3D Modeling Basics: NanoMesh - Pixologic Joseph Drust - ZClassroom LIVE

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out there internets how's everyone doing today I see we have a few people already in chat excellent excellent so it is at the end of the week we have made it to Friday so this week was a little bit tiring I'm tired today eivol Friday as I just usually end up just draining me towards the end of it so we got some interesting stuff we're gonna do today in today's stream so we're gonna handle this again as a Z classroom kind of live thing where we're gonna go in and focus on say like a user if they just picked up the trial and just go through some different things today we're gonna be going over nanomesh so we're gonna talk about just briefly how nanomesh works and then some reasons why would you use it like some in case scenarios and then we're gonna go into talking about alphas with transparency and then using nanomesh with these offices to create some kind of topiary effects so there's a lot of thing to do with nanomesh and then if you add another element of them of transparency on top of it you can create some really cool stuff inside of ZBrush so give me a shout out if you all can hear me and then we'll get into the nitty-gritty of the stuff here so first of all we do have the trial of ZBrush 2020 it is available so if you know anyone that's looking for something to do during the pandemic they can definitely go grab the trial and try it out for 30 days also it's fully has all the full features in it there's no restrictions the only restriction is that it has a time limit so after 30 days it will cease to function you can download this for Mac OS and also any Windows machine so Windows 10 and Mac OS I will not work on an iPad so if you have an iPad the trial will not work on there so will not work with iOS but it will work on a Mac machine and also a Windows machine and ZBrush in general is going to use your CPU rather than your GPU so you don't need to really have a extremely powerful computer to run ZBrush as long as you have a CPU which all computers basically have you'll be able to run ZBrush and I've got it running on the lowest machine I have right now that I have a running on or test stuff for support scenarios is a Core 2 Duo so that's it's a pretty ancient machine and I can launch ZBrush it doesn't handle you know as smooth as it does on a better machine but it will run and you can sculpt in it so it's it's definitely a program that will run on older hardware if you have it so even if you have like say parents grandparents that are looking for something to do send them to the trial page download it they can start messing with on the machine also children huge thing with that - just for learning and I know my children are looking for tons of stuff to do during all this so any any outlet is a good outlet so you can I'm tried to ZBrush for 30 days alright so in addition to this we have other ways you can get into ZBrush so a lot of people don't know we have monthly subscriptions so we have monthly and then perpetual licenses for our perpetual licenses we never charge for an upgrade so if you bought ZBrush once you've got free upgrades for life so far that we have been doing here at pixologic in addition this we also have our light version of ZBrush which is called ZBrush core and this has a monthly price point and get it as $10 a month it's the lowest cost point for that and then we also have the petrel license on there and there is an upgrade path from the perpetual to the full version so just a few notes there in terms of the software itself also what you all are doing your zbrushing here using the trial definitely use the hashtag ZBrush at home so we've been following this hashtag and just seeing what all you have been creating during the time here so here's one that we've featured recently dr. strange that was done with the hashtag ZBrush at home so definitely if you are doing anything following along any of these streams definitely if you have Twitter post your images up we'd love to see them alright so let's see here alright so for today we're gonna get into the initial topic of what is a nano mesh and kind of how to use it so to start off I just have ZBrush here launched and up at the top here we have light box and light box is going to allow you to browse different projects and ZBrush saves and the one thing a nice about this is that it will give you a little icon for a preview icon for the model file so you won't be able to do this natively in Windows but if you can access a file inside of lightbox it will show you what's in that file so it's it's a handy little device here and oftentimes I'll just copy or load files into the directories for lightbox if you hover over and click on anything here and get the directory of where that file is located you can also make shortcuts in here and if you make a shortcut from any one your desktop and just place the shortcut in this say Z projects folder here it will show up as an item you can click on and then it'll actually take you to that directory and then you'll get previews of your files in there too so it's a handy little thing here with lightbox so today I'm gonna just start off quickly with the primitives GPR file here and to load anything from light box in just hover over it make sure it's highlighted and then double click and this will load it in and as soon as it's loaded in you're ready to sculpt so the model will be in 3d you may have the floor grid active and then you can start manipulating your mesh so for day we're gonna talk about nano mesh and so if you're familiar with stuff inside of ZBrush there's insert messages and there's nano meshes and so for my cylinder here let's say I have this and I'm gonna go select a insert mesh brush which I can just come over the brush palette and open this up and then here I'm just gonna locate the IMM primitives brush here now an insert mesh brush inside of ZBrush is a brush that contains mesh parts so it's insert mesh and if it's i'mmm it's gonna stand for inter multi measure IMM because this brush contains multiple - parts so I'm gonna select the IMM primitives brush and when this loads in you're gonna get up here at the top a what is inside of this brush so these are all the different parts that are contained in this brush and so if I come up here and select one of these I can then go to my model and instead of doing like a sculptural mark basically you're gonna be able to click and drag these parts out on your mesh so as I do this I'm able to take that part I've selected and then be able to drag it out on my model so this is a fun way to create different assets play with silhouettes it's kind of like a kid brushing procedure where you have like a bunch of parts and then you can now to the servicer measurement now what every one of these you have selected when you draw it out it's gonna fill or use that one so as I had that cylinder extended I got that if I switch to the sphere I get this and I'm switching the capsule I get this so you can use that to your advantage to create assets now with this if you're populating something like this cylinder here we could see that I could pretty much fill the entire cylinder with shapes if I just came up here and just kept dragging this all the way across my model so this would work you could definitely you know flood the cylinder shape with these IMM parts it's just going to take a little while because you have to do every single one pretty much by hand so instead of doing that we can use a process which is called nano mesh and so I'm just gonna undo this by hitting ctrl Z to get back to my original mesh here and nanomesh is a subset of the zmodeler brush and what it's going to allow you to do it's going to allow you to take one of these mesh parts and instead of drawing it on the surface of the model you can go through and you can replace the surface with that model so as an example this with my i'mmm primitives brush selected i need to convert this to an animist brush so the process to make an animus brush is first you need to have an insert mesh brush and then you can convert that insert mesh brush to a nanomesh brush and then you can use that functionality don't worry I'll go through and demonstrate that process of the creation of all those steps here in a second but just to briefly show you the difference I'm just gonna come up here to this I am M primitives brush I'm gonna go to the brush palette go to create and in here I'm going to click create nanomesh brush so it's gonna take this insert mesh brush that has all these parts and this could convert it to a new zmodeler brush but now this similar brush has these parts installed into it now when you have a brush with these parts installed if I hover over one of these polities you're gonna see that I'm gonna get the option of insert nanomesh a poly and what this is now going to allow me to do I can select one of these and if I click and drag you're gonna see first it's gonna change the poly group in which that item has been generated on and then it's going to insert this mesh into that poly area so now this poly here is a so with this mesh so it's instancing this mesh to this poly and after you do this we go to the tool palette and open this up you're gonna go to the nanomesh area here and in here we have indexes so every time I drag one of these out you're gonna see that a new index is gonna be created so here's my first index which is this one and then I have index two which is this one here and then index three which is this here and this has now given me that these Poly's here are now assigned to these nanomesh parts and once they are a nanomesh part i can now use these sliders to control how they're gonna be applied to that poly now in addition to just doing single poly stuff like this I can go through and I can fill the entire mesh with one single nanomesh index which is usually the way you want to kind of work with it so you can't come through and apply this to you know single Pauli's but I want to fill the entire cylinder with this nanomesh so I'm gonna undo here and get back to my original cylinder here like this and now instead of just clicking and dragging to drag out one of these there's two ways you can kind of set the mode to a different format which will allow you to target the entire mesh the first way is as you click and draw out you can hold down the shift key on your keyboard and this will now go through and apply that nanomesh to every single poly on the model so this is these are the fastest way especially if you've just created that nanomesh brush you can hold down shift and drag it out and then it's gonna flood the entire model with that nana mesh now the other way is you can change the target for this brush so if you hover over a poly and press spacebar you're gonna go into the zmodeler poly action menu here and the zmodeler menu has a whole bunch of different things in and I did a whole zoo classroom live on some of these there's also a Z classroom at pixologic site that we'll go through and just has a video that goes over every single one of these actions in the menu here and there's a set of actions for polygons there's set actions for edges and there's a set of actions for points so but today we're not gonna go into all that so don't get too overwhelmed with this basically we want to keep our action on insert nanomesh and then down here you can see our default action is a single poly so we can change this to say all polygons and now if we drag out on that one poly without holding shift it's gonna go everywhere so one thing with the Z moly brush is that these targets are going to come into play and importance if you're using it a lot because you can change how these actions are going to interact so single poly was the first one all polygons is everything and then if I want to do something like flat island this is gonna look at the surface of the mesh and only apply that insert nanomesh to a flat area so if I came across this area right here since this is flat so all the normals are basically flattened down and if I click and drag that out with that you see I'm now gonna be able just to apply that nanomesh to that area so one little thing there on terms of applying nanomesh so you have all your targets you can change to inside of the Z mailer window here and you can access this by hovering over a poly and pressing and holding spacebar on your keyboard so I'm gonna try to follow a chat here - I have to look away and then I look back and look a little fat so I'm gonna try not to go on too many tangents but if you have any questions on any things that I'm doing here please put them in the chat and I'll try to get to them for you so Jay Jay's mentioning that he's tried to sculpt Jessica Rabbit and it did not go well anything in particular that you find did not go well there are some things that may be able to give you some feedback or tips on stuff if you had anything that he found worked and didn't work I may be able to cover some of that here at the end of this string - alright so back here now okay one more question how did you change to an animus so you will first just want to select an insert mesh brush so any insert mesh brush will work and then after you have that brush selected you then come up to the brush palette up here and do create nanomesh brush now you have to have an insert mesh brush selected in order for this button to activate so you can see as I hover this over this it's giving me this descriptive text of create nanomesh brush from the active insert mesh brush so you have to go insert mesh to nanomesh because basically the nanomesh brush is just gonna look and see it all those mesh parts of that insert mesh brush has and it's gonna embed it into itself and you're going to get the nanomesh brush which is basically as email or brush with all these pieces stored in it to be used with Animesh so another thing here I'm just gonna populate the entire thing so I'm just gonna use the shift process again so I have my target set to a single poly so I'm gonna click and drag and drag this out and hold down shift which is gonna flood the entire surface with that nanomesh now if you want to populate another index another nanomesh onto the entire surface your model too you can also do that as well and so let's say I like this and this would give me one index but then say I want to add this capsule to so I can select the capsule and if I draw it out normally you're see it's gonna replace the nanomesh that's on there but if you want to add it to it you can also hold down that shift key again and it's going to add that nanomesh to that area so you can see now I've got two nano meshes on one poly so I have two indexes that are associating with all the polygons on this model and if you're gonna do complex things this is very handy because basically you can add layers of nanomesh on to the surface of your model and get really cool effects so you can see now with this I have two nanomesh index here so I can scroll to zero one and I can just turn off the hide others so you see this is my first index here and then if I go to index two this is my second one so I've taken those two parts from this brush and if I applied it or linked it to all the polygons on it using nanomesh so now that I have both of these right now I can start modifying my nanomesh so in here after you have nanomesh active you can change the size of this you can change the width of this you can change the length and all this is doing is it's taking this object and it's instancing it basically on all the surfaces there and then in here you can now start playing with this and so this is really cool for getting you know different shapes of randomness stuff that you may not happy accidents that you may not have came across and modified on your own and so there's some really cool things you can do with nanomesh and it's one of my kind of my favorite