CS2: Ryzen 7 7800x3D + RTX 4070ti GR Premium + 32gb DDR5 6GHz
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Channel: Den 7ij
Views: 11,092
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Keywords: fps, perfomance, best cpu, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, RTX 4090, SUPRIM X, BEST, 128 tickrate, 64 tickrate, RTX, GTX, 1080ti, 2080ti, 3080ti, 4080, faceit, cybersport, global, supreme, производительность, фпс, разгон, overclock, ddr4, G.Skill, test, для киберспорта, vs, 12900k, kf, misky, i5, 10400f, ryzen, new, nvidia, msi, z690, z790, 1000w, ddr5, intel, лучший, процессор, cpu, 3060ti, rtx 3070, tickrate, cs2, source 2, i3 12100f, i5 12400f, GHz, ryzen 5 7500f, 7600x, ryzen 7, 7800x3d, 4070ti gamerock, premium, csgo
Id: OUXstn3dA2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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