An Introduction to Infographics in ArcGIS

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good morning everyone thank you for joining our webinar today on an introduction to infographics in arcgis um it looks like people have stopped joining our room so i'm gonna go ahead and get started here my name is julia bear and today alongside julia bell using but we're going to be talking about infographics in arcgis and how to get started and using them so here we are we're both solution engineers on the national government team we're based out of the dc regional office um and at any point if you have questions throughout the presentation feel free to put them in a chat or follow up with us later as well and so before i get started i wanted to talk through some quick housekeeping things to help this webinar go smoothly it is being recorded so if any point you have to leave or you want to um catch up on one of our demos after there will be a link on youtube and you'll get an email with that link to view as well um as i said feel free to submit questions throughout the webinar we will talk through them at the end as well as be monitoring the chat at the end of the webinar we'll have a prompt on the screen for you to take a survey that'd be great if you could take that and then if there's anything else please feel free to email julia or myself or raquel who is helping to organize and coordinate this webinar um we recommend so this is the go to webinar format we recommend muting yourself just to help with sound quality and background noise throughout the webinar and with that i wanted to give a quick agenda for today's webinar so we're going to start talking about an overview of infographics i'm going to show an example of an infographic and then the main focus of our webinar this morning is going to be focused on using infographics and business analysts really emphasizing the out of the box customizable nature of infographics in the application and then ending with a discussion of infographics more broadly across the platform so to give a bit of an introduction to infographics i wanted to talk about what infographics are and why they are important so i have a couple examples here of infographics from business and community analyst as you can see infographics really help convey information in a visually attractive manner it's easy to design to display content to your liking to help communicate data which often can be hard to understand and communicate it clearly and efficiently through different messages and um and visualizations helps us to understand um what we're seeing and have that self-contained summary so that we can quickly at a glance get what we need and what we need to understand from our data it's really all about presenting insights in impactful ways so helping to explain content context as well as cause and effect so with that before i get any further into um the webinar this morning i wanted to provide an example of an infographic in our platform so here i have an example this is in um arcgis dashboards using configurable infographics from business analysts this one is a coveted infographic template showing key indicators around hospital bed and availability as well as demographic information understanding at-risk populations populations without insurance populations more susceptible to covid and this infographic that's run this in this dashboard we can pull up the same infographic template for every county in the country and the first county here alphabetically is ableville county in south carolina and with this infographic we get that at a glance view we can see that we have a very low number of hospital beds and icu beds available but we also have a fairly low population so kind of matches that supply and demand but if i choose a different county here and i go to albany county in new york which has been in the news quite a lot this same infographic will run and generate um and we get a different view of the same metrics we can see here in albany that we have a lot more hospital beds available but we also have a much higher population um and it's just viewing how this these indicators and these these graphs change over time um and taking what would otherwise be a lot of information that could be overwhelming and putting it in an easily digestible and visually appealing manner through this infographic and so with that i'm going to transition to julia bell who's going to talk more specifically about using infographics in business analyst all right thank you julia let me just share my screen all right so as julia bear mentioned there's a lot of different ways that we can share infographics and create them across the rts platform but the most most encompassing and overarching one by far is going to be business or community analyst which is what we're going to spend the majority of our time on today so before we jump into that i just kind of wanted to go over some vocabulary terms that we're going to be using that describe business analysts so you kind of understand what we're talking about in our demos and i did want to mention before we start as well that we're going to assume probably a basic understanding of infographics within this webinar but if you are new to infographics that's totally fine as well the demos that i'll be doing in a few minutes are pretty out of the box so if you wanted to come back to that recording later when it's posted on youtube and follow through my steps with your own business analyst account you can absolutely do that and create some of the infographics that i'm creating as well so how would we go about creating those infographics well we start primarily with a template within business analysts so some of these can be pre-baked templates or you can start with a blank template which is really going to be kind of a whiteboard or blank canvas similar to what you might see if you're creating a powerpoint or word document it's going to give you the opportunity and you can see what some of these blank canvases might look like in the top right to really drag and drop different elements into your template