Creature & Character Concept Sculpting - Ashley A. Adams "A_Cubed" - Episode 93

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hello okay cool hi guys how are you doing good evening we're just getting all set up here I think there we go hi guys how's it going I hope you all are doing well it's been a little while since I've been here a couple weeks anyways hi hello my name is Ashley and I'm here here creature concept artist and character artists in general as the spiel goes I usually stream here on Wednesdays at 6 to 10 p.m. est so it's a four hour stream if you're new then that's this feel this feel this feel I don't know you do Raven hi Lucas how are you guys yeah so I haven't I'm just kind of like getting it back into the swing of things so excuse me it's like a little bit slower than normal today I am yeah yeah I just I haven't really been streaming that much recently nor really like I just kind of been on a hiatus of work in general it's just been kind of crazy for me but we here we boat to do some stuff i wildfire how are you so apologies if any if there's any like strange audio or anything else I haven't opened this thing in a little while so mm-hmm as I'm going please feel free to ask any questions all that but essentially what's gonna happen here is I take this fear and I create random crazy shapes and I try and find a concept or a character to sculpt from that what are we doing today we are not doing anything in particular I'm not 100% sure we're just kind of winging it like we normally do hey Cyrus how are you hey John hey Lester yeah so it's it's just it's quite literally that like I'm just gonna like spaz this around a little bit and try and find something like I normally do I can't wait to see what I wake to because it's been a little while and you girls are rusty so let's shake that off man all right so as we normally do you gonna shrink er down just a tad when they do this because then when I start Dinah meshing things later on it's like the thing isn't like so massive that it's a resolution I don't have to like pump it all the way to like a billion not that it goes to a billion but you know how do you avoid this Cod commercial honestly I don't know how to avoid the commercials on Twitch like I can't I can't help you with that like even even if you're like what what is it like turbo or whatever I think you still have to like they still put the ads on anyways I don't know I don't know mm-hmm curl is rusty your hose freakin rusty and egg as well just call me what is it tonight is there whatever you like something rusty have to go and get your like a shot for something I came here and I think it's tonight this is it I don't know whatever thank you Salvador how are you doing welcome welcome welcome nice side effects yeah I can't I can't help you with the the commercial stuff I have no idea even if you're subscribed to people's channels it still shows up now twitch is doing that thing where they're like oh and Iseman so but hopefully you know I'm were 13 seconds of your life I don't know I get pretty annoyed with it to you like when I'm going to like smaller channels for example and it's just like I've never I've never seen the person stream and which is just like forcing they're just forcing a commercial in sleep fly I'm just kind of like pushing stuff around and looking for shapes this is all going to be very messy until I just kind of figure it out the idea is to actually just kind of like let it be messy initially this one this one is not able to be something more likely yeah hey Jen how are you thank you cable an elephant I have no idea we will see we will see it's always random always something Rando we're just looking for some interesting shapes and things like that right now and then once we find some interesting shapes we just kind of you know build off of that and see where it goes there's nothing like nothing to really hold you down at this point everything is rough it's like you know you open a sketchbook you just start sketching around it's like sometimes you don't really know it is you're doing you're just kind of putting lines down how did this use inktober go horribly actually this was the worst year I had for inktober because of health reasons yeah kind of a bummer I wanted to really like do more of that but I just fell off after a couple of days oh well how is everybody else's inktober though hope you guys got some cool stuff done and what like prompts were you following - because I saw a lot of a lot of people not following the actual inktober the actual inktober prompts so that was kind of interesting everybody ever like pretty much everybody had their own prompts even I have my own prompts for the creature stuff as well which like hopefully hopefully when I feeling a little bit better I can get back into it and then maybe I'll finish like that prompt list that I had started anyways that might be it might be a thing to do actually I might just finish it even though it's not a little cocked over because who cares you got a perpetual like oh you're talking about yeah so okay ZBrush 2020 whoa no it's actually I think it's releasing tomorrow ZBrush 2020 let me get it up for you guys just uh here you go here's a link yeah ZBrush 2020 is out tomorrow because tomorrow is twelve right yeah November 12 so if you guys want ZBrush 2020 it is literally going to be available tomorrow gonna be awesome if you don't have ZBrush 2019 yet if you haven't upgraded you might as well cuz I'm gonna get 2020 tomorrow hey Aaron welcome to twitch if you yeah you're on twitch it yeah better like I mean it's it's it's allergy related and the thing is like I've never I've never been allergic to anything before and this just kind of like started happening and it's messed up cuz I think like I've already been to a doctor but now I have to wait for an allergist and that's gonna be months so it's like we can only speculate that it's like dust related which makes no sense because it just started happening but whatever it's like pretty like severe too so I'm like oh my meds you know what I mean release is on the twelfth it's this it oh it's a six today oh my god I'm reading okay so my November the number four see I told you everything's backwards for me it's not tomorrow it's on the on the 12th and today's the 6th look the number for the month is the 11th so I thought it was the 11th Wow hi guys hello my name is Ashley my brain does it work Oh No yeah it's out next week you guys are right thank you I'm in the future you're right I was in the future oh no all right let's see here you do so this is like kind of like in play great like he but also kind of like Jaco what is it the Jackalope Jackalope Jackalope the Jackalopes good mark could be kind of interesting come on D enjoy his birthday he's 14 and donkeys no yeah yeah he had a good candid good birthday you can probably see them back there yeah hi bud do you want to say hi do you want to say hi so we do come over here there he is you're on the wrong account it's nice to have other people my future ghost of Christmas future oh okay all right look I okay I made a mistake I thought November oh okay the number for the month of November is 11 I thought I was the day stop just leave me alone can we don't worry - yeah Jackalope is a rabbit with antlers he's got like horns going on right now so yeah you're - you're 2 years old he's he's a Halloween birthday boy well not quite he's on the 28th but still you're a spoopy boy do you know that you're a sleepy boy thankfully stop breathing on me you smell like coffee you don't like coffee do you okay yeah so okay let me let me clear some stuff let me just like clear it up because yeah I am being the big dumb so zbrush 2020 is out next week on the 12th not this week not tomorrow but next week on the 12th I know what date it is I'm not from the future and I'm not going crazy cool all right back to this me me something like this I haven't done like a long-necked thing in a while everything kind of has like a like a short or a normal-sized neck what if we do something more like dese Lisa these are like real big ears though mmm could be kind of cool though like that I couldn't like that no like yeah yes so majestic so majestic this big floppy Dumbo ears mm-hmm fun fact when I was in this like the end of high school / early college and well like high school I'm gonna say when I was still like awkward I think that's when it started happening it's like I you know being like an awkward teenager and you're still kind of like growing my ears were bigger than like they should have been and people used to call me Dumbo but now their normal size cuz the rest of my face finished growing I guess silhouette of curves is cool I agree I really like circles and incurved and things like that looks like one of the animals from the last Jedi when they were looking for the thief oh my god I don't remember anything to do with the last Jedi that's how much I don't care about Star Wars thank you like like everybody like half of chat like coming out my throat I'm just tired of Star Wars dude I can't I can't do it with Star Wars anymore there's no interest in anything to do with Star Wars anymore thanks Disney is the most dangerous animal in weight the Jackalope is the most dangerous animal in North America only wild Snipes kill more people definitely a real creature mm-hmm also please be kind to me if I don't get your memes right now my brain is only at half-mast and that's your cue to be like but ashley is it always at half-mast which case I feel like um aren't you funny all right so we like we like we like we like the curves actually let's do actually isn't that my name all right Oh some pointees yes Dumbo hang in before Disney buys extra silence' cute as if anybody actually cares about my opinion all right no we don't worry side effects thanks for hanging out mm-hmm I don't think Disney ruined it with Ray because to be fair a lot of Star Wars characters are Mary Sue's don't at me but I do think that they just kind of what what Disney did was kind of turn anything epic that was about Star Wars into a formula and it's like every other like epic scene that you would see you know anything epic that happens it's just it's all expected and I I would have to think about this more in order to talk about it properly without people attacking me but I just mean I'm tired of Star Wars I think that's just it cuz it just all feels the same now I don't think that it was it was ray and I think everybody attacks that because it's just like well she was a female lead I understand that like you know the timing of her becoming the female lead can be viewed as like you know political pandering essentially but I don't think that she was the problem and the reason why the films were not good I honestly I think it was the the formula that they started implementing how long until the real CG Toy Story remake oh-oh-oh can you imagine oh no no no no doesn't you don't do this don't do what's dirty like that oh no did it I didn't even see the latest Toy Story the one that just came out with four key or whatever I didn't see that one oh my god did anybody see that Toy Story was it good I heard it wasn't I mean and when I when I talk about like a good movie or whatever I'm usually like I'm usually talking about is it like you know the story is it good or and every of course the visuals and what the artists have done on the film's are absolutely amazing but I am strictly talking about