How to make an intro in Final Cut Pro

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hey friends today I want to talk about how to make yourself a really cool intro using Final Cut Pro I have recently done exactly that and man have had a lot of comments from you guys so yeah apparently you want to know how I did it so that's what we're going to do today and here's the ink oh yeah so I made that intro about 2 or 3 months ago now and I put it at the start of all of my videos and yet one of the most common questions I've had is people asking me how I made it in Final Cut and why I chose to make the intro in Final Cut so let's cover that first a lot of people will tell you and if you watch your YouTube videos you will see people recommending that you can buy these templates for Adobe After Effects and they're really cool and you can very quickly and very easily make yourself a cool intro sequence and that's great for me personally I get by in After Effects you know it's not my preferred piece of software I've used it numerous times that I can use it whenever I've tried to use it for one of my own intros I found one of two things okay I found that either the template that I've purchased isn't quite what I want and in order to edit it into what I want becomes very difficult and very custom or or is impossible or secondly my own After Effects knowledge isn't quite good enough to make the template into the thing that I want it to be so I did try and make a couple of intros I bought a couple of templates from After Effects neither of them were quite what I wanted it to be so Final Cut is my main editing tool it's the main piece of software that I choose to use I've become quite familiar with it and when I just started to think well maybe I should just make an intro using final cut and just see how far I can go with it and actually and I found the process pretty easy actually I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted I wanted to show a few clips of me working I decided I was going to sort of block color it in a sort of duotone fashion which I've done a previous video on I'll link that up here and and yeah just the all of the different sort of assets that you can get within Final Cut and the sort of things I've assets that I've collected over the time I've been editing and I was able to sort of stitch them all together and very quickly kind of come up with this sort of thing that I wanted and yeah as I said loads of people asked about it so that's what I'm going to show you I'm going to try and keep this quick because it's really hot in here it's boiling outside about to shut the curtains I'm sweating so I try and keep it quick but there is quite a lot of ground to cover so watch at your own peril anyway let's dive into my screen and I'm straight in final cut at the moment and what I'll do is I will show you this is let's just zoom this up a bit so this is this is what the project looks like this is the finished intro okay so there's you know there's a few different things going on here and what I've already done string this down what I've already done is I've just created a completely blank project here which we're going to work in I'm working my timeline that I'm working on is 24 frames per second 1920 by 1080 P so standard HD timeline and I've already this is the actual library file that I used to make my intro so I've already sort of thrown in here any of the clips that I thought might have been useful I've got my sort of logo and the bits and pieces and I've got like the song that I chose to use for my intro so hopefully that will help speed things up a little bit so what we're going to do is the first thing we're going to do I don't know whether you notice when I play my intro I bring the sound the introduction to the song in behind me talking normally which is a nice thing I like to do so what we need to do is we need to make our intro a little bit longer than it actually needs to be so that that audio can come in and then we can lay the video over the top when we use it if that doesn't make sense I will explain once I've got something to explain so what we're going to do in our blank timeline is we're going to come up to our solids and I'm just going to drop a vivid doesn't need to be vivid it could be any of these no one's ever going to see it but some reason I went through vivid so that's what we're going to do and then then I'm going to drop my song let's put some sound on there so this is the intro to the track and I only really want that first bit do right so I'm going to drag that song underneath here that's not quite long enough [Music] that is where my intro is going to stop and you'll probably recognize that anyway because I just played it to you all so let's turn that looping off cuz that's annoying so all I'm doing now is that's this trying to just get that end how I want it there we go so now we've got our track in I did another video not so long ago about how to cut things to the beat and in there I show you a technique for using markers so if you don't know what I'm talking about watch this video up there now and come back but I'm going to use beat markers just to mark where I might want some cuts to be alright so what I've got is I've got the audio selected here and I'm going to use the M key as I listen to it to mark where the beats are okay you'll get the idea here we go alright so you see now I've just got these blue marks these are just visual aids to help me with the edit so I know where I'm going to cut things so this blue bit all this blue bits for is so that we've got something on the timeline and you're never going to see that so we're just gonna start editing our intro but by having this sort of tail front it allows us to leave this intro on there see what I mean now so what we now need to do is we now need to get our footage in place and as I've said to you previously all I used for my intro is just my favourite bits and pieces but this might be whatever intro you're making you may have completely different idea so obviously the footage is not the important thing here and what I'm going to do just to speed things up a little bit here is I have got just the bits of footage I used here so all I've done is selected the bits that I like and put them straight in the timeline so what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy them go back into our new project that we're working on stick this here I'm going to paste that in so what we now have is [Music] so at this point you're probably thinking this is not impressive well what you're talking about I know how to put some clips and attach them to music but this is where hopefully it gets a bit more interesting I hope it gets interesting so let's just mute this again because it's annoying if I jump over to my browser there's a few things right which I think make these After Effects templates come to life okay there's