CS:GO - G2 Esports vs. Astralis [Inferno] Map 3 - IEM Cologne 2021 - Semifinal

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same but this time out of astralis on dust two i felt like we've seen both these teams bringing their a-game on their opponent's map pick and so as we head to the great decider the even playing field that is inferno you can guarantee that they're both giving it their all it's a t side start for astralis and a mid rush by the looks of things from g2 magisk has got this information and now they've traded places astralis are in the apartments while g2 is still playing about in middle they're going to try to get back in time nexa they're flooding onto if the kills go either way with the tk in the mix oh it's gotten a little bit messy and it's grinded to a very awkward hole on the short side oh this is sour g2 they're right behind jackson the apartments could backstab but bubsy's not giving away the kill in the pit he's got to drop in flash blinded from his teammate this is not where astralis want to be they need to fight their way out glaive does some damage bobsky capitalizes and jax has to concede while he waits for help from nico coming in after the long smoke so a stall a break in the action maybe even a bomb plant as astralis are given the room but they're not convinced they tap and they wait for more fights more time is available but glaive doesn't want to use it he sticks it on the second time around and now the pressure is on g2 yeah they spotted jax as well and they know about him in the apartments and he's getting whittled down nico has made it a lot more interesting with that kill on sabovsky down in the pit glaive is trapped fighting from this corner back against the wall and jax is gonna put him out of his misery pistol round secured from the g2 squad as far as pistol rounds go that was a wild one man a great response from astralis to recognize that mid play faster response in through the apartments and then it gets a bit awkward because of those fast rotations out of g2 yeah because g2 were in mid and old the last player of astralis that went through the apartments which was actually spotted uh entering the app so that call was made and we saw that immediate reposition when teams do that a lot of the time the cts won't get back into the site uh with anywhere near enough time and the t's can flood out halls and just take all the space go long but g2 caught that info very quickly so you know as nice as it was a reaction from astralis g2 the same can be said and now australia's forcing i like it bomb plant tempted in by the prospect of a couple of rifles oh there's an interesting stat all of the playoff matches have ended on inferno so far yeah man we've been waiting for last keeping it tried and tested i think we've been waiting for lan everyone's happy to be back here this is a classic map we've also you know we talk about the teams that we have here well no more you know young and up uh young up and comers a lot of the teams left most of them are these lan experience teams these super you know comfortable players at this part of a part of the tournament you know you've got phase you've got navi these guys as well so i it doesn't it's not that too surprising to see the new maps vetoed away right near the end and we were returned to the old familiar the old faithful this has been a very very slow round out of astralis right they pressured over towards me a tiny bit nothing to take away control and now just easing in to a b play glaive might try and sell this lurk over towards the a bomb site he's going to start to make some noise in top middle hoping that this keeps these players here for g2 and it has for the time being here come the nades and to be now astralis telegraphing this push flashes to supplement the rifles moving in with nexa and nico here they've still got to break through this defense that is easier than done or at least it was meant to be they annihilate the two players in the site and now a chance at a bob plant a chance at a four on three hunter has removed one of these players at banana and the bomb is now ticking down ammonette crept through the smoke and has gotten past zip they don't know it but this oh they're running into each other they're really they were touching each other zip was touching our neck oh the little jiggle he hasn't seen him yet dupree is gonna get it and for hunter this 1v2 might be too far gone gets the first but with time running out no kitten play and zip playing around this bomb hunter just doesn't have the time to save this round astralis they steal one away with this four spy and inferno is competitive from the word go yeah i love that nothing wrong with a quick force by win that will get g2 interested that will certainly make them invest here early and lovely entries as well from bubsky and zip i don't know how they get away with that niko's got the the boost on the quad at the back of beast dodging flashes one finally hits him and he falls off i think he's safe i think he's ready to line up too with the m4 and he gets deleted by bubsky's galil so really nice entries and yeah no save allowed for hunter the bomb denies that so g2 they put a bit of money in but it's never going to be pretty as the ct side buying up third round trying to force so even ammonite saving for the orb with a zeus nico and a rifle at something that's really it yeah triple b as well and of course it's in this moment that astralis decided to hit the a bomb site they've already wrapped long they haven't even really thrown in utility until that one smoke so no one in this site is aware the contact play works wonders jack's completely caught off guard by the fact that there's already what three guys out at long and this round should be a lock in now if you're nico you're definitely saving that m4 and armor i'm surprised he's even got it out in this round now and ammonix just looking for a taser kill just trying to steal something out the hands of astralis so that this feels worthwhile but the conversions are found by the danes after stealing it away with that four spy they're now the ones leapfrogging themselves into the lead and they're even hunting harry they're looking to take what they can away only leaving glaive on the bomb but no kit no worry hammer neck is not in a you know room to move right now we're just jumping with a flash bang and oh everyone's going to die here you'll expect nico's gone as well what a lineup off the mac and even upgrade available for magisk amanek he's probably going to die to the bomb here pretty uneventful for ramone craig he never really got given a chance i don't think i don't know if it's purpose but just didn't take the m4 off nico no one took it did they not realize or did they not want it because i you know as much as you know you're up against eco here that's a free rifle that you know speeds up your or improves your bonus right rather i mean as mentioned it was kind of surprising it was even in place so maybe they just didn't know about it yeah i mean nico was at the back here he lined up so you'll see like maybe yeah he's not really looking at the guns you can see he's just spraying and at that point he's probably hunting for the ace as well he killed four in the round and now it's usps for g2 stralis on the t side of inferno oh and they've got a little trick being used against them i wonder who came up with this it was in fact destroyed yeah i wonder if they're gonna you know recognize that one man just goes oh you won't believe what their bloody doing over at that v site you won't believe what they've called in yeah it's one of ours and so astralis take it in their stride right yeah one upside to inventing the strat is you probably know how it works and this a site is nice and empty as a result i do like it g2 show that boost and the moment it spotted they they immediately rotate to a knowing what the response would be it still hasn't done them any good but it gave them a chance at least yeah as you said if astralis came up with it they know how to counter it just speed a not much to it avoid the four-player stack seems like a safe call so exits now for ski money to be made perhaps but he's not like he's giving a lot over if he dies just losing his armor and he's backed up to let his team come in to pick up the pieces players are full health glaive leading the charge once they get out of the minuses get some kills on the board three will help out zip follows up and glaves getting joined he won't get given a thing or maybe there's still a chance