Creepy NoSleep Stories to Tell In The Dark - NoSleep ep-35

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[Music] our / no-sleep episode 35 posted by user peculiar escort our I'm the only woman at my IT job and now I know why I was fresh out of college and desperately looking to start a career that didn't involve serving birders wiping down storefront shelves or bringing stuffy old businessman their coffee on average I was applying to six jobs a week and going to maybe half as many interviews I knew my major in English wasn't likely to be met with high demand but I honestly thought my options would prove more promising still I remained optimistic persevered and only applied to comfortable office jobs with benefits it wasn't good for my bank account but it nourished what little pride I had left about three weeks ago I had a phone interview with an internet security company proficient technologies had offices all over the country and were looking for a new Customer Support Specialists for their international department requirements were a pleasant voice good spoken and written grammar some tech knowledge and the ability to work day and nightshifts the office was only two subway stations from my apartment and they offered health insurance I applied despite having very vague notions about Computer Sciences the phone interview went well and after two more meetings with HR and management they sent me a very generous offer considering I was entirely and experienced during my first week I had to work the regular nine-to-five shifts so I could be online at the same time as my manager who was working from a different city afterward I would work on the regular support schedule a four-day cycle of one day shift one night shift two days off 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and 9 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. respectively on my first day I dressed smartly in a loose sweater and long skirt perceptively aware that IT departments are mostly male I didn't wanted to draw unnecessary attention by dressing provocatively organ appropriately the guy at the front desk seemed regular enough he introduced himself as Tom before helping me fill out some paperwork and guiding me to a desk in the large open-plan workspace I stared at the countless desks as we walked finding it difficult to meet the eyes of the men that sat behind them I saw no other girls in the workspace which was unusual and somewhat unsettling Tom's relaxed demeanor could not make up for the hostility aimed at my presence the air seemed to seep out of the room as I felt my new co-workers chant you don't belong here in silent unison it surprised me when Tom stopped at a desk that was extensively decorated with printed memes bright pink floral stickers and a small tattered teddy keychain that lay behind the monitor apart from these artifacts there was a thick layer of dust coating the keyboard monitor and desk space oh what the actual Tom muttered angrily I'm so sorry he said chancing a quick glance down at my papers dot-dot-dot Gemma this desk was supposed to have been cleared ages ago I'll have to have a word with the custodian oh that's all right I answered I could just wipe it down myself no problem tom was skeptical but a sweeping glance around the room confirmed that there were no other free desks for me to occupy the rest of the day went by in a haze I learned about my tasks which were to answer support related phone calls and create new tickets in the system I had to monitor all incoming chats and written tickets and sort them by level of urgency and type I wouldn't be required to offer any technical advice but I had to become well acquainted with the product software since I wasn't answering any calls yet I immersed myself in the manual I didn't understand a lot of it and spent most of my time googling networks black and white box testing database security and other things my manager checked in just before lunch and seemed slightly disappointed by my overall grasp of the material feeling like a failure I took a break to clean the desk I got up to find Tom and ask him for a cloth for my countertop I instantly regretted my decision every eye in the room was upon me the moment I rose I couldn't stare back to confirm but there was a surreal hush as I made my way back down the workspace the familiar clatter of keyboards had noticeably diminished as my face grew warm and self conscious I noticed myself hunching forward slightly as I walked a weak attempt at becoming less visible before turning off to the passage that led to the front desk area I dared to meet the eyes of one of the shameless cockers I don't know what I was expecting but the sight of a sneering hooded programmer sent a chill down my spine he was around my age but didn't seem the least bit ashamed or uncomfortable by my confrontation there was a cruel smile playing on his thin lips as he I had my exposed ankles before turning his attention back to the screens in front of him I wondered how he would feel if I I'd his long pimpled neck in the same manner it was the same as I walked back to my chair with a box of computer wives there was some good to come of that day while