things inside of ZBrush in terms of just creativity because you can get a lot of stuff out of it and you can basically flood an entire model with the surface and instead of sculpting on surface you can just take a piece of geometry and flood it and get the surface detail you're looking for now most of these sliders appear pretty self-explanatory they're gonna change the sizes you also can fit and fill to the polygon borders too so you see now these are gonna be longer because they're fitting into that area there you can also change the two clip the actual outside too so if you had an extended process on your mash you'll try to clip the stuff out so there's all different things you can do up here with the nanomesh now one of my favorite ones they end up using a lot is this random distribution down here and this will take the nanomesh index that you have applied and it's gonna randomly place it on your mesh so if you start moving this you can see it's gonna start randomly placing that insert mesh and then you can keep going with this we can see now it's filled it with this really cool kind of pattern here and then you can change your seeds on this to get a little bit more random but this is one I go to quite a bit just in terms of flooding geometry surfaces with geometry and so now I've created this kind of effect and then you can always convert this to real mesh too so you can definitely use nano mesh with say a solid object nanomesh the heck out of something convert it to geometry use it with the boolean system and even print it out afterwards after it's all welded together so this one has the two index as well so right now hide others on so I can expose that other index back and then I can switch to it up at the top here and now I can modify this one too so maybe one change the height on this maybe the length a little bit I can add some variation of this to and this will add a little bit of inconsistency so bringing it to not be so computerized or perfect and then I can mess with the scaling on this and I can even do that random distribution on that too and you can see I can start layering this kind of stuff up so now I have one nano mesh and then another man a mesh on top of it and it's still flooding the same mesh so Randi is asking does masking work so we can only apply it to certain faces or it's but it was at polygroup color so it's gonna be all based on the poly grouping of your model so if you want to apply it to specific areas you can tag the same color polygroup to different spots and then all apply just to those polygroup areas so it's all gonna go based on poly grouping on your mesh Augustus is asking what's the best way to base meshes for characters so there's a ton of ways I guess this the pretty much the go twos are usually for me currently is you can basically start base building with primitives and then weld those together with dynamesh and get a shape and silhouette out that way or you can take just a sphere switch to sculptors Pro and then start pulling meshes and forms out a lot of the streams that we do on our channel here will focus on more that kind of character building stuff and if you catch any of our ZBrush live artists in there kind of base you know starting out streams so definitely check out like Shane Olson and Ashley Adams they'll go through their processes on how they start and that's pretty much the main thing they're gonna start with the character and build out their base mesh and then detail it out and sculpt on it so I definitely check those out you could also check out the first term did for the Z classroom live stuff that we started during this pandemic and I'll go into sculpting a bust and kind of show you the sculptors Pro method of that which is really fluid yet Ken's asking how can you make snake skills when the animation or a mesh so basically the same principle that I'm doing here so you generate your snake body and then you can go through and take the index that you have and then just populate with a scale so you instead of using one of these primitives up here you take just a scale primitive and then put that on your model and you can populate all the surface now one thing with nanomesh too if you're not using random distribution it's going to be based on the topology of your model so if you're doing a snake you're gonna want that the geometry to be pretty even all the way down the body Paul who also does streaming to here his he's right here and this little pip he has a whole tutorial he's done a few times on sculpting a snake tattoo and he does the same thing where he has the snake bodies out he uses nanomesh for a scale and then populates the entire thing for it so I definitely checked just doing a YouTube search for probably just Paul snake he ZBrush he'd probably find it if not he's gonna be streaming I think Saturday he's going this week so you can hop in there and ask him to demo his snake process or point you in the direction of where the snake is so digital Plankton's acting can you convert nanomesh to sculpt of geometry yes you can so as an example here after I have this done if I want to convert this I go to the geometry tab here and I can just simply click convert BPR to geo and this is now gonna take all those instances and now this is geometry now of course this may be a lot of geometry but now you can see I could come in and sculpt on it and modify and change it up and it's gonna you know distort all those different parts there you could also run this in the boolean system you know you can make it turn into a dynamesh it's just geometry right now and so all I did for that was come up here and do convert BPR geo now there's another option you can use with an animus - the one I like usually going to for converting banana mesh is this convert be pair of Geo but you can also convert individual indexes to if you go to the nano mesh tab and down here at the bottom there's a 1/2 mesh and this will convert and index just in geometry so you can just convert one so you can kind of do that process too but the BPR geo will do everything so if you have a whole thing set up and just click one button and I'll process it all so that's usually what I end up using CT is asking a returning sculptor is struggling with defining interest on a model so CT what I'd say try to do is so we just did a whole stream full on Geo he did a ZBrush master stream I do a youtube search for geo ZBrush masters GI o and he'll go through how he deals with form and stuff inside of ZBrush so that may help you out in terms of that and then the biggest thing for me I'd say probably try is switch to the try like the snake hook brush and then turn on sculptress Pro and you can start pulling out forms real easy and it's it's a fun kind of process claybuildup will definitely work but it's gonna be it's gonna take you a while I do a lot of like hash scrubbing as I do it so I don't draw the stroke with clay build up I'd rather build it up and that seems to for me it helps me get the form where wanted a little bit better but then using move and snake hook you're able to kind of manipulate the forms and massage them a little bit more since the sculpting um you're kind of pulling them which helps me often get shapes out Jimmy Mac's asking could you show this method for applying sculpted fur that doesn't look uniform so for fur my recommendation for that Julien would be to use the vdm brushes and so those would be the brushes that live up here these kind of chisel brushes here you can basically make a tough of fur on a plane and then we can apply that and that tough will be applied and it'll get a nice overhang on it Pablo Nunez has a whole thing that he's done on fur if you search the ZBrush guides and fur vbm I'd say do search for that and he's got a whole thing on that and it's probably the best way that I'd say go with it Tom is using BDMS for fur for now machine kind of do it but it's gonna I mean it would give you the base form here you gotta get where if you had a piece of geometry you could definitely get something that would look somewhat like fur like if I take this so also with the Nano meshes you can always edit the part so if you come over here and click Edit mesh it's gonna look at the index you have and you're be able to get the geometry for that and so as an example here I can take this and we're gonna make a really nasty hair tough here this isn't gonna be pretty so something like this and I'm just smoothing this out and it's kind of looking messy I probably end up dinah mission this at some point but let's pretend that's hair we're gonna pretend and our fur rather and now I'm gonna come back out of nanomesh and now you'll see that this index now let me turn down my random distribution there's all these little parts so you could do something like this and you could change the size of this and then you could play with your rotations and offsets you're not gonna be able to kind of get a brush look out of this so that's one thing where if you had a vdm you could have a little more control over it but you could basically come in and start using this kind of process of taking just a piece that looks kind of like hair and then applying it across your surface now of course isn't pregnant look all that great but you could do something like this but it's the control it's not gonna be probably what you want so what I recommend doing was be using a vdm and doing the hair that way Espie Mongoose is asking if anyone's tried out the new Pablo Nunez brushes that he he didn't do some fur brushes they're more for like kind of this kind of fur and facial fur but he has some really good ones for vm's but the other ones too but I have not tried them out yet and digital playing examine could you use nanomesh to instance leaves on a tree yes you can and that's where we're gonna be going here soon all right so that's your brief rundown on nanomesh now let's put it in a practical sense here so I'm gonna load in two files here so here we have a little coffee bean here and then here we have a mug without my crazy teacher ooh you're getting too far ahead of myself without any crazy bad sculpted creatures on it like I did last time right so I've got a mug and I've got a coffee bean and as a practical usage of what you could do with nanomesh is you can take something and then populate it wherever you need it so let's say I'm doing a scene or an image and I have this mug here and I want the mug to be filled with coffee beans alright so I want to kind of look like it's filled with beans so I'm gonna come and first take this little coffee bean here and you can see I've also applied polypaint to this so it's poly painted in color so you can definitely use nanomesh with poly painting and with services they have textures too they're just two little things you need to turn on before you can actually get these things to show up after you apply them but with my little coffee bean here what I'm going to do is I'm first going to create an insert mesh and so I want to make sure that I have my being positioned how I want it to draw out and you can have it you know pretty much facing any direction inside ZBrush but if you're making an insert mesh the way it's facing you when you draw on the surface your model that is how it's going to draw out so I'm just gonna make sure my bean is facing like this and then I come through the brush palette and do create insert mesh and I'm gonna say yes to the new option and so now I have an insert mesh brush that just contains this coffee bean so now I can go to my mug say and I can just start let me let me delete my subdivisions first and I can start applying beans to my model however this once again as we talked about earlier it's gonna take a while right I'd have to fill up the entire cup with coffee beans and that I could be here for a while so instead of doing that what I'm going to do is I'm going to generate some temporary geometry basically a plain object and then I'm going to apply the beans to this plane and then I can now fill that plane with these beans and it's gonna generate the effect I'm looking for so I'm gonna come over here to my tool palettes and I'm just going to select a plane 3d object here and any of the objects in here that have this upended 3d have this initialized menu well most of the polymesh3d star does not have the ability but all the other 3d objects do and I can now modify this mesh so down here this one has 33 divides going horizontal and 33 going vertical so I'm gonna just lower this down some maybe do 10 by 10 and now I just have this plain object and now I need to convert this to a sculptable mesh but come up here and clicking make polymesh3d now I just have this plane so now I have my insert mesh beam and I could you know once again add these manually to the surface it's gonna take a while right so instead of doing that I'm going to convert my insert mesh to a nano mesh and go the brush palette again click create nanomesh brush and now I have a zmodeler brush that has this part embedded into it for use with nanomesh so now we talked we had a question earlier about how this works with poly grouping so I'm just gonna demonstrate this quick so let's say I only want to apply this beam to certain areas on my mesh with the zmodeler brush or any zmodeler brush if you hold down the Alt key and click and drag this is going to assign temporary polygroups okay and this will allow you to perform an action and the action is going to be applied to wherever you're clicking then to whatever targets on and then to also wherever has this temporary polygroup so if I click and drag over here I'm gonna get a beam generated on this polygon and then it's also going to put beans in these areas that contain that white polygroup so I can click and drag and pull this out and now you can see I have isolated polygroups just to that area in my model so that is how you can use poly grouping you just say hey I only want this nanomesh to be applied there now you can get really crazy with this and especially if you're trying to do some tiling patterns you may want to end up say doing something like this with your meshes where you end up generating some sort of checkerboarding this is another way you can kind of handle using nanomesh so you can come through and just quickly assign this white polygroup in a checkered format and then now if I click and drag or seem to get beans only in that checkered area and then I could apply another nanomesh to the other areas on the model so that I have kind of a contrast between Nano one nanomesh from one area and one nanomesh and the other but the Nano mesh system is all gonna work on the poly grouping on your model and then if you change the poly grouping so if I come through and do a controlled W which is gonna reset the poly grouping basically it's going to a group mask clear mask and so since I'm nothing masked it's gonna apply just one polygroup to everything and you'll see as I apply that mine Misha's are gonna be disappearing so the Nano meshes are gonna be linked to that polygroup - so one thing there Randy's asking if you want multiple beans but not all the facing the same way it could you recapture it in different angles and add it to the IMM set you definitely could but if we just used this system here basically I have just added the beans to one polygroup and then I can add the beans to the other polygroup and now I can just go to the nanomesh area here and I have two indexes so I've got index one which has one set of beans and index two which has the other and if I'm in index one I can now rotate these one way and then on the other one I can wrote those rotate those in a different direction so you don't really have to change your insert mesh part you just basically create another index with that same part and then you can modify it so you can also apply random rotation to stuff - so that's what these random sliders over here will do so if I have my Z rotation set and I do