CrossFit Open 15.2 LETENDRE vs BRIDGERS

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[Applause] ten seconds three two one go fifteen point two is fourteen point two and we are open and ready for Fitness in Austin Texas I'm States Ingram and alongside with me as seminar staff flowmaster shuri-chan as we kick off ten overhead squats Penn's chest-to-bar pull-ups for two rounds in a matter of three minutes that you know these athletes have seen us before they've done this before they have a goal in mind but they didn't do it in front of this crowd the first time they certainly didn't want a matchup for this particular event on paper these two ladies both look like the same athlete same amount of maxilla they were only four reps apart last year here at 14.2 and as you saw they both immediately broke up those holes and had a game plan Emily came off about five Michelle came off a little bit after that emily bridgers through the bar first for the second round of ten chest-to-bar pull-ups before they close it out for round at number two and you see a very specific break for Emily the same for Michelle as Emily will finishing right around a minute and 10 seconds so she'll have a mid 50 seconds exactly where she finished that's here in the first round to get her score she had three hundred and thirty seven right however the world record for this the first round was a longer pace that was meal madamme she was actually about 132 so Michelle was a little closer to that right there as emily bridgers and michelle attendre both done with their first round you know speaking to the world record from last year set by camille leblanc-bazinet she did this event 14.2 last year with elena Fortunato but got beat no Camille being so efficient at chess of our bollocks she almost used that to her disadvantage very first of all about strategy in this particular workout if you run out and you do large sets of the pull-ups they're going to burn out quicker if you can make the first four around three to four around this is really a warm-up I hate to say that but a warm up and stay calm you're going to get pretty far and speaking to her second round of New York he was a lot floor as she broke it up as emily bridgers just ahead of the shell at honor we noticed that it's not really the first round that's going to be very indicative of who is going to take this at the end we know these athletes it's incredible how similar they are not just on paper but also competition floor as well it definitely is same height five one about the same weight 130 335 pounds same amount of pull-ups when you look at their strengths and weaknesses on paper for avenges their challenges are the same their strengths are the same round two underway we're going from ten overhead stuff plus to 12 moving on to 12 test of our pull up both athletes very smooth and rhythmic all these overhead squats and we definitely that should play to their advantage you're not going to really see a lot of athletes fail out on the overhead squat so much as the plan really needs to be on how they're going to manage the chest of Arcola absolutely and we didn't even see in 14.2 the elite athletes break up those overhead squat unsold about their last round where they ended up having to kiss our Bardot emily bridgers still slightly ahead of the silicon this could potentially be however where Michelle is planning the passer when we get to that 18 round which is a for the 20th round which is where they both got to last year it's good to who's Michelle has been competing with the last four years and that is Premier Anna Camille was a lot lower for second go-around breaking this up a lot more than she did the first time emily is bringing up this curved piece is still fairly quick like you see that last year 20 seconds ahead of camille in round one and Emily having a few rest left to go as Michelle makes her way to the bar the energy in the crowd and having all these people around you is so amazing you might go faster then you really should or want to go in your head this might be what's happening - Emily where is Michelle right here she's on paint with what the world record run so little slower and refinishing rival five seconds for the second set Camille living that last year desiring ground a minute and 45 for 45 yet now Emily is still hanging on to a slight edge after the first two we definitely have some affiliates watching around the world and Roy is going to get in touch with them about her home gym in Atlanta Georgia bank days yeah we have on the line with us right now Emily's home gym CrossFit permanent David we know Emily's a lot more do you guys been just an elite athletes tell us what she means the community there at terminus well we love Emily here we're here the swamp mafias behind me right now known Emily to she was a little girl and she's quite a competitor but you know she takes off that competitor had to she's a wonderful teacher to all of us here in the box and when we see how hard she works day after day and then she works with us to make this all better we just love Italy it's been right on well I'm going to pass the mic back to taste while I do let's hear some love for Emily from CrossFit