Creating NORDIC Pokémon Gym Leaders! Gaurdians United

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the fearin saga continues as I'll be exploring all of the gym leaders found in the furin region as well as their various Pokemon teams which would vary depending on when in these conceptual games you choose to battle them as usual also give a little insight into my creative process involving their designs any Inspirations that inspired them as well as the real world Inspirations for the towns they reside in and some of the unique Pokemon found in the neighboring biomes I know this is the video a lot of you have been looking forward to the most so let's jump right into it and explore more of the firen region a Fantastical place with a variety of diverse and breathtaking Landscapes each housing magical Mighty creatures known as Pokemon wielded by Fierce Warriors known as Pokemon trainers over the next several videos on my YouTube channel I plan to take you on an epic adventure through my imagination as I'll fully explore the sagas of the fear region just as they would unfold in its conceptual games Pokemon brain and Pokemon Bronze introducing all of the characters you'd encounter on your journey and their Pokemon teams including some familiar faces from all over the Pokemon world but first you must select the starter Pokemon that will be accompanying you on your quest you have the grass cut Berry the fire pony fell logo and the bubble crab crabub so which of these three will be your secret weapon in the firen region I've been exploring the fearin region in an ongoing series here on my YouTube channel and on my Instagram page at michaelmon underscore regions commissioning a variety of talented artists to help bring all of my ideas and designs to life and take you on an exciting journey through my imagination in my own little corner of the Pokemon world inspired by Iceland and Norse mythology so if you enjoyed this video please make sure to hit that like button and if you'd like to learn even more about the fearon region for those of you who are new I highly recommend checking out some of my previous videos introducing all of the fear and regions Pokemon as many of which will be featured in this video on the various gym leader teams or in the various locations I explore at the very least I recommend watching my last two videos kicking off the fear and Saga as they really set the stage for the story and introduce its core cast to characters once again many of which will be popping up throughout this video while I've sprinkled a lot of these characters in some of my previous videos I cannot wait to finally be able to share all of them with you as well as their Pokemon teams as most of you know these games would be open world while still maintaining a fairly linear story structure as you witness particularly in my last video introducing the feud and members of the two rival teams team brain and team Braun given how much I jumped around the story and map in my last video to all of their various battles throughout the region outside a couple more remaining rival battles these teams won't be popping up as much in the next couple videos as I've already covered most of their roles in these games but those of you who watch that video will now know where and when they pop up on your journey and how that will all unfold as far as the gym leaders go you can face them in almost any order but they are tiered into three groups for story and balancing reasons mostly depending on where they're located on the map and how those locations play into the story being the early game the mid game and the late game tier each having at least one gym leader you must defeat in that tier the early game would be the start of your journey and the first two Gym Battles where they'd have lower levels smaller Pokemon teams Etc with rock type specialist Julia being the first gym leader you must battle as defeating her is your prerequisite to join your rival team the dragon type specialist Fantasia would be the mid-tier gym leader you must face meaning either your third fourth or fifth gym battle as both the Rival teams would try to hijack their fashion show at this point in the game to recruit new members leading to a bunch of family drama and Ragnar's big reveal to their brothers each being an admin of the Rival teams so this is another key moment in the story where's the last mandatory gym leader for the late game tier being the last three Gym Battles would be Steel type specialist sigrun as her gym is located right before the rainbow colored Victory Road inspired by the bifrost bridge leading to an Asgard inspired city where the fear and Pokemon League is located so due to her location on top of this Summit she would be the last gym leader you face and the most challenging please know with the exception of these three trainers that the order I go in within this video is not set in stone but this is the order I'd recommend facing them in for the best experience possible so let's jump back to Julia as I explained why you'd have to battle her in the last video but didn't get the chance to formally introduce her or her ravishing rock type Pokemon Julia's gym is located in my rock town a peaceful and picturesque seafront Town besides Saboteur Rock black sand beach it's sea Cavern and the surrounding Onyx Isles located off in the rough Arctic seas this town is inspired by the lovely picturesque town of Vic in South Iceland known for its beautiful fields of flowers and its black sand beaches which in the Faron region would be home to a variety of unique Pokemon especially of the water and You Guessed It Rock typing which is actually why I decided to make her the rock type gym leader as I tried to match all of the gym leader types to the types most commonly found in the areas around them and of course I also had to look at the Pokemon of each type found in the early game and most early game Gym Leaders usually have the Route 1 bug or bird and given that I needed her to have a forged form I needed a Pokemon that evolved early on and the root one bugs usually fully evolve really early at levels like 10 or 12. so I felt the route one bug diem off would be the perfect fit for her Ace because I needed to have a forge form and it would be able to access that Forge form right off the gate all of the gym leader teams are structured that way so their Ace Pokemon and Forge form weapons would be available at any point within the journey because them wielding their forged form weapons is a big part of the story and this adventure as Champion Odin has requested that the they all use Forge form weapons to help combat teams brain and Brawn in their plans to conquer the fearin region