bobsky is recommitted and alex got a gun oh glad you got to get it and now he's at zero that's more like it on the board with no kills and finding astralis a third yeah he tk'ed in that pistol yeah yeah it's you know it's a spot we should all be familiar with right if you're watching from home you've definitely gone owen two before in a game so that's all well and good with the tk sprinkled in there glove going to keep the mac 10. he's going to look to be a fast nuisance in this round right this is uh pretty typical you know you just keep one of these mac 10s up it's even more effective if your opponents haven't got head armor which over on the g2 side no one does right now so this mac 10 is a little more deadly than perhaps it would normally be back to another one of these defaults for astralis the op on ammonic is situated over towards long and something how this round shaping up right now might not never you know might not ever have much of a chance to put it to use astralis are very interested in this b bomb site let's try so good at just getting the banana control and committing immediately and just taking you know the first volley of util and winning the round so quick can they do it do it this time around there's the smokes in already players leading and bubsky's got the entry nexus locked out in the smoke in spawn he's blocked it bubsky has shot him in the face right through the smoke five on three and it's an inferno el clasico it's a save for g2 you can see them poking their heads in they want kills but they know they can't win the round and that is the most important fact they've got to keep those guns lovely little stuff for astralis one way to begin the t side right condition them to be scared of b keep that pressure up and i'm sure this is all part of the master plan for glaive right swapping it up going back to fast longs eventually when you're expecting g2 to be triple b out of the gate yeah right it's it's the precedent that you're setting from winning these rounds right it's not just winning them it's the fact that you're bullying these players on b and and thus far you know like in a lot of these crunch situations it has just been the b commitment so you are naturally going to expect g2 to lean more players towards this side of the map an important thing to note here they hunt down these saving players and the reason why they hunt so frivolously right you look at that and you say yeah they just threw a lot of bodies at that problem but by taking one gun away even with the lost bonus now a buy eludes g2 if they'd kept three rifles then the rifle players could have dropped over you would have had five guns you would have been able to put something together here and that's not the case anymore that's the impact that removing one player at the right time can have it set astralis up nicely to really build upon this lead yeah absolutely worth the three casualties right especially when you're you're winning rounds like this and winning rounds of bomb plants that's even more money than just getting it off of the limbs alone and so four in a row for astralis g2 they would love to rebuy they would love to redo that last round with maybe more defenses to be but really you're just going to be relying on those two guns to not only either win the round for you or get out again and try and save so do you put them together or split them up i hope that someone can be your hero hunter's going library amanx taking his orp to b but wherever you go whatever you do astralis is going to be ready for it back up banana with a furious pace again demanding respect nico wants to go back in the flash is going over the top ammonex now on the corner and luckily astralis didn't over commit they were able to dodge death round the corner now at least you two have a setup but strollers still have util there's the orbs surprising the first man glaive on the receiving end and nico was never uncovered in banana he could have swung this and dropped the bomb they are lucky to get it out of banana on this side of astralis another thing to note right when you've got this hero orp like you do right now he's gonna be even more mobile than normal right he's going to take a shot and then disappear from that side of the map that is exactly what amanek has done here that orp is no longer a b instead it's posted upper middle and it might be in the right place at a perfect time for g2 yeah and add on to this sneaker if he flanks he's going to get that gun oh no nexa catching magisk with lining up nays is no cover everyone's in apartments what a perfect timing and now they're walking into both rifles hunter does some damage he will fall nexus p250 does it all and three kills with a 300 weapon is all g2 needed in that round forget the full buy we'll do it with nothing yeah great stuff out of g2 there right from the get-go really the way that they're setting up amanek with that orb all with the goal of working a pick early at b trying to force astralis into that exact a play into the stack into the rifles and it all comes together before our very eyes nexa clearly had a good idea as to what was going on he hits that mid timing on magisk i was starting to get nervous that it could have happened and next to you know just just holds mid for like 20 seconds there and so i was thinking like yeah he's not moving he's not going and of course right as magisk is about to throw that util that's when the peak comes in yeah and at that point like astralis they essentially get given a warning that this site is stacked they know we're here they know what's happening and they've got no choice but to commit yeah really good call for g2 think about how they force australis into astralis want to be at the beginning right they take banana they take car they double molly and then g2 flash them back in they retake that control and that's and then with the orb kill coming from amandec we'll see the up scares astralis right away and well sends him right back into the europe on the a site instead doesn't it nice little round there for g2 joint and now astralis they've got to pick up a rifle here all right what's that molotov oh my goodness ahmed running with a molly outside maybe you know like faking the audio yeah that's exactly what that is it's like on nuke like the new cup molly right where you can uh fake that molotov and then push on the back of it and now they might not be ready for someone to be so deep with believing the top of stairs now they've seen it now they know about you almanac and they're gonna flush him out did not expect that repeat all the openers coming up astralis and in a five on three like this mate you can put your feet up pressure's like really off your shoulders and you know g2 are the ones having to take risks now yeah and because it's inferno because of how this map plays you really just have to gamble here if you gt you all have to pick a bomb site if you win it if astral's coming your way hopefully you win it if they go the other way you save and you hope you don't get hunted too much bubsky's already on hunting duty still keeping some b control for info and the rest of australis are about to take a for free once they do once they confirm that it's bubsky's time to take guns away we've already seen astralis throw a lot of bodies in just doing damage and so no reason why they wouldn't do it again will bobsky commit first try and get that info sell the b fake before astralis take a he surely will die after one no none niko gets the kill and astralis oh they still need to go 20 seconds they seem convinced they're expecting a lot more than yeah though yeah right you know this is going to feel remarkably free and they move in and they realize well boys we picked right you know we were we were correct in our assumption to head towards a this is a free round for astralis after getting those openers it's a bit of a shame because like you know the guys like nico there that one little kill ultimately it isn't impactful at all uh you know you just gamble wrong right you put all your chips over towards b and with them not coming your way you are just forced to commit to holding on to these guns now that at least gives you a lot in this next round right you can have orbs of plenty you can have full utility and i kind of want to see them go back to putting ammonic in these these opening roles right this round here we had him attempt it again with that apartment's peak it was just unfortunate that hunter dies in bedroom and he loses any kind of element of support from his team yeah