Creek Series Part 2 X-Particles / Cinema 4D / Redshift

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what up what up wimbush here with part 2 of this series now the last one I showed you guys how to bring everything together build the scene and this one I'm going to show you how to use X particles to create the liquid flow I'm going to show you how many particles I'm using what emitter is I'm using how to measure your particles together and then add foam to the mix to make Auto white water and everything come together so without further ado let's just get right into it the first video we built this scene out user mega scans we use one of the rock structures we used a couple little stones here now we're going to get moving with adding our X particles so I'm going to go over to X particles go over to XP system I like doing this because it adds our admit err it adds all of our little groups here so it makes it easy for us to pick out what we need let me click on this camera from a previous build so this is what it ends up looking like you can see here on my right hand side all these little blue and purple tabs over here these are actually Collider tags so that when we have our admit and their scene is actually gonna make everything clawed off the rocks now to be able to add these in i'ma click on my original rock right here you go up the tags X particle tags and then just click Collider and that's all there is to it let me open up the attribute window so that you can actually see what's going on okay so our XP Collider our attributes here we have bounce we have friction you know we have all these different options that you can use to have the particles react with the your geometry there and if you want to know more click on this little camera down here you know take you to the X particle site where they'll have a video kind of explaining what everything does here is really well how easy just clicking that for everything that's an X particles they go over everything on all the different items there but for this I'm good to my bounce and let's say 9 percent I believe is with the rest of them are on yeah so we have 9 percent then the friction at 0 so our particles slide down but I just wanted a little bit of bounce in they're not sticking to the surface so I could click this off and now our app Mitter we're going to stick with a rectangle emitter open up a window here so I'm going to stick with a rectangle I'm just going to move this up a little bit and back behind our geometry because we want our emitter to be off camera and shoot and down so we size this up a little bit okay that should be a good spot let me click play and as you can see our particles are just moving forward and that's because we don't have any good any control over it using gravity I want to add gravity the photo particles down nicolai with our scene here so let me click on modifiers and under motion modifiers you wanna click on gravity now usually you attribute window will open up down here but I have it open up here as well so you can see what's going on but we're not going to trick we're not going to change any of these settings here we're just going to hit play and you can see our particle is already starting to collide with our geometry here but they're not really moving like water is just moving generically so to be able to move it like water let's click on an XP at MIT ER and then under admission here our mission tag want to get to admission mode and click hexagonal or hexagonal I don't know how to say it but that's what we click there right click play again and now you can see is starting to load you starting to move a little bit more like water now in my original scene I had my speed at 200 to have them coming out a little bit more faster and then I angled it down a tad bit so let's click play now yeah because I really wanted them to hit the the rocks there and once we had the foam I wanted once the particles hit the rocks the foam they just expand from there so what a lot of collision happening so I handed it down have them shoot not a little bit faster there and then this is a real important part because under hexagonal we can't tell it how many particles like the birthrate is grayed out so in order to add more particles we go down to our radius here and this controls that ready arm the protocol amount so I default it's at three but if you move it down to two let's click play we can see more particles are coming out now this is all going to depend on how fast your computer is as well because when we click it down to one it's gonna have a whole trove of particles coming out which this is what I used on my original assimilation but as you can see the playback is a lot slower because we have a lot more particles interacting in there so for tutorial purposes I'm gonna move it up to three just so we get smoother playback but later on when I cash the scene I'm gonna take it back down to one and then cash out the scene and then we'll be able to add geometry to it but next let's go up to our dynamics here when they get it if you get it to act even more like fluid we're gonna want to add it as a xp fluid FX now I'm not going to change any of the attributes here as well like I said you can click on the camera here you see what everything does but let's click play and you can see now a waterfall is acting way more fluid II if that's even a word but everything is just starting to really come together now the next thing we're gonna want to add is let me see let's add our phone so I'm gonna go back to our dynamics dynamic object and click on XP phone and if I click play you want to see nothing's happening like actually let me change the color of our original particles the white so I go to XP emitter click on my display and then down here under dots actually let me change it to a gradient so I'm gonna go to gradient parameter and change the gradient parameter to speed so now whenever I playback is happening it's gonna look a little bit more like water and so our white is everything that's moving really fast the blue as it gets darker blue that's more of the particles that are staying still as you can see there and that's gonna make it easier for us to see once I add the foam but like I was saying we have to add an emitter for the foam because the emitter is gonna be driven off our original emitter basically going to say when our original particle is collided with the rock didn't start adding the film particles so it's really easy you click on your object tag hit create and you can see over here on the right hand side it added an emitter right under our HP phone so I'm just gonna double click on this and I'm gonna add phone to the end of it just so I know this is the emitter that I'm using for the phone I don't have to do anything else to that emitter when I click on XP foam all right matter is automatically in there now let's click Play actually I'm gonna