in fact they only really use these Forge form weapons against you or your rival because you are a member of these teams since the Ford 4 mechanic is still seen as barbaric by most people today so these Gym Leaders wouldn't just use these fourth form weapons against anyone but anyways back to Julia Julia is an experienced Pokemon trainer having refined her and her Exquisite rock type Pokemon's battling skills after Decades of training her warm personality shines bright like a diamond as she is the grandmother everyone wishes they had in fact I modeled her after my own beautiful grandmother who passed away years ago my Nani was absolutely beautiful inside and out having actually modeled back in the day and even in her later years she would always dress in extravagant clothing and jewelry it didn't matter where we would go we could go to McDonald's and she would still be fully dressed from head to toe makeup jewelry you name it and boy did she love her jewelry which I always thought could be rather gaudy I'm not gonna lie but she made it work and I wanted to translate some of that into Julia's design as I thought giving Julia a bunch of jewelry not only fit her occupation as a jeweler but her Rock typing in an organic way as well her Brown coloring is also a nod to her Rock typing and more particularly her Ace daimoth who her design obviously took inspiration from especially in the jewels found along or at the base of the dress which took inspiration not only from classic Icelandic or Nordic style dresses but a lot of the extravagant dresses I would see my Noni wearing as well Julie is not only a brilliant Pokemon trainer but was once a famous Pokemon coordinator as well dazzling audiences in Pokemon contests her time as a Pokemon coordinator and Pokemon contest in general will be explored more in the fearin Region's first DLC the Queen's Beauty as she will be appearing once again as a member of the League's contest committee you'll even get to meet her former rival who plays an antagonistic role in the story of that DLC and fun fact actually happened to be the normal type gym leader of the fearin region once upon a time before the young electric type twins joined the league but more on that in the future Julia's Charming rock type gym resembling the iconic Church in the town of Vic doubles as a world-renowned jewelry store which in her gym challenge you'd have to go counter to counter and polish and refine gems in a Mini-Game like fashion and failing to do so properly has you challenged by a trainer behind the counter using you guessed it rock type Pokemon here's some of the rock type Pokemon these gym Challengers would use now after completing the gym challenge Julia will compliment you saying you have a good eye and that you remind her of her grandchild but despite her warm Grandma energy since you are accompanied by the members of your respective team she has to assume you will become one of them and must treat you as she would any of them per Champion Odin's request meaning she is required to use a forge form in this battle and will do exactly that and given you will be wielding weapons she doesn't exactly want to be swinging them around within her jewelry store so this battle will actually take place on saboteurok black sand beach surrounded by its iconic and awe-inspiring Rock Spirals and basalt columns like those found in Iceland now as much as I'd like to get into all these Pokemon's movesets in this video it's really hard to do so because most of these leaders aren't faced in any specific order so their Pokemon's levels and therefore move sets would vary depending on where in the story you face them and speaking of which it wouldn't be like scarlet and violet where oh you can face them in any order but this gym Leader's Pokemons in the tens this one's in the 20s this one's in the 30s Etc no meaning their Pokemon's levels would adapt with the levels of their Pokemon being two to three levels higher than the highest level Pokemon in your team to make the battles more challenging so given their movesets would change with their levels that's just a lot for me to manage and it wouldn't be fair to reveal the move sets for certain gym leaders like Julia and not the others so I apologize for not doing so but please make sure to go check out my Instagram post at michaelmon underscore regions if you'd like to see any of these Pokemons stats abilities and full move sets all of that fun information that I'm sure would enrich your fear and experience can be found there Julia's Pokemon team consists of a core being to fit her Jeweler theme a toddler a minor Pokemon for my first Fakemon region the luika region found throughout the caves and grottos in the firen region and of course her Ace Pokemon dymoth inspired by Iceland's Diamondback moth species with literal diamonds incorporated into its concept and design this Pokemon would also double as her secret forge form weapon in the form of a beautiful bow that shoots magical Diamond arrows now I will get more into how the Ford 4 mechanic Works in an upcoming video but they will start like a normal battle things wouldn't really change until you or your opponent transform one of your Pokemon into its forged form weapon which like most mechanics you can do at any time or not at all Julia and all the gym leaders however will definitely be doing so in their battles so in order to level the playing field I recommend doing the same so after a Pokemon is transformed into a fortune Weapon by either trainer there is a short 60 second window where the battle is not your typical turn-based battle and you can freely run around the surrounding area and attack RPG style think Legends Arceus meets Kingdom Hearts so if you wield a forged form weapon this period of time can be used to help build your forge force gauge or deal some damage before making your normal turn-based moves but if your opponent let's say Julia has a 4-1 weapon in this time and you don't you basically need to spend this time dodging her attacks speaking of which as her dime off bow is a piercer type it has both close range attacks using the blade of her bow or even long distance attacks shooting off Diamond arrows so evading her attacks may prove to be challenging but you can hide behind larger rocks on the beach to give you some coverage from her long distance Arrow attacks after this 60 second free period is up both players use their previously selected turn-based moves and then select their moves for for the next turn which were selected before this period And then after this period they select their moves for the next turn and so on so forth so after you use these turn-based moves there's yet another 60 second free period to get some