Creo Parametric - Manual Piping Overview

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in creo parametric you can perform manual piping that is piping that's not driven by either a schematic or a specification let's take a look at how to do that and I'm going to use my structure assembly that I created using the advanced framework extension let's start off by creating our new higher level assembly I'll click the new icon and then change the radio button to assembly and let's call this the plant that we're building instead of using the default template I'm going to make sure that I'm using my company start part or start assembly rather that's good let's assemble from in session that structure assembly and I'll just drop it in here let's hold down the right mouse button and choose default constraint to locate it at the origin and you can hit the check mark or middle mouse button now let's create our piping stop assembly we'll click the Create button and it set to sub assembly let's change to the name to piping and click OK and then click OK again and I'm going to use the right mouse button to locate this at the default constraint as well then I can middle mouse button which is the same thing as the check mark here I have my piping sub assembly I'm going to click on it and then choose activate from the mini toolbar so I can create a skeleton model inside of here create change the skeleton model radio button I'll leave the default name let's click OK and I will use my standard start part actually let me browse over here I'm going to make sure that I'm using my metric 1 and click the ok button now I will activate the skeleton model from the mini toolbar I'm going to create a shrink wrap feature to grab all the different routing references that I need let's change the creation method from outer shell to auto collect all solid surfaces I'm not going to exclude internal components even though there aren't any but I will go to the subset button and then change the piping sub-assembly itself to ignore now let's go to the properties tab I always like to change my data sharing features to reflect the model from which they are created and hit the checkmark and now I've got my skeleton created let's open up the skeleton in its own separate window so I can create some of the geometry that I need for routing and the first kind of feature I'm going to build our coordinate systems you use coordinate systems as these start points let's create a coordinate system I'm gonna locate it on this surface here let me turn on my datum plane display and I can hold down the right mouse button to activate my offset references collector let's dimension it from this datum plane here and hold down the control key and select this datum plane as well and let's locate it change this to 3000 and let's change this one to 1200 that is good and one important thing is that I want the Z Direction pointing in the direction of routing so right now Z is pointing in the wrong direction let's go to orientation I will flip the z direction and I will leave X&Y don't really need to change those because the z axis is the important one that's good let's click OK and turn on our coordinate system display for the next one I'm going to create OB for where the pipes end over on the other side let's go to coordinate system I'll locate again right on this beam let's hold down the right mouse button to activate the offset references collector I'm going to dimension it from these two planes let's change this value to 2000 so I'll be a little higher than the inlet and change this value to let's try 3,600 yep that is a good value once again let's go to the orientation tab and Z is pointing in the wrong direction so let's flip it and let's flip X as well area that looks nice let's click the ok' button and the last coordinate system going to create will be up here and with the previous coordinate system still selected I am just going to click on the coordinate system button then that way I can just grab over here and let's drag it along X let's drag it actually before I even start dragging and positioning it I want to change the orientation I want to rotate about Y 90 degrees just make sure that my Z is pointing in the right direction let's change that to 270 there we go and now for the offset in the x-direction it's gonna change this to 2000 it's not too close that's good and vertically the Y direction let's make this how does 4,000 look make a little higher let's make this 5,000 and lastly in my Z Direction relative to the original coordinate system let's change this to 2000 as well am 4,000 there we go that looks good for this one now let's click the ok button and the last one I'm going to do I'm gonna do a sketch where I want to do some routing and justice all I can remember the numbers let me use a datum plane offset from this surface let's use negative 6000 so it's pretty close to where my datum plane called right is let's click the ok' button and i'm going to create a sketch let me go to my sketch view and this sketch is just going to be a line make it horizontal change this height to 2000 let's change this dimension to 3000 and lastly dimension it from oops from there to there and that should be 3600 there we go so that is good for my sketch and all the geometry in the skeleton that i need let me turn off the display of a bunch of these different entities that I don't need later on for routing that is good let me close this skeleton window and I'm back into the plant assembly let's open up the piping assembly in its own separate window and unclutter my screen with some of these different datums in here just selecting them out of the model tree and then using hide and so now I've got my coordinate systems I've got my sketch now it's time to enter into piping mode to do that you just make a trim fullscreen let's go to applications and then piping and the first thing I'm going to do is read in a bunch of line stock let's go to the setup drop-down menu and here we can choose line stock then I'm going to read let me navigate to a folder where I have a bunch of lines and then click the open button and that way now I have all that ready for routing and I did a video previously on line stock so refer to that if you need to learn how to create pipe piping line stock for routing now that I have my line stock in here let's create our first pipe I will click create pipe and for lack of originality I'm just gonna call it pipe one and then hit the enter key this one is going to start out at my biggest diameter of 150 for creating my first segment let's set the start point and that's going to be using this coordinate system I'll click OK and then extend and it's going to extend in the z direction that's why I changed the orientation of that coordinate system my first segment let's do a length of 3000 that's good and then click the ok button and by the way in the extent dialog box instead of routing to coordinates you also have the option of routing along a coordinate system I'll change the dialog box but leave this in here with my value of 3000 for the extension and also because I have the display of thick pipes turned on that's why you're seeing the preview like we have here instead of just getting a centerline that's good let's click the ok' button so that's good for my first pipe and the reason that I am just making this one this short segment is I'm going to put an a reducer later on so I want to have my second segment start from over here at this end so let's create 8 another pipe and for the name I will call it pipe - lets go down to a-line stock of 80 for the next segment now let's set our start point I'm going to set the start point here on the end let's flip the length of the end and just change this to a value of 0 just make sure that I'm starting all the way from the end of that segment let's click the ok button I get a datum point automatically created there for the start of