sound effects it's the transitions that are used and it's the quirky effects that are used but actually you don't need to use After Effects to do some of these cool effects there's lots of cool things that you can do in Final Cut some of them are built into the program and others are available quite cheaply as kind of aftermarket resources so I'm just going to talk you through a couple of websites which are used a lot for a range of different projects and I'm going to show you the few bits and pieces which I actually I mean a couple of them I bought specifically for my intro but most of them I kind of just had them anyway so the first website is great and it's called free sound and this website is amazing right you can create a free account and you can search anything and it is completely user driven so it's user uploaded content people can upload sound effects for free for people to download for free and you can also download as many sound effects as you like for free they do ask you to make small donation eventually but you can ignore it but what I would say is if you are using a lot of their sound effects and perhaps you are recording some of your own sound effects and I would encourage you to upload your own sound effects to the website so that other people can benefit from you benefiting from the platform so I've uploaded several sound effects to the site now as a thank-you for all of the free sound effects that I have downloaded so on this website it's really great if I just come up to this search bar and I search swooosh for example then and make sure that I've got some audio here no search come on okay so you've got things like this I think that's just someone waving like a bamboo cane around but that's an amazing swoosh transition sound you know what about this okay so that's quite full-on and what else nice so yeah you can take your time go through as many as you want and as I say I would just encourage you to either make a donation or to upload your own sound effects but certainly this is an amazing amazing website I've used it for no end of different sound effects on different projects so that is a website number one website number to which I've used a lot is the invite Oh marketplace now the invite a marketplace is a collection of websites which offer resources for different kind of digital design projects and the ones specifically which I would suggest you check out for this kind of use case is videohive and this is a video hive that we're on mail and you can see that it says on the right and this is a collection of design resources but if we come up here to Apple motion you know Apple motion is essentially like another bit of software that works really nicely with Final Cut Pro it's kind of like Apple's answer to After Effects but it really isn't as feature-rich as After Effects in any way shape or form but you can use it for some cool stuff so a lot of people make cool stuff in motion and then they're uploading it here and you can buy it and they're relatively cheap so if I come into here and look if I go to titles this is where I've used it quite a lot we can look in these titles so this is the first one I've clicked on completely random let's just let's just meet this again so this is a demo for this particular one let's see so look here you go this pack is a few dollars and you're getting all of these and you can try you can get these dragged and dropped them into your timeline you can edit the colors you can edit the fonts that are used the speed in which they come and look I mean this is how many is in this pack 50 titles here for $22 that is a massive time saver and the system really cool stuff in there as well so I've got a few of these different packs and I did actually use one of them in my intro but yeah I would thoroughly recommend that you check out video hive or just the entire and boto marketplace you may know I am a designer when I'm not making videos on YouTube so I've used this for print work in the past for other video projects have used it for web assets for websites marketing materials for social media there's so much on here you can get like device mock-ups fly a design you know loads and loads and loads of stuff you can also get just that stock footage and stuff as well but these titles I found these to be pretty good so have a browse and I'm sure you'll find something in here let's click let's look at this one yeah you see there's so many different styles you're bound to be able to find something that you like I mean look there wow they're pretty cool I like that nice a bit of a Memphis style yeah lovely lovely indeed so yet really cheap really useful massive time saver so that's that that's the second website and then finally another website which I don't use too much bug because it is a bit more expensive than the others but I have used some of these effects in my intro hen so I'm just showing it to you and if you are looking for something very specific then you might not mind spending a little bit extra so I came here and it was actually let's just search this site so again this is similar to the in beta marketplace but it's a little bit more specialist towards final cut and let's do a little search for glitch glitch and I think all this loads now can't remember which one I actually bought I've got a feeling it was Pro glitch this one so look 2995 this one and ooh that's loud there you go so these are like effects that you can drag onto your timeline and do loads of cool stuff too so a combination of free sound effects cheap titles and this glitch effect is essentially what I've used to make the difference between just some footage and a kind of nice dynamic intro ah there's one other thing that I've forgotten actually which is the transitions now as you may or may not know final cut has got lots of transitions that are sort of included within it I do feel like quite a lot of them have become a little cliche now and a feeling a little dated so just to give you another resource which I forgot to preload and that is Ryan Nangal now if you're watching me on youtube I would thoroughly recommend that you check out Ryan's channel and he does weekly Final Cut Pro tutorials he is very well established a lot of subscribers and he does some really cool stuff and he's taken it one step further in that he also creates a lot of his own assets and sells them so this is Ryan's page he uses a website called self eye and he's got like transitioned bundles here for different types of transitions now I got this pack of transitions a while ago I got them in a special deal so I don't think I paid this much for them but you guys also got some free stuff on here as well and he's quite often you know doing deals and stuff discounts and stuff like that so it's well worth keeping an eye on his YouTube channel and on his shop and the only reason I mention it's because I did again I used some of these