Crisy Air Fryer Fish

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hi it's Tanya from my forking life and today we're in the kitchen and we're making your favorite air fried fish now I love making fish in my air fryer because it gets nice and golden and I don't have to do it on the stovetop plus it's a little bit healthier for you because you are not using as much oil as you used with traditional fried methods now before we continue don't forget to hit the subscribe button so that you'll be notified every time that I upload a new video also don't forget to hit that like button if you like this video alright so let's go ahead and get started the first thing I went ahead and did is I rinsed and dried some fish fillets that I got from the market this is flounder that I'm using but the recipe that I have on my site you could use perch perk perch you could also use whiting fillets whatever white fish that you prefer when you're doing fried fish and now what I'm going to do while I let that dry off a little bit more is I'm going to make my not batter but my I'm gonna make the stuff that I'm gonna put the fish in alright so I've got here a clear plastic bag and I'm gonna put all my seasonings and stuff in this bag so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put some cornmeal and I've got some ultra thin kind because that's what I use to make porridge in the morning so I'm gonna use that about 3/4 of a cup all-purpose flour running a little bit low here it is time to get everything I'm gonna put just 1/4 of a cup of flour and now we're gonna do our season all's got here some old bay just do about 2 teaspoons of old bay and you could use whatever fish seasoning you have I know they sell some over the counter if you prefer that that's fine but if you rather just make it yourself so some cornmeal and flour and just season it up we'll put in some salt I know exactly how much salt I want I want a teaspoon and a half roughly I'm also going to throw in some paprika I really want some color to this fish I'm gonna do a whole nice heaping teaspoon of paprika not smoked paprika just a regular ol paprika which is gonna be a little bit sweeter it's about a half a teaspoon of garlic powder and about a half a teaspoon gonna take that in my bag and I'm gonna go ahead and mix that up first it's nice and mixed so I'm gonna go ahead and just drop my fish fillets in there now I'm only gonna do two fillets at this time because unfortunately you go to have to do them in batches you don't want to crowd your air fryer baskets so you could do more fillets but you're gonna have to cook them in batches you can't just like throw a bunch of them in there unless you have a larger air fryer you know the reason why I use the baggie it's easier to get rid of the batter afterwards just go away the bag and it's easier to make sure that these filets get nice and fully coated all right so what I'm gonna do at this time though is I'm gonna lay these fillet on a baking sheet fillet these fish for loss not a baking sheet Oh a baking cooling rack that's what I'm laying them on and the reason why I do that it's just to allow some of that excess mixture it's a drip off we don't want it to be too much we put our fish in the air basket and we just leave it there for a second while we prepare our air for our baskets now what we're gonna do is we've got our fish ready to go into our air fryer basket now I am NOT going to he today usually I know I've been heat but I just want to show you exactly what I did when I created this recipe initially didn't preheat but I do have my basket here and I do have my handy dandy dandy baby handy dandy spray bottle so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna spray the bottom of that basket just to make sure these fillets don't stick then I'm going to take each fillet like I said lay it now since this is flounder and it's a lot thinner typically if your fillets are thicker you are gonna cook it a little bit longer but since these are so thin I'm gonna start checking them at ten minutes so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cook them in the air fryer on 400 degrees Fahrenheit I'm going to start with ten minutes in mind so I'm going to check on them after five minutes I am NOT spraying the top of the fish at this moment as you see I'm just gonna pop it in and then after five minutes I'm gonna look to see what it looks like and if it's starting to get crispy ish I am then going to spray it at that time and then flip it and cook it a little bit longer so I'm gonna go ahead and stick this in my basket start our 400 degrees I'm gonna set my timer for 10 minutes now when I originally developed this recipe and believe me I detected a lot of times those fillets were a little bit thicker and it took me a total of 17 minutes to cook it but since these are thinner I'm going to cut that time down drastically and I'm going to aim for about 10 to 14 minutes depending on what it's looking like the boom all right I'll be back in five minutes okay so it's actually been six minutes okay distracted but I'm gonna pull that fish out just so you can see what it looks like so far remember we haven't added any oil to the fish yet and it's already starting to look good as you can still see a little bit of the flour and cornmeal spots so at this time what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give it a nice little spray just to cover those spots make it nice and golden and I'm gonna flip it now this is a flounder fillet you're having a little bit of sticking issues okay my father is being disrespectful to me something that's gonna there we go and as you can see it's already coated so the idea and the purpose of the oil is to make it golden and if you find that your your fish is already golden and you may not need to spray extra oil then don't worry about it I'm gonna pop these back in there and I'm gonna let them continue to cook and I'm gonna watch it so there's four minutes left on my timer I want these fried a little bit harder so I'm actually probably going to go a little bit longer than ten minutes I think we're gonna do this side for about an additional six minutes instead put that back in there and I'm just gonna add an additional two minutes on here because I want that to cook a little bit longer so I that it could get a little bit firmer when it's cooked all right I'll be back so my fish is in they're still cooking and I upped it up to about seven minutes so I'm gonna show you what it looks like after it's been cooking remember we did six minutes on the first side and then we did seven minutes because these are thinner fillets and this is what they look like they're nice they're golden I'm gonna tap on them a little bit in their hats so these are flounder fillets and they're a little bit more soft than other fillets so I want to make sure we get them out easily and one way to avoid this sticking issue is to use parchment paper liners I use them in my Fried Chicken I should have used them here but you know it kind of day I'm gonna go ahead and plate these beautiful fish fillets beautiful golden fish fillets all right so there you have it delicious crispy air fried fish now again you'll have to cook these in batches so this is better if you are serving two to four people if you want to keep these warm unfortunately you'll probably need to cut on that oven on low about 225 degrees and put them there if you decide to cook it this way and cook them in batches or if you just need something for you know 2 or 1 people just make two fish fillets or if you are one of those people that are lucky enough to have one of those big airfryer ovens that works as well the air fryer oven that I actually own is the power air fryer oven with three layers it is not my favorite air fryer however it does get the trick done if you are doing a lot you just have to make sure you rotate those baskets for even cooking all right that's it until the next time bye
Channel: My Forking Life
Views: 147,500
Rating: 4.8846879 out of 5
Keywords: air fryer fish, air fryer fish fillet, air fried fish, how to, how to air fry fish, air fryer, air fried, easy air fryer recipes, flounder, how to fry fish, fish air fryer, homemade fish, fish recipes
Id: 7P7He4OL5Vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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