this you're not gonna see I'm gonna get a random rotation on those beans in that index and you can mess with these with all these different rotation angles so you can get kind of some variation on this so that is what I'd end up doing rather than going through and trying to realign multiple beans now if you have different bean styles if we have ones that have like different say sculptural assets to them and definitely creating those as multiple insert mesh parts where the beans look different is going to add some more variation too so now that I have my beans here I'm just gonna go ahead and I'm gonna clear my group and apply is one more time just over everything but this is with two indexes so I have one set of beans and once I another and it's gonna be based on your pile yours so I'm gonna ctrl W to clear my polygroups which is gonna as you see remove all my nanomesh there and now that apply the bean again I'm gonna hold down shift as I drag this out so I get 1 index across everything so there I have the beans there now if your mesh if you activate polypainting you'll see that it's going to turn on the poly painting that was stored in that nanomesh so before it was just coming in as white and now if i activate the poly pane on the subtool you see now the beans are getting that color so that is how you can set up a nanomesh brush to work with poly painting you just need to make sure that the surface you're applying it on has poly painting active and then that nanomesh is poly paint will turn on and poly painting inside ZBrush is just another word for vertex coloring so now they have my plane and I've got my nano mascara I'm going to assign some random distribution here and then I'm gonna come here and tweak these rotation sliders some and add some variants and then the next thing I want to do is I want to hide my placement plane so right now I can see this plane and I don't really want to see that some come here and turn that off and now this will allow me just to see the beans as themselves so now I'm going to take my plane and I'm going to move it over to my mug so I'm gonna go to my mug scene I'm actually I'm gonna bring it over my mug over here so upend the mug so to do this I just went to the tool palettes sub hilarya here is my object and my sub tool with the nanomesh applied and then I click append and bring over my mug so there's my mug there my mugs going in this direction my nanomesh planes going in that direction so we need to rotate one of these so with nanomesh remember that it's just going to be linking to a poly so wherever that poly goes in space the Nano mesh is going to go to so what I can do is I can just move this plane so I'll move in as the plane geometry and I can rotate this and I can reposition it and those nano meshes are gonna follow that geometry so this is really handy because now I can position these and move and scale them and rotate them and position them in my cup and then in addition to this I can now or move the vertices of that plane and those nano meshes are going to follow it so if I turn off the nanomesh quick this is all this object is right it's just a plane object so if I switch to the move brush by hitting B m and V on my keyboard and I start manipulating the surface here all I'm doing is just distorting it right so I'm just moving it in space I'm moving it maybe tucking into the lip here some and that's all I'm changing right but when I change that the Nano mesh is following right it's following that surface so you see as I start distorting this I can now make it look like the beans are like shooting off the edge right and cuz they're still stuck to that plane object however now I'm moving that plane object and now the beans are going crazy right so if I could turn on show placement you can see what I'm doing in the geometry so I'm just moving this around right and the nanomesh is following it so you can make some really cool dynamic stuff out of this just using nano missions right and then I can still modify all this so I can modify the size of this make these beans larger and smaller I can increase the random distribution so now I've got a whole like crazy mountain of beans right I can adjust the random seed and you can just start playing with these things and start generating different assets to your models so things that would take a really long time you can just take a piece of geometry position and how you want it and then flood it with geometry let me look at these questions here so rou asking someone said that I was the person asking about Z scripting I maybe Marcus is the other person one of us too will probably have an answer for you if you have a question yep Ness aids bringing up the yes nanomesh is very good for chainmail they'll also work like really well like that web batching is asking what if I want to remove one bean so if you have this random distribution set up it's kind of just gonna randomly follow it but let's go back to no random distribution and this is giving me one being generated on every poly so let's say I want to remove this one right here right maybe I don't want this bean actually we'll do this one I don't want this being here so to remove it we just need to change the polygroup on that object right so I can go back to my zmodeler brush with the nanomesh in it and I can hover over that poly there and press Spaceguard go in the z mail or poly action menu in here I can choose polygroup and make sure my target is single poly and as soon as I change the polygroup on that it's gonna break the link from that nanomesh to that poly okay so here it has the bean and if I click the B is now gone okay so that's all you have to do to kind of remove beans from the area if you want to keep the animation active that's the best way just change the polygroup and it's gonna remove any of those beans link to that polygroup okay so now I see those are gone now the other way you can get rid of beans is if you're happy with way it is you can now convert it to geometry and then simply just delete that bean so that's in there but you will end up converting your nanomesh to two geometries so right now it's still in kind of this organic mode where I can move it around and distort it and change it and it's not set in stone as soon as you convert the geometry all these are gonna be locked in so you'd have to go through and manipulate or manually again if you want to make any large changes few more questions here where does ZBrush store custom menus so Giovanni there is a ZBrush data 2020 folder that lives in your see users document folder there there will be an interface area in there that will have it unless you've cleared that folder it should not have gone away the other thing with custom user interfaces if you go to preferences and you go to interface where is it config you can save and load your UI right here too so if you have a version you saved out you set where that goes so you can definitely do that and then you can load it back in but you would have to actually do a little bit of work to go and find your users directory or basically uninstall ZBrush for that custom UI to go away so not really sure what happened there in terms of that but if you do notice it again I'd suggest coming to the help option up here and submit a ticket to our support site so if you click this here I'll take us take you to support that pixologic com I think it's submit a ticket and we can definitely look into it so Randy's saying you notice when we scaled my plane the nanomesh size does not change yes so currently right now if I move this nanomesh isn't changing size and that's because it's over here and it's set to propose proportional modes if I change this to fit or fill it's going to look at the topology of the mesh if I make these polygons larger and smaller the nanomesh is going to be larger or smaller so that's one of the options here with this and so the proportional one is only going to change unless it's only going to change if you change this slider here and then fit or fill it will still look at the slider but it's gonna base the size on the two polygons so you can see as I've started deforming that polygon right through there you see these are all stretched and that's because the polygon itself is stretched so you messed with these little sliders here to see how those are gonna actually interact there so stick is asking how can use nanometric in one direction without overlapping or uneven mesh so the Nano mesh is always gonna file geometry so if your mesh is overlapping or uneven it's definitely gonna just give you man at nano meshes in the same way so you just want to make sure if you want to use it on say one part of a mesh you can always just create a proxy mesh right so instead of you have a character and he's really dense or his topology is good for the sculpting aspects but not good for nanomesh just make a duplicate of them run them through zremesher set up some new topology on the area you want and then apply an animus to that area and then just use this slope Late Show placement option right here and just turn it off and then you'll get that nanomesh you want on that good geometry fernanda mesh but then you'll still have your other model underneath so don't think that you have to use nano mesh on your sculpted object you can always create dummy objects dummy shapes and use nano mesh on that shape which you can make the topology whatever you want it to be and then that can be applied to your mesh so you can always go to that route to man dress is asking is a way to not let the beans intersect so not unless you do it manually so basically all it's doing is it's coming across the geometry that you have and it's applying it so there's no simulation properties here it's just populating the mesh so if you see any kind of beans that are intersecting you'd have to go in and say manipulate them make the polygon spacing larger you can decrease the size of it which would um minimize that happening too but you're gonna have to just go in and maybe except there's no simulation for collision in terms of nanomesh now one thing you can't do too is you can also duplicate the nanomesh too so say I want this I like this one but may want to you know modify it again so I can simply duplicate that Animesh sub tool and now I can manipulate this one and now I have to right so now I can make you know like the the vortex of coffee beans right and now it's gonna be like ah all right so there's all sorts of things you can do because all it's doing is just using topologies so you can definitely can play with the forms pretty well so Augustus is asking is there a course on Animesh so I can't remember I may have one on Z classroom I've done a few just presentations on it mostly than anything else but it's really the main thing is applying it and then just manipulating it with the sliders and I'll go over some more Nano more stuff in Arma show you more examples and then we'll go into using it for foliage to dim yang is asking what's the best pressure sensitivity for sculpting I usually leave whatever the defaults are so it's I just have a Wacom you know I haven't used a Cintiq at my on my desktop and then for streaming here I have a Wacom tablet I just use the defaults and then with them I just have a standard into his pen and it's just whatever I whatever pressure it's set to by default feels fine for me so if I press hard it's gonna you know give me a larger or a more intense stroke and then if I go real light it's gonna give me a soft stroke but I don't go in and modify any of my pressure sensitivity settings as long as it's given me pressure sensitivity I usually just go along with it bringing some of these questions here so Damon your questions I'm not fully sure what kind of looking to do do you have an example or an image she could post and maybe we could look at it like that I could see if I can help you there Bert's saying that he wants to know what it feels like to be me when I grow up I'm still working on growing up there yet and look Thank You Mongoose there is a classroom tutorial it's probably me so Randy's asking once it's converted can i select the beans individually yes you can so as an example let's take one of these this is set here and we'll go to the geometry we'll do convert BPR yugioh this is the result I get and so you can see by default none of them are gonna be welded so they're all gonna be separate geometry meshes the placement object it's also going to come so if you don't want that you have to hold ctrl and shift and get the Select rectangle brush and then isolate that and click it again to hide it and then we go to tool geometry modify topology and delete hidden and that's gonna remove our placement grid and now each one these beings are individual ok so I can come down here to the tool polygroups area and do an auto groups which is gonna go through and it's gonna look at all the geometry islands and give me a new polygroup for every single one so after I do that you see now I have all my beings are different polygroups and so we were talking about earlier like moving and we're deleting them after you have them set with different polygroups you can come over the brush palette over here and I just have the move brush selected and then go to auto masking and turn on mask by polygroups and now whatever you click on it's going to just move that one so you could actually come through you know pretty quickly after they're converted and if you see anything that's kind of embedded all I'm doing is coming through and just moving these and if you have your intensity for this set to 100 it will do this kind of screen space move so it's not going to warp them so this is pretty fast to come in and start you know moving these beans in screen space just so they're not intersecting all over the place and the option for that is in it's any brush will do the I'm just using the move brush here and you want to go to brush auto masking and then turn on mass by polygroups and then if you have your intensity set to a hundred with the move brush you're gonna get this kind of move effect so it's not going to deform the beam it's just gonna basically change its position and then now I could come through and reposition these very quickly and said I have all those beans out and then I turn off my poly frames and turn back on my mug there I find my mug and now I have those beans like that and so that I can come through still and you know pull these off the edge if they're intersecting so that is what you can do after you've converted it but once again I it's no longer an animation this is all geometry right now so if I wanted to do large changes that have to manually do it so I hope that answers that question so mungus is asking about the core stuff so I'm not sure if I'm not sure where the there's been a bunch of ZBrush core so it may just be the website which doesn't really have stuff updated so that coming soon may just be a bad web link possibly um if you don't mind can you I'll have you submit a support ticket to just come up here and go to help fix a lot of support and just send us that information too and now help alright so now I'm gonna show you guys a few more examples of usages with nanomesh that I find pretty cool so here I have a bridge example this is one I did for when we released the nanomesh kind of functionality stuff and if I come across these we'll just isolate the bridge here first and I'm just gonna turn off the Nano meshes here here is my initial of geometry for this let me just turn this on so you can see this is very very simple right so this is just done with a zmodeler brush it's very very simplistic geometry and you can see it has this poly group break up right so I have different color polygroups happening across the mesh now with this broken up if I come up here and now activate nanomesh I have nano meshes on the different parts of there so I have multiple indexes and if I just kind of go through