timing didn't do him any favors either right he almost caught that bottom of stairs play he turns then he gets peaked from the bedroom player then he unscopes it just all goes from bad to worse and astralis yeah they're looking very punishing right now that's uh a good sign from this t side it's cool that we still have people trying to reinvent the wheel right come out with new ways to surprise your opponents i can play like that won't work in mm it only works against the very best yes they hear and they know what to expect well there's also a way you can throw a molotov just like that but it banks off the right hand side and like goes towards bedroom right and that one's maybe more similar to the new cup molly fake i haven't seen someone drop it out the window like that that was the interesting part all right amenic he's about to meet me his maker flash through middle they're going all up three players running now forward the bomb and one on b to split here into spawn for astralis if they can get there smokes are down cordoned out by hunter and he can go back to check the ct side he goes here for support as well oh dear timing is everything hunter's turned and nico doesn't actually have the cover so hunter stays on his angle but he knows he's susceptible to dying library side as well and nico regression is being held tip gets the kill and now hunter's got to be very careful can't afford to make the same mistake he's even been smoked off this b split is starting to look perfect yeah there is a weird gap oh it's gonna favor zip hunter is trying to work out like how can i use this to my advantage you can't mate yeah the hunter literally becomes the hunted there and so now astralis rapping into this b play an important thing to know is that magisk is still adding insult to injury mate you could come back today magisk has just secured it and they will astralis go yeah all right we've got him trapped all right we know what nexus game plan is he just wants to hold on to this ak and he'll do we're in we're in the spirit of ruining people's days today so why don't we add nexa to that list that's a beautiful round for australia so they're gonna find every kill zip so patient it paid off earlier but next is not giving him an inch yet however second by second astralis they cut off his positions banana's gone ct's locked out next is trying to hide at the back of the site and they will meet him there bubsky with the exit and it's astralis six to two they are winning every round right now they are killing every saving player luckily we have still money for g2 to fall back on but right now this is not a good sign from them yeah you can you can really tell if the team is going to assert dominance on a map of inferno based on their dedication to hunting and removing guns i feel like right astralis they're very very confident they've got lots of money they're sure of themselves in these rounds they've been winning the majority and so when it comes time for you trying to do the inferno classic which is hold on to your guns they are throwing everything in the kitchen sink at you to take them away and it's all with the long-term goal of just keeping you on the back foot as much as they can in this first half because honestly if you start with a strong t side like this it can feel impossible to recover yeah it's also how they're starting so many of these rounds as well right like you think about the amount of rounds trials are in five on threes from the get-go i'm talking that double apps push i got denied i'm talking the instant b execute in the first gun round where g2 lose both players like these are rounds where if astralis are getting two kills quickly in the same place you're done you're done for on the ct side you really have to give it up unless someone makes a mistake for astralis which is a rare case and and g to capitalize there's almost nothing you can do on this map yeah it feels like it leaves them in situations where you're left looking at one player and going well if this guy doesn't get three they don't even attempt the round and and that's not somewhere that you can you know want to be every single round like you do have those moments where individuals go above and beyond but that's not reliable that's not something you can hinge upon and you know you say oh these one players get there's one player getting three kills that's you know maybe on some maps it's doable on a map like this is actually very difficult especially when you're you know an anchor player trying to multi-kill on either side here think about how regimented the utility is of all teams of astrologers as well right think about that b executes the triple molly takes with double smokes like you're not getting given room in executes to do anything so yeah we're getting some really nice t-side rounds right now i like this i want to talk about it amanx going back to b it was in the round where he took that aggro peak with the orb the g2 were able to find something with him back here again trying to exert this control your end game is that you can set up a top banana and have a bit more present today but look at the response from astralis they have counted this brilliantly reading into the heavy stack at b they pick up the pace into this a bomb site they've just missed this window of catching the g2 players out of position but g2 aren't very comfortable right now the alarm bells are blaring they're worried about an accelerated a play and so they've pulled nico away from the b bomb site it's like astralis can see what we see i don't know how they read the game so well they they run into a they force that scared rotation like you say and now they're creeping into the b bomb site nico is running to fill that gap to fill that void but he will not be here in time that smoke can come down and astralis could just execute into what is a one-man hold right now it's going to be all down to next in the middle of the bomb side bash through nico does blind players nexa capitalize with a double can he live any longer boost up finico the third man sets him up for success and the bombs been dropped for astralis this looks so good until it wasn't and now the alarm bells are going off oh for sure okay zip through the smoke oh another kill for zip and suddenly there's a chance after all because the pex is tearing through the g2 ranks one at a time they face him and one at a time they fall zip and glaive a 2v2 from a two on five and now just hunter left to be he's already a banana he's got the bomb in his sight line they need the kill they need the plant they need something and hunter's missed the chance he's running in can he deny it he's looking the wrong way the 1v2 is in he lives up to the name and g2 put up a third on the board the effort g2 need to go through just to get the scratch yeah they don't make it easy what a read though he pre-fires glaive and ct running and shooting man doesn't stop and you've got to give the the credit as well to zip for even making that round the reality should never have been attainable for astralis nice try but hunter steps up big for g2 it's around they needed harry again coming just down to another fast execute where astralis get all the entries at least in that 2v5 oh my goodness that's a reason to get excited g2 know it they thought they'd absolutely balls that round up and yeah they probably do need to pause after that one third coming through yeah i mean it's one of those rounds that you win but at the end of it it's like oh oh that is unreal from zip x as well man like the the level that he's showing back on land is is unreal especially because like he was he was in a bit of a slump ever since his return to competitive play in the online era wasn't the same zip we get him back on land and look at the games this guy's been giving us yeah i mean so many of the the you know old guard of the top pros especially danish pros have been saying that kerrigan in that interview you talked about how like when you play so long online you realize that most of the reason you're even doing this is to play in front of the crowd to play on those stadiums to go around the world things like this and so yeah it has been a hard online era for astralis but man are they showing up when it matters still around for g2 can they keep it going can they keep composed amine certainly has starting strong nico is going to get boosted up onto the ct side and glaive hasn't cleared it all he's dead to the orc through the smoke instead that'll do dupree gone and another 2v5 that you can't let slip by yeah