onto your screen based on you know what you want to show how many elements that sort of thing so it's really kind of a whiteboard for you to play with how you'd like and then those templates are then going to be made up of different elements as i mentioned so that's going to include things like icon infographics tables images text maps charts all the sort of things that you're seeing in these example infographics here at the bottom and i do want to point out the map here on the right side so infographics definitely do not need to include maps but we wouldn't be esri or rts platform without including them and they can definitely enhance your infographics in some cases so what are some of the best practices for creating or generating an infographic what we've seen typically is that people tend to you know start their report if they're creating a report of infographics with the title or cover page and that report would be made up of pages that are generally thematic so maybe you have one page that focuses on income one that focuses on education and then one that focuses on age profiles and that sort of demographic information each of those individual pages would then be made up of elements so those would be the charts the tables the images the maps that we discussed on the last slide if you put it all together it would look a little bit like this so this is going to be an example of a report a demographic report that was generated for 122 cajon street in redlands california and the surrounding area so the first page we're going to notice has population and household profile information so it's including a map some icons and statistics and then the second page is going to be an age pyramid age profile employment information that sort of thing so we have different pages i'm sorry different elements make up the pages which then make up the reports and one of the benefits of business analyst is that these pages and elements can be dynamic so as julia showed with the code information and that example she just had to select a new a new county or a new study area and the template remained that integrity the elements were dynamic but when we changed that location the only thing that changed was the data so this is really beneficial to us because we have the ability to really invest a lot of you know effort and time into creating templates like these so these are going to be examples of templates that were created by my co-worker helen thompson who is on the business analyst product team and these templates um you know belong to her but you share them with the org some of them are public facing as well so any of you could go and grab them from business analysts as well but because of the template and library functionality of business analyst we can devote a lot of time to creating these templates and then if we pick a new study area all we have to do is tell business analysts where that new location is and the template will stay it'll maintain its integrity but the only thing that will change is the underlying data so this would be a lot different from excel where say you're creating a chart for a certain location and then you know you want to create a chart for a new location you have to add in that new data and then rerun and create the chart or the graph but here with the dynamic-ness of business analyst we don't have to do that so let's hop into a demo here to see exactly what that would look like all right so what you're seeing here now is the business analyst launch page or the home page i'm logged into my organization here so i have access to all of the projects that i've been working on including this infographics webinar project as well so i'm going to open that one here and by default i'm going to start with a map because as i mentioned you know site selection is very important for infographics so i need to decide what site i want to focus on so julia told you earlier that we both work as solution engineers for national government and i primarily work on the defense team so one of my major contracts is the united states army corps of engineers and most specifically galveston district so for those of you that don't know galveston texas has been hit by a lot of hurricanes this season so they've had to evacuate the island several times and really prepare for that kind of natural disaster so what i want to do is actually create an infographic that determines you know how much of the population is at risk or vulnerable if one of these uh natural disasters were to occur so if if they need to evacuate they know what kind of people they need to evacuate are they elderly are they young that sort of thing so i'll go to galveston and i'll create a site this is going to allow me to select range rings so when i hit apply it's going to create range rings within 1 3 and 5 miles around galveston to give me a little bit of a different taste of different demographic areas and i can change these distances as well so now that i've chosen my site what i can do is hop into the infographics cool so this is going to be the key facts infographic this is the default for business analyst so if you guys were to hop into an infographic like i just did this is the one you're likely going to see so this has a lot of different demographic information which is pretty helpful for the area it's going to show me things like the population education employment income that sort of thing and you'll notice that right now it's telling me the statistics for one mile outside of galveston but i can change this to three miles and five miles as well and that information is going to update because as i mentioned before these templates are dynamic i also have the ability to do side by side comparison so if i want to see how you know being a mile three miles or five miles removed from galveston really affects my population numbers or things like that i can do that as well so i can see the population is really changing uh definitely between one and three miles but things like average household size really seem to stay the same so that's a functionality that i have so go back to just focusing