Creating and designing a dashboard with ArcGIS

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[Music] hello and welcome to our video tutorial on how to create and design an informative dashboard with arcgis dashboards arcgis dashboards enables arcgis users to convey and visually display information by presenting location-based analytics on a single screen you've likely seen a dashboard in action in the past a good example of one is the johns hopkins university covert 19 dashboard that displays information like covert cases and deaths by country as well as administered vaccines so far dashboards can be set up as interactive and intuitive designed to respond to your audience's engagement with the dashboard you can display data at the same time in a combination of ways from maps graphs text and survey responses this can be seen on the covert 19 dashboard in front of you right now great thing about dashboards is they can also be shared with others via a simple url and they can be embedded into your story maps there are two ways to go about building an arcgis dashboard the first one is to start from scratch if you'd like to start from scratch all you need to do is once you've logged in to arcgis online find your username in the top right corner and click on this nine digit icon next to it you'll see that dashboards is in your list of applications that you can access and you just need to click this and a new tab will open and to start from scratch all you need to do is create dashboard and get on your way however i prefer to work with an existing data set as it's easier in my opinion to build my dashboard so i'm going to head over to content in arcgis online and i'm going to locate some saved survey data that i had my students collect for me in our local school so my students were tasked with the responsibility of using survey123 to identify hazards in the school and assign those hazards a risk rating from one to five and this is that feature layer this is that data sitting in a feature layer for me in arcgis online i want to click out of the four options here i want to click the one that says feature layer hosted i'm going to click on that and it's going to take me to the items overview page once the overview page for the feature layer opens we just want to click on the thumbnail and it will open our data in a map and the reason we're accessing our data in a map is so that we can essentially build our dashboard around this really central um map so that students can really visualize the information that they've collected so we can see that my data is sitting in what seems to be an empty spot so my first job here is going to actually be to change the base map to imagery so that we can actually see the school appear at the moment all of our data is sitting as red dots if i click on a red dot i can see that my two survey questions what kind of hazard are you mapping in this case a trip hazard and how dangerous do you rate this hazard this was given a four out of five i can see that responses to my survey questions as well as a photo of the hazard if i want to access it now what i want to do here is i want to symbolize these icons so that i can see exactly what type of hazard i'm looking at or what type of rating the hazard has so my first thing is i'm going to hover over my layer sometimes you might need to click on the layer and you'll see that all of these extra buttons appear i want to find the one that says more options click on that i'm going to copy my layer and then the copied layer i'm going to again click on more options i'm going to click rename and i'm going to rename this type of hazard i'm going to hit okay now turn the second layer off for a moment and i'm going to hover over the type of hazard and find the change style button click on that i need to change the attribute being shown so the data that's being displayed on the map at the moment is just show location only i want to change that to reflect the title of this uh feature layer this attribute so what kind of hazard are you mapping matches what i just renamed it to i'm going to click on that and i'm going to quickly symbolize these colors you can see that now i have a bit of symbology going so a trip hazard is currently represented by red on the map i'm just going to make it a little bit bigger with size 10. i'm going to repeat that process for each of my four hazard types and simply build them out to be a little bit more robust and noticeable for my students when they're engaging with the map and you can see that these changes are happening at the same time magpies will leave as a nice strong purple and bump it up to 10. we can see that those colors are there on the map i'm going to hit ok and then done to lock those changes in now i've done that for type of hazard i want to also create some symbology for level of risk associated with the hazard so i'm going to turn this layer off and then this layer that i have i'm going to click on the more options button again i'm going to rename that uh hazard risk level i'm going to hit okay gonna click on the change style button make sure that i choose the attribute so how dangerous do you rate this hazard that matches what i've just renamed the layer to and you can see i've got a bit of a smart theme going on here i like to drag my labels in order from one through five and i'm gonna go with a bit of a an increasing uh color theme here and as it gets more dangerous our colors get a little bit more urgent uh yellow orange maybe a deeper orange and we just work our way through and what i should have been doing sorry is i should have also been making them a little bit bigger again to reflect a bit of consistency in my maps symbology i'm just going to go back through and make my other three symbols similar size these two colors seem to be fairly similar so again it's a little bit of um experimentation sometimes to make sure that you've got an appropriate scale going and once i'm happy with it i'm going to hit okay i'm going to hit done and i can check what that looks like on the map it's really nice and visual so what i'm going to do at this stage is i'm going to save my map save as because it's the first time and i'm going to create a little bit of a title and some tags for us so we're going to call this arcgis video tutorial dashboards just so that it's clear what this is being used for and you can leave some creative summary if you want and you want to save it in an appropriate folder i'm going to keep it in the folder where my survey data is currently stored in arcgis online i'm going to save map now what you want to do is now that you have your map a big visual stimulus simulation piece um for your dashboard set you want to go over share and you might choose to share this with your organization when you might choose to share it with everyone um but what you want to do is it might give you a bit of a warning that you need to share your data appropriately um as well but i'm going to create a web app and you'll notice that up the top i have three tabs the