Get to Know ArcGIS Experience Builder: Build an Experience from Scratch

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[Music] [Music] this is an overview of a new experience builder if you're interested in getting started and building out your first experience this is a good place to start we're first going to build one from scratch and then take a look at one of the available templates we've started out here in the experience builder Launchpad and here I can get an overview of the last few experiences that I have built from here I could totally just continue editing one of these experiences by clicking the tile I could preview the experience to see what it would look like as a published item and then head to the item details page but I'd like to start a new experience now experience builder is a unified build system and it enables you to deliver modern 2d and 3d web experiences as I mentioned we've got a few web templates available but I want to start entirely from scratch using the blank full screen app so the first thing you'll notice when you come into the interface is that we've got a blank canvas in the header section here there's a few things that you can do I'm going to start by giving my app a title and then from here I would be able to remove and repeat my last actions this is where I save my experience preview what I've already created publish it create a new one and then change the active logged in user if that's necessary then the Builder setup with content management on the left-hand side and this is where you can keep track of the pages you've created so a layout may contain a single or multiple pages as we start out we've only got a single page and every single one of these pages are made up of three components you've got the header body and footer so as you begin to build your application this is where your different widgets will appear I want to take a closer look at this data tab and data is defined using data sources and widgets can access data from private and public content in ArcGIS online the experience builder allows you to connect seamlessly to let's see web Maps you can connect to web scenes feature layers or URLs like your ArcGIS and reprise services and this is all done within the exact same experience so I know I'll be working with web maps and scenes I created of different locations along what's called the Viking trail in western Newfoundland and this is a stretch of about five hundred kilometres and they lead you to two different unesco world heritage sites so i'll go ahead and select these different maps and by doing so i'm adding them to my experience and then i've also got these two web scenes so throughout the process of building my application i can always refer back to this tab and it also lets me know what widgets are referring to these specific web maps are scenes so we'll keep going another thing we wanted to point out was just that the right-hand side of the builder is dedicated to settings and stylings and one thing that's fantastic about the experience builder is you have full control over the look and feel you have a lot of customizing options so let's start adding to the body of our page I'll go ahead and select a column and this is basically a container that it's used to add other widgets into it the next thing I want to do is add a list widget into this column and since I want it to oq PI a hundred percent of this column I'll just adjust the layout to make sure that it fits to container I'll select a template and get started we'll add a data source and for this first list I'm going to select a map bike of all the locations visited in the Lancel meadows historical site and since I selected those Maps at the very beginning it detected that there were feature layers present so I'll go ahead and select the correct feature layer and then I've got a few more than three items in this map I'll bump that up to 15 that's a bit more appropriate we can start to build out our image widget that is part of our list to accommodate dynamic data sources so image and text widget can bind directly to a feature layer in my case I'm gonna go ahead and grab the URL graphic that's stored within a field and that way I'm populating that widget with my results and then I'll go ahead and get rid of the default text and instead select a dynamic attribute let's keep adding let's add a map widget adjust it and set the data to that same web map now if I switch to live view here I'm able to get a sense of what the app or how the app will behave once it's live but I'd like to do is that when I select an item in the list it pans to and the extent changes within the map which is not happening right now which means I have to add a trigger so within the styling pane there's this oxygen tab where I can add a trigger but what I have to do first right now I have to get out of live view I'm gonna make sure that the list widget is selected and then from here I can add that trigger so when a feature selection selection changes making sure that I assume to that item in the map this is a good time to save and we'll see what this looks like in action so that's what I was looking to do so far I've built a simple application by dragging and dropping that list widget as well as the map widget and both of these widgets have the same data source a map of the Lancel Meadows historical site which permits interactivity by using the trigger I set in this case there is an action when a featureless selection changes so to keep building this up one thing that might be useful is a header and as a first step I'm gonna add a link and I'll just quickly breathe through this part here then toggling on and off a header or footer is done pretty quickly I'll turn Dennis on and then adjust the size and with the experience builder you can always customize a look and feel of your application so that it matches your company logo and we'll go ahead and edit the header and as you see the rest of the application is sort of grayed out letting you know that the header has been activated since I want to add a title I'll go ahead and add a text widget and this is the title that I wanted to give my application by highlighting it I can do a bit of text formatting and you have access to all those classic text formatting options which I will use right now and by selecting the edit option I can edit the size of that widget now I added those links earlier in the way that I can access those I'm going to drag and drop a menu widget and as you can see those menu item appear here there's some very simple styling options the background I'd like it to be blank and then as a highlighting option the selected option will show up as white go ahead and save that there's one last thing that I wanted to point out if I head back to that data tab I mentioned earlier that you can always refer back to the data that you've connected to within your experience and as you see the one map that I have used so far is the LAN so Meadows site and that's the web map and it lets me know that one widget is being is using that map if I select I get a bit more details in use that feature layer is connected to four different widgets and if I were to remove that widget I would be warned by what widgets would be affected upon that deletion so this is just another way that you're able to monitor the data that you're using within your experience so I hope you enjoyed this quick overview of experience builder if you found this video helpful don't forget to like the video and feel free to leave any comments or suggestions below if you'd like to see more as your Canada videos please subscribe to our Channel [Music] you
Channel: Esri Canada
Views: 15,401
Rating: 4.9414635 out of 5
Keywords: Esri, Esri Canada, ArcGIS Experience Builder, Wep AppBuilder
Id: zQMBhtQOwwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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