on one here but as i mentioned this is you know key facts it's demographic information it's helpful but i want to focus on the at-risk population or the people more vulnerable that would have more trouble evacuating or if they got hurt they would need more help so i'm not just limited to the key facts within the esri generated templates i also have a bunch of different templates here as well as ones that i've created before so this is going to allow me to access any custom ones that i've made previously but for today i'm just going to use a standard infographic and ezra actually has one for at-risk population so i'm going to click into that and see what it looks like this is going to show at-risk population of galveston so you'll notice it actually maintains that key facts card here but we also focus on businesses age profiles and then we actually have a section for at risk that's going to show me people with disabilities people above 65 households without vehicles which would be very difficult to evacuate and then it's also going to show my study area and this table with primary languages spoken at home so this would be helpful if we're evacuating we know which languages we really need to put those announcements out in so that most people can understand so at a glance this is pretty cool you know it's mostly what i'm looking for but i really don't care that much about how businesses are going to be affected i really only care about the population so i want to change it up a little bit which i can do by clicking my edit tab here at the top so when this loads it's going to launch me into my infographic builder so here i have the standard infographic template and now i have the ability to change any parts that i don't like so if i wanted to edit it just a little bit i could change maybe the colors or the symbology i could go up to these variables i could um you know delete the ones that i don't want maybe add some new ones but i'm just going to replace it completely because i'm not really interested in businesses in this scenario so i'll replace it with another infographic and there's a lot of different standard panels that are kind of pre-baked into business analysts that i could you know pick and choose from so a lot of these we saw within key facts education business there's things about income and housing my personal favorite is going to be this one with pet ownership which i think is really cute um but there's lots of things about household spending crime that sort of thing so a lot of really helpful information but i really want to focus on health care i want to know what kind of people have health care how much health care they have so that you know if they don't necessarily need to evacuate but people are injured then you know what kind of options do they have so since there's no real healthcare information out there i'm going to create my own infographic panel so with this i have the option to actually search through any of the data within any and all of the data within business analyst or i can actually look for these predefined categories so i could search for healthcare but we'll notice that there's actually a health option right here so i'll click on that and it's going to show me the most popular variables within the health category so i just want a caveat saying this is by no means an exhaustive list of all the health indicators and information that business analyst has but these are just the most popular variables so i'm going to select these ones median age health insurance and population with one type of health insurance they're going to add to my little shopping cart my little bucket and i'll hit next and my infographic is going to be generated so one thing that i can do is change the layout i think making them staggered looks a lot a little bit cooler here then i also have the ability to edit text here so i want to name this one healthcare so it's a little bit more unique to what i'm focusing on and then i have the ability to change these shapes and icons so esri has a bunch of uh you know default ones that you can search for there's a lot of different infographic i'm sorry a lot of icons here so since i'm doing median age i'll focus on people so i can click that one i'm going to health insurance i'll click another one i also have the ability to you know look through my own images if i had a specific one or an svg i could do that as well but there's tons of categories here so you'll you're likely to find something that you need so for healthcare i can select some of these options here that are health related and really start to personalize my infographic and make it a little bit more understandable and then the last thing that i want to do is actually change the color here so if we remember the default infographic has blue and orange the one i deleted those ones are orange so i'm just going to really quickly change those all changes all to orange so they match my template a little bit better and i'll be able to save that template here and i can actually save this infographic template to my content which now makes it reusable so every time i go back into you know infographic panels the my panel section it's going to show up here along with other ones that i've created so i can just grab it and throw it into any template that i'm working with so now i have the at-risk population template that i really wanted but it's also been customized to add healthcare instead of business-related information so it's really what i want now i can go ahead and save this template i'm going to call it custom template julia so i know which one i'm talking about and then this is going to save and i'll be able to go back into my map up top here click back into infographics as i mentioned the key facts one is default so that one's going to show up but now i have the option at the bottom to grab my template and i could also make it default as well so this is one that i think my organization is going to use a lot that's something that i can do but anyways i'll go pick that custom template that i just created and now we'll see that this information