Creating Your First Level - Unreal Engine 4 for Complete Beginners

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[Music] what's going on guys this is your boy Ostrom sensei and welcome back to Unreal Engine 4 for complete beginners in today's video we are going to be learning the level design and we are gonna create our first room in a brand new level so yeah we're gonna get used to the level design controls and after that in the next video we are gonna be adding our own assets from the marketplace so any assets that you find on the marketplace so I think this is the best thing to do when you're starting out in Unreal Engine 4 I really don't recommend going straight to blueprints you're just trying to get too used to the engine before you start doing blueprints because you just want to get a general idea so let's get started before we do please make sure to subscribe if you're new to my channel because I'm trying to reach my goal of 10,000 subscribers and like the video if you have already subscribed and yeah let's start the first thing we're gonna do is we are going to avoid using this example level because it's really glitches when you add too many stuff in it so here I go to file new level and go to default this one gives you a sky and directional like a light source it's well optimized for a start you can also choose other things such as empty level which does not give you anything you have you have to add everything by yourself there is time of day which has adjustable lighting and we are basic we are just gonna ignore that so over here in our level we have only a floor and we can press play and walk around on it and it's empty we can even fall and keep falling forever you know it's a good idea to sell a game just falling call it falling and make it like this and sell it so now that we've fallen we are stuck down below under the floor way way to for now what you can do is wait for it and you know walk slowly or you can change the camera speed and walk very fast but you know you might go to the sky way too fast and the floor again and it becomes too far the best way to fix it is to go over here in the world outliner and find your item that's like your object that you want out zoom in on and just double click it and that way it just takes you to it so this floor is actually a not one of these items these are normal models that you can use and you know when you use textures on them and you scale them the textures are gonna stretch for example over here if you go to materials under the starter content and add a wood texture and make this one much larger for example like this yeah over here you can see that the texture is no longer the same size and these are pretty useless these four so five actually these five don't ever use them if you go to the geometry tab and there should be another box and other ones this one is what we call a BSP box if you drag out one and with the text of the material selected it should come out with a material but if you don't and you just drag one here it will have the same texture as this so for example this one the texture stretches but this one if you scale it oh no not like this if you scale it from here under the brush settings you know however much you scale it the texture will always be the same so this one is very good I recommend using this for blocking out your level instead of this so I'm gonna delete both and create new ones we're gonna need one for the floor actually yeah let's just use this floor we're gonna make this one much larger oh okay no we're not gonna use this one we're gonna add in a box for the floor and delete the old one and change the location to zero under the transform what this does is it places you it places your object in the exact middle of your level and over here there is the scale part you don't want mess with this when you are doing when you are dealing with BSP brushes because the textures like the materials will also stretch if you mess with it from there so you want to change the size under the brush settings and us from there we're gonna change the X - I don't know 500 for example yeah that's way too small 1000 no that's 100 1000 yeah like this auntie why - also 1000 and as for the Z yeah we're gonna make it like 20 and place this one and the location 0 make sure that it stays at 0 it's very good to start your level at 0 and to get an idea of what how big your character is compared to the level you can just go to the blueprint itself like the character blueprint and hold it and drag it over here and what that does is you can see how big the character is compared to the rest of the level so now we are gonna drag in another box for the walls the location we can make it at 0 again but let me see yeah over here the x-axis should be at 0 because you want it to be in the middle of this wall we are gonna use the same sizes for the same size for the x-axis no not the X oh yeah the X so that it has the same length like this and the Z is gonna be 20 because you want it to be oh not the Z the why the was gonna be 20 because you want it to be very thin and easy is gonna be I don't know 500 I guess now 500 is way too big for a wold let's try it out yeah that's huge so the world is gonna be I don't know 300 I guess or maybe 250 yeah 250 is good when you want to put something on the ground without you know trying to do it like this and you know messing up several times but it's selected you can just at the end button on your keyboard and what that would do is it would place it automatically on whatever has collision under it so that is probably the floor in most cases yeah I think it's way too short we're gonna make it a little longer so instead of 250 we're gonna go with 450 and drag it up and the end button that way so on the floor again and you have to duplicate this you want to have the Alt key and drag out like this and now we have two walls now we're going to create a new one for this side and another one for this side so we're gonna go back over here to the geometry tab and drag out another box now this one we're gonna change the y-axis to zero oh it's already at zero perfect we're gonna move it here and we're gonna choose the same size again so what was it over here yeah it was 1000 so we're gonna go to the y-axis and change it to 1000 and now it's the same size as the floor and Lizzy is gonna be 20 again no not the Z the X yeah the X is gonna be 20 because it's a wall it has to be thin and the Z is gonna be the same as this one 450 go with 450 drag out and this one you can't hit the end key oh you can okay you can hit the end key even if it's colliding with these walls I'm not sure why that is so I know it's in the perfect