CRUSHING my Enemies with CAPITALISM in Super Auto Pets

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I think last attempts last attempt at whatever I'm doing at the moment and I don't want to buff these uh yeah sure take a duck I may freeze a pig too I don't think it'd be best to take down the first stand but I like having an Expendable team because maybe I could be like get close to getting a fish double up find loads of tattoos like just um sill things and Buffalo to tattoos with the fish afterwards oh yeah there we go it's a little bit annoying because I'd have to have them all on the board but I don't think wasting a few stats is really a problem like at worst I'm missing I won one buff from the fish I probably wouldn't be putting that on something I care too much about anyway uh absolutely huge loss here but it's turned two we got our HP back so no concern there love having these two uh maybe sell the Ducks so I get even more stats on these yeah I'm gonna do that I think cell Ducks buy these combine fish get a quite large swan I can always buy whatever this is it is kangaroo uh let's go for a swan game although I guess I don't do that I'll freeze it but let's see if we can find another Swan like naturally and uh yeah we're definitely not doing that ah I can't buy apples I just need to find these naturally it's sad but yeah if you're going for a swan game you want to find the extra swans early like you don't care so much about the stats you care about the the extra gold the level and there is an option okay let's just stack it for now keep rolling again still not buying these and going for a little bit of a Dodo changes maybe worth something and we have a swan nice okay selfish bye swan I'd rather just keep rolling from like more swans or dodos and we have found one I can sell a kangaroo for it I don't think I do that but I'll keep it Frozen probably gonna run like two of these I think so combine two of my swans next turn and then play my uh other one separately who knows maybe if I can get two of them to level two I can start scaling up with um an early penguin if I get that salad ball is nice parrots I don't have a good use of parrots yeah I'm not that interested in that I think buy a salad bowl we did hit the swan nice maybe meeponed this one and then just rolled it okay I'm selling the kangaroo the kangaroo is nice but it doesn't really fit this build and then let's run it like this or something sadly this DOTA chain isn't really doing that much like we're passing on like three attack total or something okay another loss we can do something here do I stack this I don't know what to do with the snails we're gonna have a ton of rolls okay I'm gonna stack it I'm gonna hope I can find another one I'm Gonna Leave The Garlic Frozen maybe three two of them I mean I do want this so there we go okay so yeah we have to do it this turn I need to get a load of these that is amazing as well uh what do I do though sell snail by penguin is there any good above this once but I want a lot of things I'm actually gonna unfreeze these because I'd rather find like turtles soon but raise both of these this is so dumb what is this team it's a lot of birds but yeah I don't know okay good still holding on three HP I really want to combine these but I don't think that's the play I think snap that on the back one and roll a few times I'm going to freeze a pill but like if I find pears then I want to buy those okay I probably used to buy that like stack that on there it's a crocodile but yeah I think I'm Gonna Leave it not too bothered uh loving the penguin isn't a terrible idea either but again I'm mostly going for a swan game at least I'd like to think so the dodos are just like supplementary there's got loads of stats like it's collateral and now it's kind of hard to get rid of them I think you'd probably do something though okay so what bypass for you oh here I'm probably keeping them separate yeah do that I'm just gonna buy this but we don't need that many I don't want to keep these forever like I probably end up selling this before I combine it into the other one so I just keep rolling I need to find pears Turtles Excellence okay yeah I'm gonna combine this now like combine those throw a swan uh turtle in front of this one I mean maybe freeze this I can easily find a pill and you're passing 66 yeah you can just like throw it on there like it's turn eight this thing's probably got enough attack by itself I don't think I need to give it another you know eight whatever that thing's passing on nine maybe yes no problems so definitely doing this uh looking for monkeys or Swan penguin level up and I'd love to find a dragon dragon is definitely the way you want to scale with this build I just need to actually find it seals this up I'm gonna buy one of these why not but it's still good no freeze a snail because I'm going to have to buy something next to it anyway okay uh I'm going to not freeze the pear because I'd much rather just roll for chocolate like I don't want to have to buy a tutu when I can you know level something up that gives me an extra plus two two a turn or an extra gold attempt which is going to become very valuable I think I'm hoping yeah so don't need that don't need any of this really Sushi's fine but oh come on I need chocolates chocolate thank you okay uh I actually I'm gonna start on here I think because this thing is nice but I'm extremely close to just selling it like I'd much rather get the gold and uh yeah I'm pretty sure I'll just get the gold like these things are very temporary I think so I buy this next turn we're doing nothing but rolling for dragons and chocolates we have a bit of HP to spare I just need to get that going it's it might be a little bit rough though normally I feel like you want an early Dragon but if you don't get that then you need to be able to level it very fast and yeah not really set up for that okay steak it's definitely better than what this has at the moment but again we need dragon and chocolate it's the only way so we are hard rolling cad's fine but it has to