Crispy Fried Chicken with an Air fryer || TERRI-ANN’S KITCHEN

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saka fetch youtube and let us make this gorgeous airfryer chicken wings [Music] hello my loves oh my goodness it's so nice to be making this recipe today today we're making some airfryer chicken wings i'm so excited the first thing i'm doing i am just cutting my chicken wings into two pieces if you want you can leave it whole but i prefer it when it's like that because i prefer flat pieces and my boy like drums so for some reason i thought it would be better this way i'm just transferring it to a bowl going in with some lemon juice and i'm also gonna put some white vinegar in there as well because we need to wash it okay washing is very important anytime i'm making any of my chicken or meat recipes i need to wash it okay and guys if you look at the water you'll see all the excess feathers oh look at that so yes once it was nicely washed i just transferred it to a baking dish because this is what we will be seasoning the chicken wings in okay before i season it i will go ahead and pat it dry with um some paper towels just to get rid of all of the excess moisture from the chicken because i find that when it's nice and dry it tends to hold the seasoning so much better so i'm just using two paper towels and getting rid of as much of that moisture as possible very important i'm now going in with my trusty virgin olive oil and i'm gonna put a little bit on here you can use vegetable oil or whatever you prefer i'm also going in with some salt and some garlic powder as well as some aromat seasoning if you don't have that use some all-purpose seasoning but i really really love the flavor it gives to my chicken whenever i'm making them so yes i'm also adding in some black pepper of course followed by some parsley flakes because that just makes it look so pretty i'm now going in with some smoked paprika the flavor from this is absolutely amazing and plus it gives it that nice color as well i'm gonna add some corn flour as my last ingredient and then it's gonna be time to mix it up make sure to mix it well the corn flour just helps to keep it nice and crispy so this is why i'm using it once my chicken was nicely seasoned and nicely mixed in i let it rest for about half an hour in my fridge and then it was time to fry it up so guys i've got my air fryer i actually just got this one from aldi a few days ago this is not sponsored in any way but i just wanted to show you guys the airfryer that i'm using i bought it over the weekend and i'm so excited to be part of the airfryer gang my chicken wings have been resting for the past half an hour and it's time for us to get down to business now for this airfryer it's actually not that big so i can only fit a few pieces of wings in at a time but that is absolutely fine because i can always just fry it in about two three batches okay so i'm just gonna go ahead and just place those gorgeous wings in here like so i'm probably aiming for about probably two three batches as i mentioned okay and yes my loves so i'm gonna place them in here trying my best not to speak them up too much okay just try to get a few of them in there okay probably fit one more okay so this should do because you don't really want to crowd it up too much we're going to go ahead and push it in so i'm going to be putting that in on 180 degrees for about 20 minutes and this should be done i will actually turn it halfway and show you guys so let's do this so guys it's been about 10 minutes and i just want to show you how amazing the wings are looking i actually need to flip it over okay because you want it to cook on all sides yes my darlings this is looking amazing okay so we're just gonna flip it over because you want this to be nice and crispy on both sides and because we use that corn flour you know it is going to be amazing back in for 10 more minutes and this set will be done so guys my chicken rings have been in the airfryer for the past 20 minutes okay and it's time to be removed look at how crispy they look oh my goodness i'm just gonna transfer it to a clean plate okay and guys like i said we're gonna be frying this in batches so yes i'm so excited to do the remaining batches look at that oh my god that looks so amazing i think this is enough for like one serving like i could literally eat this in one go so amazing i'm gonna set it to one side and then we're going to fill up the airfryer again for the second batch i'm gonna push it back in and we're just gonna go the same temperature again 180 degrees for 20 minutes turning halfway on each side okay guys look at that that looks so amazing it's been going for about 10 minutes now and as you know we need to flip it over listen the only thing i don't really like too much about the airfryer is that it doesn't take that much so you have to literally do it in smaller batches but i think you know you can't really have all you know you can't really have it all isn't it so it's fine so i'm gonna flip it over and i have no use for any oil at all nothing like this is amazing and these are the ones that are already done oh my god it's so good so we're gonna push it back in 10 more minutes and it will be done there you have it all of my wings and nicely cooked i actually just pushed all of them back in for about 30 seconds to a minute just so that all of them could be nice and hot because as you know i did fry them in three batches but yes my loves i can't believe the results so delicious so crispy nice and healthy no need for all that extra oil from deep frying oh my goodness if you try it don't forget to tag me on instagram of course it is a pleasure having you here i'm gonna garnish with a little bit of parsley and watch my boys steal one from the tray see you again in my next one thank you for watching bye bye [Music]
Views: 1,344,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZrmFTMg_yac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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