Lyu Xiaojun V Mohamed Ehab | The Battle of Ashgabat

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[Music] [Music] all right so now Bo haamiti hobb 165 kilos first attempt very explosive athlete bit of a strange technique kind of going all the way back on the extension but works for [Applause] it looks like he's really benefited from that four kilos of body weight historically a 77 165 on the bar first attempt one of our favorites certainly a favorite of lots of fans out there knew Xiao Chun [Music] [Applause] just ridiculous cats on the board 165 so here's a hob at 170 and I don't think he's done this before I think this would be a personal best on a major stage but his first time he's been 81 as well so sure he does look big man [Applause] almost lost it behind it what said no doesn't even bother user the stairs or prepare this hops down he's an athlete who brings extreme intensity and actually looking at that there you mentioned earlier Shawn you've kind of got a big extension looks like he's kind of uh just a wave that a little bit bathed here so two for two and in absolute top form from Mohammed II ha but now Lu Xiaojun back on the bar here 170 he's gonna hold to this 170 and play it out for the third attempt five kilo increment this for now would move him into second place [Applause] don't know what happened there not sure it's almost a little bit of a torque his body turns or at least it was at his left leg [Music] yeojun is now being his third attempt if he makes this he's guaranteed at worst a silver medal we're down to our final of two attempts of this session and if he misses he's off the podium in the snatch this is big he's very strong when he's on he's very strong the cleaning jerk but as you said this is huge [Applause] that's why he is one of the favorites [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's a plan and he's he struggled a little bit in training this week in Phoenix on PC his soul the gold medal in the snatch the final attempt of this session and if you want to see a celebration yeah let's see what happens if he pulls this off of course a new world record if successful [Applause] see [Applause] [Music] this year no I guess that lift saved yeah think about the statement of that though did you even open the show with that he won because Lou wasn't there or some others you can't say that anymore you know it's hard to find a thing with more intensity than you have and he shows when it counts the up delivers beautiful work by him on that last world record and smash has to be happy about that this is how our snatch competition finished mohammadi hobb taking gold the two Chinese athletes Lu Xiaojun and Lee Dae hoon taking silver and bronze [Music] is often the case 196 kilos first attempt this will give him a 369 [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that is an understatement [Applause] [Music] as we've said he's someone who performs under pressure yes so just to set this up here [Music] did 197 Judah's gonna stay with the 197 he is not gonna go to 199 in an effort to take the lead right now not yet he's gonna wait and you know he's not playing for the just the metal in the clean-and-jerk I'm talking total exam [Applause] very very dude we saw him miss 190 in the training hall a couple days ago clean and jerk session didn't go as planned and in 2015 jerkiness three jerks in a row not to be probably here today awfully easy guys [Music] [Music] I got asked the question comes to country yeah yeah 200 all right so now here's the hob who is coming out for his second attempt 200 kilos and he's looked nothing short of spectacular today world record total if successful [Music] [Applause] [Applause] another beautiful lift [Music] myself giggling [Music] really this and as you mentioned earlier technically looking as sharp as ever [Music] so good live here with 200 into the lead in both the clean-and-jerk in total if successful here with 200 2 kilos on his second attempt in dishwasher past Mohamed Yamba total world record we're three kilos off the world standard excuse me four kilos off the world standard I think the cleavage urk oh please [Music] [Music] for 206 [Applause] [Music] where you want it for the Squatch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh joy [Music] 203 kilos successful six for six senior world record 376 total [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] No I'm gonna say that was a [Applause] [Music] [Music] he'll still be on top of course doing [Music] this doesn't change anything [Music] that's it he's already secured gold in the clean and Scooby in the total it's electric crowd you some gold in the right [Music] world record total his own to 377 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] finishes with 202 clean-and-jerk 3 for total [Music] so here are our results in the clean-and-jerk a wild one a huge one but some names again that may and may not surprise you in both their presence and absence there were a couple of bomb out Zurich there was one withdrawal that being Carpathian and here are our results overall you see World Records next to the top two that's a world record snitch for Mohammed II hop a world record total for Lu Xiaojun and it's not flagged there but Li day in set all three Junior World Records in his efforts there [Music] [Music]
Channel: International Weighttlifting Federation
Views: 1,823,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weightlifting, olympic weightlifting, strength training, snatch, clean and jerk, fitness, conditioning
Id: uoj4DsAwJwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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