good omens S1E6 but only the parts that made me exhale through my nose

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[Music] do something I am having a moment [Music] here I'll deal with that never fear ly I've got a finger we are here to lick some serious butt kick Zer kick but For Heaven's Sake oh I said that don't blame me if your son starts World War II I couldn't let you do it excuse me why are you two people ah um long story oh let me go tingly I do not endorse everyday sexism I believe in peace [ __ ] good day gentlemen Che so your friends got together and saved the world well done have a gold star won't make any difference you stole my book oh book girl catch and I uh was technically on Apple Tree Duty God does not play games with the universe where have you been you should try to get 10 million demons to put down their weapons and go back to work well at least at least we know whose fault it is you're a disobedient little brat and I hope someone tells your father oh they will what they what's happening well you can call me an old Sil but it looks like the devil is coming it isn't about armag again this is personal we are [ __ ] I wouldn't put it past her good thing you were here really how nice that have someone who recognizes our part in sa I need someone to sign for it all right it's called dict Turpin because everywhere it goes it holds up traffic what's wrong love ooh it's not a problem it's tick boo well wank Wings you brought the stuff you anything to say well yes um this is a new jacket and I'd hate to ruin it do you mind if I take it off suppose now I uh I pop the question yeah go on then hey how many nipples have you got Jezebel I think the greater good don't talk to me about the greater good sunshine I'm the Archangel [ __ ] Gabriel may we meet on a better occasion shut your stupid mouth and die already I don't suppose that anywhere in the Nine Circles of Hell there's such thing as a rubber duck I came to bring back the oh Lord Michael dude do this quick Miracle will you I need a bath to let me tempt you to a spot of lunch temptation accomplished
Channel: plopperlop
Views: 4,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D5A3igwhXyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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