Building a Small Exterior Scene in Unreal Engine

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yo what's up uh today i'm going to build basically this little scene that i hopefully we can see right now uh from scratch i'm not making the assets that would take like months um basically taking a marketplace kit that i saw recently that i really liked and i'm just gonna build a small level from scratch i'm terrible at building small levels i always try to make them huge i don't know why i'm trying to make a small one and it will eventually be for city tracer but i thought i'd build it for a scratch what's up diego bomb aldo j cut gustavo kevin and golden what's going on yeah so i found this asset i really liked it should be linked in the description i've like youtube live changed a lot um you just hit go live now instead of making like a new one and you fill out the thing so it's i kind of get it and i think you can use the same stream key so that's nice so uh should be linked in the description below the asset kit i'm using it's on sale on the unreal engine marketplace i think it's like 40 or something like that and i just liked how it looked and i went through it the sample map and then i deleted everything so what you'll see now this is just another character that i thought was cool she's rigged for facial capture so i wanted to test her um all that's in here now this asset stuff that i got off the marketplace are static meshes in here don't even need those some really good looking foliage one smoke effect that i don't need i deleted all the maps this is my map now and some materials and textures so it's just assets so i deleted all the logic um so this is literally like meshes and materials that's all that's in here and i'm going to build this from scratch uh for signature tracer then again i think really people that um a lot of people start here like building unreal engine maps is like kind of the fun part and uh i've learned a lot about it over the years i'm still not like the best but um just wanted to mess around with this pack and i am going to bring it into the cine tracer uh pretty soon and merge it into the main project but just wanted to build this kind of for fun and kind of just show like how reverse engineering is someone else's marketplace kit works yeah okay that is uh that is someone that gets to be hidden piece yeah i thought the full age does look pretty good thanks uh fun zero about the mega grand yeah that is that's pretty awesome uh yeah they did a really good job with this kit and i saw it on the marketplace and i was like this is really nice and instead of being like a 100 scrub like it used to be just using their sample map one for performance that's not very good uh anyway not being a scrub i would i wanted to just use the assets but then actually make my uh set from it so i'm gonna start this map over start a new one and do this like absolutely from scratch what's up bryson and then for anyone who's like getting started with unreal engine and that's why they call this like the you know what do they say unreal engine for filmmakers it's like if you've never used unreal engine before this is still hopefully useful so you would go to the marketplace and you would download that that pack that's that's uh linked in the description and i'm just gonna make a new map from scratch here and i am streaming in 4k so like the ui is probably like tiny but when i'm really doing this i can't i can't do it in 1080 so sorry so the name of the level the map doesn't really matter it does for me because it's going to be a cinetracer map but for now i'm going to just call it like ct map03 and i'll rename it later but i'm pretty sure that's not taken because i deleted all the old maps out of sydney tracer and i'm building new ones completely based on like this new structure i have for for everything so there's the new map and so we're gonna get back to this part relatively soon and then i'm going to try to build out like a little building and a little scene that looks nice and try to keep it small it's just like i always make them gigantic and if you watch the live stream that we did before with brushify stuff brushify stuff is awesome that is merged into cinetracer now and that's good for like really big sprawling maps and uh big exteriors but for little tiny ones uh i'm kind of interested in this one too so there's a chance that i would mix them together too so i'm gonna go to landscape here and ha so it tries to give you a gigantic one by default so like it gives you like this by default which is like this is brushify territory like you're not messing with this this is just there's no way to populate this performantly um with brush effect i could do it i guess but i'm going to try to make like an itty-bitty one so the smallest like 7x7 and that's still too big but i'm just not going to put anything in it so that's the smallest landscape you can build essentially so i am going to hit create and we're we've done it we've we've made this here so i'm going to go to unlit and so there's no lights and it's just a big flat geometry situation well i meant to move it actually here so i'm going to hit shift f or shift one this is new to me this is still the mode switching so select is shift one so this landscape by default although it is a zero okay i make my landscapes at zero now this is the way this is like a much better way of doing it what's up anton what up russia so it's just a big old flat thing nothing crazy about it and so first step is it needs a material so if you go into the no it calls it no smoking area which is it's kind of annoying when like the acid is called like industrial something but then they name the actual folder this anyway it's no smoking area we go to materials and their material for this is environment terrain and so i'm selecting on the landscape my head's going to be over the thing i don't know where to put my face don't move my head it's probably more important to see that stuff than it is to see i don't know we'll figure it out dismiss there it goes so landscape it's going to get the terrain material this is the landscape material that this kit comes with and it's real simple which i like like very simple so it's black which is this is what always happens um so i'm gonna put this back down and shift one damn it shift two yeah there it is shift two is modes landscape and we have to go to paint and we gotta give it some of these so we gotta go weighted blended this thing yep that's fine i'll move them later and then another one for the gravel and another one for whatever that is the grass there it is boom where are we all done so it's a big brown gravelly situation now they call this ground so it's just ground so we have three materials that we can put on here uh and that's it so very performant that i learned from joe to keep it small like that and simple so we have our landscape with the material on it hooray shift one goes back here no really what is this shift one you're killing me yeah shift one there it is great select mode what's up oh i said that uh worthy tutorials i'm not really sure i'm kind of starting off with these live streams because this is stuff i'm gonna do anyway and i think for a lot of people you just want to get into unreal engine and make levels that's like the first step and doesn't require any programming what's it miles so this is like kind of an attempt at the beginning of it and it really depends like what you're trying to get done but i think for a lot of people you want to start by making levels so i'm kind of just showing that because i have to do it in general for cinetracer but then it kind of hopefully works as a tutorial as well so player start i'm going to drag one of these in here and we're going to put it at zero let's make sure that it's right in the middle that's just for my ocd you don't have to do this but you know generally x is facing forward so this map is going to be designed facing forward so i am going to try to i'm going to try to keep the map to this size and really try to be even smaller than that and see if i fail at it so player start is when you hit play that's where you start that's where the game starts you more or less you can overwrite that functionality but that's how it's going to be using all stock world stuff nothing no sign tracer frameworks or anything like that this is just like how everyone in unreal engine works and display setup tutorial with vive tracker i don't even know how to do that to be absolutely honest when i do led shoots someone else sets that stuff up i'm going to get into it maybe eventually but ben kidd has some good tutorials on that stuff i don't i haven't really fully gone down that that road yet so we have our players start we're at zero and so i am going to then drag out a person and so this is just like someone another character off the marketplace i buy a lot of marketplace stuff but you could just use the mannequin i don't have a mannequin in this project um she's really interesting too i have not actually started to work with her yet but she has ar kit morph targets on here which is pretty cool so player starts there and so i'm going to use her for scale and just put her about there so you want to have someone for scale it could be the mannequin which is free or just some character off the marketplace she also kind of fits the environment that i'm making here i would start i would start with making levels that is pretty much it yeah i'll save this live stream as long as i don't see anything like terrible that i would have to get rid of that's what it's always a worry okay so we have a person we have a landscape it has materials on it we're off to a great start here so here we go so issue now if we go back to lit it's dark so how do you light an unreal engine i'm not going to really go over it but i'm going to make a folder called lighting i'm just gonna call it env which is like environment doesn't really mean anything but that's where i'm gonna put all that kind of stuff in it so uh the way that i would say in unreal engine 4.25 the quick way uh is a directional light this is the sun a skylight it's magical skylights though it's skylight you'll see that there's no actual sky yet and the kind of sky i like these days right now is called sky atmosphere and that's all you need to get started with this but it still doesn't look good so i'm putting the directional light sky atmosphere and skylight in this little folder and for skylight for this to work you have to go and i know it's real small but oh well you have to click on no no on the directional light sorry you need to go find atmosphere fog sunlight boom freesky free sky love it uh and then what i do out of ocd again is i oh no what oh yeah there it is i put the sun at zero and then i go up like this right just put it up here then i'm gonna get my sky atmosphere put it at zero its location does matter but it you'd have to be moving it in like magnitudes of like a million for it to really matter because it's actually replicating like how sun and sky works with like an actual planet so it's actually asking you like what's the radius of the planet you're on sort of stuff because you can use this to make like outer space transitions and whatnot i'm not gonna do that today i have not done that yet uh and then this is the sky so these are the three things this is all you really need uh to get into this sue however so the skylight is an extremely complicated thing to deal with but we're just going to go to the bottom and hit recapture and that's it for now and then the sunlight or the directional lights how are you looking trying to say stock settings for this and sky atmosphere there's a lot to this thing but i'm going to just leave it stock and hey it's a blue sky that looks kind of normal so that's great uh for sanity reasons i am going to add a post process volume because the auto exposure uh makes it kind of difficult to understand uh color like what color they are yeah without light her skin is white because that's like how the skin shaders work thoughts on building maps procedurally um they're all gone but i used to build i used to live stream on this i'm pretty sure yeah i was pretty sure i was on this youtube channel all my houdini stuff and i would build stuff procedurally that way uh that's cool for big maps but for small maps i'm still like kind of i'm like back to basics right now we're trying to keep it like just handmade if that makes sense and i think a lot of people should start there but procedural for bigger maps is kind of the i think like the only way to approach it unless you like you can't paint like billions of trees and i guess it depends on the project like certain cities like would have to i think you would do procedurally as well anyway so we have a post process volume and so with this thing i'm gonna put this in environment as well post process volume all i'm looking to do is find exposure hit uh metering mode go to manual oh hold on we gotta type into this thing unbound what this makes it go everywhere ah there it goes right so it's dark and then i'll turn that stuff off if we go to exposure you make it if it's on auto okay or not whatever so we're in manual exposure comp just like a round number like 10. that's it that will lock the exposure here if you want to stop down the cameras level like the scene level camera you do it here there's a lot more to that but in general that's all you really have to do 10 is a good number because it's arbitrary unless you're working in real world lighting values which is uh not something i currently can do cryengine i know nothing about it but joe does joe was on the last live stream i did like this he knows i think he used to work there unreal wind simulation clips the leaves though i don't know much about the wind stuff to be honest this this set has like pivot painter for the assets which like tells it i believe how to bend and stuff like that i'm not really sure anyway so that's kind of like my basic way of setting up the scene it is a directional light post process sky atmosphere skylight so very 4.25 this didn't exist until a couple months ago whenever 4.25 came out this is not how cinetracer works currently but i might be once i test performance for vr and whatnot i'll be switching it to this style sky instead of the bp sphere i have a feeling this thing's a little bit expensive compared to just like a dome with a material on it but we will find out okay so i don't have any concept art for this uh i'm just trying to make like kind of like a last for us you know abandoned industrial looking exterior that looks good up close um but it's still performant for like 980 ti and vr in a 2080 ti which i know is a high benchmark but that's that's how i'm rolling so let's test painting on this thing so we'll close that up landscape players start i'm just gonna throw everything in here for now this is just like my like messing around things so i'm gonna hit shift two and so right now i'm gonna i gotta get rid of this ground this grid situation yeah hide the grid so we have this like really nice looking ground texture i like it a lot it's like dried out broken up ground stuff but if i click on this one okay we're gonna try to stay in the middle here we can paint gravel down and this is a pretty cool looking gravel which is again why i chose this kit i feel like i haven't i have an eye for the marketplace i look at it constantly so we're painting down just a bit of uh gravelly road here yeah 4.26 looks awesome i know the volumetric clouds weren't even supposed to ship until 2 6 and they kind of stuck them in there they're kind of hidden they look great i will be jumping on the 4.26 train whenever it leaves the station publicly kind of like wait for the 0.1 build normally just for like the fire put out the fires but yeah i have seen a tracer basically like my main my main project is all updated to be uh updated it's updated to 4.25 and it should be very clean to bring it to 2 6 because i fixed all the c plus errors basically okay so we painted down uh gravel yeah gravel it's a good-looking gravel too like i don't know what it is about it it's just this kit kind of all vibes together like really nicely so again we're looking this way i'm a little bit scared no no we gotta stay at this we i always go big we have to stay this big and i might front load the level like this oh i'm going to go back moving the landscapes a little sketch sometimes i'm never sure about this um let's see how we do today okay it's a small one so we're actually okay i'm going to scoot it forward a little bit this way and kind of build the level it's going to be like a path maybe bring it back a little bit it's going to be like a path like their starter level with a building here and a fence and you know what i'm just going to put it back to where it was damn it where was it i mean i could just eyeball let's put it here i don't know how many undues i can do here is that it that's where it was i want more space but i don't want more space we got this needs to like re-perform it on like half of the stuff i make only works on the big computers getting c63 what's up able oh brianville what's going on it's been a minute where's the contact shadow on the leg i if you have to get closer also i'm not like focusing on the lighting on this one there's there's stuff to mess with that found working vfx unreal engine oh i don't i don't know anything about the vfx stuff i haven't even opened niagara yet i need to i just want smoke i just want like really great cinematic smoke in niagara and i would be pretty happy okay so let me paint down some other stuff and i could always just delete this stuff which i'm going to so we're back in here and then the other material they have is the grass and the grass is not like it it's going to work fine it looks just like the grass that i made in substance designer which makes me feel good i was like oh this looks just like that and so i've been like learning a little bit more about just general level design techniques kind of from joe and just trying to jump back in and like you're not really supposed to see this stuff up close too much i mean the ground you do but you're it's just like an under layer and then you end up covering it with stuff uh actual stuff like geometry and foliage because otherwise it looks kind of silly like this right like this looks weird but it's grass and the pebble i like this gravel i don't know why i'm feeling this gravel and i painted down some grass you know so that's pretty easy right it's just like three materials and i can manage that like ground i'm gonna call it dirt gravel and grass that's it so it's like limited and should be okay for performance like not stack up like 50. you have a problem getting cc3 stuff no do you have the plug-in do you have the unreal engine plug-in for it it like builds it for you i just did it today looks good well we have uh we have someone here that can say goodbye peace uh yeah so we've painted down our three layers and it looks really cartoony at this point but the textures