I Became The Best Fire Type Gym Leader In Pokemon This Gym Of Mine! (Fangame)

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in today's video I'm going to become the greatest fire type gym winner of all time let me introduce you to Pokemon this gym of mine an incredible fan game where you're giving your own gym to defend this game has Pokemon from Generation 1 through 8 custom Regional variants an amazing story that I can't wait to show you and much much more but before that hit the Subscribe button for more Pokemon content we begin in a dark room filled with crystals mashing every type of the game even fairy types after checking them all out I decided to become a fire type gym leader we're given three choices for a starter but I decided to pick growl because Arcanine is my favorite Pokemon after choosing our starter we arrive at the dock of new day plane and are greeted by an old man he introduces himself as the mayor and welcomes us as the new gym leader he goes on to tell us that we can't do worse than the last generator who mysteriously left and worse than that Gang has been harassing the city I've decided to quickly make my way to the gym and waiting for us as the mayor again he shows me to my new house and inside we find a box containing the TM flamethrower which will become our signature move I'll give it out to anyone who's able to defeat me I decided I need to make a good impression so I leveled up Siff to level 10. after a little grinding I made my way to the city hall where gang member was harassing the public apparently he didn't like my staring so we decided to battle and I easily beat his pushiana and scratch after I beat the punk in a battle he and the crowd left so I decided to talk to the mayor again he goes on to tell me the basics of being a gym leader and explains that I can only use fire types with the exception of two Pokemon as long as those two Pokemon can learn my signature move flamethrower he then tells me that I can lose my generator status if I lose too many battles and I can also lose it if my reputation with the town Falls too low lastly he tells me I can use my earnings to build buildings and increase the town's wealth and popularity after running the basics I decided to head home and I checked my mailbox it seems I have a few applications for a gym manager I decided to hire Jim girl because it seems likely to attract stronger trainers well it's been a big day so I'm gonna head to sleep now after waking up I headed straight to the gym I'm introduced to the previous gym trainers and after the mayor leaves their attitude changes it seems I'll have to earn their respect after the last gym leader abandoned them and finally I was informed only a Party of Three to officially open the gym which is news to me because I only have my fire pup so I set out in search of fire types I found this strange cave with a karate master waiting outside and he told me I will receive a reward if I can solve all the puzzles in the cave so I did each puzzle was fairly simple but it still felt satisfying to answer all the questions after answering the last puzzle I noticed the doorway opened and once I went through I found a hidden house with a woman inside of it she asked me to pick a number between one and eight and I chose a one she then asked me what I found most cozy and I said a nice warm fire lucky for me I picked right because the lady gave me a Charmander who knows a wild charge I also went back and talked to the karate master and he agreed to become one of my gym trainers after receiving Charmander I decided to sit out in search of our third member on the way I'd encountered this awesome Regional variant of Aeron and Conifer later I then made my way to craggy pass and that's where I found my third party member this awesome Regional form of Steelix I later found out this had a two percent spawn rate now that I have my team assembled it's time I kill every bug type I can find I leveled up my entire team to level 16 and involved Charmander and Charmeleon I don't plan on giving out a single badge after beefing the team up I headed to my gym and finally opened it to Challengers our first Challenger was alas Ellen who got humbled real quick by a few flamethrowers but next up is Rocco Ricky he set on a Voltorb and a Zubat but Sif something flying it also seems that Ricky blew out his eardrums in the battle because he won't stop screaming after that crap shoot of a battle an actual scientist challenged me he only brought one Pokemon but it's Aaron and it's a cool dragon steel version of them but lucky for me Orient was able to finish him off with a dragon breath our last Challenger was picnicker whiz who what if we didn't level up her Pokemon at all she showed up to the gym with all twos and threes she obviously did not win after embarrassing that little girl I closed the gym for the day and headed to the break room to mingle with my trainers but only our gym girl was there asking me about a guy named Arthur well with our day complete I decided to head to bed feeling pretty accomplished knowing I just took my first step towards greatness before defending the gym I wanted to explore more so I headed back to cracky pass battling my way through Traders until I stumbled upon the