Mixamo To Unreal | Free Characters And Animations - Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial

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hey guys and welcome back to another dimension 4 tutorial in today's video i'm going to be showing you how to go from miximo to unreal so in this one we're going to be getting a character from miximo and animating on mixmo as well and importing these into unreal now i already have a video where i'm creating an animation blueprint from mix moto unreal as well so i've taken a character from here put it into unreal and animated it and i'm going to be getting the same character and animations in this video so i'll leave a link in the description below to that video where i animated it and in that i use the swat character so i'm doing the same here getting the same character and animations so if you don't know what makes mom is it's a great website made by adobe where you can get a load of free characters and animations which you can use in your games completely free and golf right free as well so i'll also leave a link in the description down below to the mix of my website so once you've loaded it up you'll need an adobe account if you don't have one already it is free to create and once you've logged in you'll be greeted with this page or if not just select characters up here and you can see we have all these different characters to choose from and there's three pages of these as well i just want the swap character so i'm going to search for swat there and you can see we have these i just want the normal swap on the far right here so i've got this character which will load in a second and it automatically creates a skeleton for this character as well so you can see you can also upload your own character which is just an fbx file and it will create a skeleton and now we have this swat character here already rigged and we just need to animate it so this is perfect so let's download this so we hit this orange download button here we want the format to be fbx so obviously if you're using unity it'll be fbx for unity but this is specifically for unreal so you want on fbxbinary.fbx the pose we want to have as t-pose and we're going to download it and that is now the character downloaded now let's also download the animations before putting this into unreal i'm just going to put this into a folder so let me just create one here and i'm just gonna leave the name as swot there it should be an fbx file and now we have that downloaded there i'm just gonna close that so now we want to find some animations for this character so to do that i'm gonna click on the animations tab at the top and remove swatch from my search now you see that these animations have different characters on them already but we don't need to find one with our character on we can use any animation on here because actually he has created a skeleton for us already so the animations i'm going to get are walking running idle and jumping so let's get idle first so i'm going to search for idle here and now you can see we have many many many different idle animations that we can choose from so i'm going to just scroll down until i find one which i like and i'm going to pick this one here because i believe this is the one that i use in the animation blueprint video so now we have this idle animation here and you can see what it looks like you can also change the overdrive so how quick or how fast how intense it is so you can increase or decrease it i'm going to keep it as null and you can increase or decrease the character arm space as well which does what it sounds like it does so you can see like that again i'm going to leave this default and you can also trim it to make the animation longer or shorter and even mirror it to make it mirrored i'm going to leave all this default i'm going to hit download again leaving the format as fbx binary.fbx the skin i'm going to have is without skin as we don't need the skin on the animations and it just makes the file size larger we don't need it frames per second i'm gonna leave is 30 and keyframe reduction i'm gonna leave as non and then we can download that so now we have our character and our idle animation downloaded again save that there so now i want to get a walking animation so i'm going to search walking up here and i believe the one that i used was called swagger walk so let me try and find that or you can just search for it so again i'm trying to find the same ones which i used in the other video and here we have cycle walk you'll see this is moving forwards in unreal we don't want this to happen because that means it will play this animation while the character is also moving so it'll be rubber banding going back and forth glitching out and will look really bad so the way to fix that is tick in place so now the character is going to move in place which is perfect for how we want it so we can code the animation blueprint properly again you can change all these settings as well but make sure you have in place ticked we're going to hit download and the settings should have saved so we can hit download again saving it how and where we want it so i'm going to hit save again like so so now i also want to get a running animation so again i'm gonna search for running and we have all these options once again there's so many to choose from which is why it's a great website for free animations and characters especially if you're just a beginner getting into all of this so let's choose a running animation i think this one here is going to be good again we want to tick in place and now we have this running animation here you might want a different one for example this one again ticking in place choose whichever one you want to have i think i'll go for this one instead since it's kind of in the middle of those two so i think that's good again i'm going to leave the settings as default download leave them in download settings as what they were before and download that like so so now we have idle walk and run i also want to get jump so how i'm going to do this is i'm going to search for jump but i don't want a jump like this so let me show you one this one here is going to jump like that that's a whole jump animation i don't really want that i want one for jumping up jumping down and jumping in the air so idle jumping as that way it just makes the coding in our animation blueprint a lot easier a lot smoother and a lot more fluid so i'm gonna have one called jumping up i