Conditional Navigation is an INSANE AMAZING way to change pages in Power BI Desktop

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go what's up it's Patrick I'm going to cube and in this two minute Tuesday I'm gonna talk all about page navigation so page navigation has been available in power bi desktop using buttons for a while and now in the latest release things like the May 20 28 June 2020 some of them somewhere around there they added this new conditional page navigation feature and that's when we want to talk about in this video I'm gonna show you the old-school way let me show you the new way to do this alright so instead of all this talking you guys know I like to do and especially since this is a two minute Tuesday I'm just gonna be just a little bit longer than two minutes two minutes what I like to do is do what head over to my laptop alright so let's say you have these three pages and you want to provide end users with another way to navigate with that's not the tavern across the pages so you can use buttons right the old-school way is to use buttons so we'll click the way you set this up is you go to insert in the ribbon click the drop down for button and you click you can choose any one of these I'm just gonna choose blank because I want to add my own text to this button so what I'm gonna do is select this button go over to visualizations turn on the button text and then I'm gonna type Germany that's the page I want to go to and then I will repeat this step for each page in my report that I want to have the navigation for and then I will go down to action turn it on change the type from back to that page navigation and then choose my page and then I would do that for every other page in the report so I would go to the next page add a couple of buttons go to the next page add a couple of buttons configure the navigation and it would work and it works right it seems tedious but it absolutely works but recently another feature that makes this a little simpler and requires a few more clicks and that's what I want to show you in this video it's pretty nice alright let me show you okay so instead of doing the button ramp instead of doing the button there's a lot of clicks what you can do now is you need to have it you need to create a table or use a table that's part of your model that contains a role for each page okay and so you can import that from sequel or excel wherever you want is going to for the sake of brevity I'm just gonna enter data I'm just gonna enter create a new table we'll call this page name and we'll call the name of the table navigation each role has to have the exact same name of the page that you want to navigate to if you don't want to navigate to that page just don't include it in your list all right when you're done click load so the first step step number one you need your data the next thing you want to do is create a slicer right you create a slicer that contains it's really easy let's put it up here that contains a list of the pages that you want to navigate to so we're gonna drop that there and there's my my list of pages and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna format this just a little tiny bit I'm gonna format this a little bit the first thing I'm gonna do is turn off the slicer header turn on the title and I'm gonna call this a navigation page navigation whatever you want called we'll call it page navigation right and then what I'm gonna do is change selection controls to single select cuz you only one I don't only want to allow my end users to select one page at a time and then made a tiny little mistake let me turn my slicer headed back on I'm gonna change this to a drop-down then I'll change my turn my slicer head off all right sorry about that and then before I move away from this before I move away just because I wanna make it larger I don't increase my font to about 14 okay and I'll squish this down a little bit squishy now all right we have our drop-down and then you set up your page navigation so instead of creating two buttons or three buttons our button for each page on every page I just need to create one button so I'm gonna go here and I'm gonna use an image I'm gonna go to let's see then go to my video file here where I have this image at and I you can download a copy of this image if you want to use it there's my little image shrink it down a little bit bring it on over hello little image there we go there's my goal button so when you select your when you select your there we go when you select your page then you'll click go and now you just need to configure it you need to configure the action and it's really simple select it turn on the action change the type to page navigation watch this you don't really like this change type the page navigation and now you can see the conditional formatting for the destination so click the conditional formatting button accept field value change it to guess what the page name and just choose the first one cuz it's only gonna be one in the list click OK and that's it now choose the page you want to go to so if I want to go to France since I'm in a desktop I need to hold down ctrl click go takes me to France then you thinking Patrick how do I get back well now we just copying and pasting we're just copying and pasting to every page so I'm gonna use the the lasso selector here ctrl C go to Germany paste it it's gonna actually do you wanna sink don't sink it then go to France do the exact same thing don't sink it and now right I can choose United Kingdom hold down control click go and now I'm navigating through my pages in Germany it's navigate boom what this is bananas this is great and so now I'm minimizing my clicks I learned some clicks and I minimize my clicks what do you guys think are you using buttons for navigation thinking about replacing them with the new conditional nav let me know why do you have any challenges struggles questions let me know you know what to do let's continue the conversation we're in the comments below your first time visiting the guy in the cube channel hit that subscribe button like my video big thumbs up as always from Adam and myself thanks for watching see in the next video
Channel: Guy in a Cube
Views: 120,108
Rating: 4.964952 out of 5
Keywords: power bi, power bi conditional navigation, power bi dashboard, power bi desktop, power bi desktop tutorial, power bi desktop tutorial for beginners, power bi for beginners, power bi page navigation, power bi page navigation buttons, power bi pro, power bi reports, power bi training, power bi tutorial, power bi tutorial for beginners
Id: -kaUnBXvvGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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