CS:GO - Astralis vs. Virtus.pro [Dust2] Map 2 - IEM Cologne 2021 - Quarterfinal

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very big scalps to take down but dust2 it can always feel like a scary map to pick into especially versus the season grizzled veterans of vp on this map a cis classic as we get ready to head in to dust two map two between astralis versus vp and the pistol round well it's already underway and they're waiting around and no chance for second place here this court final eliminations on the line vp don't want to be on the receiving end of that just a map away from going home empty-handed smoke on the hinge lets them climb up catwalk but do they opt to do so still back in tunnels vp could always fall back into one of these b plays eventually you can just even got a molotov so we'll see where that that one's going to end up cat is free though vp have a lot of room and astralis might try and meet them in the middle here they're already facing they're already fighting and so if vp do drop back into b astralis is going to be there yeah one of the curious things as well is you don't have a oh sorry you do always smoke on sanji that's my bad where where abouts is old sanji right now he is over here towards long so if he is going to try and like smoke a mid to b which is what this was looking like he's going to get that thrown in now from this position and now the rest of the gang of averts pro who will wait patiently trying to get through these doors glaive has smoked it off they've got to battle through these smokes they will get out into the open and now try to wrap the bee bomb site pressure is on for magisk and for dupreeh who occupy the bees site right now getting closer is vertus pro and just magisk in the hot seat dead after one yakindar's disrupting the rotations down here in middle as well any kills he can get so valuable to vp but nothing is found and in turn a three on three retake given a go by astralis double flashing they go they're waiting around bomb is ticking and the kills are flying through there's a trade from james now it's all on buster for him with armor with every hope in the world but does the usp tap him out there's the ding and buster can't convert glaive covered looking away head hitbox hidden and zip provides the shot three kills from him and a lovely little retake for his promise a lot of it coming down to yakindara middle if he gets a kill there i don't think that's an australis round yeah you could you could see how much that meant to sonic bro he's he's pulling in a big celebration he knows that in a round like that in a three on four a lot of times if that was a rifle round you were probably just saving me but you get away with that kill in middle it reinvigorates the squad and i love the pace on that retake right so many teams might have elected to hang around a bit see if you're given a kill vp are not going to over face there you've got to bring the fight to them and astralis wastes no time in doing that i do like this buy though vp right bomb plant is enough temptation and knowing you can get rifles in on a map like dust too sure the lack of util definitely a gaping hole here but you make up for it with firepower aks and galils and headshots getting hounded here for vp astralis they've got a guy in the middle needs to watch out it's already starting to lean a and that's the right call vp are trying to take long later james scouting middle still as he kinda owns catwalk and vp is it gonna be contact out long there's only one guy on this angle but he's got a very tight angle indeed zip won't be able to put up more than a kill here and instead it's the info and he backs out gotta watch out for your kinder and cat he's trying to sandwich them in but he's already been dealt with and zip gets out scot-free this is a beautiful start for australis and they know exactly what's coming their way yeah the the movement in this round man how they've dealt with this with this cat and long crunch is beautiful you deal with the cat prong now you've opened up the chance to play retake you can get these players on the cross vp didn't have a lot of utility because of the force by here and so they're having to brave this crossing with just one smoke down they will get across kicker the man to make it trying to secure a bit of a foothold in this a site the other two players back at long they're hoping the bomb can get planted for these long players and they'll come in handy later in the round taps it that's the molotov to deny the bomb plant with so little time left the fact that the bomb is now dropped out in the open is a big problem for buster he's providing kills he's providing pressure but he's got to get this bomb planted and he's taking fights on the catwalk instead the round falls apart for vp that was winnable he killed the player in the corner that was it he had a chance if only he immediately got on that bomb plant maybe that's a vp round maybe they can just sit back at long but he tries to hunt the kills and you know astralis are not going to give you the kills before the time expires right even if one goes down the other will be hidden so yeah you know maybe buster's calculating in his head maybe the the clock is different but i don't know man that felt so winnable for vp nice try and astralis play it so well by taking catwalk they deal with your kinder and they just never give those long players picks talking of picks james has opened up into middle it's one way to begin a round yeah i mean once again it's sanji dropping this weapon over and playing p250 armor in this round of course look man this is why you give james the scouts he's opened up for you and now with the rest of vp leaning towards this b site waiting in the tunnels the question really starts to become will this just be a follow through into a b play yeah it's about your only hope here and while bubsky's gonna put that in ruin you would imagine he's got nades got molly even but guns out right now there's the mid flank kicker with a chance oh he had to hit that headshot though dupree swerves and does take that trade so four on four right now vp just getting ready to commit james given a pick that would be lovely and even though he hits a scout shot that gives time for the util to reign in on b keep vp out for now and they're going to reset spawn maybe running b with four could have given them a chance at the round but now going back elsewhere with astralis not having rotated it should be free they're zip to take down your kinder and at this point maybe back to the tunnels here for vertice pro yeah you could tell that they'd read into that as an over rotation towards b right your kinder is just knife out through the long doors i think they're hoping that all the attention all that utility going into the tunnels is telegraphing a bit of a b stack couldn't be further from the truth and now with the bomb dropped on short it is just the cleanup for astralis that round never lets uh they never let that round get out of hand rather in spite of the opener found on the scout and so they go 3-0 up finding the pistol finding the conversions as well this is the scout shot that began the heart or began the round rather james taking down glaive very nice shot if you can do more of that with the awp then we're in for a map here 3-0 for astralis but again leads mean nothing in a series like this jame he has that orb and he's going right down mid with it for astralis it's a bonus round if they can steal this away and arm themselves with aks they would be more than happy flashing themselves through longer vp though four ct's here to fight them they're already pushed up oh buster knows and he hunts down zip x in the corner lots of volatiles lots of grenades are about to get beaten to the punch the hunt is in buster oh lighting them up with a couple and dupree does get out alive but astralis are worse for wear down a man vp aren't pretty either but at least they're armed yeah if you're gonna save this you need to get a player up into the site quickly and the emphasis is on quickly boys come on oh get on my head oh my god dude someone just just do it the easy way finally finally he gets up now it's not the end of the world because luckily enough vp do take a while to actually get a move on that's the key to this war machine conserving energy right it's all about traveling at the the optimum speed for fuel efficiency and now they start to creep out long dupree doesn't really have a saying what's going on at the a bomb site your kinder's even late lurking up through middle dupreeh a lot of work to do with this galil they've crossed up the ramp they're going to try and swing him together by the looks of things and kicker absolutely blows him out the water vertices pro are onto their first round here and now and a lot of it coming off the back of buster who just really is keen to capitalize on how much astralis were fighting him at long yeah they were throwing all these grenades and you know as he clears it in that close blue corner i thought australis would try and trade the kill or at least be aware that maybe they would get hunted this guy out but no yeah he's able to get double entry do a lot of damage and then vp just slow it down on long as so many teams do on this t side just trying to save at the last possible second they're going to walk in and do everything they can to deny this gun it's uh it's not looking good for magisk got to say there's the molly and by a bye no smoke for it no chance no hope in hell vp on the board and astralis getting burnt to death they've still got a bit of money they should certainly buy up here get some guns even have an awp as well just be one player who's got problems and let's just why we don't i don't want to relive this moment bro this isn't what i want to remember oh feels like every you know we're getting the mm game in in this series harry we got that truck plant in the first map now we're getting people failing the cat boost double up for astralis they put it over the rifles let's leave them lacking on two but you can win a round like this for sure yeah a lot of it is hinging on this fight though if this fight goes in favor of vp they just win the round on the back of it so magisk really a lot of pressure on his shoulders he doesn't know it yet but in a moment's time he's about to be made aware of what lurks back in these tunnels oh magist there's the swing lots of bodies coming his way and while he does take one to the grave with him that is the extent of the behold now the rotation's coming if one man already out into the site glaive up in the window only arm with this deagle kind of a say on what's going on he's molotov out of position astralis they might just have to save here as mentioned magisk really had to get away with a couple of kills on that uphold yeah i mean you can't get mad for one kill there but yeah the first shot has to hit if you want more than one there are definitely rounds so that can that can work we saw twists from the other side of the tunnels pull an ace on a similar similar round in this tournament but yeah without that first shot connecting vp