themselves i'm like super happy with it's like half the reason i went into this kit i was like this this looks this just like looks good okay so next after this is like okay so this looks a bit like but i'm gonna put some grass on it or should i put down the rocks first i'm gonna put down the rocks first actually or the path so you should like kind of know what you're doing but i like and make like a storyboard or like some sort of idea of what you're making but i i tend to not do that which is why i'm probably frustrated and bad at this but anyway so i'm going to do i'm kind of copying his level and like by copying i mean that's how i learn like i mean i think that's how a lot of people are like you see someone who's done like a really good job like this assets like starter map because the designer laid it out and it's like perfect and it's way better than i'm gonna ever get to on my own um no not materials put it in here environment assets yeah so this is the kit i normally have my other monitor just like huge just for like a monitor of this but uh for this one i won't because i'm live streaming it so there's a couple assets in here that we're going to throw down and this kind of illustrates the concept though of this of covering up this default landscape with stuff with things okay i'm gonna grab just one fire hydrant for some reason okay so and then we'll look at the structure part because the structure part stuff where like i've learned over time how this kind of works in a video game and i just wanted to throw that down into a live stream and then also put it into practice and see how good it looks so you could get away with this this gravel but what he did in his level was he made the path and he made like a walkway of these little uh concrete whatever these are called slabs yeah who that's a good name for the concrete slab and i'm gonna just go symmetrical down the middle and he used like so i'm i'm assuming here whatever he or she and the whoever made this the creator of this assay kit when you look at their sample map they use a blueprint that's a bit houdini-ish a bit proceduralish uh in a bit confusing honestly uh and very dense to just like say like i want 20 of these make 20 in a row and then add random rotations and break up to them procedurally it's really nice but that's kind of overwhelming to me still even and like i do this a lot and i still just like kind of like to keep it basic and that's maybe that's part of the reason i don't get the same results as some of these people is because they're gonna do uh tricks like that that makes a little easier and add some randomness and life to it but anyway uh i'm gonna hit copy and paste and not use ctrl w because control w like moves the asset that drives me crazy after i like control paste and so the idea with this is to kind of cover up the gravel with like a more high resolution mesh like that right so i'm gonna make a new folder called road and i'm gonna kind of make this like road here dynamic houdini water yeah you can i don't know how to do that but you can with like the uh the vertex cache there's there's a there's some mechanism that allows you to do that yeah huh i don't know i i get like amazing materials at a seat like if you you do you have the plug-in you probably said it already but like the plug-in with uh the plug-in for unreal engine from character creator the version character creator 1.1 importer for unreal is a way better skin shader than i'll ever make in my entire life my kids are going crazy outside okay so i am going to make a folder called like road and stick this stuff and not the hydrant in there so once i start duplicating this stuff it'll all live in a little folder and another thing that he has is this little curve so i have everything on snap right now and we'll come back and like kind of add randomness to it but uh not yet and so he had these all in blueprints that do like duplication but i think that's way too heavy for people getting started and it's a little too heavy even for me um for this little level trying to keep it small so oh no okay so i'm just taking these two copy paste this and this is too perfect looking but you know it is built on a grid so i'm going to stay on the grid these ones and then you come back and you kind of like mess them up and you know change the spacing so this is very like mechanical looking at the moment but it's how we're starting and it's kind of a demo too a demo for myself and a demo hopefully for anyone who's kind of like getting started with unreal engine stuff this kind of like i call this kit bashing it's just level layout it's not level design if you talk to game developers like like they're like this isn't level design level design is like it has like narrative and gameplay elements in it this is just like i don't know level like blocking and layout or kit bashing like it's it doesn't have a reason like i'm not trying to get the user the player to be like oh look at this and go over there and solve the puzzle like that's that's level design quote unquote this is just like an art set so laid down this kind of like bricky pathway and it's just like way too even and snapped together but you know i'm simple that's how i like to do it for now and now i'm going to go back to the gravel layer and this brush is maybe a little big for this and i'm just going to paint back gravel like under the the gravelly part right and so this is like kind of a general demo here that shows that like yeah we have this landscape material and you can look at it pretty close but like a general tip is to then cover it immediately with like something that looks it kind of breaks up uh the detail it gives like more detail to look at it depends on the stuff obviously we're talking like realistic here i'm not talking about like uh like cartoon video games then you probably just go you just you could have like flat green to be what is houdini houdini is life i'll be doing houdini again i love him live streaming it like i used to but maybe helps me get through it because it's kind of a technical process okay so let me hit shift one and there is our walkway with gravel under it and then he broke it up like a lot which was uh what i'll do eventually too so the next thing is like grass and foliage and that's like obviously like the strength of this kit that i found it's really good so i'm gonna hit shift three foliage style foliage here and i'm gonna paint down some grass let's see what we got for grass in here it's pretty good i like them simple nice small so i'm gonna get clovers dandelions and grass we'll just start with grass and kind of paint it down no no grass on the landscape material no procedural generation because this is an itty-bitty level we'll just place it by hand and the tools are pretty good for that so i'm going to hit paint up here and i'm going to uncheck them except for this one and kind of just look at the densities that they're giving us that's a lot that's an awful lot of uh these clovers i'm gonna undo that right so the more you add the worst for performance like generally like so i mean there's a lot that goes into that but like you don't want to go stupid with it you kind of want to be like places place minimally in general as as little as can still look good that's that's still an awful lot i'm changing the density like wow really like okay i'll go back to 25. okay so that's the clovers uh they provide a really good base layer just that alone like kind of kind of breaks it up right like this so it's the clovers undo undo i'm gonna uncheck that one check out these dandelions we're at 100 density that's fine those might get placed by hand to be honest it's a bit heavy i'm gonna go to 50 on that it's still pretty heavy these are almost like hand placeable like that's how small i'm gonna make this level so i'll say 25 for now and then the grass itself like the grass one is not enough yeah i remember that okay so i'm gonna do like 500 and come back and like kind of manually clean this up later yeah so 500 something like this that's still not enough wow a thousand yeah that's that's about right okay so a thousand so now with all of them set up more or less how i like it with density i'm just going to paint down some grass on both sides and kind of see how it looks like this right so it's a bit heavy a bit foresty over there but uh you know it looks good so it's a good it's just like kind of the the starting demo right um [Music] and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn these off that's like way too heavy i mean depending on how big this map gets but that's that's that's a lot in one little section then i get this nettle these look these ones come out these came out so nice these ones and then just one tree poplar tree so i'm going to just do these ones by themselves and i'm gonna play single and so these are like big bushy bush things they're called nettle i guess i don't know what that is boom okay bigger ones and there's like i have a tiny bit of a theory on like how to place these nicely right and then i'm going to place this other smaller thinner nettle like this and because this map is going to be small these are really much these are really like a hand placed kind of exercise and then which i always forget to do is like you add them like in between the like cracks and we're gonna come mess with these later all right like this oh my god like that and then i'm gonna go get there's like grass that's longer here it is tall grass and i'm gonna place these by hand too just kind of like just channel the last for us two vibes oh they're tiny but oh no no okay yeah so just kind of like throw them in like like here like here and here randomly and one there who knows right so there's like a little bit of it's not good yet a little bit of grass in between the things and then i'm gonna put one tree down one tree where should this hero go right boom there there's a tree right and so this is already i mean it looks okay we don't have like an actual pawn this is like the default floaty pawn but like that's pretty good it looks nice you know it's it's it's performant from what i was checking and you know um so it performs pretty well i mean really well material complexity is like green or whatever it's like all the way on the left and looks photorealistic enough to me and especially most of my backgrounds are out of focus so that's kind of how it goes [Music] um i'm not really focused on effects like that's not really my specialty i'm sure there's someone on youtube that does that stuff what's up david what's up pierre how's it going and what up just okay so yeah so like you know just getting to like this point in unreal engine you know as a filmmaker like if you can just follow that like get this kit like don't try to make these assets on your own if you're a filmmaker like that's that's kind of i'm still trying to formulate like how i'm presenting to like teach unreal engine for filmmakers but like don't make assets just don't it's going to take you forever and it's not the fun part and it's not really what you should be doing anyway and the marketplace is just so big and growing so fast that like really it's about knowing how to take the stuff on the marketplace and make it work for your movie and make it make the set work so just getting to this part i think is pretty important for a lot of people right and it's pretty high quality and i don't know with cinetracer i was trying to make it so that the system was only created by assets that were in the system but uh time-wise i've kind of run out of time i tried it and like it i now know from a business point of view it takes too long to generate these and i'm not very i'm not as good as the marketplace people at making these like just making this like curb you would think would be so much straightforward it is it's a lot of artistry a lot it's it's it's hard it's pretty hard so i'm i'm kind of back in the mindset of like i'm gonna remix and take marketplace stuff try to build them performantly unlike last time and make pre-made sets for people which i i really understand like i think that's like a a big part of it and yeah basically i'm not able to make the ass it's as good as i thought i was going to be able to maybe with more time maybe after like 10 years of doing this i'll be able to like make this kit myself and have it look as good but uh i'm not sure that should be my focus either so that's generally like the like landscape and the foliage and the stuff and you know not too hard of a workflow i would say uh so i'm gonna move on to like building a building and so i've learned quite a bit about this in my time so much that i went to houdini and tried to build my own they're okay they're not as good as what this guy is built though or whoever the creator of this kit so i'm gonna say building that folder so i'll show you like generally how i make buildings in unreal and i mean unreal because like this really is um kind of like standard video game ways of building modular buildings uh not so much how you would do this for like a vfx movie or something like that but i maybe they do i don't know i don't work on like the movie vfx side of things so i'm gonna just do some staging and pick up the assets that i'm gonna work with so we've got a wall we've got a wall with a lower window a wall with an upper window a wall with a door and a wall with a door and an upper window and we have a wall block very important there's a slab i don't know if i'm gonna mess with that too much but i'll bring it out there um is something called a trim very important took me a long time to understand what those do and how to make them but now i know we got a corner trim that's what i would call that and i'll show how i end up using those and very very important a column right so there's more in this kit but like that's pretty much how you're gonna do the buildings a lot of the rest is dressing but like the structure part like how do you make a modular building out of this and i'm not gonna blueprint these for some simplicity of the demo but like maybe for cine tracer i'll end up printing these together just to make my life a little bit easier but not go as crazy as the creator of this kit who built like a kind of like a he built like a procedural building generator blueprint which is fast but it's like very dense like settings inside of settings instead of settings instead of settings so it's a little overwhelming um if you're not the designer in my opinion anyway so with just this kit uh we should be able to build a pretty convincing level oh no and there's a couple other things we're going to grab out of here but let's let's start with just this there's more but this is i think this is like a manageable amount of assets like mentally you could keep in your head you're like this is these are the building blocks and uh i mean if you loaded up the sample map it looks like a aaa video game by the time you're done but it takes a little while to get there so i'm gonna start with this this is just like a layout right uh where you look at all the stuff and you can like mentally think about it now okay so we need to change all the lights to movable they're all trying to bake themselves so we're not gonna do that movable okay there we go so we're gonna build a building with this several buildings uh should be in the description below am i wrong hopefully it's on is it not is it in the description i tried to link it it's a real good one it's on sale like if you're just getting started in real life this is a good one too if you're building like a whole forest brushify if you want to build a little industrial exterior i think this one's pretty good pretty good so i'm going to start with this wall over here and i'm kind of just like mentally copying what the demo map is but then i'll try to like change it to something else so we have a little walk path up here nice detail and then i'm gonna spin this thing here and right now the lighting you can't really see it so i'm gonna spin the light to be so i can see the actual texture and so this one's pretty special this material has world-aligned textures in it so that you'll see that like if i move this piece back and forth there's like this weird world projected texture on it so this allows you to have like kind of natural breakup right so it's not so obvious that this is tiling uh when they add that kind of stuff over it so it's bricks with concrete kind of like the bricks are underneath and the concrete's been like kind of faded away and then he has a world texture in it you do not want to learn how to set that up if you're a filmmaker you just want to kind of roughly understand like what it is like trust me you do not want to get into that shade of development like just that alone is like a lot it's a lot so don't worry about that but it's part of this kit so then i'm going to go over here and copy and paste one of these and eventually they're just all over here so you don't have to do this round trip back and forth but i like mentally thinking about like walking over there and like getting the wall piece over i don't know why okay so here's our two pieces of wall all right so i'm gonna i'm gonna like roughly i don't think it matters for this kit as much like it matters more for road systems that you do things like this like perfectly it doesn't probably matter for this because it's an exterior and kind of a funky one so i mean i already threw down these plants so i'm just gonna roughly be like there you go like that's that's kind of what the wall is gonna be um because this is exterior it's grass you're not gonna have to follow a strict grid if this was a city or a spaceship or something like that you'd have to do this much differently and you'd have to kind of really understand how the grid system works for the kit we do not have to do that here because i can just be like i can just add grass essentially just to do to fix any like weird things that we have going on so there there's two wall pieces uh these are standard 400 by 400 centimeter ones that's also one of the standards in cinetracer and it's 50 wide which is not a standard incident tracer but for exteriors it does make sense it's like it's like halfway to realistic to like how wide a wall would be in the real world this as well is only an exterior there's no inside to these buildings um which will save us quite a bit on performance and allows the windows to be opaque essentially you don't actually look inside them that makes things a lot a lot harder uh to keep photo real inside and outside it's very very tricky so i'm gonna grab one more just as like kind of an example i'll grab this one yeah i'll grab this one and then i'll kind of show generally how you um use trims and columns in this type of setup or at least how i use them though i'm pretty sure this is how everyone uses them or a lot of people so there's these kind of like obvious seams i want to click the landscape there's these obvious seams between these you could make them seamless and they're close to seamless uh but you know generally you cover the