Crumb Quilting Adventure - Making My First 6x6 Crumb Quilt Block | Ep. 2

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hi everyone it's me Darlene talking not too loud because I am sitting at my sewing machine and my mother's door is right there even though it's shut her bed is not far away she is sound asleep and I don't want to wake her I just wanted to fill you in on the crumb quilting adventure it has only been 24 hours since I uploaded the other video the first video and I'm totally addicted to this and I really should be in bed trying to sleep because I didn't get to sleep last night because crumb quilt I was obsessed it'll wear off but for right now I'm just really excited I had told you that this might be a kind of series where I just sit and chat with you sometimes obviously show you stuff to do with the crumb quilt but I you know I just want this to be casual and relaxed and I wanted to start by showing you my box that contains my crumb scraps I was like gee I wish I had a shoebox and then I remembered Skylar got a shoebox when I bought her her boots and she painted it so I have this box which is perfect and it's funky she had glued some stones on the inside cover and I have all my chrome quilt stuff in here let me show you on top I have all the blocks I've made so far now these aren't blocks yet I shouldn't say that I haven't squared up anything I haven't decided for sure what I will be making for size but I do have an idea we'll look at these in a second and then these are like my tiniest of crumbs these are like strips I like those because that's when I can do the strip set and so little tiny pieces on there and then in here are my bigger pieces which I do cut into smaller pieces I also have the bag that belonged to Sandy those were her crumbs I have picked through and used a lot of them I got to pick through the rest and then the box has a very fancy bottom too this is my extra special box because Skyler painted it and I'm absolutely loving it for my chrome quilt project so let's look at the pieces that I've made so far have quite a few of them and I've been using a variety of fabric I did go get some fabric out of my bin of treasures that I just found the other day or that I just looked through the other day and you can see I'm just doing a variety of sizes and I've learned a lot of tricks I'm going to be teaching you along the way I'm just having so much fun with this I will say it gets harder and harder to build because like if you want to add something to the side you either have to put like two other blocks together or bigger pieces I was thinking I wanted to make big blocks like maybe ten inch and I actually think I'm going to do smaller and I was going to do five inch but then I thought the width of my ruler is six inches so it might make sense to just go six inches because I can quickly and easily measure you know like this would be six inches wide obviously it's not six inches this way so you know you have to build your block bigger than six and then you cut it just love all this so you can see I am using some very you know small and narrow pieces I mean I just have fun putting the little tiny pieces together these were actual little pieces that I pieced together and you know I have some that is still just a to patch this two had just little pieces actual baby crumbs so so I'm just going to show you a few things tonight it's a little trick that I picked up along the way now like this I don't think this is quite six it certainly is in this too erection but it's not in this direction so this one is very close to being done but what I would do is you can see that there's like you know a lot of you know plain a bigger piece here so I need to build out this way but then when I do the six inches this way I would keep most of this and this would be cut probably like here that will be a fantastic blog I plan on maybe making a small quilt and I think I will be putting sashing around the blocks I don't know yet I'm just going to have to wait and see and there's a big piece and sometimes I put the big pieces together and then I cut them into smaller pieces so let me show you one thing that I picked up on where's a good block to show you oh I did want to show you this one this is a piece that I cut what did we just make with this the quilt block tutorial oh it was one of the half square triangle sets that we made using a strip set and you might remember I had to cut this off because it had a border and I said I was going to keep that well I'm using it as part of my crown quilt and it's possible that I might cut these into smaller pieces I'm still looking for an example to show you something well let me just use a piece like this as an example let's say for the heck of it I needed to cut this off here maybe I have sewn something else onto it and it needs to be trimmed or I just want to go ahead and trim it well instead of cutting this and then having a narrow piece to work with obviously if I cut this I would like to keep that piece as a crumb let me show you what I'm going to do instead so fun being at my machine at night with you okay so here again when you sew two pieces together it's always easier to sew two bigger pieces than little tiny pieces or very narrow pieces so let's say I want to cut this before I cut it I'm going to attach something to here then I'll cut it then this narrow piece will already be part of a bigger piece so let me just show you I'm not going to be fussy at all I've got this pink fabric let's just put this down right sides together let's just so I'm going to press it now you can see we have a big piece here but let's say I really want to cut this like right across this way this piece now is already part of another block instead of cutting that separate you know and having it just be a loose little skinny strip I mean a skinny strip is okay I totally work with them all the time because I want them but it's just more convenient to do it right there right then and there put it to something else and I don't have to worry about what I'm going to do with this pink piece yet at this point it might get cut some more it might just get trimmed to there I might make the pink very narrow but now this strip found a new home and then this project would be ready to do whatever I wanted to do with it and here's another thing that I can show you you know how yesterday we had taken like a strip this is kind of narrow but I did do it with that and we could put you know something on the strip and so and then we put the next piece on the strip and so and the next piece and so and then we can just press everything and then we just cut the strip we have all those little pieces well I look at pieces that I've already made in the same way as a strip and I will show you but I'm already thinking this is kind of wide so I'd like to cut it this way but I'm going to do my trick right now I'm going