Top 20 Celebs Who Shot Down Homophobic Interview Questions

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many boys use the Unicorn well boys you need a little brushing up on equality over here welcome to Ms Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 celebs who shot down homophobic interview questions why would I go into that when I can make a fortune by writing a book about it why should I give it to you for free for this list we'll be looking at lgbtq plus celebs and their allies who shut down or clapped back at inappropriate invasive or offensive inquiries can you recall any other interviewers who needed calling out let us know in the comments number 20 Ariana Grande you might remember this as the interview where Grande called out the hosts when they asked her a super sexist question if you could use makeup or your phone one last time which one would you pick your makeup or your phone is this what you think girls have trouble choosing yeah yeah absolutely but it wasn't her only clap back in the conversation during an exchange about the newest Emoji updates Grande singled out the Unicorn as one of her favorites one of the hosts wasted no time implying that the Unicorn is beloved only by girls and boys whatever that's supposed to mean the singer was even faster to fire back and suggested that the Power 106 FM hosts brush up on their equality Boys versus men okay yeah no man who says unicorn Emoji isn't for men come on is it we commend her for just how calm and easy going she remained because we were seething the whole way through real men use the Unicorn emoji and aren't afraid Ellen Degeneres and I don't I don't really know her and I'm trying to understand it because I don't fully understand it either but I also want everyone to be happy in a slight deviation from our other entries this interview sees Ellen discussing Caitlyn Jenner's conservative views with Howard Stern the former daytime talk show host vented her frustrations over how Jenner sought acceptance for herself after coming out as transgender but drew the line at marriage equality you're wanting people to understand and accept you this is like really confusing to people and you still have a judgment about gay people and marriage when Stern asked if the pair danced together Ellen said they had not but she wasn't sure whether that was because the former Olympian wasn't much of a dancer or because of DeGeneres's sexual orientation sure Jenner wasn't present for this interview but if she had been we have no doubt she'd have been called out by everyone present there's a person on TV crying that hey I want to be myself I want to be genuine I don't want to hide my entire life I don't want people to ridicule me yeah yeah and then says in the same breath Chi gay marriage I don't get it you know it's it's remarkable number 18 Anna Paquin in 2010 True Bloods Anna Paquin came out as bisexual apparently this confused talk show host Larry King since she's married to Stephen Moyer a man are you a non-practicing bisexual I well I mean I am married to my husband and we are happily monogamously married we were bisexual well I don't think it's a past tense thing Paquin looked taken aback initially but calmly and politely explained why his assumptions were illogical the actress did an excellent job of clarifying that one's relationship status isn't necessarily indicative of their sexuality are you still straight if you're with somebody I mean it doesn't mean you're not you know if you were to break up with them or they were to die you know just prevent your sexuality from existing still thinking okay no I'm just saying you know she doesn't uh it doesn't really work like that she also discussed the importance of education and exposure to knock out ignorance it's hard to tell if she convinced the host since he swiftly changed the subject but we were cheering her on the entire time I just never thought it was a big deal or sort of the I don't know it was there was no Stigma number 17 David Bowie when the hero singer came out in the 70s it seemed like everyone and their mother had an opinion Publications tried to Define his sexuality and he dealt with some pretty invasive questions he later told Playboy that he was bisexual and eventually backtracked calling himself a closet heterosexual I was incredibly promiscuous I bet you were and I think we're leaving at that still Bowie's journey of self-discovery and fluidity remained of great interest to many British talk show host Jonathan Ross quite crassly questioned the artist's sexual orientation when he appeared on his show in 2002. were you bisexual were you pansexual were you trisexual because I thought being gay was a bit like the Foreign Legion once you joined I didn't think you allow back I was just very you know um I just got my leg over a lot Bowie responded with plenty of wit and Sass ultimately giving Ross nothing but stealing the show at the same time the answer that I have for you would probably create such turmoil in your soul you know what you're probably not sure that you could actually withstand it number 16. Chris Evans people are starting to forget Space Rangers ever mattered well I'm about to fix that to Infinity and Beyond in retaliation to the don't say gay Bill light year creators restored the film's previously cut kiss between Alicia Hawthorne and her wife it's a blink and you'll miss it moment but it still caused plenty of outrage and led the movie to be banned in multiple countries when asked about it the movie's star Chris Evans said that he's delighted they included it but less pleased by how big a deal the moment was in the first place the goal is that we can get to a point where it is the norm and that this doesn't have to be