump through the heichi future pro number three guess what you'll also be throwing chi to throw yours head to the surf wall with your other future pros stand over the bottom corner of this red smudge aim along the second line of the grape close to the center then running jump through the heichi if anyone is close to the boost they will take some hefty damage if they're unlucky enough to be boosting well you probably get two free kills [Music] [Applause] happy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i can't feel it can you feel it [Music] [Applause] i'm [Music] again it's astralis it's vp and we're on lan right now bubsky is demand and i cannot believe it what we're seeing right now in this game astralis in the lead now about to embark on their t side vertice pro it's got to begin here this comeback has got to start on their ct half of overpass their map pick in this series yeah it's rare to see vp having troubles on the t side five rounds is enough however if you can find a pistol or at least get in the way of the conversions for astralis so let's see how things begin the straw is now getting to direct the flow direct the pace and it's a lot quicker than vps right up connector you kinda can clearly hear steps as they go towards the top side but it's trying to peek him from the door whoa gotta watch out trying to run back now astralis are playing with their food up and down back and forth questions on where they're committing it will be a and it's only jane currently but he's called for his first rotation kicker going to begin to move up and so vp they do have the kit they have the smoke they can play the retake but right now they're making they are making the perfect read four players going right back up onto this site oh yeah kicker swinging in dead at the hands of bobsky there are a lot more vp players still occupying this site and occupying your mind if you're astralis santi with this usp won't let them in just yet it's going to take bobsky to overwhelm him you kind of dead as well bobski having a hell of a pistol round here a hat-trick so far and he's still got more to offer in this pistol for buster and james they've got to embark on a very unlikely round here a two on four and a bubski that they've got to stop in his tracks they can't do it he's on for the ace is it another one added to the tally it is bobsky all five to find 11 for astralis and open up this second half in one hell of a way for the danish crowd oh that does feel beautiful doesn't it wow what a uh what a start to a half bubski just hit them with the ie claw in the second half man they were not harry they certainly weren't vp i mean they had everyone there mate they had every right to win that round every chance to take it away but instead bubsky it just felt like they weren't even acknowledging him i don't get it i don't know how he got away with like two of those five kills but he did beautiful stuff with the glock as well okay well i said vp have to win a pistol or get in the way of the conversions neither of those are apparent it's usps they want to buy soon nothing wrong with that stuck in the middle with a flashbang but astronomers are already up in front of it and magisk and glaive are more hauling them right now in middle five kills between the two no problems one death and astralis they convert 12 to 5 is going on man this is very exciting having astralis in this form oh it's getting me it's getting me excited hugo i mean this is the vp we know and love it's not sanji but it's buster dropping an orb to james and now playing no armor with his rifle he'll even take the no i'm an good call definitely good call right you've got no armor play the worst gun uh rather than you know force jame on the the glass off himself and here we go so vp you know they wanted this early by what are they going to do with it they don't have the to take that mid control and so options aren't as available most notably they wanted this early op right so let's see if putting all that faith in james was worth it after all he's set up in connector we saw glaive doing this in the first half a little bit we saw some of the problems it could present right if you lose short if you start to get trapped in con it can very very quickly start to feel like a bit of a cage of your own making and so james will get out of there early on in the round yeah it's very similar to some of the epstee sides his first default for astralis they're trying to find out where he's playing what they've got in terms of weaponry they know it's a buyer here it's just questioning on do they have the op or not that info isn't apparent and much as how glaive was able to do so in the first half james peaks connector you know shows his hand and then gets a chance to leave and that's because australis only have one man working this a sight he's eventually gonna fall back and group up with his team who are bringing the bomb up from lower and so astralis can recommit start to clear some space they've got this bee control early they can leave bubsky and if things go bad back down the connector into lower eventually 30 seconds though astralis don't have a lot of time to mess around bubs he's trying to sell this be fake at the moment this is mental like you're trying to almost beat vp at their own game bobsky he's been waiting for this challenge and he's given it taking a player out of the ranks at b or bp hinging with the idea do we rotate do we drop and now they see the players in toilets james is still here he never rotated down so a double hold in