these so I have this wood index this is just a board I sculpt it really quick I decimated it down and then I just applied it across everything I then have some rocks these are like some internal rocks here I have some little stones and then I have some more rocks and that's all the instances there's four indexes on here and that's giving me this kind of look now at the surface now with this nothing with you know the nanomesh stuff is that it's gonna follow the surface I use this and if you have that random distribution on there as you sculpt or move the surface it's gonna add more parts so this is really cool if you're doing like environment stuff so I can come through and say hey the bridge got hit by a rock right or you know a cannon blasted it or a catapult threw something at it right so I just take the move brush turn my intensity down back from that a hundred and I just click and drag and you can see I'm deforming that surface there and you can see it's changing or adding geometry as I stretch this out so now I've just come through and I've just modified this bridge and I don't have to repopulate anything I know if the reefs Kulp to anything I'm just moving it and it's tailoring that nanomesh to that surface so this is really cool for creating different environment accesses right so I can come through and just click and drag and just change the surface maybe manipulate the edges and get some randomness and things that it might have been you know caused by destruction or just decay and it's all gonna get updated with an animation and that's the same thing like I have some landmass tool here that's just as grass and this grass is just planes of geometry that I've used a nanomesh form and it's just added them across the surface but I can manipulate these and move them around and kind of tailor how that grass is happening and all I'm moving is this simple plane geometry right so this is this is all that is that's all the surfaces of that grass is populating so the rocks are populating the red areas and the grass is populating the green and that's giving me that there and then things such as the water is the same thing as well so if I just solo that you can see it's just the nanomesh that has been applied across my poly frames here I think show you what that looks like there you go so just made this so that's my water droplet and then I've just applied it across those polygons there and now it's given me this kind of rippled surface for water so you can use nanomesh and that way to to generate surface details that you may not have and I've gone through and populated like entire buildings with like wood texturing and all I did was just make a simple wood texture shape and just applied it with the nanomesh and then it gives me the appearance of wood so instead of sculpting it all out I'm just going through and doing it so digital planks now how are you getting the wood planks to be at 90 degrees so it's just the settings in here whatever you change them to so if I go to my bridge part here let me find which index that is so I have some offset values these are changing the height I'm only offsetting in 1z here and so Z is doing that my rotations are all zero so they're all coming into one direction for the most part now the other thing with nanomesh is it's going to align based on a few things so we have in this alignment tab here you have some different ways you can align your mash so they're all going horizontally because that's basically how I created the insert mesh part so I created it drawing out like that so when I apply it if I don't have any rotation stuff set over here it should follow the same way as an insert mesh for draw out so it's kind of follow that same direction and then the other order which is giving me this kind of left and right chaos it's set by this alignment so if you change these you can see how much this is just going to change how that bridge is going to generate so if I do something like near edge or long edge or near edge your portal point order you see they're now gonna be all going this way and that I can scale these you know size here I could turn down the render distribution and I could start getting to more more like probably a plausible bridge where they'd all be having the spans going the same way but if you change the alignment then you can start seeing how this is gonna get a little more chaotic and so now I've got this kind of thing going where some some wood crafter was very skilled and he came in and he just angled these beams perfectly and just got that shape after the bridge is destroyed so you can play with the alignment options here there's also some options which control how the nanomesh goes and that's determined by the edge spinning so basically each face has a certain order in terms of its vertices so if you think about like a square right you have two triangles that would make it up and then you have a point order so it'd be like 1 2 3 4 so if it's 1 2 3 4 the nanomesh is going to go one way if it's 4 1 2 3 it's gonna go another way right so this order of your vertices are gonna determine how that nanomesh sits on the surface and this is a byproduct of micromesh which is what originally nanomesh nanomesh is like a version of micro mesh inside a see brush that's on like steroids so it's the hyped-up version more things to play with and with that you see in the tool geometry modify topology area here you have this micromesh button and directly next to this you have spinach and so this will allow you to control those vertices and how they're going per each edge and so you see as I changed this even I'm not changing in the alignment down here it's going to change how that's gonna happen so there's a whole set of videos on I think some nanomesh stuff where I actually go through on Zee classroom where I generate a cowl for a soldier so basically like a ghillie mesh suit but it's only like the top part and I'll go through and I explain some of the spinach stuff on how it generates the form there there's also a Zee classroom video on using the zmodeler action spin edge so if I go over here you can also spin edges by there's a one right here a spin edge option and this will allow you to clockwise or counterclockwise and so you can control just a single poly and spin it the one over here and the modified topology is gonna be a global based on what you have visible so if you have parts your model visible and you spin the edges can spin everything but there's a Zee classroom video on that it's that gets a little bit complex in terms of spinning edges but that's how you can control exactly how the position of those Nano meshes are gonna flow on the model may bend too much information there now we're ended the Randy's asking you thought the grass was fibermesh no it's it's all nanomesh digital plantings often what's the difference between a ray mesh and nanomesh so nanomesh is gonna all be based on the surface a poly surface of your model so it's taking a primitive and it's applying it to a surface a ray mesh is going to generate instance geometry but it's gonna be doing it based on a rays and so it's basically doing it on a slider based spline that controls how the topology is gonna flow so they're they're really totally different you can also convert array meshes to nanomesh but you can't go the other way around banana mesh in in my usage of it I use it a lot for um just playing in and I think it has more flexibility than some of the array mesh stuff like I use array meshes to take an object and mirror around a circle that's my primary use of a Ramos but for nanomesh I use it all over the place another thing with nanomesh let's just do this one quick too is I'm gonna go back to plain 3d here I'm gonna set mine divides back down low and then convert this to a poly mesh we're gonna get my beam brush here here's one thing to that's pretty cool so I'm gonna come through and just insert nanomesh across everything and then let's say I'm going to delete some polygons here so I'm hovering over poly musing the zmodeler brush there's a delete action I'm just gonna delete a hole and this is gonna give me an isolated poly right so now I've gone through and I'm holding ctrl and just dragging out a mask if I hold down alt this is gonna allow me to apply masking to everything else that's not masked and so now this is unmasked there then cake the gizmo and use go to unmask mesh Center and now I can move this beam around so I'm moving one beam now the cool thing about this is that since narrow mesh is based on Polly's you can basically take an object to apply an animus to it and then he could populate it elsewhere so say you have a grenade that you've made right take that grenade turn into an insert mesh brush turn to an animus brush apply it to a single plane just like this beam here then I can now take that plane and move it everywhere I want and that grenades gonna follow it right so I could put one here and I can put one here and I put one here and after you have that polygroup sets I can now duplicate this so I'm holding down control and I'm just duplicating the unmasked parts so now I've taken and made tubing's bang me three beans for beans five beans six beans and all I'm doing here is duplicating that poly and since that poly has that same polygroup that that nanomesh is linked to I can now manipulate it so now I could have say a bean right here and then I could come in and grab this one go to unmask mesh Center being here and so you can see its it gives you this kind of endless possibility where you can just add a single poly to any learn your model and it'll copy or make an instance of that shape and then in here I can turn off show placement and now I just have all these little beans and these are all just on the single Polly's and I can go back to my move brush here set my intensity high again and now I can move just these polygons I should be able to move these polygons if I'm unmasked and then I'm gonna play them like that so cool thing they're just using nanomesh to and it's it's great for in sesang the only downside on nanomesh what's not me to downside just a restriction is that if i want to edit the beam topology in order to edit it i can't edit it up here and this is one difference between an omission array and ray mesh is gonna allow you to edit that starting array mesh and then it's you're gonna see it updated across everything for nanomesh this is taking the geometry and it's locked in right now so the only thing I can manipulate is the polygon or the surface that nanomesh is connected to however if I want to edit it I need to come over here and go to edit mesh and then this will show me that object by itself however when you're in this view you're only able to see this object you ma can go see it as a whole so if you had a grenade and you place it on a bunch of place it on a plane object with nanomesh and you moved it around your character so you had multiples if you want to edit that grenade you're gonna have to use edit mesh over here this is now gonna isolate it and show you just that grenade but you're not gonna be able to see that great grenade related to everything else until you get out of that mesh so just want a little thing there I'm going way overboard and tangents and we're hyping it up to skill level 10 so that may be too much I'll try to turn it back yourself so yes Randy micromesh nanomesh is the advanced version of my compression that is correct Rio's asking can you add decorative finish to a jewelry design with this you could you could definitely generate a surface populated with nano mesh and then after it's done you just convert it to real geometry using that convert vpr geo and to get it to watertight you could use the gizmo 3d remesh by Union and that would go through and weld them all together so you definitely could do that so why batching yes all these Polly's right here it's gonna be based on your poly group so these Polly's are all this have the same poly group so that index is linked to that Polly group as soon as I would come in and say change the polygroup you see it's going to remove it from there so that link is gonna be broken you can also copy polygroups with the zmodeler brush too so if I select back to this email address to say I accidentally cleared that one out right so this poly groups different from this one now and come over a poly that has the polygroup I want and go in here and choose the polygroup option and there's email or poly menu and then down here I can do pick existing instead of overwrite and now it will pick it and now if I come across the surface I want change it to overwrite and you can see as this poly group change changes back that beam is gonna come back up so you can copy the poly go to so yes this disk grenade we were talking about grenades but this is definitely a coffee bean I had a guy should have brought a grenade we could have it we could have went and covered that next time next time I'll blame it on preparations all right so now we're gonna have some we're gonna talk about alphas quick and then we're gonna use our newfound love for nanomesh and we're going to generate some cool stuff all right so I just reset my whole thing here I lost all my coffee beans lost everything it's all gone it's all good all right so I want to do now is I want to talk briefly how ZBrush handles texture stuff and so as an example this I've just loaded this sphere in and up here we go the tool palette and I'm just gonna grab our trusty plane through the object here I'm gonna go down here the initialize menu and just make this a little lighter so at 10 by 10 and then we're going to convert it to a polymesh3d now instead of ZBrush if you have a texture map and you applied this surface it's gonna bring it in and anything that has like a pure black color you're gonna be able to use as a translucent or opacity kind of thing so if you think about like a PNG that has like a native alpha Channel kind of built into it ZBrush isn't gonna accept that kind of stuff but it will take any texture you have and if there's pure black you can turn that black into transparent so there's an example with just this plain 3d object here if we come over to the texture map area you can see there's these textures 10 texture 11 and texture 12 and these are set up as RGB so you can see their depth is just it's just an RGB map 1024 by 1024 and there's no alpha built into this map it's just a colored texture so it's just a texture that has the star on it and then the background is black now you'll see when I hover over it that black area is rendering as transparent right so if I select this here you see this is what's gonna happen so I've just taken that star and I've applied it to the plane and now I'm only getting the plane or the star right this plane is still here so if I turn this transparent option and texture off this is what it looks like right this is the pure texture map here so you can see if the star and then it has this black background and then the texture map tab if I sent this to transparent it's now gonna call out that and now I have a transparent surface now with this thing come down to say the display properties to and turn on double and now you can see I have this plane 3d and it's now being culled out by this texture of this star so this is a little thing to note with the processes we're about to do so we're gonna take the star we're going to take maps that are like this they're set up in RGB format and they have black backgrounds and we're going to call those out and then we're gonna apply them a mesh using nano mesh which is then going to give us some crazy results and give us the ability to kind of modify surfaces that aren't as heavy and make them look heavy so like the star here just the ability of just clipping this out by this texture map I've now add more kind of dynamic or dynamic qualities or resolution to this so if I turn this you know off you know I just have a