transitions I find them a little more interesting and a bit more dynamic than the final cut basic transitions so that is that right okay enough about that then so we're coming back to the intro and again I am trying to keep this quick failing so far really let's be honest and so what we've done so far is lined up the footage so now what we can do is we can use some transitions okay so I'm going to do this really quickly let's use some rolls so if I put that one on there and then we can maybe use some zooms that's about what about a slide right zoom we'll put that one on there and again I'm doing this really quickly just because otherwise you'll be here all day what else wavy what's in the wavy pack let's try that so we do that beautiful okay so that is pretty much it okay maybe I would use a few more different transitions oops cancel that okay now what I did do when I was making my actual intros I spent a little bit more time lining the clips up so what you can actually do is you can make sure that the middle point of your transitions fall on your beat markers here so you might say okay I'm just going to move that a little bit there so then it gives that and it just makes it a bit nice that you can also adjust the length of your transitions just to make them a bit quicker so that there you go so they have it a bit more on time if that makes sense let's put something on that awkward cut as well there we go okay so I have gone a little bit overboard on the transitions but this is something that you can take your own time with when you're making an intro but already you can see it's kind of starting to come alive a little bit then the next thing that we've done is I've done the dual tone effect now I have already done a video on that so I'll link it up here somewhere and you can watch that but essentially the way that I achieve that is by using an adjustment layer again I've got this adjustment layer from Ryan angle another example of the great resources that he offers so I'm going to stick that above everything like so on that adjustment layer I'm going to add a custom LUT and I'm going to just use this noir which is a piece of a kin and light you've probably heard of Peter McKinnon if you have an another channel worth checking out it's just a nice contrast to black and white and then on top of that I'm gonna put a solid I'm gonna put a custom solid I'm going to drag that over here put it all the way over all of my footage and then I'm going to change the color to something that I like I might just go wacky and use somewhat different today there we go like that and then in the properties over on this right-hand side I'm going to change the blend mode to multiply so we've made the the footage black and white and then we've added the adjustment layer now the whole intro is pink pink and we've got the transitions so then next up what we're going to do one might actually do to try and just save your time is see if I can just come into this intro and take these sound effects so these sound effects are all from they're all from free sound boom let's see how that works so obviously my cuts are now in different places than on the original but you can put these swashes and sounds in the right place for your clips alright so hopefully you get the idea from that obviously I'm well aware that's pretty awful but so we've got a swoosh there that doesn't need to be there let's move them over there put him in the middle of that transition okay okay so hopefully you can see now how this is coming together and then finally what I did is I used the glitch effects now these glitch effects they're really simple to use they're really just sort of drag and drop really let me just get rid of a few of these bits so we can see what's going on right so these glitch effects they're the sort of thing that you need to sort of use sparingly but you can just really sort of drag them on if you want go mad see that's just completely glitched the entire thing out what I tend to do with them is just really shorten them down and just have like that little short bursts and again I am literally randomly picking them now for the sake of showing you something let's just drag this yeah oh yeah that looks good tonight let's don't play that again see you've also got different types on this one like noise but I mean yeah I say this was this was quite expensive when I when I bought this it was for a different project and I was a bit like Oh $29 but actually I've used it a lot and look how many different effects there are here it's quite a few different types of you know weird things going on which is pretty cool so yeah I put a few of these over the top and then I did the titles so with the titles I used let's go back to the other project now because otherwise this video is just going to go on and on okay so this was the finished timeline you can see I've just taken a little more time getting my cuts onto the beat getting the transitions to the lengths I wanted you can see I've used the glitch effects at various times to kind of bring a bit of interest to the frame and then at the end all I've done is used a single title which was from one of the packs okay so I've not had to animate this myself or anything as difficult as that I've just used one of the titles there which hopefully you can see that okay and then I bought my logo in and all I've done is used a transition to slide the logo in see that you probably can't hold on there we go so yeah I've used a transition at the bottom there bring that in and then the title above which just animates in as well and by the time you've done that you sort of hopefully when you take your time a bit more than I am right now you can end up with something like this so this blue bit at the beginning as I said this is so you can either lay it so there you have it that is how I made my intro I hope that was helpful I hope I didn't go on too long and I hope that I've given you enough info because um you know it's difficult with something like this I don't want to teach you to suck eggs as such but I do want to make sure that you've got the tools now to go away and make something of you know like an intro like that for yourself so yeah I hope you found that useful if you did give the video a thumbs up and yeah see you next time [Music]
Channel: Will Chidlow
Views: 160,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make an intro in final cut pro, how to make an intro fcpx, final cut pro, final cut pro x, final cut pro tutorial, final cut pro transitions, intro final cut pro, intro final cut pro x, fcpx intro, fcpx intro templates, fcpx intro tutorial, fcpx intro text, fcpx intro plugins, intro final cut, intro fcpx, fcpx intro templates free, make an intro with final cut, make an intro fcpx, will chidlow, filmmaker brighton
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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