Creature That Terrorized West Virginia - The True Story of Mothman| Mystery & Makeup Bailey Sarian

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/-whatsername 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

I’ve been watching Supernatural for the last couple days.. my fiancé and I just started it.. and this felt really relatable to the show. I wonder if she will do more paranormal type content. I also love the historical subjects she has talked about.. super interesting. 😍🥰

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/lipgloss_nd_hotsauce 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

inserts theme song that’s probably my favorite part of all the video hahaha

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/blakkouttbarbiee 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love Cryptids I feel like they are kind of pushed aside when it comes to anything paranormal ! I’m super glad she’s expanding her content c:

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/_diablosita_ 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was laughing about the teeth!! I went back tonight and watched a few older videos. I know Bailey wears lashes, but is there a go to mascara she wears? I am on the search for a new brand.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AsYoouWish 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love the Mothman! Happy to see her cover it. Sad her fangs didn't work, but I love the bloody lip!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/kourtzin 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was such an interesting story! Bailey did an excellent job telling the story, and her vampire makeup was so on point. Too bad the fangs didn't stick haha

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/EntityOfHostility 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Hello my spooky-ooky friends. (faint scary music) How are you today? - [Speaker] Your lips are moving but I don't hear what you're saying! (laughs) - Hi friends, how are you today? Do you like my Halloween background? I love it. Thank you so much. I don't ever want to change it. I think it's just great! Okay, cool. I hope you're having a wonderful day so far, I mean as good as it can  get right now, it's kinda-- A lot's going on in the world, you know? My name is Bailey Sarian and today is Monday, which means it's Murder, Mystery & Makeup Monday! Halloween edition. (thunder crack and rainfall) (theme song) If you are new here, hi, my name is Bailey Sarian and on Mondays, I sit down, and  I talk about a true crime story that's been heavy on my... (tongue click) Noggin! And I do my makeup at the same time. But this time we're going to be  talking about some Halloween stories while I get ready for a Halloween  party that I was not invited to. Awesome. So if you're ever curious to know what I’m using, I do link my products down  below in the description box. So I will stop rambling and let's get right into it. (swoosh) So the year is 1966, a small  town situated on the Ohio river is a place called Point Pleasant, West Virginia. This town called Point Pleasant in West Virginia, like I had just said, had a population  of about 5,000 people at this time, it seemed like everybody kind of knew each other, I mean a lot of the people were  very close-knit, so it was said, and many of the people of the community, you know, they just really  like stuck to themselves, minded their own business, there wasn't much crime going on, it just kind of existed,  which is a good thing, right? It's called Point Pleasant,  they have to live up to that. My eyebrow looks really bad. Most of the people in the community really  stayed out of trouble, there was a low crime. Simple, simple place, Point Pleasant. I've always secretly wondered what  it's like to grow up in a small town where everybody seems to know each other, or like, I don't know, everyone  knows each other's business, like, what's that like? Yeah, spill the deets. I think in my mind it would be fun but at the same time if  you're trying to be different it's probably not fun, but whatever. I need to grab my tweezers  and get these stray hairs that are just driving me absolutely nuts, brb. Okay we're back. So in November of 1966, a man  by the name of Roger Scarberry was driving just a couple  miles up from Point Pleasant. In the car with Roger was his wife,  Linda, their friend, Steve, Mary, and then their cousin Lonnie. So they were all pretty familiar with the area and they were near the McClintic  Wildlife Management Area, and this was a nature preserve that had  housed the West Virginia ordinance works, which was like a hidden TNT  factory from World War II. A hidden TNT factory, that's right. Now the locals they refer to  this area as just the "TNT area", and it had been long, long abandoned  and the whole area was gated off. Since this place was not far from Point  Pleasant and was pretty low profile, it was a popular hangout  spot for the local youths. You know, young adults would go there, hang out, probably smoke, hail Satan,  whatever you do as young adults. But people would just go out there and hang out. Roger and his passengers they were  going to the area just to hang out. They're bored pretty much. So Roger pulls over the car  in front of the factory gate. Right away he said that something  just felt off, it felt weird. Now Roger couldn't go into great  detail about what felt weird, but if you've ever had that feeling  I’m sure you can understand, something just feels off and  you can't really explain it. But Roger's there with his friends,  so I mean it's whatevs, you know? So the gang gets out of the car  and they're just like hanging out, walking up towards the gate, and  once they get up to the gated area, that's when they notice or they  saw like some red lights