plane but when I turn it on this transparent process is making this more interesting so it's adding more detail to that surface now this can be applied to a really low polygon version too and it's still going to work so right now I just did ten by ten plane but if I come up here to that plane through the option again and let's go all the way down to the lowest so two by two and then make polymesh and I'm gonna do the same thing now I'm gonna take that texture map and so now this is gonna work as well and so now this poly right here is extremely lightweight right so we're looking at four active points here we're looking at two triangles and then I've added this texture map which is adding complexity to it so this is another way you can kind of use alphas this is pretty much only gonna be able to use it in like a render format you're not gonna be able do anything with this in terms of like 3d printing or generating a pure mesh out of it but for any rendering processes compositing anything of that nature you can take alphas and Adam to surfaces called out parts of them and you're gonna get a more advanced surface but you're gonna have it still be lightweight so you can use more of them okay so with my start here I got that now with this I have gone through and I have made a bunch of alphas so let's go and locate my text your folder here now you guys unfortunately I do not have these anywhere where you can get them so you're gonna have to you have to make your own probably or I'm gonna have to eventually upload these summer [Music] so here's a bunch of foliage and so basically what I did here was I went around and I carried around this gigantic green screen and I would put it on I'd get some random trees out of the forest random plants out of the forest I put them on top of the green screen and I take their picture then I take these images and I'd bring them into Photoshop and I'd clean them up so they were left with just the image of the plant basically their leaves and stuff and then nothing else and both of these are mostly these are pretty big so I have some of these what listed with their K values so at least 1020 for our pretty much the majority of these I have some two K's and I think have some four K's in here too and yes it's totally from my backyard it's never gonna die and so I have a whole bunch of these in here and so what I can do with these let me start playing with these to start generating designs so I can take these and start populating different meshes and filling them with this and now making a different result so to load any of these in I just come across a surface here and say we'll start with say this one here I just double-click this is going to now put it into the texture tab here and then after that's in the texture tab and come over here and switch to it and now I have it like this so now I have a single poly right talking to triangles here and now it looks like a leaf okay so now I can manipulate this and this is just doing that same process I did before I'm holding ctrl and duplicating it and you can see I can start you know making some sort of plant life great and it's gonna be just those single poly so we turn off the textures this is all the geometry is and then when I turn it on and now looks like this there's also anti-aliasing yes and the anti-icing will clean it up quite a bit so I often recommend to definitely put that on there as well now one thing nice about the ZBrush compared to some other applications sometimes if you have a lot of transparent objects and you try to overlay them on top of each other you'll reach a limit right so if you have something where you have like topology property boundary biology at a certain point it's usually done through GPU processes um your sample rate won't be high enough to support it and it'll end up getting at some point when you get this black background will come back right so you will have transparency on transparent transparent and then all of a sudden you'll have one that's black and that's just because your sample rate usually isn't high enough to sample back through those transparent objects enough instead of ZBrush you don't really ever have to worry about that you can populate something with a million of these things and it's always gonna render correct so that's another benefit here in terms of that you don't really worry about sample rates like if you want to have a forest of these things and it's just like a thousand planes lined up you're gonna be able to see at the room and it's gonna give you this effect so now that I have my little sample here what I want to do is undo back to just one of these as I just want to create a new instrument brush with this right and the key to this is when you created this Ramesh brush with a texture the main thing here that's gonna go associated with it is that this texture itself is going to have a city UVs and the UVs are gonna be stored into that brush and then the texture will go along with it so I'm gonna take this here and I'm gonna go to the brush coat over here I'm gonna create insert mesh brush and do new and so now I have my foliage here and now I could use this just as you would a normal insert mesh brush now you'll see F I drag the set on this plane here this is what I'm getting right I'm just getting this only coming out with a plane I'm not getting that texture applied so you wanna make sure your object has movies on it when you do this process if you're just using as an insert mesh brush I go to my plane 3d here and I drag this out return a texture on here now you'll see I'll be able to draw it out so one thing with an instrument brush just like we had with being you have to have a surface that has a texture map applied to use an instant mash brush with the texture map and with the beam you have to have a surface with poly paint active to use a insert mesh brush with poly paint and then the information with poly paint to also needs to have your RGB intensity set to zero there's some ask ZBrush videos on that on how to use intermissions with texture so if you need more informations that's I could go and talk for that a little ways here but we're gonna try to refrain from today so I'm gonna convert the sensor mesh to an animist brush and now I have an animist brush and it has this part and now we're gonna go up and we're gonna go to our sphere here and we're just gonna zremesh this quickly make it a little bit lower one thing nice about zremesher too after you run it once you can activate this half option and then keep running it and you'll get your mesh lower and lower and lower I just want it big enough to kind of see here and I'm gonna do insert an animation poly and boom look at that now I've got the sphere and I've gone through and I've populated it with that nanomesh part that contained that texture and so now I have veggie ball right I don't know why that name popped in my head but that's that's what you guys get today it is called the veggie ball 9 turn off show placement and now I can just see that as a pure object and now once again I get is like move scale or rotate and I can start pulling these out and you're see it's gonna start distorting that right so this is really fun to play with so now I have random forest right random plant life I can populate my scene with now this growing and shrinking because I have some this size of the polygons are getting larger so definitely come in here and change the size of these I can turn on random distribution which is also going to change that effect so now he won't change the entire process so now as needed it'll kind of add topology through there and then see you can see like tons of these are overlapping and all this is is that plain 3d object for that plain object that has those two triangles for points and you can see this does not look I got increased this from looking as simplistic as it was and now it looks like this alright let's look at these questions quick drink some water and then we're gonna go and we're gonna try to sculpt an elephant so Said's asking is the way to create a fiber mesh from a custom mesh so what you can do with that is your new micro mesh with fiber mesh and then with that you can populate the fibers with a micro mesh so it kind of give you this kind of similar effect do a search for a zbrush micro mesh yeah just do a search for that there's one on there where I go through a process of how to do it there's also a demo file if you come up here to project and then go to miscellaneous miscellaneous there's a micro mesh one right here and that will kind of show you how it's working too so basically it's a fiber mesh object and then instead of populating the fiber surface with a fiber it's populating with a micro mesh and the micro mesh when it's attached to a fiber will allow it to extend past the polygon borders so won't be restricted to a single poly so you could have that strip of fiber and you could have one single micro mesh one single piece of geometry go from one end to the other end across multiple points and then you get one long strip so for this one here when you render it it's gonna look like a plant and so that's using the micro mesh functionality so nanomesh is the upgraded version of micro mesh but micro mesh has that ability with fiber mesh that would allow you to get some cool results and there's a there's definitely a nasty brush video on that so meckel's asking you have a tutorial how to capture those plant textures and bring it into ZBrush I've tried my quality has been mediocre so the main thing with this is there was really any tricks so if you have depends on what resolution took the image at so for the ones I have here in this texture area they're all shot on an old Cannon and so we're looking at I will say 8 megapixels when I shot these out and basically just the quality of your lighting is gonna be your big thing so if you do them on an overcast day that's gonna be your best lighting so you don't have any how harsh shadows kind of interfering with them so I took him in an overcast day I just took him out of green screen and that was just for ease of grabbing and then I just didn't put him into Photoshop and I basically just cut out the background I mean there's no other real like tricks other than that and then after I did that I go in and I make sure the images are square formatted and this just makes it easier so if I apply to something inside of ZBrush I know that if I apply it to a square object it's gonna come in at the same ratio and then I don't have to worry about that texture being distorted so that could be one thing too if you have you know long gated surfaces and you apply them to whatever size mesh you have it could make squish or scratch them and then that could stretch out those pixels and make it look bad too so I usually end up always going to like a square format for those and then for saving them these are just saved out as your normal just a bit format RGB and then I save mattes phd's instead of JPEGs just so they don't get compression and then just import those in that's it so quality wise it could just be your source material it could also be that you're running it through say a JPEG compression or something like that that could be terior ating your final result but ZBrush will accept PSD is no problem so you can just send save mattes PSD s and then these are just saved at as 1024 by 1024 or 512 by 512 or 2048 by 2048 yes you can make the the leaf double-sided and so that way it won't be black and that's just done in down here in the display properties and so the in the nano mesh whatever you have it set is gonna determine that so for these leaves here it's already turned on right so if I want to change that and go to the nano my sherry here I can go to edit mesh and then in here it should be turned on let's try this they go they should be double-sided that will control the double side nature of it so you just take the index you're on go to edit mesh and then down in that display properties turn off or on double and then when you get out of edit mesh and get back to your Nana mesh it should now look like that now lighting definitely if you if you render and you have something that's fully you know it's still gonna see the normals of this shape as being that flat polygon so definitely if you do like some crazy lighting in here and you have it coming from one side if it's gonna cache shadows remember it's it's definitely gonna cast there's no gradient value in there because it's flat and so you could still get some black rendering artifacts if you render it's nanomesh good for making fur especially for games usually for that fiber mesh is gonna be a very bet or vdm brushes depending which toy to go I mean you can play with it and sieving it out I've never used it specifically for fur anytime I did fur fur game stuff it was usually fiber mesh or I'd end up using kind of place geometry like I'd like a strand and then place it all over the place so edge extrude the demo will be on restream too so show up again on youtube so you can always tune in and re watch it and we guess we've got some little more the stream left here we've got a little time left so I'm going to sculpt some other stuff and we'll place with more of this animus here we got a question do you bake the normals height maps to give them texture or a 3d feel you can the only thing with that is you will not get it inside of ZBrush ZBrush is always for this most of the processes in here it's going to work primarily on just a diffuse texture so this is just the diffuse map here you do have the ability to do normals and displacements inside of ZBrush but the visibility of those will not be visible so it's not going to give you say like a PBR textured material where you have those surfaces applying to give you a result so right now this mesh is purely just RGB but if you had it generated out you could swap the texture and get a version of it but you won't be able to see those Maps processes combined inside ZBrush so if you have a mesh and you have three Maps albedo specular say you have an albedo a specular a normal map and a bump you're not gonna go to view those all this same time on your mush you only be able to have one so web matching doesn't get multiple textures on nanomesh you're only gonna have one at a time but you can do different indexes and then apply different textures there so with the let's see let's get through let's go up the little quick elf in here and then we'll talk about how you can do different indexes with these different materials and some of the things that come into play with that too so I'm gonna come back to my poly mesh through here we're just gonna reset this quick and we had a question earlier about the kind of starting base meshes for characters so this I'm just gonna go through the quick process of this using sculptors Pro and this sphere here so this is just a dynamesh sphere so I went in the light box by pressing comma and then I just selected the 128 sphere here and loaded this in and now for this I'm gonna switch to the snake hug brush which is one of my go-to s here to make sure I've symmetry turned on and I'm kind of looking at the front of the model here and the snake hook brush allows you to pull the surfaces out so you're talking about you know having trouble with form kind of finding form or getting a feel for it this brush is definitely awesome for getting this kind of stuff and one thing you can do with this is that you can activate sculptors Pro and this will allow you to pull your form out and as you pull it out it's gonna tessellate or divide the model so if I wanted to make you know some sort of elephant creature here I could start pulling this out and then let's say I want to give them like a tail right so if I do this normally and I pull it out this is what I'm gonna get alright so as I pull the surface out I don't really have enough topology on the mesh at the moment to support that change