transitions like that's kind of like the name of the game today is like covering transitions there we go that's better alignment right so you don't usually leave this line there like that looks kind of bad so we have these two pieces over here we have this i would i call this a column in my head like what do you call a wall block sure it's another it's a skinny column and i have these in the cine tracer too like very similar pieces uh again these just look a lot better it's just a lot better looking okay so one way is to just cover these transition areas right this seam with this column right and if you come from like actual architecture you get the you know there's it's not exactly how things work but it's kind of close enough and video games and movies are not built like real architecture almost ever right you don't you don't gain much from that especially movie sets i mean especially both neither neither have built like actual buildings and and trying to do it like exactly perfect like how an architect would build it like that's that's valuable for arc fizz but it's not really for for movies movies are built like ridiculous movie sets are like completely facade there's like no front part so you basically would take this trim which this or this column which is clearly material wise lined up here with the exposed brick and whatnot's like exactly the same it probably even has the same world-aligned texture it does it does yeah it kind of does so this this has some special sauce on the materials here to make this stuff break up uh the repetitiveness like if you look at that and you don't really sense a lot of repetition compared to how like stuff i look like but like when i make it looks ridiculous this has that world-aligned texture projected on it yeah it sure does okay so that's kind of like the concept roughly of like wall column wall column wall so it's pretty important so i'm going to take this column here and bring it down here and again if this was a more strict grid system i would have to be showing a little bit more um care in how i move these but for this one it's pretty loose so i'm gonna leave a window i'm gonna grab this wall over here and i'm gonna start turning the corner with it and again actually i'll do it this way oh no it's inside of it oh no oh no actually this isn't in the right place either let me just undo myself out of here there you are i'll just pull this out so i can actually get to it and so this one that's right yeah and so i'll move this one out and now this corner again because we don't have an interior it kind of doesn't matter but i have spent months of my life testing like different cornering systems for stuff like this and for this because it's an exterior only it truly doesn't matter so i'll just do it this way and so like uh you'll get corners like this and it's fun i could like break down like the different video games how they do it like fortnite will do something like that a lot you can do it like this if you're trying to make a clean interior there's a bunch of different ways but i think something like this is going to work out and you just go back and just cover it right and like generally it should stick out about as much as like the columns but in this kind of a set you really you will never really care or know so that's kind of how we turn the corner there like this and so this is the the beginning of our first building i should throw like a first person pawn in here but anyway nice little forest i mean not really forest yet but little whatever overgrown park garden i don't know grass and then the beginning of our structure here and so like that's loosely how it goes something like that you can build the whole building and then it's really about dressing and then actually designing like a good level and another person doing this is an interesting one today level design has been my roadblock yeah brushify is good if you're building like a forest like it's just all exterior um so we stream that it's kind of long it's not like a tutorial it's kind of just like a long stream of me learning it myself because i honestly didn't know it until then very well um i think it's everyone's roadblock and it's why i'm putting them into cine tracers because like i thought more people would be into building and it turns out they're not they would rather they would rather i build it and that's fine that's cool so i'm gonna stick this one like there yeah it's roughly centered and again all this stuff is changeable so i'm just gonna go i'm gonna build up this is exactly how this signature is more or less i'm gonna keep going this way i'm gonna keep going to the side actually so this looks pretty straightforward um and maybe it is but it took me a hell of a long time to learn this stuff coming like you know coming from being like a dp it's like this isn't stuff that i think about and i think if you have like more of an art art department background like this stuff makes a lot of sense but just honestly just this here took me like embarrassingly long time to to learn how to do just this just just just be like oh that's that's how that way i had no idea so let's not make this building too big because then it's going to become cumbersome to update so i'm going to grab this so i'm going to grab this one this one not the post process volume this and this and i'm gonna hit copy paste and then go up 400 but i'll just do it by hand like that and we've made our second level i'm gonna grab this one that damn popular tree in my face oh okay well that doesn't work because it's supposed to be a fat column okay i like this bring this one up so i'm gonna just make a two-story building uh in the demo map there's a three i just don't have the patience at the moment to do a three-story and he used a blueprint so that's a lot easier if you if you just tell the blueprint make it three stories and it just does it for you that's that's the way but not a beginner tutorial that's not how most people are gonna do it so yeah okay so we're gonna go like this and more or less this is the exact same internal snapping system that signature tracer abides by a little bit ours is a little bit different um but generally this is the idea you cap you do columns on corners skinny or big columns in between the wall sections um to generally do it now he doesn't give us a roof i don't think or in my folders what do you mean they're up here oh normally i would stick those into blueprints like those sections or something like that but i'm trying to show like an easy simple one what software it's unreal engine didn't i didn't i write that in the thing no unreal engine okay so there's no real roof system for this but that's okay because it's not an interior um but we have a bit of some dressing and if you have two monitors 100 put all this stuff on your other monitor don't don't do it like this this is this is insanity but this is how you would stream it anyway so we got we kind of have a roof i mean that's kind of a roof and i'm just at the on the bottom and then we have the shades i call those awnings incinerator ah junk i think that's the main structure pieces let me just double check right the rest is all dressing and dressing's important and then the fences will go over fences are very similar concepts um but there's no real roof oh you know what this roof slab we might scale that up as a roof yeah so that's play that's enough that's enough so let's let's take a peek at like what the bottom of this situation is is there even a mesh under there it is that's the roof okay you could use that as a roof that's fine we'll just do that okay so let's keep this simple and not get into like roof theory my god do you know how many houdini roofs i've generated too many too many learning how to do the different snapping systems but i've learned a lot not currently using that knowledge i don't think but i learned a lot anyway so we're gonna do so i don't know how he designed corners to happen oh the trims oh yeah so let's do the trims first but you know let's let's put this here loosely all right and oh that's interesting okay so he didn't build these 400 he did not build these 400 this was probably not the intent for the roof system i'm going to use those slabs i'm kind of learning this system still i didn't design this okay yeah i'm going to use the slab for the actual roof part but i'm just going to put this here right and so we have an issue right like this this looks crazy um and honestly this transition here right all along this like you know what the with the f so you're in the shade now friends you it's the solution and you these two i'll just bring them both over so these are the trims ever heard trim sheets means something else kind of but it's similar trim sheets like if you put this stuff on the actual asset itself and you were switching the the atlas texture at the in the material i don't know if he has any trims in here his decals are trimmed up but we're not trim sheets is kind of like a slightly more advanced thing at least making them using them is not i mean if you're just doing level layout like we're doing you don't even know if the trip sheets are not you don't care so anyway so we're going to put this one here in between there i don't know if we're scented we are not so like this kind of might need a bit of a scale dance anyway you tend to put these things in between the the uh the bottom in the first floor and then the roof there's a lot of different ways to do roofs but we're gonna we're gonna do the same thing there so you end up doing something like this right and then this corner piece and i'm rushing this and i'm not checking for grid but like doesn't really matter for the corner you would do that that's super common i see that a lot and are we in there enough like that yeah something like this and like even this like wonkiness of like it not perfectly lining up no one no one cares no one really cares unless it's like super obvious somehow now this column [Music] don't love that but i'm just going to take this concept all the way across and we'll just kind of see and again for this kind of a thing because it's like a dilapidated building so it's like i could be like fair game you know it's like it doesn't like matter for certain kids like a like a house like a like a modern house that should be put together normally and not be destroyed you have to be a lot more careful this is a lot more freestyle than something like that so i'm going to take these same trims oh no not the post no no how do i even select that's how you okay i'm just going to take this thing up so copy paste and do up here okay i'm not feeling this middle column anymore but because it's screwing up my trim sheet my trims there we go like this uh-huh if we were doing an interior this would not work we would have to do this differently but we are not digging into it and then for now i'll just plop these back like into it's like like that that's good enough how's this lining up okay so we got to come down a little bit more oh this was designed for this like these bricks kind of line up we're going to trim them though it doesn't matter right and so to turn the corner again let me just go like this that's up to you whatever the hell you want but like generally like if you wanted some rules to get started this would be like level layout rules one-on-one and so there's there's a lot of different ways to do this roof but that's going to be okay for me i think i am not liking this because of the trim situation but you could always cover it with like vents and like all sorts you just cover it and i think that's kind of funny our cascade shadows are like kind of like low on the sun this isn't my blueprint for synergies for those of my my sons set up correctly and sanitation anyway so there's a building the shadow's annoying like that but uh right and uh things like th this transition you cover them with plants and and crates and things like that there's really some virtual texturing you wouldn't even want a virtual texture to transition between this like you just cover it that's about it let's just cover that and the inside we're not doing the inside oh there's not even an opening there's not even a collision to go in that's how that's how exterior this is so you can't even go inside of it there's no there's no collision opening let's stick a door in there [Music] the door i'm pretty sure there's just one it overwhelms him when there's four doors and it sets i'm like oh my god like which one i guess you could just switch it but i like i like the scope of this too i went and cleaned out the whole thing it's now it's migratable to like any project where's the door door hmm is it somewhere else it's not in vegetation uh oh i hope i didn't delete it i deleted a ton of stuff out of this project to clean it up i don't know where the door is my characters come from character creator 3.3 and the marketplace in general i just have like all of them i just buy them constantly they're kind of like r d for my company just need to like just like to see how people do yo where's the door oh did i delete the door am i just not seeing it i think i deleted it environment oh no is it not it's got to be in here you put all the static meshes in oh there it is i found it i found it okay i found it boom door hey spin it the door there's a lot of i have a lot of theories on doors too but like this yeah that's fine again because because you look in here it's like oh what about the fact that this wall is 50 deep in but like you don't go inside this one so it doesn't matter you just say f it and it's like it's a 10 centimeter door for a 50 centimeter wall opening but uh yeah that's that's that's the nice the nice part about not having to worry about the inside so given just this this alone i'm offense let's just finish dressing this you know but before i go any bigger like this is about the size i said i'm trying to finish up like to be honest just like right here right there and have it look good though right have it be done like not garbage not not garbage is the goal i don't know if we've hit that yet i don't think we have so shift two i'm gonna keep painting so i'm gonna paint a little bit of what a little bit of gravel walking into here right and paint back some of the grass like this is still broad like it's not detail level i look how big the phage is on this brush like you know it's kind of silly looking but right and then i'm gonna paint this part here grass like this and i don't know what this level is so there's no i don't know i'm gonna figure it out as i go i'm gonna go like this this level ends right here and just turns into wilderness like i'm not i need to not make a gigantic level it's always my problem and then you get overwhelmed and it's too hard to change it and then you end up deleting all the levels of your game and that happens uh so let's make this grass i'm gonna make this i'm gonna go big we're gonna go big grass here i think i would say 512. i want this brush yeah i'm just gonna grasp this up grass and we're not seeing back there we're not gonna this is not a fully dressed set it'll be very clear what part oh hey okay i'll be very clear what part looks good that you could film inside of yeah sure sure i'm not even gonna dress this far out we're just gonna cover it okay so his map i'm making like a really small version of what his map was concerned like it wouldn't load on most people's computers i i'll just come back and paint that again yeah basically the default is grass and you don't go in the building you can i'm not going to stop you could but like you just it's not i'm not designing the inside we just want to do like we're just designing kind of like this little area right here so it looks good though okay so i'm going to come back and do some pathing path painting what was it 128 it's pretty good yeah you guys saw the door okay so i'm not just like oh no paint the path and i'm gonna do the same thing he didn't just like it's like a gate it's just gonna this level just terminates into a gate but the path continues on i'm just gonna give myself full tool strength for now because we're not in the finesse area we're in like the blocking phase of this and the level literally has to end here i'll paint it all the way but you should not be able to see this far because you would need to cover this transition there the straightest path that should never have existed because that looks crazy but right so there it is so this part looking good this part looking crazy but this part looks pretty good and i haven't even addressed it yet there's no dressing so um again literally copying exactly what the demo map is but just smaller i'm going to go back to putting stuff down and i'm going to fence we're going to fence some stuff so if i did not put those in a folder what i thought i made a building folder oh i did but i never put the stuff in it hmm oh and there's these ones out here [Music] i've done it bad well anyway let's just click a bunch click click oh this sucks i'll just put them all in there whatever for now stay more organized or you have to click things a lot like i'm gonna have to do later building that building's all in there and those assets too but whatever okay so it's fence time walls and fences that's how video games get built fence yoinks okay what do you got for fences he's got a bunch his were all hidden in blueprint so i never really got to see what they were uh concrete fence wow that's that's quite the fence you know what that's that's like that's not like a place to stage that and this fence what else we got going on here there's definitely like a good chain link fence super good looking oh yeah there's fence fence the material for that's cool i looked into it and then gates you know it's got two gates really cared about that to make both sides and there's no post so they're just okay it's good whatever it's gonna be kind of there's no post for the for the gate it's just a gate that's fine simpler simple is good okay and i'm also just gonna loosely throw up one of the big boys this thing here just uh electrical ball this looks awesome yeah love this kid yeah just kind of feel like a scale you know just be like they're gonna go over there there's gonna be some of these [Music] and uh where's the big transformer again this is not how you approach video game level design that you would block out first and make sure the level makes any damn sense and then you would switch it out but for just like art you don't have to do that i think if i think most people would stop basically they wouldn't they would never switch to switch out the grey box yeah this thing is that with the i need to look at that i need to kind of look how he lay that out but those are kind of there's going to be like this like electricity stuff over here and that's my understanding of all this this one is it's electricity stuff right okay so those are the new pieces we're adding in we're just slowly oh you know what let me add some of these awnings what so there's more dressing to this but i'll start with the simple ones this is the