some uncharted waters that eventually this is just the way it is he also fired back at the scene's critics calling those up in arms idiots Evans certainly doesn't mince his words and we are so here for it look it's an honor to be a part of something that is taking those steps but the goal is to look back on this time and just be shocked that it took us this long to get there number 15. Ryan Reynolds during an interview with HuffPost Live Reynolds was asked about those who stated they were defecting to Canada after scotus ruled in favor of same-sex marriage this followed a tweet where he hilariously pointed out that it was already illegal in his home country that's a true story your American dollar will go very far in Canada right now about 23 cents from the dollar farther when there when the director about his thoughts on same-sex marriage he responded rather endearingly I'm not a monster I think it's fantastic I think I think it's you know it's been it's been you know legal in in um in Canada for 10 years now it seemed like a bit of a pointless question given his evidence support for the lgbtq plus Community but if anyone had a shadow of a doubt before they certainly knew he was an ally after just as we thought we could not love him more we shouldn't be in a state of you know all in celebration for it we should we should be taking it for granted like regular marriage at this point you know it sort of feels like it's you know it's I don't know it seems Seems like we're way late on that here in the United States number 14 Jody Foster do you have a steady boyfriend no no I don't have time now this is a moment that aged like fine wine growing up in Hollywood we can only imagine that Jody Foster became increasingly exhausted with the Relentless interest in her love life in 1979 at only 17 years old an interviewer asked her if she had a boyfriend and pressed for more details about her ideal man what kind of fella would you like really when when you do have time to get around to that huh it would still be some time until Foster would come out publicly but that smirk definitely felt like a sneer at the heteronormative Assumption the recently resurfaced clip has been memed countless times and branded as gay silence 17 year old Jody Foster may play frivolous roles but in real life she's got it all together number 13. Heath Ledger in 2005 the late Aussie actor gave an award-winning performance as Ennis Del Mar in the western romantic drama Brokeback Mountain what are we gonna do now okay oh God there's nothing we can do same-sex relationships were rarely spotlighted at the time even less so in such a mainstream market during a press junket a reporter asked the actor to respond to those who branded the movie's Central love story as quote disgusting I think it's a real shame I I well I think it's immature for one a really immature Ledger could have led his performance in the film speak for itself but instead he left no doubt about his feelings he made it clear that he had no time for those kinds of attitudes and highlighted the all-important humanity of the two characters at the center of the story we're showing that love between two men is just as infectious and emotional and and strong and pure as it is with heterosexual love um and if you can't understand that then just don't go see the movie Number 12. Judy Garland once labeled by The Advocate as the Elvis of the lgbtq plus Community Garland has always fondly been thought of as a tremendous Ally take the this interview from the 1960s when she was questioned about her gay fan base Time Magazine and a recent story said that Judy Garen for some reason which was not clear to me it attracts a lot of homosexuals in here oh I think that I think that's the most ridiculous and Garland wasted no time maintaining that her art was for everyone she also politely stated that she wouldn't stand for anyone coming after her fans I'll be damned if I like to have my audience mistreated this is the woman who encouraged plenty of queer youth to live their lives openly Somewhere Over the Rainbow so we wouldn't expect any different years ahead of her time Garland was an icon through and through [Music] okay number 11 Jane Fonda in 2020 an interview of Fonda defending the lgbtq plus Community during a 1979 interview resurfaced and went viral in it she can be heard warding off a stream of homophobic questions and doubling down on her support are they using you are you using for your economic Democratic or campaign hope they use me what am I here for if not to be used by good people for good things this interview seems to have taken place around the time of the San Francisco White Knight riots that followed the assassination of Harvey Milk with whom she was reportedly friends Fonda delivers a master class on true allyship and shows that this is a case she cares for deeply what this movement is seeking which is nothing less than respect and Justice and stopping discrimination against people because of sexual preference you're on the side of the Angels how she keeps her cool is beyond us because the questions are absolutely awful but fondas never shied away from fighting for what's right even when she's standing alone and so if we're going to survive as a world and we may not but if you do they're going to number 10. Johnny Galecki rumors regarding the Big Bang Theory actors sexuality have always been Rife however he never really addressed them now that we know you're not gay can you tell us if you have a girlfriend Galecki initially looks confused when the host's absent-mindedly throw his sexuality and relationship status into the conversation he explains that since there's not much bad press on him out there people need to make up stories