win the round and there's no kit for the retake so sometimes that hurts but not vp they're going to start building a bank they're building t-side rounds and that's really not what australis wanted because they would love to have you know either win that round and get their money back on track or lose it just take their quick ecos and then have gun rounds asap instead they're stuck in this weird middle spot where you know you're saving smgs now you're building a bit of your residual cash but you don't want to give matches a gun here you don't want to waste any more of your money yeah and so vp have more chances to build into this half after rule oh there's quite a bit of reinvestment they are looking like they're going to throw a lot into this round and cool attack pausing to uh to supplement the investments astralis is saying we want to win this round right now we don't want to you know they realize the money is not in a good standing bubsies give a majestic majestically and now they've bought to win the disc has got a kit as well something they didn't have for that retake and so yeah this is a now a very important round for astralis and considering vp didn't see the majority of astralis that round anyway they don't really care what's being brought in in terms of weaponry they know anything could be here and so play it like it's a normal round vp i am curious if they're going to uh anticipate this little double orb right but they they never really knew about it so that makes makes you question it maybe it's like the third choice as far as what we've seen from this team and how they've been divvying up the orbs well vp a little faster on the mid control in this round they are running up cat and they're here very very quick zip well he's gotten a cross he might be in hot water and there he is opened up onto manchester's got no choice but to fight now they run into dupres up but they're gonna start to turn back and this is because they deal with the players in middle fast flanking catwalk astralis trying to use momentum and shane will snuff out the last light the last gleam of hope in that round the op gun vertice pro tie this game up at three to three i love the awareness right we haven't really seen like a go at a fast flank out of astralis yet they throw it in in that round there and vp not only are they ready for it but it ends up being the catalyst as to why they closed that round out yeah if they were forcing to dupry there if they weren't given those picks they may have just run into the slaughter oh nice try anyway for astralis with what was inevitably a broken by vp even things up fast out long for sanji you know what's funny about that round is if astralis went for the cat boost they would have had that early info they would have had that early control but uh we well we know how the cat boost has gone for them two players tried to take it late instead astralis they've taken some mid control here vp out long never means a commitment here never confirms it but with no one else back in b back in spawn it certainly looks to be this long cross the double smokes are in vp are going to get into the site for free it's what's in the site that might be expensive oh look at barbs waiting here oh no firing off now they know about him no more element of surprise yeah this round you know any chance of finding damage really did hinge on bubsky's position getting away with something because now you're forced into a retake with just pistols you really are just looking to strip some guns away if you can vp up in the lead at four to three and already a kind of more commanding looking t side out with them right back on overpass there were times where things started to look a little bit scared out of vp you know their style is one as we say that's pretty slow pretty methodical anyway so it feels like it's kind of hard to know when they're in their heads but even thinking back to like the the closing segments of ot right they were very very passive a lot of the time they weren't taking some of the same risks that they were willing to take before well here on dust new map new setting and vp are looking fired up yeah i think that does make a big difference right if we think about how astralis managed to 10-5 the city side of overpass so many of those rounds as they did for vpct come down to reeds right like good stacks keeping your triple b's until late in the round despite getting a fight early and you know on a map like dust2 yeah you can make reads but they're going to be far less impactful just because of the fact that not only can you rotate so quickly but yeah it's never it's never confirmed losing long doesn't mean it's a it might just be vp toying with you losing cat doesn't mean they're committing they can drop back into a mid to b so you're not going to ever be rotating your anchors until you have that bomb oh that's very close timing jay might still get it though flick won't connect look close dude pretty gonna flash himself back in instead there's no kit in this round for a stroller so as we're talking about retakes one cannot be uh found in this round they've really got to stop it before it gets to that to that point yeah and what that means out of this behold is you you need like more than even trades right and three on three will not do if that's what you leave your uh your squad in at this b site so that's gonna put a bit more pressure on this uh this double up hold at the b side of the map on cat as well first contact is glade bobsky fell i would love to see him stay there because with this orb it would easily be able to take first contact they'll never be checking for bobsky there they might even drop back and bubsky can re-aggress instead he's gone down into middle and that may not be a bad call indeed as vp could drop into one of these midterms but here comes some lineups yeah these are just the standard catwalk smokes to try and get you out and berta's pro man this is just the a commitment in they come there's glaives off good for the first and now fighting even further is glaive it gives bobsky a bit more room a bit more of an element of surprise again this one-two punch in the a bomb site staggers vp for a moment can they dust themselves off can they pick themselves up buster not able to get these entries kicker while he has tapped out one he's got to create a lot more room and with very little time to play with the options the opportunities they're starting to elude berta's pro that bomb plant gonna come in with seconds to spare left in a two versus four the bomb is planted for sure so it's all set up for jane to close the round out however he's bested by glaives awp he's had a pretty quiet game so far as glaive but in the right place at the right time with the big green gun you'll see through a fourth round for the danes lovely little shots but no scope to close as well and you've got to wonder if like bubsky is making his own calls there or if he's being micromanaged but his positioning is great in that round right he starts cat in a double setup i think glaive tells him to drop when he has the angle with the orb and then bubsky you know set up for a mid-to-be vp are looking like they're going for it and then right as they set back up for this cat execute bubs he's already up on default there with the opening kill so he's he's all over the place man he's in the the the right spots the spots that astralis need him and so you know credit to him or credit to glaive uh whoever's moving the pieces around on this chessboard four to four and a must win round for australia's kept their economy above water eps is yet to be submerged either james still got his awps and we're getting a competitive game out of the gate harry that's a little more reassuring last time around it was a a very slow start for vp not just in there finding their opening round at 6-0 down but even in the first half it was 12-5 the mvp came alive and drew us back to ot one of the things that uh you know that we're kind of noticing and this is something that's been spoke about in uh in these interviews as well with astralis is how they say like anyone's orphan right now based on fielding largely has been glaive in like a primary off role but this round is a good example of that right bubsky had a spawn he's been tossed the op in the early stages of the round oh they with a double kill he runs right by astralis no one sees him you're kinda like a ghost like an apparition has just appeared from pit and has taken the round away now with long taken this becomes a mind game it grinds to a hole vp up in a four on three they wait with pit control in the bank and now they wait to see if astralis throw any more their way smokes out blade goes for a peek but again is it that ruse it's only one smoke for vp they're playing with their food hurry smoke englave back again to the angle but do you really want to go wide when he has taken these fights to jane posted up he's often in the bearer of bad news here for australis and they can't afford to lose another man backing up and thinking maybe it's all too good to be true it is not here come virtus pro yeah there's only one smoke left on jame that's gone in now but look you can see there are tiny gaps on this and there will be one on the other side as well this gives the orps a chance to fight on the cross and there is a kill coming in on the back of it will that matter will that be the straw that breaks the camel's back losing a man on the cross astralis don't look committed to this they don't look interested in attempting this round the bomb plants coming in astralis have backed the player off in towards b that's magisk and it might just be the save in spite of a i think they're going for it magic was just anchoring b because they hadn't just in case just in case you never know what vp are up to so here now with the kid on bubsky they're moving in bubsky's on cat glaives moved out from the spawn there's no molotov but enable do a little bit of trickle damage if placed well on to sanji it goes glaive trying to cross james is here to stop him and the jump shot won't connect with that does enclave in the um it just helps out and now it's up to james the bomb's not for him they're already sticking in the smoke and there's nothing james can do five rounds for astralis the retake with just a few seconds remaining is picked up and vp stalling that long take does not do them any favors live hits us with a vintage cookley style as oh man a little jump up there all right all right clay we see you that's the kill that kickstarts that entire retake right the guy at the back of the site is suddenly feeling a tremendous amount of pressure james attention is divided between watching ct and the cross and it all falls apart on the back of that jump shot yeah safe plan as well not what they wanted either vp may be upping the ante upping the pace and getting out long again quickly it's going to be a man behind blue dead sadly denied as a kicker takes down zip it's at least kept things even and okay we're fine now for vp we're not stressed because four on four they leave long with no more casualties and now they can reset