this a bomb site james awp denies that bomb plot but now oh it does come down with seconds to spare but you kind of a whirlwind of death in the a bomb site and just two players there shred through astralis the double kill from james orp on players crossing gives a lot more room to your kinder who just comes in on that backstab and secures a round by or sorry for vp by force yeah that's insane there's no way you can just should have gotten away with that right he got timed on his first fight he was scoped up and as soon as he left that angle astralis peaked in i thought that was it i thought that was their chance to win with the smokes down but lovely stuff out of yakinda just pivoting taking and winning every fight he can and he needed to right vp had to win that gun round if they want to actually be in their map pick in this series without it it's going to be a wash 12-6 still can be astronomers have another buy round no awp even a mac 10 on zip that will keep the pace high as they go fast through middle and look at this they're even going to clear your kinder he's kind of trapped right now he's turned and he does at least take a one-for-one should never really have had that with his position leaves shame alone on a but even he doesn't have the info he's being navigated against on long i love this how to do pre right you you've kind of got a bit of an idea as to where james been been leaning right you've seen him over towards short a few times you're worried about him in connector you don't know where he is right now but duprey's got a lot of room thanks to this fast long control doesn't know about it yet there is a world where he can hit one crazy timing to create opportunities here especially if zip gets the info right now he is the guy with the bomb so you don't really want him to get the info that would probably cause you quite a few issues instead he's going to go long and group up with dupree without realizing it astralis have dodged this double connector set up they're getting a bit more of an idea as to what's going on in khan now thanks to glaive and he's still keeping the attention of vertus pro at this b bomb site sanji now leaving this is because of the pressure that glaive has been applying down at b and it's giving a lot of room to the rest of the gang for this a play james just got the info that glaive was leaving now they know the ruse is up the jig is up but the bomb plants already coming in and dupree has taken an aggressive starts down in ct straws are so convinced that they made the perfect read and of course they did knives out into the bomb site look at this play from dupree it's for him zip's even pushed up as well he's about to get that info two ct's right in front of him zip needs to live there's the old getting cut down by dupree and sitting cornered as well will die leaving duprey in the clutch 1v1 now he's got util he's got the bomb for him nothing can go wrong and duprey won't fall for the fake kicker hunting him down and taking the frag away kick it keeping vp in this map keeping them in this series and saving them in the 1v1 that was almost a perfect round for australis yeah that's a feels bad man moment for dupree as well right two out of the three kills needed almost goes on to win it in the 1v1 but he can't fall back from that position right even though he buys into the idea that it was fake that the bomb wasn't being stuck he doesn't want to be too far away when it comes to try and deny it and so kicker quick reaction to hunt down dupreeh plays that 1v1 perfectly finds vp another round and this is why right we've seen these vp fan cams a couple of times now no one's bothered to go ah well the vp boys they're done when you're a vp fan you know that you're in it for the long haul you're in it for the long games and so they're still hoping there's a path to a comeback yet to be found by virtus pro never never count them out don't make that mistake it will come back to haunt you and yeah vp is still believing right they have to 12-7 a key rifle round one that was what we've been waiting for and now world's your oyster astralis money is far from patched up far from pretty two deagles and even a galil in this gun round if you want to call it that james early up is paying off for the moment or you you hope it to be it's had that info on a lot of the time in that one round you're kinda getting a triple kill jane was there kicker's been tagged up early quite a lot i think he might have been dinked through the uh the wall bank from zips deak but we'll see james posted on a in astralis this is a nice fast around it is a walking round james doesn't have the info but they're about to explode he has no idea how close on the flower that they already are your kinder swings and it's a hit and a miss dink onto magisk there's the flick from james but molly back into the back will give astralis the plant at least yeah this is nice right you've forced them out of the site you've made them respect you a little bit dupree almost perishing in that molotov spamming the boost and now they look to put jame up in it james has got to be the guy to accelerate this retake to find the opener they're putting a lot of faith in james orb and they won't actually decide to boost him up after all they bail out of the boost and so they're going to do this old school all four players moving in together ct and bank the two positions that you've got to worry about if you're astralis with the lineup glam's there to help out and it's only jane left you know what his response is