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we are going to create a water platform for our water god to summon a secret tsunami are you guys ready three two one here we go join the project by subscribing to the channel and enable all notifications by clicking the bell what's up guys and welcome to what i like to call what a world today we are gonna build an entire planet out of water and our ultimate goal is to summon the water god and get a massive tsunami in here so guys so leave a like the video right here right now or else god james will burn this innocent human leave a like oh worker you shall live because everyone left a like on the video alright guys thanks for leaving a like now we don't have a whole lot of miracles as you can see we gotta level up our humans and get them nice and strong and with like a beautiful city that expands all over our water world so we basically have just one rule and that is that every tile that we put down every piece of world has to be surrounded by a whole bunch of water that means i should probably get rid of this one and go go i'm sorry humans do not fear me i am god james and i will provide you with the power of rain here you go that's nice right people like rain don't you oh come on don't be scared man i'm making it rain yes see these people love it yeah rain whoa so now we gotta get some water right over here and there's some more forest right over here beautiful grow people grow level up see guys this is the plant they will build rafts so they can welcome water if you will then they can get all the resources they need from whichever patch they go to this is so exciting guys i can't wait to see what our massive wonder world is eventually going to look like that we do need a whole lot of prayers we need power to actually build our world as as you guys can see i've got only a hundred poweronies and it costs 10 to actually uh well wait hold on wait we can do more stuff yo we leveled up already anyway it costs a little you know energy to build some stuff here we go let's get some mountains oh and check it out they leveled up and now they need some stone well mortals do not fear i have provided you with some mountains in the waters aha and it is actually working check this out they're actually using their little boats to go get some stone right wait where did that dude go hello whoa wait what's the inside of the mountain hold on check out this lady right this lady is gonna go into the mountain what she is standing inside of the mud okay we did not see that people the important thing is these guys leveled up and uh they need some fur which means we gotta use our godly powers to create a uh a new biome whoa check this out we got a new city called dripping dripsies well because it's all watery stuff right yes it makes sense i think a little bit oh yes people this is amazing this is amazing we are already expanding i love it and we do get to use our regeneration powers because they cut down on my little trees how set yo we gotta unlock some water trees is that a thing water water trees is that a thing it's probably a thing and if it isn't we will make it a thing how does that sound yo check it out the dripping people have already expanded i like your house we do need some forests of course there we go and then we need some more land right over here let's see how far they can really expand huh what a water water water some more forest over here yo people this is starting to look pretty good right and now it is time to place down one of our good friends i need just a little bit more power there we go and we're gonna place them down yo we got a whole migration thing going on here what is this ah oh wait tsunami town hold the phone are these the people that can help us get the water god in here yes people pray pray a lot oh wait hold on do we level up again we did level up wait we can make a desert in the water world is that possible that's not possible right that would be kind of weird i mean i would love it but uh we're gonna have to find out about that i think so we got all the wintery stuff over there we've got all the grass stuff over here then i think right here we should start building our awesome desert oh yes it is possible no way we're gonna have a desert surrounded by water ladies and gentlemen go ahead and feel free to post your comment right now and tell me that james even though you're god that makes no sense at all well i am the god okay so i make the rules that's right and today the rules are super awesome that's what i'm talking about so do we actually get a different mountain this time because it's only icy mountains that is so weird right oh and wait a minute these guys are evolving again yo they are super fast probably because they're used to everything watery you know wait a minute wait a minute you're there evil guy we need the holy water god the god that shall provide and probably destroy all life i'm sorry man it's just that you're kind of evil and you know you want to destroy my world and that's my job so you're gonna burn there we go there we go oh yes yes scream and you're gonna fly yeah see you later dude ah i just love throwing people off the world it's my favorite activity and also regenerate um hold on i said a region wait hold on what is happening over here come on man we have an animal here right there we go fluffy butt is back i love it what happened to my trees come back trees there we go so we can just do one regenerate per tile this is perfect oh what happened to you though my friend ah whoa whoa wait come back come back oh that was spooky yo we got an awful lot of people around here but uh what's what's wrong with you people stan is homeless oh oh no that is terrible oh boy oh boy that's not good that's not good at all we don't have enough land for all for beautiful people do not fear mortals aye james shall provide you with the power of uh stuff you know also guys i really think we should prepare and get some minds going even though they're kind of expensive right here they're super expensive we need him here we go beautiful that's gonna be our first mine and then right over here is gonna be a second one but i have no powers people pray a little harder man well it does help if i give them some stuff to actually pray for you know otherwise it's not really yeah it's not really gonna work out i don't think what do we have over here you there evil guy yet you shall not return okay i mean the fire didn't work really so i take a little zappy zappius in order right is that pizza there we go what's your status electrocuted how shocking next mine coming in hot beautiful that's what we need right there okay all right this is going great ah oh fire wait a minute this is genius oh wait no hold on hold on oh no oh okay i thought it was genius because the fire cannot spread over water of course that's very big brain but these people not big brain they walk into the fire and when you walk into the fire you're gonna get roasted which is not good i don't think it's a nice experience at all we seriously need to get some more water in here though i mean it is a water world right not a water backyard that's what i'm talking about all right yo we gotta get this desert going because this desert is looking super sad right now we gotta get more in here more desert that's what i'm talking about oh wait that's the wrong one we gone wrong block that's right here we go that's still better right wait it worked hold on we got a new city it is called the moist lands so it's not as you know dripping wet as over there this is just slightly moist i like it welcome people welcome to my new world it is very nice in here very watery and i already got a tiny one going very nice very whoa whoa these dudes evolve i was gonna say exploded let's not get them exploded though they evolved again and now they need some iron i can get you some iron right i think right over here we are