Can I Build a Super Soldier to Crush The Empire in Rimworld?

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hello again today we'll be creating a colonist capable of single-handedly traveling the world eradicating anything that identifies as Imperial how well scattered across this weird ultratech fantasy version of The Rim are vaults in one of which we find our four colonists all of whom are elves by the way Barry Kath Arjen and the most important of them all Artemis Artemis is our resident genetic freak and has the most powerful superpower you can find in vme ancients the mod which adds these vaults promising Canada which grants the bearer a zero percent chance of failure when adding further superpowers in this Gene tailoring pod naturally then he's going straight into it just as soon as the power is on but while he's getting his genes tailored to better fit his large muscular legs let me show you around here on the West we have our Barracks hospital and power generation to the South a comms room chem fuel storage and a rec room kitchen and up north we have a dining room a random Royal bedroom these Hydroponics basins and of course Artemis in his pod on the East there's the welcome room and as much as I'd love to we can't really just hang around inside the Vault forever we need resources in order to stay alive and make progress for starters as usual I'm playing with combat extended running so we need to be able to make ammo which requires a few tags to help demonstrate the complex and varied World we're inhabiting in this playthrough a shuttle has crashed spewing out all manner of weird folks from phones to Androids to well whatever that thing is I don't really know what it is but I sure as hell don't like it moving on since I'm absolutely not planning on recruiting anyone else to our little Vault family inside we'll build a quick and dirty Temple to keep the people happy whilst they work feverishly on their various tasks we get the odd only game raid but um we've got turrets and guns here so you know Coming Round Here waving your little wooden shiv around I don't know what you expect anyway artemis's pod is about to pop let's see what superpower he got well look at that he got assassin that was basically the dream outcoming he got it on the first try but with great power comes a very poor immune system apparently for every superpower you gain you also get a weakness alongside his promising candidate power for example Artemis is mute which is one of the better options for a super assassin to have as a weakness the only company Artemis will ever know are the corpses of his victims which you can't talk to I mean you can but it's a one-sided conversation anyway back in the Pod Artemis you're far from finished whilst he's in there for his second stint the rest of the gang are getting down to business researching building playing foosball what we're building first is some nutrient-based infrastructure a grinder to mash up raw rice and pipe it over here into a storage tank which then pipes the delicious slurry directly into the colonist's mouths while they sleep how incredibly efficient since they've all started with sky-high expectations they want some symbolic art and a moral guide amid cath the moral guide and set her to work carving out a couple of those statues they so desperately need which starts to cheer everyone up a couple of days later Artemis is out of the Pod wants more this time having gained the self-resurrection power means that in theory if he dies he'll come back to life after three days but still be wounded or he'll immediately come back with no wounds at all I don't know the description says both and hopefully we'll never have to find out he also became a zealot which is again very far from the worst of options available to him his other option would have been great completely removing his need for food but it came with the weakness that prevents him from fighting which um well you know he popped out just in time for the Empire to show up for a quick raid and hey they're actually pretty scary with their shiny armor and guns I let them run at the point defense turret that sits outside the base thinking it would wipe the floor with them but they actually made pretty Swift work of it only losing a single combatant they didn't fare quite so well in the entrance versus all of the other turrets and Artemis thankfully to take a break from playing with jeans and get down to some serious meditating Artemis will need a variety of different powers available to him on his journeys from utility powers that let him mend his armor all the way up to powers that will let him shoot fire out of his face rather luckily he started with the chronopath tree meaning he can grab time skip meditation and age himself for sidecaster experience every few days which would normally be a problem but being an elf he's Immortal as far as aging is concerned all of that means that now it's time for Artemis to sit down for a very long time [Music] decades have passed inside of his mind as he sat contemplating the nature of being [Music] outside of his mind it's been like a few months or so Kath has been researching feverishly and has progressed as far as advanced fabrication opening up Myriad possibilities for arming and armoring our super assassin however it appears that some of his arming is going to be done for us by Raiders some of what appear to be Imperial deserters from a faction named Dan have come to have a go their armor as our turrets will now demonstrate is very good it's more protective than the recon armor and Marine helmet that Artemis currently wears and on top of that it grants a size sensitivity bonus and on top of that on top of that it looks sick which is always a plus it took a fairly protracted