believe is what the one i used was called this one here jumping up you see that looks really bad but obviously we're only going to see this once and it's literally just going to be to go up and when we make the animation blueprint which again i've already done this looks a lot better so i'm going to download this one jumping up like so and i also want one for jumping down so i'll search jumping down like so let's see if i can find the one i used it looks similar to this so it's this one here jumping down so that's when we are landing and i'm going to download that and then i also want one for jumping idle so while we're in the air so we're falling because that way we can loop it and make it look a lot nicer instead of just having a rough animation which doesn't look too good so that one was called falling idle for me this could just be falling or jumping anything like that and i believe i used this animation here so like i say we're just falling which again if we're falling a long way we're going to play the correct animation so i'm going to download that like so and there the basic animations you want so you've got idle walk run and jump i'm also going to get another jump one for jumping forwards so if we're walking forward and we jump we play a different animation you don't need that if you don't want but i used it in the other video so i'm going to get it here as well just to show you so that one was called jump forward and you obviously can get forward backwards left right anything like that but mine was jump forward which i believe was this one here so this one has a rifle which obviously you might not want but there you go i'm gonna take in place again so if we're walking forwards we're gonna jump like that so i'm gonna hit download and download with these settings again and so now we've downloaded all of the correct characters and animations which we want so you also want to make sure that when you get the animations that they are targeted to the character that we chose at the start because the skeleton is on them but like i say we now have a character in animations from mix mo now i need to get them in unreal so let's open up unreal so that's here so this is also very simple what i'm going to do is open up my folders where i have them saved so that's here and the one we want to import first is our character make sure you import this first as we need the skeleton from it so drag and drop in swat or whatever your character is named and leave this all the same so import the skeleton mesh import the mesh the skeleton won't be anything at the moment as that's what we're currently importing and we don't want to take import animations and then just press import all and now we should have our character importing like so and as you can see we've imported it if you get these errors don't worry that's just because the mix of characters aren't smooth but that won't actually be an issue for us so you can see we have all these materials textures swat skeletal mesh physics asset and a skeleton so i'm going to right click get a new folder calling it mats i'm going to put in all of the materials and textures inside that folder just to keep it a bit more organized and looking nice i'm going to select all of those and move them there now if we open up our skeletal mesh we can see what this looks like or if we drag it into the game so now we can see we have our swat character in here looking perfect like so so now let's also import the animations onto this as well so i'm going to import all of these at once so let me show you what i'm going to do so i'm just going to select all of them like so so these are my animations i'm going to drag and drop them in like that get rid of this folder and you can see they're already put on the skeleton if they're not for you just select the skeleton which you have which will be a swat skeleton so the skeleton which is for your character then make sure that the animation length is exported time so it's the correct animation length for it and everything else can be left as default and then let's hit import all and now all of these animations are going to be imported into the game as well so it's very simple to do and now we have animations in here and again i'm going to put these in their own folder just to keep it organized let's put those there and i already have the character dragged in so i can say i dragged in the skeletal mesh on here so we can then put an animation on here to test out so i use animation asset i'm going to select the animation i want so i want it to be swagger walk and if we simulate this you can see that this character is now walking and if we change this again to be maybe running you can see that they're all running i've changed it to idle they're going to be idle so this is working for us so we've got in our character and the animations for the character as well and like i say i've already set up the animation blueprint so i did that in this project as well so here we have our swat and mbp here in which we can play as that character so this is what we have we made something which looks a little like this if i actually hit play we should be able to place that character as well so now we have the character walking around in game so we have idle walk run run jump and our normal jump like this so that's what we've made again that's in the description down below but i think that'll be it for his videos we've done everything we want to do we've imported our character and animations from miximo to unreal and this works perfectly and again it's very easy to set up so the character can play as them so thanks so much for watching i hope you enjoyed and i hope you found it helpful and if you did make sure to like subscribe down below so thanks so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Matt Aspland
Views: 52,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue4, unreal engine 4, unreal engine, tutorial, ue4 tutorial, unreal engine 4 tutorial, how to, ue5, unreal engine 5, animation, animations, blueprint, blendspace, idle, walk, run, jump, how to make, animation blueprint, ue4 animation, anim, make, run animations, walk to run, idle to walk, to, from, animated, character, free, how to make a character, for free, ue4 animations, import, mixamo, adobe, mixamo animations, how to use mixamo, how to animate, create, copyright, copyright free, unreal
Id: 16ndKDV334U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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