Vanished. Where is Emma Fillipoff? Missing Since 2013 - Mystery & Makeup GRWM | Bailey Sarian

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It’s refreshing Bailey decided to cover a mystery this week. It reminded me of the Mitrice Richardson case she covered a while ago.

This case made me sad. To clarify, I would be sad if this happened to anyone, but I’m particularly sad because I liked Emma, and I could relate to her; her personality and some parts of her life are identical to mine. A creative, soft-spoken, and sensitive free spirit, always moving, working intermittently, trying to quit drinking (I’ve been sober for almost a month!), potentially living with untreated mental illness ... wow, like ... hello, it’s me. Anyway.

I don’t know where to begin theorising or speculating with my usual essay-like fervour (aliens? stalker? the unidentified man?), and also, I don’t know if it’s wholly respectful to do so. I simply hope Emma is okay and she has found peace.

EDIT: Well, I was sober for a month. Meh.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/-whatsername 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
it's like I'm having a little seance I dyed my hair and I'm wearing earrings hi my beautiful friends how are you today I hope you're having a wonderful day so far as good as it can be right now yes hi my name is Bailey seryan and today is Monday which means it's murder mystery and makeup Monday Sanjana Shan Shan Shan Shan er sure if you're new here hi every Monday I sit down and talk about a true crime story that's been heavy on my oh oh oh it's kind of like low battery noggin and I do my makeup at the same time if you're interested into a crime and you like makeup I would highly suggest you hit that subscribe button because I'm here for you every Monday and I upload on Saturdays as well except this last Saturday I skipped it sorry about that remember skip it's skin a bit scary bit hey so I dyed my hair look it was supposed to be like a nice chocolate brown but I left it on too long or something I don't know and it's kind of blackish maybe a little fade maybe it won't I'm not really that mad at it I really need some change thank you last week we talked about Aileen Wuornos remember wow what a I was gonna say great story but whoa Bailey calm down Aileen poor Aileen not poor well yeah she had a rough a very rough life holy crap right so today I thought we could do a missing-person story and a handful of messages and requests I've gotten was to cover this story and apparently it's huge in Canada I don't know why I haven't heard about it kind of seems like everyone has but I hadn't heard about it so I thought hey let's talk about it and maybe I don't know maybe someone has seen her something I don't know I'm sinking and again I'm doing it again okay I will shut up I will stop rambling and let's get right into it today we're going to be talking about Emma filippov now Emma just seemed to vanish and disappear into thin air she's been missing Emma was living in Perth Ontario but always wanted to live out west and move to Victoria British Columbia in the fall of 2011 Emma was 25 and at this time she had no but she figured you know what I'm just gonna move because she always wanted to and it was like one of those now are never type of deals she didn't have kids she wasn't married why not Emma's plan was to figure it out like once she got there and she told a friend that she had she had a feeling that something amazing was gonna happen while she was out there in Victoria so once she made the move to Victoria Emma she would end up moving in with a childhood friend and their partner for a few months and after a few months Emma actually stayed in the same like apartment complex but just moved into another unit in the same building I guess she really liked it in the winter of 2011 Emma she ended up getting a job working as a barista at a cafe but that didn't really last long for her over time Emma ended up just I don't know she was more of a free spirit she didn't really like to be tied down anywhere and when she left the job she ended up moving in with another friend for a few months and they ended up living in a hotel named Hotel 760 and also Emma got a job cleaning rooms there as well but over time again Emma wishest more of a free spirit and she would end up just going wherever she wanted so some nights she it was said that she would like sleep in the woods but she would sleep like in a tree in a tree trunk type of deal you know or the arm of the tree like a big tree hug trees she even lived on a boat like a house spell for a little bit and she was just free to come and go as she pleased I think it's pretty cool also from February to November 2012 Emma would stay at a shelter a woman shelter called Sandy Merriman shelter and usually she would do this for like a month at a time or whenever she just really needed somewhere to stay and then in 2012 Emma obtained a seasonal job at an inner harbour seafood Eyrie called red fish blue fish and she worked there until October 31st 2012 and then she was expected to return back in February of 2013 like it was already locked in she was gonna go back so while living in Victoria Emma would check in with her friends and family back home by making occasional phone calls especially like on the holiday season or just a holidays and then also she would write emails and apparently allegedly according to friends and family they were like poetic upbeat emails you know at this time she Emma didn't tell her friends her family that she was staying at a shelter maybe