cast iron Cavern and even deeper inside I found the molten steel pit which is full of fire types I caught a Slugma roly Coley and a Larvitar I wouldn't get too attached to these guys though after climbing through the molten pit I made my way through the rest of the cavern and it brought me to a place called The Badlands immediately rough red eraser tried to kick me out so he battled he sent out a level 20 Mighty Anna who nearly took out my team but thankfully Siff was able to finish him off the flame wheel after nearly losing to that biker nerd I decided to head back to work and defend my gym my first founder was a little kid who borrowed his sister's Pokemon and the rest were pretty uneventful I ended today undefeated after heading to bed someone woke me up knocking at my door it turned out the mayor wanted to speak with me again so I made my way to him oh night I'm so glad you could meet me here it seems you've already caused quite the buzz in town not many will admit it but you've made quite the mark are you sure about that Elizabeth what brings you here you know exactly why you think I'll let another gym leader Waltz in here and not test them especially after the last one the strange girl then challenged me to a battle in front of the gym so I decided it was my duty to win lucky for me I grabbed up my Pokemon and made a quick work this battle only have to use Sif it seems my battle skills convinced her and Elizabeth went on her way I spent the next few days hiring gym trainers and defending the gym and I was able to continue the days without giving out a single badge so far I eventually decided to head back to the Badlands I battled my way through all the Rough Riders in the area I eventually stumbled upon their secret base which was blocked by a clever member who wouldn't battle me and decided to block my entry for now after exploring more I discovered a place called transition cave once I made my way through it it warped me to some strange reality with a green man and a land full of trade Evolutions I heard sit down at Gengar until I realized they can't learn flamethrower after all that I made my way back to town and spent my Loot on a new building to increase the town's wealth and more importantly my daily paycheck after exploring more I stumbled Upon A Dragon's Den where I found a dreepy who will hopefully join the team one day and after that I defended the gym once more still going undefeated after the day was over I talked to my gym trainers and they asked me to train with them after that we called it a night I met with mayor Dalton one more time and he congratulated me on my impressive pace and informed me that the Pokemon League has increased my rank making me the second gym leader but right before I could celebrate Three Rough Riders showed up and challenged me to a battle Oregon takes out a Sandshrew but falls to the criminal's Heracross I then send out Sith who's able to finish off his last two Pokemon with flamethrower after they left the mayor told me about the new District that just finished being built so I decided to check it out there's a ton more space for buildings a shopping center with any item I'll ever need in a place called starter Park but it's not open yet I've also been on four of my rank increased level 2 much more powerful trainers will come to challenge the gym so with that knowledge I decided to grind up my team to Level 36 because I'm not giving out any badges after grinding against Blissey I evolved Charmeleon in the Charizard and bought a firestone and finally evolved my starter into the mighty Arcanine with the team powered up up I finally opened the gym once again and this time face much stronger opponents first up is rocker Ricky this time it seems he evolved as Voltorb but unfortunately for him it decided to self-destruct against a rock type he then sends out as crowbat which aurea easily takes out with a rock slide our next Challenger was an old man who only said this when gym badge please I don't know why I found this hilarious but I did I kind of feel bad but I can't go easy on him so I one shot his dragoner and Goomy with a Rock Sled an Orient completes the sweep taking on his fulletta the old man tries to buy the badge but I send him on his way the rest of the battles were uneventful so I decided to talk to my staff and give them some much needed training I went to bed again and started the New Day by checking my mailbox it seems I got a few hard skills and even hired some more trainers after that I donated super potions to the poor people and bought another building now it's time to get back to the Grind a few days pass and I defeated my gym staying undefeated one night I woke up to suspicious knocking and with the check I woke up in a dark cave and it turns out the Rough Riders kidnapped me they kept me prisoner for days only feeding me one berries lots and lots of one berries I guess they forgot to take my pokeballs because I have my full team so I started battling I ended up getting in every Outlaws but one by one until I reached the exit after making my way out I decided that wasn't enough I even battled an innocent guy named Paul who claimed to be the strongest trainer in the area I was somehow able to beat his level 70 Tyranitar by spinning