be dragon with us there we go okay see I'm selling this again I'm not keeping the dodo on the team uh I do see all of these let's do a bit of buy selling like we're gonna get loads of money anyway so I'm just gonna end on this and roll three times okay I'm gonna freeze the pig I'm going to leave the horse it is a tier one okay there's the other Swan good good so we haven't leveled the dragon yet but we do have dragon triple Swan and that is the build I want we're so close like I just need two chocolates in the shop and to not like lose the next two turns okay okay still not on lethal but it doesn't feel great but yeah the dodo is going I'm very very sad to say but we need all the gold we can get and to start scaling up swans as soon as possible okay that is great as well I'll probably buy this and I get to roll and maybe maybe replace something maybe get more equipment uh freeze it but I'm just gonna keep rolling I'm not gonna buy a meat bone for like the dragon I'm not gonna sell the otter to buy the horse like oh come on we're so close so so close uh uh we don't need two of those okay throw this to the front or maybe like an otter in front like pop a shield maybe get to kill this can clean up afterwards and then that's my my tank oh dear what is this wait wait we're fine and it's a drawers are perfect this is like a late game builds like all I need to do is we have to scale for ages so getting a draw is in my favor so yeah throwing that down uh I said keep the dragon Frozen for a bit but whatever this play is like do I just keep buy selling or do I roll really hard to try and level this I don't know what to do let's keep by selling I do need the stats on the team so I can maybe like buy some horse and on Dragon this time and then I can roll a little bit more there's a horse I don't think I need another melon yet we'll swap these two arounds but come on one chocolate one Dragon any of us and then we can make this work uh these Snipes are very scary yeah I'm dead I'm not dead but I have um lost okay so combined dragons we need to keep by selling but maybe roll twice with these Frozen oh there we go okay potentially saved uh Mammoth yoga like a really expensive Dragon thing because I can buy this and pull it and I get like a tapes I don't really care about the sets on the dragon but we get like six six here for four gold but every one of these I buy so like this thing is um two gold six eights so I think I'm Gonna Leave Mammoth pill I don't actually know what my odds are of finding more tit ones but you know I'd much rather do that yeah there we go okay there's Mammoth bill again so keep it going I'm gonna leave everything where it is we have the scaling now we just need to keep doing this for like a couple more turns and then I need to find like what two steak two steak and two more swamps on the final turn yeah no none of this come on please I will freeze the steak but I need my tail once we have so much money if I didn't have the buy sells this is better you always like I don't know I'm not gonna stake that obviously not uh freeze both steak Yeah at some point I'm gonna have to do this and we're getting very close I'm going to keep this one Frozen because the number of times I've had like four of a kind games because I couldn't find the last thing yeah it's been too high and we may be dead here this is very very scary oh there we go okay still surviving I wonder how soon we need to stop the dragon scaling though because I was scaling very fast this thing is capped out yeah keeping that Frozen I'm not gonna buy steak for the dragon probably yeah we need steak for the swans that I'm hopefully going to find well maybe I do this now I can like buy a sell horse end on Swan steak and then I can spend the rest of the turn looking for my final swan I think that is the play it does not leave us hurting too much so maybe maybe run it like this do not accidentally combine it actually just that would kill me if I combined two of these things be awful please not scum is bad in the sense that it's going to get me killed damn this is way too close I just just hate it okay we need a swan we have like yeah I can sell this somewhere like 18 gold I already have the steak ready if I need that but yeah we just oh oh first roll the sad part is I can't really use my dragon to scale anymore without you know combining a swan or um you know basically I'd be down to Swan again so I think I do just have to sell the dragon now buy steak and I'll just roll for stat food goodbye so otter if I didn't really think that's worth it so get rid of this buy you buy the steak and then I don't know maybe I should have Frozen the cat actually as I'm looking at it but this is looking pretty good to me I'll give that to you I definitely don't want this at the very back so maybe run two of these back to back I'd be very sad if it takes like all three of these to kill a Frontline thing but if these two can trade by themselves or leave it fairly easy for this one that'd be nice oh wait wait wait Maybe this like guarantees that this front Swan's going to kill something this is only bad against like another summon team this should be pretty good against like anything else plus it's kind of symmetrical yeah I'm very into that uh we say oh okay right extremely close but there we go full Swan victory we'll take it all right thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time
Channel: Keenoe
Views: 112,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keenoe, super auto pets, super auto pets meme builds, auto pets, super auto pets meme teams, super auto pets best, super auto pets strong, super auto pets level, super auto pets level 3, super auto pets 5 of a kind, super auto pets swans only, super auto pets swan, swan super auto pets, super auto pets dragon swan, super auto pets dragon, super auto pets 5 swans, super auto pets swan squad, super auto pets capitalism, super auto pets money build, super auto pets gold, swan, 🦢
Id: 2_BCbWCZxnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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