Crumb Quilting Adventure - Recap for Those Struggling with Their Crumbs | Ep. 9

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hi everyone it's me Darlene I am here to do some crumbing with you I have a lot to show you tonight and I think this is probably though going to be more vlog style than actually showing you tips but it might seem like repeat to some of you and I'm doing that because I have gotten a lot of people telling me that they are struggling with this they want to do it but they're struggling and I can't reply to all the private messages I get I can't reply to them like I don't even try because I get so many and I do read some it gives me ideas of what I should be talking about but I just can't be replying I find it's very hard for me to do in a social way and then in a time management way so I'm just going to try to help you guys who are struggling here tonight it seems like the stumbling block no pun intended is that I think most of the people who want to give up are trying to put together like a block at a time and I personally would not ever want to attempt to make Crum blocks that way I work like I'm on an assembly line and I am going to show you that again tonight if you are just trying to put little pieces together to make a block and when you're doing it that way you're probably putting some thought into what goes with what gotta throw all that way of thinking out the window what I'm going to do tonight is I'm going to cut some pieces that will be similar to what some of you will be getting in the crumb quilt Lots that you bought and I'm sorry that I couldn't offer more of that and I will guarantee I'm never doing it again I'm not sad that I did it I'm very happy for these pieces to find new homes and I will be doing lots with smaller pieces but not shapes to figure out the geometrics of all of that and to know that everybody is getting equal cuts and that's just a nightmare and I'm actually very very quick at it you know I just know I'm like cut this cut this cut this but a hundred prints is a lot but I do want to offer like strips and also like just squares and that's gonna be so awesome for when we do a scrappy quilt together and you know just different things and I may even have it be by weight so that I don't have to make it all matchy-matchy it would be like more grab bag style by weight you get a pound of fabric something like that we'll figure it out but I will continue doing that and it just won't be what I'm doing right now but for now I'm going to show you no matter what you get for fabric I'm going to show you how to start with pieces that you might have and how to just make it work but I do think that the trick is for those of you struggling is do not try to make one block at a time do not put any thought into what is going together the only thought I put into it is if a print is touching its its actual identical self and you can even do that I just don't happened to do it that way and you don't have to get caught up on making it tiny crumbs you can have it be bigger if you want I know crumbs means small and I've had people argue with me about that I don't care I'm not caught up in what you do you can do whatever you want but but a crumb to me is something tiny am I the only one who feels that way a crumb is a crumb I just don't need people to give me a hard time over such stupid things please people please calm down here's what I did last night not on camera I could not turn the camera on because I knew I would not be doing any editing I was exhausted but I was drawn to the sewing machine and I had several bags of crumbs of all shapes and sizes but mostly crumbs little crumbs and it was getting to the point where they were like so just all mixed up and I'm you know like having to try to dig too my pieces so I just dumped all those crumbs out and I just started just sending them through chain piecing either to crumbs together or if I found a strip I would so the crumbs to the strip wait till you see what I got done I'm not looking forward to pressing all this and I still had some crumbs left but for the most part and I didn't do just crumbs I also attached pieces that I've already had started making my god this is crazy all right here we go doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo do you like the song I don't even know if you could really see that that's just the beginning folks here's the next one and the next one oh this one is just a strip with little pieces on it I have to press all that open or we have some other little things attached and press all that cut all that my god I'm so busy oh this one looks like some people call them banners some people call them buntings like with the little flags let's see I'll do it this way I don't know which way to show you it's such a complicated job I have okay like this so you can see I was busy more don't you bored I'm bored with these guys it's just like just little piece and some of them are little pieces that I just attached all by themselves like this just a little piece attached to that it's just silly little piece attached there little pieces attached but I I like to save my little crumbs anyway whoa what's that guy must have been more tired than I thought huh he's showing off oh my goodness I don't want to iron all this gee whiz okay this is the last one but it's a doozy good god my arms are tired just holding this up you can see I do have some big things that you know I started piecing and it's like well it fits on there I'm gonna shove it on there look at these little ones again just little pieces like this oh my goodness me something's wrong with me okay that's all so it looks like all this it's a there's a lot here this was all in two bags and now it's all nice and organized and ready to be pressed and cut and put together to create actual blocks so let me just get some stuff set up and then we're just gonna sit at the sewing machine and I'm gonna chat with you as we go I just cut a whole bunch of pieces like I'm starting from scratch from brand-new I'm going to be doing my chain piecing what you want to do is just grab two pieces any two pieces put them right sides together with one edge matching and so those when you're no longer sewing two fabrics together you stop you don't need to sew on this because you're just gonna mess it up by putting thread there so you can like just turn it to the side if you want just pull it a little bit but just leave it there you know you're not going to snip it now here's a fairly big piece