damage in and try to build your forge force gauge up as doing so either lets you use your powerful finisher move reinstate your Shields that work like raid bosses when first using your forged form or even switch out to another Forge form weapon in Your Arsenal after doing any of these the forge force gauge is depleted that is until you fill it up again which is done by dealing damage both in your turn-based attacks or in the RPG freestyle period it's also important to note that often times in these RPG style free periods mini bosses in the form of powerful wild Pokemon from the surrounding area will enter the battle for this free period either attacking you or your opponent so you can choose to evade them or spend your time defeating them which is yet another way to help build up your forge force gauge in fact this is the fastest way to do so as they are a lot easier to defeat within this limited time period for example here's some of the rock type mini boss Pokemon that you would encounter in this specific gym battle on the black sand beach against Julia like I said in this free period these mods are fairly easy to defeat as long as you dedicate yourself to doing so think heartless or nobodies or dream eaters and Kingdom Hearts being as that's one of my favorite video game series as well as the fact that it has such a family-friendly and cartoon style similar to Pokemon due to its inclusion of Disney characters that is always the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of the forge form battles after defeating Julia she will gift you the gem badge and tm-69 rock polish the accompanying team Grunts from your respective team who we're cheering you on are over the moon to witness your Victory as that means you will officially be welcomed into their team Julia impressed by your obvious bond with your Pokemon is disappointed to hear that you will be joining this team but says she made plenty of mistakes when she was your age and truly hopes you don't learn from this one the hard way as Julia is required to be the first gym leader in the story her team wouldn't have as many variations as most the others but I figured I'd at least show you her complete rematch team in the post game her final team would consist of glamora which would naturally have its toxic debris ability to set up toxic spikes Corbin virini and Crobat pow Bull and its powerful stacked form Treasurer and of course daimoth which would once again act as her signature Ford form weapon that she wields in this battle the theme of her team is beauty as I obviously wanted to use a lot of the new rock type Pokemon native to the fearin region but also sprinkled in rock type Pokemon that played up her whole Jeweler or gem theme such as glamora Carbink and Treasurer also before we move on I wanted to give a quick shout out to my good friend trainer match the phenomenally talented artist I commissioned to draw all of these characters and Forge form weapons I always have so much fun working with him we work great together so please do yourself a favor and make sure to go check out his and all the other amazing artists I commissioned to bring my ideas to Life's Fakemon projects as well the links to all of their Pages can be found in the description below so please go give them some love now let's move over to the rural town beside the loford farmlands where you met Elite Four member and ground type specialist Berner in my last video who is actually the son of the grass type specialist located in this town Burker as you can see the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree this town is inspired by a real farming community and town in Iceland home to the Icelandic Museum of witchcrafted sorcery which is why you'd find a lot of Ghost type mons here like the freonian fearow limbu or Kimora lines at the night time Kamara and its Evolution dream in are found hunting most of the towns and cities at night in the furin region but this is their favorite spot I actually almost made the gym leader here a ghost type specialist due to all the ghost types found in this location and its Museum but the region just had so many amazing and Powerful Ghost types and the Divine Pokemon at lodin being one of them I decided to make Champion Odin a ghost type specialist instead so they got the recognition they deserved but since it is a farming Community next to the Farmland I figured the grass typing would work just as well so now let's take a look at Berker the grass type specialist Berker is a farmer whose family has been in charge of running the loford farmlands for centuries since the region was known as the cedar region and these fields were first fertilized and used by Voyage Clan Farmers such as Oliver Berker is a jolly man with a big heart he loves both nature and Pokemon spending most of his time outside tending to the lowford farmlands alongside the wild Pokemon that reside there he enjoys getting his hands dirty especially in battle with his mighty grass type Pokemon which make the most of their surroundings yes I did take some slight inspiration from Hagrid for this character's design at least in the jacket mostly as I wanted him to look jolly and like a man of the land but his main inspiration is actually from yet another important person in my personal life who was a vital part of my upbringing and still is a close family friend so a lot of his character traits as well as his appearance were inspired by him and I also added things to his outfit to make him look more like a farmer such as overalls with the design down to his dark green hair consisting of earthy colors to reference his use of grass types and I also wanted to make his hair and beard look kind of bush-like Burger's gym challenge takes place inside his Pokemon gym and barn collecting and stacking barrels of hay with the gym Challengers inside being farmhands using grass types such as these after completing the gym challenge you'd battle Burker out in the fields of the loford farmlands just as you did his son burner earlier on now Burger doesn't have to be faced in any order so here are the various Pokemon teams he'd use depending on when you battle him throughout the game his team consists mostly of native grass types as well as farmed themed Pokemon such as gogot of course each team would use his Ace Pokemon egg dress soil which is based on igdrassel the world tree from Norse mythology although it's a third stage Evolution it's accessed through trade Evolution so him having it earlier on makes sense igra soil transforms into a formidable forage form a massive Hammer of the wrecker type which he will wield in this battle each Forge form weapon class has its own play style and perks both in the freestyle