other main one the awning the shade he calls it build it get in there oh and there's windows yeah you got to add the windows back in too but like uh this completes the naked building once you start adding these in there right yes so why'd we stay on the grid as well because it makes that easier to do should not have put that big one there i don't think to go viewpoint yeah i guess i could for like the layout part you're right awning awning okay so this is like super repetitive we'll come break that up at some point and like put like vince stuff on it but let's just stick a bunch of awnings on there so it doesn't just look so empty do you put awnings on the second level i don't know i don't know these are the big questions here i'm not even gonna address this side we're literally just meant to look at it from like okay i got to dress that side to be honest we'll see anyway so that's just like another layer of dressing and then we do pipes and we do events and we do all sorts of stuff um and i think there's we could switch we can switch these out as windows and do that kind of stuff later anyway so let's grab the fences now let's start with the chain length fence okay so what's gonna happen is i'm gonna do a fence here a fence here an exterior fence there and a gated fence just like he did in his level that helps anybody it helps me anyway so let's put this in the fence fence folder because there's gonna be a lot of these and you should probably use the blueprint like he did to do like instant static meshes so they're like a little bit more performant i think it makes them all like one drunk one draw call but again for some for layout i am just not gonna do that i'm not gonna can't make me yeah so what the hell is this so i guess like um [Music] it doesn't have to make sense it would be cool if it did it's like so what is this entrance this is the back of the building like it's starting to think a little bit more imma call this the back of the building and like somewhere over here that we don't see is where like the cars actually come in so this is like the back area and it's completely contained that keeps it easy for me that keeps it easy you only get out here from this door you come out here for your smoke break and you go back in there's no like you don't have to worry about cars getting in here anything like that so phew problem solved i'm gonna just start to build the back a little bit here too i think you get to get cinetracer uh can you build levels in ue4 no not yet it's a thought it's a thought that makes things a little bit complicated for me if i allow that but it's a thought maybe someday that would be like more like me releasing the whole cine tracer framework which i'm sort of halfway to doing i just have to make it like i just have to make all the different like uh all the different parts that make it up modular so that you could turn them off and on like if you had your own camera system or something like that uh you couldn't currently use cinetracer without it so it's possible and or i make some sort of like mod kit which i'm still learning i don't know how to really do that but that would be another solution just to make it modable it's a little tiny building but i don't want to dress a huge building you know i'm gonna pop this up here do these ones over there like this no reference i don't need a reference it's more of a demo for myself you know what the reference is it's the demo map that shipped with this i'm just trying to make a smaller version of it that like i kind of know is going to perform okay so we're going to put a ton of gates let's i guess that's not too crazy let's not go like too much i found an annoying person that no longer can come here so we're in fences so if i just make 50 of these they're at least in the same place and like these yeah i should have put these like somewhere i knew you're supposed to put these like somewhere like you know the player will never see in case you left them in the level i did not do that uh let's just do that kind of now i mean you just come and delete them probably in the end but it's kind of like a teaching teaching moment too god okay so we're gonna just fence this up again self-contained it's just gonna be fenced basically all the way around this situation like this and so there's oh i guess it kind of is this how it's meant to be yeah that yeah sure yeah that's fine lots of fences coming in the hot closets full there uh last last last of us two is pretty ridiculous i would say that one's pretty good that's like i just it's like watching a movie a movie now i want to make it so you can go into this this area which you couldn't in his in the demo level so this is my block out i'm blocking out but when i'm done i'm done i don't have to switch it out that's how i do this that's how much time i have for these kind of levels and i think the way i'm gonna work i think because like soon like anyone who has like an active unreal engine project will know this that like adding things haphazardly into an alive unreal engine project is a bad idea and i only learned that by doing it the wrong by doing that and having it be a bad idea and it makes things really bad you don't want to do that so what i do now is i start new projects i thoroughly vet the asset kit and then i delete everything out of it that i don't need which is usually any logic or levels or classes or interfa anything that's going to like kind of mess with my my actual game i delete that stuff it goes away and so i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to even build my levels when they're like kind of like levels like this i'm just going to build the level completely in its own project and then just import it in uh migrated over and see if i can keep it even cleaner that way and try to like get rid of interdependency as much as possible which is um going to be better for performance to have it be like kind of self-contained and then also make it easier to delete it if i need to what's up original nine what's up uh synthetic yeah modern warfare yeah yeah yeah modern warfare the assets are incredible i honestly think this is like close to modern warfare quality like this this is this acid kit i'm not saying the level layout but the the quality is like pretty high that's when i went into this yeah yeah i learned that the hard way of like importing a ton of stuff into my project and being like oh let's try to delete this and it's like oh no oh no that is not a fun thing to have to do is to delete that stuff out so i kind of want to make it so you can go in here but again maybe i'm like over scoping this and i should just keep it to like you know what no you have to fly over the fence i'm going to make it so that you can't the idea was small level scope creeping myself like what if you just made an entire other section that's easy right no big deal this is a huge deal it takes forever to okay what oh i see like even the demo map that comes with this thing is like it's a lot to lay that out i mean the person that did is probably like professional it would take me a full week to lay that out and i'd like to get this done in like a couple hours more or less done i'll come back and clean it up but like i'm not i can't i'm not trying to spend that much time on it maybe eventually but what i'd like to put into cine tracer now especially with the performance capture stuff that's coming out uh for a lot of the new people who are going to come into that ecosystem just some like good looking sets that like you just jump in them and you just start doing it right you don't have to build it and so like this this and brush of fire kind of the beginning of that kind of like removing okay what does it line up but that's okay right so we just made this little back area smoking area but it's still gonna look cool still could film a little scene back here right and so now it's about kind of like covering the rest of this situation so this is like a quarter or a fifth of the size of the demo map that this comes with but i think it's something that like i could actually finish myself so um and then i don't need gravel here okay so i'm going to kind of like repaint this landscape a little bit is it worth submitting for the under omega grants thinking of working on a game and said i'm thinking of working on a game instead but i'm nearly done with my film well which one are you applying for in general yeah it is worth applying you know you they get like an insane amount of submissions i'm sure but yeah if you have something serious that's good yeah definitely more grass you're all just grass now so the player is not going to leave the fancy area and it's still a lot of work to like fill this in with stuff little level that's a small level that's a 7x7 it's like the smallest landscape they give you and i'm not even using like half of it back here i know but it's surprisingly tricky i mean i still think it's tricky personally to populate this so i'm gonna put a bunch of foliage in it kind of like in here now and i wish i had a better pawn so i could actually tell what was going on so i'm gonna turn this off this is like already too much grass huge brush no little brush uh paint that's a good amount actually so i'm just gonna paint this in i should have painted this more but we'll kind of see how this feels like right so like the area where the the player directly is i'm gonna put like a lot of pretty heavy foliage and then pretty much none in the background so i don't know what the culling is said on this yet but like this is a lot this is this is a dense so i don't know like at what point the the like the distance for the calling happens i'll have to look at that in the settings hopefully i can do that parametrically i don't have to like repaint it but given my my looseness approach to this it should be fine if even i have to repaint it paint it down all right so like right at the fence level there's just like a lot of like pretty thick looking detail there and i'm gonna repaint that part to be grass and then i'm going to go do like the single planting of the these things these ones single right and these cover a lot of transition so like anything that's bad you put a huge plant in front of it now it's good it's done like this yeah the transition like this i don't know what's back here so we just covered with plants that's like too even that's why well i better do it procedurally i'm gonna put crates and stuff too so i don't have to go to plant heavy but it's it's really easy to come back and delete these there's nothing back here so cover it with plants same here this corner awkward plants plants plant plant plant okay and then the slightly smaller ones that are just like the friends of those ones here here here here here and like i'm gonna know that there's like a couple like good angles and then in this level to film from and then those get like special foliage foreground editions that like i know we'll make it look like even better right so this is probably a little too much but i'm just like throwing down the concept still like okay a couple in here i'm gonna move those so i'm not even gonna do that actually and so we're just we've like this is maybe too much foliage i don't really know uh too much back here and i'm gonna throw one more tree into the situation trees are usually expensive i don't know how expensive these are but they're usually kind of like have a lot of overdraw or something like that bit symmetrical that's just ridiculous it's terrible but there's other popular streams i'm just like kind of um testing yeah i'll just kill these for now i don't like those i'm going to keep this kind of open and put i'm going to put stuff in there actually not not so much cover it with foliage uh and then i'm going to loosely now just forced it up a little bit okay so let me grab some more trees where can i get this asset can i think it's linked in the bio is it not linked in the description i think i linked it hopefully i tried to link it so people could follow it if they wanted to vegetation so let's go get the other trees this poplar this small tree yeah and we'll just paint a bunch i don't know if they i don't know how the laws are on these like if but like you're gonna be so close to them it almost like doesn't matter okay it's in the description good good good so i'm just going to put a bunch of trees um 256. so we're going to say that uh in this direction forest in this direction forest in this direction it's going to have some electrical area and then this is forest and that's it that's and i'm going to try not to go too stupid on the trees i'm probably going to though because i don't know how these lot okay whoa hey i almost just placed them by hand but okay so what's going on here 50. let's try like 10. okay i gotta figure out the densities one by one again hold on so you what's this looking like how small are these that's not bad let's see how if they laud i can't tell if they are i guess i'll have to look at the actual asset okay let me look at the actual tree one's like how do you check that i don't want to break or anything okay it has two that's two already two is already activated here comes one there's zero two oh two happens pretty quickly okay so it goes from 1500 verts or to 1500 triangles to 790 to 400 this you can't paint the whole forest with the with that but these are again this is small that's where you would switch to brushify in the background like the deep background i'd switch them to brushfire trees that have like two two poly like four quads or something like that so like eight triangles or whatever so that's still too much i'm gonna say five one one that's still too much say two that's about it okay let's try this one so knowing that that was five we'll say that this is or what with two i remember that's way too much okay i'm gonna do placing these by hand because they're just so expensive those are gonna be placed by hand they're also very tall okay i'll place those by hand let me look at this other one five they're so big and the map is so small i'm gonna probably just place those by hand let's try that i'm just going to give it like a wild a wild run so these little trees and another tree and i'm just going to paint forest back here just loosely and i'll come delete and clean up by hand after yeah that's a lot it's like a little bit too much but and i'm gonna put some here and i'm gonna put some here and you're not supposed to see back there but you know hey hey so that's a bit much trees um but i'll check performance later and i mean not from my computer i'm built this is for like you know smaller computers like uh gotta be gotta be careful i'm gonna put some bigger trees how big what's this one oh no you know what that other tree i built was even bigger i haven't really sorted out what this is going to be over there but you know on your computer you add foliage until you feel the frame rate die essentially and you won't really know until you put them out of focus because then it gets that's kind of when it gets expensive anyway so forest it's a lot of light blocking unfortunately that happens so they block a lot of the sun okay so i'll hop into like a little preview here i need a pawn i need an actual pawn to play with and not this flirty thing but uh you know it's my xbox controller oh it doesn't work what the trigger doesn't work on the xbox live what does how do you go up oh this is it i go back down this default pawn is crazy anyway okay i'm brad it needs it we're gonna do a skybox for the deep background he gave us one so i'll just use his you could also just make your own skybox just build like a huge forest and then take a circular photo in the middle of it and then it's just still okay i have no control over this freaking over this part i don't the default pawn doesn't have up and down with the the controllers just write my own in like two seconds a little thin but we're gonna cover it and skybox and then um for that transition like i forget how i'm going to cover that that's where you throw in the the mega scans like deep stuff i think really sometimes seven is too small yeah well we're gonna cheat it i'm gonna cover it with buildings or something like that i i'm trying to get because like what i want is like this really high detail here so just have all the performance here and then have that stuff just be like uh like the the mega scans not mega scans the uh brush of fine mountains and like i don't know just cover it with stuff sue if the blocking continues okay so we have the fences in roughly now electrical stuff so i'm gonna make a new folder for like this electrical stuff over here i'm gonna call this electric stuff that's about it what's up the sphere okay so i'm gonna do some landscape painting again yeah shift to gravel big brush okay let that compile and yeah i kind of need a little bit more landscape but let's not let's not though let's try to stay on spec this is the spec spec is don't go bigger than this landscape i can cut i can go get like big meshes and throw them back there but i don't want any more landscape because then i just balloons out of size and i can't control it anymore okay so let's do a little bit more here so yeah we're basically building like the same size like kind of thing but right there like that generally okay i'm just gonna clean this up a tiny bit i'm gonna say 64. and now if i ever put foliage back here it has to be super sparse like like a tenth if not i mean it doesn't even it shouldn't even put foliage outside of the gate uh just cause like it's expensive and i don't think it's calling i don't think i have call on at all i think it's just i think it's persistent that's always there yeah so i mean i could go change it so that the full has a certain distance goes away but basically i don't ever want this to go away so it's like it's instant but it's still expensive to have this here so i don't really want to add any more out here so i'm probably maybe like big grass or something like something like those or something just to help cover the horizon but i don't want to put two more he was doing cool stuff like this like like putting grass like around the i mean it was the other way around i don't remember but you're not coming back here i mean you could but it's not meant to be like finished at that level so anyway so is the electrical stuff actually in the folder it's not so this and this into electrical stuff i am not going to be using his like he did a cable component blueprint i i don't like those i don't like doing that i'd rather just put like a i guess it's not modular then i'd rather just put like static meshes that's probably stupid though but that's how i like it i'll put one of these too uh and i'm gonna light this scene too even for uh i have lights in it because i think not like a i built it for cinematographers in a tracer so like i was like oh we don't want to light anything because then you know like stepping on people's toes but then it's there's a lot of people who are not interested in actually lighting they they'd rather even have the lighting done so