MASTER BOOKMARKS in Power BI // An In-Depth Look at how to adjust how your bookmarks function

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in this video we're going to have a look at the bookmarks pane once again this time instead of looking at what the bookmarks feature can do we're going to explore these different settings that you can enable or toggle within the bookmarks pane so that you can have final control over how they affect your visuals all of that and more so without further Ado let's get started hi my name is fernan and welcome to the solutions abroad YouTube channel recover tips tricks and best practices when working with power bi I upload new videos every week so make sure you hit that subscribe button and the bell icon to get notified when a new one is out so bookmarks is a powerful power bi feature which allows you to bookmark things like the visibility of your visuals or the filters that you've selected within your reports you can use bookmarks to implement techniques like creating pop-out menus for your reports and today we're going to look at some of the final controls that is available for you when you're using bookmarks first let's go through a quick recap of what bookmarks can do so here I prepared a power bi Report with a few visuals within this page we have some slicers here some cards as well as some visuals like tables and chart here so first where you will find bookmarks is under view under the bookmarks pane right here so the idea with the bookmark is let's say I want to create a bookmark to always go to Aerospace so I make a selection for the Aerospace I click add and this will create as a bookmark here which will remember the selection that we've created you can right click and rename this bookmark so we'll name this Aerospace which now what happens is if I make a different selection here so if I reset my industry here and I select this bookmark you'll see that it remembers that selection that we've just created now from here what you can do is insert a different button here and assign this bookmark to this button so that when you select that button like here for example it will trigger trigger The Bookmark for you so if I clear that selection once again I select that button under actions we enable that and under type let's choose bookmark and then under bookmark we'll select airspace so now if I select and use control click it will go to that bookmark for us from here you can also create multiple bookmarks like for example if I make a different selection here for example I choose let's say computer software and I select add here rename that bookmark this name computer systems so now I'm able to switch between these different selections that I've just made so Aerospace to computer software because you can create multiple bookmarks you can also group them as a means to organize them so you can do a highlight control click right click you can select group which creates a group for them it's just a way for you to kind of group your bookmarks so let's say you have a bookmarks for various Pages or maybe bookmarks for certain things um you know selecting data or you know hiding or showing visuals this is a way for you to sort of organize them like the other bookmarks you can also rename your group so and this would be page one filters for example that's how you would use the grouping if you've created a bookmark and you want to update what that bookmark does you can use the updates to do that so for example let's go back to Aerospace and let's say we want to select certain companies within airspace so we'll select the first three so a cubed Boeing end this one and to make sure that the bookmark make sure to update both airspace and the company will right click on that bookmark and click update so now if we go back to computer systems and we select this button which triggers that bookmark you'll see that it makes sure that those companies are selected as well you can also use bookmarks to update the visual and the visibility of your visuals within your reports so here for example we have this bar chart for example that just counts the number of companies within the industry that we've selected and let's say we want to hide this when we select a bookmark so what we'll do is we will go and open up the selection pane this allows you to toggle that visual to be visible or Invisible by selecting the the eye icon next to it so in this case we'll just hide that and then we'll select add so that will create a bookmark that hides that visual so we'll just name this one right click rename hide visual so now if we make a select or clear all of the filters here and let's trigger the hide visual oh actually no well let's enable the visual first like this like it was by default if we click hide visual you'll see that it hides that visual for us however did you notice something different from what we've done just now what it's done is it didn't just hide the visual that we have selected here we've deselected it's also preserved the data filters that we've applied because it's part of the other other bookmark that we've created the Aerospace with the three companies and that's because when we created that bookmark it saved not just the states of the current visual that we were working at the bar chart it also looked at the other visual States within the page so when we created that bookmark it remembered that oh we had Aerospace selected and we also had a few of the company selected so that bookmark I remembered those as well in this instance for example if you wanted your bookmarks to only affect visuals but not the data this is where the separate options come into play with the bookmarks themselves so if I right click this bookmark that we've created for example and I disable the data part of this so instead we'll just have display and current page see what happens here I haven't changed anything apart from disabling that data part within that bookmark so we set it all back to normal and now we will click hide visual