and so what happens is I get this now you may like this triangle stuff because it does give some cool cool results sometimes but this is just a big mess right now and this is definitely not giving me an elephant tail so instead of doing that I can activate sculptors Pro and now when I pull out that part there your seats gonna add topology as I pull it out and I can keep going and going and going and basically add that surface there so it's not gonna triangulate that mesh so this is one thing that's really easy to kind of use to start pulling out forms right so I can just do this and now I've started out with my base mesh shape right so this is just activating sculptors Pro and then pulling the model out now I'm gonna see me model a random elephant here you saw you guys saw how my my sculpting wait for the the mug last week I swear I can sculpt it's just this under pressure I'm under pressure in the streams I want to talk and I want to show you guys cool tricks and then I feel that everyone can sculpt so it's just like this is like the boring part he's sculpting again for hours we're gonna get some sort of random elephant here look at that looking like a hot mess but this is the way you can kind of build base meshes really quick and this is just using sculptors Pro and so this is the default settings for this I'll sometimes go in and change my defaults to so that when I smooth it doesn't do a undivided right when I smooth it on divides but when I add it doesn't underline but you can see I can just come in and quickly make some mess here and this is just all just using that snake hook brush so I haven't deviated from this pressure and I'm just using it here in kind of this like weird wiggle fashion to get some more weight to those feet and then I'll go in and say use the claybuildup brush hope switch to my color there and then with this as I mentioned earlier I kind of do a weird kind of cross hatching with my brush strokes so I'll come in and do this so I rarely come through and drag a stroke out to get what I want I'll build it up and then I'll shrink it down and play with this like so and this is my basic kind of sculpting kind of flow on stuff that I end up doing and it turns to this too so coming and next Friday I'll be switching from this kind of ZBrush live stuff and we actually have a project stream that I'll be starting on and so we have some concept art work that's came from proko.com so he's a great YouTube artist and he's been doing all sorts of anatomy and drawing streams and so we've kind of teamed up with him coming starting next week we'll be doing a stream it'll be based on one of his associates concept art and so you'll get to see me do I got actually sculpting that one so I'm a little bit a little bit worried that it's gonna turn disaster we'll see how it goes cuz usually I sculpt in silence alright so we've got something like an elephant here we're gonna fill with leaves anyway it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine and one thing with ZBrush - like I throw away a lot of stuff I do like I model a lot of stuff and then there's probably about 90% of it that never sees the light of day just because I don't like it so all those things that I'll go through and if I don't like it after a while like even if I'm like spent like a few hours into it I'll be like yeah it's done and I'll just restart it until I get what I want so there yeah I got some sort of elephant and so that's how you usually end up walking stuff out just kind of going back and forth like that all right let's see these textures here see these questions Said's asking is there a way to merge two different meshes together by sculptors so there is not but I can show you a quick little trip trick and this is one that uh if you ever watch Ashley Adams streams - she does these as well she does this little trick as well so let's say with this elephant here we're gonna get I want to pull something out and I wanted to go back into his body so if I use that snake hook and I click and drag it and I do this you see it's gonna give this kind of result right it's going through the mesh and it's not you know it's distorting that other part and so let's say I want to make something really airy or I want to have like some sort of like goo on a creature or something like that some sort of kind of wiry webbing so the trick you can do for this with sculptors Pro is first just come through and just mask an area out all right this is areas gonna be protected now I can say pull out with the snake hook brush and now I can embed into that area let me make sure I get my angle right here and so now let me go through that surface right so now I have this loop now this stage these are still separate so if I come through and smooth this you see it's gonna smooth back out it's not fused so that's the first approach there so if you have something you want to weld together or you want to use say the snake hook brush and create some weird surface where it goes into another surface protect the area you want to go to and then you'll be able to pull this mesh into it now for the welding aspect of it sculptors probe will not well so this is still gonna keep you keep it detached it did not fuse this so this stage you have a few options you could do I can cut off a part and then cut off a part there and then use the bridge curved brush which was over here so here's this curved bridge brush and that confused two holes together and then I can get that shape for the other process since I'm at this kind of level already of what I'm at I can just dynamesh right so I can come here name dynamesh and then just read dynamesh the model and now that's fused it together and then I can continue sculpting with sculptors Pro so that's the other way to kind of go through and you know if you have something you need to weld together and move and you're using sculptors Pro just dynamesh and it's gonna fuse it and then you just continue sculpting so that's the the two kind of process there the bridge curb bridge one would work too but you'd have to like mask and hide and do some other processes but basically with sculptors Pro you're working on a bass master topology anyway so you're not fully into the you know you're not fully loving the topology as it is so basically just breed ina meshing it is gonna weld those parts together and then you just keep sculpting so we have a comment are we gonna talk about the elephant the room no frumpy front pbl and we're going with it pro we're going with it so this is I'm always kind of streaming with the Wacom device I don't know if this is the the welcome stream but okay so now I got my elephant here and we've done we're gonna move this little tail out a little bit and another quick trick here so his feet one thing that always bugs me is uh when I sculpt stuff or I see some other models that other people have done you know the feet you know they for me the the big thing is like having something like bound or ground to the floor and like this right now with the floating foot it drives me nuts so here's a quick trick you can kind of do to fix that and you can just use the clip brush for this and once again if you're at this stage where you're just kind of making your mesh building out a silhouette you're not really concerned about geometry the clip curved brush is great what it does is it's gonna take anything on one side of this curve and it's gonna mash it to the other side so it does have the ability to create some bad geometry especially if you have something that won't collapse directly onto itself so you could also use the trim curve brush too which is this other brush right here and what this will do it will trim it and then fill it so you have two different options through there clip and trim and the trim will fill and the clip will smash so just remember the two differences in that so for this one if I do clip and I can clip the feet here now you can see they're all kind of nestled on the ground there but all this did was mush it together and so it's fine at this model state now but if I wanted to do even cleaner I could come and use the trim curve and do that same process and now it's going to cut it and then fill it so the topologies gonna be a little bit cleaner there but now my elephant doesn't have route random web heating they're hanging off in the middle of the world and Randy's bringing up the lice brush sometimes acts like a trim brush it shouldn't be if it is you may have found something that should be reported to coming up into the help menu and somebody could take it to support pixelated comm I'm not sure Chris what stream that is so this is a developer stream from Anzhi class on ZBrush live here I'm not sure who else is going on today but if you go to ZBrush live.com and there's a calendar link now at the top and in there there are links to people coming up we actually look really quick let's do this I'm gonna try not to double screen here so I'm not there may be someone going for TOI stuff after this we have a lot of presenters yeah let's get the echo out of there so sack aqui is going after this and he's out of Japan and he does toys so he'll be going at 6 p.m. la time tonight and he's an amazing artist so definitely if you're looking for toy stuff at least on our channel check out his streams to his Japanese but so there will be usually there's a translator in the stream with them so if you have questions he can answer them for you but his works amazing so I definitely check that out all right so now I got my elephants and now let's reduce some polygons on them so I went through and I sculpted this quick and basically I'm just looking for a silhouette right so I could have go back in and I can make this you know better he's not the greatest elephant there's a lot of Anatomy issues here but we're going for something that would be in the yard covered in leaves anyway so I just need like a base form like you can read this in front than a yeah that's probably an elephant you know we're not gonna get mistake for a dog so I think I think we're good so now I'm gonna go to the geometry tab over here and I'm gonna zremesh this and I just want to go through and this is just gonna reprocess it with lower topology because right now it's still a little dense and so for using any sort of nanomesh functionality on this I want to make sure it's not too heavy because I'm applying this part to individual surfaces so I'm gonna come here and click zremesh and process this and so we're now at that level so we can go a little bit lower than that so I'm gonna come over here and I'm gonna do half and zoom rush again another nice thing with zremesher is that oftentimes it'll clean up any kind of messy sculptural stuff to so you see if I run this a few times now my now my elephants look a little bit smoother and then just to kind of preview what it would look like we had subdivisions on egg turn dynamic I think it's kind of cleaned up a little bit so you can definitely use zremesher to clean up sculpts too and it'll give you a nice kind of smoothing effect but it's gonna be like a topology smooth rather than like a sculptural smooth it's great for a cloth sculpting so what you can do for like any of that stuff is if you have some cloth you can just quickly rip in some wrinkles like large scale like wrinkles stuff and then run zremesher on it it's gonna go through and follow nice and then you can apply some subdivisions on it and I'll end up looking a lot better and you don't have to spend a lot of time messing with that stuff all right so now I got my mesh here now let's create some of our insert my parts and his head is killing me here we got the white in this out a little bit there yeah that's a little bit that was this is this is where I get a loose track of time because I come in and I started doing this I just start seeing things that are like yeah that's not that's not it that's not it all right so now I got my elephant got my bass ringing up here we're gonna click save click now I'm gonna make a few parts for a nanomachine and with the mesh we talked about earlier how it's working on instancing and so if you're doing foliage stuff like this this is a key thing to remember because basically any nanomesh index you have it's gonna always check to see if another index has the similar point count and similar shape in order to cut down on memory usage so if I have a plain 3d object that is just those four outer points and then I have that on instance one and I have one texture applied to it if I apply that with a different texture on index 2 ZBrush is gonna see both of those and since they can say in that same geometry it's gonna go oh this is the same one you already used well we can you just use the instance of that again and reduce memory however in this case since I'm just applying textures that texture isn't looked at and so if I had two surfaces that had different textures on it but the geometry is the same and I go to apply them I'm only going to get one texture out of it so we're gonna go through and we're going to set up some plain 3d objects so we can create instruments pressure and then creates a nanomesh brush but we're gonna modify the topology on our plain 3d brushed objects slightly between its each texture so the ZBrush doesn't see them as a pure geometry instead of instance the surface so imma come over here and grab the plane 3d one over time here and turn on poly frames and for this we're just gonna make a few of these so the first one we're gonna do just straight out to 2h divided and I'm gonna turn make polymesh3d on and now there we have that object there and now this is just my plane here now I want to create another one of these so I'm gonna click duplicate in here just to quickly do this I could go the initialize menu and change the divides every single time but I don't want really to do that because it's gonna take a little time to process so I'm gonna come over here and turn off SMT and divide once on the second one and then click delete lower so now this is plane one so this just has four points plane two has nine points duplicate again I got plane three and divide that one and then delete lower so that one has 25 points so now I have four nine twenty five and then we'll duplicate this one more time and we're going to now divide this one and then we'll delete lower on that and so now we have 81 so right now all these planes of geometry have different vertex counts right and this is a key thing here because when we're using the animations X's if the usually if you just use normal index insert meshes you're never gonna run into this problem but if you end up using things with just textures applied to a plane you're gonna you need to make sure the geometry that's applied to this is different okay because if it's not then ZBrush the nanomesh is gonna see that as the same piece of geometry that's in another index and then it's just gonna use that instead to try to save our memory but if you have a texture applied that you want different it's not gonna work so now they have my planes hiraman apply some maps to these so we're gonna go in here to our texture map area and grab my alpha plants we're gonna grab our one topiary eight leaf here and load that in I'm just gonna load a bunch of these so I'm gonna do the next topiary one so get to those then this one I want to load in I don't know if I'll use it as a nanomesh but we'll load that in and then of course we need some sort of flower I mean just just because right will do mm-hmm we'll do a small flower here all right so now let's set up our parts here now with this tube we kind of just want to think about how much apology you're gonna throw at this model too so this is just pre-thought kind of stuff like you can just go in and do this and hope for the best but ahead of time if you're gonna do a lot of this stuff it's smart to think about well which insert mesh model is going to populate my model the most