to put another piece of fabric there and then I will stitch it and then cut it let's go put it right on this that same piece that has that piece on that side just to give it something to be attached to now I won't keep you know this on this end with all this pink and then this I don't care at this point I'm just concerned with cutting this and not having a loose piece I'm now I'm going to trim this the way I want this is what I was after but I saved that piece by attaching it to something else and now this can get cut and I'll be able to use that for a strip set also so let me show you what I mean about you know just attaching things to this pretending it's like my long strip for instance I could put this on there let's turn it this way I'm going to add this now I need something that's going to fit there it could be two tiny little pieces it can be one kind of bigger piece this might fit oh it does perfectly I'm doing what I call SIL the strip if I'm going to start sewing if there's any fabric left over I'm always putting a piece on there okay so like we did before and you can go watch yesterday's video what we did before is we generally put these things on one strip so let's pretend that it would look like this remember and then I would just cut here and then that gives me a piece attached to this same as here well I'm still doing the same thing only I did it with a double strip so now I'm going to cut this like this and that's why I didn't want the gold part too wide because I like to make the pieces look kind of small so now I have that and this is evened up pretty good confirm it right here so see how quick and easy that was do love this is one of the pieces I made with you guys last night because it has that pink on it let's just see let's just add something to that what do I have do I have something big that can go there that looks like that will work I have a pretty straight line here a curved line here you can always get a little cutting mat if you want and use your rotary cutter I mean like really just happy with scissors now something like this yes I do throw this away that's a little bit too narrow well when I say I throw it away I put it in a bag with other scraps and it gets saved forever alright let's do this let's measure okay I have six inches this way I'm going to love that I have to get some other rulers but I do not have six inches this way but we're not far off let's make this more than six inches we can cut our first block tonight isn't this exciting Sarat see that see that see let's see okay now let me show you this this is all stuff that I've learned just from doing crazy quilts the line is going this way and then it goes this way so this is actually two sides there's one side there one side there I can certainly cut across like this and make one long straight line I kind of don't want to so what I'm going to do is find like a v-shape piece of fabric to go here then we'll open it and trim straight up this way I have a piece here that might be big enough and long enough and it certainly is so I'm going to put this right sides together but I'm only going to sew two here because I'm just attaching it to this upper part and when I do this when I'm alone I really do as much chain piecing as possible I just know in advance like what two pieces I want to put together and then I send two through and then the other two through I do everything I can to not take all this time to pull it away from the Machine and snip the threads and use up all the spread so I'm very efficient when I'm doing this alone all right I'm going to press this so now I have this line and I can continue and cut up the blue line now if you want like I said you can certainly have a little cutting mat and a ruler and do it that way I'm not too concerned I just eyeball it so my line is going like this and I'm just going to continue straight up so now I have a new straight line here with this piece instead of making an angle I can certainly do an angle but I felt like doing this just to show you guys now I can put a piece if I want let's do that so let's do a piece of this I don't know if I've done this yet I'm not sure this is the best view but we're going to give it a try let's see let's cut a six-inch block out of this now obviously I want more of this and less of this how about I turn it this way and I Square this up right here I should say just straighten this up not square it up this I'm saving this I am NOT now let's turn it to this way and now all I have to do is put the edge of my ruler to that edge of that line because my ruler is six inches so it doesn't matter where on the board and that's going to be not a great place and I'll tell you why it's going to cut just right there on the red and that's going to give me a scene right on the very edge so I may have to move over a little bit and sacrifice some more on this side see this tricky thing is like that we can also do wrong key doesn't have to be straight up and down can I do wonky maybe like this so I can save as much of this let's try that huh scared all of a sudden let's go like this and now let me just put my ruler on that edge oh boy now I can try to see like where I want the design I think I like it there and there well I guess I'm going to go right there now I actually would like to sew some fabric on these pieces so they can have a mate right away I'm not doing that oh so this is going to work good if I could cut left-handed can I cut this way I cannot okay that was weird angles for you and I'm sorry about that I'll get better at this but look we have a six by six block and I just love it it might not take me too long to make a bunch of these so excited and again I may just put them together I'm a sash them I don't know we will find out won't we alright I guess I'll call it quits for tonight and when I say quits I mean I'm quitting the video but I'll probably be up doing this for several hours but I want to thank you for sitting with me for a little bit I'm just really excited about this and I hope I can encourage you to keep your crumbs big crumbs little crumbs all kinds of crumbs and we will find all kinds of ways to put them to good use thank you so much for watching I'll be back with blood soon bye
Channel: Darlene Michaud
Views: 178,237
Rating: 4.9224291 out of 5
Keywords: Darlene Michaud, Sanford Maine, Peanut Gallery, crumb quilt, crumb quilting, catwomanmn, darlene michaud quilt, crumb quilt tutorial, crumb quilt instructional video, how to make a crumb quilt, what is a crumb quilt, crumb quilt piecing, easy crumb quilt, quilting, scrap quilt, scrappy quilt, scrappy crumb quilt, postage stamp quilts, crumb quilt blocks, crumb piecing, sewing, quilt, crumb quilt block, crumb quilt square, crumb piece quilt blocks, crumb quilt patterns
Id: y_rfv2EzBvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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