the storytelling cuz yeah I mean there's no denying that like for example oh hello that that the Star Wars films are absolutely breathtakingly beautiful but anything else not HD remake from CID from Toy Story but don't actually change how he looks just make the lighting and materials that much more real yeah oh my god it would be the creepiest thing ever do you imagine oh Sid really oh that would be that would be so bad that would be so bad oh shoot no I have to mm-hmm that was a bad adaptive skin hello it's a pen is delete they yeah well this is to make sure yeah cuz I didn't have symmetry on the first time I was doing that well whatever we could beat Yugi wondering if this should be slim like that yeah probably it will make it you know I could engage this fear I don't know why one's easier whatever yeah and then I'll bring this this bit down there we go you holy doesn't he didn't have a high ground oh my goodness you guys are really going that area raves Provence is kind of unearned we started as a farm boy was still kind of bad at his job by the third movie even with training yeah like I like I guess but like at the same time like there is that like MarySue kind of feeling to his character but I understand where like people get him annoyed of like oh well she just had like powers and that like annoyed me as well like I was just kinda like okay sure but also the one thing that I can say about the new Star Wars films is at least they've got like the lightsaber stuff in there right like at least like there's Jedi's like they're talking about Jedi's so boy story Christmas specials cigs war on toys yikes nope don't like that I'm viewing that idea I get that out of here get that out of here characters are good filled that wait what oh my god I'm lost right now you're up wait what are you talking about oh the alien universe is better than star wars hands down dude hands down but then again it depends on what you're looking for right like because they are two totally completely opposite who opposite things right like like Star Wars isn't horror at all alien is is about like you know just I'm time to I'm too out of it to get into these conversations this tree I'm not gonna I'm not gonna get into it I'm not gonna get into it I'm just way too out of it let's just make art that's what we're gonna do we're gonna focus on art and not make ourselves sound like complete dum-dums by talking about something that we can barely even form sentences you ok let's make scale you up and I will out some limbs okay but we want these to be pretty skinny I'm just gonna make the top part not skinny because that's where the muscle is hey hello there we go oh no is there an actual Star Wars and Star Trek or in okay alright alright you guys you guys go at it cut each other's throats opening okay but I really like the new Star Trek movies I don't know man but I haven't watched them in a while so I don't actually know if they are good good you know like it's just like it's one of those things where you watched it a while ago probably in like a really good mood and then if you were to watch it again a few years later and like a really whatever mood this is competing [Music] all right sorry I can't speak Russian your fanboy of both franchises isn't that a rare thing isn't that just like the rarest okay I want be used to be skinnier ski skinny and technically like you don't have to have those okay I'm probably just going to do this without going too much further here let's do an adaptive skin throw that down make adaptive upend - I say append I wanna say appendicitis believe that Marian weld nope mirror mirror and weld goody goody goody yeah can start to create something a little bit better hello oh wait hold on always check your focal shift dynamesh not yet no I usually dynamesh after I have all the main forms in place so that's not going to be for a little while yeah but I will be dynamesh in afterwards okay I'm just getting like some a little bit of reference to help me because I don't usually sculpt deer like things so I'm just getting some reference which is it's so rare for these streams but you know why not why not do some learning okay and then we're going to do the back legs which I will probably do this see if I can get this horn here okay split me asked to close holes yeah I should probably save because I haven't been saving how long does it usually take for you to make a production-ready character or creature see that really depends on the complexity so if you give me a better example and I can answer that based on the example that you're asking about but generally speaking well I can't really like generalize either because that is it's very it's very dependent on on the complexity of the character good good Hey Str how are you doing this one could be treecko's weird uncle who's Treecko I'm catching up hey Jonathan from the Philippines how are you doing we making you Terminator movie I'll flip the script have humans come from the future to kill a robot tricot from The Last Guardian oh oh okay huh yeah I can see that I can see that what kind of tablet do I use I'm using a Wacom Intuos Pro medium and it is lovely I've been using it for such a long time too been doing me gucci egg okay so I'm not gonna break that bone just yet I'm like trying to think of like how I can like incorporate a curve into into this but I think I will keep it relatively straight for now and I will do that afterwards when I figure out what I want to do with the back legs and the rest of this cuz I still don't know what kind of creature this is gonna be we might completely change it I still no idea yeah so technically this up there cuz we're gonna have some skin and everything else hello oh did I start off did you do any freelancing or well I'm currently a freelance artist I want a little bit of a break right now though for a little bit of like a personal reason but other than that like health or whatever but other than that yeah I'm freelancing right now but how I got started was I was working in studio in Toronto and I worked as a character artist like I was a junior character artist on the film Barbie Starlight adventure starlight princess that was actually really great because I learned so much while I was working there and I moved on to Disney's Elena of avalor and was like I made so many characters for that TV show my goodness and then after that I was on and this is all in like the same company and then I moved on to a film that wasn't ever release because the the actual company went under I went into solvency and all 500 of us that we're working there were out of a job and so that was like a really big event that had happened in Toronto like everybody was freaking out it sucked huge and that actually kind of kick-started my career ironically maybe not ironically ironic snot the right word strangely enough that that was really really good for my career it was really unfortunate and a lot of people had a really bad time with it but because I knew so many people in the first company and they all just kind of like dispersed it was like my network grew even more essentially and I ended up with a job at tangent in Toronto working on another film which is on Netflix right now you can watch it it's it's called next-gen and I did a whole bunch of characters for that one half of the characters actually and after that I just kind of started freelancing and I've got like a whole bunch of contracts for a bunch of different random people in different studios from people in LA to people here where I live to back in Toronto like it's kind of like it's all over the place yeah I never forget the Barbies we're using ZBrush and all those studios yeah yeah it was yeah and and that's not like a super common thing either I am aware that it's not very common but I got lucky you know I got lucky yeah we don't know what it is yet that's it that's kind of a fun thing about you know sculpting these creatures right like you don't really know exactly what its gonna be until until after it's this isn't easier believe that and append sky hello there we go so has anybody else out of curiosity has anybody else kind of like had allergies just develop out of nowhere like you've always been fine with something and then suddenly you're not fine with something like your whole like my whole life I've never had like dust allergies or anything like that but now all of a sudden I can't tolerate even a little bit nice booty lady dear right she got that booty seasonal allergies no cuz well I mean sure like has a have seasonal allergies kind of just popped out of nowhere for you like that sort of thing for me I don't think this is seasonal my doctor didn't think so either from a hazelnut pollen really it's kind of a note like you kind of you just you were around it for your whole life and then all of a sudden it's not yeah I know I was thinking about a tail for this guy I don't know random allergy developer just kind of common you develop as a hazel oh really okay yeah all right hey I'm freaking blows cuz I have to be absolutely clean freak that's already know how to clean even more me complaining all right so I think the back of this needs some work I'm gonna give this a little bit more you're also asthmatic man that that sucks dude I'm sorry to hear that check my diet maybe I started eating something yeah I thought that too but it's not it's a pranam yeah thank you yeah I don't know what we're doing with it hazelnut tree when you were growing up and you never had a problem with it but once I moved to the country where there were orchards of the tree oh oh oh so like maybe like an influx so like it's just like there's so much of it all at once that your body was like haha you know what we're gonna spend our time doing now instead of actually being a good immune system and fighting off colds and stuff I think we should fight off this thing this new completely harmless thing cool cool cool tight tight tight tight tight sick my subdividing or just stretching what you got yeah I'm just stretching what I've got and creating like shapes and then I'm gonna be dining and working with that see the dynamesh like when you're when you're stretching what you already have I think you dynamesh the stretch do you get some like really cool what's it called artifacts so that's kind of what I'm going for it's a little bit longer body come on mmm whatever what is maybe and that link nah don't like it okay what if we what if we push it not not too mad actually hold on if you could have something here you more rabbit like you know oh that created a another joint which we don't want one another joint I just kind of want to add like a bend to what's already there you didn't have any allergies but since he came to the u.s. every time he gets this cold you get allergies sick oh really yeah so when he gets cold you get allergies that's interesting yeah allergic to dead stuff dead stuff season it's not an increased exposure yeah your body goes like full stupid the more and more people are allergic to nuts yeah it's like a thing I heard about that as well peanuts specifically too early in the morning oh you seen wearing go see you scope oh man well I mean you could always catch it later if it's too early for you I understand I'm not gonna tell you to stay up for this it's all good by the development of allergies many people develop them because they're too clean in a sense of never got in contact with pollen and such big-city things oh maybe