has been updated and changed for galveston so i can see the median age i can see health insurance and population with health insurance as well and if i change you know the range these numbers would be dynamic and update as well so that's a really simple way that i can use out completely out of the box functionality to create a infographic in business analyst so any of you could easily follow along the steps that i did and create this exact same infographic for yourselves one of the additional features of business analysts that i want to get into is the ability to add your own data so the at-risk in the graphic that i created was really cool but i know that galveston and surrounding areas have a really large homeless population and i know that those people are extremely at risk if there is requirement for an evacuation or if they were to get injured due to a natural disaster a business analyst has a lot of data but they don't have anything on homelessness not to the extent that i'm looking for however i know that within my organization i have previously you know uploaded that kind of data and i've created web maps with it so i can actually go in and add my own data here to the map so i can add it through my organization with web maps and layers i also have the ability to import a file so if i have it as a shape file if i have it as just an excel spreadsheet i can bring it in that way as well as more custom data setup as well so i mentioned it to my organization so i'm going to grab it here so we'll see that i have access to all of my content as well as anything that's been shared with my organization or my groups and i can even pull from living atlas as well but within my content i'll search for homelessness and i'll be able to grab this layer that i have that has homelessness counts within the united states so as they add it we're going to see the legend and then i zoom out a little bit we'll notice some major cities that really have data so houston has a lot of homeless population so that's going to show up there so now that i have it within my map i can actually go ahead and create indicator i'm sorry i can create infographics that utilize not only business analyst data but also the data that's in my map so go back to the report builder here and i'm going to add a template from the gallery this is going to look similar to that slide that i showed you of helen thompson's content so a lot of her templates are actually up here they're really beautiful they're really easy to use so i would definitely recommend you use some of these if this is the type of information you're looking to show but there's a ton of stuff on community profiles the cobia templates that julia bayer showed earlier are also available here and there's one on disaster impact reports which is kind of exactly what i'm looking for so i'm going to add this one i'm going to open it up and see what we have notice that this one is two pages here i have the ability to scroll up and down but it's very encompassing of the sort of things that i wanted previously you know we have you know age population we have information on health care we have that at-risk population language and then even more health insurance information here so it's really encompassing of a lot of stuff that i want but i do want to add my own data in for homelessness so one thing that i'm not really interested in here is household income and home value you know that is definitely very important for disaster impacts financially but since i'm just focusing on the human component of this i'm just going to go ahead and really quickly get rid of these here and so now i have a lot of empty space in my template that i can work with that i can add my own data so i would do this by just adding a new free-floating element so the first thing that i'm going to do is add a table with variables here so i'll click this and now that i have layers within my map i not only have the ability to search for data or choose these pre-baked categories but i have this option to search through my map layers so i can select that and now i'll see all of the attributes that are within my point in time homeless account layer that i added to the map so i'm just going to select you know maybe the first 10 or so ones that i want to include they're going to add to my little cart i'm going to hit apply and this table is going to be generated right away and it's going to show up on my template and now i can drag and drop it to where i want i can reshape it make it a little skinnier so it fits in better a little taller so i make sure none of my information is cut off and we'll see that you know using the table feature within this template it's kind of maintained the color scheme it's maintained you know the text that sort of thing i can go ahead and edit it if i wanted to change something so once again there's not a ton to change it's pulling all this information that i used in map layers and i selected the only thing that i'm going to change in here is just to change the title so it's a little bit more appealing so i'll name it homelessness accounts i'll click apply and it's going to change right here so now i have this table here that has homelessness information the last thing that i want to do is just add a couple of icons or indicators of homelessness information so once again i'll go to create my own i'll go back to categories select my map layers and i can flirt search for different things so i want to pull the overall homeless add that to my bin and then i also want to pull let's see the total sheltered homeless and then also the total unsheltered homeless so i want to know exactly what we're working with we'll hit next i can change the layout again like i showed you earlier and i'm just going to really quickly browse some shapes and icons so i'll go back to people and select this for homeless or sheltered homeless i'll select a household one and for unsheltered i'll select this one and then really quickly again give it a better title here i can save it again and now it's going to show up you know right next to my healthcare so i can