Creating the Mesh | How To Make Stylized Grass for Godot 4 Tutorial

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good morning gato people this is the start of a stylized grass tutorial for the gato engine in this video we're going to be creating our grass mesh and blender and getting it ready to be imported the next video will include the setup in gato and the creation of the Shader that's going to be dropping later this week keep an eye out for that I'm working in blender 3.5 going to be starting with just a basic plain mesh that we're going to add to our scene right here and what we want to do is then rotate that 90 degrees you can do that on the X or y-axis we'll just do it on the Y we want to shape this plain mesh into a single blade of grass we can do that by scaling our mesh along the y-axis you can change the shape however you want I'm going to be doing a 0 point 5. now we're going to move our grass blade up by one meter don't worry about the scaling or the size you can always rescale uh within gato where you can rescale it after the fact it's just a little bit easier to work with when you're working and thinking in ones now we want to take this origin point which is the center of our mesh and we want to move that down here to the bottom of our blade now we have our 3D cursor within blender so what we can do is right click set origin origin to 3D cursor that's going to move that right there to the Bottom now in order to shape our blade of grass what we can do is go into edit mode by hitting tab I'm going to do this a loop cut on our plane mesh right here what I like to do is do it by half going up until we get a little bit tighter at the top add one more to the bottom and you can add as many of these Cuts as you want obviously the more cuts that you make the more complex your meshes now these aren't complex meshes but we're going to be instancing this grass thousands of times so the simpler you can make it the better with my Loop Cuts I'm going to now select my different vertices and we're going to scale it with s and just shrink it down just a little bit to give us kind of this grass like shape now however you want to do this and then for the final two points I'm actually going to go to mesh merge at Center and that's going to combine those two vertices into one and we also want to shape our grass so let's go ahead and grab our different vertices here and we'll just shift these out a little bit and finally the dip right there there's our really basic looking grass okay now we want to unwrap our mesh and it's going to look a little funky until we apply all the transform that we've done to our mesh so we'll go to objects apply all transforms and what that does is it resets the scale of our mesh to 111 and all the adjustments that we've made are now set so now we can go to our UV editing tab make sure that we're in the face select mode press a to select all right click and then unwrap all of our faces you now see the mesh has been unwrapped over here on our UV map that's all you need to do for that the UV is important because we're going to be using that for our Shader and in the future for our wind now go back to our layout we're going to add a modifier and duplicate our blade of grass it's going to be better if we can include more blades in one single mesh so we'll go to the modifier add modifier and array you can already see we've got a duplication of our blade we're going to do this let's say 10 times there's our 10 blades and we're going to do this actually in the same spot so you can't see these but they're all there because when we do our randomized transform we want all the blades of grass to be coming from the same point in our mesh now we can apply our modifier and now that we've applied it we can go back into edit mode by pressing tab press a to select all and then we're going to separate by loose parts and what this is going to do is take each one of those duplications and create a separated object within blender and now that everything is separated we can randomly transform these so we'll go back out into object mode and make sure that we select all of our objects and we can go to object transform randomize transform you'll have this little window pop up down here open that up so instead of having to manually place all of these Blades of grass you can just let blender do it you'll see once we start adjusting our angles here we're already getting a little bit of randomization okay so I've done some randomization on my location rotation and scale it looks pretty bad right now but that's okay we're just trying to get a beginning to our randomization process that we can then go in and manually adjust all of these different blades in terms of look it's sort of you know everything's coming out from the center but you want it to be a little bit more spread out and that all coming from a singular Point go ahead and do this process how you like I'm going to adjust this and I'll be right back there's my grass mesh yours might look a little bit different that's totally okay and again there's a lot of different ways that you can construct this mesh now that we have all of our Blades of grass adjusted how we want we want to actually combine them back into one mesh and how we can do that is select all go to join and now we've got one mesh and the cool thing is even though we have all of these different blades of grass all of them are still using the same UV position which is important for our Shader and later on for our our wind mechanic that we can introduce before we save and Export this we're going to apply all of our Transformations one more time all transforms now there's one final step before we export our mesh and that is the normals we want all of our normals to be pointing straight up there's a reason that we're going to do this and you're going to see it later on the difference that it makes select your mesh and go into edit mode and this drop down for our viewport overlays you'll notice our normal options down here we're going to click this middle one right there you can see the direction that all of these normals are pointing we want all these bad boys to be pointing straight up we can do that by selecting all going to our mesh normals and then point to Target once you click you're going to get this point normals to Target option we're going to be pointing this way way way up to the sky so set the value of Z something extremely high and you'll now notice that all of our normals are pointing exactly in the direction that we want now for the export I'm going to be using the glb file type you can export this right into your gato project we'll call this grass and then on the right side just make sure that your data includes all the UVS and the normals and everything else we're not using vertex colors for this but you can if you would like to we'll export that and then we can head into our Gatto project all right guys we're going to leave the video there we'll continue this in the next video if the video was helpful leave a like and hey you made it this far if you're new to the channel go ahead and subscribe we've got lots of gato content some let's play some showcases lots of cool stuff so check it out and until next time keep creating
Channel: StayAtHomeDev
Views: 6,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godot 4, godot engine, godot 4 tutorial, godot, godot 4.0, godot 4.0 tutorial, godot 4.0 3d, how to use godot, godot 4 beta, godot 3d tutorial, stayathomedev, blender godot, blender godot 4, blender godot tutorial, godot blender, godot blender import, godot blender workflow, godot grass, godot grass tutorial, godot 3d grass, godot grass 3d, godot stylized grass, godot stylized 3d, godot stylized, make stylized grass in godot, how to make stylized grass in godot
Id: Yk_uRFZrL9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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