I was too clean and then I was assaulted by dust and now I'm allergic to dust because I was not involved with us for a while sure thanks body this is your normal schedule the 5 a.m. really that's your normal schedule what's wrong why are you doing that to yourself why are you doing that to yourself mm-my sneeze and sneaking seems like four times in a row I get dude oh I know I was a grocery store earlier and I was just I was like I was trying so hard like I would just like stand there and you just like squeeze your face and you're like don't do it don't do it it's not gonna happen I think hard enough about anything except for sneezing it'll go away and then it doesn't go away and go everybody looks at you like you're contaminating the space and I'm like no I'm not touching anything trust me is nothing lately it's fine it's I am I'm not a psyche all right this is it's like a deer Jackalope kinda kind of fun kind of fun kind of funky fresh ye alright so we've got that the tail no I don't know if I want to do it you know what maybe I do though I don't know I know we'll try it we'll try it like I kind of like this like little tiny little like rabbit but then he's got going on you know I like the little rabbit but let's keep it around but all right save all right and then and then from here I guess I'll just kind of well I'll first separate the head from the neck I think just do a bunch of like separations or you know do that we will split asked close holes tools Vande the poly dear oh no don't call him Bambi he has a happy family happy alive family Oh Michael super awkward when in doubt of it I hate sneezing near anyone I hate it I hate it so much cuz then it's just like when it's allergy based specific because it's like well everyone's gonna think you're sick but it's like no no you can't catch this it's okay also don't worry nothing got anywhere also I'm sorry also I want to leave and die in a hole somewhere oh my god yeah the viewcube holy crap I want to do that so bad I want to make one I want to make one I'll make something like really silly but you guys can all just have for viewcube I think that would be great what's the worst to you sneeze three or more times in a row or feel a sensation of sneeze but never sneeze instead you feel tickles inside your nose oh oh I think not being able to sneeze is worse I am a girl of its better out than in so oh the sneeze attacks are the worst oh no oh my people you understand oh no we're talking about sneezing in my my nose is starting to go hmm I feel like though like a lot of streams I've kind of kind of complained about like allergies starting to go so I feel like if anything my allergies have just gotten worse rather than like they're actually out of nowhere I don't know I'm very confused the allergist is gonna see me in six months lots of allergy yeah it's allergy talk day but I mean if you have any like questions about what I'm doing feel free to ask I just don't really know like I talked about the same thing that I do in every single stream so I don't know like if I should be like talking about it more or just wait until somebody asks something or if I should just keep repeating it's that dilemma you know oh yeah and keyshot is coming out with another version soon - I think that's the end of the year so of course everybody's coming out with their stuff how they're not graded already you better start upgrading yes talk more please okay hello I am now working on the face we're going to we're gonna die to mesh this now I usually just kind of test the waters see like what resolution works best I don't want that I went a little bit higher we'll probably go with 200 it's dynamesh that yeah that will probably be good and so you can see like how there's artifacts here from like the stretching polygons and we can actually use that to our advantage for sculpting things which is gonna be great because I am usually terrified of blank canvases and so when I've got some lines down even if they aren't exactly lines that I will eventually use it just kind of gives me something to go off of I understand why there is a dedicated key key shot bridge when go Z should work just fine um I think it's because of like version based things as well because like ZBrush and key shot are kind of like they worked they they struck a deal together right where key shot bridge like if you get the bridge then it ends up being a lot cheaper than if you were to buy like the full version of key shot like the like the standalone so there is also that like I have the bridge version I don't have the standalone and that's really like all I need [Music] which would be the one feature you'd love to discover earlier in zbrush you mean like when I first started using it like when I first started using ZBrush what I wish I would have known about or that I wish I had when I first started using it because when I first started using ZBrush I wish I like had the ability to use the sculptress pro mode but dynamesh and everything like that was available to me by the time that I had started using ZBrush I started when I was in like late in college the bridge is separate from the key shop from the ZBrush version of key shot no no okay so if you get keyshot yes you get the key shot bridge you're talking about the B license right like you need a key shot bridge license and then you also need the like unique key shot and then the bridge will take you there and your you're wondering why it can't just be gozi and I'm telling you is because they worked out a deal a deal that dictates that if you have the bridge version it is cheaper than just buying a license for key shot on its own without ZBrush call the new version of ZBrush 2020 2020 or double 20 I say 20 2008 when T 20 cuz that's what you would call the year like no not many people say it is the year 2020 unless you're starting like some epic journey or you're you know reading an excerpt from somebody's like fan fiction somewhere or whatever you know like it's a 2020 all right I'm gonna dynamesh this one go do I write fanfic sounds like you oh no you figured me out yeah I write Harry Potter fanfic that's sarcasm by the way it's a joke if anyone actually thinks that my goodness I'm just kind of like roughing out some not really label I'm not gonna say wood texture but like some like kind of horn texture that kind of resembles like a wood kind of grain but is more porous gotta get that Lake you know that bone feeling hey Julie oh how are you doing like please never take me seriously actually though like actually never take me serious I am probably serious like mmm five percent of what I say is serious everything else usually like some form of a joke I think though I'm pretty deadpan about things when I say them though so I can understand I don't think I'm joking a lot of the time but I was waiting to go out on drill games and 2069 it'll just be like 20 hey nice 20 nice are you serious when you're saying that you're not serious I'll leave that up to interpretation so after you dynamesh things and like you know when you have all of these artifacts and then you start inflating on top of it you can see you start getting like all those like this crunchy stuff but don't you know it doesn't necessarily need to be a bad thing either yeah cuz like technically what I would just do is just kind of do that and then you can start getting some other interesting artifacts that pop up on top of that as well but I just use all of the textures don't mind all Gucci never be afraid cuz like you can always just dynamesh and sculpt on top of things too if you don't like it [Music] yeah so that's definitely what I'm going to do here gonna be a whole bottom jaw moment you [Music] get mass pen here go then this is where like in situations like this is where I like to use what you call it the sculptor's pro show you in a sec just Pro put that on not adaptive though see no turn that down turn it down see when do I add the top hat and monocle I thought your name was like Pepper Potts for a second like probably never honestly did we did that for one sculpt ever like way back when and then and then after that it just never ever happened again honestly we're probably just gonna add feet everywhere because speed is the industry standard I am M so what am i doing great flash and I was gonna close holes on this guy there's this I can use that you what is coaches Pro doing you fruit in that mass area so it really just like you can see here it added a whole bunch of geometry so it didn't get all stretched out and stuff when I pushed it in that's really that's that's why I use it in certain cases cuz I don't I don't want to like keep like dynamesh Inge so I just kind of use sculptress Pro to just quickly ill or unfill certain areas it's good for like creating holes and cavities like if you don't want the stretching I mean what was what was that sculptures Pro talking about sculptures Pro like if you don't want this stretching then you can use sculptures Pro okay and then this guy probably going to do this action no no no no no no looks too silly you look too silly when I do that you oh hey let's duplicate these horns oh no no no no not everything there we go and actually I'm just gonna yeah I'm gonna do just gonna play around with an idea don't know if it'll be good or anything like that did I have an original concept sketch or is this what I'm doing now so what was the concept you're working on no there's no concept for this one this is just kind of we're just doing something you know just shaking the rest off I haven't been sculpting in like a couple of weeks well two weeks to be exact I mean like I've like been doodling but I haven't done like any like big work for like two weeks which is very uncharacteristic of me so I'm just kind of like getting back into it hey then how are you fast pigs room where mail are oh I love that name that's cute I'm ever gonna dream about something you sculpted know I can ask that a lot but no no no am I getting the new iPhone or no no sorry bro I've been still read like it look at how like beat up this phone is look at this like if it ain't broke not replacing it well okay I don't think I like this idea actually get rid of that you're this think I like that I'm gonna do this I'm gonna go super ham and B circle circles are cool I'm gonna put down like a ground plane that I can look at the feet and see their contact points do you have any advice on sculpting things that are more mechanical robotic and less organic I would tell you the same advice that I give for even organic things and that would be look for the main shapes don't overcomplicate your main forms so look for the basic shapes that you need to create that mechanical thing like let's say you wanted to sculpt a water bottle so just make sure that you're putting down the cylinder and then start thinking about how you can break that up into parts and keep it simple until it until you need to add detail right so it would be the same as organic except like okay so when I approach or like you know if I wanted to turn this into a mech thing I could write like I start mechanical concepts most of the time the same way that I start organic things unless it's something very specific like a water bottle and I would box model it right if it's something mechanical that is you know something like this or it's like based on a like you know human anatomy or something like that I would start with a sculpt and I would dynamesh things and it