everybody affiliates and communities walking around the world Korean a profit route of having narrow party I'd like to say a shout to my fifty family as they're watching as well as we get set for round number 314 overhead squats at 65 pounds into 14 chests of our pull-ups for two rounds Emily on the right seems to have a little bit quicker pace on these overhead squats where Michelle is very smooth it seems very promising each smooth that she's trying to make Michelle starting to build a reputation for herself of having a very good mindset and that reputation came around and around 2013 when she started to have a lot more belief in her own abilities and the ability to not watch the competitor next to her and I think that's exactly what she's doing here she she's like I know what I need to do I'm not going to pay attention to the fact that Emily's a little bit ahead of me time wise because it's going to help me at the end of this Michelle attendre on the left looks very smooth as both athletes get to the bar at the same time starting the second round Emily on the right is getting a slight edge as far as cycling these overhead squats but Michelle is definitely making it up on the full of our she looks a little bit more comfortable on there then Emily does and we start to see the round of 14 is normal start to gaze a little bit as how these athletes are starting to feel this you know you're starting to feel the workout now you can see a little bit in Emily's body language where that squat is taking a little bit more of a toll in the pace that she's gone out on than it was with Michelle we'll see if that even factors in at all because one thing is Emily is known for it is a serious engine Emily does have an engine she seems to be working pretty hard on these chests of our fullest if you look in the shellicopter on the back this is up floating up on that bar so the curious to see how this next round is going to fare as we move from 14 to 16 again Emily still holding a slight edge that only took her about a minute 45 seconds to do for round number three in notably those are the same pace if she still has a video posted from 14.2 so we looked at some of the splits those are the same pieces that she had last year for her particular score that she had whereas again that world record a little slower which is what we're seeing Michelle do cages now we got the touch base with Atlanta Georgia but let's throw it up a little bit north more to the Canada side and see how they're doing up there yeah cage we caught wind of a party up north of the border guys tell us what the scene is like up there in Canada we also happen to have a z-pack jacket as well a vigil imagine of normal plane noises okay everybody type rest right on you guys enjoy 15.2 up there back to the action with the ladies and chase on the action 10 seconds to go and I just like to say Thank You Canada for your wonderful weather down here in Austin second today the car ooh the gym is known for the white bear and when we came down here this week I tell you it is really a polar bear down here in this gym it is very fitting the wonderful weather we have in Texas is a shift day today moving on to round number four we've done 10 12 and 14 we're moving on to 16 overhead squat 16 Jets of our pull for two rounds emily bridgers a slight edge on michelle attendre emily bridgers to the bar first and Cherie you definitely as you can see Emily on the left needs to be working just a little bit harder than the shell on the left on the bar on the bar right now definitely appears and we'll see how it plays out it appears as though she's got a little bit more energy coming out and that would be in the way that her body is moving as well as these facial expressions and the sinking he seems to be using a little more energy than Michelle is Emily breaking it up into two sets Michelle in three one minute and we have two minutes remaining in the round of 16 against both speeds ladies in the top 15 in the world last year in fourteen points two emily bridgers getting 3:37 michelle attendre goes behind over 333 so they know this really isn't the race for them they have I mean they got into they're almost around of 20s so they have a lot more work left to go the majority of the people around the world will have stopped well before this point right here they are this is where the elite athletes start to pull and just like Dave Castro said separate themselves from the rest right here to making it through this 16 and getting into 18 Emily bridge is on the left breaking into sets of four Michelle attendre on the right side of your screen in five coming up on one minute remaining for this round of 16 and emily bridgers is doing one less broken set on the full of more than michelle attendre and it's still plenty of time but it is slowly dwindling and we've got to talk about this is that the depth by protocol Thank You Adam the rounds per minute the add the reps the next minute it feels great when you're first starting to use them something like strict pull-ups and one column and I have 57 seconds worth of rest but it is amazing how quickly this stuff compounds and it's not just a physical thing that these