Fireball throwing match to take out the last of them and then it's back to meditating for another decade or three his absence psyche spent about 30 years figuring out how to shoot fire from his eyes a most noble of causes outside of his brain further months have passed the vault is getting comfier and filling up with all the things you'd expect a transhumanist colony to have neural supercharges sleep accelerators that one growth vat that you never use but need to have to get rid of the negative moodlet for not having any of course I'd be lying if I said that the colony was actually surviving with no help from Artemis though his meditation is interrupted every few days whenever something more threatening than a mad and rabbit shows up but before he can go out on his um well let's call it what it is which is a genocide for his genocide he'll need some rather special equipment and weaponry he's had a charge rifle from the get-go thanks to our vault start and I had initially given him something called a spike lands from remsenal which he used in a few defenses but I've ended up making him a ghost rifle instead which fires and reloads faster as well as being way easier to make ammo for since it basically just LED sabers here he is demonstrating the ghost rifle on some mechanoids but it's not just about external equipment a great many things are going inside of Artemis too bionic legs arms eyes heart spine the whole kitten caboodle after all of those obvious bionics he'll also get detoxifier lungs and kidneys and that's about all we can make for him for now since everything else I want to stuff into his swollen mutated Corpus will need to be purchased from Traders either directly or through Tech prints so whilst we wait for some Traders Artemis is going to go and think for a few more decades about how to teleport and shoot lightning out of his hands again though he's actually being interrupted every couple of weeks once we've bought or researched something else to implant into him he'll take on a nuclear stomach a pain stopper a joy wire an armor skin gland a coagulator and a healing enhancer pretty much anything that could conceivably help him in his extraordinarily murdery Quest is being surgically slipped into his body aside from the surgeries he was left pretty much to his meditations this time on account of the constant mechanoid clusters outside killing anything hostile hell or friendly that tried to approach the vault thankfully deliveries from space land on the other side of the Vault so I was able to make a little hatch out to go and collect our purchases in safety outside of his brain it's been almost two full years now two years of research trade and just generally living a rather boring life of sustenance exactly what you'd imagine vault-bound life to be like meanwhile Artemis has lived multiple human lifetimes in his own mind contemplated the births and deaths of entire universes reached 19 different versions of religious Nirvana and come out of the other side with only one thing bloodthirst he gathers up a few thousand rounds a stack of medicine 20 or so survival meals and gets on the road towards the nearest Imperial Outpost with a bedroll a nuclear stomach and a joy wire singing fuzzy happiness in dear's brain the journey flies by and before you know it he's there the enemies are numerous and well armored but more importantly their constructions are built of wood whilst it would be fun to just sneak around setting the place on fire we didn't build this ghost rifle for nothing after getting the Imperials attention Artemis skips to some nearby cover and starts shooting from range it seems that they have a sidecaster of their own however doing some kind of weird blood magic here which lets aratios here get in close too close so Artemis chaos skips them away where to doesn't matter just not here the setting the surrounding Forest Ablaze he skips himself away yet further back and at this point I was beginning to wonder whether or not he could actually manage this level of heat all by himself he must have heard my misgivings because he then proceeded to go full on sicko mode and put down 10 Imperials in about that many bursts from his rifle one of whom dropped a plasma saw which is a chainsaw but more orange and it attacks very fast which should be pretty overpowered when you always crit and only ever hit vital organs we'll see in any case it's great for quickly destroying things after patching himself up he'll find somewhere to take a rest before hunting down and burning all of the settlement's Power Generation in order to shut the turrets down after a quick meditate it's back on the road towards pymatopolis City added by RIM cities which upon arriving we see did not generate particularly well never mind there's still Imperials to kill here Artemis charges in and gives the plasma saw a test on people unsurprisingly this is what it looks like versus an armored opponent compared to someone that forgot to wear their helmet so he skips himself away swaps to the gorse rifle and gets the job done whilst rooting around the scattered buildings for loot we find a sack of knowledge which essentially functions as a tribal version of the neuroformer either creating or upgrading a colonist's silink which takes Artemis to level 25 granting him the ability to breathe fire all right there's plenty more loot here mostly medicine it's time to have a rest scoop up the rest of the goods and then we'll be on our way to the next point on the map the next few years of Artemis life are spent trudging from settlement to settlement leaving only Ash and blood in his wake in the next place after you know doing rather a lot of killing Artemis is rummaging through the loot and finds a neuroformer that allows him to summon