you can cut this right now if you feel like it or you can just sit and put two pieces together I happen to have this that kind of sort of fits there so I'm going to put those together matching up those edges and that worked out great let me grab two more okay I have one like this and one like this this is longer I don't care it's actually easier if you put the longer piece on the bottom then put the other piece on top then you know when to stop whew let's see two more just looking I'm looking for like odd so that you guys know it doesn't have to be all matchy-matchy or the sizes either this goes here putting the longer one on the bottom now I'm gonna show you something okay so let's get this off now with this one you can stop here push it aside or because we have room here we can add another piece so let's do that you're thinking of this piece as like a strip for like when we just sew on a strip now look here is a strip but I'm just going to put it this way so it will fit there now I'm just going to snip and show you guys that when this one gets pressed open which is going to be cutting that right here so you're going to have two individual pieces that you've just made so you would just do this to start do this like a lot make a lot of these you can press an open and snip as you go but you want a lot of combinations because that's how you're going to be able to start building a bunch of blocks at once you need a big variety you don't want to be like messing around saying well I'm going to put this piece here in this piece there no you don't want to do that so let me go press these and I'll be right back and I totally snip the B's apart before going to the iron the only thing is I don't snip apart of things that are sewn on to a strip that I just leave those two there and then it makes it very easy to just push those up and press and before I forget if you are new to this series please go see the other videos that I have done up to this point there is a playlist link in the description box down below down there down there somewhere and also in the pinned comment and on the end screen again this is a repeat for some of you guys but many of you are just watching just to hang out with me which I appreciate totally and I think it will be helpful for those who are struggling so I have these pressed open I'm not going to change the size of them right just leaving them like that but this one I just wanted to show you again this is going to be caught so I'm going to just cut it here to go with this strip like this and this one can be trimmed right now or we can just wait I'll just wait I see it's got a straight side there that's what we care about and again I don't necessarily think I'll be using it with all this length but for now I'm going to keep it there let's just pretend that we have 50 things like this that we put together we'll call them two patches because there's two pieces we're gonna start putting those together now obviously if you've got stuff already made and started you can include those too and I will do that just to show you again what I'm talking about this is all I was down to four crumbs and I had two big bags like this full it felt good to get all that done okay so let's just say we're just working with these I'm going to take two of our two patches and I'm just going to decide a little bit like that goes good there I could attach it there my only thing is is there's a lot of fabric there and it's okay you don't have to worry that much you can cut it there I kind of like to make intersections do funky things so let's just put those two together just like that and I'm not doing it because the intersections are kind of matching I don't actually like it when intersections match that much it's just a coincidence let's put them together like this whoops so when we open that we're going to have something like this and then we can start trimming and making it smaller let's grab two more let's look at this guy and this guy let's do this let's put those together like that and again I forgot I snipped we're not snipping we're leaving it there do I have two others put together I have these two come on didn't I make more than that I couldn't have used everything that we just made well let's show this then let's say we don't have another to patch to work with generally I would just sit here now and send all the two patches through but you can also just add another piece so let's add this right here and again it's a coincidence that that just happened to be the right size you don't want to be worried about that you just send them through no matter what I don't seem to have any more two patches so let me just show you what we can do with these again you would want to send a whole bunch of these through I'm just going to go press these open now we have four patches when we put a bunch of two patches together just try this method if you're struggling sit and make a bunch of two patches and I'm talking abunch and then put two and two together to make a four patch at this point now you can start to trim a little bit and say well maybe I'll cut this not so wide it depends on what you like your blocks to look like I like mine to look crummy so I might cut this way and we're saving this sucker you know that I would be ashamed of you if you tossed that out it takes us a long time to make this and then I'm gonna probably cut this way and then like over here so see I have a nice little beginning of something here and we will be adding to that and then the same here let's just maybe trim him like this and maybe this one like this so I'm just cutting these things some have intersections some don't but it just gave us a whole lot of more pieces to work with and again now we can take two of these and pass them through let's pass these together the things that we just trimmed any two straight edges I'm putting them together and I'm going to stop there and I actually have a little piece of fabric left that I could sew something on if I wanted I actually do I have any crumbs here that I can save a crumble it's got this look we have a crumb I'm going to put that crumb right there I call it filling the strip and I like to do that now let's pass something else through let's see here and we can snip this make this a little bit more even and oh let's for the heck of it put that there diagonally I'm going to stop at that fabric right there let's put something else through all right see I'm going to do it here because I want the intersections to be hooking up