would look lumpy initially however once I get all of the main forms blocked out in dynamesh and stuff without adding detail you don't add detail or anything like that you just make your main forms your the things that will get separated like here you know I could start like blocking like you know like let's say this was my block out and then I would start you know okay well this could be like one area that I would like chunk off and then I would sculpt in between that and figure out okay well from there what are the panels that are gonna go on it separate that and then zremesh everything down to a really low level make sure everything is working out shape wise and then start to essentially like reach apologize on top of it to keep it keep it clean you can do that with zremesher you can do that with a lot of the tools that are inside of ZBrush as well I'm not gonna go through the whole process but what I can tell you is that it would be like my advice is the same advice that I give for organics is just keep it simple until it doesn't need to be simple anymore you know [Music] such a strange creature what is it huh I don't know like a deer rabbit dead thing all right still working on up here what was I gonna do right I am M we're going to put in primitives capsules you thanks dragons yeah yeah you know I just have to go back to being like a complete clean freak you know how it is dust allergies unite at least that's what I'm assuming I don't really know I have to go and see an allergist and Montreal wait lines or seeing anyone is insane so get it take six months for somebody to scratch my arm somehow looks Asian now yeah because the Oni masks always have like those those tusks that come up from the bottom you here I kind of want to make sure that this isn't looking too it's like aardvark II weird that I want I don't know don't really like that elephant schnoz look yeah works simple and then work your way up to more complex forms and details so if it's simple then it's always easy to just kind of change it on a whim right but if it's uh if you start adding a whole bunch of detail right off the bat you're gonna have a much harder time changing things and you're not focused on the overall form as well right so it is it's it's important to keep it simple for as long as possible so that you you can see overall how it's working everything is we're kind of working together see you guys are wondering about the mechanical processes usually what I would do for things is kind of like this use H polish tool I'm just kind of it's not exactly like you know crisp or anything but then you would go in afterwards and separate pieces and then work on them like that how do I switch brushes so fast I have them all keyed to my keyboard as shortcuts from 1 through 0 so I have different brushes all kind of like hooked up that way which makes it way easier for a quick sculpting because I don't like having a cluttered UI I'd rather just have things on ha keys and go into menus as I need them cuz like I would rather I much rather have a big canvas to work on then a whole bunch of things in my way and I know that there's like a lot of people that are different right like a lot of people would prefer everything kind of like all at on the sides easy to grab for for them but I like a minimalistic UI I like only having my essentials the stuff that I absolutely need to grab and like brushes and things like that I will just like I'll pull up you know like this spacebar or right-click somewhere or press the B menu key key that I kept to the plane in the center to do all this work oh you mean the this thing I don't know thanks clean plate plate gain $10,000 to get somebody to scratch your arm that's ridiculous is there any program for students because paying for the entire program is kind of pricey you can get it on a month-to-month yeah you can get it like a month to month for ZBrush so they have monthly subscriptions you can also try ZBrush for 45 days you'll get it for free but if you don't want to pay for the full program you still want to use the brush there's like core and ZBrush core is a lot cheaper than the full program so you can check out ZBrush core how easy is ZBrush I would say once you get used to the UI because the UI is very different from a lot of other 3d softwares it is it's pretty good like it's it's pretty it's pretty straightforward pretty easy in my opinion to use but again I I have been using it for a long time so I am a little bit biased when I say that I know though from other people's reviews of the program that the UI is very hard to get used to for a lot of people just coming into it but if you already have like so when you ask like is ZBrush easy the program itself is amazing tool wise and it will make your life way easier when you're sculpting if you can get used to the UI but it's not gonna make you a good artist so a lot of the time when I hear people ask me well is this program easy they're looking to see if like it's easy to just create something good in it so if you already have artistic skill and you're coming into this I'm yeah is here you see I don't know yeah yeah using so it is it's gonna take some getting used to I would say you know a week in the program like if you're using it like for a week you're probably gonna be used to the UI mostly and least enough to start like sculpting some good stuff and I would say that this the sculpting in my opinion is a lot more intuitive than than other programs that I've tried for sculpting just trying to get like a really nice light curve here there we go that's that like kind of continued down tip of the beak tip of ya I'm gonna start adding a little bit more like whole stuff in here because I kind of want it to be kind of like a skull question head planes what about head planes how old was I when I started using ZBrush no know also that shouldn't really like you shouldn't really matter honestly age like you okay like I understand that you know when when you're older and you see somebody that's like young that is getting into something you feel like there's no way that you can catch up or anything like that but the thing is like art is not a competition it's never should be a competition it's about self-expression and like if you're having fun and you're enjoying what you're putting out then that's all that matters I know that sounds like really artsy fartsy but it's true because the moment you start like comparing yourself like like that like age wise to other people it's it's not right because other people everybody's gonna have different starts to their lives you know different and their careers somebody might have had ZBrush or you know even just like drawing in general it's just take drawing I'm gonna just had drawing introduced to them with artistic parents and art school when they were like three years old so why would you compare yourself to somebody like that if you only really started getting interested in art when you were 25 or 30 right why would you say oh I can't do that because I you know this person had it since they were three it's not it's not right it's not fair to yourself so don't do that like you should just just get into it if you want to get into it just get into it it's not and also keep in mind too you're gonna be as good as the amount of time and mental work that you put into it right so if you are you know if somebody that's 16 is getting into it and only does our once a week okay but then there's like a 30 year old who's getting into it or a 40 year old but does it for eight hours every single day who do you think is going to be the better artist I'm just saying right like so it's like it age doesn't it's not it doesn't matter it doesn't matter how old you are when you're getting into this it matters how much you want to do it and how much it makes you happy that's it that's it so I always get I always get really defensive when people start asking like how old are you when you know how old were you and you know people start comparing their age to mine I don't I don't like that I don't think that anybody should be doing that like oh you're so good for your age anybody at any age can be good for their age right it just really depends on how much you're putting into the craft that's really it [Music] [Music] oh yeah yeah for sure I'm definitely excited for 2020 and that by the way does not come out this week like I so foolishly and tired Lee said as soon as the stream started it comes out next week on the 12th Oh new version of ZBrush huzzah all right I'm gonna dynamesh this I've been I was just wow I don't know where my brain is savory nose discipline absolutely discipline and you know what's really crazy is discipline usually comes with age it usually you usually learn better discipline the older you get so it's like sure this person is so good for this age but it's just like you know they're not gonna be that age forever and also that might fall off you know whatever whatever as long as you enjoy doing art and then that's all that shouldn't really matter turn around with rendering tutor I don't have any tutorials myself no but I I have a art station if you want that oh yeah [Music] yeah I have an art station doesn't link art station or Lincoln my UV retaught process so my retox usually I would take my sculpt from ZBrush I throw it over to Maya and then I would reach op there and I would use me over there let's get my high thanks windows here's what you missed while you were busy sculpting here's what you missed Windows likes to yell at me I'm still not used to Windows 10 ever using Windows 7 for so long here there you go does that even yeah that shows up there you go there ye are when you were a young stopped in high school picked it back up a year ago not that I mean age doesn't matter exactly there you go honestly and don't you say that you're not good and stuff like that's more like comparing and I you know if you're looking for a job in the industry obviously compare yourself to the people that have jobs already in terms of your technical skill but when it comes to art is very very much about what you enjoy doing and only ever do it if you like doing it as well don't be competitive with art you know what's my best tutorial for ZBrush I don't have any tutorials we'll be able to paint on UV Islands and sculpt on them starting next week I know I gotta get I'm gonna have to get used to that I'm gonna have to try that out I don't know how that's gonna work I mean that's probably gonna take me a little while to get used to in ZBrush but I'm excited okey and this one getting dynamesh well it's almost break time and this one we're gonna dynamesh Danny Mac yeah Danny's really good Danny's got some good stuff you can also check out flip normals and then if you're looking for tutorials on ZBrush then check out on YouTube hashtag ask ZBrush or just go on to the Z classroom comm know okay so when I say can compare I mean in a competitive sense like so there's like comparing so if you're looking for a job in the industry obviously you need to compare your work to those who are already working in the industry in order to know if you're you know you technically technical your technical skill is up to par if you're working on the right things etc etc however when you start comparing yourself in a sense of like oh I want to be the best artist there is I want there to be no one better than me I want to be the best all that kind stuff there that's not that's not healthy