and turn-based sections of battles record type weapons for example move the slowest In freestyle sections but they also pack the most punch doing the most amount of damage so you can really leave a mark before even selecting your move wrecker attacks also cannot be blocked in these sections unless your opponent is wielding a Defender type however blocking does at least lessen the damage dealt if you're not wielding a Defender weapon so after he starts using his 4-1 weapon make sure to keep your distance and Dodge him as much as possible because his attacks will leave a nasty Mark he can also take a hit thanks to his extra soils honed HP and defense stats after transforming into its Forge form because after wielding a forged form weapon the trainer basically has the enhanced stats of that Pokemon they are wielding including their HP and speed the farmlands you are battling on has plenty of Hills which he is slow to move on with his massive Hammer so make sure to make the most of these and stay on top as much as you can I'd also recommend maybe using piercer type forged forms as they have long distance attacks which you can really utilize from at top of these Hills but if not I recommend spending these freestyle sections just evading him and defeating the mini bosses to help build up your forge force gauge the mini bosses you'd face in the freestyle sections of this battle after either of you pull out a forged form would be Trevenant and troglogger if you couldn't tell for all the mini boss Pokemon I pick for these sections they're always fully evolved Pokemon most of which looking bigger are a little more monstrous or human-like so it's never as if you're attacking a cute little Pokemon or animal with your Forge form in fact in the wild any smaller Pokemon you attempt to attack with your weapon will automatically flee but I don't see attacking a Pokemon with the forge form any different than a Cleaver or tinkerton attacking a Jigglypuff to be honest as plenty of Pokemon already use lethal weapons or have them as part of their Anatomy yet there's no Bloodshed in these Pokemon battles and it's not gruesome we all just suspend disbelief and this would be no different than that after defeating Berker he will laugh it off saying he must be out of shape to have lost to a kid like you but says you have earned your Victory fair and square and that you and your Pokemon should be rewarded for your hard work as he gives you the root badge modeled after the north symbol for the world tree and tm-61 bullet seed he then says he should probably get back to work but thanks you for the fun battle and tells you and the team grunchy we're cheering you on to stay out of trouble and that small community is like his own don't want to be involved in either team's drama next I'm going to jump over to the dragon type specialist Fantasia in the Region's Capital City once again inspired by Iceland's capital city I already went into the circumstances and what led up to this battle in my last video as it involved family drama with both of Ragnar's older brothers each being a team admin for the Rival teams for those of you who are new Ragnar's a non-binary character and one of the main characters within the story of the firen region as they were inspired by a friend of mine growing up who was unapologetically themselves despite all the hate they received and in doing so encouraged me to be myself actually I took some inspiration from a few friends who had this kind of positive impact on my life and shared these strong courageous traits but as a lot of you already know there is a lot more to the character of Ragnar than meets the eye Ragnar Moonlight as drag queen Fantasia the dragon type gym leader of the fearin region whose Pokemon gym doubles as a Runway with fashion just as Fierce as the Gym's Dragon type Pokemon although outside of this Persona Ragnar lacks the confidence to really Pokemon battle as themselves but while in the Fantasia Persona is not only confident but an eloquent battler proudly wielding dracion's Forge form sword as their Ace weapon Fantasia's design was inspired by various drag queens primarily an armored dress made famous by drag queen Simone who my friend Ali introduced me to Fantasia features the same color scheme as Ragnar with a nice kiss of gold added into the armor and now the rainbow colors on the Blazer are more prominently featured along the bottom of this beautiful dress referencing the dazzling Northern Lights I thought having a drag queen as a dragon type gym leader was too good of an opportunity to pass up especially for an Icelandic inspired region as the lgbtq plus Community is actually heavily supported both in Iceland and even Norway as same-sex relationships were decriminalized over 50 years ago far ahead of their time so I not only know firsthand just how important representation in franchises like Pokemon can be for many but given what a vital and beautiful part of Iceland's culture this really is I wanted to reflect that in the firen region but as for your gym challenge it is a mini game judging the outfits in theforementioned runway fashion show that you stop team's brain and Brawn from crashing as the runway models which challenge you to a Pokemon battle using their dazzling Dragon type Pokemon in order to impress you after completing this challenge Fantasia will step onto the stage and is here on this Runway where you'll have your battle with a live audience cheering you both on Fantasia happened to be battled in the mid-tier only has this one team consisting of Dragon type Pokemon I felt fit their theme of beauty and confidence including the race Pokemon the dragon type Eeveelution the dazzling drekion making the most of its multi-scale hidden ability and new move Miracle scale allowing it to heal after dealing damage drekion also has a forged form weapon Fantasia will wield in style being a shimmering sword of the slasher type slasher types may not deal a lot of damage in freestyle but since they are the most Swift of the weapons and perform the most combos in their attacks the damage can add up so Fantasia will slowly be slashing away at your health even in heels with the dragon type mini bosses entering this battle being Dragonite and Goodra so make sure to defeat them in order to fill up your forge force gauge and end this battle as quickly as possible after defeating Fantasia you will be gifted the miracle scale TM and colorful scale badge Fantasia once again will thank you for all that you've done for them and giving them the courage to reveal their true identity as Ragnar to their big brothers however this touching moment will end with them once again insulting your outfit followed by a good laugh between