she just didn't want anybody to worry about her I'm not really sure I guess I shouldn't make assumptions but she didn't let anyone know but it was said that Emma enjoyed spending time with members of the homeless community with boat owners and artists down at the Inner Harbor and with street performers around the town she made many friends with a whole bunch of different backgrounds and many of them would describe her as free-spirited creative adventurous soft-spoken highly sensitive to people and brave sometimes they think like what would people describe me as but then I also don't want to know it was also said that Emma preferred nature over city life you could find her walking around barefoot ouch but you know like she was just she enjoyed being free I think we all know someone like that right but I don't I doubt we all know someone like that do we let's talk about it do we know someone the summer of 2012 friends said that Emma was in search of like a more pure lifestyle pure meaning she quit drinking she quit smoking cigarettes and then she also quit drinking coffee and sugar also emma was vegan and she was slowly starting to cut out any type of like garbage food not that she was eating garbage she'd like you know the stuff that has all the crap in it GMO you know she wanted to eat like natural they go by late summer she was eating less and less and drinking a ton of water daily and then friends said that she had gotten really really thin and they described her as becoming monk-like when it came to her social and eating habits in June or July of 2012 Emma purchased a van with the intention of living in it and traveling around from place to place Emma was really excited about the adventure and the independence the van would bring her over time though it turned into a financial burden they had gotten towed three times it had car issues van issues that had van issues and it just wasn't what she thought it was it was going to be which was a bummer it was said before Emma vanish she was actually asking around for an inexpensive mechanic as winter was approaching Emma seemed to become unsure about where to go and what should do with herself during the winter months um you know I mean it's cold hey know you she can't sleep outside she began to distance herself from others and her friends but her friends would say that she started to become really fearful and withdrawn but also a little paranoid as well in mid-november Emma told a friend that she was leaving Victoria and possibly heading to salt spring island in British Columbia other friends were told that she was going to sail on a boat to Mexico or that she was heading to San Juan with a man she barely knew or that she was moving to California moving to Costa Rica travelling to Japan with her father living off the grid somewhere in the woods and she also told a friend that she would be surprising her family by going back home to Perth Ontario so she kept telling people different stories about where she was going and what her plan was it's obvious maybe she really didn't have a plan or she had too many plans and she didn't know which one she wanted to go with there were early warning signs that Emma may have been privately suffering with mental health issues as early as the age of eleven a childhood friend of Emma's said that she would often see Emma obsessively arranging patterns using objects like feathers shells rocks and even food and that same friend actually contacted Emma's father out of concern after she woke up one night and found Emma outside in like a euphoric state she was high like on on the grass like a hill area and she was just staring up at the stars so this friend that she was staying with sees Emma and this is concerning because she's not acting like herself like what is she doing so she actually reaches out and calls her father Emma's father the next day Emma's father actually reached out to Emma and offered to pay for a ticket for her to fly home but when Emma found out that her father was contacted in the first place it actually made her really upset and she insisted that she would be fine on her own she didn't want she don't want his help Emma's father at this time did not tell Emma's mom about the incident he didn't tell her anything until later on now Emma's mom and dad they would actually end up getting a divorce later on her name is Shelley Emma's mom and she said that if she had known about this first incident you know when he got the phone call she would have flown out immediately but because it wasn't mentioned to her she she got me seed in it according to three different friends Emma had been experiencing ongoing stress due to feeling harassed by someone that she had a bad experience with years ago back in British Columbia back in British Columbia in 2009 that's where Emma was studying culinary arts unfortunately though Emma didn't give any details or even mention this stalkers or harasses named to her friends and also Emma had a diary or a journal and she didn't even mentioned this person's name in her journal she's so weird a roommate would say that Emma would tell her that she wanted to avoid social situations where she Emma had to interact with any type of men which would be the main reason why she chose not to stay at like co-ed shelter she only stayed at women shelters any time this roommate would ask Emma if she wanted to I don't know go to a party or just go hang out somewhere and if there are men there she would she didn't want to based on what friends said it's stuff Emma wasn't always like this something must have