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hi everyone in my previous video I have shown you a very useful information page that has multiple tabs in power bi and we can then click the various tabs and it will then display various information in this video I will show you how we can create this from scratch in Fabia desktop by using bookmark and bookmark navigations step number one is to create one page for each tab that you want to show in your information tab now earlier we had six tabs so I have added six pages in power bi desktop I have one page for Source data I have one page for glossaries I have one page for report owner for update lock refresh schedules and one page for the front page last updated now as you can see in here I simply add a field and basically type in the text so hopefully you know how to do that it's really really simple all you need to do is just go insert text box and pretty much type in relevant information once you have done that you need to make sure that number one each tab has the same title notice in here I have included p l report information page as a title in all the information tabs so every single tab has the same title another thing that will make things look good is to create a box a box that will just tie all the pages together neatly and to do that all you need to do is just insert shapes and click rectangle like this make it bigger change the color click shape Style make the color white make it transparent 100 and now we have a box but it's blue so let's change the Border color go to style again and let's make them Gray all right now it's looking good but I like rounded corner so let's make the corner round click shape and add 10 points and look at that it is now looking neater once you have created one box one rectangle all we need to do is just copy that Ctrl C and press Ctrl V across all the pages now everything look nice and uniform okay now we've got our boxes for each tab that's step one done step two let's create a bookmark for each step go to view click bookmarks so that the bookmark pane is now shown on the right over here and let's start creating a bookmark by clicking add so the first bookmark is for last refresh so just double click that last refresh and then go to the next tab create another bookmark call it refresh schedule so a bookmark is something that can help you to navigate to that page so when I click last refresh in here watch I'm now going into last refresh page and then when I click refresh schedule I will now go into refresh schedule page so we need to create a bookmark for each one of our tab so to do that click update lock click add then rename it so that it's more meaningful and then go to the next tab and add another bookmark name it report owner and then go to another tab create it again and name it glossaries good and last one Source data and step two is done the next step is to group The Bookmark that we have just created together so just press shift and click everything and then right click and hit group now rename them into info now once you have grouped a bookmark then neatly arranged oops just realize that Source data was left out it should be part of info what to do don't worry all you need to do is just drag them into part of the group and now it's neatly group next let's insert navigational bookmark go to inset buttons Navigator bookmark Navigator and notice something is immediately created these are buttons buttons that represents one box for each bookmarks that we have so notice we have if we open up these bookmark groups we have 10 bookmarks over here and therefore we have 10 boxes over here and if you click them it will bring you to these various Pages now notice also when you are in power bi desktop you need to press Ctrl click in order to move around and use this bookmark whereas when you are in probably a surface all you need to do is just click now we have 10 boxes in here which is a little bit too many we only want the six therefore we need to modify this bookmark how do we do that we click the bookmark and then we go to bookmarks and instead of selecting all in the drop down box change that to info which is our group bookmark group that we have recently created the grouping of the six which we want and then after that we can drag this and put it on top of our boxes now there is one more thing that I want to do I want to format this bookmark Navigator so that the corner is more rounded how do we do that again click it and then go to share and make the rounded Corner 10 points and then after that let's get rid of the space in between how do we do that again click the bookmark and then go to grid layout and then remove the padding make it zero point now it's looking so much better already and after we have done that in one page what we can do is we can click it press Ctrl C and press Ctrl V in every tab and we're done let's move on to the last steps we are now going to hide all the tabs and only show the first step so you can right click hide now in power bi desktop this is not hidden you can still see it but when you publish this to power Bia surface these pages are no longer visible so all you will see is just the first page and we're going to show the first page and rename it as info and then we're going to save and hit publish and this is what you're going to see in barbia service you will see only one info page everything is hidden and you can click them like that and those are the six steps required to create a one-page information in power bi I hope you find this video useful and see you next time [Music]
Channel: Lighthouse Analytix
Views: 24,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Isabella Susilowati, Lighthouseanalytix, Tutorial, Tips, Isabella, susilowati, Power BI, Navigational Bookmark, Dynamic, Hide, unhide, multiple reports on the same page, buttons, Bookmark navigator, navigator, navigational, page, exclude, hide, bookmarks
Id: Ng1EylK8KXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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