the two of you here is Fantasia's rematch team which is unique as they will not only be the only gym leader to use a new Forge form weapon in this rematch battle as they will now use the Region's ice type pseudo legendary yotundra's ice hammer to deal massive chunks of damage in the freestyle section but they also feature a new ferranean Pokemon on their team iridessial not yet obtainable in the main games and won't be until the Region's second DLC but given how much this mon fit Fantasia's team and themes I had to include it and I always think it's cool when DLC or future content is teased and I mean realistically who's to say Ragnar or no one else you'd encounter in your journey hasn't been to any of these new locations and encountered some of these Pokemon found there such as iridescial just because you haven't doesn't mean no one else has so expect to learn more about iridesciel in The King's Bounty DLC video anyways let's move on over to the closest gym found within this charming Hillside Town inspired by a real town in Iceland known for its Turf homes said to be which were said to inspire The Hobbit homes in The Lord of the Rings series as these homes are literally built into the hills and look like something out of a fantasy novel this Icelandic Town also believes in elves are huddle folk rather meaning hidden people leaving them gifts are hoping that they will reward them or come out so this is a location you'd find the Elfie line inspired by these invisible beings and plenty of other magical fairy psychic and grass type Pokemon and even more in the neighboring rainbow Woodlands an enchanting forest with multi-colored trees you'd actually encounter Ludwig here as he threatens you as he sees you as team brain or team bronze scum a plague to the region saying not to DARE approach his gym unless you are prepared to be handed a humiliating defeat Ludwig is quite a strong personality or should I say Lord Ludwig as he's fear and royalty something that he won't let anyone else let down as he comes across as a total snob looking down on those he feels are beneath him which is almost everyone but especially the members of Team brain and team Braun as he views them as delinquents so naturally being a member of one of these respective teams he isn't a fan of you or your rival Ludwick is a skilled Pokemon trainer and Forge form fighter whose every move is executed with perfect Precision he doesn't waste a single movement or second in battle he's also able to counter almost any attack with ease using his Ace hudelf folks magical Forge form Scythe Ludwig's design is actually not at all inspired by legless from Lord of the Rings which I know a lot of you in the past have assumed but I can totally see why you would think that instead I based him on several Elf or fairy Warriors or Kings I've seen throughout various other media and as far as his design goes I wanted him to have elf like ears and long Regal pink hair to reference his use of fairy types I also think it's important to note that Ludwig is very flamboyant with his personality being inspired by the character of ziegfried in Yu-Gi-Oh who used a valkyrie themed deck which is why I made the connection to the firen region and its Norse themes so any of you who watch Yu-Gi-Oh that's kind of how you could expect him to act Ludwig's gym challenge would be to find several invisible Elfie throughout the village and avoid being spotted by Gym Challengers with their own fairy type pokemon he would have to battle otherwise after finding all 25 Elfie you will be able to battle Ludwick right within the grassy Hills of the town as he wants a live audience to humiliate you in front of as he promised back in the rainbow Woodlands he'd be using the following Pokemon teams depending on when you face him on your journey due to the central location of his town you could literally face him at almost any point in the game but the later you wait the harder the battle would become as he has some really cool Pokemon I'm especially drawn to the Pokemon in his later teams especially his rematch team Ludwig's fairy type team is inspired by magical creatures such as elves goblins witches and fairies if you're wondering why he doesn't have a whole lot of new fairy types native to the firen region on his team that's only because they are either prominently featured on another main character's team or more importantly they don't fit the magical fairy tale-esque theme of his team but there are plenty of examples of this in the real Pokemon games where the gym leader only uses a new native Pokemon but the fact that his Ace and Forge form weapon are a new Pokemon is what I think matters most Ludwig's signature Forge form used in this battle would be a scythe of theirforementioned Ace Pokemon hudeau folk this Scythe deals Swift attacks in quick succession as most slasher types do 2 and Ludwig himself is also quite fast so you'll either have to go on the defensive and make sure to strike first or create some distance off the bat otherwise you won't have much time to recover let alone attack him as his attacks are just Relentless here are the fairy type mini bosses you'd encounter in this battle and unless you really want to fill your forge force cage I recommend avoiding them altogether as you're already gonna have a hard enough time evading all of Ludwig's Swift and Relentless attacks so if you take the time to attack one of them you're just going to be leaving yourself wide open because he does not battle any of these mini bosses like some of the previous Gym Leaders do he just goes straight for you and keeps on hacking however if you do manage to defeat Ludwig you are gifted the Fable badge and tm-23 enchantment a new move I created in the luika region that is essentially a Fairy Type fire blast that can cause infatuation I also wanted to point out that like most of the fear and gym badges the Fable badge is actually modeled after a viking symbol known as the troll cross with magical Origins and meant to represent protection Ludwig is obviously not pleased with his defeat and only rewards you with these out of obligation as there is a large audience watching but make no mistake he still cannot stand your guts the next Pokemon gym I'd like to cover is a dark and Dusty Town located right underneath the Region's active volcano inspired by a real town in Iceland by one of its many active volcanoes that I instantly fell in love with this town's proximity to fire salt mountains active volcano and its Fierce fire type Pokemon as well as the beautiful nearby lava fields and lava Caverns like those in Iceland make this town a real tourist destination as a result it features a variety of the Region's finest restaurants