curse and finishing it with arcanine's flamethrower after escaping in my slight detour I made my way back and encountered the mayor and my gym girl who went looking for me the gang's leader Edgar even showed up claiming he had nothing to do with this and promised to punish whoever planned my kidnapping he then challenged me to a race to soothe and whatever the town first I guess Tales of my Escape reached the public because my dream would have rank him increased level 3 which means I had to have a full team of six when defending my gym the next morning I woke up to a call from Edgar who challenged me to a battle to see who should really run things around here he asked me to keep this just between us so I did I decided to handle this like a true gym leader but before I do that I need to train up some War members so I could have a true team I granted up the awesome looking Dragon steel Aeron eventually evolving it into Aggron I made my way to starter Park and grabbed the Tepig and evolved it in the inboard I also grabbed a random Magneton just in case he had some water types I then made my way back through the battlelands this time heading straight for Edgar finally took you long enough tell me did you chat with that mayor of yours doesn't matter he probably would have found out one way or another he's nosy like that I'm tired of all this and I'm sure you are too I've trained under the best and was taught how to teach Pokemon moves they can't normally learn one round Winner Takes all if I win you give up the town and if you win we'll keep our hands off the town sound good then we have no reason to hesitate and with that our most important battle so far began Edgar weeds with Agron and I lived with Sif to lower his attack and then search the Orient to set up stealth rocks I switch again to embor who takes a massive head Smash and almost takes everyone out with a hammer arm satellite for Mickey heal stalls and then takes empor out with a dragon ball I send sifin again and hit with a flamethrower Edgar heals one more time but lucky for me he's all out and Sif finishes off with another flamethrower Edgar then sends him his tyranitor and I switch to Godzilla and take it out with two iron Heads next comes his Garchomp who finishes my Agron off with dragon call I decided to send an Orient and take it out with a massive four times effective ice Fang Edgar then sends in another pseudo legendary but lucky for me sift shows his Metagross whose boss and takes it out with a flamethrower so mama magnaton is actually able to take out a freaking salamance and finally Edgar sends out his Ace hydreigon a KO is my magnify on and I send out Warrior who gets off a powerful ice Wing but follows the high dragon's Dark Pulse I sent into my owners who somehow survives a meteor mash and Dodges a focus blast taking out Edgar's Hydra god with a hyper speed with the leader the Rough Riders defeated I was elevated to Rank 4 and man has it been a long day I'm heading back to bed after waking up I headed straight to the gym I wanted to see all the powerful trainers that are going to challenge me now that I ranked up the first Challenger showed up with Lucario and do blade sadly for her they're both steel types and they fail to sift flamethrower next up we have painter V who has a whole team of Eeveelutions most impressively she led with an EVO light holding Eevee that was way too tanky lucky for me sip was able to take it out with a few flamethrowers and then the rest of her team fell quickly after our third opponent was hiker Paul again he sits on his monsters Tyranitar and it took stuff out with a powerful thrash I decided to send out Orient and spam curse again and lucky for me it worked Orient was able to take tyrantara out with a few ice fangs and with that Battle complete we survived today's Challengers I was seriously worried I might actually have to give out my first gym Dodge I decided it's time to spend some time with my gym trainers again but this time my gym girl had something serious to talk about but she said it could wait till tomorrow so I decided to meet up with her and talk she told me she took the job to become stronger than her criminal brother so she could be him and bring him back home but now that he's in town she doesn't feel that she can do it alone she asked me to join her in case anything goes wrong and I did what any gym leader would and said yes we found Arthur her older brother and confronted him about his past he told her he doesn't want to spend his life in jail and then we battle he's tough but no match for a gym leader so I defeated him without any issue it seems beating him in a Pokemon battle wasn't enough to convince him to turn himself in I mean it usually works but this time it didn't he fight without saying another word and I walked my trainer home after waking up I made my way to the gym and saw a crowd forming around someone named Garris who was apparently the champion of this region ah there they are I just wanted to tell you today is the Champion review you and I are going to battle right here right now normally this would take place in the gym but you've seemed to have quite a few fans so let's go crazy I guess I'm battling the champion cool let's start the champion Waits the