uh that's kind of how early signature tracer was that's so small we will get to that we're not at small props yet we're doing big props i thought i just thought this was bigger and there's a bunch of like how big is the cylinder okay that's that's helpful that'll be helpful and connector i'm not gonna build like a whole structure out of this it's just generally laying stuff out the ladders electrical boxes so these are all this one's pretty oh it's pretty big okay we'll take one of those big stuff big ish stuff how big is this fan tiny okay so that's a small problem okay so these are like the medium props and big props and just kind of kind of build a little world out here i would need to look at his level like i don't know how these are supposed to line up together i just don't know how this works like i don't know what i don't know what these are i don't know if they stack do you stack these but really it's up to me okay i don't wanna actually i kind of do want to cover stuff from the background so like this is another way of covering stuff like covering the horizon that there's nothing back there is like this just having like another layer of structure behind it and those aren't in the folder are they neither of these must be in the folder what's up thomas and steven thanks yo this poll is that poll put that poll in this folder what's this stuff concrete fence okay that's just straggling what's that straggling okay cool everything's more or less in a folder great so i don't know how these work so i'm just gonna kind of like i don't know you probably do that right i was making like a building game i'm not going to put the cables between them on this one just like don't want to sure uh yeah that's not as cool as i thought it was gonna be there's too much trees over here but that's okay uh i don't like this double stack anymore i mean the lighting's not helping anybody either oh these probably look they look like they kind of do this yeah i don't know what these are but they block the background and that's what we're looking for maybe a little bit of i don't know i don't know what these do right because i mean there you see them from back here you're not you don't i'm supposed to get up on them okay this is where i like having any sort of like mechanical engineering or like understanding about it like what this stuff would even possibly be i have no idea like yeah there's a big cylinder going through the five just i don't know what this is for all i just want to do is like when you look that way something cool is over there that's all i am not a level designer and again i mean that in the art on the art side especially not for like the actual video game level designers long as you're in the folder i'm happy there's a pipe going doing nothing done a whole lot of nothing other than taking up some space does this terminate into anything do i have like an ending for this is it just sitting there it's like a storage thing it's like in the ground too should probably bring it up bring this whole chain up in the air a little bit you you you you this is why you have duplicating blueprints and up up there it is lovely okay you know i took it back so i'm gonna put a little bit of foliage on this layer right here but then other than that you wouldn't see over there so like immediately behind the fence i'll put some foliage to help kind of like block again and i'm not going to put the clovers i'll just do the big ones because like those ones are there the assets are linked in the description i hope i believe that's what we've that's what i tried to do and that others have confirmed so yeah so let's just put these i'm going to put them by hand because again we want to be careful about yeah so just these tall ones single so i'm just going to do like a do my best just try to stay random with it though i know it's gonna end up being like a grid basically yeah i'm just gonna put a bunch of these tall ones like immediately behind the fence because it'll help block the okay that's so even but we're gonna do and then we have to do like a performance check at a certain point i need to get like a crap a less powerful computer so i can test it all my computers are like insane so i have no idea and i don't know how you do i don't know how you do testing for performance without just putting on a worse computer um we got to start spot checking but like like here here these i gotta check the overdraw in a second like a material complexity and whatnot once we get because if these are really heavy this is a huge mistake to do this but i don't know if they are not yeah that'll i don't think we actually need grass back here right because like the view is from here like this and this is not the ideal sun angle though that's up to the user ultimately for center tracer there's also no horizon i could migrate in some i'll do the deep horizon when i migrate this into cine tracer because i already have the brushify assets in there and those just become brushify mountains or something like that or i'll make a sub another landscape that just kind of blocks that like this so let's take a peek where we've landed here shift one play i need a pawn right so you're meant to be back here so foliage-wise i think we're pretty good oh i meant i'm gonna come mess up this gate this floor a little bit i like that it kind of ends there like that um we're gonna put props in here we have like a ton of like containers and pallets and stuff like that and yeah i'm i'm pretty convinced with these things up here even without the wires the wires help a lot but you know generally it's like oh there's electrical over there i don't know like that's all we're looking for and then just like high quality folder it's like we just don't have anything like this incident tracer yet and honestly i just kind of didn't know how to do it how to approach it um [Music] for a little while but now i have my theory on it and we'll see how long it lasts right so i'm gonna do a little bit more i can see where i need some stuff these ones are better they're just bigger but like we kind of want to just like do that hey this and just continue this silhouette as you look off into the distance i almost want to put like another another layer of them staggered over there see how bad a mystic this is going to be like should they be together or can i stagger yeah that's cool like having oh yeah yeah yeah two is the way that's the way okay so i'm gonna have to get rid of those trees and i i'm not adding more landscape but i am adding more stuff than i was picturing that's the picture angle but i've eliminated like this whole half of the map to be honest right like i'm not even using this so i mean technically i could just move the landscape that way i'm not i think you could delete tiles now i'm not going to try it but uh clearly had i done a level blocking i would have known that like okay we only need to look that way like in this way but they don't need a ton of detail though it just needs like a little bit of um silhouette like far either like super like merged lotted buildings in the background that are like one draw call each like that way and then like a mountain and then like a mountain and like that's the whole set like that's what it is like and it's plenty and you just still once you start doing actual lighting over it would be you know still still be a decent decent cost at run time because all the lighting is dynamic for this um let's get rid of this foliage because i have to like select everything do that then erase and let's get over these trees that would definitely not be like right under the towers i'll get rid of these two i'm just too much trees anyway so doing nothing i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna place trees by hand person like it's just like it's the only way it's such a small map like we do them procedurally for brushing five but this is such itty bitty map like and these are semi-expensive i need to have like a name for each tree i guess i'll know the tree by name after i'm like that's the tree from this angle that blocks that thing okay uh yeah well you'll be doing review coverage of blade run blender to unreal um maybe i don't use blender right now because it's like kind of changes a lot so i'm kind of using maya for the most part but maybe maybe so we're heavy on trees out here let me check out the material complexity on this alone i got like a weird thing last time i tried this it didn't yeah why does it go well how come i can't even see the trees it looks like it's probably in red i don't know why this is happening is it because i have no background does that mean they're like cheap i don't know quad overdraw nothing purple this is good we're in like we like max out here and that's because of the the tree the full like usually leaves speed tree leaves are white they're like white with overdraw so like i don't i don't use them very much which is why again i want to want to brush your five stuff to try to stay more performant maybe these are okay i can't tell i think the fact that there's no oh we got to have this lens flare like the um the fact that there's no actual mesh back there it it's either doesn't cost much or it's just not telling me i can't i can't imagine those trees or that i don't know i don't know how expensive those are to i'm gonna turn off this lens flare not until i can get better control of the lens flares do i really use them too much there we go cheaper too they're kind of expensive any any post process like that's cool that's really expensive okay so let's look for kind of like a hero angle uh with cinder tracer i am going to make it so that i can define the starting level uh that's pretty much it and you know given given a long rectangle shooting area like this you're either gonna film this way or you're gonna film this way or maybe that way oh this i guess it's obvious or this way right so it's like you're basically looking that way or this way given this map so we either want to start off with a front lighting or a backlighting uh depending on which way i think is better this way you get the building this way you get those fences how is it this way this is kind of the angle this is the best angle of the set right here because it has the building on the left with the door with the l path this is the angle 100 the map looks best from about here like i'll dress out the side of that building a little bit more this is the money angle ah it's kind of in here it's something like this because it has the building the l path which is the only variation and the thing so it's this way so oh that's a lot of foliage i can't imagine i don't know how it must be expensive given that we're in a backlight random three-quarter backlight so that's pretty good um so it's kind of almost the initial setting i had there's nice like that's pretty good too it'll auto sunset on us but i would i'm not going to default us into sunset and again this isn't cine tracer either but just kind of having a peek about how i like the lighting in here yeah i don't like those long shadows on the those awnings look silly like that's too fronty i want some direct light on it that's very sunsetty already oh it's not too sunsetty uh i guess it's kind of like this but i don't like the shadows of the the awnings but now let me play it damn it this pawn i don't like you do you like oh it's based on direction i see oh okay okay i got you okay so let's go to my my my good angle hey we gotta put a window in there and then we'll do small dressing and building dressing again so we'll go down and here yeah this is that angle right here so it's like i put a trash can stuff over here so it's kind of like this like yeah with some with the rest of the dressing i think this is it and it needs a horizon piece that's about it crash course into level lighting building and performance yeah i you know it's it's my understanding of it and trying to get something spun up relatively quickly you know like i know a little bit more than unreal engine than most people but like i still think that like most people like if you follow this and got this kit you should be able to build your own little foresty industrial thing and his demo level like super overwhelmed me i was like so it had like five buildings and they're all blueprint spawners and whatnot but like if you do it this way it's like pretty pretty chill pretty easy okay small prep time i'm done this is the layout sue did i come and paint this yet i was gonna fix this to yeah like i could okay yeah so grass yes so this is grass right and so it's just uh dressing time set dressing uh let's do set dressing and then building dressing building dressing is a little bit harder because it's like you have to use the modular pipes and stuff correctly it's a little more work but if we had a horizon blocker we'd be done actually i could add an exponential height fog that would do it um i guess i'll do that just to have it not be black because it throws off the whole like silhouette of the scene to like to not have something like that so i'll do a uh expo height vlog there it is stack this on one right so it covers it this kind of doesn't make really makes sense but it looks okay it's a little expensive um for vr which i now care about all of a sudden but uh when i go to vr mode i ten i like kind of just turn it off for the most part okay shift one where'd you go where'd you go fog there it is okay just add this to the environment stack of stuff do you not have a little card you don't have a billboard isn't it this i think it's bugged when you switch out of landscape mode or whatever that was in so this is the stock setting for it it's a little like i'll leave it it's fine it's fine i think let's see where the where the cutoff is so you can decide you can tell it like when you want it to start and end and like that's the most of the tuning so if you said like 500 now you don't lose contrast to the foreground which you don't want to lose contrast to the foreground uh a thousand yeah i think a thousand is pretty good for now because i want deep contrast in the beginning uh in the immediate camera proximity and then the exponential headphones doesn't start until it's like a little bit ways off depends how big your level is but um that's what makes it like kind of like a photo real uh atmospheric kind of look and there's something you're supposed to do to the exponential headphone when you use it with the new sky sky atmosphere i don't remember what it is something has to go black though you have to turn one of these off and i don't remember what it is and so i'm not gonna because i think what's gonna happen is if i make this sunset it's still blue that's what it is so that that atmosphere should be blue should be orange now and so i have to if i switch the synergies of this i have to write a curve that adjusts it depending but like that sky should be orange it's not it's blue so that makes me think that you should be doing um that the exponential height fog in scattering should be black i think that's what it is something like that but i'm using it as like a i'm using it as a horizon filler so i'll leave it for now again i'm not this is not how i ship cinetracer but just so that this doesn't look terrible yeah yeah it just needs a couple buildings and stuff back there like or mountains or just you know the landscape's not expensive i just didn't you know if i added like more landscape to this and it was just green it wouldn't be expensive and it would cover the horizon and i've kind of like blocked like i'm not going to add more to it but i'm still not going to okay so it's props time so let's see here where are we pretty minimal so far okay i don't have any gates i was going to use these gates but whatever we did we didn't use everything and so what i'm i'm thinking that i'm just going to delete all this stuff at this point these extras although we got to add windows we'll do the building dressing next after the small set pieces is that i i really like this kit i don't know what it is like i'm kind of against adding third-party stuff like on mass to send a tracer but i saw this and it's pretty recent addition to the marketplace and i was like this is like the one of the best quality kits i've seen on the market like this this is like great um performance wise looks like really good and just like the whole thing just looks so just looks great so i added it so i might like take this and like make different different sets out of it like this is one i just randomly thought of but just use this to build a bunch of different ones i just like this and i just like all the assets so much and it's freeing to not have to do the interior when i design cine tracer stuff it's always interior exterior and that makes this a lot harder and then the materials get expensive because there's like glass and stuff that you have to see through etc okay so small props so let's look at so given our our hero angle is more or less this way we're gonna put stuff here something big here small small small stuff small stuff big stuff there big stuff big stuff big stuff in the background like that basically like if that makes any sense uh so this can almost be done kind of like editor review so let's make a folder called dressing and then we ship to the oculus quest put it right in the oh we have some big oh we got some big level blockers out here oh okay here we go here we go yes never we're gonna we're doing like big dressing so how big that's a little box i need big like shipping container there it is okay here we go you oh yeah block the horizon shipping containers big what else is big that's pretty much the biggest thing i'm gonna use a lot of those to block the background cool cool okay that's fine let's put a manhole somewhere all right where would manhole cover be probably back here manhole cover yeah i'll i'll situate it better later later actually you know given that the hero angle is down here we'll put it here it's a little big feeling too but right it just gives like a and i'm gonna come up mess up that a little bit there we go and this dumpster yeah and we're still doing like kind of the bigger props did i use that electrical box already not that it matters um i'll save that i'm not gonna do pipe pipes or painting i asked for that later uh door lamp okay clearly called door lamp put that here oh yeah yeah and i'll rig up a little blueprints light for that cool oh yeah and street electrical pull this oh that's that's very tall where's the light on it's all the way up there uh so given that the hero angle is there we would want that downstage oh not that like okay down here so it would be a backlight to the whole scene that's where you'd want that light then and i'll put another one here another light there so this thing will have a light here a light there and a light on the door we have this is a nice little foreground situation um this pipe i'll probably bring here so what else we have the gates pallets yeah so we'll make the i'm gonna make this like the trash yard down here that's where all the pallets and stuff go but