including fire type Specialists Kohl's world famous restaurant which doubles as his Pokemon gym offering a unique culinary experience as all the food is prepared and cooked right in front of you on volcanic rocks using fire type Pokemon this restaurant was dedicated to and inspired by the cooking styles of Cole's ancestor who was once the head chef for the ancient Voyage Clan back at the time of the cedar region agot as for Cole he is a world-renowned chef as it clearly runs in the family as his family has said to have started some of the Region's earliest restaurant a trend that has continued for centuries to come he personally has even opened up several more worldwide he has a fiery passion for cooking and Pokemon battling so having this fire type gym function as both is a dream come true to him he considers Khufu from the paudia region to be his rival as they trained in the same culinary school but he gets infuriated anytime anyone even mentions khufu's name so I don't recommend doing so in fact he often explodes at his kitchen staff with heated outbursts over the smallest mishaps this is only because he is a perfectionist and total workaholic devoted to his crafts with very little free time outside of work so some of that stress builds up and is often released upon his employees however they all have nothing but the greatest respect for him as they know just how much he puts into everything he does and outside the heat of the kitchen are the dinner rush he's quite a nice guy Cole is inspired Loosely by world famous chef Gordon Ramsay as well as someone very near and dear to me with some slight tweaks like his fiery red hair and beard his name being an Icelandic name that sounds like coal as in the coal you burn and it also happens to be the name of a popular Icelandic restaurant which I thought couldn't be more fitting being a chef he's of course wearing a chef's coat lined with the restaurant's logo and Blaze badge symbol along the bottom of the same one featured on the bottom of his ancestor at God's team Voyage apron which I thought would be a nice callback and the colors are pulled straight from his Ace Pokemon and sous chef fire water type blob stew who helps him both in the kitchen and on the battlefield with its scorching hot attacks and of course even acts as his Forge form weapon while coal respects Champion Odin enough to follow his requests and use a forged form weapon he seems unfazed by the whole feud between team brain and Brawn and that's because he's already got enough on his plate running his restaurant and gym which he already puts all of his free time into so he just wants to get this battle over with as soon as possible and to save time he puts you right to work as his gym challenge would take place in his restaurant as you participate in a timed minigame preparing and cooking food alongside fire type Pokemon to be served to guests if the guest doesn't like the meal you've served them they will challenge you to a Pokemon battle using one of the following fire type Pokemon so if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen after successfully helping Cole and the rest of his culinary team cook and serve all the patrons who leave immediately afterwards he proceeds to thank you and says he's quite impressed especially by someone from Team brain or team Braun and that maybe you're not all as bad as Champion Odin thinks after all he then says he feels he owes you a full out battle asking you to meet him at a Fire arena on fire short Mountain's active volcano now this battle would be a challenge because like the volcano area in Pokemon Legends Arceus against kosui and Arcanine you'd have limited space in the freestyle sections of this battle as you can't touch the lava but unlike Legends Arceus you can actually fall into the lava which would cause you to lose the battle immediately so stay vigilant as his main motive in the freestyle sections of this battle would be to knock you into the lava as he would come at you swing his lobsters Forge for Max trying to knock you in you'd also have to contend with many bosses in the form of fire type ceruledge and armor Rouge so avoiding falling into the magma of this volcanic environment will be your biggest challenge in this battle actually I would recommend using a Defender type Forge form a shield as while you're wielding one you take no damage without even having to block unless dealt by a record type weapon of course which pole is not wielding so you are safe and if you do use the block mechanic and time it perfectly with an enemy attack while wielding a fender type weapon you can actually deal damage back to that opponent now let's take a look at Cole's team once again depending on when you battle him in the game consisting of the following fire type Pokemon I of course wanted to feature a lot of the Region's native fire types like the flam and roaster lines as well as his Zelda in the rematches but the main theme was to have Pokemon I felt could be eaten or that are commonly eaten in Iceland such as flam as lamb is the most commonly eaten dish in Iceland roaster as well chicken mag cargo like s-cargo and of course his a-slops too as Lobster is a delicacy worldwide but Seafood is huge in Iceland as well sko villain is also Chili Pepper which could be used to cook food and his selder is kind of the one exception even though I know horse is eaten all over the world um I think that's a little dark thankfully Iceland isn't one of these places and yes this theme overall is a little dark but we already know that they eat Pokemon in the Pokemon Universe that's been confirmed and it's not like he'd actually be eating his Pokemon it was just a fun theme I tried to use to determine the Pokemon he'd use after defeating Cole he will gift you the blaze badge and tm50 overheat saying you continue to impress him and that someone as gifted as you shouldn't waste their talents telling you to pursue your own passions not those of others and that he thinks you are above all the nonsense as like most people in the region he's unaware of what's really at stake in this turf war between the Divine Pokemon in fact most people don't even know the Divine Pokemon are involved now I want to swing over to the electric type gym found in a futuristic and high-tech City with large bridges connecting the two sides between this gorgeous Canyon inspired by many of the famous Canyons found in Iceland and I added some fantasy elements to this location with the futuristic city as I like to add at least one fantasy location to all of my regions to make it clear that they are fictional places as Pokemon often does the same with its own locations at the base of this Canyon you'd find a wide variety of