third tab is what we're after arcgis dashboards so we're going to click on that and it will prompt us to again create a title and tags for what we're creating i might actually put this in capitalized letters so i know that what i'm creating right now is actually the dashboard itself i'm gonna hit um it's going to create that dashboard web application for me where we can begin to then create and design a dashboard and the appearance it begins to take now you need to begin building your dashboard i like to begin by clicking on the settings button at the top of the page and you might choose to go with a dark theme or a light theme personally i like the dark theme i'm going to choose a default text color as well so while i'm at it because i'm going with this dark theme i'm going to go with a bit of a floral blue text color as a default i'm going to leave the other layout options the same for now but i can always come back to here if i want to make additional changes i'm going to click done to lock those changes in you can see that the theme has changed to that dark theme now to begin adding stuff to our map i always like to begin by addressing the map we just created at the moment you cannot see my feature layers on so if i hover over the top left corner of the map you'll see a little blue button appear and when you hover over it you get additional buttons that you can press going to click on the configure button and we're going to go to we're going to enable some of these uh settings so i want to enable a legend for my map i also want to enable layer visibility you might decide that a scale bar is something that you would like to see on your map too you can give your map additional functions as well i don't really want my students zooming in and out because we're already we're already at the school level and i'm happy with that i'm going to click done to lock that in and you can now see that i've got two extra buttons that have appeared on my map i've got my layers list you can see that they're both turned off but if i click the eye symbol you can see that my layer appears i can click on the legend button to see what those colors represent and i can switch my hazard one on and do the same thing as well so i'm happy with that for now let's add a bit of a header or a title so by clicking on the plus button at the top you can see that we can add a range of items to our dashboard and this is our go to uh button to continue to build and develop our dashboards appearance so we have our map i'm going to this time choose header and i can choose the size of my header it's pretty basic but i want to change the title so this title um is going to be what should we call it hazard identification in my school and you might use your school's actual name if you were building something like this around it you can see that i've got other options here i can add a subtitle if i want to and you can see that this appears on the right hand side it's showing you what it's going to look like on your dashboard i don't want to subtitle in this case you can add logo and a url you can see you've got options for text clone background color but because i set these earlier i'm happy with what this is looking like now i'm going to hit done lock that in and you can see that that header has appeared at the top of my dashboard i'm going to return the plus button and this time i'm going to add a side panel inside panel i'm going to hit edit and once it opens you can see that i've got some tools here some formatting tools i'm going to put in here i'm gonna actually make it bold as well about this dashboard and i can just put some really simple text in that explains to my audience what this is about this dashboard shows uh the different types of hazards around the school and ranks them in terms of their assumed danger and you can build that out you have the whole side panel to work with you'll notice that it builds out from the top in this case if i want to build out some information or have a have a large space and have some information the bottom backs that's that's when i go to the description one i can go and add some additional information um like that might be author and your student includes their name um but you can see that i'm clicking on the title it builds from the top down and from clicking on the description it builds from the bottom up once you're happy just hit done and you can see that that dashboard is sorry that side panel has been added to the map now i'm going to add a couple of charts to our dashboard so i'm going to click on the plus button again i'm going to click on pie chart to get us started and i want to show types of hazards in a pie chart so i'm going to click on this feature layer at the moment we can't see anything or any information about how that pie chart will look so we need to begin working through these tabs to make that pie chart take shape so i'm happy with categories from grouped values but i need to choose the category field where i'm getting the data from and i'm going to go down to that question in my survey what kind of hazard are you mapping i'm going to click that and we can see that our pie chart begins to take some shape i'm going to leave this to the statistic as count and i'm going to head over to chart if i'm happy with my text color i'm going to leave it as it is but i will make some changes to my labels so we can see here i can actually hide the labels i can have them as values so as numbers or as a percentage of how many of the total number of hazards happen to be trip hazards so 68 of all hazards are trip hazards in the school i'm going to leave it as percentage for now because i know i can add a count down in the legend as well so at the moment we're hiding our legend but i can add a value count there and we can see that i've got my numbers so there are 17 trip hazards which equates to 68 of uh of all hazards and i can play around with whether i want that to be at the side i'm not too big of a fan of that because the pie chart is a little bit compromised in size so i'm going to leave it as bottom and you'll notice that that's cut off at the top that's all right we can we can uh sort that out when we go back to our dashboard in a second but what i do want to do is i want to hit slices and i actually want to color code these colors to match the symbology i created on my map earlier so electrical hazards from memory was a darkish green color our magpies was a purple and we can come back in here and modify these if we get them a little bit wrong potholes were blue and our trip hazards were red we can see that those colors have uh been applied to our pie chart and really it's about following the bouncing ball i can play with the opacity or the thickness of the outlines um as needed but i'm going to head over to general i'm just going to rename this um i'm just going to leave it as shut up for now but i do want to put a title on the top of this little panel that will appear so again i'm gonna put center i'm gonna make it bold um hazards i type as my title