you know there could probably be like i'll just put one here for scale yeah i could do that and then wooden stuff i might paint that as foliage i don't like placing that stuff by hand rim okay we're doing garbage placement i don't know if there's a physics dropper yet i don't know how you do that tire sure trash can oh yeah the trash could go like i mean like over here a bunch of different trash cans and that's the walk that's all the stuff basically before we do building dressing this stuff is like debris yeah i mean it adds a lot to like kind of okay that's actually going that goes to the wall well that says junk ladders and stuff we'll stick those on the wall i don't know what that is there's wires wires pallets that's most of the prop stuff oh yeah trash barrels grab a couple of these what the hell it's so small oh it's a can i thought that was a trash can i was like that is tiny what happened there's the can okay okay and then we'll make the um i like this box cool oh and these things are awesome these like cable spools lots lots of opportunities for like adding like nice shapes and repetition and stuff down the line of this like thing that we've created and then a lot of this stuff is um there's a box all of that stuff is for the building so you can we're going to add like a we'll add like a ladder and like some pipes and stuff coming down just kind of break up the silhouette because it's very repetitive still yeah that's pretty good so let's hop down here this a bunch of these really cover the horizon for me um i said i was gonna make this the junkyard so i'll drop a bunch of pallets in here and stuff palette and i'll paint the other ones as foliage so let's do a bunch of palette dancing and another another trash can down here just like cover it ah we already saw that i guess i'll leave it yeah that'll be pretty good so i'll kind of hop in here and just scoot that stuff around closed captions live captions i don't know if that technology exists probably delayed i could probably handle it yeah so i tried to make maps like this before and they just weren't as good and i think a lot of it was like the acid like a lot of it is like it's like casting it's like the acids i was using from the marketplace back then i just hated how they i just didn't like how they looked and it was like some of the first it was like as i was learning on religion i was like making maps this is too big um but i don't know i think you just have like better taste in finding stuff now and i don't know if i made it better at level layout in general but i think i could just deliver deliver like better stuff like levels to film in i don't know why would there be a can down here i guess like this is feel like this feels like the garbage looking like down here this cover is like it's very conspicuous but uh i'll leave the pallets for down there i like the tire in the ground don't people do that like because that's gonna help that's gonna make like a cool like if this is the angle it'll make like a cool like hole you know that you can look through like i kind of like it like this kind of make it bigger it's like you know those big tires oh i feel like this happens i have it pointing back into the set basically i just i'm like more confident about making maps than i was before and this kit this impressive five basically get and and obviously mega scans too but like megas i need to revisit how mega skins is going like how that library looks like there's like a lot of like different stuff but when it comes to making like one cohesive one i have to kind of like figure that out again but i saw this one i've been playing last for us two or whatever that's called and i was like um this is it this is good i'm not good at doing this this oh no i'm not good at doing like the these little dressings you have to turn off snapping usually to make them look good and like lean them against each other that's where like a physics painting painter brush would be really nice like uh in houdini that's natural it's almost like i didn't go big medium small small like that but that this keeps the frame you know it's like this keeps us in here these awnings are pointing out this fences us in it's a little empty there the lights kind of tall but then these props keep us the focus like in here if you were to frame up it's going to be hard to make a bad composition looking this way given this dressing in my opinion right so then i take it this way and the tire's a little bit conspicuous from this angle but from here i think it's pretty good it's a little big um no i liked it i liked it and then yeah that's something we need like actual little props and stuff like that but i'll get to we're not like at that point just yet and so down here is like the pile of um now these are very dark which is good for like that could be outside too but this kind of makes sense it's like they kind of just store stuff back here it's safe to be outside oh and then given like so say we're taking an angle from here it's not good so we gotta i'm gonna get rid of this tree so it's more like we have to build the same sort of like um yeah i'm gonna stack i'm gonna kill this tree and stack these up i mean those would probably be not count like skewed like that but that keeps us in here and then a bunch of these will do it i think you know a bunch of cans oil cans oil drums whatever and then pallet town valley town will do it if i put pads in front of these it'll kind of be the the medium prop in front of them um come up like this and then it just needs literally little props in front of it and then it's usually that's usually enough to be kind of convincing so let's get the wood props i mean i could paint them as foliage but i'll just put down like two or three or something like that they're not free but they're on sale they're pretty uh pretty affordable i mean relative i mean they're linked in the description so yeah i would okay so these are not in a folder but i'm not i'm not going that crazy with them so i'm just going to do like this is where like the little mega like the mega scan like um debris decals come in like really handy you just get so much detail for like really quick but even these all being different is like pretty awesome like that looks too that's interesting looks like the edge of a frame and i like these i like this thing it's like a tire rim okay it's like just in black now but i'm just gonna put something on top of the palette and i'm gonna grab which the little one is this a small one i guess i could dupe this one i need my like i would like my signatures or copy and paste it like reactivates the dragging a little bit badly placed debris but you know hey let's just start and so like this all we need is like something small in front of these guys and it's pretty much a cell then we can do the building i mean moving quick you know quick quick and evenly across the cigarettes you gotta paint you gotta paint the cigarettes down is like foliage though you're placing like individuals like cigarettes that's crazy like i guess we could i remember seeing that in his in the demo map there's like a couple cigarettes like right outside the door oh it's called like smoke it's called like no smoking area because oh i get it i just got it i see because of like all these like explosives and there's like cigarettes where people come out and smoke i get it i see ah just one layer and there's like bricks i like these bricks so the bricks i'm gonna do like i don't know for some reason they're gonna go over here okay painting these as foliage would be the move but like a brick um yeah so let's call that for small props and i'm gonna go look at the things and i'm gonna address the building and then that's it that's that's that's what this is dressing just put some like pipes and stuff on the building and like a ladder is cool i'll do it yeah let's put this let's put this to like just cover stuff and we'll just come delete the bushes out hopefully i remember to actually delete them out but anything that's like foregroundy and like helps cover things like i might just make this thing like big like you don't know this is what they built what is that thing dumpster okay i gotta remember to come delete these trees out oh yeah completely blocked okay so this weighs a little bit that's not too bad you have this you can do a foreground shot of these you can even get the camera back here kind of okay i don't like how these are like taking out too much room so where these props are going it will probably come and delete a bit of uh foliage out performance wise just dress the building and we has made has made a map i didn't mess up i didn't mess this stuff up like i said i was going to where's this stuff this is in road yeah cool i have a folder for it look at me dice like the ground i did i should lock the block the landscape or something so i will maybe probably not gonna come back and mess these up a little bit but oh well does that mess with the yeah i know how i'm gonna fix that too i'll just leave it i'm just gonna slant them into the ground and yeah i don't know why it would be like that but it is okay so this is this okay so right so basically anywhere the camera is inside of the fence should be like a pretty reasonable usable angle anything out here just nah it's just not going to work but that's kind of the i i just i don't even know how this will perform i i it doesn't seem like it would be expensive but then i don't i don't really know so i'm going to make another folder and this is the final pass for this whole thing we're going to call this building dressing so windows ladders decals anything like that because probably its own folder but uh we got this window let's go here uh piero says i've already been filmed i want the rest in unreal for the realism that's been filmed that's hard that's you have to use i would say like you should did you follow ian uh hubert is that his last name you you can use the video source especially if you have like photos on set as the normal way and do photogrammetry but you project it to like um like boxes and planes instead of like trying to actually do like a full photogrammetry like reconstruction you build like a gray box of the level and then you use the video source to project onto it and it really depends on like the lighting that you've done etc but uh that's generally generally the the cheap approach the the real one is to like lidar scan everything and have it be like an actual uh recreation which is much harder but you can do a lot which is like projecting textures onto a box or something it's not mine it's not what i do at all especially wise okay so we got some vents i'm not i'm not great at vents vent vent i like these little wires um maybe we'll do a ladder i'll do a ladder there's some other small cool detail props switches and stuff and vents and um i don't know how this transformer is supposed to go here's these wire i don't know how these wires go together to figure that out those tension poles go on the thing some light switches and boxes i'll throw a couple of these here these are look cool like this is like a big focus area so kind of was it in the ground oh for something i thought that was a wall one there is a wall one somewhere okay that's a no where's the wall one are these electrical boxes these go like here and so here's like with a style in my opinion it's like this is like how you like the more time you spend and the more this like kind of like makes sense like how you add this kind of stuff in there the better the vibe of the whole building it's like this is the stuff that really does it i think there's like cool detail props it's like what people remember about it like they don't remember that like the building was made up of like cross sections and break they remember like oh it's the one with like the cool like this in front of it right it's like you you don't see the building the building just becomes something you're standing next to it's too big for you to look at and to understand you remember like this kind of stuff it's kind of um landmarks i don't know if i'm gonna do a roof because uh you know like not really planning on going up here but you'd break up the roof too oh here's the cables okay cool here we go i like these these look awesome are you in the right place huh let's see how that feels these might be more of uh up here kind of thing so he must scale them he must have scaled them to make them fit between the spans because they're like you know yeah you just scale them like doesn't matter yeah so i'll scale these in i suppose i should do like a clean a clean scale that seems fine given the lighting you don't really see them up here like would it make sense to have them here is that even worth it do you even see that oh they're like in the wall huh are they backwards that's what it is this must be this way there it is yeah yeah those things like this break it up a lot so the detail that you're gonna appreciate is about right here like that's like a little on the nose to put it like right at like almost eye level but let's see how this feels repetition yeah yeah i'm gonna put one here those are just good it's like good so i could also add these into like the center tracer inventory where like you can place these but like that doesn't scale super well unfortunately um which is really unfortunate because that's that was my approach for all for quite like a while but given that i haven't the way that the safe system works in cinema tracer is that what if i just put these all like way too many of them that's what i'm thinking right now just way too many to start the way the save system works in cinema tracer is that like you kind of end up loading the entire inventory at runtime i think ish or at least the main class you load i guess if it's just the main class i just don't know how it scales so if it scales very well to do a ton of like a ton of assets into the inventory i've been trying to say really minimal about it so it kind of means that now where the hell is this gonna go it kind of means that like i it would be a good idea to do more maps and that's why i'm making maps it's just like uh somebody here it's uh it's you just load these up these maps just load in and then if you didn't place any assets you only are dealing with the footprint of this singular map itself which is uh you either can load it or you can't like your system can load this or it can't uh versus like piling all of these assets into the library i don't know if that's gonna work out like if eventually we hit the point where like you can't even load the entire library i'm not sure basically don't know so i'm going to kind of split it 50 50 and i just want more pre-made maps uh for me to use myself as well uh so i guess i'm gonna just throw this like i have stuff like this i tried to make a houdini but like truly i don't understand what i'm doing with vents so and pipes they're just like random pipes i guess that's up to the level designer these are just modular pieces and you just like yep the old vent into the roof there we go that breaks it up i'm going to take this exact is that lined up i don't think it is i can't tell okay we have to come off axis for the off grid for that but i'm not coming off grid i haven't had to come off grid yet that's for like the small props so can i help break out this uh maybe i'll just help cover stuff like here okay i'm supposed to come up here i'm gonna use this corner piece i guess like that okay oh sure yep and i can't tell if i spun it enough local rotations there you are no not quite let's get a little steep punk with these in here and just in case you came up here like i guess i will build the other side of the roof in case you want to but the thing is if you film from up here you're looking at like nothing it's it's really meant to be a ground level map like if you if you arted so that you can be up here i would need brushify to do the background like this which i could do but like this kind of wasn't the idea yeah so that's that's a thing and now we're going to add like way too many things to it like would there be stuff here there's decals we could get into i think decals is kind of the next step um i kind of wanted to check out this ladder though i said i would do it like i just want to see it kind of and i think given this kit i could build so many different versions of this and this is kind of like one of the the very alpha of cine tracer i had like a map that was kind of like a back industrial area like this that had like a cool reflection on the ground with the planar reflection so this kind of reminds me of that what if i i mean the ladder would be on like the would it be back here like i kind of want to if i was to break this up given my master angle is kind of here oh i don't really like what this did to my silhouette it's kind of blocks i like it from this no i don't like it at all i just don't like it it made it made it worse but i did it on the side it's bad it breaks that kills the hole kills a lot of the the cool repetition we're getting out of this building now maybe the ladder would look dope like right like a ladder going up there that might look cool so i'll try that like so ladder this thing is probably has a front but i have no idea what it is another ladder piece and the end of the ladder he had this as a blueprint which would be like super smart but so maybe this one will i'll break it up but it won't block everything because it's kind of like um translucent or whatever it has like it's wiry you can like see through it okay and we're going up see how this connects up but what oh it's like this okay yeah and i bet you it has to go like up or something we'll see how it connects with the bottom it's probably like something standard like they're like all 100 or something long and i'm just not figuring that out figuring that out yet but what does this work like this is like it has like a cage around it until the very bottom or something is that how this works i'm also playing half-life alex makes me super nauseous but playing it this this feels like a very half-life alex asset right here which is why i bought this kit because i think it looks so good ladder out of the ladder a little bit uh that's actually i like it i like it it still feels good to this angle and it will probably look cool from this angle too yeah it's okay so let's see whatever what other stuff we have for the building put this in the building folder building dressing goes in there gets closed see and uh grounding wire so now it's like really small props like there's like one wire look at this one fire like but this does it though this adds this adds so much to have like this nice red piece what's sm hydrant oh it's in the wall that's cool so we're just gonna add too much stuff right just add let's put we just want to break this wall up right so if it looks kind of silly like because there's too much stuff in it whatever like that hydrogen's kind of a hero prop honestly like if i bring it like like right here i kind of like it down there hydrant sign yeah look at that it's