and so for this one it's going to be this one texture this taupe Airy texture here I'm pretty gonna use that heavily so I want to come over here to that sub tool this first one here and make sure it's the lightest one so it's the one that's just got four there I'm going to the texture tab down the bottom here and just link it to that so now that one is set I want to make sure transparents turned on and then also turn on animal aliasing now I'm going to go to my second one here so this is the one that has a little more topology and I want to link it to this one so this topiary Oh for some come down here to the texture map tab open this up grab o4 makes your transparence on turn on anti-aliasing then for this one here which is the oh three one we'll have this one be little little white flower so we'll come down here texture map tab and select a little white flower here makes your transparent Sun turn on any alias in and then for the last one we're going to link the one with the veins here any other sin transparent one and now we have this set up so now we have in our scene and we can actually name these two so we'll do IV I don't even know if that's ivy we're just going to name it do that one taupe this one would be a little flower and then this one will be and there we go alright so now I got these I'm gonna get out of solo here and make sure these are all positioned in my scene like this I'm gonna go to the brush pot over here and go to crate insert mesh oh no not create nicer mesh create insert Multi mesh now this insert multi mesh option became enabled because I had more than one sub tool so if I only had one sub tool in my scene I would only just give me the intermesh but since I have multiples I can apply all these at the same time into a brush so I can take all these sub tools and turn them into one insert mesh brush I'm gonna click this and now I should have an insert mesh brush that contains these parts now once again I want to convert this to an animus brush on the brush palette up here convert to nanomesh and now I have a nanomesh brush with those parts so now I go back to my elephants here and let's check out these questions here so we are hanging in there with the lockdown I end up working remotely as it is so I'm out here in North Carolina our headquarters are in LA and we have people all over the world that kind of work remotely as well and before the lockdown happened it's been a little chaos I'm lyin because now I don't have my lockdown my normal space to myself I have a lot of people in it so it's definitely uh it's I think it's more chaos than normal I'm used to seeing like myself and my dogs for like most of the day and now I see like both my kids all day and everything else it's a little chaos no we're all doing well Webb batching is asking what's the adapted functionality do underneath zremesher so if you have anything inside a ZBrush you have questions on you can definitely hover over it and hold down the control key and it will give you some information on this I bring this up because the adaptive one is basically gonna look at the polygons and try to adapt the base geometry around it but this will give you a little more detail on that so if you just hold down control across anything inside the interface and get more information on it and so there's the one for the adaptive skin the adaptive process but basically just going to look at at it and it's gonna try to adapt the size to fit stuff and if it's not exact it's gonna be okay so it's given it more freedom to process your model edge extrude is asking is our poly limit with zremesher so there is a limit for what you can get to but you should be able to change it to what you want so this um where we add here you turn off half you can adjust this and so it will go to a hundred thousand polygons is what that is so there is a limit on that so it's 0.1 to a hundred thousand because basically zremesher is made to generate new kind of low res topology on your mesh and then after you have a low res you can divide it up but basically it's it's processes to take your model and reduce it rather than add stuff to it Randy dice yes I should have added double-sided as well I can add that later we'll do that here in a second all right so now they got my elephants and I got my insert mesh brush I can now start adding some of this taupe area to here so I'm gonna select my iv1 first and with this I want to populate the entire mesh right so I'm gonna click and drag and hold shift and you see now it's gonna flood the entire model with that topiary right so now I go to the nanomesh Harriett here I can now come in here and click on show placement and this is going to give me this result I can turn off show placement there you go and now I see those leaves coming through I can now go to edit mesh and make sure the double-sided option is turned on so I see from back on my object there and now I should have this and now I can come in here and start playing with the size of these and then also how many of these I want so if I just apply it normally it's applying it right now to every single face on this elephant right so this is why once again I chose the small size portion of geometry that we made with sensor my brush because I knew it was gonna be applied everywhere right and with this if I want to reduce this down so it's not coming across every single polygon you can apply this random distribution and this will lighten that load a little bit so this is definitely doesn't need to go across every single poly so just applying some random distribution is already gonna cut down how many of those are gonna be applied and then after that's applied it can scale it up or down to kind of get that feeling a little bit different right and then I can add some no variation to this right now the variation on this is pretty good because basically you know that pattern I have applied to it has already got a sense of noise to it or a noise quality to it so as is across the entire surface you're not really seeing that pattern defined as it's a repeating shape it's giving you almost that random effect but if you want to add more now we can come through and play with these rotation angles kind of see what it's kind of giving me on any of these and then adding this variation option here will give you some different roughness on their shapes and so definitely I'd always add a little bit of this because now we're getting that well the Gardner kind of missed that area there or he didn't cut that one so definitely you can add that little kind of surprise happy accidents there now another thing with the variation sliders if you come over here and say I set the width to all width length and height are all the same value if you start activating these sliders this is gonna do kind of a uniform scale across it so you'll get the pieces going you know at the same resolution if you have any offsets and numbers over here it's gonna do kind of an onion affirm scale so one little thing there too in terms of this if you start messing with it and you're like well I just want to I just want some that are smaller maybe I don't really want them longer I just want them globally smaller so just make sure that all these numbers match if you want that to happen now as you change these you're gonna see this mesh update on the fly too so you can just kind of come through and play with it until you get something you like and size it up and down so you really have a lot of freedom and kind of control with this if you make an accent you can always undo it too and so now we've got my elephant here and he's looking more topi area formed now this stage I can also modify him too so I go back to say that move fresh if you add geometry to this it's gonna change the amount of stuff that's going to be applied so I can definitely take this model and divide it but just remember when you divide it it's adding more polygons now it's going to keep the same poly group but it's gonna add more polygons and so it's going to increase the amount of now in meshes that are applied and so if I came up here and say I want to divide and click divide you see now my nano meshes are getting smaller because of added more topology to it but you can definitely manipulate the mesh even to the extent of dividing it to increase the amount of polygons on a mesh and then moving stuff around as you can see will distort that underlying structure so I can manipulate my elf in a little bit more maybe his ears weren't as visible in a topi area form here and you start getting you know really crazy with this may want to see no tail to do something different and this is just me of performing a move and then it's just affecting that nanomesh as well now with my elfin here I can now start adding those other elements to it so maybe I want to add that other option or the other top area form on it too so with this I'm going go back here and I'm just going to locate twitch show placement back on swings see the mesh underlying it and turn my Polly frames on and I just want to go back to that brush that I created so this is the one with the ivy and stuff here I'm gonna select the other taupe area here and I'll hover across the Polly's and I hold click and drag and hold shift which is gonna applied to everywhere and since I already had it applied everywhere with that other one this is just applying it an additional to it so it's applying it to the same polygons across everything and now I just have to nano mesh is stuck on every single poly so now with this I probably activate that random distribution pretty fast here and then I can change the size here and now I've added another element to my elephant here so I have my initial one and then I have a secondary one that's coming in now this one may be a little bit harder to see because it is definitely different but it looks similar but this can also allow you to play with the ones now so this could be my random sporadic one that creates that the Tufts that shoot off you know like the ones that are starting to grow now right not the old ones it's not old growth its new growth right so I can come through here and I can change my offset on this and figure out which one is the correct one here so it's Z 1 and I mean you can type in values for all these too if you type in any values into the sliders just make sure you hit enter after it and so now I have those ones are now coming in and they're adding this stuff right so they're adding this here if I hide the others you can see this is what that index looks like and then this is what my first index looks like and then combined together I now have this so now I'm roughing up that kind of element there so a little bit more kind of irregularities on that mesh now I want to add in my flowers sentiments like my flower option here and I'm gonna turn on my show placement again just something see that mesh and I can find a poly shift and drag on that too which is now going to apply that all over there and I can hide others you can see this is what it's giving me with all those flowers once again activate random distribution and increase the size on this and then I'm gonna change the offset to just so it comes out from the mesh there and then I show the others and then turn off placement and so now I have these little flowers coming into and so you can see I can keep layering up these different nano meshes to keep getting different results now for the last one here for these veins this one's you know just another thing I could add to it I could also add as a different element so let's say I come up here and I now append in just the plain object and we'll just move that over here and then rotate it and it's just a single plane object this is a new subtool but now I can take that vein and I can apply it to this okay and this is where we're talking about earlier using nano meshes on just single pieces of geometry now I still get the same controllers as I have in the other one so I can offset this if I want so it's not embedded into that plane I can also hide the placement and now I have this as a nanomesh on that that plane so now I can use this to maybe establish maybe I don't want a Z here sculpted maybe I wanted to be these large gigantic things right so I could come in and add this and then right now since this is just a plane with an animation on it I can hold ctrl and duplicate it and rotate it position it and move it around I may make another one say over here and bring it back see what that looks like yeah I got that kind of ear shape going on with those and then I can also use you know since it is just geometry it's just the plain piece of geometry I can use mirror and weld and you know anything I haven't access to inside of ZBrush so if I come down to the couch area and do mirror and weld I can mirror it so that these two plane geometries that have this nanomesh attached now go to the other side oh and I guess some reason it's telling me I don't have any polygons there we go oh that's cuz of masking remember to unmask and get out of Manish there we go alright then we also want to turn around our back face masking too so I'm gonna edit mesh' go down to the display properties turn on double and now I have both those ears and there we've got our little elephant so there we go we're gonna quick save that now is bonus material and then we'll get these questions quick and then I think we're gonna be out of stream time today I have some other ones that I've kind of done quickly to kind of show you topiaries we just got get hit with topiaries today but you can also render these is the other thing and you can use the BPR filters with this and so we had a whole thing on BPR filters but these are a lot of fun in terms of rendering stuff too so if i render this let me turn off my poly frame someone did it one more time you see this is the result I'm getting so I'm not getting any of those weird kind of areas on the mesh that are calling out black because they don't enough samples like the ZBrush will just render at all and so this is actually you know all the way through you can see that I have those leaves built-in and all this is was a leaf that was on that single plane and then I've just applied it to that quickly sculpted elephant and now I get this result and now I can add filters to this so if I go to lightbox and go to the filter area here I'm gonna choose render set this time so the difference between filters and render sets is that filters is going to apply the process here in the filters to your current render settings and then render set is going to give you new render settings and then also apply the filter so if you want exactly what the filter is supposed to look like and be used with you probably wanna use render set the only problem with render set is is gonna have to render with BPR again before giving you the result so it's a little bit slower than just going through and slamming different filters in the filter area but now I can say coming in grab to say this watercolor one let me set my background here to something like this one should get me a better Iseult here that was a little noisy I swear I did some testing on these and if I have my floor grid on this will also give me a little shadow here should be giving me shadows I'm bringing you all lies today but you can see even just doing this now I've got a totally different look to the model something that could be almost you know stylized out of something else like if we're doing like an illustration for a children's book right all I did was quickly make this add some topiary stuff which is just images applied to planes that were now coming across the surface and then now I've just rendered it in with an MPR filter and we're done and that was what 30 minutes a little bit less than 30 minutes so just think of ways like to use the brush that you know aren't your typical ones are like ways to speed up processes you may do that may have taken a long time