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hey guys how's it going welcome back to another Final Cut Pro 10 tutorial this one is all about how to make your own creative titles so you can never go wrong with this the plain white title on a black screen that's a classic way to do a title it never really goes out of style and as I'm sure you're aware of there's so many ways to kind of animate text flying in and other screens that comes off as kind of cringy but with that said here are some ways to make original titles from scratch first we'll start with the basics and then we'll move into more complicated titles oh and don't mind the pandemic hair I'm going for the marv home alone look [Music] all right we're going to be moving at a very fast pace so it find it too quick then pause and re-watch each section or watch at a slower speed basic custom title we're animating in and out so we're gonna get our custom title from our title screen drag it up top of our clip trim it down then we're going to select the font and the size that we like then we hit the T well let's give the pro mouse this is better now we're gonna hit the T and all where you see in that's the animation for the clip coming in and out is for the animation out this custom title is designed to animate your own movements in and out alright we want it coming from this position so we're gonna set the position by putting 100 in the X 100 into the Y we'll take a look at that so that's coming off the screen into position one letter at a time next we want to change the z axis and the z axis is actually from me to you so the distance from the screen to our eyes so it's getting bigger into smaller so we can change the spread and that'll bring the letter and closer together and the unit size we have selected this character that means if one letter of time here we want word because that's gonna send the whole word out by itself and then we're gonna do the exact opposite of the position that we started with by putting negative 100 negative 100 and that will send it off the screen we can blur and this is what it looks like flies in character by character and one word flies off and down reset the X&Y out positions to 0 and the Zed axis from the screen to you I'm going to raise that number up so it looks like it's flying right off the screen so let's take a look at the final result and it should fly right out of the screen that's great next up we have the bad TV effect and this is quite simple we just have 1 title I've animated it in and out of the screen using these numbers to animate in and you'll see I've used the characters for one letter at a time and then these are my out points and this automatically animates but now I'm just gonna get the bad TV effect and drag it right on top of the clip and that's it about TV easy there's the parameters next earthquake so we have our single clip chop it up into three pieces and we just add the earthquake effect to the middle clip and then we can adjust how intense we want that to look but that's it it's very simple effect next up the flickering neon light look so I just have my title layer chopped up into a bunch of pieces and then I go go down and it's like glow show it the options change the color and blur in the radius to whatever you like so I'll toggle that effect on and off so you can see the difference before and after so I just chopped up my title layer and put the effect on and off and timed it with the sound design to give the effect that a neon light is flickering on and off next up is a glitch very simple the middle clip I just put the glitch effect on this is from rind angle I'll put the link in the description to get the glitch effect next up is on the water effect I'll show you here by muting the effect and will start from scratch get the custom title drag it on top of the clip set your font and size according to what you like and then here's the most important part in the x-axis rotation we want to rotate the clip so it's flush with the water so it seems like it's flat on top of the water I'm gonna scale it up and also track it out to spread the letters apart a little bit now we're going to pull the opacity right down so it looks like it's kind of submerged into the water bring down the X rotation a little more and now I'm just going to add the underwater effect right on top of the clip and then I'm gonna correct the adjustments to make it seem more realistic bring the speed down the refraction down and once we add a little bit of water sound design that looks great next up we have stenciled letters revealing the background so I'm going to show you how to make this we drop in the customs title again fit it to the size change the font and size like we always have done so I'm going to scale it up a bit more there and then we're going to go to the blend mode and here we want to stencil alpha or luma either will work and that will reveal what's in the background let's bring our canvas size right down to 25% so we can keyframe our title on and off the screen so first let's make the size a lot larger then we'll drag it off to the left side of the screen then we'll go to the beginning of our title click the keyframe then go to the last frame of our title drag it all the way across hold shift to lock it into the horizontal axis and then we have an hour effect let's animate this text one more way so we'll click on the T tool and open up the position make sure that it's coming from that position which it is then we'll look at the Zed numbers minus 1000 will make it really small really far away from us let's go even farther - 3000 that's super far away from us and as it comes flying in once that's good let's make it fly out so we look at the out position make sure it is the whole word is flying out and we have it going to that position on Zed access let's type in 250 that'll fly right up the screen see if that flies off the screen it does fly up the screen however we want it to go through the open area of the letter so we can change the x axis drag it over and let's see if that flies right to the lettering perfect now we don't want it to fly through the lettering in the screen to turn black so the way we solve that issue is we go right to the spot where the screen turns black we cut the clip there we make a compound clip between the first clip and the title right click new compound clip and then we cut the clip at that same spot again right where the screen turns black and then we bring in that existing clip and you should fly right through to the open ocean here we go cool effect next up is the fly over the title effect so here's how we create that we'll grab the flying text title bring it over top of our clip cut it down the size Center it select the font whatever we want size etc now here is the z-axis again we've seen that before I just want to show you quickly in the custom title there actually is no Z this option we don't have the ability to animate the zed access throughout our entire clip if