I was cleaning the desk drawers I found a half used notebook from the previous occupant she never wrote her first name only an initial followed by a last name s Brooks however based on the desk decor I was sure she was a girl like me her discarded belongings provided some comfort but it was her notebook which proved to be a true treasure in it my predecessor had summarized and simplified the entire manual using easy-to-understand terms and explanations for the daunting terminology and complicated instructions in the manual with her help I was able to surprise my manager with my product knowledge at the end of the shift after a good day's work I braved the work space once more to explore the kitchen before heading home Tom had advertised a top-notch coffee machine and snacks and I was starving after such an emotionally and intellectually taxing day besides all my credit cards were in the red and I wanted to fill up on cookies as I approached I heard eager chatter coming from the kitchen area and even some laughter foolishly I hope that my kitchen dwelling co-workers would be warmer more welcoming or at the very least civil instead the small kitchen space fell perfectly silent upon my entrance there were five men of different ages and sizes seated around a cheap-looking cafeteria table and they were all looking directly at me rough first day inquired a sardonic medium pitched voice I lifted my gaze from the floor tiles and scanned the crowd for my addressor it wasn't difficult to recognize the self-assured hooded figure that had stared me down earlier you must be very experienced he continued snarkily waving a strand of greasy black hair from his eyes to get such a comfortable job you must be quite the whiz what is this high school I blurted out now I'm not usually a confrontational person but this was honestly too much hostility is one thing social awkwardness and other but this was beginning to feel like a cheesy eighties highschool drama with thirty-year-old actors playing teenagers I'm just here to grab some coffee and if you doubt my candidacy for this job you can take your concerns to HR directly I continued enjoying the shocked and somewhat nervous faces of my offenders gang good I wanted them to feel a fraction of the discomfort I had been dealing with all day opting to enjoy my snack far away from my coworkers I walked back to my desk with my head held high in a mug of coffee right as I was about to sit and enjoy my frothy treat I saw I had a text message from a with held number you have quite an attitude don't you I froze hovering over my desk with a mug in one hand and my phone in the other as I was attempting to process this grave breach of boundaries I received two more messages within the same chat window one was a naked photograph that I had sent my first serious college boyfriend the second read why don't you take that photo to HR obviously I was deeply unsettled by this invasion of my privacy that shame crept in and I felt angry about drawing so much unwanted attention to myself this was all my fault I had come to work in an office full of ethical hackers with a very common dog name as a password no doubt the photograph had made the rounds thanks to my gross coworker and I was now the silent laughingstock of the office leaving my coffee untouched I signed off and headed home holding off the waterworks until I reached the safety of the subway I couldn't stop crying for most of that night turning the day's events over in my mind feeling sick every time I imagined my co-workers leering at my naked body at around 3:00 a.m. however I realized that there was no sense in continuing the pity party I had to come up with a plan of action if I was going to survive this workplace quitting was not an option because the pay they were offering me was far too good to pass up besides I was literally living off scarcely more than a slice of pizza a day my second option was going to HR but there was no way I was going to open that can of worms I couldn't prove who had sent me those messages last option stick with it keep my head down do the job they hired me for and ignore all further harassment attempts so that's what I did throughout my week of training I came into work on time never leaving my desk except to go to the bathroom I avoided contact with everyone and kept my eyes drawn to inanimate objects only thanks to s Brooks I kept on top of my training for every new task from my manager there was a corresponding entry in her notebook there were no more horrible texts or face-to-face confrontations but there was something else that stirred my anxieties afresh last Friday was my final day of training which brought me to the last entry in the notebook nightshift Survival Guide sleep during the day before shift and don't fall asleep don't let anyone in keep pepper spray near check every aisle meeting room don't forget to check under desks balcony kitchen tables behind cooler have Skype open with credit for emergencies in case of disabled mobile service check in with friends / family / lover every hour the list made little sense firstly HR made it clear that I was allowed to sleep between 2:00 to 5:00 a.m. provided I kept the alphas