that's like a toxic kind of comparison that I'm talking about like you shouldn't be thinking about well this person is X amount of years old so and they're this good so I'm comparing myself to that that isn't the kind of comparison you should be aiming towards that is toxic for your own mental state because that's not beneficial you're looking at their artwork and seeing on a technical skill without actually putting any other outside factors onto it just like this is what the artwork is and then being like okay I'm going to work to that that's okay right but if you're saying oh well this is what it is this artist is has you know this much experience and has only been doing it for this amount of time and you know and and and just focusing on what the artists experience is rather than their art and comparing yourself to also the artists experience that's not ok you should just look at the artwork where it is and how can you get yourself to that point that you can then get a job in the industry right so if it's not clear enough don't look at other artists experience and how they are there and compare your experience to their experience as like an end alright like don't say oh you are twenty five years old and you're already a lead or something like that like there's no way that I can do that like that's that's not beneficial to you because everybody is going to have a different experience and different things handed to them in their lives etc so that's what I'm saying don't compare yourself it's not healthy however when it comes to getting a job in industry you have to look at you know the art for the art right Thank You Mabel the most powerful artist there's ever been all right well I'll still steer absolutely clear of you so you don't punch me into into the Sun with your your power branch snaps sound in your head when looking at those legs yeah with like this in the celery sound right is it live yeah it's like I am alive see the jack of all master of none doesn't necessarily need to be a problem right because generalists are a thing so if you if you genuinely like everything like you like the entire process in 3d then that's not that's not necessarily a bad thing and I don't think that you should feel bad about that but if you do if you do kind of find one thing more exciting than the other then obviously try and do a little bit more of that and I've always been a believer of if you truly like something and you're dedicating enough time to it and you're getting good enough at it you will get a job based on that it's just you how much time you put into it so 100 mark episode is getting closer I know it's so slowly though because I had to keep canceling streams because my stupid head issues yeah he's really good he is really good sad sometimes that Monty won't be able to give you any more grand puppies and if you know I don't feel bad about that what no I'm gonna take a break soon Thanks day you okay pagans this gone for a sec Oh No get that clever pelvic bone shaky shaky shaky of course you guys did it's the pelvic bone mine don't make me feel embarrassed for your guys Naomi come on camo Nikita you like you got a drink all the water drink all the water Monty the dear bird is it that way it looks like I was more like a rabbit and dedicated all me well I appreciate you laughter house this looks weird [Music] looks like it float around on clouds all right chief let's do let's do an IMM you know do something else here split this off-key pull that out more there we go damn [Music] and keet and enter on this guy take that down down down this gonna be probably cut into here [Music] yeah and move it down same thing cut into this see you there we go yeah it's the same music we listen to every single stream cuz it's copyright free it's it's a whatever you want it to move it oh my god do you have a fork oh okay I will talk about the a before when we when we're back from the break because yeah I can't believe I haven't even talked about that at all holy cow I love the alo where did you put your black pen dude okay there's like a couple of things that I do with my background pen when I can't find it to either leave my pocket it's either like under my keyboard somewhere or where else does it kind of like sometimes randomly show up oh yeah on the kitchen table so check those places all right okay I'll go take a quick break and then I'll be back for another two hours of sculpting here I will put this beast Oh beast oh boy Oh on the screen for your eyeballs there we go and I will allso my do I have Red Dead Redemption - on PC no I'm not really like a fan of that kind of like I know like I appreciate the game I just like its - it's like really slow for me I am a faster paced band is that if that makes sense I don't know I don't know I like things that are like really faster that about whatever can't talk right now I am brain dead I'm gonna be back in just a couple of minutes so feel free to enjoy this and the music and I will be back yep you you hello we are back we her back with Togo does show up yeah she like jumped he like hit his head on because he wanted to get like picked up so bad he like jumped and hit his head on the desk like underneath the desk you're silly oh yeah I love Monster Hunter Monster Hunter was really good I played it on xbox though so I didn't get like all the gear or anything I just kind of like played through the campaign and then I was just kind of like done with it but uh Diablo the whole league crap when when Diablo was announced I was losing my mind man like god I loved you so much when when I saw Lilith - and they keep you haven't seen the trailer the cinematic you should definitely go and see that like the whole thing looks like it's like a painting it's insane it's so good you live the Diablo or cinematic dude ain't you yeah do you see how he like holds on to me like this you like something hold on he likes to actually hug this is the first dog I've ever had that actually likes hugging he actually asks for hugs very strange but I love it Oh little it was so cool though the freakin blood mother Lord major in the Jack games jak and daxter no I was I played a lot of Crash Bandicoot though he does he behaves like a cat he absolutely does but then at the same time like he has like a lot of like herding instincts that corgis have so usually he's a weirdo but I love him ok back to this freak though ok so what I really am excited about hold on before I get back to this what da before dude what I'm the most excited about is one ok it looks absolutely insane like it looks so good I'm not talking about just a cinematic that in itself was like mind-blowing and I was like super inspired after watching that but the gameplay that we got to see looks absolutely insane oh no I think I have a dog here in my eye why okay yeah dude like okay so what did they announce like the one we have mounts are coming mounts because like the the area is so huge which is super cool but at the same time it's like okay microtransactions whatever I'm just gonna like not think about I'm not gonna here I'm not gonna think about the microtransactions that much you can't hear me very well am I too quiet guys I can't tell him I'm too quiet oh I'm not gonna I'm not gonna watch anything during the stream Reaper okay anyways so yeah like we have the mounts coming in Diablo four we've got like world bosses like it's gonna turn into some sort of like a what's it called like an MMORPG kind of an idea but like only kind of because in certain zones you're gonna have more people than others but that's still super freakin cool I like that also the druid I think everybody is gonna be playing druid guess like who doesn't want to good boy is following you oh my god I'm so excited to read the a before but it's like at least two years off right I've been so excited for Diablo for I'm like restarted like like I started the season for Diablo 3 and I was like oh I'm not gonna play Diablo anymore like who's already done like get right back into it again but yeah the style is just like a throwback to d2 because they and in d3 they ended up going like really like kind of cartoony and rkt but I really like the arcade eNOS of d3 like the the play style and I know that there's like a lot of people that'll fight me on that and that's fine I just I really like that that arcade feeling to it so I kind of hope that they push a lot of that sort of into d4 as well just for like the speed of with the play style but you think a path of Exile I don't like path of Exile I've tried so many times to get into it but in the inventory management and stuff like that it's like I understand like if you are a fan of like the old Diablo play style then you're gonna like path of Exile a lot but I'm not a huge fan of the old Diablo play stuff I like old Diablo but I'm not like it's not something that I'm excited to go back to to keep playing you know what I mean like it's it's more of like an austell a chick thing rather than like oh like I genuinely like this game play does that make sense so when it comes to like path of Exile I just kind of like I get bored but there's something about Diablo 3 where it's just like that that fast-paced like arcade feeling that I really really enjoy but again it depends on your play style what you really like when you're playing games so I'm interested to see how how they kind of like go and I don't want to say like meld but I think meld will be the right word for for Diablo 4 like those two different play styles like how are they gonna handle inventory management and like I I mean they showed us the inventory right but I'm still curious to see how they're handling the legendaries and all that kind of stuff [Music] the skill linking system yeah I understand that I really like that there's like so much variety right like in a path of Exile there's so much that you can like dive into initially it's kind of overwhelming but like when you start to understand it and you understand how you can build your characters like there's just like this massive tree essentially that you can get into which is super cool which makes like you know if you do like that play style it makes the replayability every game like endless right but yeah just like the the speed at which you play things like everything is just I don't know it doesn't feel good to me a beast rocks yeah I can't tell you how many times I've liked to redownload a path of exile thinking this time will be different never is okay the feet area Thanks I think she's a pretty rad donkey as well what a rad donkey also that chewing in the background is Monte he is doing via the chewing of his bone the bone is a little log on the ground Thank You dqo I appreciate that actually that's like when people say that my style is unique like my my creatures are unique that's probably the most flattering thing I hear because mm-hmm a lot of people like to say oh this looks exactly like you know and then insert popular franchise and I'm like oh dang dang it so if I hear oh hey look this looks unique I'm like I'm doing something right feels good man does transparency mess with anyone else no but I mess with transparency who are you talking about like the see-through naturey here of the the program I really like that I use that a lot for reference based sculpting hey Scott how are you thank you thank you before you have to turn out yeah I I usually just kind of do that for just matching like proportion and matching and things like