my pipe now let's choose to extend and I'll drag it along over here and again I know the value I want to use is 3000 based on where I located this particular sketch in here that's good let's click the ok' button and for routing the next segment I can go to a point or a port let me go to my piping skeleton real quick and throw in a point on the end of this line to use for routing let me hop back over to the piping assembly and now we will route pipe want to know which pipe line I want to route let's go back to pipe 2 and now I will choose two pointer port let's select this point over here so now I get my next segment click the ok button for the next segment I'll use the follow command from the drop down list you could choose to follow a pipe follow her follow an axis or follow a sketch for the curve I'll just select this segment over here that is good let's click the ok button and now let's go to point or port and I'll select my exit ports over here oops a little confusion over here about we're supposed to start from let's set the start point over here and now let's go to point or port and select that now I've got my other segment in there that's good let's click the ok button for my third pipe line I'm going to start at this other coordinate system up here let's create a pipe this will be pipe 3 and this is going to be an even smaller diameter I'm going to use the 50 over there let's set our start and select this coordinate system then like before I will use the extend command and I'm going to extend it out here value of 2000 that's the value I remember for how I offset from this other coordinate system and click the ok' button and for the last part of it in here I want to connect this pipe to this pipe over here and the way that I'm going to do that is with with the branch command and so for branch for the reference let's select over here and dimension it from the other end let's use a value of 4,000 should be good that way we get a nice straight segment in there and everything looks good for my branch so let's click the ok' button so that way I've got my different pipes routed in here let's now put in a bunch of our different fittings to go in here I'll click the insert fitting and let's start off with the ends let's put in our flanges I'll choose end and use in session because I've got a bunch of flanges in here so here is my family table for the flanges I know off at the end here I'm starting with my value of 150 so I will select it out of the list let's click the Open button now it's prompting me in the message area to select the pipe end that's good now wants to know the entry port that I want to use and I want to use port 1 and I also need to select a point to a line to the pipe end let's select that point over there I don't need to change the orientation of anything so let's click the done button so that's good for the first one let's turn off our datum plane display from the in graphics toolbar just reduce some of the all right let's go to this end over here once again we will insert a fitting it's going to be an end fitting let me grab that flange family table and this is going to be for the 80 size and click open let's select the pipe end and select the entry port and the point again we don't need to reorient anything so let's click done out of there that is good and now for our third flange insert fitting let's choose end and grab my flange family table and this one is going to be of the 50 diameter that's good select the end select our entry port and our point for alignment and then click done out of here so those aren't three of my end fittings next up I need to put in my reducer and for this one I'm also putting it at the end of a segment let me go to in session and find my reducer and this is a very long list in here and sometimes you might have trouble scrolling through and like oh where is it so to help yourself you can use the by column tab and I know that my entry size is the 150 so that reduces down the list and I know my exit size is the 80 and so now I've got my only possible instance in here let's click the open button let's select our pipe end and now it asked me to select the entry port we'll choose the bigger port and for the point to a line let's select this point over here and then click done out of the orientation menu and there we get in our reducer let's see now let's put in a bunch of our corner fittings insert fitting corner and let me find my elbow part and let's see once again I have my list here let's use the 80 and select a corner between two segments click done out of there repeat that insert fitting corner grabbed my elbow part again grab the 80 select the corner up giving me an issue with that one over there let's go to our other corner and click the done button over there that is good and let's see oh we've got another corner that we want to put one in insert fitting and then corner go to in session and this one is for the 50 select the corner and then done and the last one that I'm going to put in here actually two more I'm going to put in here let's put in our branch so let's insert a fitting this is going to be a straight break fitting let's grab our there we go here's my reducing tee and again I'll use the filter list to get down to a manageable list of instances here we go steel 80 by 50 let's click the Open button and instead of creating a point I do already have a point in here so let's select this particular datum point and now I'd asked me to select a point in the member window to align with it and that looks like it's rotated to the wrong angle let's go to orientation and then twist and enter value let's type in a value of 90 that looks good let's click done done and done once more out of the menu and the very last one that I am going to set in here I'm gonna put in a valve right in the middle here let's go to insert fitting and this will be a straight break let me go to in session and here I have a valve that I can use let me use by column to filter down the size down to the 80 size and then let's select our steel option click the Open button this time I will create a point if I click somewhere on the pipe segment I can use length ratio as the method for locating it if I enter in a value of 0.5 I'll end up getting it exactly halfway along the length now prompts me to select the point in the member window to align to the segment and once again looks like it's rotated let's go to orientation and then twist I'm going to enter value enter in a value of 90 that looks great and done done and done out of there and that way I have my different segments as well as my fittings in here now let's generate some pipe solids out of here to do that we'll click on the pipe solid command and here we have I can expand in here you can see all the different segments that I have let's select all using this button and I'm doing that so I can grab my start part that I want to use as the default template for all these different models that's good let's click the ok button and now we have our parts generated here in the model tree and right now I'm getting a little bit of styling because of still have my thick pipes displayed so let's turn off the display and in that way I was able to create and route a bunch of pipes with various fittings located inside of my assembly I hope you enjoyed this video for more information please visit
Channel: Creo Parametric
Views: 8,395
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Keywords: creo parametric, ptc creo, creo ptc, creo parametric tutorial, creo parametric 2.0, creo parametric 2.0 tutorial, creo parametric 3.0, creo parametric 3.0 tutorial, creo parametric 4.0, creo parametric 4.0 tutorial, creo parametric 5.0, creo parametric 5.0 tutorial, creo parametric 6.0, creo parametric 6.0 tutorial, piping in creo, creo parametric piping
Id: maidSmo9-UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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