cute yeah now we're now we're adding this style this kind of stuff i meant if you had to film with unreal and vp you had to match it later with real life shots not unreal would you consider key to match lighting and atmosphere uh put it out of focus and do it have it be dark that's those are kind of like the main the main ones in my opinion uh it's taste uh that that stuff is the extra the last ten percent is like doing it well you know lighting it well picking good compositions that sort of stuff in my opinion how's that work for this angle uh it should be like here and then it should be here i don't know what that science is you know realism is like taste it's doing it well filming it correctly you know it's not really like an engine thing in my opinion unless you like you could bake the lighting i guess to get a little bit more but even that is like so okay we have to come off grid it's mostly taste in my opinion same with like filming something like say you're filming something on a stage like a sound stage it's re it's the real world but um to make it look realistic is artistic you know okay let's get some of these like little this thing go in here yeah what are you electrical wires this thing i'm not going to mess with those a switch what is this the transformer a ladder another switch a trash can another tire okay we've used like everything i'm going to put these bars here oh do these bars go over the windows i might make the top ones windows to have this i don't know let me stick these bars in here and see what happens i think i've used almost all the assets yeah those probably go over the thing but i like them as breakup oh unreal has the tools to look realistic it's kind of um up to the user to do it well though it's not like a it's like any tool like you could paint you know you could use photoshop to paint realistic people too you know you just have to know how to do it and it's like your judgment you look at it it's like does that lighting look realistic like or does it look you know cartoony or did you put grates copied and paste them across the building because you don't have anything else to do i would say that lighting is is the big difference like from what i see from most people doing lighting is like that's where it becomes fake looking anime i always say naruto and i'm going to make a narito fan film hopefully still working that out still working that out okay um this is okay this part's a little bit yeah that just get painted up a little bit nicer got them small props out here um i mean this is generally that's generally it so let me just finish up the back of this building and then i said i was going to do a foliage cleanup pass because i ended up putting props over stuff and foliage is expensive so we do not want i mean generally we don't want oh no i'm off grid okay we want to we want to just clean that stuff out of there if i don't need it less is more for performance i'm just going to keep going with it i might switch out some of the windows at the top okay you're not supposed to go back here but just in case you kind of like looked here it would be okay like yeah i mean this is not the money angle it's not that direction you know it's like meant to be like you know your everyday person would put people on the path and then film angles of them on the path and that's what this has been arted for and make sure that sunlight could get into this set in a way that's going to look good i don't even need the for i just need like a i just need something for that to block this off and that's it i need like a mountain it's like a mountain back there i'll just do that with um brush with five stuff later okay so let me clean up uh foliage and then i'm gonna do a clean up of uh the final painting pass of the ground and that should pretty much do it and let's put things in folders you are dressing building dressing yeah so the i'm not super happy with this that's like so repetitive so i'm gonna break that up yeah this looks terrible i'd rather them not be there though they do kind of match like i don't know i'm gonna make these windows yeah even that's better just like not exactly the same it's terrible and then you can come in and start to like angle things like you turn off snap and you just like mess with the angles of things so they're not like perfectly aligned and that'll help too like these i saw him do this actually like it's just like now you have like two levels it's like oh that's the one over the door but these ones are lower um which kind of calls attention to like i almost want to put the wires like above it but i already have the wires here um but then then it then decals coming in and breaking up any like really repetitive like uh surfaces with decals but i don't really have that many they're not not bad what was i going to do oh i was going to clean up the foliage so look at all clean and this over here there's no trees for the hidden leaf village in my opinion i have not found trees that would be good enough i think i'm gonna have to contract or hop in speed tree and kind of try to customize some trees myself there's no trees that have huge branches that like they jump around in you know that's that's about it but like as far as like a generic japanese ish like esque town there's enough for that for sure um but i couldn't find trees that would work i mean i posted one of the early tests of it i gotta add more targets to the snake spoiler alert so i'm gonna be using polywink to add er get more targets to the snake so i can puppet that dude and if i wasn't afraid of getting sued i'd put him in a tracer but i'm not i'm not gonna what am i doing oh yeah we're gonna do a clean up pass of the foliage i just keep finding little things to mess around with so this is a deleting pass so shift three select all the foliage they're all on so we should be able to delete them now let's make the brush small so we don't do something we regret like 64. okay so i remember that down here there's like a tree in here and the tree is probably one of the more expensive ones so blah oh damn it there it goes okay and what else did we do oh yeah in here there's probably some oh yeah okay there's literally trees in the shipping container i still might go put some trees back behind the shipping container but not in it because you don't see them and that was like an absolute waste but maybe if you don't see them they don't draw i don't know i do not know oh yeah there's more trees well at this point you wouldn't actually know but like these you definitely don't see and like you're not going to see this and i mean this that gets seen that's not helping anybody these are probably not doing anything for anybody there's like a little one in that one i'll just come back and add them one by one once i know i kind of know the views that are going to happen so like yeah we don't need to know that nope no no no no no no no no just kill all these these two and we'll add them one by one if i need to and no no so like i should just painted them by hand after but i want to just throw something down don't need those yeah that's pretty okay all the other ones have like actual value like you'll you'll see them okay and um then i'll paint this now kind of like f with the road a little bit and that's that's what i was like thinking scope-wise for today with this um shift 2 we're going to paint grass precisely so with strength tool strength is one brush size and fall off we're going to do 0.8 which makes it tighter or thinner it makes it thinner so we're gonna do point two i want tighter oh that came out bad well i'll paint it back the other way okay okay resolution is not the best actually i'm okay with it okay i'll just paint a little foliage in there actually i don't like a decision that means more foliage we want to have we kind of want to scale back so never mind we'll go the other way if anything i'll delete that photoshop actually i'm okay with this that's fine and yeah so i think the last step that i would do for this i mean like the finishing part is you know really really comes in is to kind of mess with things in a non-computery way so he had a script for this but like these i would push like into the ground right and have these be like not so perfect all right like they got like jacked a little bit a little broken and like maybe just like even in the ground a little bit i don't know if that looks good or not i guess it's probably like this right but none of them are basically um perfect if you did this through the whole thing it's gonna help a lot so i'll kind of just give it this treatment there's not that many of them like if you had you wouldn't want to do this by hand probably for the whole thing if it was like a really big level but i bet you they do which they 100 do for for games but you you could you could easily make this a blueprint that does this for you and then parametrically just like throw in a c generator into it it'll just do it different every time but you may never end up get getting the results you want so you know you guys have to be prepared for like the rotoscoping of the layout is this like do everything by hand like this and i wouldn't say signature tracer at the moment has the tool set to do this kind of like maybe it does but like it's i'm kind of changing my priorities where like i thought signatures would you would do more of this like little tiny tweaky stuff but now i think it gets way like more of like a broad strokes kind of like fast app which i think was like probably more true to like what kind of should have been it'll keep changing but i basically don't expect many people to do this and having watched the community you know do what it does for a couple years like i know that there's like single digits i feel like there's single-digit people that get into this level of design and who even care right so it's better for me to kind of get in here and do this stuff and maybe even work with level level layout artists and they can put together sets for us or something i don't know i'm good enough at it to make something like comparable okay so these pieces are where we um there's actually a transition there's smaller pieces so that's what i'm going to do for that i'm just going to break these up so they're not straight across though they don't call attention to themselves too badly just break them up and so that kind of fixed well that one just goes into the barrel so whatever i mean this is so much going on back here i doubt you'll ever even notice but just like gonna you know not have it be straight and then this one does this so it kind of goes into the ground not so much though like that yeah so that's a little bit crooked so they're all perfectly straight so that looks a little bit crazy uh this one's not as obvious there's also smaller versions of these so like if they're not all moving in a line that's a lot of foliage i'm worried and then these are all these haven't all had like their own little it really shows itself when you do this in the reflections and like the glancing reflection from the sun if they're perfectly aligned they kind of alias they kind of look like they kind of moire any like grid patterns like this because the reflection's so bright or something like that it's like so high contrast so if you break them up like this now the road's like a little bit jacked right like same with this thing is like can't be like i mean i guess these would be like pretty much leveled i don't know how i'm wrong about that but yeah it's just like a little bit of attitude on that thing um i'm gonna hand place a couple fully just right there cause like everyone's gonna come in and be like oh like that's like a high like this is where the player goes so like a lot of detail wants to be like right there even though it's on a game i like quixo quixo's good i it's it's like such an overwhelming library i have a hard time engaging with it because there's so much stuff in it um like how to begin there's just so much stuff it's uh i just i need to load up bridge again and just kind of look at it and see what i'm going to do and i want to simplify the shaders that come out of it but no it's amazing stuff like perfect for this so okay so i'm going to do these uh place these by hand and the idea is to put like a have the appearance of like really high resolution right by the door right so like that looks bad so you want to cover that with this stuff right those are very uh that's too much all right let's have a lot of even like there this is in a shadow so it's hard to see but uh you can kind of tell all right so those clovers add a lot of detail um let's look at this dandelion here yeah i like it i'll color a little more color that one's right next to that one here here that's fine uh grass amounts okay to me and let's do some of the tall grass like the crazy grass this is the starter tall guys we only have 10 in a level i like it and i'm going to come put some more in here now that okay those are right next to each other now that we have this because this will help break up when we do when you do like a low angle these little these little grass things add a lot to it okay this is this one's like really bad but uh i would kind of line up for like an angle low angle here hey and be like okay where's the need break up and this one's too much what are you you're not what is this you're not the tall grass what are you what is this thing what's this gotta be more careful with those ones oh i know what that is yeah yeah okay i know what that is so this needs a bit of the tall one so we'll uncheck all of those and that is this this one so as we it's hard to control the camera here so we're looking at like this angle here it needs one like eh no no yeah i'm okay with that one and then kind of looking from here i kind of like how this is feeling to be honest it's gonna be like crazy to have it like right in the you can't even see it i'm kind of okay with this to be honest uh a couple here let's break it up uh yeah i'm kind of okay with this at the moment i think this is pretty good so i'm gonna go for like my quote-unquote final walk through this there's no decals i didn't do a decal pass but you know the wall is not all that um repetitive really like it's okay oh i was gonna switch these to windows or something but it's not a big deal okay let's check it out so is everything organized and then it comes down to just like performance optimization it's like too much foliage like easily i could i could see this being like nope nope nope nope way too much and then you just kind of halve everything but hopefully it would play thanks brother okay so let's hit play my xbox controller lighting is fairly generic but you know that's kind of what we're looking for here so look at our vent kind of dolly out from this vent i like it i think it works good works well put that trash can a little closer to the wall dolly up the trash can lots of variation on the i wish i could boom down damn it uh big clump of tall ones there trash can trash bags small foliage i could even use more in the foreground here a little tall grass i like the tire i like the spindle the little sign into this that's a nice dolly across this has like all the stuff in it you know so it's it's necessarily like a directing filmmaker thing to be able to do this type of layout it's kind of more like if you're like into art direction in production design you'd be into this but that's that's generally in the workflow to get to like this shot you know like to do this and have it look like i think you know somewhat natural somewhat realistic you know and still perform reasonably well building's a little bit generic right but we can mess around with that and then most of these angles should be pretty safe if we were to film like down here all this angles looking pretty good a good amount of detail little piles of three things together always look kind of nice and then one small one to kind of do break up this direction again we have just like i foregrounded the uh the trash can foreground the i'd switch the angle to the backlight but we're gonna foreground the this is a little empty back here but yeah add some bushes there maybe um we dolly out from here less going on but you see a little bit more of the tension wires and then we have kind of this is like our also foreground and so all the angles are pretty safe um this angle is a little naked in the deep background i would say but everything on the ground is pretty safe i'm going to add a couple of those bushes back there that's the only naked spot i saw it was like back here like right here just needs a couple of these tall boys tall bush is three single placement of these so we have 1500 grass and a lot of these i'm leaning pretty heavy on these ones but i like how they look so much like that's why this kit kind of came into my inventory i just love these tall just covers everything and they look great i mean they're moving they just have a lot of great breakup um yeah so that fills in that area here yeah so that would pretty much define the i i was wrong i could use a tree here let me put some trees in here single place they usually have 12. so i've stayed pretty it's just good to stick these like right in front of the fence so we have like kind of things blocking it and given that okay i'm gonna just like thicken the grid that's two that was bad might be really expensive when you look back this way uh to have all these trees like that dense but uh kind of i don't know if i'm going to i guess i'll put a couple like gonna get rid of these but now i need them back this might be way too much i'm just trying to cover it um and they don't billboard too strong that's that does cover it almost enough i just need like a dark i'm just gonna put a huge shipping container back there and see how terrible that looks it just needs to not be white on the on the horizon part that doesn't look right i'm glad to hear that b thanks okay so i'm gonna stick one of these gigundo thing i'm gonna make this i could also put another building back there i could make i could merge these together into one mesh like if i selected all of these and then merge it would merge them into one draw call in one mesh anyway and then simplify all the materials together but i'm trying not to get like too i'm just a generic right so i could i could almost make this a building this is what i'm thinking right now it's just kind of like it just needs to block the horizon that's it like right about here it's a building that's a building now oh we don't have snap on but maybe that's for the better who knows building oh it's so dark it's so dark there we go building guess what another building at an angle you're the mountain this is the mountain that i was supposed to do just keep it within the kit you know just like simplifies things if i can do that you're a building and i'm gonna do the same thing over there these are my these are my deep background buildings i'm sure there's like some other kits i could bring in that would have like actual deep background buildings that are like really like performing