that science of creature design books from Terrell wit slash if you showed me leave I saw an image from it probably would be able to be like oh yeah that but I don't I don't own a lot of books myself so they're just so expensive so did just look at two animals and go I'll Frankenstein them together when you came up with this when I came up with this or did I just evolved from the starting material yeah I just evolved from the starting material which essentially ends up looking like oh I'm just smashing two things together wonder mustard that is a very interesting priest very very interesting homeboy thanks majora great here is where we're gonna yeah there and then here's another reason why I'd use the the sculptor's pro mode Hey right what's up the pokey main of ZBrush really you're really gonna do me like that I okay I I haven't heard that one in a little only ever right for the inktober prompt no it's not to continue doing that because I haven't I haven't I didn't even get anywhere close to finishing those prompts and I actually wanted to draw all of them but because of like an allergy that just showed out of nowhere and was like a lot more severe than I was ready to deal with I was unable to finish all the inktober stuff but hopefully I can get back to it but ya know this is not this is not for a prompt while life is so hard for you isn't it life is so hard yeah he does this thing where you literally just like flops onto the ground onto his side and goes okay what do you want do you get everything you get everything it's not enough you're all of my Chinese fans put into one person oh my goodness you love me so much Thanks no I love Halloween I love Halloween I just suck at Halloween you don't actually watch rookie one see that's why it's not a compliment because you don't watch her but you sudden you're like boys allergies are no good I agree hey just for fun these are just for fun the ones that I do for work you can't ever see because of NVA and yeah yeah you know how it is all right what am i doing what am i doing I am waiting to push Jilly no I'm gonna do it the other way I do it from down here yes yes if you maybe if you make more noise you'll get my attention Monty Froy are you okay you're like even like a non characteristic good mood also please take that as a joke sorry yeah I know he's like he's going at it dude you just really wants attention just waiting until they turn around when I think of new silhouette preview feature will be getting I think all of the new features are all there it is there he is he's got prison there you know I think all the features that we're getting in 2020 are gonna be super cool I am most excited though about well one trying out the UV stuff and to like the UV Islands stuff and to the color swapping for the the poly paint stuff I think will be super useful if you've no idea why did you eat something spicy maybe maybe you ate something spicy excited about sculpting on you V's right oh my god yeah looks pretty awesome all right I don't see here you can do give this oh yeah the the history brush you mean like the history capture oh yeah I'm gonna be curious to see if I can get used to that I hope I can because that looks super useful like all these things are coming out and I'm like will I be able to get used to it past enough no-no-no that's good Mr Lopez it's a lot of different muscles in the leg yes leg has lots of muscles tons of muscles thick thighs save lives just always remember that you should be good oh you found your wack on pen nice nice nice nice it's always hiding doesn't want any responsibility I can relate I hate muscles we should get rid of them how I don't know you're fine I'm barely pay attention to chat as well I suck man over the last couple we use Devers has made some cool upgrades I was wondering what my favorite upgrades are over the last couple of years okay definitely I'm gonna keep saying like a sculptress Pro is definitely up there for me the boolean feature as well has been a godsend for a lot of things for me and also the real camera that they put in like the actual like real perspective and the fact that you can take a camera like you can import export FBX cameras is incredibly useful for the R&D stuff that I do concept wise so a plus stuff all right what I want to do here I'm just kind of like yeah it's just kind of like a chill sculpted a really like I'm not I don't feel like I'm in a rush for this guy the our support man I don't know I don't know if that happens I feel like they're gonna do that like way down the line like that is not a priority because VR right now like the Hep take effect like the feedback haptic feedback and stuff like that like sure like there's like some good stuff that you can do with VR but it's just it I feel like it just isn't there yet and to be using VR as a professional it just like you know in studio and stuff first sculpting doesn't seem like I've sculpted in VR when I was at tangent my director brought in his oculus and he also brought in the vive or the HTC it was oculus and the HTC I think it was or what I don't know and and I tried both of them and they were both great at the time right but it's not like it's not like I couldn't see myself coming into work every day and using that to sculpt instead of sitting up at the computer you know what I mean it's also just like not good for your eyes it's not good for your brain I feel like it like you get lost in it and then it's just like oh boy alright you can keep going guys going now let's see here I want to do some curved tubes I should there is a curve let's do elastic thank ya we're getting I can't do that there yeah yeah split masked pyaare air is being used an R&D card to say oh yeah okay so man it was like a while ago that I went to a SIGGRAPH cigarettes event and I honestly like I went like I think God while I was still in college has been 2014 do those yeah about two thousand thirteen or fourteen something like that when they were in Vancouver I can't remember yeah I was at SIGGRAPH let's get this and they had just started showing off the AR stuff and they were also showing off VR and I just remember leaving there being like Oh KBR is super cool but the AR stuff I can see being like like in the future I can definitely seeing that like CA are being implemented so heavily into into our daily like lives in general it's just really really interactive expanding your imagination to come up with cool concepts more often I would say the best thing like the best bit of advice that I can give you is just do a lot of studies and look at nature really like I know that that sounds like super annoying to hear all the time is just do sit do your study so your studies but if you want you're essentially like your imagination vocabulary right like your your library your visual library in your head if you want that to expand then you have to be looking at a whole bunch of stuff so the better your your visual library the better you're gonna be at you know concept Inge [Music] hey optimal how are you [Music] Villar still requires a huge buy-in it will be useful for asset creation but I can't see it ever being mainstream yeah I can see it being mainstream I like I know what you're saying but I do feel like it can I just don't know if it's gonna be mainstream for sculpting right like I can see more and more people picking up VR but I don't think that it'll be you know like a standard thing for sculpting fast forward in ten years and then like clip this and then show it back to me when everybody's like sitting around in their living rooms wearing VR headsets like sculpting let's do this figure out some muscles now I've got like just straight like an Anatomy thing open cuz I kind of want to reference for cuz these are obviously do your legs so definitely pulling from the reference we get that dem booty muscles you know oh yeah there we go wait hold on there we go a little butthole your booty muscles and now you're interested ah dang dang oh no everything else I've been doing hasn't been interesting but then I say booty everybody's like students get one right here get that down and all right now let's start to chunk these Oh and so what I can do here is now put more Design into sense that everything will kind of we will make up some of this as we go because it is more swirly bits than actual Anatomy hey Jackyl how you doing how's it going it's going yeah I feel you I feel you doing here let's do some toesies on this one oh thank you I do appreciate that I'm like super like I haven't been sculpting in the last little while too so hearing that makes me feel pretty happy yeah well I really like super our mission but like Jackel your stuff that you've been doing for the that you couldn't you mean you're pretty much like caught up for the inktober stuff aren't you man you did like most of those prompts like that's super impressive the last three you can felt this steam ran out and you got a move on to other yeah no I totally I feel that a hundred percent feel that it weren't for my stupid adult-onset allergy 20 days further than you made it at any other inktober dude yeah hey its Renault how are you how are you doing also congrats on the overwatch to stuff it looked amazing I'm assuming you worked on it I'm assuming or are working on it stuff looks absolutely insane you guys are insane over there I was like I was just like earlier I was just like ah going over the the Diablo 4 cinematic - I was like what the heck man you guys are insane okay what are we doing here what are we doing here yeah did am will oh man well freakin congrats dude it looks so good she's I'm sure you're like super proud of yourself too at least you should be freaking hell man so many people are so hyped about it I don't even like I'm gonna be honest with you I don't play overwatch but I'm hyped about it I'm probably gonna pick it back up again it's been a while since I actually since I've played start playing Diablo 3 again I was talking about that earlier - OH Blizzard you guys are killing it are the cinematics actually made in the house or can ask her now the man himself is in chat Oh right and then we do this and that's like yeah so this is the landmark that I was looking for before we're we're gonna tighten all this everything's made in the house unbelievable you guys are crazy you guys are nuts you nuts you're insane still lots to do but you're having a blast pushing everything to hopefully that it is the next level it looks like the next level it looks like the next two levels I ate okay hopefully put that away put that word back in your fingertips it's so crazy I like a bunch of people that I know that we're watching the overwatch to cinematic just start crying like following their eyes out good that's how you know you did it that's so good yeah you guys would have to work back and forth right could you cry every single time all such a sensitive sensitive soul no it's like it's really good though it was really well done yeah like everybody well not everybody but like a lot of people that I know cried when they watched that I was close I was close I almost I almost had a heart for like maybe like five seconds I thought a single tear was gonna roll down my cheek and I wasn't going to be an unfeeling an unfeeling Lich for a second with five seconds there I think can't use a bike now that was actually like a thing to like like during the announcement everybody who everybody was watching it live I remember like a whole bunch