CREEK Fishing for Rainbow & Brook TROUT with Spinners

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[Music] there's one what is up everybody FishHawk here today we're doing some trout fishing at the creek it's an overcast day it's supposed to get up to about 70 degrees and the creek looks perfect it's very full and it's pretty clear so hopefully we can catch some fish stay tuned three golf balls as soon as I get here give those the dad oh my I just missed one just had one followed all the way back to my feet he hit it a few times he just couldn't get the hook there's one oh my what is going woman all right I'm about to switch I've had three hits now no no one's got the hook it's like they don't really want it like they're kind of hitting it but they don't really want it I think I'm gonna go with this black rooster tail all right guys we took off the all-black spinner and we put on the black rooster tail spinner has a silver blade I figured that will give it a little more flash because this water is high and it's it's got a little stain to it not much but I think maybe this little silver flash will be the ticket to get these fish to bite dang couldn't get him to bite this one either well I'm gonna move down below these fish I'm going to move down below these fish and try casting upstream towards them I knew that was gonna happen first cast to looks like I got to retire now broke off my rooster tail first cast at the new spot right in that tree limb I tied him on a custom goose Grubb spinner I broke off my rooster tail spinner so we'll give this guy a shot there's one who feels like a good one dang and he got off I'll be dang how's a good fish yeah I don't know how that fish got off there's one nice rainbow oh my god hook is out as soon as I met her that fish freakin hook came out unbelievable man finally got a nice one first fish the day decent little stock rainbow all right guys we're on the board see if we can get another one that rainbow was probably one that I missed earlier when I was fishing up there I just came downstream from the fish and then cast back upstream and was able to catch him dang I just had a major major major break holy crap made a cast and line just snapped I guess my line was wrapped around my rod tip or something that spinner went flying hit on the bank over here somewhere I'll know if I can find it all right guys we're back to the all-black spinner holy you guys aren't gonna believe this look what I just found I don't know if it's real or not Civil War bullet maybe it's pretty cool throw it in the bag there's one got off I just had another and get off you know what's the problem all right guys I'm gonna switch to something else the current is kind of strong here it's kind of tough to fish with this spinner with this five foot six ultralight rod this is what we're gonna be rocking with now we'll give it a try and see what happens well guys that is the third time that I've broke off today right over there against those trees that little jig got hung up and wouldn't come loose guess we'll tie one something different again it's one of those days we are back in action got the all-gold custom goo scrub spinner tied one see if we can get out of this slump here there's one second fish of the day very nice rainbow [Music] [Music] second fish of the day came on the all-gold custom goose Grubb spinner and I actually cast upstream brought it back down to me and he hit it pretty close to me and a very nice rainbow I was a lot of fun see if there's some more in there I broke off my gold spinner so I have this crankbait title one we'll give it a shot didn't do any good on the crawfish crankbait so I switched it up to this orange rooster tail hi I'm going to switch up again all right guys we switched it up again this is tiny little jig head and a straight tail minnow switch it up to this MEPs comet minnow there's one came right off 2/3 fish of the day stocked brook trout third fish of the day came on the MEPS comment minnow small little stocked brook trout and I just cast upstream and brought it back to me and he hit it alright guys that is gonna do for today had a lot of fun managed to catch three fish I caught two rainbow trout and one brook and I also had several trout get off if you're new to my channel and you enjoy this video make sure you hit that subscribe button all the information for the gear I used in this video will be down in the description if you guys are interested in fish Hulk merch that will be down in the description as well I really hope you guys enjoyed this video as always thank you so much for watching fish Hulk out [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Fish Hawk
Views: 486,700
Rating: 4.6957841 out of 5
Keywords: creek fishing, creek fishing for trout, creek fishing for brook trout, creek fishing for rainbow trout, rainbow trout fishing, brook trout fishing, trout fishing in creeks, trout fishing, trout fishing with spinners, trout spinners, spinner fishing for trout, spinner fishing, creek fishing for trout with spinners, rainbow trout fishing with spinners, brook trout fishing with spinners, creek fishing with spinners, brook trout, rainbow trout, creek, trout, creek trout
Id: gNsuP35ESts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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