click on my foam admit er and I'm going to change this display to red we want to change the color to red believe it at dots for now but I changed it the red just so we can see watch the foam store it's admitting so I'm gonna click play let's let it play out for a little bit see when the foam is starting to act and this is our default and so you can see we're already at 150 frames we're not getting any type of phone interaction at all and that's because we're gonna go back and change a couple of attributes when I was originally working on this I kind of went back and forth just at playing with the numbers and seeing what's gonna react how I wanted it the SC were already up to 50 I'm not seeing any foam at all so I originally wanted to have a ton of film coming out of the scene so I when I clicked on the camera in the question mark here to kind of see what these attributes were doing I came up with these numbers for my phone so for my crest rate I went way high up to 250 and then the error rate I did 250 as well no offhand I can't remember exactly what these did but these are the numbers that I came up with and then down here for radius I went on 5% for my men's speed I wanted 17 and then for my max crest over here I want 100% so if you want to know exactly what these do click the question mark it will pop up with the website and tell you exactly what all this does but for times sake these are the attribute numbers that I went with and they seem to work out great just play play again and let's see what's gonna happen now so nothing's happening yet you guys gotta give it a little bit of time and there we go you can see all the red down here that's all foam we're starting to get more foam up in this area and the reason why we're not seeing a lot of stuff in the middle here is because I had my radius on my admit err at 3 now if I would have moved it up to 1 like I originally had it let me click admissions so if I had up to one where I have a ton of particles coming out we'll get a lot more foam interaction but for now this is gonna have to make do but that's how you get your foam there and what we're going to do later on is we're going to render out the foam separately from our mesh and then we're going to do stuff in after-effects to make it look like white water but that's essentially how you get the foam going initially good I shown the hit stop let's play this out a little bit I'm gonna bring up the quads says as you can see in this right hand view we have a ton of particles being wasted off the edge here and now those particles are being calculated forever like they're not just because they're not seen in the viewport doesn't mean they're not you know reacting with the ceiling being calculated is so to save on a resource and that waste that we're going to want to add modifier so we're going back over to our modifiers and then our attribute windows and their modifiers we want to go to control modifiers and go to XP kill and now you'll see this yellow box that's surrounding it I'm gonna move it up a tad bit so whenever the particles come off the bottom they're just gonna die so let me click play from this side view here and you can see the particles wants to hit this box line they're gonna start to died and we're getting smooth playback already it's running a lot smoother that's because the particles aren't going up forever now if I really want to tighten this up I can let it match the angle if my rocks here just maybe this like this now let's click play again and this is gonna kill the particles even faster see soon as they hit the box here they all die and the way that my camera's position anyway in my viewpoint here we're not going to see all the stuff that's falling off the edge anyway and so this is basically the view that we're gonna have in the video when you render out so like I was saying before let me get this box up the way you can see the playback is starting to move slow and so before we start adding the mesh and everything we're gonna want to cash out our scene and what caching does is gonna take auto particle information over a length of time right now I have it at a thousand frames and I believe I have it running at 60 frames per second yeah so my frame rate 60 frames per second my timeline is a thousand frames so in order to be able to add the dimension on smoothly I'm gonna have to catch that out so I'm gonna go to objects or other objects and click on XP cache and then in your folder here this is important if you're using like team render or anything of that because you're gonna want to pick a folder where all your computer's got actually see to so if you use on one computer I mean you could just put on an SSD or whatever but like my setup I'm using an odd setup so I have all my particles going to my nas and then that way my other computers got she see that when it's time to render but whatever your setup is you'll want to select your folder so you'll want to click cache type external files select your folder that you're gonna want to render it - I'm not render to cache it - and then you just click build cache now I'm gonna let this build out it's gonna take I think about an hour but whenever I come back everything should be all cash together and we'll continue on with the video ok so we have everything cashed out if you see I played this back I suppose E chord up notice was that one radius we have all these particles coming through colliding with the rocks and everything it looks really really good I changed our foam to white but I made them cubes because whenever we render out a red shift is gonna pull from our display color and so I wanted to make sure those stayed white as well so that's what all this is right here that's not a foam building up but let me show you how to add it add a mesh to it so that we can render it out so now we want to go in there generators here and open up my attribute manager so we'll click on generators of our Harrises XP ovb or OVD be measure trice it a couple of times fast all right so I'll click on that and now we have our mesh over here on our in our attribute window to be able to add mesh to our particles let me play this through again actually I could just scrub through it so right now it didn't add any mesh we're gonna want to take our admit err here and drag that into our ovb D so let's click left click and drag that down here under sources and now you see it added all this blob here which doesn't look very good I mean it's okay but we're gonna want to do a few things here to be able to make it look right so like I said as always click on this this little this little camera down here and also I'll leave a link in the description X particle is actually did a really good tutorial running through how to use this and get everything to look liquidy so I'll be sure to add that because I want to just show you the attributes that I used to come up with the results I did so