turn on, now this is weird because it's abandoned,  so like what are these lights, right? And they're all wondering what this is. So they're just like looking at it, right? And then they notice that the lights are moving. Yeah, that's right. So they're not staying still  they're just like moving around. So they're just watching these red lights  and kind of standing still, not saying much, and then they notice that the lights  are actually moving towards them and they're getting bigger,  and bigger, and more clear, and that's when they realized that  these were not red lights at all. Nay nay. These red lights seem to be  a pair of glowing red eyes. But the worst of all, there was a large  dark figure becoming more clear to them-- Well actually it wasn't because  all they could tell was that it was a large dark figure and  then these red glowing eyes. I need more concealer for this. Whatever this thing was, it  stood nearly seven feet tall and seemed to have large  wings folded behind its back. Satan is that you? So without hesitation, the gang  skedaddled right out of there. They hopped right into their  car and Roger just floored it. Now according to, well, everybody in  the car, this creature, this thing, whatever it was, it immediately took flight  and followed their car down the road. I mean Roger would later  say that he was flooring it. I mean, he pushed the car up to 100 miles per hour, but whatever it was, was keeping  up with them, just flying. Roger said that whenever he  looked into the rear-view mirror all he could see was a shadow of a thing  and of course the glowing red eyes. I'm just gonna pack it on today 'cause  it's Halloween, and like why not? Okay, glowing red eyes. So, Roger said that he drove straight  to the Mason County courthouse to report what they all had witnessed. Now the thing that was following them, I mean  it followed them all the way to the courthouse, but as soon as they parked, it just  kept flying and then it flew off. So whatever that thing was it  just flew off into the night. Because it's like, you wanna  tell the police or whoever and be like "Look it's right there, it's  on the roof", but just it flew off. You get it, I’m sure you do, okay. Now this was the first, but not  last sighting of the creature that would become known as "The Mothman". All five of them go running into the courthouse,  just yelling all sorts of crazy, you know? "We saw something, it was flying! Red eyes,  it was glowing!", just like "M'kay..." "Yeah, okay". So, naturally you're thinking "Well nobody's going to believe them", "Who would believe any of  that nonsense?", you know? Well, actually there was a deputy who was working, his name was Deputy Millard Halstead, and he just had this deep feeling that  they were actually telling the truth. Very unusual. Now that's a mystery. So, in an interview he would say  that he had known these kids-- He kept calling them kids  and stuff and I was like, but isn't one of them married? So, are they still kids? Doesn't matter, but he said that he  had known these kids all their lives and that they'd never been in any trouble,  and that they were just so terrified and he had never seen them like that,  that it just kind of gave him this feeling of like, "Maybe they're  not lying. Why would they lie?". Now they would question each of the  individuals by themselves in the room, and they all gave the exact same story,  and this look of terror in their eyes told the deputy that something  definitely had happened to them. Roger, he ends up taking the deputy out to the  spot where they first spotted this creature and they looked for any clues or evidence that  this thing was actually alive, or existed, or he wasn't lying, you know? You know, yeah. Unfortunately for Roger though, they really  didn't have any luck finding any evidence. Smaller towns, people are talking. It wasn't long until, you know, word got out that  there was this creature, this thing with red eyes. Everyone had heard what happened and where. People in the community were  feeling all sorts of emotions, some were upset, some were  unconvinced, others scared, you know just a good mix. A group of people decided "Hey let's all go down to the TNT area" "and look for this thing. Maybe it lives there." "Maybe again there's some kind of evidence or  sign that it was there to see if it's true", but once again they wouldn't find anything. But at a nearby home, someone who wasn't looking  for the demonic creature would come across him. That very same night, a young  woman named Marcella Bennett was visiting her friends who  lived very close to the TNT area. So Marcella was actually getting  ready to leave her friend’s home. When she walks out, she  walks towards her parked car just outside the house with her baby in her arms. You know, she's kinda like fidgeting trying to  find her car keys, trying to unlock the door, and then Marcella looks over and she sees a very large gray looking human like creature  with giant wings and red glowing eyes. What is this thing? Marcella says that she just sees it rising up  from the ground, just steps in front of her. Marcella said that she was so scared that she dropped her infant daughter on the  ground and then fell on top of her. For minutes Marcella said that she was just  paralyzed with fear and she couldn't move, but she could see this creature just  looking at her with these red eyes-- Oh my god red eyes. I didn't mean to do that, so funny, okay. Marcella said that the only thing  that she could really make out were these red glowing eyes just looking at her. Marcella would tell others, I mean later on, that she was aware of what was happening to her, but quite literally she was  unable to move her body. Marcella said that time felt as  if it was moving in slow motion, and she didn't know how long she was  on the ground