here you know he wants to get away with the orb astralis are trying to hunt him trying to add insult to injury and he will die down in bank thanks to the damage that zip is able to get away with 13 on the board for astralis they do it with that broken by all it takes is a few missed timings from jame on that awp and suddenly the doors are wide open yeah i think the thought process with that boost is you're about to go for it i like the bait that kicker does by spamming it and then they realize astralis is shooting back through the metal like if you boost up not only is james gonna get headshot but that bottom player will get wallbangs and won't get to play in bubsky as well if glaive didn't get that third kill off of dumpster i'm convinced bubsky spray would have found it that was a lovely little double from him in the post plant and astralis converting a must win round yokinda's left with the only gun in this one okay astralis not giving vp the room back into this half after some successful gun rounds looking to take it away asap early b control astralis looking hungry looking dude like dubri wants to walk right through we have that vitality s flash coming in towards the monster dupreeh it's going to be too late oh he steps now it comes in dupreeh he's going to dodge it no fully blinded jay peeking in deep with a double and that is lovely lots of bodies litter the monster and lots of weapons as well but astralis makes sure the vp don't pick up squat yeah they're going to be able to hold these guns for now well you just commit with the b play even after seeing the flash lined up by sanji of barrels player jame there as well you may be starting to get a little bit paranoid as to whether or not b is stacked your kinder hits this timing on the comrap and magisk is on the receiving end astralis this was meant to be a simple round this was meant to be clean and yet the utility the quick thinking out of vertus pro it's made it scary it's made it troublesome they've given them room though right this bomb plant is going to be totally doable all they need to do is kill this first pit player no real weaponry or utility for vp pass and they never knew about buster do they have that info zip seems porsche seems to be considered yes but it doesn't matter one bit through the box buster never even saw him zip was never even given a chance at that kill i do not know how he just did that but but it's safe vp it's kept them going it's put eight up on the board an impossible shot from buster and some fine digwerg flash work out of sanji and james to create those openers in the first place see this look at this okay you got to see the head for a second but still incredibly fast from buster lights out bye bye oh and now vp are trying to give the illusion that they're taking liberties they've deep mollied middle to try and deny any info here and make astralis worried as to the possibility that vp are in park astralis now taking a lot of time clearing out mid when this is free real estate this is wasting precious seconds it's given time to these players and card to get set up and your kinder will deliver the opener to vp astralis there's no way to trade this in fact he's gonna take even more out of the round bubsky's ak will leave us in a three on four but it's cancelled out thanks to kicker and the numbers are now starting to dwindle for the dames that was the gun right that was the hope in the round he gets one but that's smoke faded monster not good for him and now astralis not an easy round to get anything done glaives got util plus this smg but hardly an entry weapon and no bomb yet either so even if you get the kills you're not going to be in consideration for winning the round that being said getting the kills is a tough ask kick at spamming monster seeing glaive trying to flash a peak trying to get back in grab a gun that he's done bus is still got him locked in on the left side double phase buster would walk play for the trade but kicker keeps the round under wraps nine for vp and they're fighting toothanel for this one harry again it's not pretty it's not clean you're not thinking about the comeback yet but that's how vp do it man sneaking in and then suddenly you're wondering where it all went so wrong for astralis now before that fact a pistol round and so double digits is on the horizon yeah i mean astralis have been doing everything in their power to not give these eco rounds a go right like they've been they've been taking some pretty aggressive purchase decisions here a rifle in the last before that cobbled together forced by you know you've really tried to keep the pressure on you've really tried to keep vp on the back foot but now you do just have to take a pistol out you do just have to take an eco and at least it's nice and quick for crying out loud vp cut down astralis on the glock b rush and they now have double digits in the bag just three between them and astralis when you think about the context that this was a 6-0 start a 10-5 half with the pistol going the way of the danes suddenly you see just how well vertus pro have been able to keep afloat and keep themselves in this one as we say a bit of a signature with this bpt nothing new harry nothing new 12 to 5 to 13 to 10 from seven rounds difference to three it's closing very quickly here's a gun round no up for glaive no need on the t side of this map though jame is always going to be a problem unfortunately there's not much you can do but grit your teeth and bear it maybe a fast b approach again astralis they showed this