prepared people i like it when these guys have got a nice little statue is that supposed to be me because in real life i'm a lot more muscular right this is looking very skinny and with another level up comes another evil guy well well well evil guy what should we do with you should we give you a little buggeroni here you got that yes elimination by fly share my flies everyone they are meat eating flies that's right oh i was cooking over here yo you people are really living on the edge huh don't worry god james is gonna help you out okay if you fall off the earth at least you can't just fall into the water and swim around little right wait do desert people know how to swim because if you grew up surrounded by sand i don't think you can swim right well they better be swimming right now because otherwise they're gonna have a bad time and this right here i now officially declare fluffy butt island look at that he's just chilling with his little house this stuff what are you doing you praying to me well well well evil guy i am surprised perhaps i shall answer your mighty prayers with a little bit of with a little bit of rain check it out you return him into into a good guy oh and with that we get a new upgrade hold on what even is this supposed to be is it a tree it's looking a little weird but let's see if we can place one down right over here and go whoa people know why check this out these are water trees they do exist whoa wait can they wait and there's fish can they swim here and and with their boat and stuff hello oh my there was a tree inside of a tree tree option oh not again stop burning stop burning oh my goodness why you keep burning me oh why should that know that you [ __ ] yeah get out of here stupid evil guy you're just stupid with the evil things and stuff and check it out we got the first mine cooking that's good because we need all of the iron to go over here wow and these guys are going fast hold the phone oh and they need some fur well evil guy yeah you're gonna get your fur but it is all the way at the other side of the world man oh no yo whatever man we gotta get some more of those water trees in here how cool is that wait what was that for a sound ah oh no wait what is this supposed to be man oh no no go away go away wait it actually went away what is this for city it's a city without a name okay that's weird that that's freaking me out a little bit people oh and why are you not wearing blue hello what's happening here oh wait bad things are happening the evil guy you have betrayed me how dare you don't worry people i god james i'm good and i'll give you some water from the skies what's that called again rain rain of course right here you go and now i shall provide these desert mortals with a snake it's a little danger noodle and apparently they eat this stuff i don't judge you okay i'm just a little grossed out that's all wait a minute there's people going to our water trees wait what are they doing whoa yo they're chopping down the water trees i like it i can't believe that's actually working though time for some more what the wait hold on what is this hey look at a new city wet waters well um yeah the water is always wet right unless you can't find me some dry water that would be that would be new that would be certainly very new hello people welcome to my world oh that's not a good sound why is it always this town though come on man you are my og people the originals right oh when it's an actual ufo come here my friend how dare you strike upon my island what island well they're kind of islands you shall be punished yeah with crusher vacation oh that's that good i crushed the house oh i like this though this town is popping off right now i love it come here give me where you think you're going huh evil guy you're just gonna fall right off bye bye i'll see you in china or something with i don't know australia whatever is at the other side of the world i don't go there okay it's a bad place i heard yo people our world is expanding super duper fast let's take a quick look okay where's the water god at huh guess i've got this big world that is so perfect look at that i love it that we have no water god yet you know what the next evil dude that comes in here we're gonna give so much love and prayer that he is gonna turn into the water god big brain idea i like it now check this out people how awesome is this world starting to look huh i think it is pretty awesome we just need a water garden here man hello wait it's the evil dude we were looking for very nice um stay right there yes hello yes we're gonna get you some rain wait that's it you just needed some rain no you shall have more of my love also regenerate and you will also get some wait a minute we could just place our entire dudes right hold up go wait that is a cow what happened are those guys leveled up all right what do you know i said go it worked yo and human yeah nice and also a scientist go beautiful oh that's not good oh wait hold on are you homeless as well my friend yes you are how sad don't worry guys he's gonna be fine all right it's gonna be no problem we got the evolvement going we got the uh the the the dogs kind of bent in a u-shape it's all fine don't worry about it my dude can actually stop doing that that's kind of creepy man come on hey hey stop doing that oh yes okay oh i think i did a bad thing please wake up oh no one are you serious what's with the aliens people we got a scientist here man we gotta protect the scientists come here and uh well actually i gotta crush it right over here this seems safe yeah yeah wait mr scientist are you still stuck on your island i'll get you a house okay don't you worry about it let's see i'm just gonna pick up this house and here you go here you can go and live right live my friend no you don't accept my offer well that's fine i don't care if it's too tight to get wait a minute ladies and gentlemen what happened here we have a rule okay one tile surrounded by water it looks like my humans are breaking my rules oh if i find the person responsible for this incredible sin oh they're gonna feel some pain that's right we're gonna get him some flies and thunder and fire and not a tornado because then we break everything oh boy now check this out guys we've got the whole world covered the only thing that i kind of forgot tiny little bit is that we should probably build a whole bunch of you know open water here and then we shall surround that with these things which is a great plan trust me so now for the last two pieces oh yes and go whoa whoa guys hold the phone oh oh my goodness what was that what is happening whoa guys check it out we have done it this must be the water god yo i thought i was the only god around here now we've got a god friend this dude is amazing whoa your wish like a regular priest hello okay you know what i'll just take uh this human right over here now look at the difference this is a human and this is the this is the watercolor whoa this guy can swim i like it they have been practicing i knew it they have so been practicing right what are god i pray upon your powers give us the tuna me oh my goodness oh my gosh wow hold the phone swim up no way guys what just happened oh my goodness the whole world has been submerged we're gonna dive down you guys ready to do one yo whoa everything is on the water i can't believe it wow oh my goodness now guys if you like gta 5 go check out my second channel with the link in the description below thanks for watching and check out these videos on screen right now [Music]
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 535,697
Rating: 4.9184976 out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, deisim, deisim vr, deisim virtual reality, deisim vr game, vr, virtual reality, game, gaming, games, funny, video game
Id: 3HjH3ARrWh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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