smartphone nearby they even had a pull-out couch in one of the conference rooms for this purpose secondly the entire job was answering calls so there would always be a way to call from the office phone right Leslie the measures outlined in the guide seemed excessive and paranoid perhaps the list was satirical maybe this Brooks girl felt just as awkward as I did with all the silent leering male co-workers though my brain worked hard to rationalize this list of precautions a nagging feeling in my gut told me I was missing something crucial it came to me as I was leaving work on Friday my last day of training Tom I approached him timidly could I ask you a question sure thing he responded smiling warmly his Pleasant features a far cry from those of the sullen men in the main room I was just wondering why I haven't seen any of the other customer support agents I mean there should be at least another three people to cover the four day rotation cycle you have to ask your manager about that most likely they're scattered across the country pretty normal for that to be the case he replied already dismissing me as he went back to his final tasks of the week was there an agent who worked here before me I continued eager to learn more about the girl that filled the notebook I'd been using all week yes another girl held your position for a short while tom said still looking at his screen though I noticed he had stopped typing or moving his mouse he was steering pointedly at a single spot behind his monitor Tom I narrowed my eyes who is the guy who works at the desk that's just at the turnoff into the main working space pale complexion skinny dark curly hair I said waving a finger at my temple poorly imitating curly locks ah that's Sam Tom replied noticeably attentive to my line of inquiry any reason you're asking has he been bothering you no I said rather more dismissively that I felt have a good weekend Tom SIA he said watching me questioningly as I left all weekend I mauled over the events of my first week at work it felt as though tom wasn't telling me something important there was no reason for him to grow so tense at the mention of the girl who had worked there before me could someone have complained about Sam before could it had been s Brooks was Sam the reason for the Survival Guide in the notebook why did she quit a million theories disturbed my weekend lounging before I knew it it was time to go back to work this is where we've almost caught up to present events yesterday was Monday the first regular day shift it passed in a blur as I frantically answered the phone recording sorting and assigning dozens of customer complaints in our system it took getting used to and by the end of the day I was absolutely exhausted just as I was signing off I received another ominous text from an unknown number you're such a hard worker can't wait to see you take on nightshift now this was the first text to fill me with true fear I quickly looked around to see if Sam was still at work so I could confront him for sending the message but he had already left for the day after calming myself down I headed home and tried to find des Brooks online my best bed was LinkedIn and I looked through all the women that had proficient technologies listed on their profiles they were suspiciously few finding nothing I looked through Tom's list of friends and finally found what I was looking for there was a girl by the name of Sierra Brooks listed as unemployed I sent a friend request with a message introducing myself and asking her if she had ever been harassed by one of her previous co-workers finally feeling like I was getting somewhere I went to bed and braced myself for the next day's events I decided there were some upsides to the irregular work schedule when I got to sleep in on Tuesday I checked my LinkedIn soon after waking up at around 1 p.m. there were no signs of activity from Sierra so I went about getting ready for my first night shift at the office I was a little nervous but mostly excited to get to know my place of work more intimately without the day crowd I was free to walk around the space binge on cookies spit in Sam's mug whatever there were still a few late workers when I arrived for my shift but I didn't pay much attention to them as I had a lot of calls and chats to deal with two hours in however the stream of calls chants and incoming tickets began to wind down until they stopped altogether at around 11 p.m. I leaned back in my chair and surveyed the workspace there was no one left at the office as far as I could see all the lights were on but as I took off my headphones I heard a low jingling melody playing from somewhere it sounded like a Christmas carol but it was hard to tell where it was coming from there was no reason for this to scare me but I felt the hairs on my arms prick up in alarm as I got up from my chair the melody ceased now I've freaked out over less in the past I once thought a man was following me at night until he walked right past me to the corner store head although I lived alone I'd always double and triple-check my locks before bed I had to admit that my fears were probably unwarranted someone had left their headphones