happened you know I'm two weeks before Emma would vanish one friend said that they were driving by the shelter and saw Emma outside looking cold and wet and she was just standing there motionless and Emma was just like blankly staring at a bunch of birds so this person sees her and that just noted it thought it was weird but they were driving so it's not like they stopped and asked how she was doing the shelter that Emma was staying in the staff there they also said that they noticed signs of paranoia and depression that Emma would keep her curtains drawn at all times and was discovered frantically moving furniture from the shelter out to the curb and also like across the street because she claimed Emma claimed that they were making too much noise and speaking to her because of all this the shelter staff actually called police to do a or to request mental health check the staff over the phone they had explained the situation like what was going on to police and police told the staff to call back if they noticed any more odd behavior going on with Emma but they didn't come out and do a check or anything so the staff was like okay I guess if we notice anything we'll call back the staff there did not call Emma's parents because privacy laws like she's 25 so they didn't call her parents on the night of November 23rd Emma she actually made a series of phone calls to her mom Shellie Emma's mom assured her that she was going to get a ticket and come out there to Emma and then they could both just come back home you know but Emma would call back either hours later or the next day and tell her mom like don't come out I'm just gonna stay out here in Victoria to work things out on my own and I'll be okay don't come and then she would call her back and be like okay you can come and she would call her back and be like no don't come like it kept flip-flopping and Emma just couldn't decide like what to do and this lasted for days this flip-flop like okay yeah come okay no don't come okay yeah come no no no so at this time Emma's mom Shelley she didn't know where Emma was staying at and she was growing very concerned very worried for her daughter and she didn't really know how to get in contact with her so she decided to like call back the number that popped up on the phone that was on display so she calls this number thinking that emma is probably just staying with a friend when someone answer she asked like what is this place and she realizes that emma has been living like at a woman shelter on and off since winter of 2011 she was talking to the staff person about this and Emma's mom was just completely shocked because she had no idea Emma's final call to her mother was on the morning of November 28th and she told her mom quote don't come mom not today end quote Shellie Emma's mom said that there was a noticeable change in Emma's voice which made her really really worried so I guess this is like you know I think any of us would do this Shellie Emma's mom she was talking amongst other family members saying what's going on and how she's really worried about Emma Shelley said that some of the family members were telling her like don't worry about it she's an adult we needed respect Emma's independence she's 25 like don't worry about it she's gonna figure it out but Shelley knew something deep down that something's just not right you know so Shelley decided she's just gonna put everything on hold and she took a flight that same afternoon to go get or at least go see Emma according to witnesses Emma returned to the shelter around 6:00 p.m. that evening and told a staff member that her mother was on her way the staff member said that Emma became visibly upset and anxious then stormed out of the shelter another resident had run after Emma outside but was unable to catch up with her Shelley arrived at the shelter at around 11:00 p.m. and that's when she learned Emma did not claim her bed that night and Shelley had no idea where where Emma was and at that point nobody knew where she was she had no way to contact her so shortly after midnight shelter staff called police to report Emma as a missing person let's break it down now as like a timeline because that was the last time anyone had seen her like what happened to her right Tuesday November 20th we're going backwards now that was like the summary now this is like the timeline okay cool do I look scary cuz I kind of feel scary timeline and sightings November 20th Emma visits the YMCA to take out a membership there's a surveillance video that shows her entering and exiting the building four times within a 14 minute period Emma seems very nervous you can see her like peering out the glass doors like kind of looking as if like she's waiting for somebody or she's hiding from someone or something some think that she's holding something in her hands like a cell phone or an iPhone but others suspect that she's just kind of fidgeting with her fingers you know on Wednesday November 28th this is the day that Emma disappears at 4:30 a.m. Emma calls her mom changing her mind last time saying quote don't come mom not today Shelly tells Emma she won't fly to Victoria but decides to take the first flight out that afternoon 7 a.m. Emma goes to the chateau Victoria which is a hotel and she gets very upset because she finds out that on her van is a notice saying that she needs to move the van and if she doesn't then it's gonna be towed so Emma went inside and she asked his staff member she asked if she could move the van another day and they said yes but they were working with her you know and there