athletes need to worry about but it's that set mental panic mode as you're getting less and less rest but more and more work the amazing thing about these workouts is the only thing that is stopping you is your own capacity and so there is no time limit it's infinite based on how fit you are round number five under way as we're 12 minutes in and removed from 16 to 18 and this is the major round this is definitely for these elite athletes when this event starts the round of 18 they look so strong right now we're going to see with maybe in about the next round where the wheels start coming off they're going to hold this pretty tight Miguel attendre and emily bridgers off the bar at the exact same time we're moving to 18 Jets of our full up if you you see in the top of your screen the number of reps they have already completed 232 with that in half like I came to the last time I had to do 115 chest-to-bar pull-ups and yep kept working out this is a workout that most people will not be able to redo based on the stimulus they got from the quantity of pull up from this workout it's not like 15 point one and fifteen point one anyway like let me just keep trying it so you're going to feel this work out the first time Majella pondrá pulls ahead of emily bridgers as her pacing on the pull-up bar is starting to pay off emily bridgers on the right michelle apana in the center screen on the left side having that very smooth tempo she has really never broke form broke scheme it's just consistent up and down rep for him [Music] five more reps for both athletes [Applause] just peeking over 262 rest and you can see Michelle look back at the clock he knows what is happened she has a plan and we've written breath intensional Michelle upon drah one minute remaining these athletes have to get through eight team chest-to-bar pull-ups before time expires if they're going to move on to the round of 20 now in order to stay on pace to beat the world record getting off the bar at around 14 34 is where cam got off last year [Applause] and at that to read emily bridgers it's still hanging on 14:34 that round michelle attendre 37 looking back at the world record last year camille leblanc-bazinet finished this round it took her two minutes and 51 seconds to get through the round of 20 only 20 women last year even got to this position it's going to be interesting to see how far we've come in a year and not just here they have a shot to maybe get to that next level that Camille did but can't there they are on paint just leave the record set by Camille and that is 404 repetition I think that's significant what you just said to 20 women in the entire world got to where you see Michelle and Emily right now it is right here in this part of this event where it got handed to them and this is the first time you see that they break off the overhead squat Emily did first then you went ahead and call Michelle put that down I'm not sure if it was Michelle that really needed to do that but sometimes you play this through the competition at hand someone break if you can you must break yourself as Emily bridges back up to the margin took her 45 seconds to get to the overheads flood and that's on pace to maybe you may get underneath but you can't waste a whole lot of time now so if they can get off the bar with a shot about 90 seconds to get to the last round now it just truly was all part of a sauce plan to kind of beat Emily this is where she has to step on the gas to get into that next round athletes getting through the round of 20 just of our pull up their best course from a year ago Majella quandra had 333 reps emily bridgers 337 and with 90 seconds remaining those athletes haven't got to best their foursome last year but if they can keep the pace they might have a chance to best the best full we've ever seen in this event and this is a huge lead right now for Emily going into these overhead squats it looks as if she is on days to be only the second woman ever to get into the next round one minute remaining emily bridgers has gone on to the bar excused Ekron er and she's a gamer but he is also just to rest away from besting her for from a year ago and it is true you can't crust at work because he is better than she was as we move on he has an opportunity 40 seconds to try against one D test of our pull up these breasts that has to be very short is he's going to have to just really dig deep to get into that next round emily bridgers 346 [Applause] with 20 seconds remaining Michelle achondroplastic sir score from last year [Applause] both of these ladies are fitter than they were in 2014 critters just seven reps away hang on with seven seconds to go so he might not in 20 but he will give the wind as 15.2 is over and emily bridgers with the best force he's ever put up in this event and just about right now the best story scene 357 mozilla pondrá give her props to 344 Camille you can breathe easy L&L that was absolutely amazing why do I am oligo out a defeatist he didn't impose
Channel: Fatal7ty
Views: 31,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P4TnTZv5jaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2017
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