they need a date night then I have all this I can put something there so let's just put a piece of fabric like that now look we have this piece here with just this little tiny piece now I could again do the same thing let's try you know putting something here but I also want to put something up here let's do a four patch and add that sucker right there look at us what's so good okay I hope you're starting to understand and you would just keep doing that do you see how I'm not concerned about fabrics I'm not concerned about what the final block is going to look like not concerned about these things now let's look at a couple of things remember this one that I added on the diagonal I just like it so much I can leave it that way or if I want I can trim you know it just shows how it would be a very cute block let me show you if I want to do a straight line like this see how it just puts that nice little piece on the corner this is that just precious it is these are the pieces that were sewn on a strip so I'm just going to cut them like that everything else looks good this was on a strip so we do cut this like this and then that gets opened up like that then you would just keep building now look look how fast at this point you know if we put something together like that let's do first I'm going to even up this I'm calling it the mountain so I need something there that I'm going to open up and trim and make a straight line so let's do that that should be big enough I think going to put that there going to follow my line and just snip straight up now I created a more straight line I could have gone on the diagonal I just want to show you that again and I'm going to start down here that's going to give me bigger block let's go and look at the awesomeness and once we have a little a little forgotten piece here so he needs to get cut off like that cuz he's a he's an actual piece that has been put together a to patch a skinny one but you can get the idea we start to have things coming together and then the other thing that we love so much that we figured out is anything can be done on the diagonal gee I wish I had two pieces sort of kind of this size do i or do I not god I have this gigantic one oh that's because I used that for a tutorial but let's say that we would just put one on top of the other like this and so on the diagonal and then cut on one side when you flip you get all that diagonal wild and crazy stuff going on and I really like the looks of that maybe we can do that as a quick tip tomorrow when I'm more awake and they can plan it better so the last thing we're going to do is just once again now show you the other thing that's very good to do is if you have a strip a long strip it doesn't have to be a long strip you want to just add to it anything that you can find it can be another long strip we'll be the beginning of something else you can cut that into a bunch of sections now you can add any piece that you've already put together in any direction let's do it this way for this guy it's just putting this color on a bunch of different blocks at once and if your strip is wide like if I wanted to send this strip through you can in advance cut it in half and then send both through or you can sew on this side turn it add to this side press everything open and cut in the middle I've showed you that somewhere in one of the videos I know I did let's put him let's add this let's do it this way when I say let's do it this way or that way I just kind of look at like is there a straight line for me yes I see a straight line there so I'm going to put the edge there now look there's a little triangle here let's keep that in the picture I can go like this or I could go this way doesn't matter let's just go like this for now and let's save this that we just found and saved we saved its life got this little thing we have this nice triangle oh that's got two colors on it so I'm going to put this side on so I know we gotta save this let's lay it down like that when pieces are little I try to do you know like maybe an eighth of an inch seam allowance I just try to stay close to the edge without like obviously going off the edge it just helps to save your your fabric I mean it's tiny you don't want it to get all eaten up okay shall we we shall let's shove this guy here I think I can get him in before that salvage we can right there oh so exciting and again I think I'll actually stop now for the sake of editing I would just press these open and then every one of them gets snipped you know like that and trimmed off like that and now you'd have a new block that you can start with and do something else I hope this helped I don't want you guys to be struggling and be sad about it it does just take a lot of unthinking and I think we think too hard sometimes you have to just like like I said try just shoving two pieces at a time under there just try doing that and get that under your belt it is the most fun part for me is the beginning I just loved sitting and chain piecing absolutely love to do that I will try to have a quick tip for you tomorrow I like the quick tips better for actually teaching a lesson and then I can just you know continue to bore you guys to tears with my sewing vlogs do subscribe I have some ideas for the next quilting project I think the next one might involve a panel I want to do something that is not as time consuming for the next one I mean I love this we'll come back to scrappy I want to do that too but the next one probably will be something that will be quicker and easier and with a panel like you know like those wall hanging tight panels I'm thinking so if you happen to find a panel that you like hang on to it because we will be doing something with that down the road all right all right thank you so much for watching and I'll be back with more soon bye [Applause] you
Channel: Darlene Michaud
Views: 63,617
Rating: 4.9404173 out of 5
Keywords: Darlene Michaud, Sanford Maine, Peanut Gallery, crumb quilt, crumb quilting, catwomanmn, darlene michaud quilt, crumb quilt tutorial, crumb quilt instructional video, how to make a crumb quilt, what is a crumb quilt, crumb quilt piecing, easy crumb quilt, quilting, scrap quilt, scrappy quilt, scrappy crumb quilt, postage stamp quilts, crumb quilt blocks, crumb piecing, sewing, quilt, crumb quilt block, crumb quilt square, crumb piece quilt blocks, crumb quilt patterns
Id: vcsZ3wt0ZN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2017
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