in the glock ground it was nice and quick vp already forgotten about it but they're going to get re-reminded flashing through the smoke kicker he hears everything going on the bowels molly is big and sanji tries to help him out he does get that trade at least keeping it in a four on four the line is there for buster no one covering from short side and so astralis can barely make it into the bomb site they're going to hunt down sanji smg does get a dink and right now vp are not in hot water yet they're not in trouble the orb is only just getting in position but dupree does deny it and astralis keep this round under consideration oh yeah both players occupying short astralis don't actually know your kinder's there and yet still they're wrapping ct and going up to a look at vp trying to stay one step ahead of this one buster moving up into this a site has already wrapped up khan will he be ready for the aggressive dupree who's passing him in the toilets they have sailed by one another like ships in the night buster now could disrupt this sight hold or he could get wrapped onto it's a bit of a coin toss for buster your kinder's coming up con but he won't ever know about dupree surely this is weird dupree could have found the motherload of timings here both kills on his plate dupreeh with the first and never gives you kinda the peak now you're kinda left in the clutch smoke on the bomb damage done by bubsky and still not giving the fight over astralis get 14 after all the rock plant harry the rock did he rock he was confused he was smoking no looking on the track he didn't know where it was going the bomb was ticking inside of the rock there's a little texture you can plant there i never thought that would compare i didn't i didn't think you would see someone pull that out either it's in the program yeah that's an mm strat and astralis just picked it up and the best part about that with buster clearing short he tells you kim to make sure it's clear i've walked all the way up here come on by and dupreeh makes that call for bobsky to watch out from short so that player buster that could have backstabbed bubsky is instead look look at the wrong plan oh it's so grimy you do that to try and like get in the head of mg players never mind up against virtus pro well to open up this round we've already had it start by james orp striking a player out of connector it's glaive on the receiving end of that astralis undeterred by this or they are still moving in through long a lot of the time when jane's been peaking khan they've been given a lot of room here but this time your kinder is posted up and holding on to this long position not keen to repeat mistakes of the bygone rounds is he ready for this match has gone the boost will somehow get away with that kill and close up this round back into a four on four after all oh my god astralis don't do it again they were doing it all ct side long going down a man not trading and somehow still picking up the win can't be doing it on the t side as well getting that bomb and going back down lower magisk is very damaged for health vp 2-2 right now they're split in pieces james orping the top side even so so if bobsky can try and keep him there that could be big but no utility he wants to join his team instead 30 seconds sanji of the monster perfect gun for incapacitated players magisk is like a lamb to the slaughter of the mp9 we've even started to get rotates back down b as well leaving james alone in the toilet kick it's going to flash sanji for a peek there's nothing there 15 seconds that's miss info yes they're coming oh lordy they coming dude and zip with the openness but that's the bomb buster oh we can't catch it the second time around and so with just two seconds left to spare the bomb comes in oh the buster 10 pin bowling is in with the double and now dupree left to try and see it through hiding his way stealing himself has dealt with buster on the jump up and now the pesky jane left to find the most elusive of men and it's dupreeh a mass effect in the round and astralis up onto 15 after dear all the clutch rounds are coming out of these guys now dude brian bubsky having a light out game for astralis the two on four down on b ending up top and right there and then oh it's so exciting man this is the astralis we're getting this is the astralis we're getting yeah they're not satisfied with quarter finals harry and they're you can see why you can see why we're back in after duprey decimates vp on that b site vp's money falls apart it's in shambles an smg a couple of little d and five danes that want to ruin your day right so often james has been a cornerstone of getting these kind of rounds over the line he's backing con again with the deagle and he's facing players to open up the round they know about him now are we gonna see astralis try to clamp down on this con control if they do there's two players trapped in this position for vp your kinder is going to take this opportunity to get the hell out of there but that does leave james in khan all alone now yeah they know about it he's already done damage to duprey who now has that open up he goes into the waiting arms of magisk a is now looking luscious for astralis as they creep up on the short side so the vp they feel the same way they're moving them and back into this site as well but as said underarmed undermanned and still all the time in the world for astralis to second guess so they shall on going back nice shot from your kinder to catch glaive and that's a gun and that's more info