crouching through spawn making that rotation and leaving james with the open ct to hold for info anyone wants to move out of their positions jane will be coming that across luckily astralis are committed right now they're stuck in their ways stuck in the mud and waiting for vp to come to that yeah because james has this bomb he can't sit and t spawn all round he's having to get a bit more mobile moving in through mid and it's looking like this is destined to be an a play right with buster relinquishing tunnels control and cat being a focal point for vp here you've still got this long doors player to come in late as well glaive has got to hold his own right gets out of there early and that decision might keep him alive for later in the round will this be a bit of a uh a situation where glaive's decision to not fight when it was available lets him find impact in the post plan your kinder already dropped domes glaive on that first peak and now the attention of this long player split between two positions magisk we'll stay alive and keep the round afloat a three on three look at your kinder so low and yet still good for the kills for hp and your kinder has just saved the day for virtus pro never should have been this easy i don't know how he's just gotten away with two waiting in the ct smoke yeah the first kill with four health was a bit much but then to follow up as well ridiculous scenes from your kinder and he's already hunting he's already looking for this kill set up at the b tunnels magisk will not meet him there and so he is going to be able to save the m4 but you won't say much dignity you won't save much face with a round like that being won by vp astralis did everything they needed to keep that even to actually set themselves up for a three-on-three retake but not today vp sneak another round past the keeper and we're up to five five again even stevens astralis on the back foot as far as the economy is concerned yeah you know if you want to look at uh this story for your kinder so far it had been a pretty quiet start to the map you know he was he was down what oh and six heading into the round before last then he gets that double kill entry out through long if you remember that was looking like it was gonna set vp up for a round obviously astralis went on to pull that retake back but this time he stops it in his tracks and now he's trying to take it one step further by committing fast through b out into the opening they haven't dealt with the car player yet the usps are doing it oh my word versus pro they might have been stolen away on a full echo just the rifle on magisk and it's looking like it's done enough the usps steal a round away and uh as i'm singing the praise of virus pro as i'm really trying to back the squad that is how the round falls apart he's a little troll man he bought an mp5 sd with no armor he was just looking to make mints meet a vp and that's what they do served on the table for dinner what i don't know how they win that that's just an absolutely i just gets the opener right and i'm like yeah okay the rifle gets one now now they're going to be right they're only up against pistols and an unarmored mp5 it should be fine no it was not fine it wasn't fighting hugo oh my word well sanji is taking a hit once again and i presume drop the orp over to james he's left with deagle and no armor things you do for your leader six to five uh a a round win that will move past and hopefully he can do the same it's huge for astralis in the in the grand scheme of this match up in the grand scheme of this first half right now it's teed them up to try and at least win out the first half of play if they win this round they break the money averters pro and suddenly you know they're springboarding themselves into the lead it's one of those rounds you don't really think of you you brush it off you wipe it away you forget and you move on but when it gets to round 30 and when you start hitting the ots you start hitting the late game you're wondering man if we won that one round if we just closed the usps this could have been ours before it was all said and done instead here come vp another commitment on the catwalk these have been good to them they've been getting into a lot of postparts glaive he's seen how far they've gotten and they're way ahead of the mark nice shot from glaive though catches your kinder going back with the rifle and now it's a beautiful round for australia so five on four a bomb going down and a retake coming in yeah so often you kind of have been the space creator well in this round they deal with him early and look at the freedom astralis are now feeling they're running amok in this site james trying to hold on good for a double but sanji is so far away it's not planted for him either it's a catwalk plant so sanji can't do a damn thing astralis they do get round number seven up on the board as mentioned breaking the money of ep and so you're hoping if you're an australist fan that this 87 scoreline is like a bare minimum for them now in the first half of play yeah don't get me wrong that was lost for sancho i would love to see him face though he has a deagle with no armor he literally doesn't have anything to lose it would have been really good to see him you know just getting a kill grabbing a player on the site and running away would have done more damage to astralis but it's not the end of the world this is the eco win that astralis just picked up bubsky going wild oh he didn't buy it he picked it up my goodness i just saw it so early yeah i mean so i didn't i didn't see him with it in the beginning i saw him got the usp kill that's why i was so confused but i thought like yeah usp over mp5 i could see that i don't know what that was just a mess honestly though oh that whole man dude i don't know when astralis get brawly it does get exciting right like you remember when glaive stepped away and matas took over the igl role we got a more brawly astralis right we got to see a side to this team that we never really saw before and you still get glimmers of that in these rounds where they get away with absolute murder another hero gun another hope for vp but will you kinders be any better than last time around he's at least got an outlaw luckily enough there is a position that astralis not considering or not trying to contain that's a big grenade from zip putting your kinder on his 40 health and the one man with armor as well doesn't even really want to throw that over it's weird at this point and so that's actually you know the best long control australis have had right they've often been you know getting battered over there instead they get a lot of damage off and they concede it even with a flank from bubsky vp they don't know it they're locked in a cage right now bubsky's taking the safe route he's going the long way round he's checking spawn before he commits there's nothing wrong with that but it will delay him on a flank it's pretty huge though dupri's cleared out tunnel as well and so at this point they do kind of know it's an a play especially with utility coming in three players here to hold the four and a flank available from bubsky hoping the aks can just deal with the job and it's looking good there's the openness for magisk yakindar with this hero rifle has been whittled down throughout the course of the round and one shot was all that was needed to deal that killing blow eight on the board for astralis that little partial investment with the hero ak brushed aside never even breaking a sweat so we've got the danes roaring back to life as they approach the end of this first half yeah there's there needs to be you know a chat here for vp a quick talk because they've had these rebuys round after round after around these ecos they've not had guns full guns for quite some time now so vp this has to be a pickup for them this has to be around we know they can pull back the 12 fives we know it's not the end of the world here and now but you want to make something happen on the t side of this map and jame at the forefront of the orb might be the guy to do it again sanji on the back foot on the weaker weapon vp a late long take this time around zip there on his own and only one orb for astralis as well oh my goodness dude so close in the door james doesn't know how close to death he really is but up cat instead dp giving a bit of real estate before the smokes land oh big from james one way to open yeah crazy that he's so willing to take that engagement and he wins it over glaives awp nice response from dupree and now info gained for zip on the long side as well alone in this a bomb site is bobsky but he's not going down without a fight now crossing out there trying to play retake trying to stay alive he will get across to cap but can he get over and out of this dangerous situation they've thrown a smoke for him they've let him stay over at gandolf oh this has gotten weird now vp they know he's there they've got him trapped but they can't do anything about it they need this bomb plant as well and with molotov's reigning in to slow it down vertus pro have just got to wait yeah only one player spotted duprey's going back though he's trying to full flank the long side and they bought time as said right the molotovs have given australis a bit more room to wait for dupreeh on the the late luck yokin is considering it but timing is everything he looks back to the site and he moves out of harm's way not for long do you agree with the spray converts the kill and bust is still here trapped on the bottom side bubsky's about to find out and there he goes nine rounds to five astralis with another perfect a retake they've been full of them on this ct side and it feels like vp can't catch a break we've not really seen many b attempts ever since that and or that eco win with astralis the mid to bees have been gone and no matter how you sugar it up whether you go short or long astralis have always been retaking this a site they bought an auto sniper but i don't know if that was intentional the ct side i saw him throw it away so it's just in spawn i wonder if they're going to come back to that at any point in this i hope it doesn't come back to her yeah hopefully not right you cannot go for these drops into ct a lot and so there is a world where he could recover it it shouldn't be like a a defining moment but maybe it is they don't know luckily it's not the case you're spamming doors with t-side autos and then the cts are looking for them epa i'm not thinking about that i'd love to see a mid-to-be here it's what got them on the board early some of these b rounds when australis weren't you know as flush with cash as they are now but there's a double set up at least here magisk and dupree committed i mean hey man like if you weren't nervous before is vertice pro you are now right like you you never want to doubt their tenacity you never want to doubt their ability to come back but you also got to factor in that you know land nerves are a thing and as such a crucial juncture in this game out through the doors they go an accidental jump for bobsky and that's giving your kinder a double opener dupreeh