Galecki added that he has no reason or desire to respond to those Whispers because I always figured well I'd defend yourself against something that's not offensive so in hindsight host Whoopi Goldberg notes the Ridiculousness of the conversation but it's too late it's already out there I should have looked at it before I said it I was like now that oh man okay okay kudos to Galecki for giving such a classy and respectful response number nine George Michael the late great George Michael was a huge advocate for lgbtq plus rights and Unapologetic about his sexuality I have no problem with people knowing that I I have a relation I'm in a relationship with a man right now I have not been a relationship with a woman for almost 10 years he used his platform to campaign for causes close to his heart such as HIV AIDS awareness society and Michael's career kept him in the closet for years until an incident in 1998 led to his arrest and forced him to come out in subsequent years he criticized mainstream media for trying to box the lgbtq plus Community into quote doing what makes straight people comfortable I was just so indignant at the way I'd been treated until then I was just thought well I'll just hold on to this I don't think they need to know I don't think I should have to tell them he also blasted homophobes in many an interview Michael was never interested in their views or perceptions of him Beyond his music he also declared that he has quote nothing to apologize for the main thing I like to express is that I don't think it's anybody's business to write George Michael to write number eight Tom Hardy Tom Hardy's a talented actor who's given us gripping performances in movies like Locke Mad Max and the drop however a reporter from daily extra wasn't interested in any of that your own sexuality seems a bit more ambiguous do you find it hard for celebrities to talk to their sex to talk to Media about their sexuality what on Earth do you want about during a press conference promoting Hardy's Legend at the Toronto International Film Festival a correspondent tried to get Hardy to speak about his personal life the actor eloquently and calmly called out the invasive question and quickly shut it down are you asking me about my sexuality um sure why um thank you okay he later explained that he isn't obliged to answer personal queries and called the question quote inelegant and humiliating and quote quite rude what's baffling is that it came from an lgbtq plus publication you would think they'd understand how personal sexuality can be in any case Hardy is well-mannered and even tempered response was perfect they don't laugh at now yeah number seven Paul McCartney when you have a musical Legend as major as a former Beatle on your show we imagine you'd have a lot of questions asking how Rockstar Bachelor Life compares to marriage probably shouldn't even break the top 100 but McCartney rolls with it when you're that age that's the kind of thing to do I mean what you're doing is you're going around and you're basically looking for girls or whatever turns you on and stuff well his response is very nonchalant the host seems thrown by the idea that the world is an entirely heterosexual could you give me the alternatives to girls are there others yes boys oh McCartney's dry retort and his wife's bemused expression tell us what they think about the bone-headed question the singer can't help getting in one final jibe at the presenter before moving the conversation forward so we're very free thinking these days Tom while Snyder's inquiry was bad the McCartney's response only makes us love them more number six Melissa Etheridge while appearing on The View the singer-songwriter expressed her disappointment over Proposition 8 which invalidated same-sex marriages in California to actually see human rights be up for a vote in this proposition eight and and to for to have people vote to take away rights is to me at the core is very Un-American she politely called out the view co-host Elizabeth Hasselbeck for misleading viewers on the matter in a previous episode after a mildly heated debate over marriage equality Etheridge Point blankly asked Hasselbeck whether she was a supporter of same-sex marriage the presenter refused to answer the question and simply repeated that Prop 8 wasn't personal to her for me it's just a legal issue I think that it should come from the people I don't think activist judges should be deciding what's right for the rest of the country we admire etheridge's ability to stay cool calm and collected in the tense situation the debate ended with Sherry Shepard sending the singer to perform her song and suggesting they continue the discussion at a later date Thomas Jefferson wrote a paper on the the rights of the minority should never be voted on by the direct democracy by the the majority that should never happen number five Lady Gaga remember when the media and public obsessed over Lady Gaga's genitalia well one person person who had no intention of jumping on that bandwagon was the Born This Way singer herself she was usually no crack jokes about these baseless claims with her fans during concerts and she had the best response to these rumors when she was asked about them during a 60 Minutes Overtime interview with Anderson Cooper rather than confirm whether or not it's true she ridiculed the entire conversation why the hell am I gonna waste my time and give a press release about whether or not I have a penis my fans don't care neither do I Gaga's lgbtq plus fans applauded her for refusing to validate the gossip they thanked her for standing up for them in a world that tries to shame them for who they are hoping to speak to people who feel different who people who feel