astralis if they're going b they've got to go soon before the penny drops yeah right because suddenly while you had the pressure on a while you had these three players trapped here thanks to glaive you don't got that anymore in fact bp have gained the info that it's not an a play buster in the b site his deagle has been good and he's trying to save the day again buster not missing not letting them in finally deeped out by dupreeh but he set his team up nicely to try and keep this map going to try and keep the dream of overpass alive dupree's burn out and buster does enough for your kinder to go on and get it over the line oh you can just never count vp out on these rounds harry that's twice now they've picked these up should not be happening the deagle spammed down a monster for jamie the other round this time able to convert it again on the b bomb site and having that last second molotov as well just the cherry on top vp deegs are forced to be reckoned with and astralis are gonna bring their own to the table vp just when you thought you were ready to close that overpass start thinking about the second map of the series they've given themselves a way back in yeah and it's frustrating for astralis right you see the look of frustration on their faces they know that that was the easiest round they were ever going to have in this game to close it out right now vp they haven't just kept it alive they've set themselves up for rifles at least so astralis are going to be grinding this game out now and that is what it's going to start to feel like as it often is when you play versus versus pro i'm gonna take a moment to just compose themselves you know it's only one round that you've got to get but this one round can be the most elusive of them all very easy does it slow on the approach to the a bomb site and this was how they've gotten past jane before right we remember that round where they snuck past him and they were able to find success on the back of it now is history destined to repeat itself james up in this site this time he's not looking to get dodged he wants to play into this round getting the information j spotting the first and now playing with fire bubs can he land the pre-fire no both players miss it's yakinda to open up and still fighting from long side james even moving in to help him out time is also starting to become a problem for astralis they get the bomb down but it's left on to zip in a 1v3 a p250 and cancelled out by kicker the game will keep on going it stays the foot thanks to virtus pro they hold on to the a bomb site a bomb plant for astralis at least pads out these bank accounts a little bit but not enough to look for a buy in this round yeah i feel like in every single anti-eco kick it's having around like he's having a 3k so you know that that's nice uh definitely can get out of control those pistol rounds you can see the bomb plant and suddenly it's all up in the air instead vp i mean you said it yourself harry that was the hardest round that strawless were sorry the easiest round that astralis were going to have to close this map and and this is just evidence of that the force by with the double ak goes nowhere but a bomb plant and now they have a near full eco vp no more smg's they're building up bank they're building up faith and they're only a couple of rounds away from ot kinder's gonna start strong in middle the rest of australia sat outside of the v site and not for long they will be making their entrance to it smoke some flashes going over the top ccs and p250s running them up and they need these opening kills in order for it to waterfall but nothing in their favor it's all vertis pro 13 rounds five alive and here it is from oh my god okay so right this is the rifle round that you've got this is the chance that you have to stop this game going to overtime if you don't win this if you don't get a bomb plant here you don't even have rifles with you into the next round so a little tac pause called on in as everyone on the astralis squad now takes into account they try to take stock of the situation this is the opportunity this is the chance if you don't win it vp they might be back to their old tricks they're trying to pull back an ot here on their map yeah it's certainly not done if you lose this round in number 29 but it is your best shot right you need the bomb plan if you want to fall by the last uh yeah this is this is what astralis have been waiting the last two echoes the last two four spies four sonic coming in with some key words trying to pump them up trying to get them going and two more chances for astralis vp we know they love to grind and the grind is only just begun yeah that's the thing about this vp war machine they have got the tenacity they've got the resilience we know they've got that in spades and so now the ball is in astralis court james here in connector once again a very important swing fight and he's just missed this timing all magisk now in a prime position to steal a kill away jame no idea shot in the back and one hell of an opener to get away with a five on four and vp their entire game plan now throwing into disarray as they're rotating players between either side not the man you wanted to lose jaime has got to watch from beyond the grave as the four remaining players on his team try to keep this game soldiering on the amount of rounds shame has been able to play that position and get back out to a before astralis punish him not this time not in the most important moment in the map four on five the read is there vpf