of my diems there's just like people like typing Kenji okay yeah I feel like that's wrong get back in there tear yeah like the ones that met this from my Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs right oh my gosh literally literally me I cannot show emotion I dare not to show emotion enough I'm just I don't know why I like I I don't cry that often when I watch things I don't know why I think about them later and then I cry but while I'm watching it's just like not a thing I don't know I think checked out mentally I don't know meanwhile watch it actually I'm gonna click that because of like copyright things describe it somebody like put like captions on in the chat for me what is that oh it must be all I I'm gonna guess it's probably the cloudy of the Chance of Meatballs guy the uh the COFF the cop dad like honestly yeah red wax makes me incredibly sad I'm allergic to it so my referencing Bambi yeah I've got a ton of pictures of Bambi up on my screen right now yeah it is mad okay oh my god yeah I don't like I don't how I god I hate that about myself like you know people would be watching a movie well I'll be watching movie with my friends or something and everybody else is starting to like it like you can look over at other people if they're like feeling something and I'm like this is really sad I know it's sad but nothing's happening not not for everything though there's I don't know yeah what the heck Oh thought that was double sided to you like we're not manifold or a second I go you stay no following wait what's that from is that Iron Giant dude I don't know why I never knew that the Iron Giant was voiced by Vin Diesel and I can't get that on my head now every time I see a clip of the Iron Giant I just think I saw some furious I okay yeah iron giant iron giant I cried that's their land be more time one yeah that was yeah oh man oh man oh hey what am I doing with those what I want to do with those it's got like a bunny body but it's got deer legs I am Groot didn't cry sorry great doesn't get me I don't know he doesn't he doesn't get the crying going cuz it also depends on like I don't know like what I ate during the day I don't freaking know Sony's I'm just not sensitive some days I'm just like I'm just not like other girls you know like some days I'm just not I'm just like so different wait is group actually Vin Diesel why is Vin Diesel everything that just doesn't talk much oh yeah I asked yeah yeah you're you're correct or a no you are correct in that I like screamed mom see you a little what's mother would be extremely traumatic for kids and they went to this previews really actually serious because yeah kind of true I have not seen all 14 land before times that's too many lands before times I think like the first one dude watching the first one on I loved dinosaurs as a kid - oh my god hands up if you love dinosaurs hell mom is back oh dude okay okay okay but like mmm I can't get over that the cinematic no okay sorry I have to I have to like scream a little bit where's it also bomb is a freaking beast but let's just get this this image right here let's get this freaking image oh oh this this is this comp is it everything about this just like I just wanted I want to print it out and I just want to like wallpaper it over with my freaking world everything to do with that man it's so good just take me like a little like spider webs and all the little like things that are floating down so slowly like the lighting I can't get over it dude I just I want and I wish I wish I was the one who came up with this this scene right here I wish I was the one I wouldn't be able to but I wish I was the one honey honey sorry you're sitting in the front at the opening cinematic and there was a six-year-old girl sitting right in front of me next to some other date Diablo teammates they asked one of them are you sure she's gonna be okay - which I was told don't worry she was she's like she's the game directors daughter she was probably the one suggesting they got in the cart oh oh she is she's gonna turn out great dude you're gonna turn out just great oh good for her good for that little kid yeah get her into the core good doing that cinematic was brutal oh my god and Oh freak just like the emotion like did you plan ahead I don't know like it's gotta be like it was mocap but then obviously like a lot of tweaking on top of it right like I don't know how they be innovators you guys are insane I don't know that's all I can say you guys are gonna say you guys are freaking the saying is whoo okay enough of sorry enough of Luis I love love love saw that they but you guys released a $500 statue and I'm sad that I can't afford that but I think it's sick and if anybody does have $500 he should come by the statue okay I need to I need to work on this like I'm like so spaced out okay let's see here you have about an hour left remember Buster from Mythbusters she like spob hand keep hand keyed that was handy and serious are you serious I want to like veto my entire career right now I mean I'm not an animator but like I just want to be toe out you know just that's insane how dude that was like so raw that was literally I was like this is this feels real the cinematic with the emotion like I can feel it like it's crazy so good let's get these stick legs yeah yeah I know what I should do I'm just gonna do like too much the close-ups on the eyes I know I know that's what I was saying like it just doesn't it that's insane to me it's like it legit feels real oh my god I'm just imagining the reference that they had like his like he they probably shot themselves like especially that one guy the the last sacrifice guy the one that's like super afraid and he and he's just like trembling the entire time like a house and animators probably were shooting reference to that I want to behind the scenes I want to see I want to see them freaking out in a room by themselves I think they want that my goodness he's so good I love watching animators I love watching animators do that kind of like just seeing what their reference material was that they were working on I'm working off of rather so good I especially love watching it for animated stuff like really really exaggerated things seeing like how much they can contort their face Iceland hi Becky welcome welcome my time in Iceland is it must be late or maybe it's early I don't know what's the time difference Jonas they love with too many legs oh let's go to LA I am oh my gosh yeah that would be a dream that would be amazing working on Diablo not gonna hold my breath though but yeah I am I I definitely have lots of things with too many legs so I'm just saying I'm good at adding extra limbs on to everything that's like my mo oh my gosh it's only got four legs though I'm already failing oh it's actually two in the morning here can't sleep Oh what 2:00 a.m. and I sent I think you guys were more than oh well no I guess it's not even 10:00 here okay okay fair fair fair pepper my brain can't math should get I should put like some more spiky bits on this guy [Music] sometimes I just need to think about it maybe we should just like pose because we're in we're like 40 minutes off so we should probably like poo I don't know at this point I don't know my brain is just kind of like scattered right now I'm trying to think of what I want to do with this mmm cuz I do okay okay all right okay let's just go here let's just like start cleaning some stuff up and then it'll go from there yeah that's what I'm gonna do all right let's just clean this up and then we can can add in a bunch of tiny Biti's nope not like that like this good stroke curve hello Lacey Mouse thank you yeah there we go that's what I like mr. curving do a d4 fanner and I'll send it to the right person wait are you serious are you legit right now are you telling me to do an art test live on stream are you telling me to do the Diablo art test I can't oh there's a joke or not oh I don't know if it's a joke or not I don't know one question oh no I'm an unfeeling glitch what are emotions I'm starting to sweat it's not a choke sound our deaths I call you out immediately are you giving me an artist yeah I know I know who's our licensee stuff that's like in their world I and I tell everybody that too so obviously I do a fan art it would be it would have to be a Diablo fan art okay alright alright I might I might do it I might do it oh oh oh no I'm feeling emotions with weird shapes and way too many legs the perfect match oh the compliments when somebody tells me you like weird stuff and they like weird stuff oh I know I'm like joking right now it's because I don't know i compartmentalize my feelings so just know that I appreciate this just been expressly so they're looking for artists for hell's RV oh that's cute like in the best way I don't mean it like okay whatever I'm bad at expressing look at me I'm all flustered know what to do god somebody thinks I can actually work India will and Sheela booth when it says on one time just do it I know I know okay I'm an extremist or completely yeah creepy creepy stuff is the cutest Gore oh my god adorable no I'm actually like I'm actually stoked I actually might just take you up on that you're giving me a project that was all like man what which shall be the next thing that I do just for fun and then here you are you're you are in chat right now saying damn before dinner it was right in front of me the entire time yet I never took advantage does anybody else get sweaty when they get excited no I'm not ignoring the opportunity I'm just bad at expressing my excitement okay like properly without like memeing and being weird because I'm like socially in abdic right okay okay all right development is happening right now when they say development is happening okay okay you know what fair fine okay all right we're know you got me all right okay fine all right cool it's a challenge too because you guys work like Diablo works like really low poly oh I love low poly stuff mmm okay all right fine you win fine you pulled my leg oh oh why are you seeing my dog will die oh do you want to get banned nobody's allowed to say that he's invincible he's immortal get out of here leave stop that not even a joke don't even ah you're gross don't say that not even a joke I'm gonna just take it live it grab it by the horns when I'm modeling and you have several layers is there way to bake one layer out of them or can you just bake them all or nothing yeah you can you can bake down all your layers yeah right here there's a button that says make down everything they call so but when you bake all of your layers it will just completely like get rid of everything or are you talking about something else are you talking about are you talking like like are you okay so are you talking about like polypaint to you me baking because yeah like if you just activate a layer I mean it's got polypaint data on it and then you make a new texture based on the poly paint then there you go that's like your your texture based on the poly paint and then you can turn that layer off and then do the same thing again and then you'll have a new texture based on the poly pick like without that poly paint layer on right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I hope that's what you meant I don't know if that's what you meant I don't know but there is like if you just mean like baking the layers down together then yeah you can just do this right here what up hmm and