is surveillance of that as well 8:23 a.m. emma is captured on a video surveillance at the 7-eleven store and there's where she uses her debit cards who purchased a $200 prepaid credit card she was wearing a beige winter jacket camo pants she had several bags with her one like over her shoulder she had an orange purse with her which would be like her main bag you know like the purse or that the bag you have has all your daily nonsense and it wallet phone cards candy wrappers there's always like crumbs in the bottom of the bag no one knows why it's weird but she's got the orange bag with her okay and on the footage you can see her peering out the window again she's looking really nervous about something she just is kind of standing there looking she's hesitant to like go outside it's very strange at 10 a.m. a friend was riding the bus when this friend looks out the window and he sees Emma standing on the edge of like the sidewalk one step away from the road at the street the busy street at this point she was wearing a puffy light-colored coat her hoodie was pulled over her head she was carrying plastic bags in each hand and then she also had more bags over her shoulder and across her chest so this friend was on the bus and they see they see Emma so they get off and they approach Emma asking it like you need help are you okay and Emma just shook her head no but she was just standing there motionless and it was weird so the friend just stood there for a while asking do you need help what are you doing like trying to get some kind of answer from her but he didn't get any worse bonds from Emma so he just decided to leave which he did in the early afternoon a friend saw Emma at a local soup kitchen and this friend went up to Emma as well and and I said she wasn't feeling well and that she couldn't talk this friend said that they asked if Emma needed a hug you know like yeah I'm not feeling well and then your friend says like oh do you need a hug like that's what they had asked Emma but instead Emma had just like given this horrific look on her face and said no so after 1:00 p.m. sometime two people report seeing Emma on Douglas Street sometime in the afternoon and they were so concerned by Emma's strange behavior of walking back and forth in the street looking lost and confused that they immediately called police who took report it's unclear if police actually would follow up with that call but they would be the first to call 911 a there was another report from a witness saying that they saw Emma walking downtown with an older man no description of this older man was given or just provided it was a sighting at 554 p.m. Emma uses her debit card to purchase I'm a cell phone at the same 7-eleven where she purchased the prepaid credit card video surveillance shows her paying for the phone then she lingers in the store by the doors and again she's looking nervous as she's kind of peering outside as if somebody is out there like she's afraid of them she's afraid to leave or she's just trying to avoid somebody the cell phone that was purchased at that 7-eleven store was actually never activated at 6:00 p.m. Emma goes to the shelter witnesses at the shelter reported that Emma became very anxious and upset when she told a staff member that her mother was on the way and that's when she storms out 6:10 a taxi driver picks Emma up near the shelter and she asked him to take her to the airport within suddenly she changes her mind Emma tells the driver that she can't afford the $60 taxi ride and she asked the taxi driver to be dropped off exactly where she was picked up at this time it was said that Emma had two to three thousand dollars in her bank account and also she had just purchased that prepaid credit card remember two hundred dollars so technically she had money but not sure what was yeah when the taxi driver pulls up to drop her off Emma asked the driver if she could just sit in the taxi for a little bit and so he's like okay yeah that's fine and the driver would say that she was behaving very oddly and that she became very anxious and paranoid when she hears the dispatch radio go off Emma had asked the taxi driver quote why is there noise coming out of that and quote at 6:15 an acquaintance of Emma sees her standing barefoot on the corner she's looking disoriented and it seems like she was unable to cross the street he had asked her if she was looking for someone or if someone was following her just because of how she was acting like he said that she was acting very paranoid Emma doesn't say much but she does keep like looking around right kind of sketched out but she did end up asking him to walk with her for a little bit that's when he would ask Emma like what are you doing where you going and this was when Emma got a little irritated and all these questions were making her uncomfortable so she tells him that she's going on a walk on her own at 7 p.m. this acquaintance enters a nearby restaurant and calls the police and waits until they arrive so this friend really thought something was was wrong with her enough to go and call the police at 7:15 p.m. police find Emma barefoot she's holding her shoes and two police officers assess her for 45 minutes according to police notes at no time did Emma engage with police instead she would give one-word answers or just nod her head yes or no or like shake her you know and by 8:00 p.m. police decide that she is not a threat to herself or anyone else and they watch her walk away this is the last confirmed sighting of Emma the identity of the two officers were protected by privacy