Pokemon but the majority of the electric types in the region can actually be found in the neighboring area known as the galvanized Garden an electric field of flowers swarming with electric type Pokemon such as Duo vest plug and Sproutlet who share an electrical charge instead of pollen the electric type Pokemon here create enough electricity to power the entire fearin region this electrical outlet of course being harnessed and distributed within the city which makes the most of this natural power source it is here you will battle electric type gym leaders twins mini and Magnus Loosely inspired by Thor's children magni and Maddie from Norse mythology hence the electric typing and their names also represent minimum and maximum mini and Magnus run an electric type gym focused on double battles these two don't often see their parents as they're usually busy elsewhere you may know their mother who is currently a gym leader in another region while their father Thor hasn't exactly been there for them as he's the leader of Team Braun and too busy with the feud going on between the two teams to give his children any attention so needless to say they are not fond of either team brain or Brawn including you no stranger to neglect they became professional Gamers and Gym Leaders following in their mother's footsteps they are always up for a challenge looking to level up together and alongside their Pokemon as their gym is a virtual arcade Minnie is deaf hence the hearing aid and her brother Magnus is her translator in and out of battle that's why they usually tag battle so she can communicate with her Pokemon easier with her brother's assistance as I mentioned earlier I really wanted to represent people with disabilities within the fearin region as they are often overlooked in media and franchises such as Pokemon as important as I know representation is I would never Force something like this on a character just for the sake of representation so I only do so if I can find a way to naturally tie their disabilities into their character they're given Pokemon type or given role within the story as I want these characters to be seen as far more than their disabilities and more importantly to have them overcome these disabilities as many do and make them their strengths as for their designs I wanted them both to look young their clothing looks very modern and almost futuristic to help convey this and their Gym's cyberpunk theme Mini in blue and Magnuson red to parallel the colors of the sides of a battery the two twins have blonde hair with black sides to resemble their mother and lightning bolts sticking out resembling their father's hairstyle their gym challenge is a series of mini games in the form of retro Pokemon inspired arcade games anytime you beat one of the mini games you'll be challenged by a gym Challenger who can't believe you beat their top score so in order to settle the score they challenge you to a Pokemon battle using some of the following electric type Pokemon the battle against the twins is obviously a double battle so you'd have two Pokemon at your disposal here are the Pokemon they would each use at the various stages in the games the two twins work really well together using electric type Pokemon which I felt fit the Gym's cybernetic theme as well as the relationship with one another as they're pretty much each other's best friends and all they have with their parents being so absent Minnie's Pokemon being more defensive and magnus's Pokemon being more offensive together they flawlessly execute a variety of combo attacks and complex strategies this can be applied to the freestyle section wielding their Forge forms as well as many uses her flow watch Shield to defend Magnus as he goes on the offensive with his shocking with spark Spear and they even have a Charged Up attack act where they connect their weapons so if you see them doing this try to stop them immediately otherwise you will take some serious damage now since it's two versus one in this freestyle and they each have a forged form you'd actually be able to wield two Forge forms in this battle as I'll go into this in future videos and I've mentioned this briefly before that you can actually dual wield certain forged forms but only in double battles for this reason to even a playing field and since you are facing two of them there would only be one mini boss Pokemon spawning in the free section style of this battle in the form of savotek but this Pokemon is vicious and fast so between the three of them you will have your hands full they are also sneaky little buggers and often try to charge their electrical type attack I was telling you about while you're focused on facing the salvataic mini boss so this is actually the one battle I suggest to avoid battling the mini boss altogether and not worry about filling your forge force gauge as it could cost you after defeating them in battle the twins will gift you the circuit badge and TM volt switch the circuit badge is inspired by the north symbol the Thunder cross with some slight tweaks to make it look more like an electrical circuit and less like a swastika now let's head over to this beautiful Seaside Town inspired by the iconic town of hussevik in Iceland here you can explore some of the open ocean and various Islands go whale lord watching and find a wide variety of other water type Pokemon those of you who watched my last video know this is where the Rival team's Base is located so this is where you'd have your final headquarter battles that you have against most evil teams in Pokemon games as for the water type gym leader in this location her name is Maria and she's actually from my upcoming third region I'm currently working on inspired by Brazil so she's Brazilian as for her personality her moods change with the tides as she struggles to communicate and control her emotions which can be as deep or as unpredictable as the ocean as a result she has trouble making friends and likes to spend most of her time alone with her water type Pokemon out at Sea as it has always brought her Comfort yes if you didn't pick up on this already she is on the Spectrum she moved to the firen region seeking isolation from the family pressure she faced back home in the the tropical and energetic zoning region she's never felt more at home than she does within the peaceful Bayside town of whose sail known for its beautiful boat and expert fisherman her design is based on Arctic fishing gear or clothing as she does spend most of her time out on the firen's rough Arctic seas but this outfit and design includes cool oceanist colors but dulled down a bit with most of them being Grays and blues to reflect her struggles with her mental health as