numbers in the right bomb side they are fully stacked fully set up ready to go astralis just around the corner 40 seconds and no warning there's the molotov now they're going to start to go one flash is all they'll need and the entries there for magisk it starts to tumble apart for yakinda one kill from him one man left on the bomb site and kick it can't find the headshot finally dropping 25 dupre is here and he needs support out from the short side bobsky's running trying to get close and vp are not giving away these kills not giving the fights they win another it's only bobsky they can hide in the smoke but they don't need to 14 rounds and vp win every fight on the a site what a stack what a call what a win yeah they might have dealt with james early on but you still feel his influence in the server he makes the call he says boys that we're gonna all in this a bomb site if they come a we are ruining astralis day and that is exactly what happened it's like jane can see into the future ah the full 30 rounds in the first map of the first quarter final here at iem cologne the lord of time gives no time for astralis to get comfortable in that bomb site not a second and now here it is harry not even the bomb plot we said that was a necessity for this full by that was a five on three mages got a double opener and still vp's full stack full set up on the a site is enough so forget aks forget awps forget expensive weapons and money wasted in times gone by you've got to get it all done with nothing vp why would they let go of the baton now they're ready to drag it into extra time yeah as mentioned a war of attrition after all astralis coming in with this cobbled together force four girls a deagle englave and that is the extent of it they're taking this mid control once again that is pro very very backed up leaving nothing to chance here they're playing reserved in these bomb sites knowing that the buy from astralis is going to be lacking and with how they lost james in the opener in that last round they don't want to repeat that here he's instead looking to take some of these longer fights versus the golills versus the deagles astralis you don't get these freebie openers anymore they've got a lot of real estate up here towards a and so the penny is going to start to drop the vertis pro are just playing passive back in these sites and very reactively to what astralis are doing in this round yeah one thing that might be good for astralis is the amount of times they've gone a and vp haven't had the warning don't get me wrong vp have had the stacks they've had the reads but they've never really known about the a place until they're happening until maybe five seconds before you're not getting this deep long spot that james now going for he's not had that in previous rounds so if that continues if bp don't get this info early it's still going to be a 2v5 there's still hope for astralis here 30 seconds the smoke starting to come in james being pushed out by a molotov he's very low your kinder gets a one for one at long but australis are closing the gap oh james smiting duprey on the cross and now james going aggressive when james is throwing himself into the fight you know he's believing but instead swept aside by bobsky who's trying his best to hold on for astralis hazbobski just delivered them the chance they needed buster and sanji left in a two-on-two at the 30-round mark a retaking the a site at a low hp glaive so a lot of pressure now on the shoulders of zip that first peak misses and glaive is a dead man zip nicks left in the clutch they're pressuring him they can't get the kill yet zip dead after one and i think there's time for the defuse after all sanji's on it vertus pro looking to carry this through to ot after all we run it back again in overtime oh the full 30 rounds and we're even getting some bonus ones sprinkled on top courtesy of virtus pro i think they have a unique play style oftentimes they actually end up saving because they don't have time to execute the round they put themselves into positions and they hope for ct's pushing but if they don't they maybe have no nades left or they are spread out across the map and it's really hard for them to to execute and plant the bomb actually so yeah oftentimes they end up saving some time all right at least sometimes they do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so um no matter the circumstances no matter the situation no matter how bad it's looking vp always find a way to keep this first pro war machine churning on they've taken us to overtime now versus astralis on their map pick and this was from a 12-5 scoreline in favor of the danes astralis they've had chances they've had opportunity but they've not been able to get it over the line yet and now we find ourselves in ot this is where vertis pro often do their best work yeah i was going to say what power is this war machine is it opponents rounds that's what it feels like the the further away the closer astralis are to closing the map the more dangerous the virtus pro seem so is that going to be apparent here in overtime where all the money's out the window but everyone's opening we've got two orbs per team australia's barely one of them in regulation money was a factor for sure but now they're throwing caution to the wind you kind of flashed off with that awp and dupre now owns the angle both secondary orbits right now taking control interesting to know right we didn't really see many t-side orbs for astralis in regulation well now we've got gleben dupree