this time matches can zip the two left up in it and zip will get cut down matches might face much the same fate oh that's quick can he get any more matches one bullet and that's optimistic on that swing i like the attempt yeah right he's going for style points he doesn't have time to get a reload off he doesn't have the the room g2 this little adjustment right it was something that happened in the heat of the moment in the in the round before last they ended up with that triple b hold right first player making contact in the site was nexa then they had amanek and nico towards ct well that only came as a result of that late rotate back to b if you remember everything was jumbled they had to employ a late boost in the round they went back to it here voluntarily from the get-go so clearly feeling like that is a good little bandage for this b bomb site for now it's getting tense though astralis haven't really had much pressure in this game right in all the rounds they win and all the hunting they do they are sitting at the the top of the financial pyramid well now no longer the case a couple of rounds for g2 and astralis know that money is on the chopping block got to win this one amanx been warming in though we're seeing more opening kills from his awp really has come into its own glaives now donning one on the t side to battle back very slow and steady default though banana control taken apps granted a middle well under contestion right now g2 have numbers here hunter attempted a deep peak but instead just using util yeah i imagine in that pause right astralis kind of come into terms of the fact that these b plays in the last two rounds they walked into a triple stack so now we're seeing a bit more attention a bit more care taken as to taking this mid control away from g2 they haven't cemented control of top mid yet and this is important for faking out the site right you want g2 to have access to as little information as possible and so even having a player floating around at long or still over at short while they're able to get this info ahead of time that mid is clear and that's what nico's doing now nico oh man thank you it's like a case study right before our very eyes we're seeing the adjustment and why this mid control was lackluster out of astralis the bomb's now been dropped for nico he's throwing this round into disarray for astralis yeah they're getting entries on b but this bomb is still under g2 control all the orbs going for a glaive he's got two targets to take and they'll double peak lovely stuff g2 find both frags and they keep the bomb under their control the time diminished too low for zip x and so he must save it's a sad case for astralis right they they get the b entries as you say but no bomb big problem yeah i really think nico deserves so much praise for that round there it's clear that he's aware right in attack pause like that astralis are going to be chatting about what's going on in these rounds and why did they lose well they lost because of these b stacks because they run in to this padded out bomb site that they're not able to break apart the solution to that is to force more players over towards a and that's why g2 are playing this heavy a stack early they're worried astralis might just commit might just go for an a rush when that doesn't happen sorry nico over at long goes look i know what i would do in this situation i would feign this a control and i would late commit b and he reads them like a book he deserves all the credit for making that round happen for g2 oh and now he's starting to feel himself as well pushing right down banana we've not had this control this half yet for g2 they've got it fully won't commit forever just wanted to take that space and give it up make astralis fear that there are players close they're going to have to use time and utility if they had it to clear close corners on banana and so now i just left the next uh to jump swapped out next has actually got the flash at least that's why nico's now jumping he can call for utility when astralis eventually do commit and here they come starting to move up with the pistols zip at the forefront with that rifle has to do the heavy lift yeah nico's managed to miss a bulk of these timings as to how close these players are the flash goes out and it's a little bit early so nico now decides i don't want to fight this i don't have the flashbang anymore and they'll call for a rotation back over to b he's not the only one that wants out though bombs already back up mid yeah do you two seemingly have the read though nico is still holding on to banana right once again he's being very proactive in the information he's getting for g2 and so this means amanek is floating at speedway instead of committing to that b rotation only good for one though and now the b rap is opened up to astralis 20 seconds as they start to make a move and this bomb is over in ct now cut loose by nico and there's no time for magic surely not 10 seconds and that bomb dropped on the speedway is just out of reach of a plant g2 tied this game up and they break apart this partial investment from the danes yeah this is a really nice recovery for g2 so many games that start like this with astralis you know six two up t side looking really strong chasing guns they don't recover a lot of the time uh we saw that case for vp as well just yesterday so g2 hats off to them to managing to hold on in so many of these rounds somewhat inspired i imagine by that 1v2 from hunter that's when g2 started to warm back in and pick up rounds and you know it's rare to see astralis lose so many of these rounds to time it was the case on nuke the first map of this series and now it is here as well an inferno a bit more common here though push down banana and again an opener for g2 it's not the orb it's the smg to find the first magisk was alone and the deep smoke keeps bubsky back as well as the nades it's desperate now for astralis they're flashing themselves through smokes and it's not going well for them yeah they've thrown caution to the wind in this round and wow they're kind of learning their lesson a mop up over in top middle the fast a play denied and suddenly it's g2 in control of this first half what a turnaround from where this was right all it took was that little 2v5 denial the 1v2 clutch out of hunter and it's reinvigorated the g2 squad it must feel nice as well because now they're making the right reads they're making the right decisions they didn't have a read on the game in the beginning nexa constantly felt like he was getting out brained by glaive whereas now he's right where he wants to be he's rent-free in the head of astralis and astralis are really powering through these pauses i think that's a sign of the times a sign of how this game is slipping out of their grasp five in a row for g2 and no more money here so looking likely to be six gt of almost guaranteed the half at a bare minimum and we see a lot more of these rounds for astralis which is just a hero ak and a bunch of pistols an smg on zip very desperate very difficult to do anything in the long run right getting entries maybe finding three on threes is doable but winning a round without execute utility is gonna be so hard so they go early glade lining up long smokes and flashes and they're popping through jax is already on the boost though he's gonna be above any smoke that astralis throw good flash though they will clear it jax gets one blinded but double entry from astralis it's up to hunter to drop the bomb again it's the undoing of astralis they get all the kills they get the sight but they don't bring the bomb with them and now g2 they're in full control they're calling for rotates they're trying to lock this down before it's picked back up yeah and look at the rotations man so decisive and just getting everyone here to play around the bomb now oh that's smoke is yeah zip dives through the smoke that is far from ideal but bubsky has at least given them a bomb plot and a fighting chance in a two on three post plant he's got a nasty crossfire with dupree as well for the time being dupree's watching short bubsky's going to make first contact at long and what contact it is now duprey even more room on the swing hunter denied this clutch attempt and there's the return to form astralis you know we were saying this eight seven half might be good as guaranteed for g2 well now it's hanging in the balance again that is not around that astralis should be winning there but credit to them to to even get out through middle they've been