and i could add a description but i'm not going to because then it's just going to become a little bit too busy for me so i'm going to hit done we're going to we're going to we'll return to actions later on in this video tutorial but for now i'm going to hit done you can see that my patcher appears on the map and sorry on the dashboard and we would say that it's really quite quite large too large so what we can do is as we add items to our dashboard we can rearrange it so we can click between panels to adjust sizes we can also hover over that blue button in the corner to again make changes if we needed to but also drag items or delete them i'm going to drag this pie chart you can see that little panels pop up and it shows you what will happen if i drop it in i want to drop it in on the left hand on the right hand side sorry because i want that map staying nice and central so i'm going to resize my pie chart a little bit for now and i'm going to i want to add a panel in down here this time instead so i'm going to go back to my add button and this time i'm going to choose serial chart and instead of choosing type of hazard i'm going to choose hazard risk level this time and i'm going to stick we can see that i've got to work through my tabs i'm going to stick with grouped values and i'm going to choose my category field again so this time i want to choose how dangerous do you rate this hazard and we can see that i've got a bit of a a column graph beginning to be created doesn't we need to add to it to i guess symbolize it fully so let's head to chart if i'm happy with the colors the text color i can leave it as is i can change the orientation of it i'm going to leave it as vertical i'm going to head to category axis and i'm going to add in a title for my axis so risk rating or risk slash danger rating um i can play with the font again if i wanted to i can also give um some labels if i wanted to as well i'm happy happy with how it is again it's follow the bouncing ball and just playing around and if you make a mistake you can always hit cancel and begin that process again i'm going to go to value axes i'm going to give this title of number of hazards and i'm going to leave everything as it is i'm gonna head over to guides i'm gonna leave it as it is we're gonna need to add anything to guard so we're gonna head to series and i wanna again match my color theme to what's being shown on the map so instead of by choosing bar colors by single we're going to choose by category which allows us to make those our symbology changes so my five was that red color it's urgent and we slowly worked back to um that's the same color a less urgent color we can see there that that color symbology has changed i'm gonna head to general i'm going to add a title for it again bold um risk wrapping of hazards and we're going to return to action soon but for now we're going to hit done we can see it's appeared to the map and we need to again adjust things so i'm going to hover over the blue button in the corner i'm going to drag this table and i want it to sit below my pie chart so i'm actually going to dock it down here you can see this night that's it's actually showing up quite nice and neatly um just watch what happens if i reduce the size of the table we can see that my values on my um axes changes so you do want to experiment with what the best sizes are for you but right now this is quite neat we can see that again i can check to see if my colors match here what i'm seeing here and make make further changes by going back into configure if i need to as mentioned earlier the best thing about the dashboard is that it can be dynamic and intuitive it can respond to the actions of our audience or the people engaging with our survey and that's what we're going to do right now so once i've set up what what i want my dashboard to look like which is this today quite simple and straightforward i want to head back to my pie chart and i'm going to go back into the configure tool and this time we're going to revisit or visit for the first time the actions tab and i want my dashboard to essentially react to buttons or to clicks on my dashboard so what i'm going to do is when selection changes i'm going to hit add action i'm going to click filter and under filter i'm going to click add target i'm going to click type of hazard i'm going to leave this unchecked i'm going to hit done and it'll take a moment to load but essentially what this means is if i turn my type of hazard layer back on on my map and i clicked on trip hazard for instance you can see that my map instantly changes to reflect only the locations of trip hazards around the school if i wanted to swap that to potholes i can click on that and those changes take effect on my map too to again to to go back and see all of them simply click outside the pie chart and those changes come back up so we can see that it's intuitive and it's responding to uh to what my audience is doing on the map likewise i've done the same with my chart here so i'm going to flick my layers over and i can have my legend open if i want but i can click on one so hazards with a rating of one and i can see where they are in the school i can also quickly see where my hazard of five or four are because they're probably going to need more urgent attention from the groundskeeper or maintenance staff of the school so i can quickly pull that information up with a click and again to return my map i just click outside of the table again and all of my hazards regardless of risk level appear again so you can make those changes the actions button under configure is where you can make those changes to really take your dashboard to another level and make it become that dynamic engaging piece we've now finished creating a simple yet intuitive dashboard the last thing you need to do is save your dashboard so as not to lose your changes i'd make it recommend doing this periodically as you go because you are working online now to share this dashboard with others simply head back to arcgis online into the content folder where you saved your dashboard you can see mine here i'm going to click on the title which will take me to the dashboards overview page again on the right hand side of the screen we can hit share you can share it with your organization with everyone click save once you're happy with that and all you need to do is scroll down on this page very bottom where you'll notice a url has appeared you can copy that url and distribute it as necessary to those you want to share it with or use the url to embed it into a story map thanks for watching our video tutorial on how to create a dashboard in arcgis and be sure to visit esri australia's education webpage to see other professional development resources [Music] you
Channel: Esri Australia
Views: 1,035
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: GIS for schools, Esri Australia, GIS, ArcGIS Dashboards
Id: 8if1f7JHuRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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