position oh no it's not okay like this yeah this is the perfect position for it now we are going to hit the Alt key and drag out so that we can duplicate it and there you go we have a room now I'm gonna duplicate the floor so that it's a roof and there you have it we have our room so you may be wondering hey why does the light come into this well let's try it out and check if it really does yeah it does okay actually no let's not talk about the lighting yet what's we want to do now is we want to make windows and a wall and to do that we are gonna be using the same tool which is the box tool so just drag it in here and I'm gonna check change the size to make it the size of a door for example the size of your door frame so for example we are gonna place the door on this world or yeah this part of the world so we're just gonna place it here and we're gonna change the Y to 90 I guess that's the wouldn't whiteness of a door and we're gonna change the Z to 190 no just keep it at 200 you think 200 is a good size for a door I don't know no it's way too short and even the width it's way too small so I'm gonna change it to 120 and the height is gonna be 250 and yet this is just a hypothetical door it's not realistic you probably want to make it as big as your door model and I don't have one at the moment so yeah and we're also gonna make it smaller on the x-axis just to make sure that it doesn't delete everything else and what we have now is a kind of brick thing over here with the shape of a door this isn't useful very useful but yeah what we're gonna do now is we're gonna change the brush type over here from additive to subtractive and what that did is it made us a whole end-of-the-world add the shape like with the shape of a door and you can just place in your door model or whatever and the door frame also and yeah it's just a good tool to use whenever you're blocking out your level you can see that it's no longer here it's actually disappeared and yeah that's the case with subtractive tools you can see them once you deselect them so the only way to find them is to go over here under the walls outliner and change it like find it and if you select it you can see that it's selected so I'm gonna make it I'm gonna rename it to door so attractive and that way you can tell that this is the door subtractive box now yeah maybe we should rename the others so we're gonna start with the first one which is the floor so I'm gonna rename it to floor the next one is this wall so I'm gonna call it world one the next one is this one so we're gonna call it 12 - then we're gonna go with wall 3 and wall 4 and the last one is the roof so we're gonna call it actually it's not a roof it's a ceiling so I'm gonna call it ceiling and there you have it each of them is renamed but now they are lost kind of like yeah each of them is in a different part so we're gonna select all of them in the world outliner and with them all selected you want to right-click and we're gonna add them yeah we're gonna move them to a new folder I'm gonna call this folder room 1 here you go and now you can turn them off and on and yeah everything's great now we want to make a window for example over here we want to make two windows yeah let's pretend this is a bedroom so what we're gonna do is we are gonna copy this one and we're gonna make it smaller and you know the size of the window and we're gonna place one here and one here actually I think this one is way too tall so I'm gonna make these the heights 215 I'm not sure about the door sizes in real life I'm pretty sure I studied them once but I forgot everything yeah some doors have these things so yeah I'm just gonna keep it now we're gonna go like this duplicate it and over here it makes another door but what we are gonna do is we are gonna make it smaller so that it's a window like this and maybe a little wider and there you go now we have a window we can duplicate it again to make another window here you go two windows like this now we've disel ected this one and let's just say we can find it over here another way to find it what we going to over here and choose brush wireframe instead of lit and what that does is it shows you the polygons for everything so here we go we have the subtractive boxes we can select whichever one we want and then go back to lit mode and now we can move move it anywhere we want or you know you can duplicate it and do whatever you want with it I think this is good for now yeah this one needs moving here a little bit yeah actually let's make them a little bit closer to each other you know the problem is that most assets in the marketplace aren't not supported by this new version of Unreal Engine which is 4.25 I'm not sure what I should add there there was a free furniture pack but it's no longer supported but yeah how we're gonna figure it out no problem yeah with both selected I'm gonna change the size again I want to make them a little taller so we're gonna go to the Z over here and make them 150 I guess and there you go both are taller now we are gonna save our level we're gonna go to the content and there should be a map maps folder yeah over here under third-person DP there's a Maps folder we're gonna call this level one and spaces aren't allowed so level underscore one and save now we are not gonna make this any bigger we are gonna work on improving it first thing we want to do is try turning off this light source yeah we're gonna delete the light source the atmospheric fog and the skylight there you go and I'm gonna add a point light from the lights tab over here there you go and we should also add a few models so that we can I know like the lighting looks a bit weird but we're gonna fix that in a moment we're gonna add a few models so that when we build our lighting they are built with it like the it's built on it so we're gonna go to the starter content there should be a folder called props and over here we have a few things we're gonna add the door frame for example over here yeah it doesn't fit very well we can change the size and everything but maybe we should just pretend it's it fits and you know ignore it yeah I just change the size quickly and the door is also over here I'm gonna change the size again turn off the snapping so that I can change the size like this and a little bit taller we're also gonna add the table over here and that estación it now this camera is getting in the way of our stash you know we added two of them accidentally like this and you know this is a lot like the sims creating your own home but much more customizable I know it's a weird like it's a wait way to put it but yeah it's the very most because beginner-friendly wait to talk