trying they've been testing the waters there right the last few rounds we've been seeing a lot of these mid pops through smokes dupree going in and trying to see what g2 are doing and we don't have that typical like deep mid ct smoke that g2 have been throwing that makes it very hard to pop through that choke and so it's all the more tempting all the more enticing for astralis to do so back to banana though next he's calling for help he needs it oh dear he's trapped up on the sandbags glaive better with the smg takes the kill now australis just get ready they group and they set up this execute if they want to go back you still have a player in altmed holding on to aggression that's dupri and so jack's tried to flank this play he could be denied astralis are considering it as duprey takes apartments they look back to middle but this should be ending b just eventually they're hoping the g2 will draw rotates out of the bomb site because they're still triple stacked oh i grow back in that could be their undoing matches getting away with the kill is that going to spur australis on into this site well now they've seen ammunition chiming in from the coffins jax has gotten past dupree as well and this oh that could be big the bomb dropped dupree out of the apartments and sprinting full speed through a but jax has heard it he heard the footsteps and so amanek is posted up dupreeh thought that was a path to a free kill and that is not the case jack's providing the info providing the cover has really taken this round for g2 run boost up and over gets the bomb into the sight but astralis they're gonna be hard pressed it's all on bubsky at trial by fire and up in the air hunter will find him g2 it's an eight seven half locked in as good as neck and neck at the end of the first half of play both teams want to make it to the grand finals but there's only room for one [Music] [Music] hey future pros today i wanted to show you an old strat that fanatics still like to bring out from time to time this execute is an alternative method to take the b site on inferno utilizing a wall of smokes as with any great dish i mean executes when you have the base locked down you can start adding in other ingredients i mean grenades to make this recipe you will need three future pros three smoke grenades and some flashes future pro number one you'll be throwing the close smoke for the wall of smokes to throw the smoke line up with the edge of this wall place your crosshair above the middle of the tree and ride in the center of these two sets of wires then simply toss the smoke future pro number two you'll be throwing the other smoke to complete the wall to throw your smoke get into this corner find this slight dip in the trees and aim ever so slightly above it then toss the smoke future pro number three you'll be throwing the deep ct smoke along with a flash to throw your smoke get into the corner next to these barrels find the third wooden strut and place your crosshair in the dip above the tiles then toss your smoke to throw your flash it isn't really a lineup just lob it over the roof and pop it above the smokes this should blind anyone on the side and also a player in ct now you have all the ingredients in place it's time to think about your approach the idea behind the strat is to cut off any sight players and isolate the counter terrorist player and ct spawn killing the ct player shouldn't be tough unless you're playing against screen you can then rap through runes and split the side from two points if you have the bomb you might be able to get it down while the smoke's still up jw is struggling a bit here but i'm sure you guys can do it like with any great dish feel free to add your own spices want to double knight ctuzy push go for it want to throw a metric heck ton of flashes over the site you can do that too after all you are the cool cat of your very own strat and as always enjoy [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am eight seven at the end of that first half g2 they have managed to win it out at a bare minimum but we're neck and neck really heading into this second half of play it was a master class to begin the t side out of astralis then we had the rebuilding the redemption arc of g2 and it's left us with a game where the victor is still uncertain but there's only room for one pistol round underway and g2 very measured from the get-go pressure is on no one wants to be that first domino to fall and so astralis they'll stack together side by side with a crossfire and middle four players to risk zip has those nades at b at least he's making good use of them nice damage early he's even got a smoke to stall out but in a pistol round will g2 really respect the smoke it's hard to say depends on the timing certainly look like they want to commit five players up banana and the more time that goes on with no kit for astralis the more that they get nervous that this exact move is happening does it have the smoking time he's holding his gun right now nico gonna go and probe mid at least show some face before they commit and that will only keep this stack here and if he can get the info that's even better oh my nico little jiggle little tap spots a double hold on the short side and now now this might be reason enough to commit to the b play if your g2 in they go an immediate decision to set up for a retake out of astralis right not gonna over face not gonna over show their hand here they're in a five on four the numbers lean their way and hamanek is trying to change that up close with the glock and a bit of support out of jax suddenly this is flipped on its head this is a three on three that g2 could look to see through to the very end i just making contact in ruins the rest of astralis out into the site and they're getting whittled down it's down in this 1b2 back of the site hunter all alone taps out the first and delivers the second as well another clutch for hunter added to the tally as he puts g2 up onto nine and now they've got a golden chance to build upon this lead oh boy that'll keep the blood pumping astralis not happy with that one at all they were so prepared so committed into that a setup never felt like it was gonna happen even with a five on four on the retake lack of kit no time and hunter just makes magic happen g2 on the board and starting to build the half wasn't enough they want the finals as well it's a force up for astralis nothing too shabby on the ct side of inferno we've got these smokes harry and so astralis can stall out the play as long as they're allowed to not using the smokes early though even stalling the first one so the g2 don't know what your game plan is can be enough to whittle down the clock bubsky has all of the info down banana yeah an ideal world here for astralis is if g2 play like passive in the early stages if they don't give any of these fights early to bring out that utility and you're left with all five of these smokes by like you know under the minute mark you're laughing man that's exactly what you wanted on the astralis side we finally have a bit of this utility going out now you've got smoke still inside of this bees site to try and slow it down and so g2 the longer they wait the more dangerous the smoke delay play on the astralis side becomes oh long is always tempting but those leagues damn they can get you at any range amenities doesn't want to lose his life and so it's down to the b commit through the smoke the flashes don't do anything to bubsky in fact jax is the most blind of the pack and he's still climbing over the top bubs doubled up with the scout amenities here to cut off those eight players and another kill here could win the round but duprey has kept it up in the air it's down to jackson a clutch bobski doing the impossible with the scout has found three kills and jax might clear out ct he's walking the smoke they're both moving up banana oh deary me jack's spotted now bubs can react as well jax has gone through hunting the kill he's got the first bomb for him as well he's going to rap back to the coffins no kit and the time is ticking for astralis jacks waiting for them to come to him the tap on the bomb magisk is on it he's sticking it's a full 10 second dupreeh just trying to provide cover checks gets him off the bomb but magisk wins the fight and i don't know if there's time it's going to be a g2 round anyway jax with the 1v3 played it to perfection ten rounds for g2 and only shambles for australis i tell you what man while like in the early stages of that first half it came down to like