Creek Series Part 3 After Effects

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what up Widow winbush here with the third and final part of the series now in the last two videos we put together a scene using mega scans we textured everything up and redshift and then we brought in X particles created the water flow we have the particles interacting with our scene rendered that outward redshift and now we're ready to composite everything in After Effects so without further ado let's jump into it alright so to get started I'm gonna come up here I'm a project window hey left trick are left ctrl I and look for that AEC file I was talking about me drag these out there we go water Creek AEC click import and I see all of our stuff over here on the left hand side it gave me a compositing window at my puzzle mats and my reflections and I have my main render here so I'm gonna drag that up just get solid 8 it a little bit I'm gonna delete these two because I just want to show you guys the process so I'm gonna start by bringing in my base layer and this is what it looks like rendered out from cinema 4d okay so now I want to bring in my puzzle mat underneath that and make this invisible so now we can see our puzzlement and that's what that looks like I'm gonna turn that off I'm gonna go back to my base here and then my effects and presets i'ma just type in set because I'm gonna pull in this set map and you can see over here now we have take from mat layer and I'm going to pick my puzzle mat layer and then use format this is gonna be where our RGB comes in so I'm gonna start with my red Channel I'm going to turn this color red just for the heck of it so I know what's what and then I'll start the plate is through it looks like that's our white water that's our foam particles that came through okay so I'm gonna bring in another layer I'm gonna turn that off I'm gonna do that again bring set matte have my my puzzle mat and then this time I'm gonna go green and the think green is our geometry there yeah so green is our rocks and everything and I can actually just select my layer hit ctrl a D and that duplicates it we're gonna make this one blue because I know that's what when we're gonna pick now I'll go to my set mat coming out a blue channel and now we should have all three of our elements in there from here it's pretty much just you know doing our beauty so I'm gonna go to my effects and presets i'ma add some levels to my base layer just darken it down a tad bit so I'm a drag this middle piece down a little bit and then same thing with the water just gonna drive that down just a bit if you really wanted to you got some q2 there so I'm gonna add human saturation let's see not gonna solo this out so if you see it we can add a little hint of blue in there maybe yeah keep that and then for our white water I'm gonna go back to levels know what it's down a little bit and this is this all on your personal preference actually I'm going to take this hue and saturation to great but on this to be able to have it look like how I did in my example there's this third-party plug-in called real smart motion blur so I type in RS and be in that add motion blur depending on the motion of your your your animation there and I've eject my blur amount of way hi and it looks better when it's playing something I did about three maybe and then the great thing about real smart motion blur it is render intensive oh I add more render time but you could use your GPU here so which is used GPU you can put it on if GPU support it CPU otherwise but I have 4gb use in here some of this click on and that helps it render out a little bit faster and then my water layer same thing I'm gonna add a little bit of real smart motion blur to it put my GPU on for my blur mo maybe make it up to one and then that's basically how I built the scene then from there I can add I can right click in a blank area down here under my timeline go to new add adjustment layer you know you can add a vignette or on the side to have the red giant misfire vignette but there's also been yet built in after-effects you know add a little vignette on the side in there if you want if you have like Magic Bullet Looks you can add that type of stuff in as well so the looks Magic Bullet Looks click on edit this is just off you know little details afterwards so this one looks kind of cool to do it to push the impulse for way big duotone shadow detail that's the one I actually used I'll pull out the shadows a little bit in there and that's basically how I built that scene there so from there you know it depends how much polish you want to put into it you can add little particulates Pleasant throughout the scene I'm gonna get you know a little bit of camera motion all that fun stuff but that's the basic breakdown of how I built that scene again thank all you guys for watching this series and thank for everybody that reached out to me when they saw the initial video it really meant a lot to get a positive response and a lot of people asking me questions subscribe to my channel of course leave me a comment below if you have any questions if you have any ideas for other tutorials please drop me a line I'm always looking for new stuff to do and add and build to my channel and so yeah until next time thank you guys again for watching and I see you later
Channel: WINBUSH
Views: 3,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, motion graphics, creek series, part 3, winbush, adobe, tutorial, water, simulation, liquad, reel smart, motion blur, particles, xparticles, render, composite, vfx, splash, matte, set, object buffer
Id: 12A_WwSyHXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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