grab this one it's going to add as a free floating element and once again all i have to do really is resize it and place it within my infographic so right away you know i was able to edit this you know really beautiful template i was able to take out what i don't want bring in what i don't need or i'm sorry bringing what i do need which would be my own data and then i can go ahead and save it as disaster impact report i'm going to put my name at the end so that i know within my org that it's mine and it's going to save this template for me real quick and then after it does that once again we can access in the map what this would look like so i'll go back to the map just briefly i am for this scenario going to select houston here because i know that it has a much bigger homeless population than galveston so we'll get a little bit richer data but i'll go to my infographics here this time i'll scroll down to my own infographics i'll pick disaster impact report and once this loads i'm going to be able to see my two-page report here with all the information and then specifically my homeless population here so and we can see from this part of the table that it is definitely pulling from houston um so all of this information is accurate and then you know i can share it within my org so if julia bear wanted to use it for a different location that she's focusing on for natural disasters she can absolutely do that and you know we're able to create this library and save a lot of time by sharing our work using these dynamic templates so just to kind of um rehash what we've gone over we showed really out of the box functionality of you know creating an out of the box infographic customizing that infographic a little bit more and then really starting to customize your info even further by bringing in your own data and then using templates to do that so with that i will hand it back to julia baer who's going to go into how you can customize these infographics even further using business analyst and then how you can create infographics across a couple of different parts of the platform yeah thank you julia i'm going to go ahead and share my screen here okay waiting for it to load perfect okay so um as julia bell talked about i'm going to be showing how we can go even further in creating infographics in business analysts and then talking a bit about infographics across the platform and so to get started with on my business analyst project i focused in here on downtown dc our office is in the dc area so i want to focus on a city i'm pretty familiar with and since julia and i have the same name and we both enjoy smoothie bowls i thought we would have some fun with this today and create an infographic for a prospective business i'm calling julia's juice but this same workflow and same infographic and what i'm going to show you today could really be used for anything across the platform not just a retailer site selection but any other use cases for business business or community analyst and infographics as well and so to get started with creating this infographic i have up here i'm going to build an infographic from scratch so where is julia bell focused mostly on using infographic templates and kind of customizing that i'm going to talk about how we can create our own template and start working in there to create a specific infographic so to get started with that i'm going to click here on blank templates and rather than having templates filled in for me i have a lot more flexibility with how i want to get started with this infographic i like to create a custom template with grids it helps me to organize the different elements and make sure everything is well spaced and for this this infographic i'm gonna do a template a two by three grid um that will give a good layout and help me balance my elements well and so now within my 2x3 template i can change the size of these boxes i can move them up and down and i can also merge or split the different boxes as well so even using this grid as a starting point i have flexibility with how exactly i want to configure that and once i am satisfied with my grid here i'm going to click save infographic template and i'm just going to call this and so once this loads i'm ready to get started building my infographic the first thing i like to do is to change the theme of my infographic up here at the top for my juice bar i'm going to do a purple and orange theme with my infographic in my business you can also if you have specific themes in branding that you typically use you can also um set create your own color theme and save that as it has a theme within business analyst as well so that every time that you create an infographic you'll have that theme available for you you can also change the font if you have a specific font you typically use you can have set that on to using your infographic as well or add a background image if that's important to you and once i'm ready to get started on my infographic i'm going to start by adding a panel from another template and so when i do this it'll open up all of the standard templates as well as templates that have been shared with me or templates i have previously created and for this infographic panel i just want a bit of intro information on my business and i'm gonna take that from an infographic i previously created called julius juice so when i open that i can add the specific panel i have in mind my infographic and it's tapped in there rather than having to type out the same thing and configure it as i previously have i can just take something i've already configured in another template and add it to my infographic for my next panel here i'm going to add a map as julia bell talked about you don't have to include a map within your infographic some infographics are quite math heavy some don't show any maps but i always recommend adding a map we are all about geography and understanding vocational context and situational awareness so i always like to include a map within my infographic you have the same base map options that you have within your arcgis organization i like to do