needing individuals to step up that just couldn't throughout the rest of the game ever since that hunter clutch put a bit of inspiration a bit of fire in g2 it feels like everyone's had these moments where they've been able to step up right we've had hunter clutching rounds left and right to find this score line jacks with a 1v3 there the individual brilliance outshining astralis to build this 10-7 scoreline another fight to try and get away with some damage and a lot of damage done right a kill and nico bought down low can't get that out yeah they're now fighting for control of the weapon in bedroom disallowed the only gun in this round and so you understand why dubri's going back for it would have been nice if magisk could survive but double faced in ult mid ski jax is making no noise so there's no reason for bubsky to react still does have a smoke for b that enables the triple a setup and that's exactly where g2 are walking but i'm talking about this like it's uh doable for astralis nothing suggests that just yet but do pre-grabbing this gun later in the round are they ready for it they know it's here and they know it's one of the only if not the only weapon and say g2 don't decide to clear it instead they just commit oh this is still weird though they've skirted past the guy in bedroom duprees in like prime position to get away with a lot now down into the pit they deal with that guy but this is where the right game oh there's next to the trader next that was surprised by that the bombs now been spotted and there's still a player with the usp in the a bomb site now it is just zip and the vanilla pistol he's cancelled out but bobsky has been given a bit of time with this deagle to get posted up on the shorts i saw him keeping on out they know he's here molly forces him into the open and it's a good response from g2 they get that info they throw everything they've got at the problem until it's not a problem anymore g2 are up onto 11. now we've got the investment looming for astralis yeah and honestly they're happy with that round right it may have been winner boy it always sucks to lose a 2v2 like that but astralis came into that round with nothing but a galil and a bit of armor on bubsky and they make it happen they make it close well think about how that first half started for astralis right they were able to chain together a lot of t-side rounds that's what happens if you break the ct's money in their first rifle round now g2 they were in that first half when that happened to them they weren't feeling a tremendous amount of pressure and they were able to recover astralis don't have that same level of room they don't have that same level of comfortability right this first rifle round has to be a situation where they hit the ground running or else they might not ever even leave the starting line in this second half yeah so tech ball is coming to an end and this rifle round coming to a beginning no orb for glaive and he's definitely had a slower one this map at least five and fourteen often been at the forefront often been the guy we're talking about pulling up insane clutches and awp openers hunter again has forgotten to buy it's a rifle round hunter and there's no one with money to drop him that's a bit awkward okay take that back on dust too but at least there was a gun in spawn he's going back i didn't see one let's hope okay if not wait for your teammate to die and grab it yes very cool and oh there's a master all right amanek where are you come take this i got a weapon are you out actually you left your gun and spawned bud you left your gun in sports no okay no i was gonna say if he gave it to him that would be hilarious but instead it's g2 working banana hunter's gonna cause some commotion in apartments yeah he's a little late to the apartments is the problem so we can't actually like just go and take the real estate like normal i mean they can commit right now look at the b site is barron there's one man here there's only a single defending player in the form of zip he's got no more grenades if g2 commit they win but glaive gets that info down mid and sees hunter trying to escape that's called the rotation that sent astralis right towards the bomb site and they're there in times it getting one giving it up and now everyone's here yes and truly terrible timings in this round man g2 it went from like the golden ticket to them getting denied entries at the doors and now just amanek left he's living on borrowed time though look at this mini map they're all around him and so this becomes a survival game now for amanek for astralis more of a point-and-click adventure as they look around the map trying to strip this gun away ammonic swings this he is surely a dead man and there's the swing there's the kill matches gonna lock it in astralis they do find that first rifle and most importantly if you're gonna take anything away from that it's that it's flawless right you're not gonna get broken now on the back of losing one round that is a big sigh of relief for astralis at this scoreline yeah it keeps them in it right instead of them just getting eight seven and then rolled in the second half now we're believing in you can call her to come back if you want but it's still very close however it will certainly start here you talk about astralis using all their pauses while g2 are now in the same boat none left for these boys and no money either so probably even talking about that next rifle round figuring out communication you know that sometimes yeah the the gun drop doesn't really help right we saw it on dust it didn't make a difference it certainly did there changed all the timings out of spawn it delayed the b play that could have been a four on one really if g2 were ready to go and so don't get stressed don't get ahead of yourself because this game is not done and you know astralis are never going to let go so and near fully go here in this round for g2 a chance for astralis to get a little bit more warm oh bobsky dropping that nade out to the balcony not bad oh another one that was the um was that the one that gets thrown over the top from short side yeah that's a cool way of chaining those nades together right one after the other so it's like a media impact in the same little area lovely double made setup especially against an eco as well no armor even more damage i mean it's huge for like a lot of reasons you know you've done so much damage to these pistols that you're not really worried anymore you also get the info that at least at some point in this round g2 were leading into the apartments and that's why we saw astralis actually pull a fourth player over to a just in case they were still planning to follow through with the absolute g2 rightfully a little bit shaken after the double nade decide against going into the apartments and so they're going to go meandering up banana into glaives crosshair yeah these are needed here but next is gone and it's a mow down for glaive that will get you back in the game he's had a slow start before kills and banana and an easy round for astralis five alive definitely beneficial to the money as well as they try and pull this comeback in the second half it's very close to the gap between the two the g2 were coming in with their four pi that was only glocks and a bit of this and that yeah even this investment has its limitations you don't have an open play not that it matters as much t side right hammonic very lethal on the mac 10 still but galil as well on nexa kind of lacking in terms of utility this might force you into an a play as you get out through middle and dupre has already you know turned amanek to dust oh he's he's aggressive he's pushing them and this is all to make room for glaive they might discount this position now and the nades are just brutal that's two nade kills in this round one flat out need kill in the round prior and the utility is ruining g2 this is vintage astralis that we're getting and bubsky's there to close the round out 10 to 11. what was once a nice bit of a nice bit of breathing room between these two teams is now starting to feel a little claustrophobic indeed just one the difference between these squads it's getting harrowing because you're not getting bomb plants so you're just trading by eco by eco right now for your g2 and that's giving astralis all the room they need right the score one away and this is that one it's another eco p250s and deegs back to business and dupree i just yeah i'm liking the aggression i'm liking the confidence pushed down middle yet again