trying his best to save the day the only guy left in the b site dupree take us to safety oh no instead he's sidelined by sanji out through the doors dupreeh was the man to open this round up and now from beyond the grave he's got to watch as clave and zip attempt to see it through to the very end yeah last of the half here no questions about the retaker two on two and the util already a miss the flashes are good buster's blinded but no one capitalizes on it they're waiting for zip to come through the tunnels sanji with first contact it's not an easy shot glaives gone all onto zip they can double face or not face at all and it's the vp way to make you wait and find six at the end of the half vp at least showing us something here on the t side of dust too can they keep it going can they pull it back to inferno as a third or is their story gonna come to a close you'll have to stick with us to the bitter end [Music] [Applause] i believe the sniper is the role that enemies should be afraid of like for example enemies are saying like james peaks here or here be careful and then when you're going going against astralis you know that they don't have the main offer and some of the peaks they don't do and it just opens up space for your team and we played against them in catholics quarterfinals as well so we're pretty confident [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] days usually the return into this second half of play on the second map would be accustomed by the screams of adoring fans watching as these two teams take each other on we might not have the crowd with land games in sight with a semi-final on the horizon for one of these teams the pressure is just as high as ever a second half about to begin astralis up in the lead at nine to six berta's pro managing one more before that first half ended is that enough to make a difference now moving in to this second half of play oh that's one way to start it look at the kills they're flying through everyone getting dropped the only thing surviving for astralis is the utility so at least some semblance of a game plan can be kept in shape here but ikinda wants to bend it out of shape he's already pushed through b he's in the spawn and the longer astralis take to commit closer this flank will find itself back they go regrouping and here's where the spot comes in your kinder oh dear should be a freebies with some shots at least gonna have to get out alive but oh buster will make up for it with a quick tap up top mid now any magisk and yeah i'm not thinking of this round like it's any longer winnable for astralis just about saving face whatever they had to show us here what if what if alex and chad had said that during the famous cadian moment right what if you know you're meant to be picking this up you gave me to be getting me excited look 1v5 for magisk all the way through t spawn i've already built this up now maybe it's the realistic harry maybe maybe it is the realest maybe you're right and i look like a fool let's find out is that one on five from magisk oh man i think i remember it let's see magic score dead shot in the side of the head vertice pro seven to their name and as much as we try to will it into existence it's not happening it is an incredibly dominant pistol round out of vp and in the longevity of this series and getting even more of a belter i'm not too dismayed with that no nothing wrong and you know sometimes uh reality comes crumbling down upon you but you just gotta make do with it you gotta brush it off pick yourself up and forced by astralis coming in with deagles as vp control the economy got the scout down middle for the rest of astralis most of which are heading b with bound holding for b aggro leaves him here later in the round and if astralis won they can come back to him he can throw a door smoke and they can recommit into this site certainly might be the play here in this one you know that the numbers are going to be weaker on b than anywhere else james pushed back off of catwalk by the scout and glaive can he finish it can he follow up no james did have cover the nade almost ended his round in fact and now australia's creep out mid but the timing could elude them yeah buster has just moved in dropping this smoke they've already gone through it but he's still good for that opening kill and that's going to deter australis from committing to this mid to b player this point man everything you've tried has kind of been uprooted right you tried looking for that opener on cat you got forced away you tried going mid to b well now you've lost a player there as well the rounds grinded to a bit of an awkward halt for the danes and they're holding on hoping the vertis pro are gonna over extend they're gonna give something up here you know vp like we know vp that ain't gonna happen anytime soon they're just hiding waiting for astralis to make a move and now we finally get this real mid to be commitment out of astralis they're up through mid kicker runs through the molotov and blindsides the mid play still cancelled out by zip but it's a nice clean round for virtus pro the response was good they pieced together what was going on there before it even came through for astralis they had everyone in position to shut down that mid to be yeah it may have been a man down but like the timings of that push were really really good like astralis knew what they were doing it really is just thrown into this ray by kick it coming through the smoke if he doesn't do that i think that goes a lot worse for vp probably and those mid players can you know catch vp while they're stopping the tunnels push instead it's a perfect round and vp are more than happy with that james got an over yes no money to be made 900 ahead the bounty's out and jane wants his piece yeah all right jane all right it's unorthodox but let's see if he can get any kills with it there is someone coming his way there it is the nova ringing out with a kill and now he's hungry for even more another 900 paycheck here it is james get your stimmy baby come on here he is with the push oh no he's dead to glaive the nova betrays him don't get too close that's what vp is saying now don't get too close keep your distance he can't win we'll take these fights oh globia it was only a matter of time so there's vertis pro tying this game up after all and nine to nine and that one kill for jay means he's flushed with money he's gonna bring the op out right away no issues there so harry when we went into this game we said okay astralis they're going into one of vp's most played maps a map that strawless in recent times haven't played too much what have they got to show us what have these t-sides got in store at 12-5 they could only just close out their last map in ot right here and now it's even stevens it's up for the taking for vertice pro astralis need a banging rifle round out of the gate yeah you you really want to hit the ground running here right you want to start to take matters kind of back into your own hands you want to start to make vp feel like at the mercy of your t side you don't want them any more confident than this the barrow the barrel glaive he's got the info oh james stop it stop it you saucy little minx he's showing a little bit in middle but nothing too much now backing out of there just a little teaser to glaive oh no and astralis in doing this they they leave b they're like don't peek lower james holding you and that spot has now been taken by buster glaive jumping out of the sight of your kinder down in middle he does have that secondary orb he is tagged up now astralis getting ready to go long vp it's as clear as day there is no question about it five players in the long position if anyone goes back buster is there to deny but in the meantime this double orb is inside of the site your kinder from b has been boosted in with james what could possibly go wrong for vp now yeah they are so ready for this play astralis you are walking in to certain death all players here for vp even buster moving in from lower tunnels they know what's happening they know what's coming their way astralis trying to get past the smokes are now fading as well they try to spill into this site jane with his orb on short hasn't been given an angle yet still this player tucked the gand off the molly is wasting the precious time they can't get this ball planted they can't get the bomb planted and butters probe won it on the time alone it alludes astralis vp up in the lead and it's not often that the danes run out of time it's not often that rounds fall apart like that and maybe that's a sign of the times there's now vp springboard themselves into the lead that's the opera's dream man james holds that molotov all round he's just scoped up lower he doesn't need to use it and it comes in with 10 seconds remaining but just couldn't do anything if he gets on the bomb there he will die during the animation his team suddenly go wild right they start hunting kills down they get three out of five they do a good job with only 10 seconds warning but it's not enough vp are never going gonna throw that away they're never gonna give you five kills in five seconds and so they steal it right under the nose of astralis oh that's gonna hurt forced to save guns they didn't want to as well it's gonna limit the util no loss bonus for astralis just keep what you had and take nothing extra dude breeze board an ak everyone else is armed and this is going to be the weirdest t-side rifle round you're going to see in a while look at the utility it's on zip fro of all people and nothing else vp are laughing all the way to the bank and this boost up cat again the flash at least gets it off straws doing their best to avoid a disaster for now yeah once again early set towards short and maybe looking to explode long into an a split our astralis this is you know not anything crazy complex from the date sometimes going back to basics is what's needed to find success so they take this long control they're pressuring the players in the site sanji not letting these guys out of cat has just given a lot of room over to vertus pro look at this now it went from only two bodies in this suddenly everyone's here and they're all chipping in jane with a late trade the bomb out at long but it is just james left he's got it down to a 1v1 on both sides and now playing around this bomb with glaive left to beat it's a clash of offers a clash of legends and james is the man to put 11 on the board for vp oh unreal from that op on the ct side we were just about to clear him a car and then that flash comes out sanji swings wide it somehow favors astralis they win the trade game on long considering sanji opened up but shane had to be cleared and duprey couldn't do it too flashed out if he does that rounds theirs instead look at the result jane kills everyone audacious he sat on top of the bomb in that 1v1 as well he didn't hide he didn't give it away and vp are trying to steal this series back from the brink of defeat from astralis in control although anything but free look at the speed they've upped the pace they grabbed a gun and they're committing into the a