meteors which might come in handy as well as that there's a set of excellent quality Phoenix armor it doesn't Grant size sensitivity like the deserter armor but it's quite a bit more protective which in my opinion is worth it on to the next here's a much better example of a city Nick pusopium lots of buildings lots of loon lots of Imperials after putting down one or two guards we find this yuzuki a Persona mono sword with psychic hypersensitizer and calm thoughts very good technically this does less damage per second than the plasma saw but unlike that it actually has armor penetration too here it is being put to rather good use for clearing out the city's Defenders remember that Artemis always crits and always aims for vital organs he's quite killing he killerly makes his way through the rest of the city looting and finishing off the rest of the guards finding along his way a few side trainers which give him a jump start on the necropath tree as well as finding another sack of knowledge which he uses to further that necra knowledge with steel Vitality this place has for one reason or another got an extremely laggy now and obviously this will happen when you're doing dumb stuff in Rim world but I mean it's really bad right now so as soon as the game tells me that the settlement is destroyed and really wants me to know that the Imperials are fleeing don't worry rimworld I'm fleeing too fleeing whatever is annihilating my TPS here so back on the world map with the game back to normal we're headed towards a CasCal whose map icon would seem to indicate it's in a bit of a state literally the moment Artemis loads onto the map someone in a war casket starts swinging his big old sword around at him I remember from earlier playthroughs that EMP is extremely strong versus War caskets but that doesn't seem to extend to the lightning cycasts and for some reason Artemis keeps vomiting after making some distance the war casket user reveals that they're rather Speedy so Artemis uses pocket sand okay whatever it did the trick they're bleeding to death it's break clear give them a few zaps and watch them die very good so this place is indeed rather run down and far less populous than the other cities and its loot is accordingly it's also very wooden so Artemis at the ripold chronological age of 666 sets the place on fire and then leaves the next settlement is about 22 days away on foot which I had to endure in real time thankfully For You video editing halfway there however I realized that we're not carrying enough food and decided to stop by a local tree hugger settlement to trade but we don't have any silver well alternative diplomacy it is then [Music] with all of the tribes food appropriated Artemis is back on the road to his next Imperial Target Placer along the way he's ambushed by a peg-legged man with a tribal ax named Wang nice one way anyway Placer has a lot of wooden buildings and flamethrowers which seems like a really rough combination to deal with up close so instead art hangs back and takes out all of the Imperials as they run towards him over open ground after slowly working through disabling all the turrets by taking out their power sources art has a quick meditate before getting back to it as you might imagine the next few hours look very similar to this settlement to settlement City to City Artemis trots the globe Artemis come on Artemis you can sleep when the Empire is dead Artemis trots the globe emptying out the now dwindling supply of Imperial settlements with a healthy combination of fire lightning and bullets quite some time ago now he lost one of his bionic eyes I think it actually happened quite early on but evidently one has been plenty because we're down to just two more Imperial holdouts a city and a settlement first the settlement which contains yet another neuroform pushing Artemis silink to level 30. so the last remaining Bastion of Imperial power on this world one more slog across the world map and here we are headed into nosrusia where Artemis loses his other eye to a charge lmg wielding cataphract while trying to get fancy with meteors for the big finale serves you right showboater but if that was showboating then what does that make this blindly killing the rest of the Imperials in melee since he can no longer aim a ranged weapon you might think it'd suck having to chase everyone down to melee range but with a combination of the warlord trees speed boost and that necropath Vitality leeching power he's rolling around at the speed of sound he's got places to go he's got to follow his rainbow he can't stick around he has to keep moving on guess what lies ahead only one way to find out sorry I got lost in the City Escape there it's easily done but what does lie ahead for Artemis he's completed his mission the Empire is dead or at least there not present on this planet anymore without him to guard them could the rest of the vault's occupants possibly have survived well he'll never know because honestly I abandoned this earlier to save TPS and I've totally forgotten where it was anyway please remain indoors there's like And subscribe out there it's dangerous thanks so much for watching and until next time goodbye
Channel: Hazzor
Views: 359,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld mods, modded rimworld, rimworld biotech, rimworld tips, rimworld ideology, rimworld guide, rimworld game, rimworld biotech gameplay, rimworld ep 1, rimworld story, let's play rimworld, rimworld episode 1, rimworld 1.4, rimworld royalty, rimworld biotech dlc, rimworld mod, lets play rimworld, rimworld 100 days, 100 days, Annihilating The Empire With a Psychic Super Soldier in Rimworld
Id: dQdd9C6B1Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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