about it so I'll just play stuff over here and it should be well for example two benches we can add I don't know chairs over here for the table yeah like this and another one here and you can see you can see that I'm switching between these things using the W II and ARP buttons it's not better than going here and changing things what else do we have here the bush yeah let's place one here and another one here and another one here there you go we also have this corner frame what does it do yeah we're not gonna add it we can add a lamp ceiling or a ceiling lamp stupid name for it they added and place the direction like the point light right in it or you know want for this one we're gonna use something different it's called a spot light so just drag it and put it whenever whatever you want to use it and this spot light is gonna be like pointing towards one part of your game or level so just put it like this and it should be lighting your room we're gonna change the light color or no not the color the warmness where is it yeah the temperature selects use temperature and make it go a little more orange like this it's a warmer color crease the intensity and the radius the outer cone angle yeah like this perfect now we are gonna add window frames oh there are no oh yeah there is window frames so we're gonna add them actually I'm gonna go to the unlit mode so that we can see properly and we're gonna add the window frames very quickly I know the scaling is a little weird actually very very weird but yeah we're just gonna go with it since this is only an example level so here you go we added the window frame there is also the window glass we're gonna add it there you go it's it's much larger than we need so we're gonna scale it down just a little bit and place it in the correct area or position and with both selected Organa its Alt key and drag them and we have another window frame and this was empty so what I'm again add this rock no that's a bad idea mmm I don't know what lamp I guess no not the world lamp we're just gonna add a statue and make its much larger like this and duplicate it and rotate it so that it doesn't look the same there we go now if we go back to let mode it's looking a bit weird but we're not gonna fix it yet because we're gonna add it we're gonna add one more thing and that is a view for this outside so for example I have this picture of you know I sky like a space guy and I'm just gonna drag it into the content browser as a picture this is just basic stuff so it's not gonna look very good but yeah if you drag in a plane and you rotate it for example and we're gonna make it much larger like this I place it right outside the window and then we're gonna drag in this one on it and it should create a material with the same picture yeah there you go you have this picture now and it's a view if you take a look outside the viewer window I know it's gonna look very bad but yeah it's fine it's fine for now instead of making it larger I'm gonna make it smaller and I'm gonna make add a few of them so like this and yeah I know it looks weird but it's fine it's fine for now yeah it definitely looks bad yeah what should I do I'm gonna make them larger like this so that the player can know if this is real or not yeah I'm pretty sure they can tell actually it should be placed in a very far distance but it shouldn't be a plane actually it should be a sphere and we should be inside it let's yeah this is fine for now this is just a test level and now that we have everything ready and actually no we don't have everything ready I also want to add a directional light again and the direction of it I wanted to be here like this so that the windows can get lighting you know this doesn't have to be space a space view I added it because I have this on my desktop but yeah we're gonna add the skylight yeah I mean the directional light and we're gonna add a skylight separately and what this skylight does is it reflects the color of your sky so that you know if you have a sky sphere it should make the directional light much less harsh so much less dark actually we're not gonna see the difference right now unless we rebuild the lighting so we're also gonna add the sky sphere over here under recently placed you just wanna drag type in sky sphere and you should find it and place it on your level and you should have a sky sphere and over here you wanna change these son Heights I'm gonna make it night actually let's delete this I'm not gonna use them we don't care about the view yet yeah we have the sky sphere I think night is way too much so yeah let's just make it a day and I'm gonna show you the sky light later but now that we have our level ready for you know building the lighting we're gonna go over here instead of pressing build you wanna press on this arrow and choose build lighting only and what this does is it does not take very long to render instead of you know building the entire thing so we're building the lighting and we're gonna wait it's gonna take a bit of time but it's gonna be okay and there you have it our lighting is built and as you can see it's no longer bright the the lights no longer come over the ceiling it's only comes through the windows and the point the spotlights actually works now it looks good but we're gonna try something and that is selecting these skylights and increasing the intensity of it and as you can see it looks more like a morning light like a sunlight with it intensified but you know if you do it too much it's not gonna look realistic but yeah there you have it we created our first level in Unreal Engine 4 I really hope you guys enjoyed watching this video and I really hope it's helped you learn something new and I really hope you guys like the video and subscribe if you're new to my channel that would help me reach my goal of 10,000 subscribers thank you very much for watching and special thanks to my super precious patrons for supporting this channel and I'll see you on the next video take care and bye [Music]
Channel: AstrumSensei - Game Dev
Views: 37,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 4, unreal, engine, learn, learn unreal engine, learn unreal engine 4, unreal engine for beginners, unreal engine 4 from scratch, unreal engine 4 basics, unreal engine 4 2020, unreal for beginners, unreal basic game, unreal engine create first game, unreal engine 4 easy tutorial, unreal engine 4 course, user interface, unreal engine 4 user interface, unreal engine 4 controls, controls, getting started, level design, unreal level design, unreal first level
Id: gJX-TDhgaJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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