donning theirs when we hit overtime glaive scoped up into towards this a bomb site hoping that he's gonna get given an angle but with how vp are set up no one needs to offer anything up to these awps on the t side yeah even more info on hey as well right like james in the toilets we haven't really seen that so we're gonna have like all the orbs clash in one go potentially it looks like way like they're faking people they could always drop down lower that's the the fear here for vp they've got three guys down on that b bomb site army's gonna be joining astralis as well glaive is faking out the toilets throwing util but that will only last so long it will only sell so much the kill however will have a lot more impact your kinder is dead in the water and it's up to james with the opponent going to be left to retake here's that flash into the monster and buster holding strong meanwhile boston's got an entry you're brunson through short and it gets cut into awps up close somehow bubsky saves the day and sanji's all that stands in the pit trying to put up a stop he can't bomb part should just come in with seconds to spare and james is trying to go for the nuclear play oh my god look a big the site tries to run them down magisk is there and sees it through for astralis oh it's always the way man when you play vp that one round will lose you but what feels like an eternity then you get into overtime and you're able to get it up on the board you need to do something with this confidence right you know what vp are like you know how this entire game how the entire history of vp has gone and it is often these very drawn out comebacks yeah you get the first in ot you've got to keep finding successes you got to keep it coming in while the going's good yeah i mean in regulation harry against vp round leads almost mean nothing well in ot it's even less important it's simply just about getting four out of six forget the halves forget three o's forget two ones doesn't matter so australis are focused on the here and then now one orb this time around for vp astralis will keep theirs certainly can afford it vp not quite as much but 16k and mr3 takes a lot of the pressure off of your shoulders kicker's been spammed out on b the orb is looking for this pick to pretty seen a jumping player he knows what's going on but yokinda doesn't want to be at the brunt of that awp once again so out he goes glaive looking for the cross on a as well that was who took down your kinder last round but not looking for it this time your kinder egresses and bubsky keeps the pressure on a b he's nearing 30 kills he's been keeping players here in fact there are four on lower right now for vertice pro kicker deciding to walk his way back up and your kinder can't afford to get aggressive here and give up the trick yeah your kindle spotted long is is so important and really he doesn't have a tremendous amount of support it's not even like this bait and switch set up because his teammate in this site is having to worry about toilets the dupree takes that peek kicker oh this timing runs out back turned and glaives gonna remove him oh jane gets up and it's already in the sight with this off trying to tango it takes two magisk on the receiving end james open this up back into a three on four vertis pro here on the rotations and a full post plant set up out of astralis they've lost so many of these rounds we're having a fight in their sights well finally they're given room they're given a chance to back up and play around this bomb and look at the results the proof is in the pudding here james can't find a thing it's astralis taking a second in overtime another one of these faster rounds finding success in towards the a bomb site i think dupree and his impact on that orb cannot be understated enough it kickstarts that entire play up into a the whole reason that kicker is feeling the pressure to take that first swing over at the short side is because they've just lost this long control yeah that's such a sad timing as well right he hears the players running to his left going up a he thinks he has the backstab but more players even later from that b fake earlier on we've got a five-man boost here in the last round and it might get a kill but not quite glaive close shot to the jumping player on b and that's info for vertice pro if they hear that upshot they should start to realize we have a little more room guys if you were already pushed up take a couple of steps forward no one will they don't want to throw caution to the wind and give astralis a pick remember after that boost comes in there's one player who's floating who's able to take some space and so vp scared of that go back to the a bomb site jane with the orp sitting very passive as far as it goes for him and now just one up duprey's gone back to the rifle glaive's been doing the lord's work with this weapon and even though he won't get the opening kill they're going to look elsewhere inside of the toilets james sat deep on the short side and this a sight really has been a means to an end for astralis here in overtime vp might be forced into yet another retake of astralis have their way zippers faking b although without a lot of utility left up astralis just waiting to get deep long with that deep deep smoke yeah in regulation right vp weren't really taking many liberties in terms of map control and yet they still oftentimes had the read as to when to pull these players up in a as we've hit overtime they're playing a lot more you know set in stone right we haven't had a lot