site oh yeah but on this cross we've seen bp devastate the astralis forces before this time with the smoke down they are able to get that bomb into the site and with the bomb now planted a chance in the five on four the retake through ct starts to get awkward your kinder opens up other avenues up on the short side you've got to deal with your kinder because he's taking everybody out of the round one at a time three for him and now versus pro is spurred on up they come buster with the kill to bobsky zip steagle while it's good for the first that's the extent of it and a huge round out of your kinder puts vp up onto 12. this game is still going and vp are not letting go they are not giving australis the room back into this t side and i can't say i don't love it insane play from your kinder just runs through the mid-doors and every wave of astralis is unable to put a stop man coming into this i was worried about dust too i'm always concerned about this too when it's your pick in a series it can feel like such an uncertain map especially when you're up against as mentioned the battle hardened vp here right back to basics harry maybe more of a b round here for astralis it's the one site they've not shown much love to on the t side james again just back to his usual tricks on catwalk he won't be there for long right that's standard you're expecting that everywhere astralis but buster yoinking a kill out of middle with only a pixel of position it's gonna steal dupree's life 12 to nine a man up money on the line here for astralis it's all falling apart i would love to know how that pete looked to duprey i don't think he ever even knew he was open to the open mid i was watching buster's pov and i barely even saw it oh that's brutal a man down and a huge player to lose early dupreeh knocked out astralis where did the answers lie where can you find these openers short side maybe magisk versus kicker i don't think matches spotted him kicking those kicker is more than aware that there was a guy here on cat and now he's been even more aware that he's hit this timing blindsiding magisk who was never ready for a close swing glaive was attempting a trade here but already the short players gone back it feels like you're fighting against your own shadow man they're just disappearing and reappearing elsewhere oh glaive out through the short side does have jane to beat and this is a fight that james has been good in time and time again the fact that zip has knocked has maybe given them a chance after all huge from zip nicks on this long flank astralis have still got fight in them yet a three on two with the bomb down and your kinder and buster this was never a situation they even envisioned and they're giving it up oh my goodness what a round to sneak past the keeper where did that come from zip's long luck was perfectly timed but in tandem with him getting a double there is glaivium winning a fight on the awp and so despite dupre dead and middle despite the strong start for vertis pro it all comes crumbling down and astralis hold on that was the round that really in my head would have almost sealed the deal for vp right astralis losing all their money down 13 to nine it would be reliant on one more rifle round now astrologers have given themselves a second life double digits and all up in the air now everyone goes quiet there's the shot that started here just unreal man really like all things considered the fact that this was a three on five it is remarkable that astralis pick it up and it is in no small part because of zip's long flank right i think if james is still posted on that angle glaive is never even given a chance to take those fights in ct you can definitely see dupreeh like it's getting to him as well he's the bottom performer in his team right now second in the server he he that he was him getting picked in middle without the info as well he's been you know dying a lot first it's not fun for dupree right now just got to keep your head in the game when you when you die like that you go down 3v5 you know he's sitting there probably thinking the round's over and astralis pull it back they win it so that's got to be motivation in and of itself 12 to 10. now it's vp's money drawn into question they'd love to answer the call with a with a win here and maybe the cat boost maybe it'll finally be time to show it jamie's been doing it round after round and he's been flashed off every time but not today bubsky no flash for him his team out long and he's dead first this doesn't leave you with a lot to fall back on either if you're astralis right now that you've lost this tunnel's control it's given room to vp look at them they've taken all this control away over towards the b site and so they know this is destined to be an a play already oh my god james just flashed no one peeks on the back of it maybe just an info flash no one fires off so they're not ready for these close peaks magisk with a double your kinder holding on to the site won't give them an inch and with james still covering from cat glaive is pinced in a rough spot he's got to flush out your kinder and they can't seem to deal with this pest in the a bomb site sip with the flick and still you're kind of awp fighting back in and it's a 1v1 again jane versus glaive clash of the big brains clash of the titans and jane is calling glaives bluff he knows he's trapped and glaive will nail the shot no accounting for that if you're jane no accounting for that quick flick out of glaive astralis get on to 11 and zip has just had a round of life when it matters most for the first long player i don't know how he does it the contact longwood is a beautiful call for astralis because it makes magic happen we've now seen five players on astralis in this series already and we are not done ladies and gentlemen we are nowhere near done 11 to 12 and around snuck right through the legs of vp nutmeg not happy about that one and look at what it's done to them they're on an eco hugo this is the path back to equalizing this game for astralis i'm just still shocked that glaive when he made that play he dropped off he ran ct he walked back james heard that it was a fake it was by design james huge brain on the shoulders doesn't fall for it but still glaive hits the shot what an in-game leader and here we go this is where it all starts to fall apart this is where pretty for vp turns ugly very quickly astralis may have won a usp round vp are not going to be as fortunate yeah right they're all just on the wrong side of the map they took a heavy gamble towards a and it's not paid off for them the bombs all the way back in t spawn that's not a problem for astralis if anything is quite nice it's giving them a bit of time to figure out what's going on in this round and now as they set up into b they've got a free bomb site a free bomb plant 12 12 is as good as done my goodness this game is providing harry it was a bit quiet at the start of dusk too it was a bit back and forth but now it's up in the air no one in control of this one astralis feeling the burn maybe that little bit more they've got a map in their pocket they've got some of the pressure alleviated and zip is having a field day on this anti-ego two kills already the span through the door will do some damage and vp aren't getting out here with even a player i'll buy a kicker it's all too familiar territory five alive and astralis they deal with that eco but it was all the means to an end for a vp it was all the wait for this buy round and it's unfortunate the vp are not going to be having an orb unless your kinder glass rifles and of course he will yeah man what jane wants james gets i was about to say like yeah sanji's doing it sure yeah buster doing sure you can just pop in the in the team second in the server and he has no armor before behind his rifle now well so faith in it is a lot of faith right a lot of faith in james and we need to see why that's the case right if there ever was a time for james to give us a round it's in this one where they've sacrificed armor on your kinder getting dealt by astralis one player in this b site is the armorless eukandar this is it this is all your chickens coming home to roost he needs to make a play and aim punched out of the round zips gonna get him a four on three and the b site stripped away from vertis pro they're saving they're not attempting this one astralis are back in the lead oh my goodness and they know that better than most they know that better than anyone right now vp are not even considering this one safe plan even astralis they make sure that nothing goes bad here they keep their eyes on the price just in case vp want to slip in last second but that's not the case and soon the penny drops 13 to 12. and vp not in a pretty position right now not in an enviable one either it's unreal right like we we talk about landlords we talk about as well in this head-to-head you look at the the names on astralis you look at the legacy that these guys have online is where they do their best work and i think no one is exemplifying that more in these last few rounds than zipnics he definitely deserves a lot of praise as to the reason that astralis are even in this position it was him with back-to-back 2ks to put a stop to this run from vertus pro and now astralis in the lead now the scales have tipped yet again in this series and it's the danes up in the front vertis pro while they've got an investment looming well they've got guns ready to come in you are now at the mercy of this ct economy we know how punishing it can be and the fact that it could be the undoing of virtus pro on dust ii oh the pressure it's immense it is immense this next rifle round mat is so so much yeah you talk about undoing i mean it was astralis as a roster that's been undone in the past 12 months and was even looking to be so in the future questions on where these players are going will they remain will they even play pro we'll have to find out right now if astralis can do this if they can steal a semi-final spot if they can maybe take a victory at im cologne that would be quite a statement and quite a lot of reinvigoration into a roster that we felt was on the decline well now they're on the up-and-up lan is back and so are the danes we've got that orb swap magicis taking it now not zip and so vp sit back with two and b again astralis they seem to feel this is the solution the the way to get the rounds on the board kicking and buster ready and waiting through the smoke and the entries in the kicker flying it provides a double can he get his util out in time just throwing what he can into the sky and climbing up above he's dropped by glaive now australis owned the bomb site but there is no way you save here of your vp you are giving it every go yeah james mollied out his orb can't really find anything yet but they are boosting him over this smoke looking in this little pixel kind of eagle strips magisk from the round clave and zip this little duo the two that took time away from astralis are now gonna put the hours in when it matters most back against the wall a man down going back the flash is good zip nicks with the first