connected to their computer with the music turned up or maybe there was an office party for a different company downstairs hearing music is only scary and strategically written horror flicks right right rationalizing aside I checked the office to make sure I was actually alone walking through the aisles of connected desks I realized how lucky I was to have my secluded corner spot I might not have been able to handle such close quarters with any of my unpleasant co-workers checking all the rows I went back to the front desk area lingering over Tom's desk inspecting his belongings in search of clues finding nothing of interest I went back through the main room to the kitchen my nerves were already easing up and I found myself spending more time taste testing cookies rather than looking for potential fiends behind curtains I had to stop indulging mid cookie however because the sound of the melody came back while I was in the kitchen louder this time at the same time my work smartphone which we had to carry around us if we left our post bust with a text message from a random number finally got to the cookies huh my entire body stiffened as I processed the implications it was probable that Sam had not left the office and was now screwing with me i pricked up my ears and listened carefully there was no one in the kitchen as far as I could see or hear also if Sam was in the main workspace it wouldn't be difficult to guess that I was eating cookies breathing out slowly I ignored the melody to see if I could hear anything else nothing slowly I walked to the kitchen drawers and found a large knife did I know how to use a knife no with my wild jabs ward off an unarmed opponent definitely I was about to head into the workspace when a call came in on the work phone I positioned myself safely against a kitchen wall knife in hand before answering with the standard customer support greeting there was static on the other end some clanking noises followed by complete silence glancing at the phone I saw that a head switched off I tried to start it up again but it wouldn't turn on great now I had to make it back to my computer in case any more calls came in I remembered Sierra's guide as I was slipping the dead device back in my pocket have Skype opened with credit for emergencies in case of disabled mobile service had this happened to her as well the instructions in the notebook made a lot more sense and I cursed myself out loud for being so ill-prepared as soon as the words escaped my mouth there was another ominous ping from the phone I pulled it out and tried to unlock it but the regular homescreen didn't come up all that came up was a white screen with a short bit of text on it tut-tut ladies really shouldn't use that sort of language as soon as I read it the screen cleared and more text appeared why don't you come out and play don't bother taking that knife with you dot it won't do much against my gun I threw the phone across the room and dashed to my camp the melody grew louder as I approached my desk finding a pink stuffed pig toy there was a fabric button on its left hoof with a music note on it this was the source of the music and proved without a shadow of a doubt that there was someone else in the office what's more they were watching my every move and actively trying to scare me with children's toys panic course through my body gearing up for fight or flight I took a deep breath attempting to low my nervous system so far I had heard no signs of anyone moving around the office there were some background city noises coming from outside and a rhythmic hum of computers that someone forgot to shut off if my stalker was moving around I would need to pinpoint their location to plan my escape also I had to get help fast moving the toy aside I sat down in my chair and pulled up the Skype for business application I quickly dialed 911 the stationery phone on speaker the dial tone was brief and there was a live operator on the other end within moments I was about to give a very hasty account of events when someone grabbed my ankle from underneath the desk I screamed Hellfire jerking my leg away and running as fast as my legs could take me I heard some commotion close behind me followed by a loud bang which I interpreted as my assailant giving chase after me before I knew it I was descending the three flights of stairs and rushing out the doors past the startled nightguard the freezing air prickled my skin through my thin sweater as I approached a nearby pedestrian for help they called 9-1-1 and the police were at the office space within the hour as I awaited with the guard for their arrival I kept thinking of Sierras written warnings and how stupid I had been to dismiss them check every aisle meeting room don't forget to check under desks balcony kitchen tables behind cooler the police quickly took down my account of events and leaving me in the care of a young officer went upstairs to inspect the office there had been no one coming or going from the building since I ran out so it was possible that the culprit was still hiding out somewhere inside the thought made me nauseous and I shifted closer to my armed companion not long after the cops left