disconnected people who feel disconnected from society or disenfranchised feel like a freak feel like you don't belong like you don't fit in or you'll never be great number four Janet mock in 2014 transgender activist and director producer Janet mock appeared on Pierce Morgan's show to promote her book redefining realness however the presenter seemed more interested in discussing her transition in 2009 you meet a man and you fall in love with this man but there's something you have to tell him something pretty big you have to tell him that he doesn't know which is that you used to be yourself a man Morgan showed a disrespectful lack of understanding or compassion for the transgender experience the Poe's executive producer called out Morgan for trying to use her life for entertainment value and for his quote reductive thinking about gender further showed other people in my community that if Janet mock can be misgendered if she can be labeled something that she is not then how what does that mean for me she later appeared on The Colbert Report to discuss the contentious interview in 2017 The Breakfast Club presenters and their guest Lil Duvall made horrendously offensive comments about trans women and mocked her book this prompted mock to write a powerful essay for Allure she'd had enough of the ignorance and implored people to educate themselves does that would make you feel like I don't gotta make you understand most most in my everyday life that's how I feel number three Madonna Madonna is arguably one of the lgbtq plus communities biggest allies in 1991 while promoting her Truth or Dare documentary the singer was questioned about her openness to sex and sexuality she said that the lack of conversation surrounding these subjects contributed to some of society's biggest problems if it provokes an open discussion about sex with their parents I think this is a really good thing Madonna hoped her actions and the dialogue they created would better educate young people and help them become more accepting of others the Vogue singer also called out the hypocrisy over the double standards in American Media we already have these videos that display degradation to women and violence that are played 24 hours a day but yet they don't want to have a video playing that deals with sex between two consenting adults in another interview when challenged over how her documentary could offend homophobes Madonna made it very clear that she could not care less your fans love the film I think but some people are going to find sections of it offensive well that's their problem though you don't get there no no number two Ricky Martin in 2010 Ricky Martin decided to live life as an out and proud gay man but the living la vida loca singer often found his sexuality at the center of the rumor mill before this point in 2000 journalist Barbara Walters tried to push a visibly uncomfortable Martin to address his sexuality in a televised interview you know you could stop these rulers you could say as many artists have yes I am gay or you could say no I'm not or you could leave it as you are ambiguous watching her force him into the hot seat is incredibly painful to watch years later he recalled how violated he felt by her incessant questioning he added that trying to force someone to come out was just wrong if you have an egg and you open it from the outside only death comes out but if the egg opens up from the inside life comes out so be careful in 2006 Walters acknowledged that her invasive questions were out of line unless someone is openly gay and happy to talk about it it's nobody's business including mine before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one Laverne Cox this actress and lgbtq plus activist is a fierce advocate for transgender equality and visibility Cox never shies away from educating on transgender issues and has no problem putting people in their place when necessary my transition was about me existing in public space and thriving in society and because I was able to do that I've been able to thrive that's all we want on one occasion she politely explained to Wendy Williams what it means to be transgender while refusing to engage in conversation about her breasts Cox also clapped back at Travis Weber when he insisted that trans women shouldn't be allowed to use female bathrooms I think it's important when we have conversations with and about transgender people that that we do not reduce us to body parts we are more than the sum of our parts however the most famous occasion might be when she overheard Katie Couric asking model Carmen Carrera inappropriate and uncomfortable questions about her physical appearance Cox stepped in and respectfully explained why questions like these are problematic the preoccupation with transition with surgery objectifies trans people and then we don't get to really really deal with the real lived experiences the reality of trans people's lives do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from Ms Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos thank you
Channel: MsMojo
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Keywords: LGBTQ+, celebrity, celebs who shot down homophobic interview questions, celebs who shut down homophobic interviews, chris evans, george michael, heath ledger, homophobic, interviews, jane fonda, janet mock, jodi foster, johnny galecki, judy garland, lady gaga, laverne cox, list, madonna, melissa etheridge, mojo, msmojo, paul mccartney, ricky martin, ryan reynolds, talk shows, tom hardy, top 10, watch mojo, watchMojo
Id: eE8iJWAIiN0
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Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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