the light gray canvas i'm not focused specifically on the street network and i just want to have a map that will help my data stand out and then here for my bottom panel i'm going to take i'm going to add an infographic as well um and so you'll notice that because i've set my color theme when i started that my infographic options here are in that same color beam rather than having to go in and change the colors of the icons and the text they've already been configured within that color theme that i have and for this panel i'm going to choose an infographic on household spending i want to get a sense of how much money people are willing to spend on a juice bar if this would be a good area for that and then even within this infographic panel i have options in terms of arrangement so i can choose how i want to arrange my icons i also in the data picker here i can choose to unselect or get rid of certain data variables as well for this one i'm not concerned about computer and hardware spending so i'm going to remove that and my options for alignment will automatically showcase ones that focus in on four different indicators here with my data as well i can also do an index which is really a great way to get a sense of things we know 100 is the average and if i click on index for my data the numbers will update and they'll show that the spending on food and apparel and this neighborhood is a bit above the average which is a helpful indicator to know when thinking about if i should open a business and once i am satisfied with my infographic panel here i'm gonna save and it'll be added to my my new infographic template and now for my main chart here on the on the right hand side i'm gonna um focus i'm gonna create a chart i think this is a good way to showcase a lot of data and a lot of different variables i'm interested in and so at this point this probably looks familiar but this is our main data picker and if i go to the top i can type in a variable so in this case i'm interested in juice what people are spending and rather than having to look through each of the different data collections when i type in my turn juice it pops up all of the different potentially relevant data sets across the different across the different data collections without me having to go through and individually find which ones will be relevant so to get started with creating my chart i'm going to focus in on what people are spending at home so i'm going to choose this frozen fruit and juice data i'm going to drag it to my chart and i'm also going to choose fresh fruit juice and add it to my chart and it automatically appends to my current series so that i have compute most multiple data together and then finally under household furnishings so a different data set but with relevant variables for me i'm going to take this information on electric juicers and add it to my graph as my chart as well within my chart i have different options this for determining what type of chart i want to make the default is the vertical bar chart it's pretty standard but we have more complex chart options as well in some of the infographics julia bell showed we had a waffle chart a ring chart a doughnut chart so you can get quite specific and use more advanced charting um visualizations but for this chart i'm just going to stick with the horizontal bar chart my data is pretty straightforward and i don't need to get too fancy with it and to customize it a bit further i'm going to click on chart options and i'm going to change the title so the title for my chart automatically defaults to the name of the first um data variable i added but i'm just going to give it a basic title i'm going to call it juice packs and under my vertical axis here i'm also going to give this a title i'm going to collect variables and one thing that's really nice about business analysis is that i type it automatically updates the chart so i can see what it'll look like without having to click through a bunch of things see if i like it and going back it's doing it automatically as i make changes and under my horizontal axis because this is dollar amount i'm interested in understanding um how much people are spending i'm going to click on the show currency symbol to provide a bit more context to my chart here and i'm going to give this a title as well i'm going to call it total spent and then under my horizontal bar chart i'm going to choose to show our icons um and so this gives me a bit more options to customize my chart make it a little bit more visually appealing and fun um fun to look at and so i'm going to browse for an image and i'm going to julia talked about how we can bring in an image from business analyst that's provided but in this case i'm going to use some svg images i've previously downloaded to use here so the first one under household electric juicer i'm going to choose this blender image and these are images if you have images you work with you have them downloaded you can add them to your project quite quickly and then my one of the most powerful parts i find with creating a chart within an infographic is turning on this compare with geographies and so this allows me i like to do the bars but you can also do lines this allows me to see how much people are spending within my site in my area of interest relevant to other geography levels in this case i've clicked on the whole country states counties i could even get as fine grain as a specific block group or on the county subdivision and i think it's just a nice way to bring in geography to my infographic and get a better understanding of my data and then once i'm done here i'm going to click apply we'll also notice within if we go into our data picker under we can get more information at any point on the data we have here just if you scroll over the i it gives you information on where the data is from the data source so if you are ever unsure what your data means or you want to add different data variables and see if they're the correct data for your chart you can go back here and get more information on specific data you're looking at and for my