and still eager for more glaive alongside it miss spray it's zip to do it 1v1 and jane the last man elusive is ever up on top nails the no-scope there's no time for the defuse zip has done it the clock is enough all the kills for berta's pro but none of the glory none of the rounds 14 on the board for astralis and they're on their way to potentially two owing this series wow yeah g2 waiting in that semi-final right now and probably a little bit worried as well we're getting a great game out of astralis these b rounds these executes late have been incredible and it's another win from zip nicks man there's no stopping him all of these t-side rounds is of late coming off the back of this guy yeah and james the guy you rely on in the clutch right he's there's a reason we see him so late in every single round he's the guy picking up these ones for vp no that's twice now that's in the 1v1 v glaive down an elevator that glaive hits the headshot and right there james gets the kill but it doesn't matter he looks to open instead dropped off of the boost and a missed shot from james it's uncharacteristic the pressure may be getting to him astralis on the up and up and about to close slave tagged you kind of crossing b and he is the only player in this b site again no armor last time no health this time and no brakes being caught by vp they might feel the need to rotate players over this puts sanji in a dangerous spot could have been the opener for dupreeh but instead he does see that fight through now you've got support for your kinder envy and astralis know this as well they're no longer looking to commit to this b site the plan is back up in the air yeah and if anything it's a bit ruined where do you go and when lot to clear and flashes give away exactly what you have in your mind so glade tries to take dry fights he jumps the corner buster's back on car with his awp he's not the only one james and goose gotta get past double snipers and glaive not usually an opera is he up for the job oh oh yes he is nails the opener as you say more where that came from up in the site now they know about james flashing him off the angle the bomb is dropped on the long side time is the problem and james as we say the time lord in this a bomb site is trying and denying the round to astralis even though he's taking fights it's unwinnable for the danes 13 perverters pro and maybe just maybe this game has still got some legs on it yet yeah i mean your guess is as good as mine at this point vp never a team to give up or go down without a fight if you watched overpass you'll remember that australis do they feel the burn yet they've got the money at least that was the problem last time when they hit 15 where they couldn't close in regulation it came down to economy a lot of it had some good little rounds had some pistols that's not been the case astralis have been the ones controlling the money in this half keeping vp on the back foot that's a huge rifle round win from james and co you're kind of staying alive especially after clay finding those openers with the awp really seeing him coming into his own with europe and i love how fluid it is on astralis right now everyone's getting rounds with it right we've had everyone providing zip got that massive three piece on the long a and so yeah give it to whoever wants it really at this point glaive's back in with a rifle he's not got armor i hope he remembers i hope he realizes don't do this to me in round 28 come on [Music] it's hard to quantify the effect this has but it does have an effect yeah well you know we'll see right if the round end up getting undone because of aim punch because there's something wild going on you'll know about it stacking up outside of b again the call for astralis these b plays they've created a lot of opportunities for the danes before they look to follow through or is this just a little fake in the opening segments of the round bit of utility going in keeping these b players on their toes cat control taken so a bit of a standard default here from astralis the only thing they're lacking is long control it's for that reason i don't envision this goes back to a right i'm guessing that this is an a fake into the b split and that is exactly what this is looking like right now you've got utility on buster anja kinder two smokes to slow down this b play yeah they're trying to force the nades out now there's buster climbing up and over with his smoke down kick it's actually opened up he's dropped the mid to b he blocked the smoke they didn't have open season and it's a absolute slaughter inside of the b site manchester's trying to save the day he's grabbed a couple of kills and the ct's aren't here yet they're caught off by the smokes by the molly landing in the window astralis this round looked as good as done but now suddenly i'm believing all over again especially with guys like zip still alive oh it's into a two on two this was a two on five by the way zip nicks trapped in a corner sanji is right behind him and even though magisk is trying to watch for this it's still the kill coming in for butters pro team ace as everyone pulls their weight a damn good try for magisk and zip you couldn't have asked for more out of them but it's not enough vp 14 to their name oh and the money it's so awkward for astralis they can put up another buy but it's gonna leave them wanting if it slips away i mean we didn't see the middle he died coming through ct blocking the smoke but if anything him not buying armor gives him an ak with nate this round so you know swings around about there are benefits uh i guess that's lucky but at the same time you're not exactly feeling lucky to be in this position 14-14 there's an opportunity you've just got to make the most of it guns getting brought up astralis spreading the economy thinly vp in control not feeling the burn anymore huh last time at least astralis had 15 they had that you know little safety net of overtime to fall back on if things went bad they don't have this that this time around over uh inferno it's just merely two rounds away two vertice pro rounds away is that going to be the case i mean when you've got a zip almost 30 kills deep you got the rest of the gang all around him starting to find their footing it feels almost very soft but the 10 kills could make all the difference in this game magisk with the opener and a huge one to find at that look at this fast up short i don't know how james has been able to stay alive but he survived the drop into ct and look at your kinder fast up the short side it's given over a kill glaze has just missed the timing on to buster but right now they're concerned with getting the bomb planted and that alone i'll get it down molly's a little late to do too much damage bubsky's out of there high and dry all good jame on the long side deletes magisk and it's another one of these 2b2 retakes this time in the a bomb site bobsky and glaive the two to try and keep astralis in this and just james left to beat he might be conceding jane might be running for the hills giving 15 over to astralis he did what he could but he yeah he worked it out that was not winnable that was not easy astralis it got scary right that was a safe plan they were limited in where they could go but with james splitting up and that info being gained by magisk they're able to take a 2v1 and that puts him in the lead that puts him on map point series point semi-final point here 15 to 14. certainly not done sonic wants to make it so and vp don't have the money to consider a full by here they're just throwing whatever they can at the wall hoping james can carry them through with the awp but in terms of james closing rounds in this map he has had trouble he's had huge impact he's up top of the server right now but it certainly doesn't matter when astralis are winning every single 1v1 the vp style cold calculating merciless and it needs to be all those things and more now more so than ever in a missed utility out here at long and zip is looking worse for where he's mollied out into the open apart his own doing and down now and over here in mid dupree who's had a quiet game has reclaimed the four on four and in this b site buster is alone he's taking control of the tunnels he's grabbed an ak and buster steals the round from astralis just bobski over time is on the horizon and all of it has come off the back of buster's behold bobsky what can you do can you rid us of this man in the tunnels who has stolen the game from your teammates first kill found for bobsky now a chance at a 1v2 a big t-spawn rap and bobsky runs right into james it's another overtime we wouldn't have it any other way you know the drill second sorry overtime coming up in just a second don't go anywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] keep telling us [Music] it's just the way we live [Music] it's just [Music] [Music] just [Music] yeah they don't told me to be myself so when i went and found myself oh the ones who told me back then be true to who i am ain't think we was really gonna win are they watching us from the sidelines while we trying to victories like we're in high tides i'mma get my prize only thing my eyes is locked in on half a milli mine mine i want it right now don't waste my time family in a penthouse with a view sky high blood sweat and tears bring more than my eyes cause the whole gang went and adam gave my life i'd slow but we did it didn't we and we always moving never on the same thing now our lives are highlight real we like the thrill this life's ideal the hype is just [Music] we are here in the city of the cathedral of counter strike and right now there's got to be one a long head orb saving water walking man who can get us over the line is jame time over on vp unable to win his 1v1 but buster and his team come through to close it out and bring us to extra time vp with almost nothing to play with in round 30 have held on they weren't able to close ot last map on overpass but here on dust 2 it's anyone's game yeah james's and his merry disciples trying to make this a very good friday indeed well dupree over here for the astralis t side is not wasting any time getting stuck in over at long a big fight underway someone's gonna take something and eventually kicker will a man advantage for vertice pro to begin overtime and now we need heroes to emerge instead the problem is dug deeper for astralis with zip falling over in middle you are immediately relinquished to this tiny bit of map control at long and a three on five it's a perfect beginning for vertice pro but can they keep it clean aggression and be absolutely no fear for your kinder they've been doing this all half though this has been vp ct side through and through just taking the tunnels and coming in on flanks or getting up the catwalk very clicked uh quick to retake so this is no news to astralis if they double back they'll see it glave oh dear he's going back but he's not committing to spawn and that's where he kinder is pistol out running amuck glaive is missing this timing but if he kinder keeps running oh he stops and glaive now does not have that info this is a free kill