Conquering India as Icelandic Vikings in Crusader Kings 3

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hello medieval gaming enthusiasts my name is alcibo hd in today's challenge video we will embark on an epic saga where we attempt to sail from iceland and conquer the indian subcontinent starting as a one province count with only 300 starting levees on the most isolated island in the world we will begin our saga as chieftain gardar sfarsen of atis land in iron man mode in age 67 chieftain gardar's position is laughable with a pathetic army economy and severely stunted diplomatic range iceland itself is small and is shared with chieftais odier of reykjavik gardar sets off on uniting the geothermal land mass quickly laying siege and annexing reykjavik into the realm the unification of iceland is now at hand though the economy of rotting shark meat and miniature sized horses is unable to sustain an army of sizeable strength gardar knows that a subject population is the economic backbone to any feudal society and quickly sets out to invade and conquer the shetland and pharaoh islands these lands fall swiftly under the force of the swarson dynasty contributing their meager whale wages to the national treasury gardar decides to crown himself as duke of iceland in 872 spending his money on a modest crown rather than investing into any actual economy after all vikings take what they want and have little use for paying silver when they can pay the iron prize but if duke gardar is to realize his ambitions he's going to have to expand his power base he thus embarks on a rapid conquest of the western coast of scandinavia supplanting local rulers with members of the svaversen dynasty but darkness soon spreads upon the land and gardar's son and primary heir chieftain uni was murdered in cold blood duke gardar set off on a berserk rampage subjugating the entirety of western and northern scandinavia to further solidify his realm and sanity the mad duke had himself coordinated as king of norway in 885 counts across the land offered their vacillation rather than face the mad king in battle slowly but surely consolidating the icelandic realm into the largest of northern europe but faith alone was not enough to sustain gardar's vitality and he passed into valhalla in 893 a.d passing on his realm to the young and capable king orvar on his deathbed gardar whispered to his heir son you must set sail and usher in a new age of viking exploration and speaking of vikings this video is sponsored by vikings war of clans vikings war of clans is an exciting mobile multiplayer strategy game that has you fight real players for the right to become the yarl of the north if you are interested in vikings this free-to-play game is perfect for you personally i'm a fan of the wide selection of warriors and ships with which you can use to customize your army the in-game siege battles and combat tactics are also great fun and you can use different strategies and create various weapons and armor to empower your army and send your enemies to valhalla the game is constantly updated too allowing you to never miss the action you're all you're ready to join the millions of other players in the community help support elizabeth hd and the channel by downloading vikings for free from my links in the description box and become a hero of exciting events in the world of vikings and don't forget to look me up under my nickname also hd when ovar gardison ascended to the throne upon his father's death he remembered the guiding message the late ruler had imparted upon him in time he would go on to explore and usher in a golden age for the icelandic and norwegian realm but first he had to account for matters closer to home the neighboring kingdom of sweden was a threat to his realm and moreover possessed mediterranean and iberian colonies that ovar coveted for his own goals the young king decided to make sweden norwegian again and declared a subjugation war to overtake the realm although the war was hard fought and sent many souls to valhalla ovar emerged triumphant and seized the swedish realm for himself with the newly acquired swedish colonies in iberia and overseas ovar now had the ability to raid further and conquer more than any norseman had in recorded north story remembering his father's request ovar embarked on the largest viking invasion the world had ever seen quickly sacking and subjugating the mediterranean basin in a space of two years the norwegian realm encompassed sardinia the african coast of libya and even the kingdom of denmark which hovar hunted for sport and leisure but slaying danish alone could not say to the growing ambitions of the ascending king and ovar soon turned his attention to the east the tulane dynasty controlled the gateway to the nile river and the spices and riches of this unknown frontier pulled at the norwegian king ovar rallied his bannermen and invaded the caliphate of egypt and annexed colonies along the suez red sea and arabian coastline the king was quick to realize that the vastly expanding realm needed an organized faith and in 925 he codified the teachings of his norse ancestors reforming the assad true faith and becoming the temporal leader of odin's will on earth in keeping with the way of his people the new religion espoused carnal pleasure human sacrifice military aggression and of course the holy sacrament of mead the newly proclaimed prophet of blood and bones endeavored to carve out an old world empire to retain this fatherson name in a space of several years the newly anointed field gear sent death stacks of vikings and war maidens into the loins of britannia swiftly conquering ireland and the plurality of the anglo-saxon kingdoms that would fall into norse law on the purified soil of men sent into valhalla or var proclaimed the unification of the kingdom of ireland and further consolidated his reign in scandinavia ruling over vast swaths of europe and the largest realm the continent had