CrossFit Games 2021 | Day 2 | Haley Adams

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[Music] [Music] yes we're going for an hour i'm like wait how many rounds did she just fall so hot yeah [Music] how many streets do you have going well like 90. [Music] hey haley what's up hey ladies haley you're doing an amazing job i love you haley i'm a big fan you are crushing it this week it's been amazing to watch it you're inspiring so many people and i love your drive you never stop thank you for that you're such a great influence for the young people thank you so much we're cheering you on we think you're awesome stay in the fight girl you know showing the girls can be strong they can be powerful and they can be tough good luck and we love you [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] adams [Applause] [Music] day two at the crossfit game started out in north park with a workout that was rope climb skierg and a sandbag carry haley did amazing as we knew she would she came in third place in that event so she came today in second came in third place in that event so stayed in second to tia and gained some points there so that was a really exciting start today too [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we and look at go [Music] a very edited [Music] [Applause] [Music] how many seconds [Applause] here we go [Music] [Music] the first workout went really well she ended up finishing clearing the whole thing so 205 isn't quite her pr but it's really close to that so she finished that and that was we were pumped i mean i was looking excited up there super pumped to see her just execute that at the last second and then the second workout was very heavy so starting near her pr at 210 pounds on the bar wasn't able to clean that which is okay but i know that that was something that was just hard for her i don't want to speak for her specifically but like me from the outside i'm super proud i mean she went out there and tried and that's a really hard thing to be out there and i know she said she felt like it was the same thing as two years ago when she couldn't clean that weight in front of people so that feeling of like almost like your hard work didn't pay off which for all of us we've watched it and seen her hard work pay off it sucks that maybe she didn't have that moment but like from the outside i'm incredibly proud that she went out there and went through that so for me i just want her to set that aside and let that go we knew the turnaround was really quick to the hand sand walk and what actually is really cool about that was she went from event that she really didn't like to event that she loved and um haley is incredibly smart and so she's able to compartmentalize okay we're gonna set that aside and focus on what's ahead of you so it's just incredible to see her be able to flip that switch okay i'm upset because you should be able to feel your feelings too and that's okay to be upset about something that didn't go your way but we're gonna set it aside and focus on the handstand walk which we knew haley was gonna totally crush and she did exactly that she came in second overall but first in her heat which was the last heat top of women [Music] it was incredibly exciting there was a little bit of a race between her and brook wells but she ended up taking it and so that was really really cool we knew there was a chance for hillary to win and i had like serious confidence in her ability to win that workout so a second place finish to another woman who is incredible at hanson walking yeah just near perfect execution and by near perfect she actually did execute it perfectly so for her [Music] so we just did event eight which was the echo bike power snatch and by we haley just did that workout um she totally crushed it she felt like she did the best that she could for herself came in eighth overall i believe so that definitely moved her up and gave her better points on the leaderboard um so yeah super great really excited to finish out day two this way and head into the rest of the weekend hey guys okay [Music] [Music] this year because yeah because we have more time this year like because i never really i took him off last year but like i feel like i've never relaxed you know because it's always like in the back your mind like oh season's i kind of want to go to this thanks aj we need to get more they didn't have as many as we needed thank you it's me and my girl so [Music] you
Channel: Haley Adams
Views: 72,988
Rating: 4.976109 out of 5
Keywords: crossfitgames, crossfit, haleyadams, crossfitmayhem, crossfitgames2021, fitness, gym, workout, vlog
Id: e0SP89kJzfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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