under my voxel size I did too and then my point radius I did 1.5 yeah and you can see it's already starting let me pull this back a little bit before the foam comes up but I mean it looks chunky but you can see it's looking a little bit more liquidy there I kept that have with at two and to be able to smooth this out a little bit we had to go under filters and I'm going to go to use filter and you can see it's already starting to smooth it out there but instead of the medium our median I deleted that and I went with the curvature I thought curvature looked a little bit nicer and I left the attributes the same there and that's all I did for that but yeah like I said make sure you visit the website click on a question mark click on the camera get a better run down or with auto attributes do because every situation is gonna call for a different schematics there and so you definitely want to fill your size your self weight everything does here and then to be able to make it look like water next on ax aww what's the call redshift actually has a water material built-in so I'm going to my materials redshift material I'm gonna rename this one just water so Aris water and when I click my edit shader graph let me open this up a little bit more over here under my rich shift material tab you have a bunch of presets here so you have glass tenant glass water plastic metal I use a lot of stuff a lot it gives you a good starting point but all I did was use the water and I didn't use anything else in there so let's close that down add water to my OB BD measure and now you see it turns black here but if I go to my render view then actually let me find my G I ended up rendering with the irradiance cache but for now I'm going to turn it off so it renders a little bit faster let's click play and you can see that's kind of with the the water starts to look like and we can play around with it a little bit more in After Effects but that gives us a base don't with our water looks like and now let's get on to how to render out the foam particles I'll close this down move this over to the side our foam doesn't show up it to a little bit later so let me drag this out I'm gonna say round three I guess 334 so let me turn this off this is from before so in our foam emitter we're gonna want to go to tags and then down a red shift object and you notice whenever you have it on that Mitter you get a new tab here called particles let me open this up here so like I said you get a new tag here called particles now under mode I went with point instance and my scale multiplier I just ended up going with 0.2 and like I was saying before if I look under my emitter and under display whatever our particle color is that's what it's going to render out in redshift so I change the back to white for my viewport purposes I changed it to a box just so I can kind of see what was foam and what particles that yeah that's all I did for that so we click our tag point instance I made a point to and basically you know the larger your scale the bigger the particles are gonna be but since this is for whitewater I didn't want them to be crazy big I just wanted to use a lot of particles so let's hit render again see what comes up whenever this recreation is done and then I'll also say I'm gonna render this out using puzzle mats puzzle mats is how I was able to separate the white water from the clear water from the rocks in the background definitely check out my tutorial on puzzle mats that I have on here if you needed more in depth review it doesn't look like that works let me move this back turn this uh click play let me run it through she should have I should have cast out the the foam there as well there we go so there's our phone now let me open up our render viewport hit play and the function show up in our viewport here till everything finish calculating and there we go you can see that the foam in there now and now when I want to have our foam separate it from a white water and I'm gonna do that with puzzle mats so I'm go to my red shift Elvie manager and already have puzzle mats set up here and like I said go to my tutorial to learn more in depth how to use it but I have my red ID as one green ID is two blue ID as three so I'm gonna want to use red ID as one for this one and then on my my measure I'm gonna want to have that as I believe to let me see object manager ID make this - and then my my geometry already have one actually I have it as - okay so yeah my plane and my rocks that have his object ID - let me change my measure the three and now in my viewport here if I click on beauty you'll see puzzle mat that click on that and you can see my geometry my rocks and everything or green the water is blue and the foam is red and just for extra detail ended up adding the reflection mat in here you just scroll on your left hand side you get anything you want in there you can add you know more puzzle mat you get admissions reflections shadows all that good stuff but yeah that's how I render it out of a redshift and you can see our passes right here think back on my beauty pass this is what it looks like coming out of cinema 4d now in the next video I'm going to show you how to composite everything in After Effects how to make it look nice how to add motion blur to it to really sell the Whitewater there and this is important as well I did for my primary engine I used the irradiance cache my secondary engine I used the irradiance point cloud and then I left everything at default and then of course inside my save you'll want to have your multi pass because that's gonna render out your reflections and your puzzle mats I usually put it in the same folder then I'm rendering out my rendering and I usually render out my main render and open EXR at 32-bit and then my puzzle mats reflections and stuff I'll render out is at P&G and then down here under compositing project file you'll want to check mark everything and if you use an After Effects like myself you'll want your target application and the be After Effects and what that's going to do is give you a file called an AC file and when we open up After Effects we can actually just click on an AE Seefeldt and I'll bring all of our rendered files in there and so make sure you guys watch part 3 of this series as always please subscribe leave a comment if you're not understanding a step follow me on social media you can message me on there as well and I get back to you and um yeah until it in I see you in part 3
Channel: WINBUSH
Views: 11,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: x-particles, xparticles, water, simulation, sim, winbush, cinema 4d, maxon, redshift, render, gpu, nvidia, environment, liquad, emitter, mesh, ovdb, nature, flow, creek, splash, motion graphics, tutorial, immersive, creek series, part 2
Id: QcZv3f1ELRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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