yet seen by 938 a.d the anglo-saxon kingdoms of england were firmly within the grasp of ovar's vast realm taking its place as the sixth kingdom of the icelandic high court while still nominally a king in his own right ovar deliberated and proclaimed the adoption of scandinavian elective secession throughout the empire decentralizing his rule and forging the foundation of the proto-democratic system that we enjoy today an induced garter in the autumn of his long life ovar changed the course of north story yet again by setting sail to the south lands and declaring war on the strange and uncontacted people of england in 942 a.d the frail and ancient king had at last reached the shores of this spicy and musical land of strange songs and dances and knew he had finally realized the dreams of his late father upon leading his men onto the shores of endland however the king joined his ancestors in valhalla passing away at 70 years old and leaving the realm in the hands of his son and heir king bjork ford overson king borthward olverson king borgford orversen are there any vikings in the chat below because i have no idea how to pronounce that lord portforward known in iceland as bjork inherited the realm in a time of great struggle as his late father's warriors remained locked in the midst of battle as the invasion of influence moved forward leading his men personally the king captured the capital of kanara and forced a peace upon the tamil kings carving out a county that would be the first norse territory on the subcontinent norsemen do in fact mess with the tamil kings the first slice of land that would later become the home and realm of glorious induced gardener was taken from this conquest but as a norastorian i'm getting ahead of myself bjorkvard's first order of business and his new reign was to consolidate and conquer the territory of the southern inland kings paving a foundation of blood and bones that would form the bedrock of an emerging norse kingdom as foretold in the sagas bjorkvard granted these newly conquered lands to his nephews and extended relatives populating inland with norse settlers who pushed for more land on their growing domains more and more territory was procured along the shores of inland in order to ensure the security of house favarson while heretics were mercifully smited and sent to odin's judgment less than a decade later southern inland was entirely secured and the new lands and conquered holdings were renamed after the viking liberators who carved the territory for themselves it was the golden age of norse conquest and civilization and bjorkvar decided to move his court and proclaim the newly renamed svavarsborg the capital of his realm and in turn repositioned the heart of his empire to the southern coast of england this new kingdom encompassed the expanding domain of the indo-norse rulers and would later become the shining jewel of imperial induced garter but blood like mead became an addiction for the newly crowned king and in 951 bjorkvard set out to conquer the neighboring kingdom of carnata the largest indigenous independent realm on the subcontinent if it's red it's dead and after 13 months of ripping off the heads and loins of the nudist warriors the kingdom of carnada was forcibly annexed doubling the size of svarvar's garter as is tradition these new holdings were settled and renamed in the name of svaversen legends but bjorphard was not satisfied yet in the coming years more lands crowns and kingdoms fell into the control of the indo-norse realm currying a blend of indian spices with rotten icelandic shark meat talk about delicious moving back to the old world bjorkvard equally embarked on relentless conquest invading the kingdoms of brittany and navarra and claiming their throne upon their defeat the svarberson realm now contained 10 separate kingdoms and they were promptly renamed after the sagas of svaversen lineage bjorkvard endeavored to gift these viking kingdoms to the various members of his growing dynasty so that his future heir and progeny could refocus their efforts on the development of southern's father's carter before passing into valhalla himself bjorkvard conquered further tracks of continental india and the plurality of sri lanka he further formed the jobs of a kings a norse holy order that was headquartered in the city of hayao fall in 979 a.d after 36 years of rule bjorkvard passed his mortal coil into the hands of his son and heir opheig bjorkvartsen lordo fake was the first svavar sin king to be born and crowned in the new realm of svarus garter to commemorate the event the newly coronated king proclaimed that house farvarsen was a dynasty of many crowns netting his house renown and global prestige given the division of the realm by his late father members of house faverson now ruled across europe and the old world though their territorial integrity verged on that of unrefined border gore his indigenous subjects sensed this newfound vulnerability and declared revolution after revolution launching the largest indian rebellion the realm had yet seen though the wars were hard fought the hindu hordes and treacherous tamils were vanquished by blood and thunder loktaro agar and speaking of hindus though in this case the nudist variety the kingdom of maharashtra was next up on the borgfart bucket list of bjorkvartsen declared war on this decadent realm and as vikings vanquished the nudist inhabitants in a mere year greatly expanding svarburus garter and boosting ophaeg's power base in the process more lands slowly dripped into his realm including the substantially sized sri lanka but svarvar scarter began to splinter under the strain of scandinavian secession permitting foreign's favarsen rulers to lay claim to the subcontinent ophage swiftly set out to unify the realm declaring war on these norse pretenders and embarking on a campaign of territorial unification by 995 a.d the plurality of these pretenders were exiled into valhalla and the