for, unable to move, but eventually she was able  to gain control of her body. She jumped up, she grabs her daughter and then  she runs the F inside the house of her friends. She runs there. I don't know what any of us  would do in that situation. I'd probably pee my pants, then throw my baby  at the creature and run, you know like... Scary. It's probably why I shouldn't have children. Anyways... So Marcella runs back into her  friend's house with her baby-- Don't worry the baby's good. Marcella runs inside and she tells  her friends like what just happened and they're all peeking outside the window  to figure out like, what it is, what she saw. So they rushed to call the police  because Marcella seems to be very, very distraught, very upset. (faint phone dial) So whatever it was must have been bad. Now while on the phone with police that's when they hear a loud thump on their front porch. (crashing bang) So everybody inside the house  just kind of looks over, like "What was that?", right? And they're looking over and they  see just outside their front window a dark figure is looking inside, red  glowing eyes staring right at them. Everyone in the house tries to  barricade themselves in the home   and wait until the police arrive, but by that time whatever it was, was gone. Everybody's talking about this creature, and that's when it was given the name "Mothman"  because of its wings, it flies, red eyes. I would have named it like a bug or something-- Well I guess moth is a bug  Bailey, it's an insect, okay. So Mothman. Oh my god, I love this eye, it's like so fire. Over the next following months this Mothman  creature seemed to terrorize the town, I mean nearly 100 people came  forward with eyewitness reports between November 1966 and December 1967. Now many eyewitnesses said that they  originally didn't want to say anything about this thing because they feared that the people would think that  they were lying, right? The community would think that they're lying, or worse they would get  labeled as crazy, you know? Like the others who spoke about their experience. You know, it's the late 60s, being labeled  crazy is like the worst thing possible. "Crazy? I'm not crazy". (mumbles in song) But the bright side with all these  witnesses coming forward to police, a sketch artist was able to compile drawings of what this creature may look  like or may have looked like. Those who saw this thing  claimed that it was very large, it was gray, it was a humanoid  type creature with massive wings. It was thought to stand between five and  seven feet tall, with a ten-foot wingspan. Its head was described as being oddly  shaped and sitting close to its body. Some people even described him as being headless, with only two eyes protruding above his chest. And of course every single  witness who came forward, mentioned its bright red glowing eyes, which were said to be extremely large. And of course every witness that came forward   mentioned its bright red glowing eyes,  which were said to be extremely large. Now when most people saw whatever  this thing was take off or fly, some of them noted that it would  spread its wings before ascending, but it never flapped throughout like a bird would. So there are many people who are suggesting, well maybe it was just a bird,  "Get over it, just a bird", but these witnesses, they were not  convinced, no bird would fly like that. That first night when it was  keeping up with Roger's car, they noticed that it was capable of weaving  quickly in between the dense forest areas, and others said that they witnessed it rising  straight up into the sky like a helicopter and was able to just hover  for like a minute or so. Nuh-uh, nope. I would be like "Not today  Satan, I’m really busy". Something out of my nightmares, or  like "Jeepers Creepers", right? Oh my god, is "Jeepers Creepers" about Mothman? Oh man that movie ruined me as a teen. Back to the story. So skeptics, they suggested  that this whole Mothman garbage could easily be explained, it  was simply a sandhill crane, which is a large bird with  red coloring around its eyes. Many people are just not  believing the story, right? Many are thinking it's simply a sandhill crane. "Calm your tits, it's just a bird". But some of the people who had  actually witnessed this Mothman, some of them were hunters and/or fishermen, and they pushed back because they  felt confident in saying that this was not a bird; they  would not mistake a bird for a seven-foot-tall, winged bug person  thing, with glowing red eyes. "I hunt, I would know", is what they're saying, "There's just no way I’ve seen birds before". On November 2nd, 1966, just 10 days  before the first Mothman sighting, a man by the name of Woodrow was driving  home to Mineral Wells, West Virginia, when he was cut off by what he thought was a car. Now it kind of caught him by surprise because he didn't see any headlights in  his rear-view mirror or anything, you know? And he also didn't see any cars approaching, but whoever cut him off went around  him and started going slower than him. Which, side note, don't do that. Don't cut people off and  then go like the speed limit. If you're gonna cut me off, floor it, okay? I can't stand that s--t. Anyways, so Woodrow is like  "Dude, what the hell?". It's forcing him to break, and then eventually it forces him  to pull over on the side of the road because this douchebag is messing with him. He then steps out of his car (car door shuts) And he's like looking, and  when he's looking at this car, he realizes that whatever this  was, it wasn't a car at all. Woodrow said that it looked like a large unit, or it looked like a kerosene  lamp chimney, AKA a UFO. I know, some of you are rolling  your eyes right now, just shh, shh. Go on this journey with me, okay? Go on this journey. So. So Woodrow said that a