for you kinder oh oh he takes it in the end looked a bit scary with the first few shots and now astralis know they're walking into a stack they've got to fight their way through yeah it's brutal man you just got to admit like yeah there's going to be a lot of guys here it's not likely but we've got to do our best and their best is not good enough the double orbs tear through astralis but as pro take the first round in ot and if that's a sign of things to come maybe inferno is on the horizon that was brute or the opener for kicker extended by yakindar who then went on a terror of his own rapping all the way through t spawn it's a much more confident looking vp and you know you kind of might have said in that interview our style doesn't need us to be mega confident right it's all about a numbers game but when he in particular is feeling that confidence feeling the ability to take map control in a fashion that we just saw that is when virtus pro looked their most terrifying yeah right yokinda is one of the hottest rifling prospects right now in counter-strike the the you know we want to see tested up against the best and well here is the proof inside of the pudding located as it should be yakinda pushed up deep in b he spots bubsky and out he goes so he may be confident but he's not crazy keeping this in a five on five as astralis regroup back in the b tunnels we still have this double orb if things end on b if they can get through buster and his secondary then james going to be hard-pressed to retake with his that's the hope though it might not be the world we live in because australia's have the bomb up cat they still have a long lurker options are open and rotates are closed we're starting to finally see people shuffle over they don't think it's b and they're right in that assumption yeah astralis might have been the team to coin the meta where every piece of utility felt impactful and was doing damage first pro they've kind of coined the matter where every peak is impactful every you know they won't give you fights unless they have to unless they want to unless they're perfectly orchestrated with utility behind it this round is a great example of that astralis have been looking for mid-fights and were never given anything now they just have no choice but to go 5v5 into this a bomb site kicker waiting at ramp is mollied into the open he is playing with fire he's right behind that smoke and zip is going to spam him out through it a man invited taken for astralis can they do good on the back of this five on four yeah you can just read the look bob sees coming in you can have just checked it bubsky gets the kill now sanji up close he's got the key he's got a chance and he's got the first kill but that bomb is open and not for him before the awp oh my god him somehow getting magisk through the back of gandalf what a wall bang two on three bobsky's still here with another look to shut down the retake they're not on the bomb yet and they never will be bubsky backstabs glaives showing his op off and despite james heroic effort is astralis finding an equalizer yeah i i thought when jane gets that wall bang bro i don't know i was getting worried i was getting nervous really bobsky is the hero in that round there talk about like uh get right here man yeah right there such a look at that wall bangs look at it magisk never even faces and now the auto snipers are out as we get into the last round of this t-slide oh damage ouch oh they're going through the molly matches smokes he runs wild busters on one healthy still holds on a nade in the window would deal with buster it would remove this incumbent b player james is here with his orp but they've already crossed behind the smokes james isn't aware that a player has gotten out yet and bobsky will deal with that up now buster's awp at one point of health has got to do a lot flash to kill him crossing into the site or astralis bom plant comes in zip with a kill and the molly's gonna burn out glaive but it's still advantage to astralis the kicker and buster what can they even do here oh the nader just trickles in through the door buster's time has come kicker one versus three he can't find a thing they're not giving him the fights and bobsky's there to see that half through for astralis 17 to 16. they're up in the lead and it's a big counter to that first in ot that vertex pro picked up i love the call for astralis so many times you'll see teams span those doors but not commit off the back of it well if you think back to regulation think back to those last few rounds astralis managed to grab out of vp on the t side it were those people it was those b players rather the mid to bees the fast tunnel rushes but just just commits and buster spends the entire round hiding from utility that eventually kills him anyway also jamie he had a kill on the cross but he got blocked by his teammate his line of sight was cut off and he couldn't take a clean kill without you know injuring his friend in the process that's painful feeling like you didn't get to have the impact that you wish you could maybe even should instead it's astralis up by a round into the second half ct regulation was good for them near the end it got a bit dicey but we're in a new beginning here for astralis a new roster with new results two rounds away from a semi-final here at cologne yeah and this isn't like a wounded vp right these guys are playing lights out i think it would be even more credit to astralis if they saw through two overtimes in this series open up a zip on kicker playing with utility oh the alarm bells are ringing now berta's pro you've lost a man early you are now left in this four on five you've got 45 seconds and it's all coming down to a last-ditch attempt at a mid to b play has anyone watching though right now we've got players tucked in close tunnels that's magisk but he needs cover from bubsky to go to the window dupree flashes the smoke you can just blind and the wallbangs there dubri gets the kill now bubsky can help out dupre can slink off into the shadows and wait for the flanks to activate so they will james turns around and gets his head removed as matches refused to get checked and astralis keep it clean as can be five alive 18 rounds the future looks bright for denmark yeah oh man this is what is story astralis they get back on land and this is what they look like a vp that don't want to go down they don't want to give up that are giving it everything they've got and it might not be enough they need two more rounds to take this to a double overtime maybe definitely need some credit right they've held on in both of these games remember overpass was 12-5 down before they pulled the comeback to ot it hurts to lose in that fashion to lose so close after a comeback so large but the credit is there where credit is due and even more to astralis to as you say weather that storm and come out ahead let's see if they can finish yeah i mean that's the thing top teams they come and go the thing that separates these legends of the game from everyone else is this ability to uh to pull it all back right to make these kind of games happen right when everyone was ready to write astralis off they've managed to potentially take down vertis pro 2 and real legends they're baptized in the fires of land right in the cathedral of counter-strike in this round this could either be a whole new chapter in the tale on the beginning of the end for vertices pro cat control taken everyone grouped up here astralis they hear the noises on cat they know there's bodies here they're rotating bubsky back in vertus pro ready to just deal one of these back to basics a plays a cat execute with utility pouring in kicker cut down by bubsky in ct a four on four as that bomb gets into the sight glaive is still waiting for this long fight and it could decide so much sanji wins it out is that the chance now for vertis pro to carry this round over the line flashing through russian and down the media fighting you in the spawn the kinder double faces in for two and magisk is left on the back seat warming the bench and maybe having to save you kinder won't let it happen that's a lights out headshot and sanji massive round from him as well not only does he grab zip as the cat except comes in getting a long kill but he then just concedes he goes all the way back to the doors glaive knows he has to hunt down that kill if he doesn't hunt the kill the kill's coming to him sanji's going to chase him and i think at some point grave thought that sanji had rotated around catwalk he was so tucked with long getting lost there's no way but ct back in and yakinda's keeping that unlocked vp holding up yeah so you will but these guys are willing to do anything but let go that is pro they want to save it every moment online they hide up these playoffs as the opportunity to show the world that they can do it on the local area network just as well as they can online and in a time of cis where navi and gambit have taken all of the you know attention all of the glory vp have been grinding just as hard putting in the work putting in the hours and finding similar results well this would be one that could even rival that of those top two teams but they're not there yet yeah out through mid big opener for kicker and once more it's dupree on the receiving end of these opening kills astralis they're gonna have to dig deep a double overtime waiting in the wings unless someone here can find it all can steal glory from under the nose of vertis pro smoke out side glaive has seen that first player crossing but the shot cannot connect glaive being given a couple of chances things are heating up for him now they're pouring in through the catwalk and glaive is really feeling the pressure there's one from this off can't make it a double and with zip spotted he's getting wrapped from the long side this is falling apart at the seams versus pro just two kills away from a double overtime affair here on dust2 let's run it back baby i've got nowhere else to be astralis they're coming in off of cat and they're coming in foaming at the mouth but vp have locked the door they've shut the gate and they kept the smoke up straw is throwing in that execute utility just to retake but there's more molotovs where that came from the more kills for yakinda to be claimed punches another ticket magisk now alone yet again in an unwinnable round and vp all they have to do is slip the noose around his neck and there it is 18 all double overtime this game goes on and the semi-finalist not decided yet yeah it's all still hanging in the balance spot oh oh vp how are they this resilient how is this just an average day in the office it's like nothing new we've been seeing this all tournament all year we're long for vp and even before then rare to see you know a team on land stresses australis out in a way they're doing right now dude still been fairly quiet ever since he got uh you know taken down by buster and mid and here we go we run it back money refreshed round reset and four out of six need to be found by one of these two teams or we just go again and we swing in this never-ending perpetual