Creating VDB CLOUDS Part 1 X-Particles & Cinema 4D

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without what up winbush here and today I'm gonna show you how to make clouds but not only that if you look in the description below you can go to my gum road and actually download free the VDB clouds for you to use but I'm going to show you how to use two methods of X particles exposure to make clouds so the first method here I'm going to show you how to shape it out using shapes on a boat graph cloner and then the second method we're just gonna use straight explosion to make a randomized cloud so let's get right into it with our blank canvas and as always I like to start with the X particle system now if you don't have your grid laid out like this you can always go to X particles come down to XP system and then there we go we have everything set up here on the right hand side and so now we're gonna want to build our building blocks and we're literally gonna put in a block right here we have a cube in the center let's make this a little bit smaller almost like a rectangle let's go eighty by thirty by let's see what 40 looks like 45 yeah maybe a tiny bit smaller so there we go we just want a small rectangle because we're going to multiply this with the mograph cloner so let's go up to mograph come down a cloner and there we go on the right hand side let's bring our cube under our cloner and then click on our cloner and their mode let's get on the grid array and let's make this maybe like 2 by 3 by 2 we're just gonna use this shape now I'm grabbing the handles here to bring it smaller or you can go to your attributes window right here to make it smaller but I'm bringing these closer together and then I'm gonna randomize these with the random effector so make sure you have your clone or clicked go under mograph effector and come down to random there we have our shape is a little bit more randomized we don't want it so spread out what depends on the look they're going for but let's move Eason just a tad bit closer let's still leave a little bit of randomization in there and then under rotation let's just spend these around a lot make them as random as possible and then we even go to scale just randomize the scale a little bit like so go back to Mike Lohner bring these in a tad bit more there we go so basically each of these rectangles we're going to use the volume to emit our particles from so back here on the right hand side we want to make our cloner as one object in order to do that we have to come over here under connect so click on your connect grab your cloner drag it under to connect and you can see everything gets grayed out and that's showing that everything is as one object because when we come over to X particles in our system when you go to admit er we're going to want to admit from our object and it's gonna need to know that this is our object that we're emitting from so under admitted shape let's go down to object and then our connect or connected object that we have here let's drag this down into the object and then for it met from right here go down to object volume now let's click play you can see we have particles emitting from the volume of this object that we just created but let's go to our let's go to our display let's pick a different color so that we can see it better maybe red and then under editor display let's go under circle let's hit play again see if we can see it better there we go so now we have our particles admitting that they're admitting at a constant rate which we don't want so let's go under in mission and then they're at mission mode go under shot we only wanted to shoot for one frame and then we got up our particle count dose so let's go up to add another zero to that just click Play there we go so now we have more than enough particles to play with and there's speed we want to come down to zero and that's because we want our particles to actually be controlled by a turbulence so if we come under modifiers go into motion modifiers and let's go under XP turbulence and then this is all up to you what kind of shape you're looking for if you click play now you can see you're getting like a wavy type motion in there or you could go under your noise type I like to use curl maybe up the strength a little bit like play again and maybe that's too strong let's bring it down ten maybe click play again there we go so now we're getting into a decent cloud shape there and again this is all off personal preference like I used cubes here but you can use circles you can use any other geometry so you can use a sphere you can use a polygon a cone cylinder and you gave a mix them all up you know to get different randomize shakes but for now we're just gonna use this our shape is looking pretty decent so now what we could do is we could connect these particles even more they kind of make the shape stick together so under our XP system that's going to dynamics and then come under XP constraint and now under believe it's collision yeah we want to click collisions on but we can move the weight down maybe just like 10% maybe let's click again now our stuff is starting to stick together a little bit more internet they're not really um intersecting with each other so that's good now let's add an explosion so we come back under dynamics there's good a XP explosion and now you see then we have this box in there and this is what's going to generate our cloud but first we have to go to our admit err we have to go to tags and then directs particles let's add an explosive source we can bump our velocity up to 400 and then under our admit or we have to go under what was it object missions no sorry we have to go to our extended data go under physical data and then we have to add fuel to the fire so let's just bump this up to 1 now let's click Play and now you can see we're starting to get a nice smoke cloud here let's go back to our explosion let's um go into simulation let's click our gravity down to zero then just let play again and there we go so that's basically how you can use the mograph cloner with randomized shapes let me click under cloner again and let's make this maybe like three by two by three this just shows you how you can just go and easily and make randomized shapes like even add you know add a sphere check our sphere bring this down drag it under our cloner and now we have a mixture of cubes and spheres and that's going to give us a little bit different shape you know you play around with your randomizer a little bit so they bring it in like that so there's all types of stuff you could do to easily make randomized shape clouds or cloud shapes so that's just one method how we do it so I've been clear my screen out and then I'm going to show you another method and then from there we're going to export it as VD B's and then in part two we're gonna bring it in a redshift to render it out so yeah give me a second I'll clear this out and I'll be right back some come up to my top here doing the X particles in XP system and on the right hand side we see we have our admit err now I'm going to go in the object and for my better plane I'm just gonna go to positive Y and actually in fact I'm gonna make our admit our shape a box so this is going to basically be the basis of our shape of our cloud so I'm gonna make it more into like a rectangle shape here as you can see and if you're following along let's just bump these up so 90 by 175 about 35 as you can see in the size I just like working with whole numbers and so there we go and if I hit play you see our particles