victorious king of feig sees the opportunity to declare an empire to stand the test of time the realm of sversgarter was transformed into imperial induce garter marking a turning point in norse story and the preeminence of the indo-norse golden age in an effort to commemorate the dawn of the indo-norse empire a syncretic faith was announced and proclaimed by the prophetic emperor asatru sutra or the indo-norse religion is a combination of the best aspects of asatru norse faith and the indigenous pantheon of the subcontinent it combines the spiritual and sometime erotic scriptures of the kama sutra with the warlike teachings of odin and rapidly spread from its inception readily finding believers in the diverse faiths of induced garter and those that were less willing to convert were put to the sword a multitude of neighboring rulers needed more forceful persuasion and in swift's succession their lands were converted and incorporated into the indonor state despite the legendary glory of the emperor though the rule of men is always temporary and in 1008 ad the reigns of power were passed on to opheg ii a devious yet devout man of the newly organized religion the coronation of opheg ii marked a new era in the history of indusgarder as the crowned emperor was the first of a long line of hindu norris rulers to be born and crowned in the empire of their birth ophegh ii consolidated his power by embarking on conquest after conquest pushing the limits of the northern frontier deeper into india than any of his predecessors a devout assad true sutran o fage sought to unite the diverse peoples and faiths of the subcontinent under the indonors pantheon and proselytized his message by way of relentless conquest perhaps unsurprisingly though this oppressive means of rule garnered the high king enemies within and without the realm in 1010ad the largest indigenous revolution yet seen threw the high kingdom into chaos with over 10 000 indian vaishnava rebels seeking to overthrow the indo-norse colonists and proclaim independence the rebels were promptly liquidated and stowed away in the realm's overhead bins after two years of savage fighting and the remainder were outright banished to die on the field of battle in retaliation for this light upon the territorial integrity of induced garter the vengeful high king took it upon himself to redouble his efforts of norse manifest destiny the northern and eastern border was pushed further and further into the heart of bengal and uttar pradesh and the riches of south asia flowed into the markets and court of the capital swabarsborg indeed it is often said that the downfall of the indian kingdoms ushered in an indo-norse golden age that would last for centuries to come this dawn of a new era was marked by the adoption of feudalism in 1020ad transforming ophegh ii status of high king to that of emperor and forever changing the history of asia and the world in the year 1020ad the norse empire of indusgarder sprawls across the indian subcontinent slowly expanding its way towards the complete conquest of the previously hindu lands the rule of house varsin is entrenched throughout the realm and the dynasty would later go on to conquer and convert the region to the syncretic asatru sutra faith conversions are already rapidly spreading across the empire with the majority of provinces and population following the indo-norse religion induced garter itself retains a majority indigenous population though nor settlers are beginning to spread out from their stronghold in the southern capital region of svarsborg in terms of family house svavarsin has almost 1 000 living members spread across europe africa the middle east and asia of these ancestral progeny four are independent kings of their own kingdoms a testament to the historical conquest of europe and division of the realm by the late king borkvards farvarsen over the generations however elective secession has transformed the norse world into a blight of tentacular border gore and induce garter retains control of a patchwork of counties throughout the former realm further abroad it's interesting to note the rising power of mega estonia itself a rare sight to see so late in the game given time perhaps estonia can reach historical glory in this alternative history and avoid their contemporary fate of becoming a pit stop for finnish alcohol importation before ending the video i'd like to thank you for watching this far and supporting the algorithm if you like crusader kings and want more strategy gaming content i humbly request that you usurp the like button and claim the subscription box and if you're looking for more challenge videos narrated stories guides and more the channel has a bounty to offer like that time we made our dynasty into a human conga line by engaging in sister wife succession for seemingly unknown reasons youtube has refused to send out notifications for my previous ck3 video to my subscribers and if you're interested in checking out the strongest dukes of crusader kings i'd greatly appreciate a view so that it's not lost to obscurity a special thanks as well to viking's wharf clans for sponsoring this video and supporting the channel i hope you all have a fantastic day and i'll see you in the next video it's time now to roll the credits you
Channel: AlzaboHD
Views: 519,162
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Keywords: ck3, crusader kings 3, ckiii, crusader kings, ck3 challenge, ck3 dynasty, alzabo, AlzaboHD, ck3 alzabo, ck3 alzabohd, ck3 gameplay, gameplay ck3, crusader kings iii, ck 3, ck 3 gameplay, ck 3 challenge, iceland ck3, ck3 iceland, vikings ck3, ck3 vikings, indo norse ck3, ck3 indo norse, iceland to india ck3, iceland to india, ck3 iceland challenge, ck3 iceland exodus, exodus iceland ck3, viking exodus ck3, ck3 viking exodus, viking challenge ck3, ck3 viking challenge
Id: pBwJGvLsifQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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