like be completely fine but i don't know i just want to stay all in the same kit i should change the material so it's not exactly the same as the uh what's it called the uh the shipping container in front of it but i don't think i'm gonna uh it's very rusty building in the background the it's better to block it um it starts to mess with the horizon a little bit but i think it's okay okay let's check out how that horizon change helps nothing selected full screen on a wide lens too which is not exactly how i would film most things but okay okay yep that blocks it that does it it's a little dark but and so the same dolly shot coming out we're like vent i was gonna move the trash can cool foliage not feeling any frame drops not that the 2080 type would drop frames on something like this but you are revealing stuff it's a little dark back there but what's really my alternative at the moment is to make it in perspective i could try that i'm gonna try that i don't like how dark it is it's just black just black i don't like it okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna do um the alternative would be to spin it like this and then try to catch some other i mean the lighting is gonna change but i kind of know this to be like in my opinion the best lighting for the scene so i would try to protect for that as far as like you know i think the number of dps that would land oh there it is there it is the number of dps that would land on this lighting setup is high i was like i think that's pretty much it oh yeah there it is there it is yeah yeah catching the little bit of detail on that yeah yeah much better and then um then i can do like a blocker which is like this will be black if the lighting is raked like this and i'll lower it a little lower it's better it's better okay i wish they would just give me like a rating of like how expensive is this level just like five out of ten like i'm sure there is some some some way to do that i just don't exactly know what it is okay so kind of okay i'm gonna move the trash can yeah the trash is driving me crazy hold on use like a trash bag right there i'm gonna like anyone's gonna ever see that trash can trash bag but just covering up the transition deselect select am i playing i can't no i'm not there we go not like it really matters but yeah this is good okay okay so we're coming back out of here again yeah much better in the background it's like it's a building you can see it it's a little bit like a big pelican case or something but i think it plays it's like the same rust shader that everything else is using so it feels the same like that manhole cover and the ladder all have that same kind of rust look so this is feeling pretty good i like it um a little low on the foliage here but i think that's okay so coming back down this way i think it even plays like right here it's just enough level blocking there's a little bit of an empty hole over there but those work for me um performance wise i don't have to dig into a different material setter mesh set so that should help okay this way looks a little cheesy now that one's way cheesier than the other one i'm gonna give that one the same sort of business it's a lot of this is lighting though it's hard to do level layout for someone for a project i think that like people can change the lighting off oh what about that just have it be different than the other one i'm okay with this i'm okay with like that big at least the shape is a little different and have it be like in line with it i'm okay with this i think that's pretty cool and then i'll do a level blocker for the end that'll be a little lower uh yeah yeah that's cool i wish i don't have the sun blueprint in here like i have for cinderella i could do like a lot of fast tweaking with it um but yeah that that feels a little bit better a little bit more broken up horizon let's get back down hey down here okay is that reverse shot lighting is not as strong from this angle but it still works yeah okay i think that pretty much wraps up the spline tool i haven't done that yet um it's pretty easy you just like click spline points and then move tangent handles like bezier handles and you stick a mesh on it or multiple meshes on it and they'll kind of bend it and the collision bends too um for like roads that's more like a i would use that more for like a brush or five style level whereas this is like a very mesh level like it just i just put everything down by hand almost completely i'll play i'll play yeah i'll try to save it appreciate you saying that i mean so much of this is the acid kit it's just like so solid this is a 1950x threadripper which is like old at this point and a 2080 ti which is like high-end consumer gaming card right so we're pulling like you want i'll pull up i mean i'm playing it this is 4k by the way so this is unreal engine 4k downright to 1080 um and what's it called in obs so i can put up the fps so we're oh yeah we're high so this is in so we're 120 frames per second in 4k on a 2080 ti which i know it's a 2080 ti so it's like but but still it's like it could be lower so we're 120 frames per second um i'll test this in vr too it's probably 40 45 maybe it could be higher i'm not really sure but you know pcvr with like a um vive pro i bet you this scene is about 40 to 60 maybe it depends it depends which way you're looking right like that's a lot of foliage over there but you know 2080 ti we're 100 to 120 frames per second looking in like this is the hardest direction to look is towards all the foliage right now it's not out of focus so there's more post-processing and there's more lighting stuff we could do to this to make it worse quote-unquote but yeah we're like at max performance still so this this asset kit very performant and looks great so it gets a it gets a plus for me it gets an a just like the brush if i stuff does as well um this is like one of the best kits on the marketplace very recent recently added i don't normally spend my time making kits but i saw the i saw the photos from it i read the description like when the when the developer of the marketplace talks about performance in the description i like it i like that because there's a lot of things like this that when you load load them into when you actually load them up they just die they just not optimize and it's hard to optimize assets like all the optimization of this level was done by the developer they asked it's not me like i'm just somewhat mindful about not going stupid on the placement but all that all the optimizations on them right so this level absolute garbage from above right it's that's that you have to build big levels or have a lot of big level blockers but within the realm of being in here and where i put the player start for the game it's completely fine you know to build this out of what i've kind of learned is building out the exterior interior too is just it's just like for regular video games it's not worth it like for performance like if you have like you know my computer downstairs you build out both sets and you could transition between them like in camera or something like that but like when it comes to trying to make like a tight little set it would be better to do like an interior that's just interior with a specific lighting setup for outside like for outside and inside and then or do one that's just exterior for performance like for someone that's running a 98 980 ti or like a 1050 with like two gigs of ram or something like that hopefully they can still play this at like a reasonable frame rate like they're probably like down in like the 60s or something like that i don't really know how that scales but trying to do both in and out like i used to do it's it doesn't work for low end it doesn't work for like the lower end graphics cards um so this is like kind of where it's at am i running obs on separate machine no this is all the same machine so obs is encoding right now and i'm running unreal at the same time so to get 120 frames per second it's we're doing pretty well performance wise which i really am thankful for if this was like 90 or 80 on my computer but like oh that means it's going to be and we're in 4k and i tell most people to play signatures at 1080 so at 1080 it's easily just just max max frame rate how do you do the multiple materials on the floor um it's called the landscape material and this kit has one by default it's called like um like m terrain or something like that and you just put it on the landscape um but this stream will be i'm going to save the replay of it so you can watch it we built this from like nothing we built this from a black level uh into this using that kit looks pretty good uh the building's mega generic but like honestly i don't think that like i don't know if i was filming in here i would be i wouldn't be like doing like you know up shots so much it's pretty much like the you're you're looking to have the horizon like in my opinion if you're filming this well which is subjective but you know when you're filming like you're looking to keep these horizons clean in shot in in a lot of the cases for just like generic filming unless it's like you know it's like a drone shot or something but it's actually almost good looking for a drone shot i would say you get up on the should i finish the back of the building just to like in case you i guess i will um i kind of don't want it though like it's not really meant to be like would you film up here you wouldn't like this just it just looks bad so i'm not going to finish it like i want to have as little in here as possible and save the performance for like this like this stuff looks so good we still 120 in here we are yeah like this those trees must be really good not much at all not much for the the old performance so oh you know what's a good check we have to do here let's do this so let's let's frame up like a thumbnaily type shot of uh of our our actor here so that would be like you know this shot is very much like the actor walks up to the building and enters you know that's that's pretty much like what this is um she's in a deep in apos but uh we need to check for focus because performance materials usually have render after depth of field and they don't go to focus basically they just kind of sit there ruining everything we could recapture the lighting for the sky too but in signature tracer it's dynamic so the user does that but just for this demo alone we could do it environment skylight i'm like happy without looks i almost don't want to recapture but let's try it no difference very little difference a little brighter in the shadows okay with that so we'll drag out a cine camera and this is how we check that materials are going to work for out of focus because that's one of the first things you'll come up with unreal if you're not building the materials yourself you'll find that they uh they don't look good out of focus let's frame up uh from the shot and then we'll kind of go we'll just pilot the camera and look around so um i'm gonna make this uh a cinemascope sensor which truly doesn't exist in the world but uh this is how i do it still we'll go to f2 okay exposure's linked so we're gonna have to do i don't i don't i never under i still don't understand how that how that exactly works i'm seeing issues with her shader already but she's not the she just doesn't matter uh exposure so we're gonna go to like that's ten nine [Music] what's eight what hold on let's we have to go into the camera oh it's on automatic okay yeah that'll that's why ten there it is okay tens high so we're countering that expose up by going to that okay but this with lighting is about normal for me i don't have the color chart out here i guess we could do that too but um oh the speed is so high oh yeah yeah now we have post processing now the frame rate's gonna start taking a little bit of hit uh compared to before her eyelashes are an issue but we can fix that later again that does that's not relevant for here it doesn't even matter i think you pick focus like this yeah there it is okay so yeah that took a hit we're now like 90 to 100 post process out of focus always adds a cost a big cost but nothing to do about that so looks good looking good no issues up here the trees look good or sometimes an issue on like mobile focus like asset kits looking good back here looks like last for us too right here like this her from behind like the uh she looks like the character the i haven't finished the game no spoilers or anything but it looks like she looks like one of the characters from last for us yeah so it's looking the materials are good too this is a good kit good stuff her around what is that snap what's going on here yeah i haven't i don't have it hooked up i have to rewrite i have to write the remapping for her face but we could make her talk like really easily she has all the right morph targets they're a little bit like they need to be tuned down a lot but they look they look pretty good all right so this set in my opinion for virtual production would be fine uh you could take this onto an led wall that has other considerations but you could definitely use it for like a green screen virtual set knowing that it's primarily like out of focus really yeah unreal engine 5 will be cool yeah the live stream i'll leave this one up this one seemed pretty pretty solid this is these are very good assets like no one's like asking for like industrial maps but like i just saw them and i was like these are good i can tell okay that's empty back there her eyelashes don't go out of focus either that's i'm like that's okay though like whatever again once i bring this into like actual cine tracer then i can do um what's it called i'll add i can add like a brush of fine mountain in the background or something like that to help us up so if i'm lining up my my money shots the angle that i kind of arded this whole thing for uh it's going to be a little bit so good to change this a little bit connector so we're on a what mill here on an imaginary there's no this film back doesn't exist so it doesn't this is no equivalence but 28. i like that sign i like that red sign in here and i like the tire i wasn't oh yeah we were like framing this whole thing up on like a mega wide okay so this is kind of it i almost have the fence foregrounded like it's not a down shot it looks it's pretty clean from here too i just like having horizon in the shot almost always so i mean there's there's moving shots i could do for sure out of this somewhere or all the fence somewhere around here gets most of the production design that we've done in here something like that and then she's just like there's a depth of field but i guess it is kind of a wide shot because it's like an environment like when i when i keep the um like the vaude when i keep it i'm gonna switch the thumbnail to this basically you know i was like this is what we ended up with right a posing i should give her like i should go get a i should go get like a proper pose off the mark i have like so many her forearms a little bit wonky there's something funny with her forearm but like when i um yeah when i switch the live stream vod thumbnail i'll switch it to this or something yo um let's see oops i guess it makes sense to keep her on the path for like narrative reasons like level reasons she just needs to have like a not a pose i'm concerned with her arm though i'm really concerned that her arm is not the best it looks like it's like that's a very common place the arms and the shoulders are where like a lot of the retarding issues happen so i'm looking at that i'm like something's probably wrong with that okay so i sometimes it crashes to take high-res screenshots but i'm gonna go for it so turn off the stat oh no okay we're good clean damn it so this is it that's that's what we made uh it's pretty good i think this is the angle has all like the main details in it it's a little higher in the air than i was picturing but i like that sign shows the fence i could light it for night too um be like adding like two or three lights to it and pumping up the volumetrics a little bit be more expensive for sure there is an autofocus thing there's focus tracking for uh for unreal cameras i'm switching signatures to the using the cine camera actor finally i've been using like i basically wrote my own camera from scratch but at this point i like how unreal's done it so that's the thumbnail i guess this can be widescreen i can't i can't take landscapes in 16x9 i'd rather rather not okay so that pretty much wraps it up uh how long was this stream three yeah that's pretty much how long i go before i get bored or get tired i have to go eat something but yeah it's a good asset kit um they're not all this good and they're not all this performance at all on the marketplace this is like one of the best ones i've seen and i would basically if i was making like more like a like if like if you needed to see this level from hey what the this happens sometimes what's going on here uh if you needed to make it more of like a a bigger level like a 360 level like if you wanted the player to get up here like a real video game then the background would be all brushify is what i would do i would keep this stuff here as is um though some of the brushify stuff could easily take the place of it here um but if you needed to have the level play from up here i would just do some landscape sculpting with the uh with the mega the uh brushify stuff and it would be like just like you know far away mountains and like sculpted alpha brushed terrain stuff with the with the audio foliage material on it so i'm not placing grass by hand and i would probably use the um procedural foliage volume to just generate whatever trees and stuff back there uh and just tune it so that it's not like below 90 frames per second when you're looking at it on this computer something like that but then keep this stuff very high res um again for for filmmaking not for like a video game a video game has like a lot more to consider but if we're just talking about having it look good and not be at like 30 frames per second when you're shoot when you're on it like then that's all that would happen i would just mix a brush if i think into the background and i think it'll work pretty well cool thanks spotless thanks for hanging out i'm going to end the stream here and i'll keep the vault up i'm going to switch the thumbnail out and i'm probably going to i like really like this kit a lot so for whatever reason there's going to be a bunch of like industrial exteriors available in cine tracer but they perform well we'll see how they do in vr um and yeah pretty pretty happy with those results i'll get check you later
Channel: Cinematography Database
Views: 97,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cine tracer, cinetracer, unreal engine, ue4, previz, previs, virtual production, virtual cinematography
Id: eRjVeAuvBa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 28sec (10228 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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