looking for that info we'll give it up pretty early we had a heavy b setup to enable some utility but they've already just decided to leave and pad that a site out very quiet in bananas it seems fine to hold it down solo oh okay and that's one way to start a round bomb dropped in the choke amine just shot through a full smoke back to be they go i love how when astralis don't see anything at b they're very willing to form and stack a and play this timing role on glaive right cause he's now coming back around to reinforce this b-hole i think that's actually part of the reason g2 leave mid they were so set on a they see glaive in the kill feed and they go well that's a b player let's go right back into that bomb side but as you said he is already here yeah he's keeping it very very fluid very very mobile and it's keeping g2 guessing as to what the layout of this astralis ct side is now a third man has reinforced the be hold glaive has seemingly got the number of g2 again the perfect call the perfect time and with no ct smoke to go down you're peaking this angle dry into a double hold yeah flash over the top and here they come but no smoke for ct it's going to be a bloodbath everyone dying and mostly g2 one kill is all they can muster in that round but that was never meant to be with that investment 11 all and g2 i mean this is where you'd love a pause this is where you'd love a break to discuss things that being said they've had ecos they've definitely stopped and run the existing style chatting in the t apartments in some of these glock rounds and so g2 need their best gun round yet in this one otherwise astralis is just going to keep building why wouldn't they the money's mac maxing out we've got 10k nearly on players so g2 it's now or never yeah and you know you rarely see ct sides in this position the confidence is brimming for astralis and maybe they'll get punished for that hunter with a double kill yeah they've been giving us a lot of fights so i'm just gonna try and put some respect on our name a double kill has really served to make matters awkward in this round for astralis relying on a big individual moment for the right reed to get made glaive could be the man responsible for both of those things now as he's holding on to banana and refusing to let go he's brought it back into even odds this was a five on three remember and now you're looking at this and you're almost thinking astralis are destined to close it out oh no ammunic he catches bobsky dropping nate out the pit side now they can react now they can quickly take this site before the rotator here next has got the bomb outside b and so this is a bit awkward he doesn't want to cross over banana he knows that glaive was fighting deep earlier he's scared of a push g to go quiet they don't know where these cts are and they're grouping up on long the info is about to be gained dominic drops a molly glaive he knows he's got a gap and he peeks right through it he can maybe catch these players walking down the middle oh no even though amanda turns glaive gets it and he seems to know about hunter as well i don't know how the hell nexa running up middle for getting that b bomb site and zip is in the right place at the right time yeah coming back into library is going to hear the footsteps already set up in the site zip is a dead man walking and there it is 12 on the board for g2 they do manage to get that over the line but there were a lot of hardships along the way it's not comfortable it's not clean but it is around and that's what you've got to hold on to if you're g2 here yeah really nice shots from hunter he's the one who began it as well like that's a five on three out of the gate g2 should just be winning it clean off of that alone even though they can't react in like russia they're so far away from it they just take so many 1v1s in banana they almost give that round back to glaive three kills from the in-game leader but not enough to save astralis dupree's now got the op and he's taken a deep shot we've not seen these t-side orbs here for g2 not a problem not like the ct orbs have been wrecking them too much oh dear that molly's gonna force jack so much he tries to go back into his teammates so instead it's forward and they find glaive blinded on the car zip trying to escape he's getting hounded down and he can't live to tell the tale double entry from jax and b belongs to g2 yeah this might just have to be a save on the numbers alone you've got bubsky and duprey here you may as well see if they can find something and bubsky running the smoke is good for one leg out of dupree but it's not the killing blow and so that's not gonna entice astralis oh given more chances but more shots missing and so this might just be a decision to back out now you're aware the lurk from hunter as well saving the orp is not even a guarantee yeah dante's not even moving much as well he's waiting for the kill to come to him he knows bees on lock dupre is trying to stay silent can't scope up now can't run and hunter's walking right his way duprey needs to be very quick on this and he scopes up but he doesn't hit it and now all the flick another leg for dupres had them two this round and he can't convert either kill 13 to 11 g2 with the dominant round the double entry from jackson to b and he's starting to slip through the fingers of astralis their final pause left in this series now and at least they have the money that is the only thing in the back pocket of astralis huge round out of jacks man i i love that he just goes no i'm capitalizing on this momentum right he blindsides the first man and then he just runs down zip in the b site it takes some balls it takes some confidence and it's that decision that gets g2 into this lead astralis are feeling stressed you can see the sweat piling up on the foreheads of glave and zip pressure's on now back in we go and it's g2 one rifle round away from breaking the money of astralis at 14 11. you know we never called gg before it happens but that is the you know the financial equivalent of gg the impossible would need to happen if astralis were to hold on and they know that better than anyone three at b the molly peak from glaive and it won't work wonders luckily the trade will no one else spotted by zip as far as he's concerned banana is pretty absent and soon it will be g2 of running the bomb back down middle hunter's got a lot of space not only just duprey a low or below him rather but a player on the balcony as well yeah these lurks have been so impactful right not only at finding these saving players throwing misdirection into the mix but also at providing a get out clause for g2 if they don't like what they see it be well hunter and his real estate a can be capitalized on they're setting up to try and group into this a bomb site there is the read for astralis they've got three players here all in the right place at the right time now they've got to hit their shots and win these fights bobsky he goes one for one he does all he can g2 grinding to a halt for a moment trying to let the seed of doubt slip into the mind of astralis they've signed up to play mind games all right and this silence is only making you more and more worried on the astralis side have you read this wrong should you be committed duprey on the short side gets the info and gets away with even more than that hunter dead as well and the double up for astralis works wonders they stay true to the idea that that was the a play and they reap the reward it's so sad gt's entire round there in that three on three just waiting for the kills to come to them and when they eventually do they don't even get away with the frags the info was all there hunter had heard not only mages fall off the balcony but he heard dupree running into the site earlier when he got to apartments he had the info and g2 are ready for the re-aggression but they couldn't put a stop to it now astralis stand tall they keep going they keep building and they're still messing around with the buys in spawn finally swapping things over and luckily g2 are not going for a steadfast round instead they're taking apartments boosting up no need to stop them astralis triple b but not for long bubsky's already moving back some molotov's by a few seconds here which could make all the difference g2 looking like they want to go quick yeah an explosion into this a bomb site a change of pace may be an order actually they dump all this utility in but it's not in a commitment they try to split mid to b and losing jax early might have given away this uh