large figure then came  out of the craft and it walked towards him. Woodrow said that whatever it  was, it looked like it was human and he believed that whatever it  was, was trying to talk to him. Like it wasn't verbally saying  anything, but Woodrow felt like it was speaking telepathically through his mind. Woodrow felt that, you know,  maybe he's just dreaming, right? Pinches himself, he's not  dreaming, and he's certain of that. I'm gonna call it an alien. This alien went back into its craft and took off, it was gone within seconds, just whoosh. Now of course, when Woodrow went home, nobody really believed him and when he tried  to explain it to others about his night, Woodrow knew that he sounded crazy,  but I mean he spoke his truth and unfortunately, he was considered crazy. Now I’m only bringing up Woodrow's story because it would be more and more  common in future Mothman sightings to have UFO reports coming in around the  same time as the sightings of the Mothman. So many would later believe that  perhaps the two went hand in hand and that maybe this creature  was actually an alien, or they were connected in some way. So, one of the main routes into Point  Pleasant was over a steel bridge, which joined the state of Ohio and West Virginia. Many would take that bridge  to and from work, you know, but overall it was just a well-traveled  route is what I’m getting at. You get it. Gorge, I’m loving this. Gorgeous, beautiful. I'm gonna put on my teeth really quick. I cannot get these teeth to stick. I don't know what to do. Okay, this is a side note, but I spent like a  solid hour trying to get those teeth to stick and they're not gonna stick, it's not  gonna happen and I have to let it go. I'm supposed to be a vampire, with  no teeth, it's kind of romantic. Okay, so, back to the bridge. December 15th, 1967, the steel bridge  collapsed, tragically killing 46 people. But get this, that very same evening  there were numerous phone calls made to the local police saying that there  was a large figure with red eyes, red glowing eyes, that was  seen hanging around the bridge. Now this was concerning because could Mothman  be responsible for the bridge collapsing? So a lot of, again, rumors are  going around, and many are talking, many are thinking that maybe The  Mothman was responsible for this and more, and more people are getting scared because, you know, "Is this  Mothman guy here to harm us?". This whole bridge crashed. I mean it's an awful, sad tragedy,  but also some people in the community were believing that maybe, just maybe, The Mothman was actually there to warn  people of certain tragedies to come, and maybe The Mothman wasn't the bad guy, maybe they had it all wrong. He was like an angel trying to warn them. (sigh) If that were true though, Mothman did a real bad job warning people  of this bridge collapsing, am I right? As the years pass, reports  of this Mothman creature have been made around the world. All of those who had witnessed  him, reported the same thing over, and over, and over again. Red glowing eyes, large dark figure, huge wings. Some paranormal authors and  cryptozoologists believe that The Mothman may have been an alien, some suggesting that maybe it was just as  simple as, I don't know, an unknown species. In the 1975 book "The Mothman  Prophecies", author John Keel claimed that the Point Pleasant residents who witnessed Mothman also experienced visions  happening, visions into the future. And they said that they were like, having random dreams, random  thoughts, but of things happening. Hear me out, okay? Some of the witnesses said that they saw the silver bridge collapsing  before it actually happened, other witnesses said that they saw unidentified flying objects around the  same time that they witnessed The Mothman, and others said that they had visits  from men dressed in all black, yeah, threatening them that if they spoke  of their experiences to anyone, or kept digging around for answers,  something very terrible may happen to them, or maybe even their families,  which kept a lot of witnesses quiet for years and years, for  a good reason, out of fear. To this day, occasionally you will hear  stories of people who have witnessed Mothman, many believing they-- If there is more than one, are out there among us, watching us, waiting, observing. But whether you believe in, Mothman  or not, many would say without a doubt that Mothman is no urban  legend, but a real-life monster. But don't worry gang, the town, Point  Pleasant has an annual Mothman festival. I mean with like COVID and stuff it's  obviously not going on right now, but according to their website,  it'll be back September 2021. 2021, it'll be back around. And that my friends is a story of  Mothman, or the legend of Mothman. I wish I had teeth, it would really create  this like final look, but it's still cute. Do you believe in The Mothman or not? I mean why not, you know? Life is short, so it's like  sure, you got nothing to lose. Are you a believer of Mothman? Let me know down below. Anyways, I just want to say a big thank you  to you guys for hanging out with me today. I hope you like this vampire  look, the vampire with no teeth, the wannabe vampire, whatever you  want to name this, and I am that baby. I hope you have a wonderful  rest of your day ahead. I'll be seeing you guys later. Make good choices. Thank you so much. Bye. (upbeat spooky music)
Channel: Bailey Sarian
Views: 2,699,743
Rating: 4.9593935 out of 5
Keywords: Bailey sarian, mystery and makeup, makeup mondays, bailey sarian story time, bailey sarian mystery makeup monday, mystery makeup monday, spooky stories, urban legends, urban myths, spooky story time, scary stories, tattoos, vampire
Id: Td3yWddS_Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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