laws and details of the conversation have not been released Shelley Emma's mom sent in a Freedom information requests in May of 2015 but it was denied by the police department without any reason Emma's mom is wanting to know like well what happened what did she say where did she say she was going you know just information any clues I think the police department is trying to cover their tracks like so they don't get in trouble as to why they didn't take her somewhere no I don't know we I can't make assumptions I have to stop doing that after Emma's disappearance November 29th 2012 Chateau Victoria the hotel where Emma had left her van they had arranged for a towing company to come and get Emma's van police find it at the towing lot hours later containing almost all of her possessions including her passport laptop journals camera and recently borrowed library books police then have it towed to their law instead on November 29th Shelley goes back to the shelter during each shift change and that's when she's able to talk to people and learn that Emma had become depressed and possibly suicidal that she had been growing more and more paranoid erratic and fearful in the last two weeks or the two weeks leading up to her disappearance between end of November and December 2nd to witness reports claimed to have seen Emma but they were unconfirmed December 5th at 11:17 a.m. the $200 prepaid credit card Emma purchased is flagged for use at a gas station that's great news right like this credit card is being used I mean I'm about it so they're thinking it's gotta be Emma right so they go and they check it out and it wasn't Emma instead it was a man who said he had found it the card on the side of the road this man was brought into the police station to be questioned and that's where he would actually be cleared because he passed the polygraph test and they just felt like he wasn't the guy Shelley said that this man would call her on three different occasions and told her that he was drinking on a daily basis at the time and he was too drunk to remember that night when he had found it he knew it was still sealed and he was certain he waited about a week to use it to buy a carton of cigarettes he still claims he can only guess where he may have found the card but he wasn't really sure that sucks on May of 2014 in gas town I feel like when a word is too easy it's a setup and it's never really how how you say it British Columbia what seemed to be an irritated man was captured on surveillance at a clothing store in downtown Vancouver with a crumpled-up missing-persons poster now guess which missing person poster this is Emma they put posters up a missing person poster and I had Emma's picture on it and they put it everywhere so this man that they see on surveillance is he appears to be irritated agitated grumpy very grumpy and he's has in his hand a crumpled up piece of paper and it was the missing-persons poster of Emma Wright who's he he claimed that mo was his girlfriend and just wanted to be left alone the footage is grainy and shows a man in a green shirt with a noticeable limp and flame tattoos on his arm now nobody has come forward to help identify this man they don't know who this man is I feel like personal opinion that this man may have been involved with the situation right like who is this guy why would he tear down that poster I mean there could be logical reasons but come on you know anyways but this guy has never been identified following Emma's disappearance a search team friends family volunteers they had searched Victoria and the communities of Vancouver Island they have searched trails parks smaller islands anywhere and everywhere eventually the target area widened to include the British Columbia mainland and locations across Canada and the US I know it was everywhere I feel like why did I miss this so they were trying to get it out everywhere like have you seen this girl they also the family had hired a private investigator this private investigator had worked on the case for a year but they could not locate Emma and they would just hit dead end after dead end after dead end several psychics and mediums provided input but Emma emma has yet to be found there were several uncon sightings in Fernwood Square old stream park and the Inner Harbor several witnesses had reported that her missing person poster had been torn down in Downtown Eastside a witness said that they believed to have seen Emma ripping down her own poster off the wall but it sun confirmed if it was her or not yeah so we're not really even sure if that was her staff at a hunting or fishing store reported a woman who resembled Emma had come in and had asked how to disappear had asked the the worker guy how do you how to disappear saying that she had a stalker who followed her from Ontario to Victoria and then Vancouver to separate tips in early 2014 a hitchhiker matching Emma's description was seen on highway 3 near the family farm the second sighting was up in slogan Valley slow can belly about 30 minutes away from where another family member lived these sightings remain unconcerned so when 2018 this took place in 2013 yeah five years later gang so in 2018 a new witness came forward I know five years later now this new witness was a man who said he was on his way to work he was driving right he was starting a new job and he had to be there pretty early so it's about 5:00 a.m. he said and it was on November 29th 2012 he said he saw a young woman darting back and forth on the side of the road he said that she seemed to be in distress so he pulls