smell takes of his own and precedes a heal stall me and then takes sephal with an earthquake I said in a Dreyfus who was able to slowly take him out with some neutral flamethrowers but as Gengar finishes Dreyfus off with a sludge I said Not Crash and he's able to get off a powerful hit but Falls to gengar's focused blast gaggio tries his best but also falls to focus blast in a way it falls soon after the gengar's Shadow Ball so even though I only took out one of his Pokemon he's for some reason still passes me and I Rose to rank 5. only three more to go after a few more days of Defending my gym I get a mysterious letter asking me to meet in the gym I make it to the gym and I encounter a mystery man who challenges me to a battle for the most part I take out his team without issue but his last mod is a curse spam and Evie who takes forever to take out in the end I actually had to spam curse myself taking the Eevee out with Orion's Iron Tail before the mystery man could tell him anything Sandy showed up and it was revealed that his name is Jason and he was the gym winner before me the reason he abandoned the city was because he got a threatening letter saying if he told anyone or disobeyed their orders they would hurt his little sister Sandy quite a Twist Cindy begs him to stay in order to tell the town the truth he tells her she can't do that because he doesn't want her to get hurt and he asks that she put her faith in the new gym leader me with that I Rise to Jim rank 6 and take some time to reflect after all that I decided to take some time off the first thing I did was head to starter Park and capture finnikin and I evolved it into Del Fox for our last member I trained drapey an evolving a dragon pole after sibling my new team I decided to take a short vacation at frigid City to trade my fire types up against some ice types and to enjoy the nice cold weather but now that we're all rusted up I think it's time to head back and defend my gym but before I could Sandy came in and informed me I ranked up again to rank seven She also handed me a letter with a similar threat that Jason received but I'm not punk I closed the gym warned my trainers and called the cops but to my dismay my fears came true all of my Traders are missing the cops that they are searching everywhere but the Badlands again like the true gym leader I wish to be I made my choice and I headed to the Badlands to save my trainers before I could make it I encountered Sandy who managed to Escape From the Rough Riders Edgar's gonna pay for breaking his word I made my way through the Badlands and got all the way outside of the base where I encountered Edgar he actually ends up telling me his gang kicked him out and took the hostages without his permission so the two of us blasted our way through the base again and this time we found the mayor I'm surprised it took you this long to pick up on it seriously I gave you a fake phone number I gave you little to no help seriously how dark can you be the Rough Rider even set a trap for Sandy but why is that what you're thinking well it all started when Edgar tread interrupt but it seems he was no match for the mayor won't you let me finish I always wanted to be a trainer in my youth I was a pretty great one too but sadly blah blah blah evil backstory blah blah blah evil plan after what fella years mayor Dalton finally challenged me to a battle I led with Wanda instead of an extended sunny day Wanda almost took desktops out but sadly fell to a shadow punch I sent out crash and wasted a few of his heals and then took dust stops out with a flare Blitz I switched to Orion who set up stealth rocks but then fell to goodra's muddy water I then decided to send out our newest member Siege who easily takes gujar out with the dragon darts Siege also takes out the mayor's Dragonite but I then switch him out for Sith Lil Wayne AKA Slash's attacks if get to Lucky and takes it out with two massive crunches and the marison got his ride on so it's supposed to crash who finally gets a hammer arm off before fainting I said I'd send out Sif one more time but it was a mistake he sadly follows the ride on sorry boy but thankfully Siege is able to avenge our starter and finishes off the mayor's final Pokemon with a four times effective flamed over the mayor tries to whine about losing but lucky for me Edgar shuts him up and tells him the difference between him and us is that we strive to do the best for our community while he abused his power so we call the cops and the Rough Riders agree to show me where my trainers are being held and Edgar Stan's guard making sure the mayor gets what's coming to him and so with the True Villain defeated and the town finally at peace I Rose to the top becoming the strongest gym leader in the region and even received congratulations from the Pokemon League with that our gym leader journey is over if you guys want to play this game yourself there's a link in the description below and as always thank you guys for watching if you want more content check out that video shot on screen
Channel: Knightly Know
Views: 23,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nuWwzE3Nu7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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