CRINGIEST "I'm Not Like The Other Girls" Stories (r/AskReddit)

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this raccoon is built different unlike other raccoons what are your cringy i'm not like other girls stories that you're embarrassed about or were unfortunate enough to witness in high school one of my teachers asked everyone to say one word describing themselves and i said classy i die inside every time i remember it similar here describe yourself with one word my response was bad with numbers i personally thought it was the most hilarious joke ever teacher immediately moved on no one laughed at all i assumed no one got the joke they did it's just that i wasn't funny your class is composed of squares it would have gotten a chuckle out of me something so cliche it hurts to even talk about i'm a girl i work at gamestop here in germany so one might assume i'm into video games and for most people this isn't even something special anymore so not even a thing worth mentioning but we had that female customer who came into our shop and wanted to buy one of the call of duty games i don't remember which one and with the straightest face ever she came to the counter and told me obviously female and my male colleague without asking yeah that's right i'm a girl that plays video games i love playing with my male friends like it was so rare and so special and she felt so cool like so so cool i could barely keep a straight face while my colleague sold her the game and we burst out laughing after she went out of the store a girl when asked about interests said i don't have any i'm normal after work i go home consume flavorless sustenance and then stare at the wall until sleeping time this is normal i also like to listen to human music on the radio receiver have you also seen television show it's my favorite form of entertainment my favorite meat is hot dog that is my favorite meat my second favorite meat is hamburger and everyone says oh don't you prefer steak it's like i know steaks are great but i like hot dog best and i like hamburger next best in high school 2016 i had a girl convince me that i was basic because i listened to whatever was on the radio and knew the songs i have four sisters so of course i do they didn't like my music well one day i caught her listening to a certain band and went oh what are you listening to she went oh you wouldn't know them they are very out of your taste i don't have a taste in music i asked her to share the details and she just kept telling me i didn't know them and that she was going to their summertime concert just to appease the metal head boys in our choir oh really where's the concert oh it's in new york oh really my dad never scheduled a concert there her heart visibly dropped as soon as she pieced two and two together i have the same last name as the drummer the band is local it's my dad's band i cringed so hard writing this because i can just remember her trying to convince me i didn't know my dad i had a phase where i would get all high and mighty about the fact that i didn't wear crop tops i still refuse to wear crop tops because my gut sticks out in a weird way i refuse to wear crop tops because i'm a male i always did like seeing guys in 80s movies in crop tops we should bring that back lady next door needed help breaking into her probably not son's friend's car she said she could do it with fishing line and i happen to like to fish so i had some braided heavy pound test and offered it to her she pulls the amount she needs and tries to break it with her teeth for a while me mam fats braided line uh oh no honey i'm a country girl that's beautiful i never realized being born in the south slash a rural area means you can basically chew through steel i spend my middle school years wearing fake [ __ ] tail extensions and saying i'll kill you to anyone who tried talking to me especially other girls i don't know what the duck was wrong with me but i'm still lying awake at night replaying it all a decade later in middle school i had a brilliant idea of making myself stand out by convincing everyone i was highly unstable and stalked people in the supermarket with a spark for fun what what i was also just realizing girls existed and would put on that over-the-top courtly love i did wear a fedora if you're wondering where i'd message girls or name and when they understandably said uh who is this i would type out soft chuckle girl name can you think of no one i will give you a hint and then proceed to send her the results of those and impersonality tests like she's really supposed to duck and guess the unstable murderer condescending ducking idiot lover mixed really well together to create a glutinous chunky creep smoothie a girl at school once commented on my facebook picture you look cute less than three and edgy me said thanks you're not getting a heart back that would be dumb i wore my dad's pirate boots from when he went as a pirate for halloween in like 1988 every day to school oh lord you just reminded me of my knee high converse i wore in high school i thought i was so damaging all my daily outfits consisted of skinny jeans a graphic t-shirt a leather jacket or something like that and my knee high converse my mom tried to convince me not to buy them lol i have to admit though i secretly still love them and kept them after they started falling apart so they are in a box somewhere in my house lol but hey my husband fell in love with me looking like that so maybe it wasn't that bad it was i hated anything new or trendy because i thought i was cool and contrarian for it from ages 13 to 16 i like to not think about it same