over asked if she if she needs needs a ride or sir help right but this lady this girl gets into his car he noticed that she wasn't wearing any shoes and she was soaking wet like she had been walking just all night when she stepped into the car she asked if he could drive her to Colwood to visit a girlfriend and since he didn't want to be late to work he told her that he could bring her a little bit closer to Cole would but not drive her there so he was just gonna like take her a little bit of the way but not the full way after driving around for five minutes while driving in the direction that he was gonna drive her in he stops and he drops her off next to a 24-hour gas station he said that the moment she got out of the car her behavior shifted back to paranoia and she darted back and forth in the street before finally taking off in the direction of : this guy didn't know who he had picked up that morning until long after the incident took place I mean obviously he came forward almost six years later in June of 2018 I mean I'm trying to think like how do you not know but look at me I didn't even know about the story so it can happen anyways but he contacted the police who then told him to contact Crimestoppers and tell them about the interaction with Emma when he realized there was no follow-up to this tip he got in touch with Emma's mother himself and a longtime advocate in the search of em for Emma this lady's name was Kimberly yeah she was like the head of this Emma search party I don't want to like make it sound like she doesn't like just some search party because she's doing a lot more but okay anyways so he contacts Emma's mom and Kimberly and Kimberly she had interviewed him at lamed for a podcast and she released the podcasts on November of 2019 and it's called the search for Emma Phillip Phillip off I'll link it down below to if you want to take a listen to it it's really really interesting and that currently as of right now is where this story's at Emma hasn't been seen there have been a lot of sightings but again they're mainly unconfirmed yeah they're all unconfirmed but I think this guy who was the driver at least lets people know that like she was there November 29th you know like she could still be alive she could still be alive we don't know we don't know okay anyone with information on Emma's whereabouts is asked to contact the Victoria Police non-emergency line or you can contact Crime Stoppers and let them know as well I'm gonna put in the description box the numbers and then also the pin comment as well I just need to double check that I have them right before voicing them and that my friends is a story about Emma Phillip Phillip off Phillip off very interesting story it was very big it still is considered a pretty big story because there's video surveillance of her of Emma just looking very concerned or scared or paranoid a lot of people think that she may have indeed had a stalker and that stalker was in following her it kind of sounds like this is personal opinion but it kind of sounds like she had some kind of mental illness that she was struggling with right and maybe because it was going untreated it was just progressively getting worse I'm also not a doctor or anything and I shouldn't be an armchair expert who knows because I was just reading a story the other day and I should have remembered his name but this man he had a mental illness that went untreated and he had some kind of breakdown and they found him like 20 years later he was still alive he had no idea how he got there he was across the country Oh was fascinating because I had never heard a story like that very vague because I can't remember the details right now but it was I just was like oh okay so this does happen more often I don't know I'm gonna have to dig around on I'm very curious to know like how often does this happen and are people found when they have some kind of breakdown do they change their name and so I don't know anyways but if this is Emma's case then maybe she's still alive out there somewhere and if you see her or have seen her please reach out I hope that's the case you know or it's the other one you yeah you know let me know your thoughts down below I love to hear you guys as theories and just what you guys think I like it I appreciate it I like to understand what you guys are thinking you know sometimes your brains they're good let's use them to use let's use them to use alright Wow it's a great motivational sentence oh my god okay anyways thank you so much for hanging out with me today I hope you have a wonderful day ahead of you please please please be safe out there make a choices stay inside stay safe but other than that I would love to know who you want me to talk about next week I love and appreciate you guys be safe out there and I'll be seeing you guys later uh-huh [Music]
Channel: Bailey Sarian
Views: 2,447,701
Rating: 4.9590049 out of 5
Keywords: bailey sarian, mystery and makeup, makeup and mystery, makeup and true crime, true crime story time, true crime get ready, true crime grwm, true crime get ready with me, true crime and makeup, mystery monday, monday mystery, true crime podcast, unsolved mystery, missing, buzzfeed unsolved, makeup talk, makeup advice, makeup 2020, sephora 2020 haul, grunge makeup, grunge makeup look, grunge makeup tutorial, grunge ootd, makeup grunge, story time, true crime story
Id: mCNecSWZbs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 7sec (1987 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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