I mentioned earlier I really wanted to represent those with disabilities in this region and Maria represents mental health issues as that's something I personally struggle with and as I mentioned earlier she is also autistic and I'm sure you don't need me to point this out but um her wavy blue hair is meant to resemble waves Maria's gym challenge will take place out on a fishing boat far out in the bay as you'll be expected to reel in a certain number of cascad before battling her however there will be other fishers on the boat with you to battle using the following Pokemon so finding that perfect spot to make that catch may prove to be a challenge after complete the challenge she'd tell you of the pressures and abuse she faced from her famous family back in the Zoni region as she felt she couldn't live up to their high expectations you're the first person she's opened up to like this in ages after this Heart to Heart you'd sail back to Shore and have a Seaside battle at the Docks here are the following Pokemon she'd use depending on when you'd face her and her ferocious catlantic who is her Triton Forge form and doubles as her secret weapon her team has an ocean theme as all of them are based on creatures you'd find out at Sea and of course here's her rematch team as well which like the fire and grass leader would include the water starter vitecrab on it as well in the freestyle portions of this battle she likes to keep her distance and wait for you to strike unless she sees the perfect window of opportunity as the mini bosses here are palafin hero form and jothful Nemesis form so you'd have a lot to contend with she almost lets them do her dirty work waiting for you to be vulnerable before striking however if attacks she will fight back with the fury using her trident's pointed attacks and as a piercer type don't forget she can throw it with long distance attacks at her disposal as well after defeating Maria she will give you the TM Riptide which is a new special move that works like dragon tail switching out the target's Pokemon she also gives you the nautical badge she once again thanks you for allowing her to open up to you and says thanks to you she now plans to take a trip back to the zone region to confront her family so yes you will be seeing more of Maria and her story arc and even meet her family in the zone region before your last gym battle there are a few major story beats such as an emotional final battle against your mother as well as your rival in the ice cave which was currently blocked off but I will go more into these battles in my next video as this video is meant to focus on the gym leaders and the next one goes over the conclusion of the main story of brain and brawn last but certainly not least we have the battle against Steel type specialist sigrun whose Pokemon gym is located in the Fantastical City on top of the summit you'd reach after getting through the ice cave sigrun once again would have to be faced last due to her City's location by the bifrost bridge inspired Victory Road leading to an asgard-inspired Fury League she's also the strongest gym leader in the firen region and as far as her and Champion Odin are concerned she's the last line of defense against you and your respective team before reaching the firen league so she can't afford to fail her gym challenge is simple in a series of dungeons within her castle you must battle a bunch of armored trainers using Steel type Pokemon consecutively without being able to heal before finally facing her so it will be a real test of you and your Pokemon's strength sigrun is just as Brave as she is beautiful tough as Nails she's willing to jump headfirst into battle with her Pokemon and forged form weapon at any time she believes the best offense is a good defense using her sturdy steel types to wear out her foes striking them down when they're most vulnerable which is exactly what she would do in the freestyle sections of this battle given she is wielding a Defender type weapon in the form of fridgele of Shield attacks from head-on won't do any damage and she doesn't even have to block but if she does counter with the block she can deal some Hefty damage back so if you're gonna try to attack her it's best to try to attack her from behind but this may prove to be challenging with mini boss Pokemon Agron and ajis to contend with here is her Pokemon team consisting of Steel type Pokemon with an armor or weapon themed to reference the fact that she is a fierce Warrior and of course here's her impressive rematch team defeating sigrun and her impenetrable steel types earns you the Armor badge NTM iron Edge which is a new move I created for my first Fakemon region the luika region the armor badge is once again inspired by a Norse and Viking symbol two actually both the not Shield combined with the outline of a Viking or Valkyrie Shield as much like her Ace Pokemon sigrun is clearly inspired by Valkyries with long flowing blonde hair and a strong physique she is really hard on herself after failing to stop you at the same time she's genuinely impressed with your strength having been able to defeat her and wishes you the best of luck in your endeavors saying you'll need it against the elite 4 and Champion Odin which by the way will be the focus of my next video as I wrap up the main story of the firen region and its epic conclusion anyways that's it for this video I hope you enjoyed it I'm dying to know which your favorite fear and gym leader was or which gym leader had your favorite Pokemon team my personal favorite gym leader is Cole and my personal favorite firing team would have to probably be Rune anyways let me know which your favorite is down below in the comments if you enjoyed the video please make sure to hit that like button and most importantly please make sure to subscribe to my channel to keep up with more content and please make sure to go follow and support all of the incredible artists I commissioned to make this video possible all of their names and pages will be linked in the bio below many of which have their own amazing Fakemon regions such as trainer mats once again the real MVP of this video as he did all the trainer artworks so please go give him all of your love thank you so much for watching and take care [Music]
Channel: Mykel Ryan
Views: 43,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fakemon, fakemon region, fakemon Pokedex, Fyrun region, nordicpokemon, pokemon, pokemon region, pokemon fan game, Mykel Ryan, Mykemon Regions, gym leaders, Iceland
Id: QZuVFj9lN9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 43sec (2983 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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