once again and pay attention to what happens so what it did is it hid the visual but it didn't affect the filters that we've applied in those slicers toggling the data make sure that this bookmark doesn't affect any data changes or filters that you've applied your users have applied within the page and basically this means that this bookmark will only work for hiding or showing visuals within your page the same is true for the visual so it's the opposite way around if you wanted your your bookmark to affect just the data but not the visibility of your visuals you can toggle data and toggle untoggle the display so this is how it looks like now and see what happens if I um put it back to normal here and let's click that bookmark once again do you see that what it's done it although that bookmark remembered that it needs to hide the chart because we clicked and we disabled the display toggle for the bookmark it doesn't affect the visuals within your page only the filters that is currently there which it remembered that we have the airspace in the three companies like we did when we first created it the other option that you have here is the current page which if it's currently toggled by default it will make sure that when that button or when that bookmark is triggered it travels to where your bookmark which page that bookmark was applied so for example if I show you an example here um if we go to page two which is a different page within this report if I create a new button here let's create a write just as an example and I hit action and let's say let's trigger the height visual bookmark that we've created so now if I click that button to trigger that bookmark it travels us to the page where the bookmark was made which is what you would typically expect from The Bookmark however if you wanted to stay in the current page that you're at and just simply affect or or make the bookmark changes work you can untuggle it so that if I right click untuckle the current page and I'll go back to the first page first I know just clear the selections and bring it back to normal here in our page two see what happens if I select control click now I've toggled The Bookmark we stayed in this page but if you now look at page two navigating to it manually applies the bookmarks that we've applied that the bookmark should do except that it doesn't bring us to the page where it's applied to so that's the three options and what they do when you toggle or untoggle them within your bookmarks what about those two other options at the bottom so what I mean is this all visuals or selected visuals now all visuals is by default turned on and what this basically means is any visual within your page is affected by this bookmark so for example in our hide visuals bookmark here we're saying we're affecting all the visuals within this uh this page any data type visual that we have applied so because we've made the selection in the industry as well as company and we've bookmarked that both of those are not just those two but any type of data filters that we apply will be remembered by The Bookmark the selected visuals however if you apply that it will only work for any of the selected visuals that you have selected when you toggle this so what do I mean by that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to clear these selections and let's say we want the bookmark to only affect the industry we when the users selects a company for example and we trigger The Bookmark we want the industry to change but preserve the company selection that our users made this is a scenario of when you would use the selected visuals for example so what I'm going to do is I'm going to select and make some selections here in the industry and let's let's go back and make it airspace I'm going to select that visual I'm going to right click on the bookmarks I'm going to change it to selected visuals and then I'm going to right click and update it so that it updates to say when you trigger this bookmark only affects this data Visual and preserve anything else so don't affect everything within our page because we have selected visuals there instead so what's going to happen if I make a if I clear the selections there and I select that bookmark you'll see that it will change the industry but not the company which is because we didn't bookmark it like that but now what you'll notice if I make a selection within the company and let's say I clear the selections here in the industry so now it's all if I click hide visual once again you'll see that the companies I selected within this filter is unaffected the only thing that changes is this industry visual which is the one that we've set in our bookmarks Pane and that's really it for this video I hope you're now a little bit more familiar with the final controls that is available for you within this bookmarks pane thanks for watching as usual give this video a like if you found it useful give it a dislike if you didn't want to do better for next time ask your questions in the comment section box below so I can help you and you can help others if you really like this video we have a patreon page where you can support the channel and get exclusive perks like Early Access demo files and credits at the end of these videos thanks again for watching and see you in the next one bye
Channel: Solutions Abroad
Views: 15,115
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Keywords: solutions abroad, power bi, powerbi, power bi tutorials, power bi for beginners, beginners guide to power bi, data analytics, dax, data modelling, data visualisation, business intelligence, how to power bi, power bi how to, power bi best practices, power bi tips and tricks, power bi standards, power bi patterns, power bi help, power bi tips, power bi 2023, power bi bookmarks, bookmarks, power bi bookmarks display, power bi navigation, power bi hide, power bi show
Id: mLs1YuIkqls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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