Air Fryer Lemon Garlic Shrimp

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hi. it's Tanya from my forking life and today we're in the kitchen and we're making a quick easy appetizer snack dinner recipe in the airfryer now y'all this recipe is so easy I should probably tell you what it's called it's basically a lemon butter shrimp quick and easy all right now before we continue don't forget to subscribe if you like videos like this also don't forget to hit the thumbs up if you like this video all right so I've got a bunch of ingredients here I've got frozen shrimp now the reason why I'm using frozen shrimp is because this stuff is just so awesome like you could just keep it in your freezer and whenever you need a quick meal just grab the shrimp this is jumbo raw shrimp and it is easy peeled deveined with the tail on I've also got some Italian seasoning red pepper flakes some fresh garlic cloves if you don't feel like mincing garlic cloves you can use garlic powder got some old bay has been some butter and a really big lemon alright so let's get started y'all this recipe is so easy oh I also have talking ever all right so I'm gonna actually open the bag and I'm gonna give these a quick rinse under some cold water not too deep not to defrost them we're not even gonna do that we're just gonna cook these from frozen there's my shrimp I'm gonna give them a quick quick rinse now rinsing isn't totally necessary I just really like to rinse anything that I'm using even if it's from frozen all right and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna get a container or something that's small enough that's oven safe that can fit inside our air fryer and we're just going to put our ingredients in there so I've got here about three tablespoons of butter just gonna pull out that in there you might want to cut it up a little bit let me get a butter knife and just kind of spread that up just a little bit and then I'm gonna use fresh garlic and I've got here a garlic mincer I've already peeled and washed this garlic and I'm just going to crack that right into this bowl you can lighten up on the garlic if you like I just like I love garlic so I use a whole four cloves but if you're not huge on girl like you could cut that back in half do three cloves whatever floats your boat so we've got that set up and then I'm going to cut this lemon this is a really big lemon so I'm gonna actually sliced half of it because I'm gonna garnish my dish with these lemon slices if I could actually learn to slice properly in this other half of lemon I'm gonna actually just save that to squeeze on top of my shrimp once I add it in there all right so I'm gonna go ahead and add the shrimp to this container it kind of stuck together because I rinsed them that's fine we're just gonna layer them in there and the reason why like I said this is more like a shrimp reminds me of a shrimp boil so I like to use the keep the tails on in this plus I think it will help add some flavour to your sauce once we once it creates a sauce and we're using frozen shrimp because like I said I always have it on hand but also what you're gonna notice is that that shrimp is going to defrost while it's cooking it's going to leave some liquid down in the bottom of this and that is going to be your sauce for this dish all right so let's go ahead and season this shrimp so I'm gonna use about 2 teaspoons of Italian seasoning put that on there and I'm going to use about 3/4 of a teaspoon of obey and I'm going to add just a little bit of red pepper flakes probably about 1/4 of a teaspoon not too much and then I'm going to squeeze this half of the lemon over the shrimp which will be about two tablespoons of lemon juice trying to make sure you don't get any seeds in there look there's a seed and then I'm gonna just add my lemon slices on top of this just just for garnish and whatever alright so there is our dish ready to go in the airfryer now here's the thing about putting this dish in the airfryer if I were to just put this in the basket like this it would be a hassle to try to get it out so I'm going to create a foil sling for this now in order to do a foil sling you will need some heavy-duty basically foil paper just tear off a really long sheet and we are going to fold it and we're just going to fold it like thick enough to where you can grab the end so I'm just gonna fold it all the way to the end and then I'm gonna put my stoneware on the middle of it and basically I've got something that I can pick it up now be very careful with this like I said you want to use heavy-duty foil so that it doesn't break and you just want to be careful that's gonna allow us to be able to put this in our airfryer and cute it out pretty easily all right so we're gonna place our shrimp with lemon on it in the air for our basket and I'm gonna fold down the pieces of foil so they don't interfere with the heating element on top and we are going to cook this in our air fryer on 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 12 minutes I'm gonna just close that turn it on 350 degrees and then we'll set the timer for 12 minutes halfway through we'll give it a stir and check on our shrimp and the way the sauce looks all right and so it's been about seven minutes I'm going to give these babies a stir see all that liquid at the bottom basically our shrimps are starting to cook and we're getting a sauce so I'm gonna mix this up just to get those seasonings down into that butter mixture so what my pretty-pretty uh lemon things on the top kind of disappeared but whatever I'm gonna close that one up finish cooking open that shrimp and there we have it beautiful shrimp now you want your shrimp to be okay ik oh yeah Oh pink but nice and pink is the color that I'm going for and generally for me to know if the shrimp is to my liking I had to like taste one but I will just show you and then what you've got is a nice buttery sauce how pretty that is all right so I'm gonna just easily carefully grab it out and move it out see how great that full sling is and here it is now before you dig in you might want to season it with a little bit of salt and pepper I mean of course taste it first but I usually know that I'm gonna need a just a little sprinkle of salt and some fresh ground pepper and there I have my beautiful lovely shirt I'm going to steal one and peel it you might want to let it cool down a little bit but these are my shrimp cooked from frozen nice and plump I use jumbo shrimp for this and look how easy it is to peel they were all ready to veined so awesome and if you're feeling really Gucci just dip it in that butter sauce alright so there you have it we've made a really quick shrimp dish your family will love it you kids will love it it's so easy to make and it's absolutely delicious you can serve it with I would probably just like literally me I would eat it myself because this is how I like to eat my shrimp but you could also serve it with let's say you've got some boiled potatoes that sauce will be really good over it pasta the only thing if you're serving with pasta then you have to peel the shrimp and I really just like to think of like an appetizer when you go to the restaurant and you're just ordering like some honey not honey there's no honey in this but some garlic butter shrimp all right you guys that's it for this time if you want the full recipe it's in the description box below alright until the next time bye
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Views: 17,483
Rating: 4.9501386 out of 5
Keywords: air fryer recipe, easy air fryer recipe, air fryer shrimp, lemon butter shrimp, lemon garlic shrimp, air fryer, garlic shrimp, healthy recipes for picky eaters, air fryer recipes healthy, shrimp recipes for dinner, air fried shrimp
Id: qZowwIVld0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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