us the young officers radio crackled and several voices spoke one over the other asking for backup and naming codes I couldn't understand things escalated quickly from there instead of going home I was taken to a police station and held in an interrogation room for hours before someone finally came to speak to me I was tired miserable and confused at the way the events of the night were unfolding I wanted to go home but spent several more hours recounting my story to two detectives so you had the knife with you when running from the kitchen to your desk are you sure ask the older detective who had introduced himself as senior investigator barn shaw i yes i stammered nervously i believe i did i was panicking so it's hard to say then there was the pig toy i said losing my train of thought and you believe the person who was harassing you was samuel Gilford said the other detective whose name I couldn't remember he worn no badge I don't know his full name but I can't imagine anyone else is responsible and one more time just for the record what happened when you dialed 9-1-1 asked barn Shaw for the third time that night someone grabbed my leg my ankle actually this happened before I had the chance to explain the situation to the operator I screamed and ran until I found a stranger outside who let me call for help I responded growing weary of the cyclically questioning Samuel Guildford was found lying dead not far from your desk when our officers came on the scene did you see his body when you were running out of the office asked the other detective feigning an air of innocence while dropping this bombshell my jaw fell open and I stared at the interrogators in naked shock and terror no I croaked I don't understand he was stabbed to death with a large kitchen knife his body was covered in 23 stab wounds barn Shaw explained and we found the knife wedged in his mouth pinning him to the floor through his throat we have reason to suspect it was the knife you've described to us in your statement added the second detective by both detectives mutely straining to focus when my mind seemed to have lost all clarity Your Story checks out for the most part we found his phone riddled with amateur hacking apps continued the senior detective we found several naked photographs of you and all the texts you've mentioned he had a gun in his hand and we found the bullet he fired as you fled what we don't understand is how he died added the second detective keenly gauging my reaction it's okay if you killed him in self-defense Gemma the guy was a creep I didn't I stammered I swear I had no idea Oh Oh God I cried out helplessly I mean just a month ago a report was filed against him by another co-worker said barn Shaw Ciara I murmured you knew miss Brooke's asked the second detective suspicions flaring in his eyes no I insisted I got her desk in her notebook I should have mentioned it before what did the report say barn shall scrutinized my face before meeting his partners i some sort of unspoken exchange took place before they decided to disclose the terrible things that had happened to Ciara things that had so nearly happened to me Ciaran Brooks had come straight to a nearby hospital from her first night shift three months ago she was badly beaten and bruised wanting to register an anonymous rape kit the damage to her reproductive organs was severe and she had to get stitches she filed a police report two months later when she failed her probationary period at Perficient technologies losing her job her only way to pay off her medical debt it was her word against Sam Guilford's who had expensive legal counsel as well as countless co-workers to vouch for his respectable character it was just yesterday that miss Brooks came by to drop all charges against Samuel said the younger detective we are currently attempting to track her down and bring her in for questioning I'm sure you can see how your knowledge of her name gives us cause for concern the police kept up their line of questioning until someone brought barn Sean out forensics had drawn up the report on the fingerprints found on the knife as well as the blood spatter patterns I was asked to submit some DNA samples to aid the investigation and finally released to go home at home exhausted as I was I couldn't sleep I had none of my belongings back my handbag phone and even code were all submitted as evidence so I turned to my old trusty laptop hoping that some aimless browsing could help soothe my nerves my browser was still on LinkedIn from the day before and I refreshed the page out of habit a small red icon showed that I had a new message Sierra had replied to me don't worry sis I took care of it [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 375,564
Rating: 4.9142928 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, best of reddit, reddit creepy, r/askreddit cops, askreddit cops scary, r/askreddit scary, r/askreddit creepy, creepy stories, scary stories, scary, creepy, creepypasta, radiotts, sirreddit, updoot reddit, creepymcpasta, horror, horrorstories, horror stories
Id: VqtapBrVTZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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