avoided mainstream music and only listened to offbeat quirky stuff that no one had ever heard of and i could only get online because it wasn't available in stores i'll listen to some mainstream stuff now but i don't hide the f beat stuff i used to listen to it had a lot to do with shaping my musical tastes now so it's a part of me friend of mine started dating the single most dramatic girl i've ever met we lived on the fourth floor we always took the elevator so we all get in to go down to the lunch hall and she literally dashes for the corner and starts rocking back and forth in a really sad act at being terrified he runs over to hold her and explains she's terrified of elevators first she lived with us on the same floor for two months and we've all seen her on the elevator acting normal second if you were really terrified of elevators you'd just walk the four floors it wasn't even that far up third her acting was just terrible of course a few weeks later she forgot all about it and went back to acting normal on elevators again i wasn't like other girls because i loved hats top hats specifically for like a year in sixth grade i think i wore a top hat to school and i thought i was the shut it's funny now but oh my god did i cringe four years after it girl in uni said she wasn't like other girls cause she could hold her liquor like a man so when shot for shot with this big dude people tried to stop her but she was gonna prove herself she kept saying she was fine finally when she flat out passed out and we ended up having to take her to the ear for what was alcohol poisoning was pretty clear she was just super stupid in that moment i used to think i was a natural witch after watching the craft for the first time it was so cringy the moodiest middle schooler ever i miss it i was my best friend maid of honor a few years back and we were wedding dress shopping and this one quirky bride came in was like whatever dress i get has to go with my red sharks i'm not one of those girls who wear heels i've always been different and the shop lady was like actually second to a traditional heel or ballet flat chucks are a super common choice for our many low maintenance brides and her whole attitude just deflated in high school i had this friend who tried so hard to be one of the guys to the point where she would call herself that often i didn't realize how cringy she was until i ran into her at a party in my twenties she walked up to my boyfriend currently my fiance grabbed his hat put it on her head backwards then asked for a haul of his cigarette she doesn't even smoke and coughed profusely she then proceeded to play punch him in the stomach and started calling herself one of the guys again a few of us just looked at each other awkwardly and slowly trickled away i wanted to be emo but my parents wouldn't let me dye my hair or buy me new clothes so i was just an ugly middle school girl with a shotty attitude in bobby jack outfits there was a point in my life when i felt like i'm not like other girls if i don't complain too much not be too emotional have no strong opinions about anything and basically go with the flow as much as i can this lead to having no boundaries and a lot repressed mental health issues on my part can be a jack of all trades and knowledgeable about many different hobbies and interests this lead to having a lot of equipment i barely use anymore spending a lot more money and i feel like i can never get past the basics of everything which made me lose my sense of self basically didn't have my own identity and i could be any girl you wanted me to be i'm not like other girls because i'm all girls i'm whitney houston i'm every woman i always love dolls and dressing up as a kid i would spend all my free time playing with my dolls but when i went to school i would scoff at the other girls for playing with dolls i wanted to be seen as tough and cool spoiler i was neither of those things for my tenth day my parents worked together to build me some doll furniture dad did a lot of woodworking and mum was good with a sewing machine together they created a cool little wardrobe and bed set for my dolls they were painted white and had little flower stickers for decoration my dad had even made a little mirror for my dolls to go on the inside of one wardrobe door and mum had sewn up a mini mattress for the bed i just about cried when i opened my presents because i loved them so much but my friend was sitting right beside me and i knew if i told my parents i loved the presents my friend would know i like dolls my lies would be undone so i said thanks but i don't like dolls they're for babies my parents looked so ducking sad i'm 25 years old and i'm crying as i type this because i still feel so ducking guilty 15 years later a few years ago i got drunk at a family gathering and i sobbed to my dad and apologized for what i said and told him i loved the present he knew so i got my apology out but i still feel like such a [ __ ]
Channel: Rebbit
Views: 622
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, rebbit reddit, reddit top posts, rebbit, top posts of all time, reddit stories, ask reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, reddit funny, reddit best of all time, CRINGIEST I'm Not Like The Other Girls, Stories, What are your cringey “I’m not like other girls” stories that you’re embarrassed about?, were unfortunate enough to witness?, reddit i'm not like the other girls, ask reddit quirky girls, reddit cringe, ask reddit cringiest stories
Id: Xl8hbdYdg6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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