Situations That Reveals People's True Self (r/AskReddit)

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hope this adorable picture brings the best in you what brings the worst out in people divorce proceedings especially with kids involved it can turn a couple of average people into monsters yi bud 2 christmas coming from someone who had their parents divorced at 10 i beg to differ on this spend the bulk of the day on the road with various people upset that you're not where they think you should be i always liked the halt rule if you're feeling hungry angry late or tired then it's likely things you say or do will come off worse than you intend one of my favorite quotes that is related to this if you think everyone hates you you probably need to sleep if you think you hate everyone you probably need to eat i feel like this is how i got fat the word free in a retail or restaurant type of setting people will trample one another take all of the items so there aren't any for others gorge themselves try to sneak food out with them it's disgusting i was going to say that the first manager who camped products due to poor service really screwed it up for everyone now i have to listen to someone who wants something for free because the box has a dent in it there was a clinic in my city that wanted to try the robin hood style service where they would charge well-off patients but treat the poor for free this ended up backfiring as they got flooded with poor patients and even those who could afford treatment pretending to not be able to they closed down and presumably moved location within a year when a loved one dies people get really really weird in a bad way about money and stuff i know a bunch of people who had relatives who flat out stole money and valuables after the death of a family member it's crazy my own family has a permanent rift because when my grandmother died two of the five siblings cleaned out her accounts hell they don't even have to be dead when my great-grandmother moved from her apartment to a nursing home some of her children and grandkids helped her pack up her apartment by which i mean it was a full-on feeding frenzy of theft she was a 87-year-old woman who had been widowed for about 50 years at that point so she certainly wasn't wealthy but some of those people would have ripped down the wallpaper if they thought they could have sold it weddings my father is a minister he says he would rather help with a funeral over a wedding any day weddings leave people with a sense of extreme desperation to achieve perfection the worst is when the expectation for perfection is from the mother of the bride and not the engaged couple nothing worse than to kids trying to have a nice day in mom's eye just ducking decimates it because she can't stand not being the center of attention for one moment stress most of us are capable of being decent human beings who make a positive contribution to society you add stress into the mix and people start to crack financial stress relationship stress work stress it doesn't matter when our focus is pulled into simply surviving and staying afloat our ability to empathize or provide support to others greatly diminishes i think this is tied in with the low morale we are all experiencing right now we are all unbelievably stressed i've seen some of the nicest people completely snap and act shockingly because they just can't take the pressure anymore add lack of sleep and you get a human grenade you don't know where or how but they are going to go off compounded stress stress from two or more areas really duck you up you're really screwed when you start stressing about how much you're stressed traffic a person who is cut off while driving if you that same person who is cut off while walking oop sorry after you it's really hard to kill someone by walking into them it's really easy to kill someone by driving into them i think the stakes and the stress that comes with them are what makes the difference here desperately on absolutely this especially these days when people are stressed to duck and losing their income causes people to take drastic measures they wouldn't normally even consider also addicts to support their habit unprocessed trauma from childhood as someone that is struggling with mental health i'm only now beginning to understand why i do a lot of what i do when our needs for love and acceptance aren't met we seek out soothing behaviors that numb the pain it's really easy to end up in midlife with no real idea what it means to be happy and feeling no connection to others as you begin to work on your issues you find that the soothing behaviors are no longer a soothing because you know why you're doing it so you're stuck with the emptiness that you've always felt and no way to get out of the feeling anonymity putting a mask on being on the internet or otherwise concealing one's identity people do some very duct up things when they know they won't be held accountable this reminds me of when instagram introduced the question sticker to the store as part of the app in 2018 people thought they could ask questions anonymously but the app shows you who asked the question i'd like to think that hundreds of friendships were broken that week when the feature was implemented black friday ah yes the only day of the year you can see a karen kerb stomper kid over a ps5 power almost every dictatorship ever they don't want to lose their power travel to know what a person is really like go traveling with them i lost one of my greatest friends of many years due to my birthday trip to puerto rico just the two of us i don't know what it was that caused the shift but i literally didn't recognize her after the trip it was awful the worst part was i was her maid of honor in her wedding a month or so later i tried to have a talk with her that maybe i should back out and we had what i thought was a great talk and apology found out she was only nice to me after the trip to make sure i didn't back out barely acknowledged me day if she cancelled my speech and gave it to another bridesmaid and we never spoke again after the wedding like why would you want me in your wedding photos for the rest of your life scarcity ugh this 100 it's bad enough with concert ticket wrestlers but the scumbags will do it with anything there's a new lego bonsai tree set my girlfriend wants and it's her birthday soon it's sold out everywhere but there are 100s of the money bay at inflated prices the top one has 19 sold on it funerals all the height and emotions make people irrational any buried family drama comes out at the worst possible time i've been caught in the middle of it before i didn't even know the deceased i was there supporting my friend who had lost her mother someone decided this was the time to air a 20 year old grudge as my friend walked by my friend was so caught off guard by the accusations she was speechless i told this crazy lady this wasn't the time or the place for this conversation so she turned on me next thing i knew some other family member was violently yanking her out of the room i guess it could have been worse but why did you have to make a scene at a funeral mario kart monopoly you know basically any game where you can really duck over your friends and family not being accepted by other people social contact and validation is no different from food or water yes people can starve on validation too that's why simple things like greeting strangers in the street or always saying thank you are so critically important jealousy not just for success i've seen many relationships crumble because someone was happier than the other inheritances i've seen both my family and friends families absolutely ripped apart after someone dies and another family member doesn't feel they've received their share or that the will was unfair or that property mysteriously goes missing before the estate is settled all for lawful stuff i think the worst is my friend's dad and his sister haven't spoken for over 30 years due to a squabble over their mother's will 30 years the kicker is that they are both quite well off on their own friend's dad is a very very successful trial lawyer and friends aren't married a successful doctor this wasn't money either of them ever actually needed but they've not had a relationship for decades because of it people get real stupid when it comes to their kids the my baby can do no wrong attitude when your child is ducking shut up needs to stop alcohol if alcohol were discovered tomorrow it would be illegal hunger can make people do things they never thought they were capable of doing it can drive you mind out of control this is why the food bank is my favorite charity to give to i've never experienced true food insecurity but i've been moderately hungry from time to time and notice how terrible everything becomes from your mood to the ability to function how can anyone hope to improve their situation in life with that kind of constant debuff pain but at the same time it can bring out the strength you never thought you had to echo chambers it is easy to dehumanize people who are different than you when you never spend any time interacting with them organized religion specifically christianity i'm a christian and i think religion and personal faith is fine but when you start having multi-million dollar church buildings and preachers with million dollar private jets something's gone wrong thinking they are being cheated it almost makes me want to stop doing games in class because if there's two teams both teams always complain that the other team has some sort of unfair advantage in reality neither team understands the true length of a minute and thinks they are being cheated on time fear every single answer so far ultimately ties back to fear fear of losing money fear of losing power fear of losing livelihood fear of sickness or death fear of failure fear of missing out fear in any form with any motivation turns people into blind panicky stupid vicious animals and then there are those who benefit or profit by stoking fear in people they obviously are worse than animals but are likewise motivated by those same fears above creating a vicious fear circle
Channel: Rebbit
Views: 439
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, rebbit reddit, reddit top posts, rebbit, top posts of all time, reddit stories, ask reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, reddit funny, reddit best of all time, Situations That Reveals People's True Self, What brings the worst out in people?, ask reddit person worst, ask reddit reveal person intentions
Id: _Lkp-lHBTnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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