before there's definitely a lot of stuff in there because now that it's 3d you know I can change my angles and everything else and I did a whole zoo custom live on the filter stuff too I'm creating shapes like that but it's it's fun to play with pretty much anything you kind of make so the topiary creation here there's also a render set in here that will return you to default too so you can click that and get back to where you were originally as well and they'll bring me back to my original well it should bring back to my original lone elephant here so fun times fun times all right let's head of these questions quick it does look like a chia pet totally does so web batching you're asking after I zero mesh model do I still need to read to apologize and Maya or not so the it depends it depends what you're doing with the model at the end result so zremesher is going to give you a single one-click solution and it's very fast so this is the thing here very fast it takes you one click it may not give you the exact topology you want for a game resolution assets and definitely if you're trying to get a job in the game industry they probably don't want you they're gonna ask you you know hey was this the remastered you do it by hand because there's kind of like this getting into like it's kind of a hurdle you kind of guy pass and that's you need to be able to do some manual topology so in a learning sense I wouldn't say that zoom measures your answer for everything but it does give you a great start on a lot of things and with it you can also edit the topology it gives you you can use em use these spheres to edit it and then with that you can then manipulate it to fit exactly once so zremesher give you a head start and then go in and chop out parts you don't want and rebuild them say with the zmodeler brush or use the Z spear reap all these stuff and fix those up so in terms of speed it's a huge time saver but as is it the end result not always but sometimes it can be it just depends what you're doing Said's asking can we use the nanomesh created and if it's texturing this off like Maya so after you convert it it will go anywhere you want so if I take my object here and I which was to convert it basically for this one for the nanomesh the the one thing if you're going to convert this is you have to remember that each of these different parts had a different texture on it and so ZBrush as a sub tool sense can only have one texture applied to one sub tool at a time so you'd have to use you know before and I was convinced I was using BPI regio for this one you'd want to use probably this one to mesh and convert that part and then break it off in a zone sub tool and then do one two meshed again convert that in text break it out and was on sub tool one two mesh for the last the second the next last one converted to its own sub tool and that would give you four sub tools with each one of those sub tools having a different nanomesh part and then after it has that nanomesh part then you link it to the correct texture and then it will look the way you want it to be so you definitely get it out but just remember that there is a limitation in ZBrush where a single sub tool can only have one texture applied to it and so since this model right here has four textures applied to it it one down to one it wouldn't be able to you know accept those textures instantly so we'd have to separate it out edge extremes asking unanimous planes Orient from mesh Center or as a way to force orientation so in general they're gonna do it from the center of the poly is where they're gonna come out of so the nanomesh when you when you actually when you generate the insert mesh brush it's going to take the mesh you have and it's going to Center it so yes it's always gonna be centered based in a space so it's basically going to take your object let's go back up here like this I be here let's change my background back to gray and when I create this right even if it's over here even if it's down here even it's somewhere over here it's gonna frame around what it captures okay so that's always insert meshes that are always gonna frame around what it captures it's also not gonna hold the scale of your mesh so if you have a part you have a bunch of parts and they're all sized correctly over here when you create that insert mesh brush that's but it's going to take that shape unify it to the ZBrush world and then put it in the brush let's carry on the next one unify it brush unify it brush so all the scales on those are gonna be fit to the same size and that's the same thing it's doing with those now once you create this an answer my fresh just holding those same dimensions but then when you apply it to your object what you can do to offset it is in the nanomesh index area you have these offset options right here and you can offset in XY & z which will force it off the center of that poly so if you're not using random distribution it's going to draw it out of that single poly and then you can use those offsets to offset it in one of those directions off the polygon but it will if you don't random distribution it will do the nanomesh on the center of the poly and then when the object is captured it's always going to grab the extents of that object and unify it and put it in the brush so Randy yeah so for this you'd want to convert your mesh so if I do come over here we'll just see if it works really quick here we'll do one two mesh one to match one two mesh and so now I've converted all those and all these well let's try that again let's do one two mesh so we got my first one converted now I don't want to do with this I want to select it so I'm gonna go to my select rectangle brush and grab it come home now and then I'm gonna flip the whole dog all about we're gonna make this work that's our show plays ball okay so this is my first set here now I want to split these off in their own tool so split split hidden now I'm back to my elephant here with its Nano meshes and I convert the next one so one two measu going to isolate that part and then we're going to split hidden so now we have that go back to my elephants in here turn Animesh on one two mesh there's that part select that part split hidden and then we have our base here and this one should be all done with animations okay so now have each of these broken out right so they were all those plain objects they were nanomesh azide now broken them out into three different sub tools and now with these I just need to come through and reapply the texture so they coming out of this one go to texture map select topiary first one oh I failed I failed I forgot I need to apply a texture to their mesh first anyhow the main process here is that first make sure you have a texture map applied to your initial shape so come through and just apply anything if it's basically if you're detaching stuff off you need to make sure you have a UV set of coordinates because when it attaches its they're gonna ignore the UV set of coordinates pretty sure there's a nasty brush video on this too but basically for this elephant here before I did the one two mesh what you want to do is you want to come down here to create and just throw a P UV or UV tiles on it and that will just make sure that as a set of you v's then when you do the one to match it would attach that part off and it would retain the UVs that it has on it and then you can apply the texture back to it and then you can take that through all the processes and export them into max or Maya but for the main part nanomesh is only going to give you the instant sense inside of ZBrush and if you're using this texture solution here you're gonna have to convert the meshes first and then make sure when you convert them that you have a texture map applied to your base model so if you did not do that then that is what you would have got here where I have these shapes but they're all separated now you could probably get away with doing something like hey you be tiles here which would give me a map on that I made it my toe carry on here and one of these would probably end up yeah I'd have to go back to my I say it but yes that is you can do it I just did it incorrectly so sorry about that and I don't think I have my I don't remember the last time I click saved here I may have it let's see let's see let's see how far back to this this is far back enough I'll at least break one off so you guys can see this let's see how far my elephant is let's see we'll do this quick okay we're still good here all right so I'm gonna make some just UV mapping on that and now I've got my elfin here and now I should be able to go to the nanomesh and do 1 2 mesh and now hopefully I don't think I lied to you again split hidden now apply that and there you go and it should have actually been this so that is the process on what you need to do to get it from one to measure if you have texture maps on it so first make sure that your base mesh has UV coordinates just apply something quick it doesn't matter you're not keeping them and then with the nanomesh pick the one you want so this one is the one here and if I just show that this is the one I got right now do one to mesh after it's one domestic hold down control and shift and isolate it and then do split hidden and then after it's split out like this now going down to the texture map tab down here and select the image and then now populate and then we can do our last one as well so this one here one two mesh make sure it's the only thing there it should be do a split hidden and then apply the texture map to that and so now I have true geometry for these parts so I've got this one this one and this one and that's getting mail from there also make sure that if you did not have back face mask and turned on they turn back on you can also cycle through subtotals by pressing down arrow which is handy especially if you just need to come through and do something simple like this and there we now have the elephants it now has a texture map applied and it's just geometry so you could export out each of these to max or Maya and then link that texture to it and you get the same result so there you go we resolved the issue a so just make sure your mesh that you've applied the nano Misha's to has you bees if you're going to use the one a mesh process to break those out into a new subtool alright I think that's it Damien can you send that link again we can try do a quick Damien's asking if I can show how to nanomesh a hex structure so more likely it's gonna be here we'll pull up this thing here is the classroom let's see this is probably gonna be even better than me kind of going through the stuff here so in here there is a example with doing the webbing basically I find it here for a micro mesh hood and so this sounds like what you're kind of looking for so basically this is the same kind of premise that would be used with the nanomesh functionality so it makes you have even topology then you would make need to make a piece of geometry that would go out to the extents to the side so it could be mirrored top to bottom because basically after you generate the mesh itself in that structure you want to make sure you can weld those parts together to create that NIT and so this one's going to go through and it will explain how to do it with a with micro mesh which is gonna give you the similar result to the nanomesh is doing and with this it should cover all the aspects you're kind of looking for on that so I definitely do a search for just micro mesh hood on Zee classroom and follow that and then see if that gives you what you want but basically the main thing with any of the Nano meshes and micro mesh is if you want it to be consistent all the way through you need to make sure you set up your topology initially so that after it's on you can weld those ends together and it'll connect because it's not then you're gonna have just like little bits of stuff all over the place let's look at this - what you got here in this hex R wait for it yeah so this you would have to make a shape that could be come through and cut at this size and then this could just be your topology so you can see when you apply the nanomesh just make sure it's set to fill and then this shape would fill each one of those parts but with this you need to make a pattern that would repeat and weld because this is a hex pattern right so your geometry we do there at wood it could take a little while to get your geometry set up where you have a part a part and a part because this isn't you know normal topology will go like this right it's gonna go up and down and vertical and this one's offset so what you probably have to do is end up doing what I did originally when we're doing that checkerboard type pattern you may have to do that to actually set up your poly groups and then apply your nano meshes to the different areas but then you need to make that nanomesh part so that it would actually connect together it would probably easier for this one to just make a texture and then use say like UV mapping on that helmet and then extended outward using the offset option and surface noise that would probably be your easiest way there Nana she's gonna take a little time especially get that pattern reddish one last one here after you make your brush let's see it's go in here and go to a curved brush so adesh is asking after made a curved brush i tried to make a rope with three cylinders and after drawing it they're not connected so last question here really quick so for this what you want to do is if you have an IM curve brush in the modifier area over here there is this weld points option so make sure that is turned on that's gonna be the number one thing that is gonna cause it to fail so that's in brush modifiers and weld points so it makes that's turned on and i'll try to weld those points another thing that would cause it is that if you're doing cylinders and there there's no divisions in the middle it will weld that sometimes they'll weld everything and then you're not gonna get the result you're looking for so make sure you have a little bit of topology in between those sections and then also make sure that the sections that you have for those three parts they have the same number of spans on each of those holes so like if you have the cylinder cylinder cylinder make sure those inner cylinders all have the same number of spans and then try activating that weld points and see if that works all right well that is it thank you all I will be back next Friday and we'll be doing a joint kind of thing I'm actually probably more sculpting it's gonna be hard to show tips not to show tips and tricks and stuff like that so we'll see how it goes but definitely tune in to that we have more streamers coming on Paul will be streaming tomorrow so if you're round on Saturday you're looking for something to do he'll be on there not quite sure what he's gonna be covering but um he's been doing a lot more of the advanced stuff to ZBrush so if you have any questions - and looking for solutions hit him up as well I think that is it for today so thank you all stay safe and have a good weekend until next time Cheers
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 5,935
Rating: 4.9617224 out of 5
Keywords: zbrush tutorial, zbrush speed sculpt, zbrush hard surface, zbrush beginner tutorial, zbrush 2019, zbrush 2020, pixologic, zbrush free, z brush, sculptris, pixelogic, zbrush live, zbrush download, zbrush core, zbrush trial, zbrush brushes, blender, 3d coat, 3d modeling, digital sculpting, adobe live, zbrush student, etsy, zbrush, elephant, scale, NanoMesh, concepting, alpha, black, transparent, trees, foliage, environment, modeling, maps, design, fun, playing, experiment, tree, plants, leaves, flowers
Id: FY3BMbskhwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 24sec (8064 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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