another thing too to keep in mind is when you're baking your layers make sure that your layers are turned on and if you don't want to bake like all of them are turned on otherwise it kind of like messes up sometimes at least that's my experience and if you don't want to bake a certain layer don't just like turn it off or whatever just like delete it and then bagel Monte will live forever in a minute no he's not gonna father anything he's just gonna live forever just stop stop stop talking about my dog like this I don't like it when he cause Oh [Music] fantasy creatures Gigi going on episode 93 have no high res statue I'm like okay all right you know man yeah look at me yeah okay he's kind of disappointed about it - he just looked up at me like yeah I think you know you Green done anything to do with me yo Chris LaLanne she's the same path right here just now she's a senior characters oh really ah oh yeah yeah I know her I definitely know her no she's so good oh man what a beast dude she's a beast my path is already goals my path what path what pack you're missing the dog Oh today we can show da girl again I don't mind I'm just being like sweaty and stuff you're on stream and adding curves and things we're dog friendly so you can bring my dog at work she's not people friendly though she's not people friendly so I don't know oh oh so you want the belly rubs but you don't want to hug this time there is you have 450 dogs on campus what the heck blizzard look at your computer literally just calling the employees dogs [Music] no he's not gonna fart this time he farted because I had given him a was it beef trachea that's what it was beef trachea and I stuffed the beef trait like the cow a trachea with what was it called like a pate of some sort and he like his stomach wasn't super used to it so he just kind of like was a fart fest for a little while and I picked him up and he like just went oh you don't like that you click that fart it was yeah oh great okay shaky-shaky yes he's so cute he's the best boy all dogs are the best boy but Monty is the best boy if you know what I mean I will always share dog oh just not in person or you know where other people can put their hands on him because he really doesn't like that he doesn't like anyone out of his tiny circle of human friends that he has that took a long time to make fun you're gonna lurk now okay no problem see you later jackal we've only got about a half an hour to go here anyways oops oh yeah no I'll definitely I'll consider it and I will I will even even if it's like something that like let's say I can't like oh let's say like you know they accept me they're like hey you want to come and work and turns out I can't it's okay cuz it's still a really fun thing to do and um get it think about it and stuff and yeah yeah see you though thank you for talking to me about that stuff and also a good job on like literally everything that you've been doing on overwatch cos like holy crap you guys for peace everybody over there isn't Beast right you too you do it you're sweating for me yeah yeah I'm like trying to like focus right now I'm also thinking of like 90 different things at once it's cool it's dope it's sick there we go there's a discord yeah yeah are you wait you're talking about my demo project and the discord wow that yo I mean yeah if it's fan or if I'd if I end up doing a Diablo fan ER and then like it'll just uh I can just put it on my portfolio I mean just a fan [Music] but yeah oh you you got the card oh yeah that's the discord okay like oh yeah I was gonna link you but this garden that I just completely like I think this is one of my favorite parts of a sculpt it's just kind of like doing like like you mm not a sculpt but like the the for fun Z sculpt so that I do is just kind of doing interior curve details and things like that it's just it's all like so relaxing ready to lurk I have a good lurk thanks for hanging do I know how to texture - yeah yeah that was a I was actually a servicing artist on next-gen as well as the sculpting artist but you're really starting to see how awesome the slash to brush can be yeah / - is a lot of fun you're gonna like it Thanks number eight three nine and it must be done in 24 hours yeah yeah why not depends on how fast you are it's quilting and it's your first time opening ZBrush and you don't know how to use it then no probably not too much lazy Mouse where is Master Oak have you ever been able to test out the new features for 2020 no I wasn't a beta tester this year so I have no idea how to use any of it it'll be very interesting to try it all I'm excited and 2020 actually comes out very soon so like what like next week next week on the 12th thank you to masa dough Thank You Pepe first time but your outer side is well not the I my I can tell it needs a lot of work it's my procedure that's under yeah okay fair enough fair enough the technical skill really right but that will just come from using it using the program [Music] yeah so this like this top part right here doesn't really like work I'm gonna like it kind of isn't in the same was it called the shape language is very contrasting up here so I am going to delete it and come back over top of it and try and get something that looks a little bit better because this stuff like these these sharp kind of are they called the straights yeah not really like a fan of that live silhouette but yeah the live silhouette yeah every single feature is gonna be good room in my opinion anyways I'm excited for all of it the thing that like shows up in the corner of the screen like me what what did they call it again like the whole you know how you can make it a little model of your own not one I'm excited about that's gonna be kind of fun you make scene yeah for me like it doesn't really matter too much I just think that the gimmick of it is really cool like I love that I feel like I'm gonna be able to put like a little like they were showing off earthquake or whatever right like I'm gonna put on one of my stupid characters up there like I want to make like a cube related character I don't know I think it's gonna be cute just have it up during streams you know how cute I'm not gonna lie like I needed kind of a kick in the butt to get going on my my sculpting again but this stream this stream always helps me get motivated again all the time because like of course I have like my own like you know like the contract work and stuff that I do but my own personal steps that kind of like falls off a lot of the time and then I stream again and I'm like oh yeah I love doing this I remember I love doing this I gonna do more of it don't call it that I'm I may or may not depending on busyness do a fan art for Diablo we'll see we'll see we'll see we'll see we'll see don't don't pressure me don't do it don't put expectations on me a skill showcase yeah no I know it's got like um it's got that hard surface like organic hard surface by alright I see the clay sculpting work of Beth Carver yes yes I have you take full responsibility as I'm doing this I'm actually trying to think like ooh what am I gonna what am I gonna sculpt mmm like food what fan art am I gonna do if I do one what would I want to do mm-hmm I've never actually like thought of doing that for some reason though it's much Diablo as much as I love Diablo and how much I play it yes I just like in general don't do a lot of fan er no no no I don't really think it's because I'm like intimidated like I'm scared that like I'm not gonna be I'm not gonna be able to do as good as good as the original you know you you you understand I'm sure I'm sure people can relate to that like oh I don't want to do fan art cuz cuz it's already been done and done so well I don't know try to squeeze a slightly upset Chihuahua in there just just a mildly upset to schwa oh my gosh do you know that video of that guy that's just like sitting there with his dog in his hand he's just like like most Americans I like to come home to my dog and pet him and whatever and then the dog starts like freaking out oh my god that was a it's one of the funniest videos I think that's one of my favorite videos that and mr. Bub's mr. Bub's she is the best cuz I do that with Monty sometimes too because he starts to like he gets in hyper mode like he's gonna be got his zoomies and then anytime you pick him up he's like wow I'm making like demon [Music] nice tweet voice thanks something with too many legs of course oh yeah true queen Aaron a math Adria yeah I don't know we'll have to see you what to think I'll have to think long and hard I think we're yeah we're almost done stream okay I get I'm just gonna finish this part up and then and I will call it [Music] barely on time we're about to end but that's okay nice to see you I so here is dear boy dear boy not finished but finished enough to say here here is that boy okay you can be there and then you can be here and then you can be here well and that was that and we can get the what's it called well pin my social status there we go put that on the screen can't be a boy hey you didn't see what I was doing earlier he kind of does have me anatomy so leave and if you're curious you can follow any of my socials in these links I also put them in the chat through you see clicker Reno's I'm probably going to be unless my allergies are so incredibly severe that I can't and my meds aren't working I will probably be live next week as well and the following week because I love streaming and uh yeah I'm gonna try and do a little bit more with this guy then maybe render him hopefully I can and and I'll see you guys some next stream thank you guys so much for hanging out ZBrush 2020 is out next week November 12 keep that one in mind that's super exciting actually is that gonna be on the Wednesday let's see no it's the Tuesday okay so I should have it for the next stream so next stream hopefully I'll have 20/20 but not guaranteed I might not I might not have it yet we'll see we'll see yeah yeah okay I think that's it you can say it oh yeah if you want to try ZBrush you can try it for 45 days for free and the next person that's gonna be streaming after me probably mad no nobody's after me oh hey okay but wait hold up tomorrow though Thursday November 7 at 11 a.m. PST pixologic is gonna be showing off some zbrush 2020 stuff apparently so 11 a.m. PST and that is 3 p.m. no 2 p.m. 2 p.m. EST so if you're in the same time zone as me it's 2 p.m. if you are in PST it is 11 a.m. go and check out the ZBrush 2020 special presentation and I will see you guys later thank you all for all the love and support and being awesome people and hanging out and not mining that I'm tired and space and out of it and an unfeeling glitch okay alright see you guys later bye
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 9,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixologic, zbrush live, digital sculpting, 3d modeling, art, design, tutorial, how to, making of, twitch, character creation, live boolean, vdm, sculptris pro, deformers, project primitive, illustration, mudbox, 3d coat, autodesk maya, adobe, photoshop, cinema 4d, 3d printing, concept art, games, reel, thorny, pointy, monster, creature, concept, mosquito, jellyfish, creativity, suitcase, employed, work, job, deer, hooves, horns, ram
Id: 3F1cit9OIiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 14sec (14354 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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