this game plan right you're already seeing astralis back up or moving towards the b site they've got ammonic trapped on a limb out of long and they're denying him this control that kill from glaive is massive now he's freed up to go back to b to help zip out in this position zip doesn't need your help though glade he's taking care of this b rush and there it is 13 all astralis four alive at the end of that round there and once more they've broken the g2 bank accounts talk about a back and forth game you can see barbs he doesn't want to get ahead of himself get too excited but a little glimmer of a smile on his face there he knows the impact of that round alone astralis now no longer on the back foot but in control of the semi-final right now oh it's so attainable it's never been more attainable three rounds away and the first one gifted to them on a silver platter time to lift up the lid and see what's under that rock just beetles and eagles not a lot here for g2 one smoke they're spread out they're looking for picks but astralis have not made the mistake of giving away any openers in the ct side think about that they've forced commitments out of g2 in these rounds they're giving away the mid control and this is no exception you want mid you can have it we're not going to over rotate our b anchors are excellent zip and glaive have been so good at keeping that site on lock as much as jax was in the first half and i really think this consistent rolling presence of a player on speedway rotating between the sights has helped astralis out massively it's made possible oh glee was running and shooting and taking heads off it's just amanic man everything is suddenly turning against g2 they know he's here as well majes saw his feet just slipping by and dupree here it is waits patiently and it's rewarded 14 now with astralis they're the ones in the lead the best they've managed so far was tying this game up at 11 11. now it's them in pole position yeah what a roller coaster this has been right from a strong start to astralis to g2 recovering super well in their first half and then they even win it out right you're thinking it's going so well a pistol a conversion it's all falling apart for australis they're silent and then their second win comes in and the lan experience shows through 14 to 13 and this is where it all comes down to you know the final buy round the final four bye for both sides mate talk about experience guys like glaive are exemplifying that his calling has only gotten better as this series has gotten closer he also had a slow start as you pointed out he's now second on the board for astralis he has risen up through the ranks and he's trying to get them to this grand final even if he's gonna do it himself a lot of damage done by glaive on that peak over the half wall and it's a little bit of information going the way of astralis it's banana control hanging in the balance yeah just to put numbers on it glaive had five kills to start this half as well he's now at 21. that's kind of obscene five-on-four kill taken from almanac he does drop dupree and middle getting into the action but taking a lot of damage our g2 again we have this lurking apartments hunter just keeping up the pressure but smoked off right now can't do anything g2 they just want to commit wherever they go whatever they do do it together do it in numbers make sure you can trade because astralis are spread thinly right now two or three three on the b bomb site and alone is zip on it or magisk on a and so wherever g2 go they're expecting a 2-2 here the read for astralis is looking wrong right now 30 seconds magic needs a multi-kill or australis are done for magisk i you you've got to do the impossible here mate here's the footsteps and oh magisk impossibilities are his middle name a double in the round and now astralis has spurred on to give this retake and it's hunter it's the two cousins left alive for g2 hunter said his goal was to be on a team with nico to play alongside his family now he's got to keep the hopes and dreams of g2 alive with the man in question waiting in the pit waiting for the smokes to fade our astralis and then when the strike comes it will be decisive and it will be fast here's the peek out of apartments hunter's spotted dancing around nico not knowing about yet and the kills come in for nico and hunter that's why they've got these guys in g2 that's why they want to be together because they give us rounds like that 14 14 and the hope is still very much alive for the g2 squad retakes make me hot maybe hard but they're not supposed to be that difficult that is dirty from nico headshot angles and of course he's hitting every single little bullet matches he does everything he can there with that double kill denying the abs players a solo player on that site but g2 still hang on by a thread 14 all that is not a round that you want to lose if you're astralis the man up on the retake with first vows combined that round could decide the outcome of the game if we're left looking at this and these are the margins we're splitting it's little clutches like that that can make all the damn difference no no decisiveness now ot 1614 who knows it's up in the air and g2 they're about to fly high right through the apartments with a flash play lovely entries and there's nothing dupri can do but one g2 on the site with the plan the middle finger in the face of astralis as they destroy their economy in round 30. if this hasn't been a story of of big hero plays for g2 right when it matters to spur the squad on i don't know what would be you know that first half was dire for g2 up until hunter wins that 1v2 clutch from then on in he goes on to give us another clutch more round stack up for g2 and then him and nico win that two on three to find what is now a 15 round score line for g2 in the long run yeah after astralis did so well to hold on as well they've now got to hold on to their guns the four in the chase look at this executing to be it's only if he's blinded and nico gets both 15 to 14 no guns kept on no money here for astralis they cannot buy a rifle with armor not an m4 at least this is a catastrophe in the best of ways for g2 yeah heartbreaking heartbreaking for astralis they are left with deagles with smgs with shotguns up against the full buy from g2 i think all of this recovery from glaive it might all be for nothing it might all be forgotten here felt like australis were already out of it near the start of the half but here we go it's come the full circle the 4 30 maybe more if astralis can do something dirty but i can't say the odds are in their favor yeah this is this is g2's chance right this is the the golden moment the next minute in 30 is the hardest that you were going to focus in the entirety of this series nico has been instrumental in these last few rounds and what a time for him to step up right for this guy it felt like he was always destined for greatness but always left as the bridesmaid never the bride well this round he's opened it up once more best in glade and now a path carved over towards this b site even if you don't take the opportunity to hit b now you know you're disrupting the astralis game plan you know you're shifting rotations and at this score line in round 30 with no money all the pressure is on your opponent the smokes are in but there's no commitment they go quiet in doing so astralis they have pulled all their bodies but one into this bomb site so the stack is here and g2 are going to meet them right in the middle charging through the double molly burns out zipski gets one but he has to fall off the boost they're gonna go through astralis chasing but they can't get the kills bubsky traded after one and it's only magisk on the wrong side of the map it might be coming to its natural conclusion it might be a grand final spot for g2 it's only magisk in the way of that yeah one on three and oh you're left thinking if only some of these clutches hadn't have eluded astralis would this be the scoreline magisk has cut down and there it is g2 going to the grand finals of iem cologne
Channel: ESL Archives
Views: 9,821
Rating: 4.8688526 out of 5
Keywords: CS Highlights, CS Live, CS Live Stream, CSGO, CSGO Live, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, ESL, IEM, china, competitive, cs, esport, esports, extreme, games, gaming, intel, masters, twitch
Id: dsMRR-TG-gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 45sec (4305 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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