of these early rotations we haven't had these early stacks this round's no exception they've kept all three down on the b site as astralis are leaning in towards a will this decision to keep be stacked be the reward for butters bro no instead all three players are just blowing out the water b crumbles in spite of everyone left there and astralis they go on flawless on that first half of ot now they're just one away from winning this map once again yeah it comes down to them it doesn't come down to vp right we talked in regulation when they had that anti-ego of 15 rounds we said astralis they need to close this is their best opportunity and they couldn't do so a lot of that came down to their own buys they had two two out of their last four rounds rico their their last round was galil's you know now that the money is no longer a factor astralis getting to bleed vp for all it's worth the orb finding kills fakes down on the top side and even though vp keep everyone on lower there like you said absolutely torn apart boost up on b quickly but as quick as it comes as quick as it falls it gets spotted by akinder coming through the tunnel and in fact vp will construct their own boost to look for a pick this has been good in regulation but duprey has also been pretty aware is he going to hear oh bro yeah duprey has been the guy cancelling this boost out and everyone right now is so cognizant of this possibility everyone in this site is considering vp are going to construct this boost to try and take an opener once again it's the same molotov set up down to monster hoping that this forces players into your crosshair on the boost but it hasn't done that yet kinder hoping to catch this one we'll get dropped by dupreeh who is once more ready for that boost play magisk in the meantime is holding on to top mid and his position is enabling a three-man stack down on the b site yeah and they're gonna go vp are just gonna commit why not throw a caution to the win kickers just walked through he doubles back the smoke denies that and yeah just a note on that boost it's not for you kinder to be getting it killed for james to get zip on monster with the orp and he's he's done it again the first time they did that molly played james got a kill he's done it once more so vp have kept things even and astralis are they rotating out they're setting back in the pit but they're still keeping three here as vp recommits yeah no reason to rotate once again because of magisk over here in middle so the triple b stack it's a three on three to the side of this game carries on bobski's blinded and takes kicker out of the round time is becoming a problem glaive still alive hoping to deny bomb plots but they will look to get it down they will look to get it planted magisk arriving on the short side dead at the hands of sanji and so for glaive he's peeked through the smoke buster deletes him astralis might have had everyone in the right place but there's no stopping vp in those last second executes when they get the kills like that so painful man like there's never a second in that round where astralis don't know what's going on as well like they were so ready for that triple for the recommit the triple b stack everyone's there the clock comes down to five seconds and then that pit player gets mollied off he can't do anything there's no way back in there's no way to deny the bomb plant through the wood and so 18 to 16 vp hold on it's getting stressful for astralis and not out of the woods yet they know that better than anyone they conceded the lead in regulation they don't want to do it again in overtime two more chances and all the money in the world to do it for focus for the next two minutes here even a blink at the wrong time can put you off a double long setup is nice rvp gonna walk right past right it's different right you haven't seen this yet if you're vp you haven't seen out of astralis and yet they are still somehow bypassing the double longhold oh my this could be brutal right there is a world where vp get into a before astralis are even aware they're gonna start to hear the footsteps now the long hold will net a kill onto kicker and glaive is having to come back in but he's molotoved out the site is lost berta's pro have got a bomb plant here they might be a man down but they can set up they can they can play post plant around this bomb and maybe that still leaves them with enough of a chance i just englave they were lost to the uh the realm of time over here at long thanks to that molly now clearing magisk is able to move back here zip with another kill sanji and james left in this one in a two on four that bomb starting to become a bit of a problem they are on the defuse they are sticking it the shots aren't connecting you've got to get the kill and they can't find it astralis they do take vp's mafic away in overtime not many teams are able to put a stop to vp when we get to this time period and yet the danes pull through now a map up in this series and with dust two up next or vertus pro they've got their work cut out for him
Channel: ESL Archives
Views: 10,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS Highlights, CS Live, CS Live Stream, CSGO, CSGO Live, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, ESL, IEM, china, competitive, cs, esport, esports, extreme, games, gaming, intel, masters, twitch
Id: A__tkvN2glE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 42sec (5322 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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