final um part of my infographic here i'm going to add one of the newer options within business analyst which is the nearby element i think this is a great option to help again bring in some of that um geographic context and just get a better understanding of what i'm looking at relevant to other locations and so within business analysts we have our business and facility search which is quite popular i'm sure many of you have worked with that before you can use that to find specific businesses or business types within an area or with our nearby widget we can also bring in um a layer from arcgis so if you have specific data or layers you want to showcase in your infographic this is a great way to do that so in my case i have a layer on pc grocery stores that i want to visualize on my infographic um i think that's relevant to understanding where i should open a juice bar so i click add and i can configure the specific attributes i want to have added from this feature layer into my infographic and so in this case i just am focused on the store name and what they're in i'm not super focused on the address that'll show up on the map and then once i'm good there i click next i like to i recommend adding these points to the map i think when you run the infographic it's nice to see exactly where this other information is on the map and just provide again that sense of geography and where things are relevant to each other and then i click apply um so now when i go back to my completed infographic here i have i can see the different the nearby widget i've added these different stores to the map when i um highlight over them they show up dynamically on the math as well i also can any of these indicators i can click explore for more and i get a sense of a further breakdown of this data i can also share out any one of these on indicators as well right under the explore for more it's quite straightforward to export this infographic either as a pdf or an html so that i could embed it into something like a story map and with my infographic as a whole i can also export it as a pdf if i wanted to just have a static print out of it or a dynamic html if i wanted to embed it into something like a story map and this is just some of the out of the box customization with business analysts but we can even take it even further using our javascript api and some of the developer options available for us there as well and so if you're familiar with the javascript api and you're comfortable using some of the developer tools you can extend the functionality using the report player widget and you can add so you can create um an infographic within your application using the starter templates as well as custom infographic templates you might have created within your organization and as the final part of this webinar today we want to talk a bit about infographics across the platform and so most of our webinar today focused on business analysts specifically but infographics are available elsewhere in the platform we have options within arcgis pro so the desktop application and then more of the web gis applications like web app builder maps for office maps for power bi and to get started i am going to show an example of an infographic within web app builder and so here i've created a web application showing wi-fi locations in washington dc i wanted to get a sense of where i could get free public wi-fi and so i created an infographic that shows a breakdown of these locations both indoor and outdoor this infographic chart looks similar to what i've been showing previously in business analyst but not quite as complex as what's available there and to get started creating this infographic it's pretty straightforward within web app builder the infographic is a widget a configurable widget so when i go to configure it i have again elements within an infographic page that we've talked about within business analyst i can create a title for my infographic so just pretty straightforward and then the main part of this infographic is the chart um here i chose to display feature counts by category but we have a couple different ways that we could showcase our data and then for the display we can play around with the size of the chart here and we can also control the color as well we can turn on some of the data labeling or the legend that's important i can add text at the bottom to give a bit more of a description and just adding that as another way to take the power of infographics and being able to convey complex information in a straightforward and visually appealing manner within a builder and lastly i wanted to talk a bit about infographics within arcgis pro i'm sure many of you work with arcgis pro as a desktop application and a lot of people don't know that infographics are available there as well we have right here at the top we have this infographic on tool it's taking advantage of esri data and geo enrichment services and a lot of the same tools within business analysts good hearing arcgis pro and so i have a boundary of washington dc as a shapefile within my project and then when i click within this infographic a template will automatically pop up for me my default template here is the at-risk population but i'm going to change to the commute profile and so when this loads i rather than having to go through what julia did with creating a site and then creating rings around it it's automatically using my shapefile in case this case the dc boundary as my infographic template for me i can also within my settings so i can also choose an option called my variables so i can add my own data into my infographic and choose that as an infographic option we have both my so i'm signed into the same arcgis online organization as i was using within business analysts so i have the templates i previously created as well as esri templates and then this my variables option which is unique to arcgis pro and it lets me specifically add data i have in mind and use that within my infographic and now if i click off my shapefile so we don't have a predefined boundary for me when i click again within my