overtime cycle that is vp astralis yeah 22 rounds is the magic number we're looking for now i know the hud tells you that what whether being all swanky and new no i'm used to having a happen to be the one to pass that knowledge on little molotov gonna force your kinder away from short the early utility damage it's appreciated for astralis softening up someone who's been so key at creating all this space for virtus pro maybe gonna try and tame the beast that is your kinder a little bit here good luck easier said than done and your kinder looks to be at the forefront of yet another round you've got that palm tea tree flash for magisk again so a safe flash they won't see it coming it just pops out of nowhere glaze trying to stop the cross this is hard this is where you know the offer really needs to be coming alive and your kinder wants to drop into spawn or cut off rotates forget dropping your team already out in the mid to beat bobsky doesn't know yet his teammates getting pressured and they're very close bobsky gets the spot and he even gets the drop the bomb now loose and they find dupreeh bubsy but he couldn't see james up close that's put vp back in favor your kinder is here to cut off rotations and ruin your day while he does it and the bomb has been planted yeah this is brutal you've got to get out you've got to deal with your kinder you've got to flush out this one man in ct they will deal with him but it's taken a lot of time precious seconds eaten off of this clock for astralis up through the double doors they go they've got to be pacey they've got to be speedy there is a mid-rap coming in as well from berta's pro the longer they take the more damage buster can do he stripped glaive out of the round and for zip he's stuck between a rock and a hard place he's gonna take the fight to the site he's gonna take the fight to jane does deal with him but no time for the round vertis pro they take the first in double ot and i love how james does that right you know you could just expect him to go and fight he's feeling he's having a great day today but he just shrinks down like a little tortoise inside of his shell the longer he lives there the longer he stalls our zip the the less chance there is to win the round so beautiful work from james just to live and that last second backstab for buster as well is there to help out all the kills but none of the glory here for astralis they've got to earn their rounds auto snipers are out and in round two of the half usually we wait till money is no longer a problem but vp are planning for success sniper and middle clay was double scoped top side the timing almost lose him you kinda could have taken that kill just didn't expect it to be so easy and we're seeing things like that from glaive where it's like okay yes you know think you know timings like that that maybe someone who's not been opening for 10 years on this map doesn't know doesn't catch him here it's just something to consider it's the clear notable difference between someone who can use the orb and someone who does use the orb vp looking interested at b but glaive is here oh and he's trying to get stuck in and that's actually just going to give the opener to versus pro it's rolled out the red carpet dude a dead man because of that flash and oh it's all unraveling for astralis now this is vp in a nutshell man they get you exhausted they get you tired they get you making mistakes that you never often make it's astralis's urgency to try and get information to try and take players out of the round that comes back to hurt them vertus pro 20 to 18 and one away from a flawless t side in double ot that would be great right that would be uh you know a sigh of relief of vp the t sides have been a a little weaker in this game in this map so let's see if they can do it again the orbs are here no more auto snipers down mid for vp they don't want to do it every round and let strala start taking space sanji's taken long very quickly the molly is in and that's a nice start for bubsky providing cover to his teammate yekind is dead and kicker will follow as well sanji they know he's here he's locked behind the box and grenades are flying in nowhere is safe right now and they're coming to you as well there's another flash over the top sanji blind and he still hits the kill oh they just want to get him he's a free kill as far as they're concerned finally they burn him out felt like that should have come first right especially considering you're just sat on it but i guess you know wanting to try and just force the kill without wasting that bit of utility it ended up costing them quite the player with zip removed that is the shining star for astralis out of the round and james has now weakened this b site plucking magisk from the ranks of astralis that's opened up a chance at a mid to b and again just vp classic they they know themselves and there's max one dude on b right now the question is like where's that float player are they around ct you know where where's that awp ended up and glaive is starting to move in vp going back to tunnel they throw them in to be they wait no info for astralis no kill comes and for all astralis are concerned vp can be back in t-spawn by by now they could be regrouping for the long side glaive wants to get info it's cleared middle but it's not mid where the problem is uh apparent it's b and the mollies are coming in vp are making it clear as day dupreeh just needs a kill to hold on yeah there is a flash on buster but it's not going out dupree instead swept aside by the entry of buster glebe is now going to do it all and he's been spotted does deal with james and just buster left to find glaive takes it all away from berta's pro a double on that awp and the retake is in spearheaded by the igl open phenomenon the glaives looking to turn into yeah that would have been awful if they lost that round right that was a two on four for vp that would have really hurt astralis it would have been a clean t-side as well instead astralis at least have something to fall back on one round of buffer vp this is the best half they've had yet so they're probably foaming at the mouth ready to close this series or this map rather take us two of berno and i can't imagine how good that one would be especially between these two rosters two famed inferno teams who were not there yet astralis if they win all three t rounds it's a done deal yeah the thing i just cannot let go of is is no one exemplifies this saying it's a marathon not a sprint more than vp right like if these guys were boxes man so many other teams would be just guys who get into the ring and try to put it to bed right away vertis pro are all about making you tired making you exhausted and astralis is surely feeling that burn now especially when it's been them with the chances to close this game out right at every turn vp have had answers they want this third map more than anyone else can they get us there mid control taken for astralis once more vertices pro not giving any of these early fights over so while you've got control you don't have much else but over here towards cap but no real idea as to where vp are occupying on this map yet times are ticking 40 seconds and astralis start to walk out on the catwalk that bombs still back on xbox don't be surprised if things double back and they get confusing for a second dupree has dropped in on the sport now the pressure's on those two b men they've got to hold strong kicker trying to kill dupree cannot find that headshot it's dubri to open up and now the mid to be activated bobsky first a fall for astralis and there needs to be no more if they want to keep this game going you kind of denying the b split buster there with the awp up against glaive misses and even though dupreeh is farming kills they don't make a damn difference vp 21 rounds off of the time alone it treats him so well oh and we might get to inferno after all right either there is a third overtime waiting for us waiting in the wings or we get to go to inferno we have a kill and harry that both of those could happen they could both happen actually secret option c oh my look man auto snipers purchased up but they're not gonna make the effort to tag anyone on the cross instead gonna move everyone over towards b early with the exception of glaive who's running amok in middle if they won't be right away this is the perfect time to strike glaive lining up this mid util gonna go oh actually wait that's the door smoke thrown over by glaive james realizing just how alone is overwhelmed astralis a fast b play might have just kept this dream alive after all again i'm going back to it but it's what worked in regulation they just couldn't close this one they couldn't get those last couple of rounds and then we started seeing faster b rounds that auto sniper spam the mid to be quick calls i love it from australis they've just got to put a bow on it now and close the round wave going in to take down sanchi in the tunnel and at this point vp there's nothing to save there's also no reason to go for it so looking lost in the source your kind is going to try and get some kills paddy's stats but reality is sinking in right now more util is landing glaive is hunting and it's only buster just trying to get away with something bp won't make that mistake again they won't leave a solo man on b in this round but it draws the question do astralis go back to what's worse right i mean they try and avoid the stack this is the mind game that's in play heading into to what could be the final round right when around that is this much you're sure to potentially overthink it right now both squads are trying to debate how to approach this round are we going to have vertus pro staying true to these four man a stacks early with a single or b it looks like it they're going back to the tried and tested format a hold in the beginning solo b not deterred by the outcome of that last round this time james back to his usual tricks though to kinder solo b and james hunting for kills in middle the knees are nice if they landed if it would have been a kill instead it's it finding the opener wall or smoke spam to buster's face and one of the two b players if you want to call them that with buster leaning middle is now gone astralis know it and look at them upping the ante upping the pace running in through the tunnel with no warning no flash your kinder's here alone they're already up close towards the boxes dupree's firing off you can just drop the bomb and he's managing to stall out dupre's fight and keeps this round going he might keep the series going and in time we go three maps the distance baby it doesn't stop now
Channel: ESL Archives
Views: 14,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS Highlights, CS Live, CS Live Stream, CSGO, CSGO Live, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, ESL, IEM, china, competitive, cs, esport, esports, extreme, games, gaming, intel, masters, twitch
Id: qq1S5I7Xy8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 55sec (5815 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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