Crowley & Aziraphale being deeply in love with each other | GOOD OMENS SEASON 2

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I knew you'd come through for me you always do oh you said trust me and you did um look word to the wise I'd hate to see you getting into any trouble thanks for your help and thanks for your advice I wouldn't worry though a going to the pub you never go to the pub we're in the pub now what's wrong with the coffee shop well that is precisely the point for me please a large one right what's the problem problem you said there was a problem tone of voice you have three reasons for calling me you're bored you need to tell someone about something clever you did before you pop or something's wrong this was your something's wrong voice it's nice to tell someone about the good things you've done now that I'm not reporting to Heaven you look me in the eye and tell me I want to I long to destroy the blameless children of blameless job just as I destroyed his blameless goats I really don't know what you mean my car is not yellow it has never been yellow and is not going to start being yellow now change it back but it's pretty if you don't change it back right now I'm going to start selling people books in fact I might even give some away look at you you're gorgeous you mean like a sudden rainstorm forces them together beneath a canopy they look into each other's eyes and realize they were made for each other sounds a bit unlikely no no no no no get humans wet and staring into each other's eyes vom sorted I'm a little beused as to why Crowley should risk Destruction for you you don't seem his type at all why didn't you go I want to know what's happening you're in danger none of this makes sense you're in trouble and we aren't leaving you on your own we aren't in danger Crowley will be back in a moment he will have a plan why don't you stand up for yourself make your own plans why am rescuing me makes him so happy you're going to need a 100% reliable Marksman someone you can really trust otherwise it's lethal oh I've got the perfect man for the job at least I think I have excuse me for one minute sorry you think you're a demon with your curly little unique well we humans of Earth have a saying you can only tell if people are in Love by waiting a few days because humans are weird and that's how it works yes aren you that well don't hesitate to ask me if you have any other questions about love inspector Constable I'll just be here helping to run this Bookshop while my friend drives my car to edur how's your naked man friend he's not he's not my but he's certainly not naked anymore you're a dark horse Mr F I want a proper apology no with the little dance I don't do the dance I did the I was wrong dance in 1650 in 1793 1941 fine you were right you were right I was wrong you were right okay very nice balls well catian balls people would gather and do some formal dancing and then realize they had misunderstood each other and were actually deeply in love now that sounds unlike works every time apparently [Music] [Music] wow you know um that was a very nice thing you did for me shut up well there must be something I can do for you in return what car our car we don't have a car of course we do isn't she a beauty this Bentley isn't my car well yes technically just as that Bookshop is technically my shop but we both get plenty of use out of it don't we your diary last month Croley and I both happen to be in Edinburgh he's discovered his Civic obligations you've been together long who you and your partner oh no no it's not like it's not like that it certainly looks like that from here so you've just recently hooked up no you you got a husband or a boyfriend is the book tell your bit on the side he's not my bit on the side he far too pure of hard be anybody to bit on the side he's just an angel I know you it again other people's love lives all seem so much more straightforward than our own [Music] you can stop grinning I'm not grinning doesn't mean we're on the same side no no temporarily not on different sides just as you say you do the shooting I'll catch the bullet I'll do all the heart bits as a demon you you must have fired off a lot of guns [Music] I'll do it but if anything goes wrong can we agree that we break your one Miracle limit neither of us wants the paperwork do we need a little us time after all this I think we are going for an extremely alcoholic breakfast at the r s them last time I knew that where are you I'm I'm here I'm here that was very kind of you curly you saved that young woman not kind off my head a lum not responsible for my actions will you get into trouble well they'll surely have noticed downstairs surprising really given that the last time you two met you tried to destroy him I I don't remember that no Jim well Mr Fel doesn't remember it either he wasn't there you see he wasn't there long story but I was there and I do remember oh very clearly the look on your face Archangel Gabriel when you told my only friend to shut his stupid mouth and die and I did not care for it I don't think that was me but I am very sorry you don't drink try the food though can't get drunk on food go on as an O rib are you trying to tempt me not at all Rachel can't be attempted can you so you well you want you're free to try food suppe not um you haven't actually been selling any of the books have you not a one oh good there you are I was worried something might have happened to you uh no nothing happened to me very uneventful Journey indeed no strange things at all good that's what we want to hear um everything okay with uh oh yeah fine he's singing to himself I I think he must have been asleep I heard snoring coming from his bedroom did you miss me I bet you did cheers for um getting me off the hook oh there's no need to thank me that's what friends what what did you do to them all I did the thing with the Halo you what I did the thing with the Halo you you blew up your Halo oh hell won't like that you will speak one at a time will goldstone's magic shop but that's uh for professional conjurers only you my never Teti fooling fellow are about to perform on the west end stage if that doesn't make you a professional conjurer I don't know what does so what's with the French oh I learned that true the hard way I went to miss R's night classes in 1760 you don't have an aunt she doesn't have a gardener he doesn't have a pen but you you understood me only because for 250 years you've been whitering on about the plume of your imaginary torment Bravo just enjoying the show ah um Street association meeting tonight 6:30 my shop perfectly ordinary invitation go on then I'm a lonely GI anxiously awaiting the arrival of the ladies of Camelot amaz y uh go on Mr British man W with your Miracles can I just say that uh I do only allow myself one tiny weeny Miracle just to warm the audience and myself up um for instance turning a common turnip into an inkel you know ala centur is nice what was wanted to go there couple a decent Planet I spent last night Waring if he was going to wake up what if he remembers who he is what if he's faking it he could smite me when Gabriel smites you you've been smited smoked SM I believe you're being silly it's perfectly safe do you really think it went well absolutely chalk up a wind to the side of the Angel enter are you actually going through with this indeed I am can I watch what are you doing just making space for everything that needs to happen you're up to something I can smell it what are you planning wait and see wait and see any idea how irritating that is yes now if you're going to stand here in just car perhaps you could check in on Nina and Maggie and make sure they are on their way there something wrong there is something really wrong well perhaps you could tell me while we dance you don't hell has sent demons they are Milling around outside they want Gabriel but perfectly safe in here technically this Bookshop still counts as an embassy I think you need to stop this Shard and we need to work out what to do I am not giving them gy people will get hurt angel I think you're overestimating how much trouble we're actually in that's really sweet enough to make you believe s The Marvelous [Music] AKA a a a aeril I didn't get a chance to say what I was going to say I think I better say it now right okay yes so we've known each other a long time we've been on this planet for a long time I mean you and me I could always rely on you you could always rely on me we're a team a group group of the two of us and we spent our existence pretending that we aren't I mean the last few years not really and I would like to spend I mean if Gabriel and beab can do it go off together then we can just the two of us we don't need heaven we don't need hell they're toxic we need to get away from them just be an us you and me what do you [Music] [Music] say
Channel: lemonsquash
Views: 67,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5goWC9tHpnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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