King of 2 Miles - Ep 1802

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treacherous winds and shimmering heat have combined to make the king of two miles marksmanship competition a challenge like no weather 50 of the best extreme laundering shooters in the world come to test their skills but so far only one is qualified for the final round today for others try to qualify for a spot in the finals [Music] [Music] welcome to the king of two miles presented by it applied ballistics coming to you from the NRA Whittington centered in retal New Mexico I'm Ted Jones joining me today will be Paul Phillips let's take a look at the qualifying format right here qualifying on target number one you're allowed five shots that you can see on targets two three and four you only get three shots here's the catch though if you miss on any one of those targets hitting it you're out of competition let's take a look at those targets target number one fifteen hundred and fifty yards not quite a mile the targets only 24 inches by thirty seven inches about to the three target number two seventeen hundred yards we move further out and that can be very difficult almost two mile argit's for you're over a mile eighteen hundred and ninety yards and the size of the target changes to thirty inches by thirty seven as it does on target number four which thank you our expert analyst Paul Phillips will explain about the different bullets they use in this competition a king of two mile this year we got different calibers being represented 50 caliber 416 408 375 three three eight all those are good cartridges extremely long range they have their ups and downs and benefits the 50 caliber rifles it's known in the military for a long time usage they have big old heavy bullets and they travel around 26 27 hundred feet per second all the way down to 338 with a 300 rain burger try them about 28 29 feet per second today you're gonna have a lot of different philosophies and what works better and won't see who comes out on top let's meet our first shooter this is Chuck garrison out of Binghamton New York he's going to try the cold war Gog shock what is that ball the cold war gong shot is an additional shot that was edited competition for fun just to see how well people could have their elevation and windage to take one shot without any practice shots here we go this one counts target one shot one and they miss yeah it looks like they didn't adjust properly off that Gong shot they should have had a good zero with that let's see if they can pick up the spot on this next one and make a hit nothing is on target he needs to have a sense of urgency and just keep rolling through these chops and it ain't broke looks like it's a little low there he just needs it a favour high and let it go we saw the spotter yeah those last three shots he shot we're probably within about 8 10 inches that was a good group and on that fist shot he had a Miss right there but hey three out of five not bad look at the shot placement you can see the three hits were all along the bottom there but hey they count he gets to go to target number two so the other shooters you've been watching in the past weren't able to make the corrections to the next plate as you notice that the first shot was low so these elevations and ballistics have to be right on the point to make these hits if you're not doing the ballistics properly this is how crucial it is to make impacts at the second plate this is where you need to take a deep breath relax on a nice slow trigger squeeze a lot of times it it's not good to play with your windage not too much if you can see where you hit like and the dust kicks up around the target what you'll do is just using the reticle in your scope with your markings you'll just hold off because if you start playing with your windage you're basically screwing yourself we'll take a pause from the competition to go to the Welcome Center and catch up with a curator who will tell us a little bit about the history of these high-caliber collections this is a very custom handgun it was built by the gentleman that actually brought it in and wounded to us it took him four years to build it it's built on a Webley and LeMat type action the Webley because it's a break action it actually breaks open like a Webley and you know if you go back in the history books Tallulah Matt is a percussion revolver that fired both regular cap and ball plus a shotgun shell this gun does the same thing but only if the monitor metallic cartridge it'll hold 12 rounds of 357 maximum and one 28 gauge shotgun shell the gun took four years for this gentleman to build and it weighs 11 pounds it's not exactly the grandma's purse guy we'll take a break right now we come back dan schmidt code for a king of two miles presented by applied ballistics the king of two miles is being brought to you by Lapua bullets passion for precision black stone with graphene by ia coatings innovation without boundaries and by Macmillan fiberglass stocks molding the way America shoes welcome back to [ __ ] New Mexico is the king of two miles presented by our next shooter will be dan schmidt co from Morristown Pennsylvania his father's will be Durbin wick and Ronnie right dan Schmeichel is the owner of cutting-edge bullets he won this event in 2015 that first shot which is low takes the bullet to travel that far there's a little bit time a flight there these gets rolling they've done this before and they understand how important it is to keep their tempo three out of three yeah those last three shots were laying them on two inches of elevation with all three so they're all evasion they have that dialed in perfectly yeah a little bit high as a shooter you have to make sure you're consistent with your positioning and your to control out of five let's take a look at that shot place but five barely made it on four went over the top but guess what four out of five is bad breathing is very important as he explained but most shooting disciplines it's important to control your breathing you know don't hold your breath and don't tense your muscles try to be as relaxed as possible when you're on the line and behind the gun okay dan buddy now he gets tough because it a lot of guys that strike out right here on target number two pending yeah these guys have done before last year they have a good handle on teamwork and what they need to have for their ballistics looks like you just hit this lull the spotter saw the call you can see yep yeah both spotters saw the impact and the adjusted point for up that should be a hit yeah they just got on the bottom edge let's see if he might hold or if they're gonna yeah yeah these guys are seeing everything as you can see ok target 3 gonna just past a mile what I said they've done this before and it's a very crucial once you get farther distances that the spotters really pay attention to these impacts because it gets harder and harder to see the first as you could see hit about 5 feet low on the adjustments very everything gets critical at these four other distances you have to have everything perfect not any missed the final third one so he will be out of competition missing target 3 we talked to him about what do you think was the major problem damn it's stuff moving you have to acquire the target and then things end up changing and we made some bad wind calls but I don't know what it is it's a competition we'll take a break our next shooter will be this man David table as we continue coverage of king of two miles presented by applied ballistics welcome back to the king of two miles presented by applied ballistics here at the NRA when he considers