infographic it's going to use this commute profile template and it's automatically assuming a 30-minute drive time so again unlike what julia was showing within business analyst i'm not having to create my site first and generate the rings that's doing that for me i have options here in terms of what type of buffer i want to do if i want to do driving time walking time driving distance i can change the number for the distance or the time and then i talked about that my variables option i can also choose that and this data will load as kind of a chart layout using esri's demographic data with an arcgis pro and again i have options that to share this info share and export this infographic either again as a pdf or html to embed within a story map or a dashboard or something else and so with that i'm going to go back to my slides here and julia bell is going to finish by talking through some of the other options for infographics within arcgis all right thanks julia um so i just want to touch on a couple more of the products across the platform that do have some infographic capability they're not going to be as overarching and all-encompassing as business analysts or community analysts but we did have a question on using infographics and power bi so that is definitely possible they're going to be you know a lot less developed but they are available so we're going to see here examples of ways that we can you know incorporate data and these are dynamic so this is going to be very similar to um an indicator widget within a dashboard so limited but it is possible we also have ability to do this within the next slide we'll see that we have the ability for to use infographics within arceus maps for office so once again you know a little bit limited but these do allow you to kind of you know customize your pop-up make it look a little bit more interesting than it would normally so this is another way that we can integrate infographics across the platform and then just to wrap up we want to give you you know a couple of tips to make better infographics so you can read you know all of these but to highlight a few we've found that really the best infographics are created when you design it first and then build it so you know maybe whiteboard or take a piece of paper and kind of think out what you want to include first before you go through the complexity of building it and picking the data so you have an idea in mind before you start you know kind of going off of that we also want to focus on the less is more aspects so we've seen a lot of infographics that have a lot of really great data but they are just too crowded and cluttered and it's hard to figure out what to focus on so we would definitely recommend you know cleaning it up making it visually appealing and then going from there and then lastly we really do want to hit home on the ability to make these infographic templates reusable whether that be you know an element a card or an entire template um so that you really within your organization have a library of infographics available to you so that you don't have to spend time creating a new infographic every time a new ask comes up so with that we will hop into the q a we've been answering a few as they've come through but raquel have you seen any that you might want to send our way specifically i'm taking a look at now let's see here uh one follow-up question uh is business analyst package included in 10.8.1 version the answer was yes it is and then a follow-up to that is can we sync with microsoft sharepoint yeah so i don't believe you can sync with microsoft sharepoint with business analyst um i could be wrong so i'll do a little bit more information with that to be honest i don't have a ton of experience with that julia bear do you know anything more than that yeah i'm not super familiar with that um i would have to do a bit more research as well but i don't believe that can be done off the top of my head thank you uh one more that came in is our public voting data sets available by county hd and precinct yeah that's a good question as well that i don't um know off the top of my head i would i could send on there's we have quite good documentation on our data and what's available um i can send on a link to look there yeah i will put a link and answering this question with the list of all of the data providers that esri uses for business analysts i am not sure about public voting data sets um but we do get a lot from the census from american community survey that sort of thing so okay thank you and one final one does the business analyst include features and information concerning industry such as geothermal power plants again yeah the link julia will provide on our data sources should have information there in terms of what would be available for that industry great thank you i think we can follow up with any others that come in yeah and just to point out that there is definitely a lot of energy and kind of industry related statistics so i would assume so but don't quote me on it yeah and so we just got a question asking if clients make their data available can others use it from the same infographic menu and yes if you have that information available within your organization or shared with you then you can absolutely bring it in the same way that julia bear and i did within our demos and so with that if there are no other questions thank you everyone for joining us today again feel free to follow up with questions as they come up or you start working on infographics um yep and please do take the survey that will be uh listed at the end of the webinar and also sent out in the email by raquel and yes feel free to contact us our emails as well as requests are available if you have any follow-up questions that we weren't able to get to in this webinar thank you you
Channel: Esri Industries
Views: 1,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Geographic Information System, ArcGIS Pro, National Government
Id: ceiOgbtRSSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 49sec (3349 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.