are going all over the place now we can start to build the shape of the cloud by going into modifiers and go to motion modifiers go to XP turbulence and let's add some curl under the noise tight curl let's bump our strength up to like 20 hit play and you can see our particles or starting you know starting to give a little bit of cool form here we can bump up our strength a little bit more like 40 really make it curl within itself let's do a happy medium at 30 okay so we have our little particles emitting out like this but come back to my litter Gunder and missions and only want this to admit for like two frames because clouds basically they're not you know self generating the whole time and so I'm gonna go to my end emitter here so I went to middle frames in the emitter like two frames you know just what the particle is that you know give the basic expansion of our clouds here so if I hit play you can see we only have two frames with the particles here and that's because when we use explosion other clouds and everything is going to be based off of those initial plugins are not plugging its initial particle is there and then under speed I'm gonna bump it up to like 400 and then I'm just gonna use like a random variation maybe like I said 175 just our particles are kind of randomized and they'll all coming on at once and then birthrate I'm gonna just leave about a thousand for now and everything looks good here so next we're going to add explosion so go under dynamics and let's go to explosion effects now if I hit play you can see nothing's happening here we only see our particles in there and that's because we need to tell explosion we're using the right meta here to try to build our cloud and so under our HP emitter we want to click on that go to tags go to X particle tags and then come down to explosion FX source and then here I'm gonna kick out my velocity to like 400 bring my fuel down just a little bit like 85 and if you want to know what any of these attributes do just make sure you hit the question mark here and also you can hit the camera and there'll be more explanation what everything does in here but now let me hit play and you can see we're still not seeing any cloudlets because we have a couple more steps now let's go back to our XP emitter in under aren't missions we need to make our radius a little bit larger so explosion I can see the particles so I found a good number is around 9 or 10 for our radius size and then under extended data become other physical data and under here we have some of our exposure attributes which the one we want to use is the fuel so we need some fuel for the fire hit one hit enter and now let's do playback and now we have our explosion that we wanted to make it look a little bit more cloud like and so we can come back under our exposure effects and under forces you can actually add turbulence to the smoke itself and so for our curl strength let's make it like a 30 let's hit play again and there we go you see it's starting to take a good cloud shape there you can also add some wind to it if you want to kind of control how your clouds being built let's bring in a wind modifier of like five and then over here under create you click on that and you see over on the right hand side where Isis explosion effects it makes a wind modifier for the explosion but you control everything under your horses tab and then let's drag this out a little bit let that one want to drag out the wind make sure you click win now that's it play you can see everything starting to be pushed in within itself so we're getting a good cloud shape here and for our timeline we're gonna be basically we're gonna be exporting VDB files so we could bring that back into whatever you want I use redshift but you can bring them into octane I'm not sure what else gonna handle it but we're going to want to admit just a couple of those so for our time frame I'm gonna bring it down to 30 and when we cash it out is gonna make 30 BTB files for us and then from there we could kind of pick what shape you want to use to make our cloud and so we do um let's run a playback I think for now I'm pretty happy with that cloud shape and what it's doing you know depending on what kind of shape you want to use you know you gotta admit like circles you can omit cylinders you can set up you know objects as it matters you know just play around you can add more emitters to make your cloud shape but for the tutorial here we're just going to stick with this simple setup and we're going to 1 X bar we're gonna want to cache our BTB files now so under other objects we're going to go to XP cache if you look over here under the FX format you can export the video files and then under a folder this is where we're going to want to export a video files so we can access them later so make sure you pick a good spot where you can find them I'm gonna go under my cashier make a new folder let's just call it it's tutorial there we go it okay and then that's where everything's gonna cash out at but before we do that we want to come over into our simulation now I'm not 100% with the sim skill and his speech scale due but somebody was telling me for stuff like clouds when I posted this on discord they said that my sim skill should be on the lower side before the clouds and I think for like smoke and fire and explosions your Sims go could be higher and so I found it like 20 by 24 The Sims go speed seemed to work out pretty good and then under a solver for a voxel size this is basically our resolution size so the higher the voxel size the faster is going to load in our viewport so if I make it like 10 you can see everything going pretty fast in our viewport but the resolution is pretty low but if you go too low depending on your computer specs it might freeze it up so I found a good in-between part is like between 2 & 1 point 5 and caveat with this as well is whenever you're caching is pretty much like rendering so the higher the voxel size the faster it's going to cash out the lower the voxel size the longer it's going to take the cash out so I want to have a pretty defined cloud because I want to get pretty close to it so let's say 1.5 and actually let me save what we're doing here so I'm going to make it XP clouds tutorial and now also I'll put this up on my gum row - so you guys can follow along or you can see how my setup is and you know breaking apart as you want and so I'm gonna stick with the 1.5 boxercise I'm pretty good with everything that's going there and I'm gonna get XP cash then I'm going to build the cash which is going to end part 1 because this is gonna take anywhere between like five to eight minutes to cash out and so on part two I'm gonna show you guys how to bring up VDB files into redshift and then from there we can render it out take it in after-effects you know and um I tried tone to it make a little you know make the cloud look a little bit more puffy but since this cache is gonna take a little bit of time I'm in this video here if you found this helpful please leave me a comment leave me a thumbs up you know subscribe to the channel if you like what I'm doing and I'll see you guys in part two so make sure you click in the description below
Channel: WINBUSH
Views: 16,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xparticles, x-particles, redshift, cinema 4d, after effects, winbush, vdb, clouds, explosiafx, explosia, smoke, redshift3d, tutorial, volume, simulation, sky, composite, 3d, cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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