you look there we only have the X&Y under transforming position so since we can't keyframe the z-axis and Final Cut I made one in motion called flying text title link is in the description completely free okay we've selected the beginning of our title we'll go to the Z position keyframe our position we go to the last clip or wherever we want to fly over the text so it could be a bit back right there I will go to our Z position and select 160 yeah let's go a little bit more than that 180 and that's not quite gone so we'll go 190 and that should fly right by the text good take a look and see what it looks like you'll notice it kind of looks a little bit fake like it's pushing forward so we can solve that we just drag the text a bit forward and looks like it's stuck on top of the trees that looks much better and finally let's change our title into 3d text and if i zoom in or go to the end you can see it looks a little bit more 3d as we fly over top of it alright next up we're gonna fly through now I've been finding the plugins that I've been using to motion track titles like this don't work as well and while this isn't perfect it is a pretty cool title animation for free so we're going to do the usual drag a flying text over top of the clip change the font center it change the size change the scale there and again here we want 3d text have it selected now go to the beginning of our clip hit the keyframe on the z axis or all the position go to the place where you want to fly through the text and change the number so we'll try 200 that looks really good - 10 - 15 will fly us right through the text it looks like we're gonna hit the R yeah so I want to move that over a little bit so we can change the x-axis and slide with the X over a little bit so it looks like we're flying through the H in the R that looks a bit better we're moving on we have Italy flying over top of a girl walking on the mountain and while that looks pretty good I've noticed that the text gets too big too quickly so I I click an area in the middle of the title layer and bring the Z value down and that will slow the growth of the title as it reaches its final keyframe so I think this is gonna look better as it grows slower and then speeds up that looks like a perfectly motion track title amazing here's another way we can give a slower version of the flying through the text and we also don't have to do any of that compound clip cutting of the last clip because it's dark it works perfectly well this way so under blend mode just change the stencil alpha so I already showed you how to make this effect with the custom title layer but to be honest the flying text lab works much better and it's less work okay next up we have a wipe mask or reveal mask or whatever you want to call it if you've watched my previous tutorials you will know how to do this already however we will go over it again we want to get the draw mask from our effects drag it on top of our title adjustment layer and then we are going to put it over top of our body because we don't want text to appear where our body is so we're gonna invert the mask and zoom in to 200 Center that up make sure we hit our control points keyframe and then frame by frame by hitting the right arrow we're going to work through our mask so by selecting all four of the points you can adjust them all together or you can individually adjust them I'm gonna speed that up nice and quickly as I adjust and mask out all the lettering and that's what the final result looks looks like however you notice it's shaky if we go down to our stabilization and click the tripod mode this will make it look like the letters have locked onto the fence and this is the effect you want to go for here are some other examples of ways you can reveal place names get creative with it throw a blur on it do whatever you want in our final example we have motion tracked x2 stuck on the fence and when the camera is tracking along with the person so we're going to be using our motion tracker drop zone title layer here drop it on top of the clip and trim it down to what you like then we're going to open up the track editor inside the editor we're going to use this tracking box and put it on the beginning location of the fence so we're gonna hit play and let that track along but as the tracker hits our body you notice it clings onto the body and we lose it so let's let's back it up to the last good frame that it's stuck on the fence then we will zoom into our key frames and see exactly the frame that we lose it so let's zoom in here now we can clearly see our frames let's highlight them all by holding shift and drag right click remove keyframes and now we're going to select offset position X and Y and we're going to manually keyframe it ourselves so you'll see that's where we lose it but if we just drag it over to the exact position where it was that should smoothly carry it on let's have a look it's like we were never there perfect that's exactly it so we'll go back to the last good frame when it passes us once we found that frame where it loses good that one will click play and let it track out all right that tracking is all done so we can export our data and we will drop in the text into our drop zone so find that there is a text drop it in apply and let's take a look now so we're walking behind the text and we want to appear in front so basically it's the exact same thing we just did in the last title with the mask however there is one difference so I'm going to draw the mask over top of my body but you'll notice it creates once I invert it it creates a black box I don't know why it does this but there is a workaround so if I copy and paste the exact clip and then drag that clip underneath will create a compound clip with the title layer and the clip new compound clip right by right-clicking and then we'll mask out that entire clip so that I'll show the clip underneath so that's the way we can work around that problem and then the rest is just the exact same thing we did before we zoom in and we hit the control points and frame-by-frame we just adjust our control points so it looks like we are walking in front of the text here's another example of how you can use this effect all right so this video is not sponsored so I'm going to insert a little self promo if this video helped you at all you'll be awesome if you could head over to my Instagram and follow me there I post lots of travel related photo video and lots of day-to-day other fun things to consume as for the next tutorial on this channel comment which you'd like to see next transitions ten ways to use a mask or the basics of color grading and color science alright that's it this one catch me next video [Music]
Channel: Mark Harrison
Views: 134,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: titles, final cut pro, editing, tutorial, filmmaking, apple, mac
Id: dtvrz0pvKOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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