high-powered rapes as a monument dedicated to legendary shooter George Tubb you see right there yes David is about to compete David is probably one of the biggest icons in long-range shooting he's won multiple championships in many different disciplines high-power rifle shooting silhouette team challenge he's just an amazing shooter as you can see first round one pal even with its world-class finger it takes a time to see those impacts as you notice he just missed over the top of the plate one so he's relying on the spotter to give him the information so they can put the holes in the center Dave comes the perfectionist he's done this for 40 years one of the best in the world at competing at these long-range events but again the spotter needs to do his job to see the impacts for him to be successful number five four out of five that's incredible on target one let's take a look at exactly where those four hits were placed for not far from the middle only one over the top this guy is incredible as Paul's been explaining to us we move on to target two don't be surprised if this guy breezes right through that with his reputation you really have to pay attention as a spotter really hit on the first shot yeah the spotter thought he hit it to the left it was actually done at six o'clock that shot was about three inches from the last one he's telling him same shot too so far incredible three out of three this guy is tough look at that he'll be moving on now to the third target yeah this is work it's even more critical for the spotter he really has to pay attention here the spotter telling him what to change as you notice on screen some of the impacts were not where the spotter thought they were bottom line is he missed target three he is out of competition we got a good crowd on hand Paul that's the booth earlier he caught up with Brian lits of applied ballistics we have Brian lips with applied ballistics Brian can you tell us about your company and what you have going on yeah so what we do at apply ballistics Paul is we kind of bring the science to the sport the science of accuracy is our slogan and that's really what we're all about the science that it takes to decisively repeatedly put rounds on target you know there's very predictable things that happen as these bullets fly in terms of the arts and we spend our days testing those things with live fire building models of them so that shooters can predict accurate reject arees on a number of devices you know smartphone apps say kilos we've got the Kestrel weather meter Garmin GPS has applied ballistics in it now so a number of different devices you can pull up the same fire solutions on that is supported by the same library of measured ballistic data that will get you on target at a mile even two miles like we're doing this competition I understand you do seminars as well yeah we travel the country we have a couple of seminars a year in different venues we try to move it around here the king of two miles we're doing a short informal clinic where we talk about our approach it's a discussion really with the shooters that are here because there's always something to learn right we have practiced a lot and we bring a lot to the sport but also there's there's a lot of information out there and the whole spirit of the two miles matches to learn and share information so we're here to share what we know learn what others know and help the sport move together in a forward direction I know you're being humble Brian but we also know that you're heavily involved in the military and law enforcement to bring our soldiers and police officers home safely so we appreciate all the hard work that you're doing yeah thank you that's that's the ultimate objective I mean the shooting sports are fun and engaging but if this information this science can be used to help our fighting forces be more effective at their jobs and bring them home then that's the ultimate calling did I get our next shooter will be a surprise shooter that's right none other than Paul Phillips himself when we return to Whittington Center and the king of two miles presented by a flight king of two miles is being brought to you by night for stop dates rugged reliable repeatable applied ballistics LLC the science of accuracy in by Z mags micro lubricant protect your gun from harmful build-up welcome back to king of two miles competition presented by applied ballistics now that surprised shooter we told you about none other than our expert analyst Paul Phillips he'll have two fantastic spotters Brian lits and amyl prank they are world class wind coaches the u.s. rifle team so Paul brought some heavy people with him a miss on the first one now listen to the coaches all wants to make sure you understand so he relays back to them and they affirm him he was right yeah they'll correct him again so that tells Paul what correction to make and it worked shot number four ahead they're telling me has one final shot and it worked three out of five the half minute by the way equals about eight inches I learned that from Paul Phillips so there's his three hits the two misses were both low puts that behind him he moves to target number two this is the one that stopped a lot of these guys Paul and his team by the way do use applied ballistic solutions which really helps like that right there is he hit shot them on on target number two he wants to make sure he understand so he repeats it back Oh barely missed that two instructions he follows both of them it worked another hit two out of three on the second target right there's the score now he'll move on to target number three which is very difficult over a mile away now notice the breathing a deep breath for Paul first one is a hit now the time to hold the crosshairs in the center right now yep so you wanted to make sure he understood it repeated back to three out of three folks for target number three so we move on down to target number four does this he's qualified for the finals again Paul wants to make sure you understand instructions so important that communication as he is flawless headshot number one concentration shot number two now folks if he hits the third one no one has ever hit three out of three over a mile away on a target for situation the concentration he's done it three out of three not only did he qualify listen to the applause in the background it's obvious apply ballistic solutions work very well for Paul we asked him to critique his performance for us if you notice my temple is a little faster so that was less time that Wynn had to move the bullet so as you're shooting you want to try to get that communication as quickly as possible to shooter and if the shooters has his ammo on track and his rifle on track in between the transitioning it works out well it's always a challenge to see the trace and the impacts you have to see those to be able to adjust so a couple of times they didn't see that apparently and we just went ahead and went with what we thought but it was it was a good run I think fared pretty well today considering the conditions so out of 8 shooters only two have qualified for the final of course our own Paul Phillips's just barely behind Dan pull able next week we'll have more qualifying we've got a lot more shooters to try it join us then I'm Ted Jones Paul Phillips thanks for watching everyone king of two miles will continue next week same time
Channel: Masters Entertainment Group
Views: 2,728,939
Rating: 4.7381043 out of 5
Keywords: Masters, Entertainment, Group
Id: Wvu2d8Kx0es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2018
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